Empires Mod - Smithy
We're happy to announce version 2.37.4 which is live on Steam right now.
Changelog below and also on our Website

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  • Fixed a problem where upgradable buildings were not precaching their models correctly, resulting in invisible models when placing the building for the first time.
Script/Game Balance
  • Advanced Chassis
    • Increased Cost from 750 to 900
    • Increased Time from 250 to 300
  • Heavy Tank Chassis
    • Increased Cost from 750 to 1000
    • Increased Time from 150 to 200
Infantry Resistances
  • Scout
    • Reduced Explosion Bonus Resistance from 10% to 5%.
    • Reduced Bullet Bonus Resistance from 10% to 5%.
  • Rifleman
    • Reduced Bullet Bonus Resistance from 20% to 10%.
  • Grenadier
    • Reduced Explosion Bonus Resistance from 20% to 10%.
Infantry Weapons
  • NF Shot Pistol
    • Increased Damage from 14 to 16.
    • Increased Minimal Damage from 7 to 8.
Empires Mod - Smithy
We're happy to announce version 2.37.3 which is live on Steam right now.
Changelog below and also on our Website

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Did you know we are porting this mod to Unreal Engine 5?
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  • Fixed a bug preventing explosion damage from being blocked correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow one too many players to join a team before being classed as unbalanced when using mp_teams_unbalance_limit.
Script/Game Balance
  • Capacitive Armor
    • Increased the research cost from 240 to 360
    • Increased the research time from 60 to 90
  • Reduced Cost of APC Chassis research from 360 to 240
  • Reduced Time of APC Chassis research from 90 to 60
Vehicle Armors
  • Capacitive Armor
    • Increased the weight from 13 to 15
  • Reactive
    • Reduced Health from 120 to 110
Infantry Weapons
  • SMG1
    • Increased Clip Size from 30 to 35
    • Increased number of clips from 3 to 4
  • SMG2
    • Increased Clip Size from 35 to 40
    • Increased Engineer’s number of clips from 3 to 4
    • Increased Scout’s number of clips from 4 to 5
Empires Mod - Smithy
We're happy to announce version 2.37.2 which is live on Steam right now.
Changelog below and also on our Website

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Did you know we are porting this mod to Unreal Engine 5?
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  • Fixed a few bugs caused by a large refactor of the game’s codebase:
    • Fixed a bug with ML turret targeting.
    • Fixed a bug with wall preview models not being visible.
    • Removed a left over debug statement from vehicle code. (Console would spam “WL_WAIST” if vehicle was partially submerged in water)
Script/Game Balance
  • AFV and LT are now set to be researched at the start of the game (Start_Researched 1).
    • Map creators can still set disable AFV/LT by using emp_sv_unresearch_item in the map’s cfg file.
  • Increased Upgraded Chassis time from 120s to 200s
  • Increased Advanced Chassis time from 150s to 250s
  • Increased Advanced Machining time from 120s to 150s
  • Increased Radar cost from 300 to 400
Infantry Weapons
  • SMG1
    • Reduced Damage from 18 to 16
    • Reduced Minimal Damage from 11 to 7
    • Reduced Spread Increments by 10%
  • SMG2
    • Reduced Damage from 19 to 17
    • Reduced Minimal Damage from 12 to 8
    • Reduced Spread Increments by 10%
Vehicle Weapons
  • .50 Cal Machine Gun
    • Increased clip size from 80 to 120
Other changes
  • Updated material surface properties:
    • Reduced Snow friction from 0.75 to 0.6
    • Reduced Ice friction from 0.6 to 0.3
  • Upgraded the platform toolset for compiling the Windows version of the game from v120 to v143. The codebase has been refactored to support this update, and no issues or new bugs are anticipated.
    • Alternate names for these toolsets are Visual Studio 2013 (MSVC 12.0) & Visual Studio 2022 (MSVC 14.3).
Known Issues
  • Armor impact sounds are often too quiet to be heard well. (Carried over from 2.37.0)
Empires Mod - Smithy
We're happy to announce version 2.37.1 which is live on Steam right now.
Changelog below and also on our Website

