Dungeon Defenders - Paimon
Get Dungeon Defenders and Dungeon Defenders: Awakened as well as DLC for record low prices during the Steam Remote Play Fest!

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Get Dungeon Defenders Awakened for 66% off and 25% off DLC!

2023. aug. 21.
Dungeon Defenders - I do honestly care
Bug Fixes

- Fixed new Emerald City not unlocking its trophy on map completion
- Fixed archers going up with the platform in between phases on Tavern Incursion
- Fixed typo in unicorn description
- Added censor to supreme unicorns
- Made Hardcore mode CDT setting use different variables for open and ranked mode
- Fixed typo on achievement for striking tree
- Fixed Upgrade Aura using the wrong name on the Adept
- Made Elf Crown float closer to the character's heads
- Fixed Jester Wheel ability not playing full body animation
- Fixed Ranger Eagle Shot not scaling off weapon damage
- Fixed Nature Griffon projectile to actually be a Crystalline Dragon copy
- Fixed Mini Spider Queen melee attack not scaling with hero damage
- Optimization pass on the buff system and hermit buffs, in particular


- Nerfed moon staff damage by 15%
- Reduced Flying Mech boss’ HP by 15% on Tavern Incursion
- Made 1,3,4,5 and 6 player counts on Tavern Incursion do 20% more damage to Old One’s crystals
- Made 2-player count on Tavern Incursion do 18% more damage to Old One’s crystals
- Reverted the tavern keep imposter change where he doesn’t hawk but is invulnerable to Strength Drain auras
- Nerfed Nightmare Health Scaling on E.V. boss on Lab Assault by 15% to account for the moon staff nerf
- Added an extra wave on the challenge for Lifestream Hollow
- Changed Forest Golem mana cost to 300 from 150
- Buffed Targeting Desirability on spiky blockage
- Nerfed Targeting Desirability on Forest Golem by 50%
- Nerfed forest golem healing interval from 3 seconds to 5
- Forest Ogre now does 17% less slam damage
- Changed rotation offset from 15 to 5 degrees on Ranger’s Eagle Shot
- Increased projectile base damage by 30% on Ranger’s Eagle Shot
- Made Omenak Forge Robot deal more damage
- Increased Mr. Owl's size by 10%
- Increased weapon damage of the Cog Maul to 7%
- Increased weapon damage of Roger's Revenge to 18%
- Increased weapon damage of the Sword of Ember and Undertow by 5%
- Increased weapon damage of the Tinkerer's Perfection by 15%
- Increased melee weapon damage of Ember Crescent by 20%
- Added 10% movement speed to Ember Crescent
- Added 30% movement speed to the Animorphic Ember pet
- Buffed insane duplicates of cd weapons (hero stats only), so they're on par with the cd ones
- Changed spread on candy cane spear
- Increased Polly Damage, so a 350 upgrade one equals a 300 upgrades eye
- Changed Super Legendary Apprentice skin speed from 445 to 490
- Changed Legendary Apprentice skin speed from 465 to 510
- Made Adept have a bit more Hero Health
- Buffs now respect enemy elements (prevents any unnecessary buff applications for performance boosts)

Quality of Life

- Added the option to show quality names on gear description under mythical quality under UDKCDTSettings
- Added the option to hide quality names on gear description on all qualities UDKCDTSettings
- Added magus citadel achievement
- Added untradeable rewards to achieving Eternal Defender (Farmable versions, one per account of the events: NPC, Final Patch, and Celebracers)
- Made 1-4 press the respective buttons on the forge UI from top to bottom
Dungeon Defenders - I do honestly care
Minor update to fix some issues.
- Removed some unnecessary DLC checks for the chests in the tavern
- Added some further protections and handled odd edge cases where enemy health is being updated on 0 health
- Changed the frame rate and graphics quality option to save to the engine ini
- Made mana tokens and eggs not display pet size
- Moved bottom platform archer spawn notes so they don't go up with the platform collision
- Fixed the number of enemies on spider queens for 3p
- Swapped Lifestream Hollow's minimap to the new one
- Changed it so enemies with negative hp for any reason die after a certain period
- Updated wheel entries for Blood Rage, Instant Upgrade, and Overcharge
- Updated Instant Upgrade name to Upgrade Aura
- Removed top selection from Nature Pylon
- Fixed Nature Pylon not being able to be placed on slopes
- Fixed random rewards on tinkerer's lab lab
- Fixed Lifestream Hollow's core drops nor rolling random names
- Fixed an issue where the pirate mana token was disappearing
Dungeon Defenders - I do honestly care
Minor update to fix some issues that were introduced in the previous patch.

