Elite Dangerous - Stephen Benedetti (Frontier)
Greetings Commanders,

As we approach the end of 3305, we wanted to take a moment to thank each and every Commander who has joined us in our own slice of the Milky Way this last year!

This was a year of celebrations for the studio as we celebrated 35 years of Elite (1984), 25 years of Frontier Developments and our recent 5th year anniversary. These celebrations could not have happened without you, our community, passionately supporting us over the years, and as a special thank you, we are also running a competition with the chance to win an Alienware Aurora R8 Gaming PC!

Throughout this year, we've paved the way for new cadets to earn their wings with the introduction of the April and September updates, bringing in the New Starter Experience, Supercruise Assist and Advanced Docking modules as well as a number of quality of life changes and improvements. In preparation for next year's January Update, you joined us for the open beta and aided in the development of Elite Dangerous by and jumping into the beta, reporting issues and bugs and sharing amazing feedback!

3305 also saw the arrival of the Interstellar Initiatives; Bridging the Gap, The Enclave, The Scourge, and our most recent, The Golconda. With your very actions, you helped shape permanent changes to the galaxy, from the creation of a Guardian-excavation hub to the colonisation of the Witch Head Nebula; the introduction of new rare goods and BGS states, as well as shaping the future of a forgotten people found adrift among the stars.

While we'll be celebrating the holidays with loved ones in our home stations, don't hesitate to share your messages and get in touch with us through all the usual channels!

We are looking forward to the year 3306, with the introduction of the long-awaited Fleet Carriers and more details about what's in store for the future of Elite Dangerous! Join us for our first Let's Play livestream on the 6 January at 12:00 (UTC) on YouTube, Twitch and Mixer. We'll see you there!

The Elite Dangerous team
Elite Dangerous - Stephen Benedetti (Frontier)

Greetings Commanders,

In celebration of 5 years of Elite Dangerous, and to usher in the New Year, we've got an awesome opportunity to grab yourself an Alienware Aurora R8 Gaming PC - a little treat for those post-holiday blues!

To enter, simply click here and follow the competition's instructions. The more actions you carry out, the more entries you'll receive giving you better chances of winning this amazing prize!

The competition ends on the 8 January 2020 11:59 PM (UTC), so don't miss this chance... and good luck!
Elite Dangerous - Stephen Benedetti (Frontier)
Greetings Commanders,

It feels like only yesterday that we were celebrating 35 years of Elite, and today is call for another celebration... the 5th anniversary of Elite Dangerous. Since the launch of the Kickstarter, we've seen Commanders across PC, PlayStation and Xbox come together to blaze their trails across the Milky Way.

This birthday is yours as much as it is ours, and we want to thank and celebrate each and every commander who joined us when the game first released in 2014 to the present. We've got a bunch of things to share with you to rejig your memories, or, if you're new to Elite Dangerous, provide you a recap of what's made up these last 5 glorious years!

Looking back at the last 5 years of development
We're very proud of how Elite Dangerous has grown over these last five years! As part of this celebration, we'll be taking a look back through the last five years of development.

Below is just the tip of the iceberg for what has been launched, added, improved and updated in Elite Dangerous and doesn't take into account all of the features, smaller updates and patches we've released over the years!

  • Elite Dangerous launched!
  • Throughout the year, we introduced a bunch of new features: Community Goals allowed the whole Elite Dangerous community to work together, towards goals which influence the wider galaxy.
  • Wings enabled pilots to fly together and share their rewards in joint efforts.
  • Powerplay ushered in an age of Commanders being able to pledge allegiance to one of the many galactic Powers, battling for interstellar conquest, power and control
  • As a result of the Dangerous Games - a new player-created Power was introduced: Yuri Grom.
  • Fearless pilots embarked in gladiatorial contests in CQC.
  • New ships, mission types, beautiful Starport interiors and so much more was added towards the end of the year leading on the way to...

