Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders!

The time has come to take out another Titan target! The Thargoid Titan Oya in Cephei Sector BV-Y b4 looks set to be vulnerable on Thursday 18th April! With your combined efforts you can unleash the military might of humanity and reduce the xenos invaders to space dust!

Oya Rewards
For every Titan you work to defeat you will earn incrementally different rewards. Titan Oya is the 3rd Titan brought down which means if you have previously been involved in fighting the last two Titans you will receive the following rewards:

The next Titan conquest decal. We are working to release black and white versions of these decals following your feedback!

A new ship kit for the Krait

Pilots also receive arx and credits for taking down Titan hearts and damaging the core.

Update 18.03
On Thursday 18 April we are releasing Update 18.03 which specifically focuses on improvements to some of the stability issues encountered with the Titans. Please be aware that we are still investigating these issues but this patch should offer significant improvement.

If you experience vents or the core becoming stuck or unresponsive please switch to playing in private group or playing solo.

Release Schedule (Times in UTC)
  • 5am UTC - In game maintenance messages begin
  • 7am UTC - Servers offline for maintenance and deployment of Update 18.03
  • 11am UTC* - Servers online and update 18.03 available
*This is an approximated time and subject to change should additional maintenance be required

Should you experience any issues after this update please be sure to report them on this Issue Tracker page to help our developers investigate further.
Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders!

We will be releasing a new update on Wednesday 10th April for the live/4.0 version of Elite Dangerous. This update will included the heavily hinted at addition of a new frame shift drive with a brand new feature!

The update schedule is as follows (All times are in BST):
  • 06:00 - Maintenance notifications
  • 08:00 - Servers offline as update and maintenance begin
  • 12:00 - Servers back online and update 18.02 available
Please note that times are subject to change.

Update Notes
Super Cruise Overcharge:
  • New Rating C Frame Shift Drive modules will be available. They can be found at a number of Outfitting services, especially in more technologically advanced markets, and these will introduce a new functionality: Super Cruise Overcharge.
Issue Tracker:
  • Fixed being unable to add an experimental effect to pre-engineered 5A FSD modules
  • Fixed mission icon not displaying on commodity markets for Delivery missions
  • Added support for hardware with up to 128 buttons that is registered as an input device
  • Fixed Reboot/Restore missions sending players to an already online settlement
    • Known Issue: We are aware of issues with the revenant variant of this mission spawning and are currently investigating
Thargoid Titans
  • Adjustments to Titan threat calculation which resulted in the torus move not behaving correctly in solo instances.
  • Fixed exposed text strings for Thargoid Spire Collect & Sabotage missions when viewing mission info in cockpit panels.
  • Adjusted Titan turrets projectiles so they should no longer appear to "lag"
  • Fixed Caustic Sink Launcher HUD indicator not filling up when viewed in Gunner role whilst in multicrew
  • Minor fixes to Night Vision whilst in Titans' inner clouds whilst in multicrew
  • Performance improvements during multiplayer scenarios when the transition into meltdown happens after the core has been destroyed for the final heart
  • Fixed "FSD Failure, Drop Imminent" being spammed for multicrew passengers when dropping into Titan instances
  • Updated Brazilian (Portuguese) translation for Titan Drive Component to be more reflective of the item
  • Fixed backface culling on the target schematic for the Launch Tube Membrane Residue on Titans
  • Fixed instances of abrupt lighting change on the Titan Core when dealing damage to it. Titan discos are hereby cancelled.
Thargoid Ships/Vehicles
  • Fixed instances of Thargoid Scout behavior being incorrect when vents were being blocked
  • Fixed target UI flickering when scanning a Scythe then targeting the Scythe's drones
  • Fixed the COVAS line "Repair Limpet Failed" being triggered incorrectly when a nearby AI ship launches a drone at another AI ship
Titan Decals
  • Fixed the Titan Destroyed decals having flipped orientation on certain ships
  • Minor graphical fixes for Titan Destroyed decals
  • Fixed text for Titan Destroyed decals
This update will be available on Wednesday 10th April 2024.
6 март
Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders,

We will be releasing Update 18.01 on Thursday 7th March to resolve some issues during the usual Thursday maintenance. Downtime is expected to be approximately 3 hours.