- Fixed an issue with the honey sword showing the ranged icon and changed the text to base damage
- Fixed an issue with devil's spine base damage stat saying ranged damage
- Fixed an issue with effects that used weapon base damage as a scalar breaking
- Fixed an issue where some tower stats would reset to their default value after a few seconds.
- Fixed Navi Fairy Level Requirement, being locked to 93
- Potential fix for some unlocked frame rates on new profiles
- Reduced Size of LifeStream Hollow Mask
- Fixed an issue where garbage collection wasn't working correctly and caused problems with crashing on losing and client-side persistence
- Fixed an issue where the hermit was showing up as a countess in the online game list
Dungeon Defenders - Paimon
New Hero - The Hermit
Spear user that can have a shield on his back.
He can’t use the ranged attack on spears, instead he spins in place for up to 10 seconds, with damage scaling off the melee damage on the spear
He has a passive damage bonus when attacking with the left mouse button

- Nature’s Gift: Increases speed, restores health and adds poison damage to the Hermit’s attacks
- Thorn Shot: Shoots 5 poisonous thorns in a spread pattern that pass through enemies Foes hit by this ability get poisoned

- Seed Bomb Tower (4 DU): Blasts enemies in a wide radius and poisons them. Poisoned enemies explode on death
- Web Wall (2 to 4 DU): Damages and webs enemies that pass through it, reducing their speed and resistances
- Nature Pylon (5 DU): Greatly increases range and resistances of all nearby Defenses, and increases speed and casting rate of nearby Heroes. The tower buffs doesn’t stack with buff beams or guardians
- Mushroom Spore Tower (7 DU): Launches poisonous spores at enemies, infecting them. Infected enemies take extra damage from other Defenses and spread the infection to other foes nearby
- Forest Golem (8 DU): Stationary Golem that boosts nearby Heroes and Defenses by healing and giving damage resistance. Enemies also target them with priority

