Elite Dangerous - Bruce Garrido
Greetings Commanders,

In case you missed it, Update 9 contained one of our most exciting releases yet: the Scorpion SRV!

This twin-seat mutlicrew capable combat vehicle packs both a Surge Repeater and Aculeus launcher stocked with both tracking and dumb-fire missiles!

Available now from your local Starport!

Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders,

Thank you for all your feedback and reports following the latest update. We've been carefully reviewing all the details you've shared with us and our developers have been hard at work working on resolving the critical issues raised. Please find below the breakdown of fixes deployed in today’s updates for Odyssey and Horizons (All platforms).

  • Multi-Limpet Controllers have had their mass values significantly reduced
  • Fixed Class C Operations Multi Limpet Controller showing as Class F
  • Fixed firegroup panel navigation issue preventing players from editing their firegroups
  • Fixed firegroup column not disappearing when empty
  • Multi-Limpet Controllers have had their mass values significantly reduced
  • Fixed Class C Operations Multi Limpet Controller showing as Class F
  • Fixed issue with certain Organics where genetic sampling was not working
  • Fixed firegroup panel navigation issue preventing players from editing their firegroups
  • Fixed firegroup column not disappearing when empty

Known Issues:
  • Hostile ships can appear incorrectly (as non hostile) on the radar
  • Firegroups not matching what is being outputted by the ship
We are actively investigating these known issues and will update you when we have news. As always please continue to share your feedback and report any issues you encounter via our Issue Tracker for us to review.
Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders.

Let’s get ready to usher in Update 9 for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.

  • Elite Dangerous: Odyssey servers will be offline from approximately 09:00 UCT
  • Servers are expected to come back online, with the update available at around 12:00 UTC

Updates of Note:

Introducing…The Scorpion.
The Scorpion, a new SRV designed specifically for supporting infantry on ground-based combat has rolled into action.
  • The Scorpion is fitted with 2 seats for a driver and a gunner, allowing two Commanders to operate as a team in this formidable fighting machine.
  • All Scorpions come fitted with two weapons:
  • Surge Repeater - A rapid-fire weapon that increases its fire rate and accuracy the longer it's fired for.
  • Aculeus Launcher (I’m not saying that on stream) - A combination dumbfire and lock-on missile launcher.
  • The Scorpion is only stocked at military economies.

Multi Limpet Controller Modules
Multi-Limpet Controllers are now available from Outfitting.
Multi-Limpet Controllers can program a limpet to perform one of a given set of tasks and will be available in multiple types which will dictate what functions it is able to program.
  • Mining Multi Limpet Controller module (Available in Size 3)
  • Operations Multi Limpet Controller module (Available in Size 3)
  • Rescue Multi Limpet Controller module (Available in Size 3)
  • Xeno Multi Limpet Controller module (Available in Size 3)
  • Universal Multi Limpet Controller module (Available in Size 7)

Mission Providers at Settlements.
Some NPCs at settlements might now occasionally have missions they can offer to passing Commanders!
  • If these mission providers become critically injured while a mission is active and the mission owning Commander is present at the location where the mission was provided, the mission will be considered failed.
  • Mission providers will fight back if provoked.
  • Mission providers will reappear at the settlement once the mission is marked as complete.

Major improvements have been made to light tinting from atmospheres.

Module Management.
A fix has been implemented for pre-engineered modules from community goals not being marked informatively, as such.
  • Pre-engineered module rewards will now have their description display the fact that they are pre-engineered, as well as have it display in the outfitting screen.
  • Also trying to apply modifications to pre-engineered modules which specifically cannot be modified further (very niche circumstances) will now be disallowed with a message stating why.

"Update 9 will see us go further, with optimisation already well underway for motion graph animation, mid-far distance planet rendering, lighting, scatter rocks, object physics, AI and character models – all of these, and many more, contributing to a better Odyssey experience for our players."
  • Optimisations to textmesh system
  • Optimisations to tubelights
  • Optimisations to scatter rocks and scatter rock physics
  • Minor optimisation to vehicle debris rendering
  • Optimisations to the UI rendering
  • Depth prepass optimisations have been implemented
  • Optimisations to Environment Map rendering
  • Optimisations to the avatar rendering system
  • Optimisation to planets, particularly at mid-distance view
  • Optimisations to energy management
  • Optimisations to humanoid interactions
  • Optimisations to compass and sensor data aggregation
  • Performance improvements for NavMesh tile building

We’re actively continuing to help with tracking down as many continuing stability issues as possible, with your continued support in providing logs and reports where possible.
  • A crash to desktop has been prevented which would occur when viewing a mission invitation inbox message, such as those offered by Professor Palin, that was generated on a different version of Elite Dangerous (For example if it was generated in Horizons then you’d get the crash in Odyssey and vice versa).
  • A crash that could occur if a bit of dialogue is queued (in order to not play over another line) and then cancelled before it had a chance to play. (eg. in a conflict zone, the coordinator might be talking, so a suit voice gets queued, and then the player is killed before it plays.) has been addressed.
  • A fix has been implemented for a crash that could occur when talking with a mission giving NPC again after completing a mission for them.
  • Improvements made to the general stability of the tutorial scenario.

General Improvements and Fixes:

  • AI in dropships will take explosive damage if the dropship is destroyed before deployment.
  • The player that destroyed the ship will be given credit for the damage caused to the AI.
  • A fix has been implemented for Supercruise assist not disengaging correctly when approaching stations inside ring systems.
  • AI will no longer become suspicious of you if you run out of suit energy near them.

SRV related improvements
  • Improved responsiveness and mix of the Scarab tire surface noises, including skids.
  • Improved the Scarab mix at different distances and perspectives.
  • Scarab will now sound clearer further out, for example.
  • Fixed the odd echo quality on Scarab sounds at distance.
  • Improvements made to audio Level of Definition optimisations on the Scarab that were incorrectly set up.
  • Fixed annoying high pitched tone in the SRV tire on rock sounds.
  • Fix implemented for audio not being affected sufficiently when obstructed by objects.
  • Fix for SRV turret movement sounds not always being audible.
  • Rebalanced the Scarab Wavescanner sounds.
  • Some were quite loud (eg. the crystal one). They should be more consistent compared to each other now.

Rebalanced SRV audio perspectives:
  • SRV Cockpit should have less sharp “crunch” of the surface/tires compared to before (as you are in a canopy).
  • Turret/Gunner should have clearer surface crunch and less bassy engines.
  • Camera Suite, when activated, will have less fizzy surface noise come through at distance compared to before, but more surface detail does come in if you get the camera close to the wheels.
  • Optimisations to the Scarab wheel audio emitters have been made.

  • Reduced volume of overloud planetary exploration music.
  • Fixes for Emote body movement sounds sometimes being silent have been made.
  • Fix added for settlement terminal boot-up-ident sounds being too loud.
  • Fixed the firegroup toggle sound sometimes being silent if you rapidly change it.
  • Fix implemented for TK Aphelion gunshots dropping out when manually triggering individual shots rapidly.
  • Fix implemented for missing Engineer voice lines in the non-English languages when discussing the quiet footsteps modification.
  • Added small delay to various Engineer voice lines to stop missing words happening at the start of a phrase, when transitioning between menus.
  • Fix implemented for drive assist off and on COVAS lines occurring on disembarking and boarding your SRV when drive assist is on.
  • A 30 second cooldown has been added to the drive assist on and off COVAS lines to reduce the “spammy quality” for players who switch drive assist on and off frequently.

Camera Suite
  • An issue has been fixed whereby certain parts of the ship UI became visible when using the Camera Suite, particularly in the Type 10.
  • You were able to see the comms panel, team status and info panel, for example.
  • Custom ship paintjobs were not showing up in the 3rd person camera when in virtual multicrew. This has now been resolved.

Conflict Zones
  • A fix has been implemented for the Commander’s current reputation with a faction being highlighted in a Combat Zone showing red, despite being friendly or neutral.
  • An update has been made to Combat Zone control points to allow them to be visible in Ships and SRVs.
  • Improved player messaging has been implemented for when you can't recall your ship from an SRV due to being in a Conflict Zone.
  • An issue has been resolved whereby the Combat Zone objectives UI persisted on the SRV info panel following the end of a CZ.
  • A fix has been implemented for a Combat Zone sometimes no longer progressing if a Ship Launched Fighter is killed.

Commodity Trading
Black markets now offer the full market value for Illegal goods

Fix implemented for broken lip sync on Dylan, at the end of the tutorial.

Fleet Carriers
When accessing information about a Fleet Carrier via the system map, certain vital information was missing - e.g: Access Type and Owner. This has now been addressed.

  • Fix implemented for destroyed limpets not having collision.
  • Fix implemented for missing turret schematics.
  • Fixed implemented for the Thargoid shutdown field not affecting ships.
  • Thargoid Interceptors EMP blast did not disable Commander ships in Combat/AX Zones.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the galaxy map button on the Vista Genomics vendor from functioning.

Lighting & VFX
  • VFX for the engineered Multicannon weapon have been re-balanced.
  • VFX for the seeker missiles have been rebalanced.
  • Fix implemented for water geyser VFX being visible through rock.
  • Fix implemented for missing ripple effect on shields.