2015 - Horizons
Horizons brought with it planetary landings, providing commanders a new way to explore the galaxy!

  • Engineers emerged, offering their services to commanders wanting to take their modules and ships to the next level!
  • A number of additions arrived not long after, from Capital Ship Dockyards to ship-launched fighters, Neutron Stars and the lovable space whale, the Beluga.
  • The Holo-Me commander creator gave a face to each and every commander, some cool, some stylish... and some hideous!
  • ...Speaking of hideous... THARGOIDS! The Thargoids returned and resulted in the Aegis organisation launching massive-scale Community Goals to create Anti-Xeno weaponry to combat the arrival of this menace!

2018 - Beyond
With Beyond, we looked back at some of the core features introduced early in Elite Dangerous' development and refine them into what they are today.

  • Chapter One - Focused feedback from the community helped us introduce a number of revised features. We said goodbye to beige and welcomed in an array of different coloured planet surfaces. New COVAS were released to provide a different personality for your ship (we still love you Verity). The Tech Brokers and Material Traders opened shop, ensuring commanders could have what they needed... when they needed it!
  • Chapter Two - Thargoid Scouts encroached on human space - a new enemy that could buff and assist each other in combat.
  • Chapter Three - More Guardian mysteries were unveiled with the discovery of the Guardian Beacons and the creation of the Guardian Fighters, which were created to take on the Thargoids.
  • Chapter Four - Squadrons were introduced, allowing players to form a Squadron of like-minded commanders and focus their efforts in a particular area of the game. Exploration and Mining were totally overhauled with features like the FSS and planetary probes, identifying excellent mining spots and deep core mining for all the juicy goodies inside an asteroid.

  • The Starter Experience provides a safer space for cadets to earn their wings and begin their Elite Dangerous career.
  • New modules, such as the Advanced Docking Computer and Supercruise Assist, and the Pilot’s Handbook have made it easier for newer commanders to get a better understanding of how one pilots a ship in the 3300s.
  • Interstellar Initiatives gave commanders opportunities to have greater control over the narrative of the game, introducing new stations, a living Generation Ship, modules and rare goods.

Infographic - A glance at 2019!
We've also been taking a look at what commanders have been up to over the course of 2019. The amount of the galaxy explored has moved from 0.036% to 0.042%, which makes us think that we might need two Distant Worlds a year... and, let us also take a moment to remember all of those poor limpets... so callously fired towards asteroids and left as debris to wander the stars for an eternity #NeverForgetYourLimpets.

Messages from the team
Throughout these past five years we have had numerous industry professionals working on this amazing project and some of them are delighted to share their favourite moments with us!

Zac Antonaci, Director of Publishing - "I joined Frontier back towards the launch of Elite Dangerous and it has truly been one of the most incredible experiences, seeing the community grow and develop over the years. They have done so many genuinely amazing and inspiring things, it’s impossible to pick just one. Some of the my favourites have been:

  • The many varied styles and purposes of Player Groups, the first Distant Worlds expedition, the Dangerous Games.
  • Raising incredible amounts for good causes through community fundraiser/streams, crazy events (like climbing up mountains!) and getting involved in 24 hour livestream.
  • The community coming together at events like Lavecon, ECM, Fantasticon, Gamescom, PAX, EGX, Frontier Expo and many more.
  • The combined effort of so many people in the community to make young Commander Holyland’s final days ones of excitement and passion.
  • These, and many more examples, are why I am proud to be a part of the Elite Dangerous community."

Lucy Bugby - Technical Artist - "This video. CMDR BurkeBlack first saw the Galactic Map with such a genuine reaction of amazement. It makes me feel great about working on this project!"