New Maps
Lifestream Hollow
- Rewards:
The Forest's Experience and Mushroom Launcher: Staff and Gun that have the Nature’s ability, which causes foes hit with the weapons to explode on death dealing damage to other enemies
Woodland Sword and Hermit’s Swallow: Sword and Spear that have the Nature’s Wrath ability. They have a chance to activate the ability on hit, which boosts your hero damage.
- Survival Pets:
Wave 25: Unicorn - Dps pet that can only roll up to Supreme quality. It attacks with all damage types currently in the game
Wave 30: Navi Fairy - Stat pet that revives you to full health once every 40 seconds
Wave 35: Forest Griffon - Dps pet that does Lightning Damage
Challenge: Forest Ogre Crush
- Rewards:
Madness Stone Thrower: Monk spear that throws rocks for gathering mana
New Goblin Accessory Set
Emerald City
- Complete rework to the map
New Items
- Added a monk and apprentice weapon to Tinkerer’s Lab
- Tinkerer’s Lab now drops class specific rewards on top of a random extra weapon
Quality of Life
- Made Embermount survival’s max starting wave 38
- Added accessories to Rumble in the Jungle Reward
- Changed Shield on Rumble in the Jungle, Greater Turkey Hunt and Karathiti Jungle from random accessories roll to a squire accessory slot to be in line with other maps
- Changed harbingers to work off the new buff system (Backend, let us know if there’s bugs)
- Made the Max Characters for the Hero Renaming UI Box 32 characters to be in line with the character limit
- Made Summoner’s Flash Heal be activatable while jumping
- Changed Ranked Logo
- Changed Ranked Welcome Screen images and links
- Added a FPS slider to the options menu. The game now supports up to a 120 fps cap instead of 60 without engine errors
- Increased default connection limits to make the game better when on other people’s lobbies
- Moved the second floor tables toggle from the basement to the second floor
- Added extra information text box to item displays
- Added the option on CDT Settings to turn on Weapon Size and Swing Speed on the information text box
- Made melee pets not stop attacking when jumping or taking damage to do the respective animations
- Made the max charge animation uninterruptible with other actions
- Off inventory sorting is now back to the behavior before update 9
- Added Type and Size inventory sorting options
- Changed the Fenix pet Ultimate rate
- Made it so Turkey Bracers properly save
- Made the platforms on Old One in Tavern Incursion go up faster
- Added extra platform to failsafe if upper platform doesn't move properly all the way on Tavern Incursion
- Moved down the death volumes to prevent the issue where the platform would be just under the kill zone on Tavern Incursion
- Fixed collision from circular tables and chairs not disappearing on the second floor of the tavern when they’re not there
- Fixed gap on the bottom of Heart Forge on the Tavern
- Fixed Ultimate Defender Exp Orb being awarded to spits
- Fixed floating table on third floor of the Tavern
- Fixed the volume under the forge on Lover’s Paradise to only kill enemies and not towers
- Added MU counter to the HUD for Greater Turkey Hunt and Monster Fest maps
- Added Forced Controller Weighting to Sky City forge to enable controller use on TBR CP3
- Made the quality sorting take into account the reversing of quality values on sub myth gear
- Serpent staff poison cloud now triggers mana collection from genie
- Fixed an issue where enemies could over roll health to the negatives making them invincible (Fixes pirate invasions falsely set ending)
- Fixed an issue where Jester couldn’t use it’s Move Tower ability on Minions