Megaship Cargo and Escape Pod canisters would often become stuck inside Megaships, rendering them irretrievable.

An issue has been fixed whereby raw materials and even some refinable fragments became “stuck” inside the mineable rock instead of being released, even though they show up in contacts they cannot be collected.

  • Fix implemented for some Delivery Missions failing to progress upon interacting with the mission contact.
  • Fix implemented for Recovery and Scavenge Missions sometimes being unable to fail if the mission is abandoned or the mission owning commander is critically injured.
  • Fix implemented for Combat Aftermath USS:
    When Commanders are given the option of taking the "Scan" objective, they could scan the onboard data link before accepting the objective which would cause the USS to break and would prevent progression. This has now been fixed.
  • Fix implemented for unlocalised objective text in Delivery and Collect Missions.
  • Fix implemented for unlocalised "Talk" prompt attached to mission contacts.
  • Added additional mission rationales to Smuggling missions.

Ship/SRV/Fighter Outfitting
  • Updates made to the visual effect of the Thermal Conduit experimental effect.
    The colour will now reflect how much of an impact on the module's damage the ship's heat level is applying.
    Damage will also be correct.

Commander Outfitting
Fix implemented for an issue experienced with backpack capacity miscalculations, for suits fitted with the Extra Backpack Space modification.

  • A fix has been implemented to ensure the correct directional shadow profile is selected for interior environments.
  • The shadow will be cast accurate to the light source.
  • Fix implemented for in-game ship HUD occasionally appearing on player avatar beards.
  • Fix implemented for vehicle debris culling when still in view.
  • Fix implemented for artefacts that could appear on vehicle schematics.
  • Fix implemented for shield VFX rendering when there is no shield active.
  • Rebalance made to the "Bloom" setting on low and medium graphics settings.
  • Fix implemented for avatar skin not utilizing ambient occlusion correctly.
    “In 3D computer graphics, modeling, and animation, ambient occlusion is a shading and rendering technique used to calculate how exposed each point in a scene is to ambient lighting”
  • Fix implemented for incorrect proportion of dark nebulae rendering in the galaxy.
  • Fix implemented for cracked glass effects and condensation effects not displaying on the Python.
  • City lights effects on non-landable planets have been re-balanced – they’re visible again now!
  • Fix implemented for some weapon scopes not displaying paintjob textures correctly.
  • Improvements and fixes have been made to impact decals (again, any kind of visual effect on a surface that’s caused by impact, like from a weapon).
  • Fix implemented for ship schematic displaying in the FSS Scanner view.
  • Fix implemented for planetary rings not displaying as exoected in the FSS Scanner view.
  • Fix implemented for the exclusion zone of White Dwarfs not being drawn.

  • A server error has been fixed which players were experiencing when editing a bookmark of a Fleet Carrier that has since been decommissioned.
  • Selling cargo will no longer result in a Yellow Adder server error.

Settlements (Odyssey)
  • Fix implemented for Restricted Area inconsistencies.
Commanders were experiencing the following kind of situation:
“Warned for trespassing when on the 1st floor but only when walking over the power room below.”
“The power building has a level 2 security access but does not warn you for trespassing unless you enter the power room that has a level 3 restricted security access or go upstairs and walk over the power room.”
  • Fix implemented for floating objects found in a variety of settlement types.
  • Fix implemented to an offset hitcheck on a particular radar dish.
  • Fix implemented to a gap in the roof of an Agricultural building.
  • Fix implemented for z-fighting/mad flickering of wall or floor textures seen in some station social spaces
  • Around 150 fixes and improvements have been made to the look and feel of props and buildings at settlement locations.

Settlements (Horizons)
Fix implemented to hologram that would display incorrectly in ship HUD for some planet ports when targeted.

  • Cockpit dirt & scratches have been re-balanced to look more in line with real aesthetic.
  • Fix implemented for emissive scaling on Crypsis paintjobs - these should match Horizons versions of this paint type more closely now.
  • Fix implemented for missing hitcheck on the Corvette landing gear.
  • Improvements made to the hitchek of the Beluga Liner and Orca to prevent players from being able to get stuck when underneath them.
  • Fix implemented for the Krait MKII having misaligned canopy ice effects.
  • Fix implemented for the Type 10, which could hover above the ground until the SRV was deployed.
  • Fixed ships jerking to the side when released from the pad while undocking with flight assist off in a rotating station:
    As Commanders would potentially undock from one of the large spinning stations in FA off, the station would shift away from underneath them causing quite the disturbance and occasionally resulting in them crashing into things.
  • Malfunctioning cargo hatches no longer prevent hyperspace jumps.
    Issue of this type included:
    “Can’t use FSD after deploying SLF and enemy hatch breaking your cargo hatch”.
  • Ship engine smoke trails no longer appear ahead of the ship after exiting Supercruise.
  • Condensation and ice effects have been fixed to be more accurate.

Ship-focused tutorials no longer allow on-foot actions such as disembarking.

  • Conflict Zone capture point icons are now be visible when in SRVs and Ships.
  • SRV Radar signatures will now no longer float in the air when at, for example, Barnacle Site.
  • An icon has been added to the Conflict Zone browser to show if players are wanted in the target system.
  • An issue has been fixed whereby the transfer popup would softlock/freeze up in some kind of way when attempting to make an item transfer from storage to backpack whilst in Ship.
  • Fix implemented for orbit lines being visible during loadout management UI when in Supercruise.
  • Several issues have been fixed with scrolling of comms panel social tab.
    Notably, this one used to happen:
    “On the Social tab of the on foot Comms Panel, the page does not scroll down accordingly when the arrow/WASD keys or mouse scroll wheel are used to select UI elements on the page - you can select and move down the menu via these keys just fine, but upon reaching the displayed bottom of the page the UI selection will then continue off-screen as the page does not automatically scroll down to keep these elements in view. As such, the only way to currently scroll down the page is to manually drag the scroll bar on the right which will then keep selected UI elements in view.”
  • Fixes have been made to incorrect text being shown in vehicle rolepanel displays.
  • Bookmarks can now be successfully made via the system map.

Fix implemented for the "distance travelled on foot" stat sometimes recording twice the actual distance travelled.

Key binds preset will no longer reset when you open Horizons after Odyssey.

Fixed Holo-Me character disappearing in VR when in close-up views

Fix implemented for railguns not firing in slots on the Beluga, Type 9, Krait, Type 10 & Fer De Lance.

Fix implemented for Stations (and Fleet Carriers in several instances) not spawning immediately when dropping out of Supercruise manually.


As always, Commanders, we appreciate you and your incredible passion for the game and improvements toward its development further.

Really hope Update 9 brings some fun and excitement ahead of the Holidays.

Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders.

Today’s update for Elite Dangerous Horizons only.

Elite Dangerous: Horizons servers for both PC and Console Commanders will be offline from approximately 09:00 UCT
Servers are expected to come back online, with the update available at around 12:00 UTC.​

Updates of Note

Multi Limpet Controller Modules.
Multi-Limpet Controllers are now available from Outfitting.
Multi-Limpet Controllers can program a limpet to perform one of a given set of tasks and will be available in multiple types which will dictate what functions it is able to program.
  • Mining Multi Limpet Controller module (Available in Size 3)
  • Operations Multi Limpet Controller module (Available in Size 3)
  • Rescue Multi Limpet Controller module (Available in Size 3)
  • Xeno Multi Limpet Controller module (Available in Size 3)
  • Universal Multi Limpet Controller module (Available in Size 7)

Module Management.
A fix has been implemented for pre-engineered modules from community goals not being marked informatively, as such.
  • Pre-engineered module rewards will now have their description display the fact that they are pre-engineered, as well as have it display in the outfitting screen.
  • Also trying to apply modifications to pre-engineered modules which specifically cannot be modified further (very niche circumstances) will now be disallowed with a message stating why.

We’re actively continuing to help with tracking down as many continuing stability issues as possible, with your continued support in providing logs and reports where possible.
  • A crash could occur when selecting telepresence crew member fighters to deploy. This has now been addressed.
    Player example:
  • “Once you have joined a ship via Telepresence, attempting to select an onboard fighter from the bottom screen will cause the game to immediately crash. This will only crash the second player (passenger) as they attempt to board fighter. Helm player one is unaffected at time of crash.”

General Fixes.
  • Fix implemented whereby Megaship Cargo and Escape Pod canisters could become stuck inside the ships.
  • Handing in multiple bounty vouchers at a terminal in quick succession could cause the text string containing the credit number to cascade to the next bounty voucher on the list, prefixing the text that indicates how much that bounty voucher is worth. This issue has now been fixed.
  • Core mining fragments should no longer become trapped inside asteroids.
    The team have been heavily investigating and attempting to reproduce cases of this happening and will keep the checks in mind as we're aware this issue has quite the tendency to bounce back.
  • Handing in multiple bounty vouchers at a terminal in quick succession could cause the text string containing the credit number to cascade to the next bounty voucher on the list, prefixing the text that indicates how much that bounty voucher is worth. This issue has now been fixed.
  • Fix implemented for being unable to switch tabs on comms panel when looking with headlook.
  • Various missing translations have been added.


Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders o7

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey servers will be offline from approximately 11:00 BST (10:00 UCT) today to accomodate the deployment of update 8.01, to address a number of known issues.

Servers are expected to come back online, with the update available at around 11:15 BST (10:15 UTC).

8.01 Update Notes:

  • A fix has been implemented to address some severe camera shake persisting after a Thargoid Interceptor has scanned you.
  • A fix has been implemented to address camera shake persisting after players are shot multiple times in combat/in close proximity of heavy gunfire.
  • A fix has been implemented to address a decal crash that could occur during a Thargoid encounter.
  • A fix has been implemented to address Russian characters appearing corrupted in multiple locations, including:
    Typing into the Galaxy Map Search Bar.
    Galnet Local News Articles.
    Typing into the on-foot comms panel.
  • Larceny Missions will now grant rewards correctly.
  • Takedown Missions will now once again grant goods, assets and data as mission rewards instead of ship engineering materials.
  • Improvements made to invite tracking for on foot engineer Eleanor Bresa, when disembarking at settlements in Colonia system.

Have a wonderful weekend ahead.
See you in the black o7
Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders.

Elite Dangerous servers are now offline, ready to accommodate Update 8 for Odyssey today.
Servers will be back online with the update available at approximately 15:00 BST (14:00 UTC).


Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 8

Updates Of Note
• The Alliance Crusader, Anaconda, Beluga, Federal Corvette, Imperial Cutter, Type9 and Type10 now support multicrew of 4
• Added the 4 new Engineers (Baltanos, Eleanor Bresa, Rosa Dayette, Yi Shen) to the Colonia region.
o More info in the Engineers section of the update notes below.
• You can now disembark into the internal concourse on Wells-Class Megaships.
o Be sure to check out more info in the Megaships section of the update notes below.
• Emotes and the the Emote Marker System have been added into the game o7.
o Salute, Wave, Applaud, Disagree, Agree, Point, Stop, Advance/Go
o More info in ‘The Emote and Marker System’ section of these notes (It’s right below us actually).
• Added new missions to meet and interact with characters at settlements.
• Added new Delivery and Smuggling missions.
• Added bounty hunter and assassin ships to some Odyssey missions.
o More info in the ‘Missions’ section of these update notes.
• Updated cosmetics from Horizons to integrate properly with the Odyssey version of the game.
o More info in the ‘Character’ section of these update notes.

The Emote and Marker System
Commander Emotes and the 'Emote Marker System' have been added into the game o7.
Commanders can activate the wheel via the binding in-game under "emotes" for on-foot controls. You also have the ability to bind the individual emotes to keys of choice.

The Emotes available as part of Update 8 are: Salute, Wave, Applaud, Disagree, Agree, Point, Stop, Advance/Go
• The Emote Wheel has been added to all control schemes.
o Works much like the on foot wheel works,
• Added the ability to bind other emotes directly, allowing all emotes to be triggered without the emote wheel.
• The Point emote also prompts a marker in-game as well as an appropriate message in the comms panel.
o The Point emote has also been bound to all default control schemes.

• Dropship obstacle avoidance has been improved.
• Enforcers are now better able to maintain a line of sight on targets when fighting in undulating terrain.
• AI ships above settlements will no longer get stuck circling each other.
• AI Pilots have been taught how to better chase targets across planetary surfaces to stay hot on that tail.
• Thargoid scavengers should no longer clip through the ground.
• AI will now perform some emotes back at the player.
• Conflict zone anti-aircraft turrets can now target ship launched fighters.
• Ships auto-landing on terrain now pick better landing spots and are better able to execute landing manoeuvres smoothly.
• Settlement skimmers can now attack players positioned above them.
• Ships using Supercruise assist should now avoid applying undue roll.
• AI no longer prevent the settlement alarm from turning off if they see a neutral player.
• Vendors and Mission Givers now have lipsync animations
o So there may be some instances where potentially taxi Pilots or other really niche characters might still be broken – we have separate logs for these guys. For example: The pilot at the end of the on foot tutorial doesn't have lip sync for his audio.

• Fixed some issues with NPC voice audibility when a full-screen menu exists, like the engineers, and the ship vendors.
• Fixed the retrodrive audio emitter positions being a bit off on the Type-10.
• Fixed some cockpit audio emitter positions being a bit off on the federation corvette.
• Fixed the cockpit role panel triggering the wrong UI sounds.
• Improved the mix on the very loud mining lasers at some surface settlements.
• Fixed some odd audio anomalies on the holo-screens in settlements and social spaces.
• The ambiences in the turbolift area will sound more varied now.
• Fix for SRV turret movements not being audible to other players in your instance.
• Fixed the music above the apex counter in outpost settlements. It was accidentally muted and silent discos aren’t all that fun.
• Fixed announcer voices inside landing pad hangars. They were often not working properly.
• Fixed the very loud player breathing sounds (awkward) in ships when life support is disabled.
• Improved ship launch and land sounds.
o Most notably, if you land and then disembark immediately the landing spooling down sound should no longer cut off abruptly.
• Added a slight delay on a couple of the Apex vendor lines so you don’t hear them fade in when you exit the Apex map.
• Fix for the “Oxygen Depleted” COVAS line always being cut off during asphyxiation. The timing is better now.
• Fix for your Commander audibly gasping when disembarking from a vessel for the first time in that session
• Fixed some incorrect NPC crew lines occurring when both player and crew are deployed in and swapping between fighters and mothership.
o For example, oddities like the NPC in a fighter saying “the ship is mine” when a player swaps from helm into a 2nd fighter.
• Fix for suit voice line “A member of your team has been killed”. It wasn’t hooked up correctly.
• Fix for on foot music system not correctly identifying when player is no longer trespassing.
• Fix for the energy recharge sound not resuming after you discharge your energy link tool while in the ship boarding circle.
• Fix for turbolift door sometimes being silent on arrival.
• Fix for crash in the dialogue system sometimes caused by NPCs having a conversation in a multiplayer situation (rude).
• Fix for insight markers triggered by terminals not playing the correct ping sound.
• Fix for room ambience audio hard snapping between room entrances, when a room has multiple doors.
• Fix for social space adverts and announcers attempting to play at the same time.
• Improved some energy-related suit voice cooldown times.
• Fix for the GUI sounds in the shipyard being incorrectly silent.
• Fixed various reverb, audio propagation and render culling issues in some of the smaller settlement structures that include inside areas.

• Updated Existing Horizons cosmetics to have Odyssey Variants.
o The existing Horizons Cosmetics now have Odyssey counterparts included in their packs for no additional cost!
o Each piece of the existing gear has been split up into a torso and a legs section, allowing for compatibility with already existing Odyssey attire!
o The torso section also supports under suits allowing players to customise the base suit with existing cosmetics and have it appear underneath the jackets from the horizons packs.
• Rectified some erroneous balance values with Jump Assist on different suit types.
o With a recent update, some of the abilities to jump swayed from their original designs, we set the values back to the new scaling.

Conflict Zones
• An issue has been fixed which would cause conflict zones to occasionally spawn too close to starports.

Commodity Trading
• Fixed a Yellow Adder error when selling mission-linked cargo to a black market or Fleet Carrier.

Welcome!! Engineers Baltanos, Eleanor Bresa, Rosa Dayette, Yi Shen are now available in the Colonia region.

• Real Noise Suppression (Pressurised/Atmosphere)
• Accuracy
• Handling
• Jump Assist
• Improved Life Support
• Sprint Duration
• ADS movement

• Clip Size
• Reload Speed
• Backpack reload
• Increased Ammo reserves
• Armour rating
• Shield Regen
• Increases melee damage

• Range
• Scope
• Stability
• Backpack Capacity
• Improve Radar
• tool battery
• Battery capacity

• Synthetic audio suppression
• Headshot damage
• Quieter footsteps
• Night vision

Social spaces have been added to the standard Wells-Class Megaships!
• These social spaces include some or all of the following services:
• Inter Astra
• Apex Interstellar
• Vista Genomics
• Pioneer Supplies
• Bartender
• Frontline Solutions
• Escape Pods
o Escape Pods are available at Megaships to cover any rare situations whereby players might find themselves trapped on a Megaship and are unable to get back to their own ship.
o When you choose to use a friendly, ever supportive Escape Pod (they need a nice name) It basically sends you through the "deathflow", where you'll eventually wake up at a safe location instead.

Fleet Carriers
• When modules are added to the fleet carrier, the capacity limit increases equal to the module.
o You can read more about exactly what this fix tackles (because it's lots of info) over at the following post: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-update-8-to-include-fleet-carrier-capacity-values-fix.592123
• Prevented a case of items sometimes getting duplicated via Fleet Carriers.
• Fleet carrier UI Interactivity fixes:
o Following Update 7, the Fleet Carrier and Carrier Services screen failed to load properly and could not be interacted with. This has now been fixed.
o Fixed an issue where suspending fleet carrier services would cause the station services UI to softlock.