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Did you know we are porting this mod to Unreal Engine 5?
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  • Added the recycleGivesRefund (“Give Refund on Recycle?” in Hammer) parameter for building entities.
    • If set to 1 (the default), then when the building is recycled the resources are refunded.
    • If set to 0, then when the building is recycled, no resources are given to the team.
    • The commander will get feedback for what the refund cost will be when triggering a recycle on a building.
    • This change allows level designers to strategically place buildings without worrying about commanders using them to gain additional resources through recycling. For instance, pre-spawned turrets are placed in starting locations to prevent early rushes. However, in the past, commanders have used these turrets to gain small resource advantages during the early phase of the game.
    • Although none of the official maps have been changed to adopt the above behaviour, this may be implemented in the future.
  • Buildings can now require research to be placed.
    • If a building has the “Research” parameter set to the name of a research node, then the building will not be able to be placed until that research is completed.
      • Previously, this parameter was only used for turret upgrades.
    • If a building is unresearched, then it will show up in purple in the build menu.
    • The highlight color of unresearched buildings are purple, and have a tooltip indicating that they are not researched.
  • Reverted grenade physics behaviour back to how it was prior to 2.37.0.
    • We now fake the grenade bounce sound without detecting surface type. The previous VPhysics based detection did not actually detect the right surface type most of the time, so this is not much of a regression.
  • Changed physics timestep to match server tickrate. (Instead of DEFAULT_TICK_INTERVAL - for Empires that’s currently 66 tick)
  • Removed code that disables vertex-lit materials being applied to detail models. (It no longer replaces the model with error.mdl)
  • Comprehensive refactoring of vehicle code, both client & server. The aim of this is to improve code readability & maintainability while implementing minor bug fixes and reducing code complexity. It will allow us to iterate easier in the future when adding new features. Some related bug fixes
    • Fixed some bugs caused by the vehicle self-destruct functionality. When the self-destruct timer had elapsed it would cause the self-destruct damage to be applied first, then ignore any subsequent damage/regeneration that may happen in that frame. Essentially, if a vehicle was taking self-destruct damage it would be invincible to biological damage-over-time and armor would stop regenerating.
    • Fixed a number of potential crashes.
    • Fixed some issues with how vehicle water level is detected/set in code. This has no impact on gameplay but is now working as intended.
    • Fixed a bug with vehicle damage assists. Assists had the potential to be awarded because other entities had damaged the vehicle. (trigger_hurt for example).
    • Significantly reduced memory required to store a vehicle object through removing unused variables and optimization.
    • Reduced CPU usage by optimized code in various places.
Script/Game Balance
Infantry weapons
  • Modified the Heavy Machine Gun for both teams to deliver sustained fire with decent accuracy, despite initially lower accuracy compared to rifles and SMGs, thanks to its low increment for longer, stable bursts.
    • HMG spread is based on DuckingSpread
      • HMG is 100% less accurate while Standing
        • HMG is 200% less accurate than Standing while Jumping
      • HMG is 20% more accurate while proning
    • HMG Spread Modifier is based on Spread
      • HMG is 200% less accurate while moving
    • HMG increment is based on Standing Increment
      • HMG increment is 20% slower while Crouching
      • HMG increment is 40% slower while Proning
  • Adjusted the cycle time for the following weapons to align with servers operating at a 100 tick rate.
    • SMG 1(Both teams)
      • CycleTime 0.09 -> 0.08
    • SMG 2 (Both teams)
      • CycleTime 0.075 -> 0.07
    • NF Assault rifle
      • CycleTime 0.106 -> 0.1
  • Engineer Tool
    • Increased heal amount from 4 to 6
    • Reduced Heal Modifier from 3 to 2 (Heal upgrade multiplier)
Vehicle Weapons
  • Biological Machine Gun
    • Reduced Clip Size from 80 to 60
  • High-Explosive Machine Gun
    • Reduced Clip Size from 70 to 50
  • Depleted Uranium Machine Gun
    • Reduced Clip Size from 100 to 80
  • Railgun
    • Increased Clip Size from 30 to 40
  • Biological Cannon
    • Reduced Bio Time from 10 to 5 seconds
  • Homing Missile Launcher
    • Increased Lock On Time from 0.4 to 0.5
    • Reduced Lock On Modifier from 0.4 to 0.25
      • Homing Lock On Time reduced from 0.4-3.6 to 0.5-2.5 seconds
        • Homing Lock On Speed increased is 25% faster on average
Vehicle Armors
  • All armors
    • Increased Sticky Resist from -0.714 to -0.6
      • This reduces Sticky Bomb damage from 300 to 280 which means they won’t destroy LT/APC with 1 grenade when equiped with plain or absorbant armor
  • Plain Armor
    • Increased Health from 60 to 70
  • Absorbant Armor
    • Increased Speed to Damage Modifier from 0.00005 to 0.00007
  • Composite Armor
    • Increased Speed to Damage Modifier from 0.000025 to 0.000035
  • Introduced new Capacitive Armor research under Electrical Engineering.
    • Research cost: 240 resources
    • Research time: 60 seconds
    • Capacitive Armor is intended to be resistant to infantry weapons but vulnerable to enemy tanks, key armor statistics below:
      • Weight: 13 per plate
      • Cost: 20 resources per plate
      • Health: 80 per plate
      • Damage to Heat Absorbed: 0.02 (2% of damage received is converted to heat)
      • Resistances:
        • HE Grenades: 70% resistance
        • Mines: 55% resistance
        • RPG: 45% resistance
        • Mortars: 45% resistance
        • Explosive Sticky Grenades: 42.5% resistance
        • Stun Sticky Grenades: 42.5% resistance
        • Squad Arty: 55% resistance
Vehicle Engines
  • Standard Engine
    • Increased cooling by 0.5
  • New Research
    • Vehicle Factory
      • Parent: Structural Engineering
      • Time: 60s
      • Cost: 240
    • LT/AFV Chassis
      • Parent: Mechanical Engineering
      • Time: 60s
      • Cost: 240
    • APC Chassis
      • Parent: Mechanical Engineering
      • Time: 90s
      • Cost: 360
  • Radar
    • Reduced Cost from 600 to 300
    • Reduced Health from 250 to 200
  • Vehicle Factory
    • Reduced Cost from 700 to 500
Other changes
  • Updated armor descriptions
Known Issues
  • Armor impact sounds are often too quiet to be heard well. (Carried over from previous update.)
Empires Mod - Smithy
We're happy to announce version 2.37.0 which is live on Steam right now.
Changelog below and also on our Website