Balance Changes
  • Accs
    - Made Santa Glasses random level roll be 14 to be in line with other accessories
    - Made Santa Hat, Eye Patch, Top Hat and Bow level rolls consistent with the other end-game accessories
    - Removed Top Hat, Bow, Mask and Love Links from Lover's Paradise rewards
  • Weapons
    - Made swords of master projectile not be dependant on having full health
    - Nerfed the damage of Moon Staff by ~15%
    - Made charge rate for Moon Staff not roll negative
    - Buffed Staff of Love Hero stats a bit. Tower stats remain the same
  • Pets
    - Made Fenix and Ember Pony around 10% better so they're an alternative to Crystalline Dragon. This should make all of them have around the same DPS with the same level
    - Buffed Little Wizard by x1.3 and Mummy by x1.17 absolute damage multiplier so they're an alternative for Snowman and Free-range Chicken (Needs testing)
    - Changed spread on Mummy's projectiles to be a diamond instead of a line
    - Increased the ult rate for Djinlett, Donkey and Shroomite
    - Made the spread on Shroomite a bit better
    - Added projectile speed and made the extra projectile guaranteed on Shroomite and Donkey pets
    - Increased animation speed of Elephant attack to 1.2 and divided damage multiplier by 1.25 (should be around the same dps as before but more usable)
    - Increased Mr. Owl’s size to 1.4 from 1.3
    - Made event Unicorns a little better
    - Made supreme seahorses get 72 damage per upgrade
  • Maps
    - Changed Wandering Heart weapon rewards to award both per split
    - Made Pirate Invasion increase the number of rewards for every wave after wave 17
    - Pirate invasion now gives 1.35B mana tokens per reward on nightmare mode
    - Added weapon reward switch trigger to Crystalline Resurgence 1 to 3 and changed survival weapon reward to be class based to be in line with new default
    - Increased the activation range on switches on the Crystalline Resurgence maps
    - Increased mana drops from Turkey on Tavern Incursion
    - Changed generic resist on Tavern Incursion’s Old One's feet from 50% to 35%
    - Added crates on the outside of windows on Tavern Incursion to make going through them easier off-host
    - Made the window collision on Tavern Incursion a bit more lenient
    - Moved teleport note for hands on old one closer to the center of the arena to prevent a kill on teleport with a platform bug on Tavern Incursion
    - Multiplied health of all walls on the assault wave of Tavern Incursion by x0.8
    - Changed damage reduction on 5 and 6 players for Old One on Tavern Incursion
    - Wasp Boss and Barb Health Multiplier 5p decreased from 5 to 4.5 on Tavern Incursion
    - Wasp Boss and Barb Health Multiplier 6p decreased from 6 to 5 on Tavern Incursion
    - Wasp baby Health Multiplier 6p decreased from 3.5 to 3.25 on Tavern Incursion
    - All Old One green lasers will no longer spawn instantly (same spawn delay as blue/red lasers).
    - On Tavern Incursion, falling off of the Old One platform will result in taking a large % of your maximum health in damage, losing all Mana, and being teleported back to the Tavern instead of instantly dying. The damage taken increases each time this is triggered, ramping up faster with the bargain active.
    - On Tavern Incursion, killing the waves of bosses in the Tavern area on Wave 18 will now reset ability cooldowns.
    -Increased health of Old One's head crystal by 20% on Tavern Incursion
    - Boss spawns on Wave 18 health reduced by 20% on Tavern Incursion on solo mode
    - Damage dealt to Old One increased by 20% on Tavern Incursion on solo mode
    - Tavernkeep Impostor on Tavern Incursion no longer uses Hawk Stance, but basic attack is now unaffected by Strength Drain Aura
    - Added 4 more chests to Omenak to make the survival numbers more on pair with the other armor farm maps
    - Moved the chest from the bridge up top on Lover’s Paradise to near one of the cores
    - Moved spawn points to around the core near the forge on Lover’s Paradise
    - Chests are no longer random on Lover’s Paradise on Survival Mode
    - Multiplied Dark Elf Warrior and Dark Elf Mage numbers by 2.5 on Winter Mire to get the survival more in line with other maps of the same quality
    - Rebalanced Embermount Volcano Survival difficulty
    - Coastal Bazaar’s campaign rewards are now rewarded to the hero type you’re using
    - Moved Striking Tree’s spawn point so alts don't spawn inside towers
    - Lowered the overlord minimum height boundaries for Lover's Paradise
    - Swapped the first wave of Halloween Invasion to be 2 Poly Spider Queens
    - Made the first wave of Halloween Invasion upgrade all towers 3 times like Tavern Incursion
    - Made Dread Dungeon chests give 70 mana
    - Added a guaranteed armor drop to lab assault
    - Removed 2 chests from Spooky Pirate Base and increased the mana to 130 per chest
  • Barbarian
    - Turtle Stance now reduces your movement speed by 34%
    - Turtle Stance now boosts all sword damage besides Hawk Stance by 20%
    - Turtle Stance makes you swing 10% slower
    - Made it possible to use Tornado Stance on build phase
    - Made Tornado Stance speed multiplier weaker to compensate for the base speed buffs
    - Tornado Stance now reduces your damage by 38% instead of 45%
    - Tornado and Turtle Stances now turn each other off on activation
    - Increased the damage on Battle Leap and Battle Pound
    - Made Hawk Stance, Battle Leap and Battle Pound animations Faster
    - Combined both instances of the Hawk Stance damage into one damage that hits based on the main hand sword’s hitbox
    - Lightning Stance no longer damages you or stuns enemies
    - Lightning Stance now converts all your damage into lightning damage and reduces your damage by 10%
    - Changed the base movement speed values for the following skins:
    Tavernkeep and Pirate Imposter from 320 to 440
    Santa from 408 to 500
    Regular from 450 to 550
    Amazoness from 550 to 650
  • App
    - Changes to Apprentice Overcharge. Increases weapon damage based on the Ability Stat Value and the equipped Staff’s Charge Rate stat
    - Changed Overcharge mana cost to match hero boost
    - Mana Bomb damage now scales with Damage Multiplier boosts
    - Mana Bomb cooldown is now 15 seconds
    - Mana bomb can now be cast while moving
  • Adept
    - Changed the Instant Upgrade ability to Upgrade Aura. It will upgrade your defences on a radius around you as long as you have mana available. The mana cost per upgrade decreases with you Ability 1 Stat
    - Made the hero damage scaling 10% better than a Jester with the same stats
    - Purity Bomb now increases your mana attraction, making gathering mana easier
  • Countess
    - Buffed damage output by around 15%
    - Joust cooldown is now 10 seconds
  • Squire
    - Circular slice now makes you invulnerable while casting
Dungeon Defenders - Paimon
Hey Defenders, my name is Nolan, best known as (CG) Paimon at Chromatic. I’m here to talk about some of the behind the scenes and philosophy of our revisit to the roster of Dungeon Defenders 1 and define a bit about who the elusive hermit is.