• New “damage decals” for glass and metal surfaces when using the rocket launchers have been added.
• Fix for decals appearing incorrectly on turrets:
o Bullethole effects wouldn't rotate with the turret itself.
o Explosion decals could look a bit odd.
• Fix implemented for an issue where turrets occasionally failed to self-correcting their alignment.
• The cuttable panel on the Atmospheric Processor unit should always fall outwards, and shouldn't get stuck within the recess.
• A fix has been implemented to combat an invisible wall that could appear and block the Player from accessing the engineer Liz Ryder.
• Ship-launched-fighters no longer contribute to Conflict Zones at settlements.
o Relieves the chance of exploit.
• The Thermal Conduit experimental effect now provides a subtle change to the laser intensity to reflect how active the effect currently is.
• A fix has been implemented for an issue whereby players could become unable to retrieve their ship with cargo aboard, after dying on foot.

Lighting & VFX
• The Recharge Tool now has VFX that is visible when viewed by another player in the same instance.
• Various light fixes at Horizons settlement locations.
• The Cockpit overheating VFX will now consistently trigger when appropriate.
o In addition, visual improvements have been made to the cockpit overheating VFX.
• Improvements made to the Thargoid “Portal” effect.
o The portal is the cool, swirly effect that goes with Thargoids coming and going.
• The Guardian Gauss Cannon explosion VFX has been rebalanced to be more compact.
• Damaged station VFX has been rebalanced.
• Lighting has been boosted in Fleet Carrier hangars.
o This will also boost the lighting in the livery when previewing items

• Further visual improvements to vehicle paint jobs to closer match their appearance in Horizons:
o Gladiator, Military and Tactical for the Taipan
o Ember & Taxi for Beluga, Dolphin, Hauler and Orca
o Asemic for Beluga and all other supported ships
o Emissary & Messenger for Beluga, Cutter, Dolphin, Courier, Cutter and Orca
o Military for Beluga & Federation Dropship
o Prestige for Beluga, Dolphin and Orca
o Pirate Faction for all ships
o Sheer Line for all ships
o Green United for Beluga and Orca
o Tactical Ice for Beluga
o Metallic SRV Paintjobs
o Chevron, Chrome, Gladiator, Iridescent, Military, Tactical & Vibrant for F63 Condor

Added mission contacts!
• These are characters that Commanders will meet during missions to fulfil various mission objectives.
• Added new mission types and a new mission variant to utilise mission contacts:
o Delivery
o Smuggling..
o Collection (from Contact).
• Added AI bounty hunter and Assassin ships into some Odyssey missions.
o If you are detected undertaking a mission against a faction, they may send a bounty hunter or Assassin after you.
o These AI will try to interdict you to claim the bounty or enact revenge.
• Added flight risk targets to Assassination and Takedown missions.
o These characters will attempt to flee via a ship if commanders trigger a settlement's alarms or begin attacking the target.
o Failing to stop the target from reaching hyperspace will fail the mission.
• Covert Heist missions from mission providers should now appear more commonly.
• Larceny missions have been adjusted to appear more commonly.
• Fixed Passenger Missions displaying the wrong rewards in alternate routes.
• Fixed guaranteed target fleeing to a point of interest during Professional Takedown missions given by mission boards.
• Fixed Covert Espionage missions sometimes not displaying objectives correctly.
• Fixed Clean Assassination missions sometimes not displaying objectives correctly.
• Fixed Restore missions sometimes causing a disconnect upon Commanders being critically injured
• Fixed Commander inventories not updating when handing over items for delivery or collection missions

• The Alliance Crusader, Anaconda, Beluga, Federal Corvette, Imperial Cutter, Type9 and Type10 now support 4 players in multicrew.
o The 4th seat will appear automatically, there is no need to purchase a new ship.

Organics & Geologicals
• Ice-type spouts now have emissive properties.
• Visual improvements to Geysers and Ice fumaroles.
• Fix for multiple floating fumaroles, lava spouts and geysers on planet surfaces.

The team have been working hard on optimisation as part of this update 8 delivery, with extensive work carried out on Odyssey’s light and shadows, optimisation of glass, skin and particles, along with render layer optimisations and further improvements to the Navmesh.

These have delivered significant performance improvements to the on-foot experience during internal tests. We ARE continuing to investigate where further optimisation can be made and will continue to take feedback on player experiences on case by case basis.

Ok so for the notes below, it's really hard to use less technical language but I'm going to run with it anyway for your interest.
I hope by including GPU or CPU callouts might help a bit with this to provide more of that honed in insight.
• Switch made from tiled to clustered lighting lists which improves the performance of lighting in areas with lots of lights, especially when there is an abundance of semi-transparent materials
o Allows for GPU performance improvements to lit effects such as glass, skin, particles, as well as the GPU light culling.
• Various improvements made to shadow prioritisation to help with performance.
o Allows for CPU performance improvement.
• This was primarily to fix the visual flickering around shadows.
o We have a more refined way of choosing the priority of shadows that display that prevent them appearing. Instances are only fixed on a case by case basis so further reports will be addressed individually.
• Various optimisations to lighting systems and light rendering
o Irradiance shader and memory bandwidth optimisation (GPU performance improvement)
o Textured light shader optimisation to avoid the use of inverse trigonometry (GPU performance improvement)
o Replace a resolve pass with a typed UAV load on supported hardware (GPU performance improvement)
o Shadowed/textured spotlight instancing for less drawcalls (both CPU and GPU improvement)
o Removing unused lighting paths (GPU performance improvement)
• Shader scalarisation optimisations.
• Fix the ordering of terrain rendering to be more optimal around structures.
• Fixed performance drops when on-foot with a number of ships flying above your head.
• Various feature and mission optimisations.

Ship/SRV/Fighter Outfitting
• The transition effect that would play when selecting between ship or SRV paint jobs has returned.

• Additional set of fixes for the aliasing seen on planet surfaces.
o Otherwise known as: Visual improvements should be seen when peering close up on a planet surface.
• Fixes for hard seams that could appear in the planet on-foot textures have been made.
o Line lines across the floor. Instances of those should no longer be visible.
• Fix implemented for a hard line that could occasionally be seen when blending between textures on planet surfaces.
• Fix implemented for sections of the planet surface disappearing when flying low to the ground.
• Fix implemented for black triangles that could appear on planet surfaces when the Camera Suite cameras were positioned close by to it.

• Fix implemented for flickering and jagged looking shadows on multiple objects, including the SRV cockpit glass.
• Fix implemented for glass materials on weapons not rendering in the correct FOV, meaning they could appear offset from the model.
• Fix implemented for the glass on plasma weapons, so it will now render correctly when directly lit.
• Improvements to multiple decals/impact effects including:
o SRV tyre tracks
o Laser trais
o Large explosion marks
• Items, weapons and accessories will now also fade along with your Commander model if another Commander stands within close range of your Commander model in social spaces.
• Improvements and fixes made to mining decals/impact effects on asteroids.
• Fixes implemented for the ship cockpit glass so that dirt, ice and condensation are more visible.
• Re-balances for cockpit glass dirt and scratches have been made.
o These effects have been re-connected to the wear and tear of the ship.
• Increased the depth of room clip volume checks to prevent objects in distant rooms sometimes being erroneously hidden.

• Fixed an issue that prevented combat bonds and bounty vouchers from being awarded to team members after they have boarded another player's vessel.
• Fixed a Black Adder disconnect when boarding an SRV after another team member disembarks from it.
• Fixed an infrequent Scarlet Krait error when controlling a team member's fighter.
• Fixed an internal server error when fetching journal data from the companion API.

Settlements (Odyssey)
• Fix for recharge points being in the wrong position on a terminal at smaller research settlements.
• Workspace lab holograms will now correctly turn off when the settlement loses power.
• The anti-ship turret platform should no longer have rocks clipping through it.
• Fix for some landing pad details disappearing at certain distances.
• Fix for a flickering effects on a glass windows at Engineer Bases.

Settlements (Horizons)
• Fix implemented for materials sometimes spawning under the ground at Dav's Hope.
• Fixes implemented for various clipping and floating objects in various settlements.
• Fixes implemented for overlapping/clipping objects at various settlements.
• Fix implemented for tower bases clipping with terrain.
• Fix implemented for gas tank hitcheck and stretched textures at Industrial settlements.
• Fix for backface culling and LODs on multiple container props.
• Fix implemented for an incorrect collision mesh with ladders at certain settlements.
• Fix for backface culling found on some Horizons biodomes.
• Fix implemented for a number of hitcheck and alignment issues at an abandoned settlements.
• Fix implemented for some floating vents on wrecked Anacondas.
• Fix implemented for backface culling on wrecked objects in some Horizons site locations.
• Fixes for multiple pieces of geometry at Horizons settlements.
• Visual improvement to ground materials at Thargoid sites.
• Fix implemented for some floating rocks at the Jameson crash site.
• Fix implemented to address some visible artefacts seen on some installation sites.
• Hitcheck fix on Thargoid barnacle.

• Fixed a Black Adder error when docking a fighter when the ship's owner is controlling another fighter.
• Weapons with a non-legacy plasma slug modification no longer retain premium ammo benefits after refuelling.
• Beluga Camera Suite cameras will no longer clip into hangar walls.
• Corvette cameras as part of the Camera Suite will no longer clip through hangar walls.
• Fix implemented for the Railgun 2B and a variety of smaller weapons from not being able to fire when equipped on certain hardpoints.
• Fix implemented to the physics of the Imperial Clipper landing gear.
• The communications panel in the SRV should now overlap with the schematic UI less.