Release Schedule:
  • 5AM UTC - In game broadcasts begin
  • 7AM UTC - Downtime commences
  • 10AM UTC - Update 18.01 releases and servers back online
Update Notes
  • A fix for Titan vents becoming stuck and the core not being exposed. A nice amount of WD40 can solve many issues.
  • A fix to stop Titan cores becoming exposed multiple times when vents are blocked. The cores will now be a little more reserved.
  • Fixed instances of incorrectly triggering Titan behaviour post destruction. They won't show off quite as much when they are supposed to be having a bad time.
Keep an eye on this thread and our social channels for updates!

Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders!

After a monumentally coordinated and dedicated offensive from Commanders all across the Milky Way, the Thargoid Titan Taranis was critically damaged to the point it could no longer maintain its systems, causing it to enter meltdown and beautifully explode into a blooming cloud of deadly caustic remains. So many pilots came together to undertake this colossal mission and no doubt the Thargoids of the other Titans are quaking in their chitinous booties. As you wait for the caustic cloud to dissipate so we can take a gander at what fresh juicy goodies lurk within, 7 Titans still remain a threat. Titan Leigong is humanity's probable next target, but it still needs a bit of weakening by reducing the number of systems it controls

Now that the fireworks have come to an end, we wanted to talk about that thing we know you are all excited to know more about...the rewards!

As the destruction of Taranis was such a major occasion and we know that some people couldn't contribute to the war effort as much as they would like due to some pesky (non-alien) bugs we are going to handle the rewards a little differently for this specific event. To celebrate the destruction of Taranis we will be giving the rewards to everyone who traveled to the system any time between the release of Update 18 through to the time until Taranis exploded. This way we can ensure that even if a pilot was affected by one of the issues which might have invalidated their contributions, they will receive the reward. These rewards of a ship kit and decal will be going live some time this Thursday.

This is a ONE OFF for the rewards though. In order to receive rewards from future Titan destruction you will need to have taken part by damaging the heat core.*

For every Titan you are involved in defeating, you will receive an incrementally more prestigious ship kit with matching paintjob for different ships, and will receive an incrementing decal.

The first ship kit that pilots will receive on Thursday is the Alliance Chieftain bleached bone:

And the first decal you will receive is:

They will be added to your accounts on Thursday so keep an eye on our news channels for updates!

Thank you again to everyone who got involved in showing the angry crustaceans of doom that humanity wasn't going to sit there and let them attack our worlds. We look forward to watching you squash the next one!

* Updated Clarification
To be eligible for the incremental Titan rewards you will need to do the following:

1) Have done damage to the heat core of a Titan within one week prior to it going into meltdown.
2) You need to have earned a minimum of 2M credits from hitting the core (You earn less credits from the Titan when they still need weakening and have a high damage resistance)

Don't forget you also receive Arx from taking down hearts and gain more if you are a top contributor.
Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders!

The fight against the Titan Taranis is nearing its dramatic conclusion! Taranis has already lost 6 out of it's 8 hearts, with the 7th well on the way to destruction!

With so many Commanders unleashing the full power of humanity against our alien oppressors, we wanted to clear up a few things about the Titan rewards.

  • Commanders who should have received their Arx when engaging the Titan have been granted them. There is no UI message letting you know this has happened but rest assured your Arx has already been transferred to your accounts.
  • The Arx reward for fighting the Titan heat source is awarded live after each heart is killed, and each titan has 8 hearts.
    Note that your contribution percentage towards Arx resets after every heart kill.
    The top 10% of contributors to each heart receive 400 Arx, so up to 3200 Arx is available per Titan!
    A minimum of 100 Arx will be awarded for each heart, as long as you engage the heat source at least once.
Stuck Heat Sources
Sometimes the Titan heat sources can be extra stubborn and get stuck. We are aware and working on a solution to this but for the time being you can fix this yourself by changing to either solo or private group play. This changes the instance which should switch the heat source back into working correctly.