To start, lets cover the why: It's been a long time since a new hero has emerged in the original Dungeon Defenders, so why now? Well, to put it simply; we are a bunch of Dungeon Defenders fans internally as well! After all this time the game continues to have a high player concurrency and active community. This considered, we wanted to help that wonderful community by breathing more life into the game with hopes that the community and the community-made content will continue to flourish. So let's look at the Hermit himself.

The Hermit

The Hermit is a solitary figure who roams the wilderness of Etheria, seeking enlightenment and wisdom. He has spent years studying the ancient tomes of magic and mastering the natural world's secrets. As a result, he has gained incredible powers over the elements and the creatures of the wild. Although he rarely interacts with others, the Hermit is respected and feared by all who know of him.

The Hermit was intended to be a hero who could harness the forces of nature to protect their allies and vanquish enemies alike. When creating the hermit the goal was to bring viability and variety to the poison element within the game. Until the Hermit only a single tower utilized poison. Luckily this toxic defender brings three new poisonous surprises to the roster.

The Hermit's Defenses are as follows:
  • Seed Bomb Tower

    Blasts enemies in a wide radius and poisons them. Enemies who are felled by this poison explode!

    4 DU

  • Mushroom Spore Tower

    Launches poisonous spores at enemies, infecting them. Infected enemies spread the infection to other foes nearby.

    6 DU

  • Forest Golem

    Possessing colossal health and attack power, this guardian of the forest passively heals nearby allies.

    8 DU

  • Nature Pylon

    Greatly increases range and resistance of all nearby Defenses, &and increases speed and casting rate of nearby Heroes!

    4 DU

  • Wall of Webs

    Damages and webs enemies that pass through it, &reducing their speed and resistances.

    2 - 4 DU (Min and Max range)

The Hermit's Abilities are as follows:
  • Thorn Shot - Shoots 5 poisonous thorns in a spread pattern that pass through enemies!
  • Nature's Gift - Increases speed, restores health, and adds poison damage to the Hermit's attacks!

Revisiting Old Etheria

The popular Lifestream Hollow map returns in a new capacity to the realm of Etheria. Previously only available as a monsterfest / pvp map the reworked version will bring this magical forest to traditional campaign and a new ogre crush challenge.

This update also brings a new fearsome foe out of the woodwork, the forest ogre. Known to only utilize melee attacks, the ogre is faster and stronger than his traditional counterpart.


The Hermit update will be available tomorrow, June 28th.

Wishlist the hero DLC below!
2023. ápr. 12.
Dungeon Defenders - I do honestly care
A small hotfix update to fix some things in the 9.1.1 and 9.1.0 releases along with some balance changes.

Features :
- Added accomplishment and trophies on the tavern for Arcane Lib, Dread Dungeon, Emerald City, Flames of Rebirth, Pirate Invasion, Spring Valley and Temple of Polybius, all on Nightmare only
- Added some new tables on the third floor of the tavern
- The tavern's item recovery should not affect items inside the tavern anymore
- You can now have 240 items on your tavern floor
- You can now trigger having tables on the empty center on the second floor of the tavern on the new Bucket and Mop on the basement

Balance :
- Made supreme and under eyes get more damage per upgrade
- Made bow of hearts unable to damage enemy cores
- Moved pet rock back to wave 30

Spooktacular Bay :
- Moved west flight nodes closer to the map to avoid the volume djinns were getting stuck on
- Changed collision for last kraken
- Moved killzone so third kraken cant be killed with it

