English Country Tune - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Graham Smith)

This is like my job before I started writing here.

When I spoke to Stephen “increpare” Lavelle last month, the creator of brainy puzzle game English Country Tune described his oeuvre as “pushing stuff around” games. That’s a good genre! It’s in my top ten, alongside “making people fall down” games, “staying inside the lines” games and “steering balls into holes” games.

Now increpare has expanded his work in the field by releasing PuzzleScript, an open-source puzzle game engine that makes it easy to create “pushing stuff around” games and all manner of other puzzles. It’s easy enough that successful indie designers like Terry Cavanagh and Bennett Foddy can make games in it in between the hundreds of other games they’re producing in any given second.


Oil Rush - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (John Walker)

The eighth Humble Bundle boasts an extraordinary line-up of recent indie royalty. Proteus, Thomas Was Alone, Hotline Miami, Capsized, Awesomenauts, Dear Esther and Little Inferno, plus their soundtracks. It seemed like the best one yet. So naturally they’ve added another four games.


Oil Rush - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (John Walker)

The eighth Humble Bundle boasts an extraordinary line-up of recent indie royalty. Proteus, Thomas Was Alone, Hotline Miami, Capsized, Awesomenauts, Dear Esther and Little Inferno, plus their soundtracks. It seemed like the best one yet. So naturally they’ve added another four games.


4 січ. 2013
English Country Tune - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Cara Ellison)

Slave of God is a new, free game from Stephen Lavelle, aka Increpare, he of English Country Tune. It is a game about visiting a nightlcub, with all the attendant music, magic and horror. Young Cara paid it a visit.> (more…)


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