• Corrected an issue where the AI trainer ship attempts to dock instead of carrying out his scripted task.
• Reduced the likelihood of Dylan getting mad at you for looting when picking up consumables.
• Removed the ability to disembark inside inappropriate tutorial stations

• Fixed the interdiction UI not being visible.
• Suit HUD: Added a new wheel to select emotes.
• Suit HUD: Fixed top right objectives display so it no longer has blank space on mission objectives.
• Station Services: Hiding the main content of the UI when the loading spinner is being displayed.
o This makes sure the spinner will appear over an empty UI when the player's ship is being transferred to the hangar after choosing the Outfitting/Livery options.
• Livery: Amended the timing of when standby audio events are fired off to better match the appearance and disappearance of the loading spinner.
• Transfer Panel - Fixed an issue whereby if there was no image to display, it would use the last used one (often the player's ship).
• Comms Panel: Fixed a variety of issues, including side panel focusing issues, icon alignment and formatting and layout issues when opening and closing some side panels.
• Comms Panel: Fixed an issue where opening the comms panel when using the quickcomms option would cause some layout problems.
• Backpack: Added descriptions and titles to the empty states for the different sections.
• Odyssey Engineers: Added pin blueprint functionality
• Bartender: Added a pin icon for resources needed for pinned blueprints.
• Map Bookmarks: After editing or deleting a bookmark in the manager popup, the focus will remain on the position in the list instead of reverting to the first button.
• Map Bookmarks: Fixed an issue where the numbers for bookmarks being sent to the UI were incorrect.
• Map Bookmarks: Fixed an issue where player and squadron bookmarks weren't counted together in some instances.
• Horizons Engineers: Fixed an incorrect mission audio sound when opening the modules pop-up.
• Role Panel: Fixed an issue related to the panel triggering the wrong audio events.
• Item Wheel: Updated the way the ItemWheel UI handles resizing images so that we can have larger images for Emotes as they do not have item counts.
• Mission Board: Improved formatting for missions with long titles.
• Cockpit: Added in-world Capture Points marker for on foot Conflict Zones
• Codex: Fixed an issue where the middle segment of the archive screen could not be navigated to by controller or keyboard.
• Mission Board: Fixed the planetary icon so it no longer overlaps the superpower icon.


Known Issues:
Please remember that it's impossible to list out every issue currently known and open in Elite Dangerous right now here in the notes, however I'd like to share a few of the heavy hitters which hopefully help with any concerns from recent reports.
We will of course continue to work through additional feedback and legacy issues moving forward where possible.

• Issues with Atmospheric Lighting:
o We've heard your reports on issues around Atmospheric Lighting, namely those included in the following Issue Tracker report: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/42691
o Internal investigation is ongoing.
• During on-foot combat at a conflict zone settlement, the player camera visibly recoils and shakes when taking damage (i.e. taking fire from enemy gunfire, grenade blasts) however sometimes this camera shaking continues after taking said damage, and becomes quite aggressive and uncontrollable.
• The cockpit of the Python does not show cracked glass and iced over effects at the moment.
• A Crash occurs when opening an inbox message from Professor Palin.
o This will affect those switching between Horizons and Odyssey / opening Odyssey mission contracts in Horizons.
o High priority to address and under investigation. Will update on progress asap.
• Commanders should be able to kick other players out of their Wing/Team, and currently cannot.
• Starting Frameshift makes the game freeze/lock (Horizons reported).
o This doesn't happen all of the time, but we want to acknowledge that we're aware it does happen and it's internally logged and being investigated at earliest convenience.
• Players are taking multiple of the same mission to a destination and are sometimes hitting an error. This is under investigation.
• Naming Bookmarks On Creation In The System Map Does Not currently Work
o When navigating into the System Map and selecting a location to bookmark (i.e. a settlement, planet, starport etc.) you are given the option to name the bookmark before confirming its creation. Despite entering a custom name into the field however, after confirming it a UI prompt appears displaying the location's default name (e.g. the name of the settlement) rather than the custom name you just entered.
• Rarity of Settlement Defence Plans.
o Still very much known and tracked.
• Thermal conduit too strong and gives incorrect damage increase.
o Still under internal investigation and tracked.
• Planets and Moons orbit lines not visible in the FSS when in VR.
o Still under internal investigation and tracked.
• Parts of the first person UI are visible when in the Camera Suite free cam, while in the 2nd or 3rd seat of a Type-10.
Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders.

Thanks so much for the continued responses from so very many of you, following this week's deployment of Update 7 for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, along with the 'Quality of Life' update for Horizons.

We have a couple of issues we'd like to tackle sooner than later, so these will be going out this early afternoon.

Servers will flick offline at approximately 13:30 UTC / 14:30 BST (give or take several minutes) and will be expected to be down for no longer than 10 minutes for the updates to deploy.

Updates of note for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey
  • A fix has been implemented for where engineered weapons were....dealing extreme amounts of damage
  • A fix has been implemented for the tutorial not starting when selecting 'Start' from the main menu.
  • Tritium collected in a legitimate way should no longer be marked as stolen.
  • Ambient traffic can now be expected to spawn around settlements and planetary ports or in space locations that are close to planets such as Conflict Zones & Resource Extraction Sites.
  • A fix has been implemented for Commanders receiving too many credits when selling commodities at a profit.
  • An issue has been fixed whereby some players were receiving a "Commander Data" error when logging into the game after logging out, when embarked on an Apex Interstellar ship.
  • An issue has been fixed with insurance discounts being calculated incorrectly when remotely rebuying & transferring a destroyed ship.
  • Reverted change to Data Ports that made downloading all forms of Data an illegal act. Now, only data that is alarmed is illegal to download.
    We've also reduced Data Transfer times by up to 75% following your thoughts and feedback.
Forgive the first point of repetition here, but I just want to make "what's in where" as crystal as possible.

Updates of note for Elite Dangerous: Horizons
  • The fix has been implemented for engineered weapons dealing extreme amounts of damage.
  • A fix has been implemented for an issue where extremely large value combat bonds would be displayed incorrectly preventing hand-in.
  • Top bounties now display correctly in each system.
  • Improvements to material fragments, when mined from deposits, have been made - reducing the likelihood of them getting stuck inside asteroids.
  • A general stability fix has been implemented to prevent one of those illusive server crashes.

Known Issues:
  • Interdiction UI is offset from the centre of the cockpit view.
  • Fleet Carrier UI can softlock.
  • Fleet Carrier UI sometimes fails to format incorrectly. Instances where you see icon overlaps, button sizes changing or appearing strange, buttons randomly becoming un-clickable. Oddities like that.
  • Investigating Commanders who were unable to modify their suits or weapons. We're almost there with this one! The team are part way through working on it.
  • Commanders shall move their lips again! Lip sync issues are getting some special attention following continued reports.
  • The Session Log within the Codex is greyed out and inaccessible.
  • Some weapon damage values are still potentially not entirely what you were previously used to. We'll carry on looking into instances of these.
  • Investigating a report of Interstellar Factors not working as expected.
Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Many more greetings Commanders.

As promised, this is the first instalment of a dedicated 'Quality Of Life' update being brought to Horizons.
Theres more to come as we go along the forthcoming updates (to be clear this is not the forthcoming "true parity update") of the year, so we'll keep you informed of progress made.


Updates of note:
• Increased module and bookmark storage: Limit of 200 each.
o The increase limit only applies for personal bookmarks. The Squadron bookmark limit has not been changed.
• An issue has been fixed with how damage is applied to Thargoids in order to fix Thargoid Hearts appearing to become invincible.
o Previously Player A could shoot thargoid heart but Player B (authority) would register that it didn't hit the heart and thus apply no damage.

Additional Updates:
• A fix has been implemented for an incorrectly rotated tunnel section within an installation.
• A fix has been implemented for a tower clipping into buildings at Horizons bases.
• Module UI now updates to accurately show when a heatsink has been re-armed, along with cockpit UI.
• A fix has been implemented for the data link reticule, which sometimes appeared to be the incorrect colour when players targeted a scannable asset in analysis mode.
• Data link and composition scanner reticules are now distinguishable from each other in analysis mode - the composition scanner reticule has been flipped to display vertically.
• A fix has been implemented for the SRV not being able to fire after ammo synthesis.
• When hiding the UI in the livery preview, the name of the equipped paintjob will no longer be hidden as well.
• A fix has been implemented for a floating pipe that popped up at some planet ports.
• Spanish character Ñ will now appear in nameplate/ID for ships.
• A fix has been implemented for Powerplay modules not having the 'buy back option'.
• A fix has been implemented for Scavengers that would occasionally clip through the ground at Thargoid sites.
• A fix has been implemented for a missing text string in the HIP 15609 system.
• A fix has been implemented for Super Power promotions, where they were not always being reported in the UI at the same time as the inbox message arriving.
• A fix has been implemented for Thargoid site doors opening at incorrect times for players.
• A fix has been implemented for Ship Launched Fighter kills counting towards CZ progress.
• A fix has been implemented for hyperspace break sometimes not working for Supercruise Assist module.
• The analysis mode reticule for the data link will no longer persist onscreen after the SRV stows it's turret, or in the ship UI when the player re-boards.
• Fixes for multiple typos throughout the game in general have been addressed.
• A fix has been implemented for some materials that were displaying incorrect rarity or grades.
• Overlapping text in the Commander Stats UI has been fixed.
• A fix has been implemented for repair limpets not repairing the correct consistent amount on ships with damage regions (e.g. Anaconda).
• A fix has been implemented for defending captains in space conflict zones awarding combat bonds from the opposing faction.
• Fixed intermittent hang on exiting the game
• Squadrons UI - Fixed filters navigation not being reset
• Fix for misaligned assets at Research Base
• Fix CQC ranks above Elite being displayed incorrectly.

