Dungeon Defenders - [CG] Lawlta

  • NEW - Arcane Library - New map with a new acc as a reward.
  • NEWish - CD Resurgence Part 1, 2 and 3 - Each map has a boss with updated rewards from Mistymire, Moraggo and Aquanos.
  • Tavern - while the tavern is not new, the outside has been removed along with the outside portal and other effects to help improve load times
Note: The Crystalline Maps still require the DLC and the maps unlocked in order.

Quality of Life Changes
  • Loot table added to show the number of drops of each quality on the ground. Use Shift to see along side the map of a level. It also works in the tavern.
  • Move tavern items in Overlord mode
  • Added Host Ready Up override - CTRL G
  • Add MU to HUD under DU
  • New Tower DPS calculation shown at the bottom of tower info.
  • Enemy spawn billboards on the map will toggle on/off when toggling them with O on the minimap
  • Added CD to map list so the Portal isnt required
  • Increased AFK shop price limit to 1 trillion.
  • Circular Slice can be activated in the air
  • Lock tavern item drops/pickups by default.
  • Detonate Traps will now open presents in the tavern to help test towers
  • Add page of items in inventory to trade - CTRL T
  • CTRL drag to move an entire page of items
  • Hide green dot item overlay
  • Jester “move tower” ability should cycle through overlapping towers
  • Players should automatically drop mana when being kicked
  • Updated mask sockets to make some accs fit chars better
  • Hardcore option should be remembered across sessions now
  • Added lightning towers to dynamic lighting toggle under options
  • Damage number 4 has been updated so it doesn't look similar to the 9
  • Added forges to assault maps
  • Dont wait on receiving stats to be able to go to next level
  • Flash jeal and all wheel patterns (except kill %) now work on tavern dummy
  • Presents never drop junk items in tavern
  • Increase mana token limit to 1T
  • Slow ogre fix - if only ogres are left at the end of a wave and the map is empty
  • Temple of Water frame rate improvements for low/medium graphics
  • Potential frame rate improvements on many maps

Balance Changes
  • Lightning tower boss damage reduced by 50%.
  • Buffed ToL accs and Pirate Patch to match Santa accs
  • Santa Spectacles have been added as a winter face acc to Winter
  • Wonderland and Silent Night
  • Dice pet added to King’s Game survival
  • East core Randomly dies on Temple of water
  • Orcs/Ogres should not move when in “hold defensive”
  • Buffed several pets to roll ultimate more often (Monkey, Parrot, Ember Pony, Fenix)
  • Warrior Minion Revamp - cannot be targeted by or collide with enemies, damage scaling increased, unaffected by buff beam, loses health when it attacks
  • Guardians no longer try to boost towers that they cannot affect

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed - Tower/Hero boost should always use highest boost now
  • Fixed - Items get stuck behind spawns. You can now pick up items from further away or use
  • Summoner’s Overlord mode to pick up items during build phase only
  • Fixed - Jim Darkmagic and Demoness speed advantage. The value to give them the extra speed was being overwritten
  • Fixed - Two actors getting stuck and unable to move
  • Fixed - Updated Mana token mesh and minimap icon which previously showed as an egg
  • Fixed - Only host can change song on juke box
  • Fixed - ESTs attacking players in certain scenarios
  • Fixed - Trap no longer shows up in the light beams from the ceiling in Temple of Water
  • Fixed - Spiders showed wrong range value when inspected
  • Fixed - Hardcore always should always be displayed on the client when selected by the host
  • Fixed - Water surface in Temple of Water should not block aiming now
  • Fixed - Gun jamming bug
  • Fixed - Monky/Parrot should no longer try to shoot an enemy through a wall
  • Fixed - Game Setup UI would randomly freeze
  • Fixed - Mana failing through center of map in Aquanos
  • Fixed - Spider web on Huntress Santa’s little helper costume was very and not properly scaled
  • Fixed - Salem Event Cat range was capped at 90
  • Fixed - Weapon stacking bug
  • Fixed - Prevent Phoenix from getting stuck
  • Fixed - CD portal didnt update when difficulty was changed
  • Fixed - Stuck mobs on Moonbase survival
  • Fixed - Temple of Water pathing on the North side
  • Fixed - Shift click and CTRL click should work with pets that have stored mana
  • Fixed - Reflect beams should now update the kills value
  • Fixed - Hovering triggered Old One platform glitch
  • Fixed - Spiders should not get stuck if their target is unreachable
  • Fixed - Fairy healing displays correctly now
  • Fixed - Unintended attack rate reduction on Ember Flame
  • Fixed - Orgres spawning after Polybius challenge is complete
  • Fixed - Soft lock bug (waves that never end after enemies run out forcing restart)
  • Fixed - Players dying if they hover during teleports on Polybius /events maps
Dungeon Defenders - [TE] Lawlta
Greeting Defenders!! We know the wait has been quite long but you dont have to wait any longer. The Tavern Expansion has arrived! Thank you for your patience and feedback this past year as we worked through it all. Please read the note below