Buccaneer Bay :
- Added a box inside the opening closest to spawn to prevent the building camera to go inside the wall
- Moved all windows on main building a bit up
- Added a hanging shelf on top of the entrance closes to spawn
- Moved hay stacks down on the wall to let minions be built there again
- Made the ceiling collision prevent the building camera from going up

Lover's Paradise :
- Added killzone under forge to kill stuck mobs
- Made Boss Mech Gentleman take tower damage
- Made Boss Mech Gentleman target priority have towers at -1
- Made Boss Mech Gentleman force untargetable targets
- Fixed Lover's Paradise achievement typo

Bug Fixes :
- Swapped back Eye Patch to old archetype with coloring
- Fixed custom chest drops not always dropping
- Tentatively fixed an issue where a phoenix spawns when going into build phase on the Flames of Rebirth challenge
- Clamped tower range to max projectile distance, also made towers not target enemies that ignored tower damage
- Fixed slippery core and projectiles on Spring Valley
- Fixed issue with workshop maps that forced difficulty defaulting to easy
- Removed duplicate TI trophy on the tavern
2023. márc. 13.
Dungeon Defenders - I do honestly care
Small patch to address some issues in the recent 9.1.0 patch.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed bug which caused split-screen to be forcibly hidden every time a cutscene plays

- Reverted Kraken and Genie melee range change to void instanced of melee hitting while doing no damage

- Fixed Cupids boss dying instantly on Wandering Heart if the boss countdown is skipped

- Fixed Wandering Heart achievement not being awarded on map completion

- Fixed Lover's Paradise top bridge not blocking the building camera

- Did more collision work on valentines to prevent stuck mobs

- Disabled Wheel of Fortuna ability on wandering heart

- Added thicker outline to pumpkin skeleton on a treadmill

- You can no longer use the easter egg on Lover’s Paradise after the boss countdown starts

- Changed name on black Enchanted Bishop variation to Tormented Bishop

- You can now use the forge on Wandering heart when playing with controllers

- Pet Rock and Jade Island now have proper shadows when in first-person view

- Made hysteresis less prone to get stuck

- Fixed double-buffered physics due to an engine change. This was the cause of the core slipping issue on Spring Valley

Balance Changes

- Buffed the damage on the Steam Bot pet from Talay Mining Complex

- Increased max base damage spawn on Lover’s Paradise cupid pet

- Decreased absolute damage on Lover’s Paradise cupid pet

- Increased number of max extra projectiles on Lover’s Paradise cupid pet from 2 to 7

- Increased the heal amount on Lover’s Paradise cupid pet

- Made all wasp enemies weak to fire damage (x1.5)

- Reduced the resistance to lightning towers on wasps, making them take double the damage compared to version 9.0, but 10x less than on version 8.7

- Made all siege mechs weak to electric damage (x1.3)

- Boss fight on Lover’s Paradise now includes Copter Gentleman Mechs that target the player

- Boss fight on Lover’s Paradise should have mob difficulty increased a little

- Removed tower resistance debuff that was applied on a hit from Cupid Boss on Lover’s Paradise

- Copter Gentleman Mechs don't damage cores anymore, to be in line with Copter Ogres

- Lover’s Paradise only has 5 respawning chests on survival mode now

- Reduced damage on Apprentice’s Fireball Tower by 15%

Quality of Life

- Changed default tower upgrading behavior to be the same as patch 9.0.0 and before. This can be changed on CDT settings to use the new behavior instead

- Changed default tower level to upgrade from 4

- Added final wave to survival mode UI on all maps that have the game mode

- Made it so if you have split-screen hidden, any unpause input from any split will close the pause menu

- Moved west Flying enemy spawns closer to the map on Spooktacular Bay and Buccaneer Bay

- Removed Icon Quality Rating from Top Hat, Bow, Santa Hat, and Santa beard. This should remove color mistakes on the item icon

- Made hysteresis weight adjustable in the CDT settings

- Player health is now drawn to the HUD of spectators in the competitive game-mode
2023. márc. 4.
Dungeon Defenders - I do honestly care
This is another update that we had planned for February, but came out a bit later than expected, but it has a wide variety of new content, QOL, and fixes.