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Did you know we are porting this mod to Unreal Engine 5?
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  • Grenades and mines make sounds when they bounce against surfaces.
  • Added armor impact sounds.
    • Distinct sounds play when a vehicle’s armor is damaged, a vehicle’s hull is damaged, and when a sticky grenade latches to a tank hull.
    • Different armors can have different sounds, though most armors currently do not.
  • Enabled several unused NF taunts.
  • Updated the commander view’s zoom functionality.
    • Added zoom-to-cursor functionality. The camera will zoom towards the cursor position when enabled. An option will be added to the advanced section of the multiplayer settings menu.
    • Camera smoothing has been updated, updated cvars added to control this.
      • emp_comm_zoom_stepsize - Controls how many units to increment/decrement the target zoom amount per scroll.
      • emp_comm_zoom_speed - Original cvar, original values should still work with updated smoothing method.
  • Enabled the trigger_portal brush entity.
    • trigger_portal is an brush entity in the Source base code.
    • It moves touched entity to a destination trigger_portal, preserving the relative position and velocity of the entity.
    • Warning: This entity can cause teleported entities to become stuck or escape the map, and has not extensively tested. Use at your own risk!
  • Added team-limiting spawnflags to all trigger bruah entities.
  • Fixed the game phase material proxy not updating correctly.
  • Fixed MG turrets continuing to play the shooting sound effect after game end.
  • Fixed spectator HUD not displaying observer target info correctly.
  • Added warning message when the vehicle customization menu fails to open because your team has no chassis researched.
  • Changes to team physics content masking.
Script/Game Balance
Vehicle Weapons
  • Guided Missile
    • Increased Maximum Guiding Range from 5500 to 8000
  • Homing Missile
    • Increased Maximum Lock On range from 7000 to 8000
  • Biological Missile
    • Reduced Bio Duration from 8 to 5s
Vehicle Armors
  • Regenerative
    • Reduced Health Regeneration from 4 to 3
Vehicle Engines
  • Bio Diesel
    • Reduced Cooling by 0.25
Other changes
  • Sever operators can now disable the server inactivity timeout by setting emp_sv_inactivity_timeout to 0.
    • If non-zero, the timeout has a minimum of 120 seconds.
  • Deprecate the emp_sv_forceteam convar.
    • This functionality has been replaced by the new AllowedTeams field in emp_info_params.
      • Setting AllowedTeams to 0 allows players to join either team. Setting it to 2 or 3 allows player to only join Northern Faction or Brenodi Empire respectively.
      • This function can still be accessed by setting the emp_sv_forceteam convar, but that variable is now deprecated and will not show up in autocomplete.
  • Remove remnants of the PushMap setting in emp_params
  • Minimap icons will now be revealed to both teams when the game is over.
  • When the game ends, the game timer on the HUD will freeze, displaying the final time for that round.
  • When creating workshop packages, you can now specify a preview image.
    • This can be done by adding the “Image” “FilePathRelativeToWorkshopItemFolder.jpg” KV pair to the package.txt`
Known Issues
  • Armor impact sounds are often too quiet to be heard well.
Empires Mod - Smithy
We're happy to announce version 2.36.3 which is live on Steam right now.
Changelog below and also on our Website