The Titan Taranis is currently under heavy fire in Hyades Sector FB-N B7-6 and humanity is on the very verge of victory. Now is the time to fight for all humanity and show the intergalactic doom weevils that we know how to squash bugs! Are you ready to do your part?

Art credit: CMDR Strayfox on X
Elite Dangerous - PhilW_Frontier
o7 Commanders,

With the recent Aegis production of Guardian nanite torpedoes allowing commanders to successfully damage the Thargoid Titans we have some exciting news to share. Titan Taranis is currently taking significant damage and presents our best opportunity to deal a major blow to the Thargoid forces. With the Titans focused on survival, we have noticed that Glaive interdictions and hyperdictions have currently ceased. With this in mind, we suggest all Commanders looking to assist in the battle should immediately travel to Hyades Sector FB-N B7-6 to engage the Titan directly.

To aid pilots in the fight against the Titans, all Rescue Ships stock the required modules: Guardian Nanite Torpedo Pylons, Shutdown Neutraliser and Caustic Sink Launcher. The Tech Broker requirements for both the Shutdown Neutraliser and Caustic Sink Launcher have been removed, to ensure that anyone can be fully equipped for the monumental battle. Make use of the Thargoid War view in the Galaxy Map to find Titan locations and real-time battle information - for those of you looking to take on Taranis, the Hutner in the nearby Telin system is the closest Rescue Ship to visit.


Commanders who take part in the final stages of the Thargoid war and participate in the successful destruction of a Thargoid Titan (doing damage to a Titan Heart) will be greatly rewarded for their efforts so they can proudly display their part in Elite Dangerous history.

Players will be able to earn ARX in the following way:


Anyone that contributed to the death of a Titan's heart will receive 100 Arx
If you were in the top 25% of players dealing damage to that heart, you will receive an additional 100 Arx (200 Total)
If you were in the top 10% of players dealing damage to that heart, you will receive an additional 200 Arx (400 Total)
These rewards will be applied retroactively to Commanders who have already taken part in Titan Heart combat.

Looking to show off? Participating Commanders will also receive a ship kit, paint job and decal after the defeat of each Titan. This set will reflect the amount of Titan battles you personally participated in, with each Titan you destroy awarding you a different set, for a total of 8 to earn.

We have also implemented a fix to the amount of credits being paid out to participants, which will now be significantly higher.

So what are you waiting for Commanders? Head to your closest rescue megaship, get equipped, and play your part to ensure the safety of the galaxy!

Image Credit: Commander Alec Turner
26 февр.
Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commander!

Update 18 will be available from 15:00 UTC and the war with the Thargoids has entered the end game!

This update includes an exciting update to the story and several fixes. The update is approximately 30GB in size.

Features of Note:
  • The research has finished, the prototypes have been made, and a production pipeline has been established - Rescue Megaships now stock Guardian Nanite Torpedo Pylons. Aegis has stated "We and all of humanity await news from any intrepid Commander able to bring this tool to bear against the Titans. Good luck".
Issue Tracker:
  • System Authority and Power Play agents have been supplied with calming tea and soothing music, so will now no longer have unprovoked aggressive tendencies. They will leave the anger to the pirates as is tradition.
  • SRV and ship shadows will no longer disappear in VR and flatscreen.