New Maps :
Lovers Paradise
- Rewards: Bow of Hearts, Spear of Hearts, Heart Fragment (campaign only), a random Temple of Love accessory, and a chance for a Shield of Hearts
- Survival Pets: Cupid at Wave 25, New Hamster at Wave 30, Fluffy Dragon at map completion
Crystal Escort: Wandering Heart
- Rewards: Staff of Hearts, Sword of Hearts, Heart Fragment, a random Temple of Love accessory and guaranteed a Shield of Hearts

New Items :
You can use 88 Heart Fragments on the new forge on the Tavern’s second floor to spawn a Crystal Heart
The new Hearts weapons do Love Damage. It’s generic damage that has pink damage numbers
The staff of Hearts, Spear of Hearts, and Sword of Hearts have a 10% movement speed increase
The staff of Hearts right-click heals allies instead of doing AoE damage
Shield of Hearts heals a percentage of your health on successfully blocking damage
New Hamster, Steam Robot, and Cupid

Quality of Life :
- Removed the ship from Striking Tree and moved the spawn to the center of the map
- Gas and Darkness traps now reset when entering a build phase
- Healing pets no longer try to heal you when they can’t
- You can now see the lab assault EV bosses on the minimap
- Added hysteresis to trip wire towers (buff beam, reflection beam, etc), which can be toggled with “Control + B”. This means they snap to the max length for each DU option
- Added more Ultimate++ armor seeds
- Staff left + right click charges to 70%
- Made most events unsellable. The only exceptions are Admiral Djinn, Blu, and Aladdin’s Wish
- Made the practice dummy more accurate the longer you attack it for
- Tentatively made all the skins that unlock on only Insane difficulty or under also unlock on Nightmare
- Made Summoner’s Overlord Mode ability not get canceled/prevented from use on map completion, letting people use it to pick up items that drop on the last wave
- Made it possible for weapons from this patch onward to have a fire rate higher than 10 shots per second
- Split screen status ( Hidden / Shown ) doesn’t get changed on in-game cinematics
- True Boss Rush now has a working timer
- The upgrade tower ability now prioritizes towers that you have enough mana to upgrade
- Prioritisation of towers in the upgrade tower ability is now customizable from UDKCDTSettings.ini
- Added config option to bring back old upgrade tower behavior
- Shift/Ctrl upgrading a hero stat on cats now upgrades boost/range/number of players for you
- You now get an experience orb as a one-time reward upon getting the Ultimate Defender achievement
- Minimum lobby level requirement is now saved
- Level rewards are no longer automatically locked when they get added to your inventory
- Added unequip all button to hero info UI
- Call of arms now has an indicator when activated, similar to hero and tower boost
- Made unearned achievement appear first when inspecting the crystal

Bug Fixes :
- Added collision volumes where Boss Ev's usually get stuck on Lab Assault
- Removed collision from rocks under the map on Lab Assault so Boss EVs don’t get stuck
- Fixed kill volume on Spooktacular Bay killing auras and Krakens
- Fixed a bunch of miscellaneous collisions on Spooktacular Bay
- Expanded Overlord bounds on Spooktacular Bay
- Fixed roof collisions on Spooktacular Bay
- Added collision where ogres get stuck under the bay on Spooktacular Bay
- Potentially fixed copter ogres getting stuck in the air on Spooktacular Bay
- Fixed getting stuck when going to the roof on Spooktacular Bay
- Made Mushroom and trees collisions smaller on Striking Tree
- Fixed invisible mushrooms on Striking Tree
- Fixed a bunch of minor collision issues on Striking Tree
- Added back the missing triggers for steam achievements from update 7
- Fixed a typo in one of the names for a Staff of Flowers core drop
- Fixed the old one not shooting fireballs
- Fixed bug where tower boosters would not always affect aura attack rates
- Fixed the broken report bug button to link on the pause menu
- All Update 9.0 weapons now have size randomization similar to Update 8.7’s weapons
- Melee pets now properly hit Kraken, Spider Queen, and Goblin Mech bosses
- Fixed Jade Serpent being white when dropped on the ground
- Pets that look identical can now both contribute to familiar related achievements (ex: robot from tinkers lab and alc lab)
- Fixed bug where pets that did the line of sight checks could never target the cruiser ship boss core
- Fixed broken links on the welcome screen
- Fixed issue where “toggle other players towers sellable” was impossible to select on a controller
- Fix for copter ogres getting stuck on one spot outside the map on Winter Wonderland
- Remade collision for trees on Striking Tree, stuck mobs and drops should be less frequent
- Possible fix for Jester Fool skin call-out animation with guns
- Made Pumpkin Snowman boss drop mana on Spooktacular Bay and Halloween Invasion