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Did you know we are porting this mod to Unreal Engine 5?
You can follow its development on our Website and/or Discord

Bug fixes
  • Potential fix for the player collision issues introduced in 2.36.0
Script/Game Balance
Vehicle Chassis
  • Northern Faction Heavy Tank
    • Increased available weight by 60
  • Brenodi Empire Heavy Tank
    • Increased available weight by 60
Vehicle Weapons
  • Biological Cannon
    • Reduced Weight from 120 to 100
  • Homing Missile
    • Reduced Lock On Time from 0.5 to 0.4
    • Reduced Lock On Range Modifier from 0.5s/1000u to 0.4s/1000u
    • Locking on is now 25% faster, it takes between 0.4s to 3.2s from 0.5s to 4s
  • Biological Missile
    • Increased Total Ammo Clips from 3 to 5
    • Reduced Cycle Time from 1.5 to 2
  • Depleted Uranium Rounds
    • Increased Clip Size from 80 to 100
  • Biological Rounds
    • Reduced Cycle Time from 0.38 to 0.12
    • Reduced Damage from 8 to 4
    • Reduced Minimal Damage from 6 to 3
    • Reduced Heat from 1.5 to 0.5
    • Increased Clip Size from 30 to 80
    • Reduced Bio Damage agasint Vehicles from 10 to 5
    • Reduced Bio Time against Vehicles and Infantry from 2 to 1
  • Plasma Rounds
    • Reduced Cycle Time from 0.28 to 0.1
    • Reduced Damage from 10 to 5
    • Reduced Minimal Damage from 8 to 4
    • Reduced Heat from 2 to 0.6
    • Increased Clip Size from 40 to 100
  • High-Explosive Rounds
    • Reduced Cycle Time from 0.4 to 0.135
    • Reduced Damage from 8 to 3
    • Reduced Minimal Damage from 7 to 3
    • Reduced Heat from 1.5 to 0.6
    • Increased Clip Size from 25 to 70
Vehicle Armors
  • Reactive
    • New Damage Reductions from Machine Gun changes
      • Depleted Uranium Rounds: from 25% to 66%
      • Biological Rounds: from 25% to 66% (not counting the bio effect)
      • High-Expllosive Rounds: 66%
      • Plasma Rounds: from 0 to 25%
  • Turrets lvl 2
    • Increased Cost from 360 to 480
    • Increased Time from 90 to 120
  • Turrets lvl 3
    • Increased Cost from 480 to 600
    • Increased Time from 120 to 150
  • Vehicle Factory
    • Increased Cost from 500 to 700
  • Reduced Scout Rifle’s Headshot Multiplier from 3 to 2
Other changes
  • Reverted to 2.36.0 version of soft flesh impact sounds.
Empires Mod - Smithy
We're happy to announce version 2.36.2 which is live on Steam right now.
Changelog below and also on our Website