Derin Halil, Game Designer - "The Distant Stars Expedition of 3303 had players journey to a previously unreachable star which had just changed thanks to our addition of FSD supercharging with Neutron and White Dwarf stars. The journey was a one-way trip and players all self-destructed in unison at their destination. I placed a permanent wreckage site at the group’s final coordinates and a Tourist Beacon at the point of no return for all other commanders to see. That’s what’s great about working on Elite Dangerous – working on a game that has such dedication and enthusiasm from its players and allows us to immortalise the actions and feats of those commanders."

Lloyd Morgan-Moore, Producer - "I have a good memory; getting to meet the players who were excited about the game coming to PS4 at Frontier Expo 2017. The game wasn’t even out yet but the community was brimming with passion for the game. It was clear it meant a lot, and it was great to be able to talk to members of the community in person. The same goes for any players I’ve met. I’ve come across random people out in the public who love the game and were super happy to find out I worked on it... which is a wonderful feeling!"

Laura Massey, QA Manager - "[i[Elite Dangerous will always have a special place in my heart. I don’t directly work on ED any longer, but I learnt a lot about my discipline throughout my work on the project. Working on Elite Dangerous helped me to make long-lasting friendships with other members of my department and the rest of the Elite Dangerous team.[/i]"

Rich Benton, Producer - "The best part of working on Elite is the community. Even at the pre-launch phase, their support was incredible! For example, members of the community generously acquired us pizzas, and a big highlight for me was meeting some of our players at the launch party (turns out that some were, unexpectedly, from my home town)."

Nathan Hutchinson, Graduate Game Designer - "One of my favourite moments was watching the community's reaction when they first discovered The Golconda Generation Ship, and how well they picked up on a lot of the small details that we added."

Christopher Andrews, Server Developer - "My favourite part of Elite Dangerous is the community that has grown around the game. People who truly care about the galaxy and how it evolves. It’s both thrilling and humbling to see the reaction to each content update and story development. I can’t wait for the years to come!"

Eddie Symons, Senior Producer - "I have some fantastic memories of working on many great additions to the game, like the return of Thargoids, deep core mining, Holo-Me, planetary landings and so much more. All of which really highlights the thing I love most about this game – that thanks to the support from our community it can still continue to grow and expand even after all this time."

Dav Stott, Head of Online - "To work so closely, for so long, on Elite Dangerous has been the most amazing journey, and I have learned so much from a large team of talented and creative people that all pulled together to bring this game to life. Elite Dangerous is an online game, and the Online team's responsibility for keeping the various platform and game servers running smoothly is satisfying and yes, occasionally hair raising. A personal highlight is that I was allowed to implement a lot of the server simulations that underpin core features like commodities, outfitting and factions that are still going strong after 5 years and countless player actions."

Adam Woods, Executive Producer - "My favourite memory is being robbed by Commander Xizor. We had opened up anarchy systems as part of the beta releases, and a group were blockading a port. I jumped in to see what was going on, and he stripped my shields and demanded my cargo. I gave it to him, at which point he realised who I was (my Commander was Adam Woods). "Adam Woods, as in FD??" "Oh snap, I just mugged a FD employee ːsteamsadː"

Oh dear, poor Adam! A huge thanks to the team who shared their memories with us. Now it's time to look at...

What have the community been doing?

During the anniversary livestream, we took this auspicious occasion to reprise our Featured Commanders segment, celebrating a snippet of the amazing things achieved and orchestrated by you, our wonderful community, over the last five years. With such a massive galaxy, we didn't have enough time to show everything that the community has done over the years, but we tried to show off some of our most recent top picks. If you missed it, you can check it out here.

We've had the pleasure to attend a number of Frontier Community Meets as well as player-organised events such as Fantasticon, Lavecon and ECM. It's been great fun to meet with the community, play games, chat about Elite Dangerous, raise money and have heaps on fun meeting our commanders face to face!

In-game, there have been hundreds of events, large and small, where commanders have flown together united in a common cause! Whether that is throwing oneself into the carnage of a buckyball race, or circumnavigating the galaxy in 80 days... or, travelling to the farthest reaches of the galaxy in a pilgrimage of exploration and wanderlust. It's been amazing to watch and be part of those events.