Locations and Environments:
  • Daha Deti 1 A has been renamed to Lumitar in memory of a lost colleague and friend.
  • The on-foot free camera is now prevented from passing through ship hangar walls.
AI and Enemies
  • SRV pilots will no longer be prevented from docking at an unlocked engineer base if the SRV had recently been piloted by a crew member who was not recognised by the engineer.
  • Thargoid ships around Titans have had their optician prescriptions adjusted and will no longer detect players at unexpectedly high ranges.
  • Fixed Thargoid scouts sometimes going idle when they attempt to leave a Titan instance.
  • Fixed recon limpets not being able to reach their intended max speeds.
  • Players are no longer assigned murder crimes for dealing non-hostile damage to objects that are later killed.
  • Thargoid ships have had their alcohol levels adjusted and will now consistently exit from Spires without jittering or rubber banding.
  • Thargon swarms now dock more reliably with Hydra class Interceptors.
Ships, Suits, and Modules
  • The avatar image of telepresent multicrew members now depicts them in their flight suit, rather than as a generic holograms.
  • Caustic sinks will now drain existing caustic one at a time.
Fleet Carriers
  • A system in a Thargoid probing state can no longer be selected as a fleet carrier jump destination.
  • Fleet Carrier captain's avatar is now correctly depicted in 'jump completed' and 'weekly upkeep' messages.
  • Introduced "Gravity Well" cockpit message to replace "Slow Down" when travelling at excessive speed near celestial bodies.
  • The option to share a bookmark to your squadron will now only be present if you have permission to share it. The remove bookmark quick action now only removes your personal bookmark, not the squadron one.
  • The displayed count of commanders present in on-foot conflict zones now updates correctly as commanders join the fight.
  • Transferring items between backpack and ship storage is now correctly reflected in the ship's storage UI.
  • Nav beacons now display the correct activity type icons on the ship navigation panel in systems being invaded by Thargoids.
  • The reset to orbit button is now disabled until players have completed the tutorial and have a commander.
  • The fleet carrier countdown to jump timer now updates correctly when viewed from an on foot terminal.
  • Asteroid bases are now labelled as such in the 'Points of Interest' section of the System Map.
  • A route set on the galaxy map will now be correctly recalculated after reloading the game.
  • The caustic damage removed notification now appears as a positive notification rather than a negative one.
  • Influence and reputation are no longer listed in mission rewards in cases where no influence or reputation are awarded.
  • Levelling up an engineer whilst in the workshop UI now unlocks higher tier modifications without requiring the workshop to be closed and reopened.
  • The FSS scanner Info panel now correctly lists the factions in an AX conflict zone.
  • Scythe collection drones will now show up as "Unknown" in the Contacts panel until the owning Scythe has been scanned.
  • Corrected some phrasing in the weekly influence graph of the Galaxy Map.
  • Resolved outdated descriptive text on the Titan's locations.
  • Thargoid Wakes are no longer targetable at extremely large ranges.
  • Corrected some minor grammatical errors.
  • Fixed an issue where one of the Federation branded adverts seen at stations could load an incorrect background image
  • Fixed a positioning issue with some of the floating adverts outside stations, which could clip into the docking portal
  • The loading screen for the Eagle now shows the missing wing-tip geometry
  • Adjusted how some rocks snap to the ground at Spire sites
  • Fixed one of the wrecked Type9 models missing some geometry on the highest LOD
  • Adjusted some meshes on the Spires to prevent the camera from intersecting through the model
  • Fixed some visual issues with the Wheel prop, seen at some Agricultural settlements
  • Fixed streaming issues with the Thargoid Rewards shipkits, where the model and texture data were taking an excessive amount of time to load
  • Fixed a missing animation on the Huge Pulse Laser, so that the weapon barrel recoils as intended
  • Adjusted a shader used for glass materials on some buildings for a new version which improves visuals and stops rendering errors with hologram adverts
  • Fixed the flipped vanity cameras on the Empire Fighter
  • Fixed some scatter rocks which would interfere with payer spawning at a settlement
  • Fixed a problem with the DiamondBack Explorer Science shipkip not retaining the correct paintjob colours
  • Adjusted the hangar cameras for the Imperial Cutter due to them intersecting with some geometry
  • Adjusted the height map used for a Tourist settlement, so that the SRV can deploy more easily from a landing pad
  • Fixed the landing gear on the DiamondBack Explorer so that it doesn't appear in front of the hatch
  • The default VR Camera for the Fleet Carrier Management Screen is now orientated correctly
  • Fixed some UI Schematics for the abrasion points seen at Titans
  • Fixed some issues with paintjobs UVs on the Federation Corvette and Gunship
  • Minor fix to the Christmas Jumper cosmetic items
  • Fixed some LODs and decal issues on the Empire Fighter
  • Adjusted some dirt and damage maps used for the Diamondback Explorer to improve quality
Thargoid War
  • Fixed an issue where escape pods saved from star systems with Thargoid Spire Sites would sometimes not contribute to the war effort.
  • Improved reporting of counter-attack states
Time to collect your Guardian Nanite Torpedos and challenge the Titans!
Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders!