• The process where control of a starsystem is lost by revolt now correctly accounts for income already provided to competing control systems.
• Income values have been updated for many control systems so they're the sum of their own income PLUS all the systems they currently exploit (note: this will need a table of powers, starsystems and CC numbers for the forums with plenty of notice for players to react).
o Income from the week will change. See the following post for more details: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-updates-to-powerplay-in-update-7.590030/

Known Issues:
There are naturally more issues out there to cover and work furthre on, but we're calling these out specifically as they seem to be newly introduces as part of this update.

1. No notification of Fleet Carrier jump for players until 10 seconds before the jump itself.
Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders.

Update 7 for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is welcomed in today with a plethora of tweaks, fixes and more as we journey onward with quality improvements, galaxy wide.

Updates Of Note
• Anti-Air Turrets have now been added to conflict zones.
• Added Apex Taxi redirection.
• New variations of Social Hubs.
• AMD CAS has been re-added, and is mutually exclusive to FSR.
• Enforcer Units are now present in Conflict Zones.
• Increased module and bookmark storage: There's a new limit of 200 each. The increase limit only applies for personal bookmarks. The Squadron bookmark limit has not been changed.
• An issue has been fixed with how damage is applied to Thargoids in order to fix Thargoid Hearts appearing to become invincible.
• An issue has been fixed which prevented viewing and signing up to community goals as expected.
• Fixed issue causing community goals to be removed from a commander while abandoning a mission.

• AI in a settlement will now register a crime if they see a player transferring data.
• Identity theft crimes spotted by AI should only be reported and result in a fine once.
• Criminal AI will no longer spawn after the power regulator at a settlement has been removed.
• Criminals will now wear bespoke outfits.
• Reckless endangerment is now only triggered after a weapon has been drawn for over a second.
• AI are now drawn more effectively to areas where alarms are active and do a better job of exploring the area.
• Settlement AI will now attempt to re-enable a building's atmosphere if it has been disabled.
• Guests at tourism settlements can no longer radio for backup.
• After notifying the player, AI will always complete scans, providing that the player remains accessible and does not flee.
• Groups of AI shouldn't all announce at once when they are moving to weapons range.
• AI in different rooms should no longer engage in conversations.
• Having a player ship visible but out of combat range no longer prevents AI from de-escalating from combat.
• Grenade throwing is now replicated more accurately between players in multiplayer situations.
• Enforcers now engage at distances suitable for their rocket launcher when they are outside and at pistol range when inside.
• Enforcers will be more decisive about which weapon type they intend to use (This made me giggle a bit. Imagine them literally panicking on the battlefield over this decision).
• New AI dialogue added for civilians and combateers (including combat taunts and more).
• NPCs in concourse areas should no longer get into states where they can't call out to the player.
• NPC characters should now be positioned correctly at starports after player lands with flight assist off.
• Settlement turrets will take damage from explosions and are more effective at determining who to become hostile to.
• Ship launched fighters no longer spam 'Area Clear' messages.
• Ship launched fighters can now always be recallable and shouldn't block players in other fighters from docking.
• AI ships can now attack ship launched fighters.
• It should no longer be possible for assassination mission target ships to drop out of supercruise so close to a star that they are unreachable.
• Incoming dropships should deploy their troops if they are in final approach when a conflict zone ends, otherwise they should just leave.
• AI arriving via dropship will transition out of their deployment animation when they land.
• Shuttles that land at settlements without using the landing pad should now take off as expected when players board.
• Recalled ships now retract their weapons and have working SRV bays when they land.
• Attacking any offline settlement turret won't issue a fine to the player or trigger hostility.

• Options to enable or disable suit voice lines have been added.
• Non-combat music cue timings at settlements and when in remote locations have been improved.
• Apex Shuttle docking announcement UI and Audio timing have been adjusted to match the touchdown of the shuttle.
• Mission complete animation audio fimprovements have been implemented.
• On foot player impact hitmark "blips" have been improved.
• Station service ambience start and stop sounds have been adjusted and improved.
• "Muffled" door sound has now been fixed and sounds appropriate.
• Cockpit role panel volume has been improved.
• On foot capture points are now audible through walls and other obstructions. Improvements also made to the distance roll off.
• Fixed instances of missing ambient music in the Codex menus.
• Grenade explosions audio mix has been improved
• External building ambience mix has been improved.

• Fixed lip sync issues with Apex and Frontline pilots.
• Fixed jump assist fuel usage so that holding the button and repeatedly tapping it will reach the same height.
• Fixed an issue that was producing jittering while moving down slopes.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs might get stuck during death flow.

• Fixed 'distance walked on foot statistic' not always incrementing correctly. This data will now be represented accurately.
• Statistics for 'number of vehicles and ships destroyed' will now display whilst on foot.

Conflict Zones
• A fix has been implemented for defending captains in space conflict zones awarding combat bonds from the opposing faction.
• In the "conflict zone retreat gameplay flow", backpack contents will now be automatically added to locker (as much as possible) and otherwise dropped. By “dropped”, be aware that this means that dropped contents will disappear upon being teleported to the dropship.
• Ship launched fighters no longer grant combat bonds in conflict zones.
• An issue has been fixed whereby deploying in an SRV at a conflict zone could prevent you from joining a side in the conflict.
• An issue has been fixed whereby suit mods would fail to be applied while respawning in a conflict zone.

• An issue has been fixed whereby some control layering issues were preventing players from setting controls back to 'default scheme', due to key binding conflicts.

Commodity Trading
• Odyssey settlements no longer advertise their commodity market prices via the galaxy map for Horizons players.

• A crash that could occur when joining a team with a player who is currently at a mission POI in another system no longer occurs.
• A crash that could occur when quitting while shared mission invites are outstanding has been addressed.
• A crash that could occur while exiting to menu while using terminals no longer happens.

• An issue has been fixed whereby bounties of physical multicrew members were not being detected by crime scans and added to their ship.
• The Kill Warrant Scanner will now indicate crimes of physical crew members, not only the helm of the ship.
• Receiving messages for claiming a bounty when destroying a player's fighter even though you don't actually gain a bounty claim until you destroy the mothership, no longer happens.

• Improvements have been made to planetary detail on slopes around Horizons engineers that have their own unique bases.
• An issue has been fixed whereby an invisible wall could block players from reaching Bill Turner on some hangars (poor Bill. Maybe he liked it that way).
• An issue has been fixed whereby engineers sometimes took materials but didn't apply the mod (cheeky...).

Fleet Carriers/Mega ships
• Fleet Carrier asset value has been added to the Commander total net worth statistic.
• Added automatic Purchase Order cancellation on Fleet Carriers that could no longer afford them, along with an Inbox message to inform the owner.
• You can now donate stolen Tritium to a Fleet Carrier.
• An issue has been fixed whereby Fleet Carriers sometimes were erroneously being marked as mission destinations on the system map.

• Consumables can now be used directly from the ground using the secondary interaction key binding.
• Tools can now be holstered by pressing the same button that equipped them.
• Buying back items will now ignore entitlements so that Powerplay items that you are no longer eligible for can be bought back.
• The Bartender no longer accepts trades for an item using the same item.
• Thargoid Swarm size now shows when targetted.
• When attempting to trade with the Bartender whilst having a full inventory, some errors would occur. These no longer happen.
• Third person aiming has been improved for when using the arc cutter, so that it looks more correct to observing players.
• Confirming a transfer from the boarding panel will now return you to on foot unless this is an emergency transfer.
• Powerlink siphoning used to continue while meleeing or using greandes. It doesn't anymore.
• The disembark button is no longer greyed out when the player is in an area within a station where they can't disembark, such as the port surface or station inner dock.
• Repair limpets will now repair the correct, consistent amount on ships with damage regions (e.g. Anaconda)
• The Arc Cutter will now work through obstructions (e.g. other players - Yikes. Sounds painful)
• Tweaks added for data port download/upload AI responses.
• The item wheel button is now a toggle rather than hold interaction.
• An issue has been fixed whereby the comms panels would not update availability of interaction options with other players while open (e.g. when a player logs in or off).
• A privacy screen has been applied to terminals while other players are using them (that's so other Commander's can't steal your style before you even have the chance to try it on...).
• Seeker and Pack Hound Missiles no longer cause double damage on shields. For example, weapons that launch missiles, torpedos, or mines, no longer erroneously apply their damage twice to shields.