This year, we saw approximately 14,000 Commanders take part in the player-organised Distant Worlds 2 expedition (first conceptualized in 2017 at Frontier Expo). A fun anecdote for those who jumped on the first day: all of the commanders who jumped on the first day crashed our servers! Fortunately, Lead Server Developer Dav himself was one of those expeditionary members and ready to revive the server hamster! The event was covered by Polygon, Kotaku, Rock Paper Shotgun and NEW SCIENTIST, and even received attention from astronaut, Chris Hadfield.

Player Groups
There have been an so many fantastic Player Groups and Squadrons that have come together over the years to accomplish amazing feats and create fun for all denizens of the galaxy. Although we didn't have the time to mention each and every group during the stream, we want to take this opportunity to thank you all for coming together and creating wonderful memories and friendships together. If you now cry out "FOR THE MUG", help new players, or even repair and refuel other commanders, we thank you for being involved with one another, and being absolutely outstanding to your fellow commanders.

Not only has this game brought people together, it has also helped to create a platform to raise the awareness of individual commanders, Squadrons, and Player Groups, whose unbelievable efforts have raised money for numerous charities. While we're unable to determine the full extent of these efforts, Elite Dangerous players have raised over £63,000 for charities in the last couple of years. For a gaming community to have such an profound impact on those in need charities is something you can all be truly proud of!

Honourable Mentions
Over the past five years, we have had a lot of great things happen within and around Elite Dangerous. But sadly, we have also had some losses. We'd like to say o7 to every commander who has touched our hearts in the last five years, and who has sadly passed on. You're gone, but never forgotten. You're remembered by your wingmates and the galaxy itself.

Community Goal and Competitions
Celebrate in-game by signing up for the Year’s End Festivities in Reorte Community Goals!

Imports for Year’s End Festivities - Deliver Animal Meat, Fish, Fruit and Vegetables, Beer, Lavian Brandy, Anduliga Fire Works and Eranin Pearl Whisky to Davies High in the Reorte system.

Security for Year’s End Festivities - Deliver Bounty Vouchers to Davies High in the Reorte system.

  • Start Date - 12 December @ 15:00 (UTC)
  • End Date - 18 December @ 15:00 (UTC)
By taking part in the Anniversary Community Goal, Commanders will be awarded a cargo-bay full of credits and the... Cobra Mk III Iridescent Gleam Paint Job (pictured below!)[/list]

Finally, as we said at the beginning, this birthday is yours as much as it is ours!

We wanted to take this opportunity to look back at all the amazing things that have happened, from the studio, and the commanders who make this game a wonderful space to be in. We couldn’t have come this far without you, and we thank you so much for your past, current, and future support. We look forward to sharing many more stories, and having more adventures with you out in the black!
Elite Dangerous - Stephen Benedetti (Frontier)
Greetings Commanders,

We have reached that time of year again... the time to celebrate the Elite Dangerous anniversary and the winter festivities in the run up to the New Year! With the holidays fast approaching, we will be rewarding commanders blazing their trails throughout the winter period.

To show our appreciation, commanders who log in between 13 - 25 December will receive a number of free ARX each day and the amount will increase the closer it gets to 25 December. These ARX will be in addition to your weekly cap, so you will be a step closer to getting that Paint Job, Ship Kit, or Bobble Head you've had lined up in your sights!

As is tradition, for the Elite Dangerous Festive Countdown, we'll also be making a selection of elusive Paint Jobs available during this period. So, keep an eye on the store to see what becomes available each day!

We hope that you join us in celebrating the countdown to the holidays!
Elite Dangerous - Stephen Benedetti (Frontier)
Greetings Commanders,

It felt like only yesterday that we were celebrating 35 years of Elite, and next week is call for another celebration... the 5th anniversary of Elite Dangerous. Since the launch of the Kickstarter, we've seen commanders across PC, PlayStation and Xbox come together to blaze their trails across the Milky Way.