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Did you know we are porting this mod to Unreal Engine 5?
You can follow its development on our Website and/or Discord

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a few issues caused by changes in 2.36.0
    • Fixed player round stats not restoring if the player reconnected to the server.
    • Fixed issues with collision of projectiles/players.
    • Fixed an issue causing soundscape entities to not play any sounds.
Script/Game Balance
  • Biological Cannon
    • Increased Cost from 360 to 480
    • Increased Time from 90 to 120
Vehicle Weapons
  • Biological Missile
    • Reduced Cycle time from 3 to 1.5
    • Reduced Heat from 12 to 10
  • Guided Missile
    • Increased Clip Size from 5 to 6
    • Reduced Reload Time from 5 to 4
Empires Mod - Smithy
We're happy to announce version 2.36.1 which is live on Steam right now.
Changelog below and also on our Website

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(It's not dead yet)

Did you know we are porting this mod to Unreal Engine 5?
You can follow its development on our Website and/or Discord

Bug fixes
  • Fixed commander vote issues introduced in the last update.
  • Fixed a client crash.
Other changes
  • Changed the colour of the border indicating empty armour plates on the vehicle HUD. These are now dark red instead of grey.
  • Modified soft flesh impact sounds slightly.
Empires Mod - Smithy
We're happy to announce version 2.36.0 which is live on Steam right now.
Changelog below and also on our Website

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Did you know we are porting this mod to Unreal Engine 5?
You can follow its development on our Website and/or Discord