  • New Tavern Expansion : First floor expanded, All new second floor,
  • Diamond Forge, Exterior Space, More combat dummies, Expanded
  • Ultimate Defender Room with New Juke Box
  • New Challenge Map - Temple of Polybius with new weapon rewards
  • New Campaign/Survival Map - Temple of Water with new weapon rewards and pet reward
  • New Intermediate Campaing/Survival Map - Dread Dungeon with new accessory reward
  • New Steam achievements and tavern trophies for Moonbase, Buccaneer Bay, and Temple of Water
  • New tavern trophies for Embermount

Quality of Life Improvements
  • Added Hero Info button back to ESC screen
  • Added Box to Enter Mana in Trade (ex 5.0b will add 5 billion)
  • Max Hero limit raised to 40
  • Max tavern limit doubled to 180
  • Tavern: Items Dropped by Host Hidden in private rooms should be hidden from guests making private rooms.. private.
  • Tavern: Item Recovery added to the void, if something escapes reality, it’ll re-appear by the first floor forge!
  • Item upgrade count now visible in trade under Item Info
  • Added count of items contained within Folders in Inventory
  • Remove items from shop even when Inventory is full
  • Auto lock all items going into inventory except when picking up off the floor
  • Sped up Summoner casting in tavern
  • Wheel o Fortuna Damage All percentage reported on the tavern dummy
  • Added animations to Anamorphic Ember
  • Spider and DEWs should now find you anywhere on the map if you there is a path
  • Stuck Enemies should now die
  • Fixed missing ceiling in Glitterhelm and performed a texture art pass to make Glitterhelm live up to its name.
  • Added Santa bracers to Winter Wonderland and Silent Night
  • Add new mask and cufflinks to Temple of Love
  • New Santa accessory cosmetic set bonus
  • New Valentine accessory cosmetic set bonus for male and female
  • Added shields to count towards cosmetic set bonus
  • Holding down survival wave increase/decrease buttons now works
  • Colorized circle component on dropped equipment to match particle beams
  • Updated beam toggle to cycle through beams and circles underneath items.
  • Added profile save event after rewarded equipment
  • Fusion Rod base damage display is now the same as all other staves. Now you can compare base damage 1:1 with existing staves (Classic, bloodshot, etc). DPS is exactly the same
  • Removed TV monitor to improve tavern performance, especially when in other player’s taverns with the new tavern.
  • Improved network performance on Temple of Love for clients
  • Hit T when hovering over an item in the itembox to add to Trade
  • Hit O to toggle Enemy Wave Billboards on minimap
  • Hit P to toggle Towers on minimap
  • All heroes drop mana in a nice pile like the summoner
  • Added Boss Rush countdown shortening switch
  • Reduced Silent Night countdown to 15
  • Allow purchases from Tavern Keeper even when item box is full
  • Fast menu transitions enabled by default
  • Added Harbinger spawn notification