Balance Changes :
- Mini Kraken, Mini Genie King, Mr. Owl, Dice, Christmas Elephant, Mega Chicken, Forge Robot, and Tiger had their melee range increased
- Increased range for Wasp Pet and decreased melee range
- Removed ranged attack from Mega Chicken
- Limited upgrading Mega Chicken’s shots per second to 4, to avoid using upgrades when that wouldn’t do anything
- Made Ult rates for Ember Pony and Fenix better
- Buffed Ember Pony damage multiplier
- Tentatively made Ember Pony float higher when equipped
- Karathiti Monkey buffed to be on the same level as Akatiti Monkeys
- Removed movement speed from Final Patch
- Made all characters and skins, with the exception of Jester, move 10% faster by default
- Decreased mana cost scaling of Squire’s Blood Rage ability
- Decreased the movement speed multiplier on Squire’s Blood Rage ability
- Increased damage scaling of Countess’ Call to Arms ability
- Decreased mana cost of Countess’ Call to Arms ability
- Added a flat 20% speed multiplier to other heroes in Countess’ Call to Arms ability range
- Made base Series EV and Bounty Hunter EV skin have better-cast rate scaling than a jester
- Added Joust fire trail from Redux, it now scales with ability 2.
- Talay Mining Complex survival now has 35 waves. Added a Steam Bot pet to wave 25
- Made Hashat's Recurve max projectile speed upgrade be 75000
- Made Hashat's Recurve elemental damage type roll between only fire and lightning
- Buffed ember shield to be in line with other shields
- Added Black Knight and Black Bishop weapons to King’s Game
- King’s Game Survival now gives the Campaign weapon rewards
- Coastal Bazaar now has in-game trophies
- Chests now drop more items when open after the first wave on maps
- Made Pirate Patch from Challenge: Pirate Invasion drop with colors
- Added Turkey Bracers to Challenge: Greater Turkey Hunt
- Buffed the following accessories to be in line with other end-game accessories: Pirate Hat, Pirate Patch, Defender's Cornucopia, Defender's Headdress, Gobbler Shield, Turkey Mask, Santa Hat, Santa Beard, Top Hat, and Bow
- Added for weapon rewards Halloween Spooktacular on Nightmare
- Staff charge rate can now be upgraded to 128
- Made all Mr. Owl pets 30% bigger
- Reduced Coastal Bazaar survival difficulty
- Old generic Dragon Bracers now are part of the Spooky Accessory Set
- Armguards of Love now are part Pink Temple of Love Accessory Set
- Made Ember Crescent always spawn with 1 extra projectile
- Buffed mage towers drop chance to 15%
- Buffed siege mech drop chance to 80% and drops to 6
- Made Outlander Ranger flight time the same as EV 1.75 skin
- Removed movement speed from Calamity Blade
- Changed type sort to consider armor set bonus types (pristine, mail..) before the actual slot type (helmet, gloves..)
- Changed type sort to separate accessory types (hats, masks, shields..)
- Reduced Apprentice’s Fireball Tower attack rate, boosted tower damage, and gave it 25% extra projectile speed
2022. okt. 11.
Dungeon Defenders - I do honestly care

This patch intends on fixing some issues in the game. 



- Added the ability to privately drop mana (default hotkey control + m)

- Fixed a typo in Evil Eye's description
- Fixed an issue where swapping weapons doesn't cancel the cast of the previous one causing weird projectile interactions
- Added new description to Devil Spine level drop variant

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