  • Added angle snapping to commander building placement. This shares a key bind with multi-unit selection. (Default key is shift.)
  • Added firing sounds to MG turrets.
The vehicle health HUD has been improved:
  • The health of each armor plate and hull are overlaid as a number. This feature can be enabled in the advanced options section. (Default is off)
  • Each armor plate is no longer drawn as a sequence of overlapping lines. They’re now drawn correctly as polygons.
  • The corners of armor plates no longer have large gaps. Armor plates are drawn as trapezoids with a defined gap between them, resulting in the armor display looking more rectangular overall.
  • Armor plates that are missing are now drawn as a grey outlined shape. This should help to communicate to players that there are plates that can be repaired.
  • Armor plates (or hull) that are affected by biological DoT are now drawn as a darker shade of the current health color and if HP text is enabled, the text will turn green.
  • The following console variables have been added to customize the vehicle HUD:
    • ‘‘’emp_hud_vehicle_show_health’’’: Controls whether to display the amount of armor and hull health numerically in the vehicle HUD.
    • ‘‘’emp_hud_vehicle_armor_offset’’’: How many pixels to offset the armor plates from the chassis in the vehicle HUD.
    • ‘‘’emp_hud_vehicle_armor_thickness’’’: How many pixels thick to draw the armor plates in the vehicle HUD.
    • ‘‘’emp_hud_vehicle_armor_proportional’’’: How much the thickness of armor plates in the vehicle HUD is affected by the maximum health of each plate, with 50 hp/plate as a baseline.
    • ‘‘’emp_hud_vehicle_armor_spacing’’’: How many pixels thick the gap is between the armor plates in the vehicle HUD.
    • ‘‘’emp_hud_vehicle_armor_spacing_corner’’’: How many pixels thick the gap is between the corners of the armor plates in the vehicle HUD.
    • ‘‘’emp_hud_vehicle_chassis_scale’’’:
Added emp_logic_playercount_listener entity.
  • This entity fires outputs when the player count changes. You can specify whether to search for Brenodi or Northern Faction players or both, and whether to check for just alive players or all players.
  • More information is available on the Valve Developer Wiki.
  • This release includes emp_variable_playercount_template.vmf, an example map to show how you might use this feature to dynamically open and close map lanes as player count changes.
Added outputs to emp_params on almost every game phase transition:
  • OnPhaseBeginTactics
    • Note: Since the tactics phase is not currently implemented, this fires at the same time as OnPhaseBeginGame
  • OnPhaseBeginWait
  • OnPhaseBeginGame
  • OnPhaseBeginInfSuddenDeath
  • OnPhaseBeginCVSuddenDeath
  • OnGameEnd
  • OnGameOutcomeNFWin
  • OnGameOutcomeNFLose
  • OnGameOutcomeBEWin
  • OnGameOutcomeBELose
Added the following inputs and outputs to all buildings: (Used by level designers.)
  • Inputs
    • SetHealth : “Sets the health of the building, clamped between 0 and the building’s maximum health.”
    • Destroy : “Set the health of the building to 0.”
    • RecycleStart : “Begin the recycle process.”
    • RecycleStartDuration : “Begin the recycle process, with the countdown set to the given number of seconds.”
    • RecycleCancel : “Cancel the recycling process, returning the building to a functional state.”
    • SabotageStart : “Mark this building as sabotaged. If the activtor is a player, give them points for it.”
    • SabotageEnd : “Mark this building as no longer sabotaged.”
  • Outputs
    • OnBuilt : “Fired when this building is fully built.”
    • OnNFBuilt : “Fired when this building is fully built by the Northern Faction.”
    • OnImpBuilt : “Fired when this building is fully built by the Brenodi Empire.”
    • OnKill : “Fired when this building is destroyed.”
    • OnSpotted : “Fired when this building is spotted by an enemy using any method. The spotter is the activator.”
    • OnSpottedBinoculars : “Fired when this building is spotted by an enemy using the binoculars. The spotter is the activator.”
    • OnSabotageStart : “Fired when this building has become sabotaged. The saboteur is the activator.”
    • OnSabotageEnd : “Fired when this building is repaired.”
    • OnRecycleStart : “Fired when a commander has started the recycling process on this building.”
    • OnRecycleCancel : “Fired when a commander has canceled the recycling process on this building.”
    • OnRecycleComplete : “Fired when this building has been recycled.”
    • There are also two additional outputs for the Radar, Engineer Radar, and Engineer Camera that fire whenever an entity is detected.
      • OnVehicleSpotted, OnVehicleFirstSpotted, OnPlayerSpotted, OnPlayerFirstSpotted
Bug fixes
  • Applied a potential fix for player muting via the scoreboard. When the server reaches enough players, player muting would stop working as intended.
  • Fixed squad heal not removing Bio damage over time effect properly.
  • Fixed unintended behaviour where the biological damage over time effect wouldn’t extend it’s duration if it was applied to vehicle armor by the same weapon repeatedly.