Lighting & VFX
• Improvements to light that was leaking into some dock hangars have been made.
• Additional improvements to space station exterior lighting and emissives have been made.
• Improvements to Fleet Carrier lighting have been made.
• Improvements to Capital Ship lighting have been made.
• Improvements to all ship emissives have been made.
• A fix has been implemented for ship drives not appearing dark when your ship is docked.
• Improvements to VFX of destroyed turrets have been made.
• A fix has been implemented for a "ghosting" effect seen in cockpit when ship would overheat.
• Improvements and fixes to the emissives on Thargoids have been made.
• A fix has been implemented for mining lasers appearing faint in some situations.
• A fix has been implemented for a missing light source on SRV ramp.
• A fix has been implemented for a blinking green light going on in abandoned SRVs.
• Improvements to lighting on assets at multiple legacy sites have been made.
• A fix has been implemented for unstable shadows in some Settlement room locations.

• Sorting behaviour in livery store has been improved.

• Mission availability has been rebalanced, so that missions that should be less available based on a faction's current states don't unintentionally suppress the availability of other missions that are. This results in improved Support mission availability amongst others.
• Improvements to wording and layout for the objectives shown on the HUD during Odyssey missions have been made.
• Scavengers scouring offline settlements will no longer appear to "pop-in" under certain circumstances and instead arrive via dropship.
• An issue has been fixed whereby incorrect quantities of cargo were removed when completing a support mission.
• Various mission stability updates have been made.
o Digital Espionage missions would sometimes fail to display HUD objectives, this should now be alleviated.
o Salvage missions to shipwrecks will now display HUD objectives as they were not previously.
o In some instances, Scavengers that should be present for missions would not be present. This is now fixed.
o In missions where we consider the mission completed after an objective has been completed and is considered irreversible, e.g. Assassination, more time will be added to the end of the mission to give commanders more time to hand in the mission (want me to type 'mission' one more time?).
• Some missions had inconsistencies with missing text. These have now been fixed.
• Illegal missions icons will now be highlighted in purple.
• Faction icons have been added to mission listings.
• UI has been improved for mission titles to allow longer mission titles to be displayed .
• Passengers of abandoned or failed missions will now disembark as oppose to confining themself to a life of...staying put.
• Incorrectly reported influence on completed mission summaries and journal entries now no longer happens.
• An issue has been fixed for a cosmetic issue on completed mission summaries, that was incorrectly showing reputation and influence rewards as credits rewards.
• The "Failed Missions" section has been removed from the rebuy screen.
• Odyssey missions no longer erroneously appear beyond the Commander's current reputation level with a faction.
• An issue has been fixed for being unable to locate a mission location on a planet surface, when you are a passenger in another Commander's ship.
• An issue has been fixed whereby mission items relevant to the current location were not being automatically transferred into backbacks on disembark.
• Team members will now be able to see markers for planetary locations relevant to missions that are shared with them.

• When in multicrew on another players ship, if they are docked and lose connection with the host (e.g. the host logged off), crew members will be given a chance to choose to disembark rather than being forcibly relocated to their last on-foot location.
• An issue has been fixed whereby the request docking button became unresponsive when in multicrew fighters and a crew fighter has already docked.
• The ability to cancel docking from the mothership role panel has been readded.
• A fix has been implemented whereby the SRV could get stuck in a bay when a team member disconnects while in the SRV and boarding.

Organics & Geologicals
• Improvements and fixes to the lava spout materials have been made, including the addition of emissives and improved blending.
• Improvements to the mineable materials from Organics and Geologicals have been made.
• Visual Improvements to several Tussock organics, including a smoother transition between LODs have been made.
• A fix has been added for a floating gas vent seen at some locations.

• Large optimisation madeto vehicle collision: A particular win for collision in the SRV and navigating over obstacles.
• Various optimisation improvements have been made to AI pathfinding and navigation.
• the loading time has been significantly decreased for when opening the system map in a system with settlements present.
• Minor terrain optimisations have been made.
• Optimisation to cuttable regions on assets have been made.
• Optimisations to the lighting system have been made, including to the tiled lists, shading, light probes, and light culling.
• Minor optimisation to avatar hair lighting have been made.
• Optimisations to the glass shader used in ships and guardian fighters have been made.
• Optimisations to the glass shader used on social space and settlement props have been made.
• Fixes and optimisations to the scatter rock LODs have been made.
• Hitcheck optimisations on the landing gear of all ships have been made.
• Optimisations to AI line of sight have been made.
• Minor optimisation to AI movement has been made.
• Optimisation tweaks implemented for the player HUD.

• An issue has been fixed whereby only one of each outfitting module could be purchased direct-to-storage.
• An issue has been fixed whereby invalid suit data would cause a client crash when accessing the customisation UI.
• The Planetary Approach Suite will now always be automatically upgraded when logging in via Odyssey and downgraded when logging in via Horizons.

• Improvements to the aliasing seen on planet surfaces have been made.
o Please note that this continues to be investigated. We're not done yet!
• Issues have been addressed for artefacting that could appear on a planet surface when moving closer to it.
o Similary fixes included for artefacts that could appear in the landable planet textures.
• Improvements have been made to the Ambient Occlusion on planet terrain.
o You'll basically notice some mproved shadows and lighting on planet surfaces.
• Improvements to landable planet texture blending have been made.
• A fix has been implemeneted whereby scatter rocks occasionally blended with planet terrain incorrectly.
• A fix has been implemeneted whereby scatter rocks occasionally had the wrong planet texture applied.
• A fix has been implemeneted for some rocks appearing to float on slopes.
• Further improvements to the roughness values of rocky and ice materials have been made.
o Snow is shinier and rock is rougher.
• New impact effects have been added for the rocket launcher.
• Improvements to footprints made on ice lake materials have been made.

• A fix has been implemeneted around mineral distribution from fumerole objects, so there's now improved consistency/rate for when finding particular grades of materials on planetary surfaces.
• When relogging in a Thargoid structure on foot, any of the player's SRVs will be relocated so they aren't stranded inside.
• Container loot now 'snaps' to the ground to stop assets spawning under the surface or appear floating at POIs.
• Fix implemented for NHSS not spawning their Interceptors
• The blue location marker in the nav panel will now not show on settlements or other surface locations unless you are actually close to them.

• The process where control of a starsystem is lost by revolt now correctly accounts for income already provided to competing control systems.
• Income values have been updated for many control systems so they're the sum of their own income PLUS all the systems they currently exploit (note: this will need a table of powers, starsystems and CC numbers for the forums with plenty of notice for players to react).
o Income from the week will change. See the following post for more details: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-updates-to-powerplay-in-update-7.590030/

• Improvements to the blending of spherical particles have been made!
• Settlement reactor glass no longer renders in front of steam.
• A fix has been implemented for incorrect colours occasionally being present in the environment maps.
• A fix has been implemented for artefacts most often seen in fog when using FSR.
• A fix has been implemented for occasions when avatars at some stations would all have blonde or white hair (they do have more fun though, apparantly...)

• A fix has been implemented whereby some tourist beacons were positioned near rings, making them hard to approach.
• A fix has been implemented whereby many mission tip off locations failed to spawn in Odyssey.

Settlements (new for Odyssey)
• A fix has been implemented for a small gap that could appear beneath the entry archway at some Settlements.
• A fix has been implemented for some instances of z-fighting on roof assets at some settlements.
• A fix has been implemented for hitcheck at the bottom section of the reactor asset to now prevent players from being able to be pushed through it.

Settlements (Horizons)
• Further lighting and VFX improvements have been made to Thargoid sites.
• A fix has been implemented for a missing schematic for the cargo rack model. This primarily affected minor wreckage sites.
• The positioning of a known settlement has been re-adjusted to prevent players clipping through its ramp section.

• Improvements to the 'metallic' visuals of the SRV have been made.
• A fix has been implemented for bullet decals/effects not being present when firing the SRV dual repeater on planet terrain.
• A fix has been implemented for the Python shield percentage appearing unreadable against cockpit materials.
• A fix has been implemented for the orientation of the rear utility mounts on the Asp and the Asp Scout.
• A fix has been implemented for missing textures on the drives of some wrecked ships.
• Fixes and improvements have been made to the materials of some exterior and cockpit wrecked ship assets.
• Improvements and fixes to the materials for wrecked Anaconda, Sidewinder, Cobra MKII, Federation Fighter, Diamondback, Eagle and wrecked Type 9 ships have been made.
• Improvements and fixes to the materials for wrecked Thargoid Scouts have been made.
• A fix has been implemented for the landing gear bounding volume of Krait.
• Visual effects incorrectly displaying from impact made to the SRV windscreen have now been fixed.
• A fix has been implemented for the Beluga rear view of the Camera Suite to prevent it clipping into the hangar by default.
• The Beluga external fixed camera of the Camera Suite now shows more of the side of the ship.
• Reinforcement Dropships now have police paintjobs applied to the ship - including for Federation, Alliance and Empire.
• Continued improvements and adjustments to ship paintjobs have been made, so that they match much closer to Horizons:
o Vivid Paintjob for the SRV, Federation and Empire Fighters
o Azure
o Apollo
o Crypsis
o Pharoah
o Mechanist
o Osiris
o Precision
o Predator
o Salvage
o Squadron
o Turbulence
o Icarus
o RazorMetallic
o Synth
o Tactical
• Fixed infinite reload time when synthesising ammo for SRVs with an empty magazine.
• Altered ship vs human collisions such that ship velocity is taken into consideration. Stops humanoids being launched into the air, being damaged at low velocity, and makes surface slippy so they are more likely to fall off.