Option Menu Updates
  • Reordered options to put them under appropriate sections
  • Change Voice tab to Sound
  • Added Display CD portal
  • Added Display Cosmetic Set Bonus
  • Added Tower Upgrades Displayed
  • Added Significant Digits Displayed
  • Added Tower Transparency options

Balance Updates
  • Boosted DST projectile speed and damage as well as added new enemies to targeting system. from Djinns => Wyverns => Mages TO Djinns => Wyverns => Sharken => Copter => Mages
  • Adjust Gold Enemy Buff as fixed increase of 200% on NM and Insane, 100% for Hard, 50% for Medium and Easy
  • Buffed Tinker’s Lab Blasters on NM to be better than Insane
  • Buffed Tinker’s Lab Mega Chicken stats around 30 points on NM
  • Buffed Eternian staff to be closer in damage to Classic Standard
  • Buffed Winter Wonderland weapon damage to lower part of high tier weapons
  • Reduced Phoenix charge attack vertical damage
  • Reduced Copter spawn rate during Phoenix boss fight
  • Buffed Fenix and Ember pony to be closer or little better than seahorse due to challenge of farming
  • Removed Map exclusive accessories from Lab Assault (ie CD, ToL, GTH, WW/SN and Palantir)
  • Buffed Spooktacular 2 accs to Lab Assault levels
  • Revert Hyper Rifle elemental damage halving due to 2 projectiles.
  • Ember Accessories ult cap is 600 instead of previous 500.
  • Reduced small coal requirement to make a small diamond from 88 to 44

Bug Fixes
  • Possible fix for trade glitch where both players lose their items
  • Fixed max upgrade count not shown in trade on item info
  • Fix for armor being removed more than weapons (weapons were rated higher in quality)
  • Fixed Talay and Moonbase survival start waves
  • Fixed EST traps on Assault maps not damaging
  • Fixed Hero Info Screen tower stat overlap so numbers aren’t hidden
  • Sealed off Tavern Defense secret room so players cant fall out of the map there
  • Fixed not being able to build on left bridge in Tavern Defense
  • Fixed Tavern Defense Snowman not attacking
  • Fixed Imp stat prediction
  • Fixed gobler shield handle positioning
  • Commented out K key binding to killme command
  • Fixed opacity scaling
  • Fix for items removed during build phase
  • Evil Hero bosses on Winter Wonderland and Silent Night no longer despawn after 2.5 minutes
  • Fixed Tower Wars Spider Queen health overflow causing them to never act or be able to take damage
  • Fixed spelling of "marshmallows" on Anamorphic Ember
  • Fixed AFK shop bug that crash the game for some players
  • Fix to mitigate wave skipping
  • Fixed Battle Droid not weakening enemies
  • Fix for Phoenix killing itself
  • Towers should now move with vertical moving platforms in ToW
  • Fix to Allow Jester to get Apprentice weapons as rewards
  • Fix for unintended increase in leather armor on survivals
  • Fixed hats being backwards on Super Legendary Huntress
  • Fix mana from chests going under the floor
  • Fix for Mistymire survival weapon drop rate to be in line with other Shard maps
  • Fix for 60% of random elements rolling Lightning
  • Fixed moon pet to spawn with tiered level requirements. Max level requirement bumped down to ult90 to line up better with other pets.
  • Fix for Embermount boost pad to activate every time.
  • Fix for damage numbers disappearing above 5mil
  • Fix for excessive mana on the ground in Moonbase NMHC Survival
  • Fix for AFK shop not allowing players to buy anything if host has too many items in item box
Dungeon Defenders - [CG] Lawlta
Greeting Defenders!! We know the wait has been quite long but you dont have to wait any longer. The Tavern Expansion has arrived! Thank you for your patience and feedback this past year as we worked through it all. Please read the note below