  • Fixed an issue where squad recon would spot squad hidden players for longer than intended.
  • Fixed various issues where the game’s code would skip over the last player when processing through all players in a full server. Unknown what bugs this may have caused.
  • Changed building smoke to always emit fire when the building is destroyed, instead of sometimes showing unbuilt/sabotage smoke.
  • Neutral tank turning now rotates around the tank’s local axis instead of world space. This was causing strange behaviour when driving up/down slopes.
    • Neutral turn is no longer unconstrained in applying angular velocity. Prior to this version, angular velocity was set directly; instead of being applied as an angular force impacting the angular velocity. This will mean that tanks are no longer able to rotate beyond the capability of the force being applied.
  • Fixed the emp_infantry_restrict team filters being inverted.
  • 3x Crashes have been fixed.
  • Fixed some minor issues in the vehicle HUD. For example, no longer displaying the armor detection overlay for your own vehicle or dead vehicles.
  • Map info script parsing system has been refactored.
    • All parameters present in the map info file have sensible defaults, allowing a map to be played even if there is no map info file or the client fails to download it.
    • Line breaks can be placed in the objective and description panels using the \n escape sequence.
    • Map info can be reloaded client-side using the mapinfo_flushscript command, though this currently requires the map to be reloaded for the changes to take effect.
  • Fixed commander vote count not resetting between rounds.
    • There are still some client-side vote count issues to resolve but these will be addressed in a future version as it requires large changes to rewrite the client-side vote count system.
  • Fixed a bug where spotting a building with regular spotting would override the longer spotting provided by binoculars.
  • The emp_info_params entity inputs SetNFResources and SetBEResources now function correctly. Previously, they would double the current resource value and then subtract the desired value.
  • The vehicle weapon HUD now displays properly when using a vehicle equipped with weapons that are not researched. Previously, unresearched weapons would not show up in the HUD. This was only an issue for maps that spawned in vehicles.
Other Changes
  • Added prop_sphere to the FGD and updated code to allow a radius to be set.
  • Added various team colored developer textures for use when designing maps. (‘‘‘materials/dev’’’ directory)
  • Added the startResearched research script variable. Researches that have startResearched = 1 will already be researched when the game starts (if this is the correct team).
    • This allows specific maps to use the emp_sv_unresearch_item command to set the starting chassis as restricted (Jeep/APC/Light tank/AFV).
    • If there are no chassis available the vehicle menu will not open when players attempt to open it.
  • Changed all turret/camera/radar models to use metal surface property instead of default.
  • Lobby server auto-connect has been disabled by default. Auto-connect to lobby can be re-enabled by adding -lobby to the launch options within Steam.
Changes to team joining functionality
  • The code that decides whether a player can join a team has been reworked
    • The skill based auto-balance system which decided how players are put into teams has been disabled.
      • Removed convars ‘mp_autoteambalance’, ‘mp_autoteambalance_smart’, and ‘mp_autoteambalance_skilldifference’ as these were used by this system.
    • Auto-assign has been reverted to a random selection of the available teams.
  • Added the emp_sv_forceteam convar, which will force all players to join either BE or NF if enabled.
  • Completely rewrote the ‘jointeam’ console command code.
    • Jointeam respects emp_sv_forceteam, emp_sv_forceautoassign, emp_sv_forcespec, and emp_allowspectators.
  • Added convar ‘mp_teams_unbalance_limit’
    • This controls the maximum numbers advantage a team can have before players are no longer allowed to join.
    • The default value is 1, which allows each team to have one extra player.
    • Setting this convar to 0 disables the limit.
Script/Game Balance
Changes to stamina usage when jumping
Jumping stamina usage has been tweaked so that the stamina requirement to jump is 50% of the actual stamina deduction. Additionally, stamina upgrade now reduces the amount of stamina deducted per jump by 1/4 instead of 1/3.
  • This means a jump spends 20 stamina (roughly displayed as 3 bars), but you can still jump so long as you have 10 stamina (roughly displayed as 1.5 bars) left. With stamina upgrade, each jump will spend 15 stamina instead of 13.3.
  • This change was made to make navigating the map less frustrating when out of combat. This should be less punishing when you have completely depleted your stamina, but still enforce the usual restrictions to combining sprinting and jumping while in combat. The values were tweaked to ensure that even with stamina upgrade, you cannot bunny hop when you’re out of stamina.