• An issue has been fixed which caused the shipyard to display only your current ship, even if multiple owned ships were stored there.
• Whilst on foot, you will now be able to rebuy destroyed ships that had fine and bounties.

Social Spaces & Hangars
• Station social spaces will now have theme variants! (See more info in ‘Updates of Note’ section at the very top of this post).
• A fix has been implemented for the area close to turbo-lifts, where Camera Suitse could clip through geometry.
• A wall position has been adjusted which could cause a small gap in hangars.
• The Vista Genomics logo is now darker and more legible.
• A fix has been implemented for texture artefacting on some hangar pad doorways.

• UI will now indicate if the player has been issued with a reckless endangerment or trespass warning.
• UI will now display the correct Scavenger count in the objective for Eliminate Scavenger missions.
• External Panel - Added a new UI for redirecting Apex Shuttles in-flight, by selecting a valid destination from the Navigation panel or via a new Apex panel which leads to the galaxy/system map
o Dropships and scripted taxis cannot be redirected.
• External Panel - A new button type has been added to the Nav Panel's location popup, for Apex Shuttle redirection.
• External Panel - A fix has been implemented to stop location information text overlapping with the selected option text, when focused on a location in the navigation panel.
• Map UI - Text has been centered for tooltips when they have multiple lines.
• Map UI - Tooltip item renderers have been polished.
• Map UI - Updated the Friends panel in the Galaxy Map with a new icon.
• Map UI - Added a new Friends sticky panel to the Galaxy Map, which displays a list of friends in the selected system.
• Map UI - Searched Squadron bookmarks will now have their text green in the drop down list.
• Map UI - The speed of map panning when in VR mode has been increased.
• Map UI - Added bookmarks to the Galaxy Map Search system. Added Squadron bookmark support too.
• Option Panel - An issue has been fixed whereby combo buttons with only 2 options would occasionally highlight another similar button when selected.
• Missions - Audio events have been added for the Mission Reward animation.
• Mission Board - An issue has been fixed with the passenger lounge cabin picker input using the mouse.
• Mission Board - An issue has been fixed with the passenger mission details panel not adding certain item renderers.
• Mission Board - Planetary missions now display a "planetary" icon instead of Horizon's logo.
• Mission Giver - An issue has been fixed whereby a truncation issue from a mission giver, where commodities/material rewards with long names, would get cut off they go over 2 lines.
• Contacts Panel - An issue has been fixed whereby text was getting cut off when there were no contacts in your contacts panel.
• Transfer Panel - Updates have been made to the images used for Regulator Housing schematics for use in the Transfer Panel.
• Transfer Panel - An issue has been fixed which could cause a long list of items to intersect with the header while on foot.
• Transfer Panel - Fixed a corrupted Russian string in the transfer panel.
• Transfer Panel - Fixed an issue that was present with mouse input when selecting a button in the toggle transfer popup.
• Transfer Panel - Support has been added for mode transfer (discard/transfer), and closes the popup when switching between discard mode and transfer mode.
• Transfer Panel - The transfer panel has been updated in the SRV/Cockpit to have the correct enabled state on the confirm button after a transaction has been completed, instead of this defaulting to always enabled.
• Transaction Panels - Re-enabled the threat level and coloured background in transaction panels when relevant.
• Transaction Panel - The contribution string in the community goal transaction panels can now go on to multiple lines without issue.
• Transaction Panel - Fixed some padding issues (areas around the UI) for the community transaction details.
• Role panel - Removed the toggle off sound from the Tabbed Content Panel.
• Role panel - Fixed blurry avatar for NPC crew members.
• Cockpit UI - An error has been fixed whereby the shield text string would persist after targetting an object that shouldn't show any shields.
• Cockpit UI - Added "HostDisconnect" icon where relevant to improve feedback for host disconnection.
• Cockpit UI - An issue has been fixed whereby a targets health would be mismatched between the targets panel on the left, and the gauge target panel.
• Comms - Fixed error when opening a message in on-foot comms, specifically for a Wrinkle/Mission Branch message.
• Comms - Fixed Team options popup not opening in ship comms panel.
• Comms - Fixed Comms UI sometimes showing wrong data when initialised with social tab.
• Comms - Fixed tab switching on the comms panel when looking at it in freelook.
• Comms - Fixed Friends tab refreshing Friend entries with correct status, upon joining Private Group or Open Play.
• Comms - All tabs in the Comms panel have recieved some visual improvement.
• Crew Lounge - Fixed an issue in the crew lounge where going over the crew limit (via rehiring fired crew) would allow the UI to enter a broken state where you can continually hire crew.
• Starport UI / Terminals - Fixed softlock when opening Local News in Starport Services or Terminal Screens
• Starport UI / Terminals - Fixed padding & legibility issues within the UI for these areas.
• Terminals - Updated the terminals notifications icons for staff and facilities so that they can now be marked by wing members.
• Squadrons UI - Fixed filters navigation not being reset.
• Main Menu - Fixing an ultra-wide screen texture which obscures the edges of the screen for UI purposes.
• Tech Broker - Fixed Tech broker hardpoints icons so they display correct weapon type from gimballed / turreted / fixed.
• Outfitting - Replaced the pip progress bar on the store multiple modules popup with a regular pop up bar to avoid it extending off the popup when numbers reach a certain amount.
• Humanoid HUD - Added team members icon markers in compass to indicate what's been marked by them on a terminal.
• Weapon/Suit Vendor - Update made to the player loadouts so when you are upgrading your suit or weapon, the grade indicator will now be blue in line when the rest of the information pertaining to the upgrade.
• Weapon/Suit Vendor - Added subtitles to the suit/weapon vendor states for UI so that they will appear when purchasing suits/weapons.
• Shipyard - Updated the shipyard so that we make sure all text is translated before we truncate it, this avoids issue where text was incorrectly appearing as "..." despite actually fitting in the area provided.
• Shipyard - Added a warning message for transferring you current ship to your location when it has cargo in it.
• Vista Genomics - Fixed an issue in the Vista Genomics contact UI where navigating the buttons at the bottom of the home panel with WASD would cause the focus to reset back to the grid at the top.
• A discard mode for the onfoot inventory transfer panel has been added.
• The "View Gamer Card" button on crew role panel for PC has been removed, as this is only meant for Xbox.
• The Crew role tab has been removted when irrelevant (Ships with no multicrew seats and no npc crew).
• An issue has been fixed whereby heatsink and shield cell ammo levels could become out of sync between modules tab and HUD.
• An issue has been fixed whereby extremely large value combat bonds would be displayed incorrectly preventing hand-in.
• Fixed a missing title in unsafe temperatures notification.
• Added headbob intensity slider to graphics options.
Elite Dangerous - Frontier Developments
Greetings Commanders.

At approximately 14:30UTC/15:30 BST we will be bringing the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey servers offline in order to accomodate a small patch to address some current issues.
Once again, this is Odyssey servers only.

Downtime should be no longer than 15 minutes.

Updates of note:

  • The bartender will no longer crash your game when you try and sell your goods to them.
    There is a small chance that the bartender could be a little stubborn...If you encounter this issue again, give one of us a nudge.
  • An issue has been fixed whereby NPC's would no longer use flashlights in the dark making it very hard to see.
    This fix also applies for Scavengers.
  • An issue has been fixed whereby Commanders were unable to aim down the sight of the Intimidator weapon.
  • An issue has been fixed whereby a crash could sometimes happen during outfitting.
  • Trying to manage a suit loadout from in ship or SRV on a planet surface caused game to immediately crash for some Commanders.
  • Some players experienced a 'Black Adder' disconnect when purchasing and equipping a livery item. Instances of this should now be resolved.
  • An issue has been fixed whereby point defense turrents were failing to destroy hatch breaker limpets.
  • Fixed POI (retrieval) mission progression.
    Some Commanders were experiencing an issue whereby they couldn't hand in item retrieval missions. These instances are now fixed.
  • 'Hold E to Loot' was proving troublesome for many. We've listened and understood, thereby reverting the action back to being a single button press.
  • An issue has been fixed whereby auto launch would eject ships to outside of mass lock range.
  • An issue has been fixed whereby torches would not be visible in the camera suite, nor on other players in an instance.
  • An issue has been fixed whereby Ship Launched Fighter crew would get a little overconfident with their acknowledgements.
  • An issue has been fixed whereby the Ship AI could disengage super cruise too close to stars.
  • An issue has been fixed whereby ambient occlusion would not render correctly at certain resolutions - including when using FSR.
  • "Balanced" can be selected in the FSR graphics options.
  • Fix for FSR not working with VR HMD virtual flatscreen.
  • Improvements made to general stability.

We'll continue on farming your wonderful feedback - it keeps on enabling all teams involved to make those extra strides for Elite Dangerous even longer, so let's keep going!
Keep an eye out here on the Forums and across social for further info on more information around updates and more in the coming days and weeks ahead!

See you in the black o7

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