This birthday is yours as much as it is ours, and we want to thank each and every Commander who has joined us since Elite Dangerous first launched! We'll be celebrating our 5th Anniversary across all our social channels, so mark the following dates in your holo-diaries and be ready to party on the 16 December!

Anniversary Community Goal
Celebrate in-game by signing up for the Year’s End Festivities in Reorte Community Goals!

Imports for Year’s End Festivities - Deliver Animal Meat, Fish, Fruit and Vegetables, Beer, Lavian Brandy, Anduliga Fire Works and Eranin Pearl Whisky to Davies High in the Reorte system.

Security for Year’s End Festivities - Deliver Bounty Vouchers to Davies High in the Reorte system.
  • Start Date - 12 December @ 15:00 (UTC)
  • End Date - 18 December @ 15:00 (UTC)
By taking part in the Anniversary Community Goal, Commanders will be awarded a cargo-bay full of credits and the... Cobra Mk III Iridescent Gleam Paint Job (pictured below!)

Anniversary Livestream
This year, we're also going to be taking a look back at the history of Elite Dangerous, the amazing stories from you, our community of commanders, and more! Join the community team and developer guests for our 5th Anniversary livestream on 16 December at 12:00 (UTC).
  • Topic – Mega-awesome 5th Anniversary birthday stream!
  • Date – 16 December 2019
  • Time – 12:00 (UTC)
  • WhereYouTube, Twitch and Mixer
We hope that you have enjoyed the last five years as much as we have, and cannot wait to continue traversing the Elite Dangerous galaxy together for years to come!
Elite Dangerous - Will Flanagan
Greetings Commanders,

Following the success of the Federation during the Interstellar Initiative, the Golconda, commanders will be able to earn increased Federation rank from 5 December to 16 December.

Golconda’s Inhabitants Migrate to Forester’s Choice
The crew of the generation ship Golconda have migrated to their new home - the outpost Forester’s Choice in the Upaniklis system.

Following a successful bid to assist the Golconda crew with their relocation, the Federation arranged for transportation from the ancient vessel to the outpost now in orbit around Upaniklis B 3.

Communication with the generation ship in the days prior to departure revealed a certain amount of trepidation among their people. But with centuries of space travel having exhausted the Golconda’s ability to adequately sustain the colonists, the majority supported the decision to relocate.

The Golconda’s command staff also confirmed that they would continue distillation of the beverage Apa Vietii. This unique spirit will be on sale to traders from Forester’s Choice.

Professor Elizabeth Perez, head of anthropology at Orion Independent University, was on hand to observe the mass resettlement:

“Many of the colonists openly wept as they stepped aboard the transport vessels, speaking words of thanks and sorrow to the Golconda itself. On several occasions, the emigrants broke spontaneously into song, with hundreds locked arm-in-arm.”

“During the flight I overheard a group of youths chatting excitedly about the technology that would be available to them, perhaps ignorant of the significance of their journey. But most striking was the people’s collective determination to maintain their unique culture, and to remain together as they enter this new chapter.”

“It remains to be seen whether this society will retain its isolationist outlook or willingly integrate with the galaxy. We can only hope that these remarkable travellers from the past will be left alone long enough to explore 34th-century humanity at their own pace.”

To celebrate this historic event, the Federation has announced that a purchase discount will be applied to Federal craft between the 5th and 16th of December 3305.

  • A Federation-affiliated Outpost named Forester's Choice has been added to the Upaniklis system.
  • From 5 December to 16 December, any Federation Rank will be earned at an double rate alongside a discount to Federal ships.
  • The Rare Good, Apa Vietii, is available for purchase at Forester's Choice.
  • 'The Golconda' decal will be available to commanders who dock at Forester's Choice or either Federation or Empire megaship from 5 December to 16 December.
Elite Dangerous - Will Flanagan
Greetings Commanders,

The January Update Beta will finish today at 12:00 PM (UTC).