Vehicle Chassis
  • Brenodi Empire Heavy Tank
    • Increased Max Weight from 470 to 490
Vehicle engines
  • Increased 3 Phase engine heat dissipation by 1
  • Decreased Advanced coolant engine heat dissipation by 1
  • Decreased Fission engine heat dissipation by 0.5 (0.7 for medium tank)
Vehicle Weapons
  • Homing Missile Launcher
    • Reduced Lock On Radius from 0.42 to 0.1
      • It should make it easier to pick which target you’re locking, but it also means you have to track it more accurately
    • Increased Lock On Time from 0.3 to 0.5 seconds
    • Increased Lock On Range Modifier from 0.2s/1000u to 0.5/1000u (a wall is 256 units)
    • Reduced Missile range from 8000 to 7000
    • Reduced Turning Ability from 3.15 to 3.0
    • Increased Cost from 100 to 150
  • Nuclear Missile Launcher
    • Increase Cost from 200 to 300
  • Biological Missile Launcher
    • Increased Player Bio Damage from 3 to 5
    • Increased Vehicle Bio Damage from 8 to 10
  • High-Explosive Cannon
    • Increased Cost from 70 to 90
    • Reduced Damage from 75 to 70
  • Upgraded Missile Launcher
    • Increased Cost from 70 to 80
  • Biological Cannon
    • Increased Weight from 80 to 120
    • Increased Cost from 100 to 180
    • Increased Cycle Time from 2.25 to 2.5
    • Increased Heat from 15 to 20
    • Vehicle Biological Effect Properties
      • Damage: 10
      • Duration: 10
      • Interval: 0.5
      • Total Damage: 200
    • Infantry Biological Effect Properties
      • Damage: 5
      • Duration 10
      • Interval: 0.5
      • Total Damage: 100
  • Plasma Cannon
    • Increased Cost from 110 to 140
    • Increased Weight from 80 to 90
    • Increased Heat to Target from 10 to 12
  • Railgun
    • Increased Cost from 120 to 150
    • Increased Weight from 80 to 90
    • Increased Damage from 120 to 130
  • Depleted Uranium Machine Gun
    • Reduced Cost from 60 to 50
  • High-Explosive Machine Gun
    • Reduced Cost from 70 to 60
  • Plasma Heavy Machine Gun
    • Increased Cost from 110 to 120
    • Increased Weight from 55 to 60
  • Biological Machine Gun
    • Increased Player Bio Duration from 1 to 4
    • Increased Vehicle Bio Duration from 1 to 2
  • Standard Machine Gun
    • Reduced Cost from 40 to 30
  • Chain Gun
    • Reduced Cost from 60 to 45
  • Grenade Launcher
    • Reduced Cost from 50 to 40
  • High-Explosive Grenade Launcher
    • Increased Cost from 60 to 75
  • Small Artillery Cannon
    • Increased Cost from 70 to 90
  • Medium Artillery Cannon
    • Increased Cost from 80 to 110
  • High Explosive Artillery
    • Increased Cost from 120 to 170
  • Ranged Artillery Cannon
    • Increased Cost from 130 to 170
  • Biological Grenade Launcher
    • Increased Damage from 40 to 60
    • Increased Vehicle Bio Damage from 5 to 10
    • Increased Infantry Bio Duration from 4 to 5
Vehicle Armors
  • Absorbant
    • Reduced Speed to Damage modifier from -0.000112 to -0.00005
    • Increased Health from 70 to 75
  • Composite
    • Reduced Speed to Damage modifier from -0.00005 to -0.000025
  • Reactive
    • Increased Health from 100 to 120
Infantry Weapons
  • Rifleman
    • Fixed BE’s Assault Rifle starting ammo
  • Defuse
    • Decreased from 5 to 3
  • Capturing a flag
    • Increased from 0 to 3
  • Destroying an enemy vehicle
    • Increased from 5 to 10
  • NF/BE Walls
    • Increased Cost from 10 to 15
  • Barracks
    • Increased Cost from 200 to 300
Known Issues
  • Turret sounds do not play on clients who are too far away from a firing turret, even if they approach the turret as it is firing.
  • In some circumstances, the button to join a team will be selectable when you cannot actually join that team.
    • If mp_teams_unbalance_limit is set to 1, you are on team A, and team B has the same number of players as team A, then the button to join team B will be active, even though you are correctly not allowed to join.
22 dec 2023
Empires Mod - Neoony
Hey folks! Brace yourselves—the legendary Shitmaps Event is back! Time to dive into the wildest, wackiest maps ever crafted.

On the 20th of January, 2024, as the clock strikes 19:00 GMT / 20:00 CET / 1 PM EST, we march together into the glorious, chaotic, and wonderfully bizarre realms that only the most audacious map creators dare to dream up.

This isn't just about the maps that make you question reality, but the ones that redefine it – an experience that not only tests your reflexes but also tickles your funny bone and bewilders your senses. To grasp the sheer scale of lunacy that awaits, direct your gaze upon the trailer that teases the pandemonium we're set to unleash:

And for those who find their curiosity piqued or perhaps are brimming with questions—or simply wish to mingle with fellow enthusiasts—venture forth into our Discord

Mark your calendars, set your alarms, and prepare for an event that's less about the maps you traverse and more about the stories you'll tell. Long live the Shitmaps!

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