With the original Elite's release in 1984, 2024 celebrates 40 years of the Elite series! With such a monumental milestone marking the occasion we want to share what's in store for Elite Dangerous this year! We have big plans for 2024 which we first revealed in January in the first ever Frontier Unlocked livestream and we're going to breakdown that news here!

Update 18
Update 18 is currently aiming for a release on Monday 26th February. From the catastrophic failure of Salvation's Proteus Wave and the subsequent intergalactic invasion, the Thargoid War has dominated GalNet for over a year. With the terrifying arrival of the Titans and the bioconstruction of sinister spires, humanity's fate looked bleak. Now however, thanks to the combined efforts of pilots from all over the galaxy the long-awaited culmination of the saga is upon us. We don't want to spoil any of the surprises for you but we can't wait for you to experience this epic finale!

Powerplay 2.0
With Update 18 launching in February, what does that mean for the rest of the year? First up is Update 19. Currently aiming for a release this summer, Update 19 will introduce a full rework of the Elite Dangerous Powerplay system! We'll be going into a lot more detail on this in the future so stay tuned for more!

New Ships

The conclusion of the Thargoid War and the introduction of a new Powerplay system will change the galaxy like never before. A changed galaxy is going to need new ships to explore it with! We'll be releasing at least 4 new variant ships in 2024, each with new looks and capabilities, including the magnificent Python MkII featured above!

New Feature
Last but not least we are working on a brand-new feature for Elite Dangerous which we currently hope to release before the end of the year. This will be an exciting new addition to the core gameplay that we can't wait to share more on in a future episode of Frontier Unlocked!

As well as the above we'll have plenty of smaller updates and details throughout the year, so keep an eye on our News and social channels for more exciting details as the year goes on!
Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders!

We're celebrating the new year by welcoming a fresh batch of talented creators to the Elite Partner Program!

Put your hands together for:

Just_Mainer https://www.twitch.tv/just_mainer
BristolBoyGaming https://www.twitch.tv/bristolboygaming
theoldergamerau https://www.twitch.tv/theoldergamerau
rpgemmab https://www.twitch.tv/rpgemmab
RainmanGames https://www.twitch.tv/rainmangames

They will be joining forces alongside our current partners.

By tuning in to watch those of our official Elite Dangerous Partners who stream via Twitch, you can earn yourself some unique paint jobs for a selection of your favourite ships!

If your preferred streaming platform is YouTube, fear not, our YouTube creators are issued their very own paint job bundle codes to share with their communities as they choose!

If you haven't been selected this time around, or you're yet to apply to become an official Elite Dangerous Partner and are considering doing so, our next review date for applicants will be in Summer 2024.

By becoming a member of the program you can gain access to these exciting benefits!

  • Content and channel promotion from Elite Dangerous channels and streams.
  • Twitch Drops for your own Twitch channels and code bundles for YouTube channels containing in-game cosmetics.
  • An exclusive set of Elite Partner Program merchandise.

Click the link at the foot of this article to access the official Elite Dangerous Partner Program portal for more information and to look around!

We love seeing creators share their passion for Elite Dangerous and the Galaxy in which our community is forged.

Thanks to all of you, partnered, applying or simply journeying ambitiously alongside - we appreciate you endlessly o7

Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders!

We will be performing some maintenance for Elite Dangerous 4.0/Live and Elite Dangerous Legacy servers on Tuesday 23rd January at 09:00 UTC. This will also include a minor client update for Live/4.0 servers which includes some security and stability improvements. We expect the process to take up to 3 hours with servers coming back online at approximately 12:00 UTC. There will be no Update Notes.

Schedule (In GMT/UTC)

  • 07:00 - In game messages will alert active Commanders of the maintenance
  • 09:00 - Maintenance begins and servers are offline
  • 12:00 - Servers back online

We will keep you informed should the maintenance be completed sooner or should any delays occur to the schedule.

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