We'd like to extend a big thank you to all of the commanders who jumped into the beta, shared their feedback and reported issues in the dedicated Issue Tracker section. All the information you've been able to provide will go towards aiding the development team in ensuring that, come the launch of the January Update, as many bugs and issues are addressed as possible.

We'll have more information on when you can expect the January Update in the near future, and please keep an eye on our social channels and forums for future announcements.

Thanks again Commanders, see you in the black!
Elite Dangerous - Stephen Benedetti (Frontier)
Greetings Commanders

The January Update beta begins today!

Although the beta will run much like the real game, we ask that you focus on testing all the changes, along with your standard gameplay, to ensure the stability of the build. This will help us to identify and find ways to fix as many issues as possible before the update goes live.

As a reminder...

  • The beta begins on the 27 November and will run until the 2 December.
  • The beta will be only be accessible on PC. We are looking into expanding this for console players in the future.
  • To take part in the beta, all you’ll need to do is load up the launcher and select (and update) the following product: Elite Dangerous: January Update (Beta) from the 27 November. Once that has been completed, you’ll then have access to the January Update beta. If this doesn't appear, please restart your launcher.
  • Please report any issues you encounter (in the beta) in the Issue Tracker here.

On our official forums, we have created individual threads to give you more information about the beta:

All issues should be reported to the (Beta) Issue Tracker directly, but if you have any questions, please let us know on this forum thread.

UPDATE: The beta will end at 12:00 (UTC) on Monday 02 December.

Good luck on your mission, Commanders.
Elite Dangerous - Will Flanagan
Greetings Commanders,

As mentioned in October, our upcoming updates will be almost exclusively focused on addressing recent and longstanding issues and bugs. The next update will be our first step as part of that - and it will be coming towards the end of January.

For this update, our first and foremost priority is to ensure that everyone is able to have a seamless experience when playing Elite Dangerous, so our focus will be on aiming to resolve game breaking bugs and stability issues that cause disconnects, softlocks and crashes. By working internally with Customer Support, QA and Development teams, alongside the feedback you shared with us here and via the Issue Tracker, we've identified and are addressing a number of issues in the January Update, which we've detailed below.

As with previous betas, we found your feedback and assistance incredibly useful in helping us identify and resolve bugs and issues. The next updates will be coming with their own public beta, the first of which will run on PC from 27 November to 2 December for the January Update.

Due to this update focusing on a number of bug fixes, rather than new content and features, the beta will appear and play very much like the existing live game. However, getting involved and testing provides a huge benefit for all Elite Dangerous players, so we are very grateful for any time that you are able to spend in the beta. Every system, ship, loadout, module, mission, activity, rank or other part of the game played provides opportunities to test and identify issues. With your support, we hope to be able to identify and fix as many as possible before the update goes live, offering a smoother and better experience for all. Thank you to all who are able to get involved.

For more details on what we're addressing in the January Beta update, please click here.

BETA - how to get involved!

A new beta section forum will be set up with details on how to take part and how to submit bug reports, but here are the main details on how you can help us in the upcoming beta:

  • The beta begins on the 27 November and will run until the 2 December.
  • The beta will be only be accessible on PC. We are looking into expanding this for console players in the future.
  • To take part in the beta, all you’ll need to do is load up the launcher and select (and update) the following product: Elite Dangerous: January Update (Beta) from the 27 November. Once that has been completed, you’ll then have access to the January Update beta. If this doesn't appear, please restart your launcher.
  • We'll be updating the Issue Tracker with a January Update (Update 3.6) Beta section, and we encourage all those who are taking part in this beta to report any encountered bugs or issues through it. In addition, we will also be adding links from inside the game that will take you directly to the Issue Tracker site.

We just want to thank you once again for all the passion and involvement you show for Elite Dangerous. With your participation, we know that we can help to make our game more sustainable and beneficial for the future of this amazing galaxy!

Elite Dangerous - Stephen Benedetti (Frontier)
Greetings Commanders.

The ancient generation ship, The Golconda, has been discovered drifting amidst the stars. Contact with the ship's living occupants has revealed that their ancestors chose to remain aboard their ship rather than colonise their original destination. The equipment originally intended for setting up a planetary settlement was cannibalised for materials but now... the Golconda's crew find themselves in need of outside assistance for the first time in a millennia.

Efforts are underway to support the residents of The Golconda, but both the Federation and the Empire look upon this colossal relic with opportunistic eyes. There's a political play to be made here, and the winner stands to benefit greatly.

For this next Interstellar Initiative, we'll be detailing what's at stake over the next few weeks. It's time to back a side, and win!

If you'd rather learn about what happens to The Golconda as the story unfolds, then stop reading now, and keep your eyes on the GalNet feed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Phase 1 (8 November)
The independent faction, Upaniklis Vision Incorporated, has tabled a motion to provide much needed aid to the denizens of The Golconda. Meanwhile, criminal elements prepare their ships in a bid to exploit the supply convoys.

This will mark the beginning of two Community Goals:

Trade Community Goal - Deliver Basic Medicines, Advanced Medicines, Aluminium, Ceramic Composites, and Semiconductors to Fozard Port in the Upaniklis system.

Bounty Hunting Community Goal - Deliver Bounty vouchers to Fozard Port in the Upaniklis system.

  • Start Date - 8 November @ 15:00 (UTC)
  • End Date - 14 November @ 15:00 (UTC)
Soon after, Imperial and Federation megaships will move into the system and prepare their own plans to support The Golconda.

Phase 2 (18 November)
The Empire and Federation each pledge to help, but with different opposing approaches.

  • The Empire seeks to provide the former colonists with a planetside home, helping them fulfil their original mission. They would provide full member status to the colony and help them become self-sustaining through teaching agriculture techniques.
  • The Federation, however, seeks to honour the colonist's unique culture and provide them with an outpost of their own, allowing them to remain a permanent space colony. Landing pads would allow direct trade and help the colonists remain stocked with medicines and supplies.
    Two competing initiatives are set up, with the superpower with the most materials received winning the favour of the Golconda colonists.

Empire Trade Community Goal - Deliver Polymers, CMM Composites, Titanium, Beryllium, and Thallium to the Empire Megaship, in the Upaniklis system.

Federation Trade Community Goal - Deliver Polymers, CMM Composites, Titanium, Beryllium, and Thallium to Federation Megaship, in the Upaniklis system.

  • Start Date - 18 November @ 15:00 (UTC)
  • End Date - 26 November @ 15:00 (UTC)

Interstellar Initiative Rewards
Only one of the two opposing Superpowers may be victorious in this Interstellar Initiative. Backing a specific Superpower will result in different rewards:

If the Empire are successful:
  • An Empire-affiliated Planetary Port will be added to the Upaniklis system.
  • From 5 December to 16 December, any Empire Rank will be earned at a double rate alongside a discount to Imperial ships.
  • A Rare Good, Apa Vietii, will be introduced and become available for purchase at the new Planetary Port.
  • 'The Golconda' decal will be available to commanders who dock at the Planetary Port or the Empire megaship from 5 December to 16 December.

If the Federation are successful:
  • A Federation-affiliated Outpost will be added to the Upaniklis system.
  • From 5 December to 16 December, any Federation Rank will be earned at an double rate alongside a discount to Federal ships.
  • A Rare Good, Apa Vietii, will be introduced and become available for purchase at the new Outpost.
  • 'The Golconda' decal will be available to commanders who dock at the Outpost or the Federal megaship from 5 December to 16 December.

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