  • New Tavern Expansion : First floor expanded, All new second floor,
  • Diamond Forge, Exterior Space, More combat dummies, Expanded
  • Ultimate Defender Room with New Juke Box
  • New Challenge Map - Temple of Polybius with new weapon rewards
  • New Campaign/Survival Map - Temple of Water with new weapon rewards and pet reward
  • New Intermediate Campaing/Survival Map - Dread Dungeon with new accessory reward
  • New Steam achievements and tavern trophies for Moonbase, Buccaneer Bay, and Temple of Water
  • New tavern trophies for Embermount

Quality of Life Improvements
  • Added Hero Info button back to ESC screen
  • Added Box to Enter Mana in Trade (ex 5.0b will add 5 billion)
  • Max Hero limit raised to 40
  • Max tavern limit doubled to 180
  • Tavern: Items Dropped by Host Hidden in private rooms should be hidden from guests making private rooms.. private.
  • Tavern: Item Recovery added to the void, if something escapes reality, it’ll re-appear by the first floor forge!
  • Item upgrade count now visible in trade under Item Info
  • Added count of items contained within Folders in Inventory
  • Remove items from shop even when Inventory is full
  • Auto lock all items going into inventory except when picking up off the floor
  • Sped up Summoner casting in tavern
  • Wheel o Fortuna Damage All percentage reported on the tavern dummy
  • Added animations to Anamorphic Ember
  • Spider and DEWs should now find you anywhere on the map if you there is a path
  • Stuck Enemies should now die
  • Fixed missing ceiling in Glitterhelm and performed a texture art pass to make Glitterhelm live up to its name.
  • Added Santa bracers to Winter Wonderland and Silent Night
  • Add new mask and cufflinks to Temple of Love
  • New Santa accessory cosmetic set bonus
  • New Valentine accessory cosmetic set bonus for male and female
  • Added shields to count towards cosmetic set bonus
  • Holding down survival wave increase/decrease buttons now works
  • Colorized circle component on dropped equipment to match particle beams
  • Updated beam toggle to cycle through beams and circles underneath items.
  • Added profile save event after rewarded equipment
  • Fusion Rod base damage display is now the same as all other staves. Now you can compare base damage 1:1 with existing staves (Classic, bloodshot, etc). DPS is exactly the same
  • Removed TV monitor to improve tavern performance, especially when in other player’s taverns with the new tavern.
  • Improved network performance on Temple of Love for clients
  • Hit T when hovering over an item in the itembox to add to Trade
  • Hit O to toggle Enemy Wave Billboards on minimap
  • Hit P to toggle Towers on minimap
  • All heroes drop mana in a nice pile like the summoner
  • Added Boss Rush countdown shortening switch
  • Reduced Silent Night countdown to 15
  • Allow purchases from Tavern Keeper even when item box is full
  • Fast menu transitions enabled by default
  • Added Harbinger spawn notification

Option Menu Updates
  • Reordered options to put them under appropriate sections
  • Change Voice tab to Sound
  • Added Display CD portal
  • Added Display Cosmetic Set Bonus
  • Added Tower Upgrades Displayed
  • Added Significant Digits Displayed
  • Added Tower Transparency options

Balance Updates
  • Boosted DST projectile speed and damage as well as added new enemies to targeting system. from Djinns => Wyverns => Mages TO Djinns => Wyverns => Sharken => Copter => Mages
  • Adjust Gold Enemy Buff as fixed increase of 200% on NM and Insane, 100% for Hard, 50% for Medium and Easy
  • Buffed Tinker’s Lab Blasters on NM to be better than Insane
  • Buffed Tinker’s Lab Mega Chicken stats around 30 points on NM
  • Buffed Eternian staff to be closer in damage to Classic Standard
  • Buffed Winter Wonderland weapon damage to lower part of high tier weapons
  • Reduced Phoenix charge attack vertical damage
  • Reduced Copter spawn rate during Phoenix boss fight
  • Buffed Fenix and Ember pony to be closer or little better than seahorse due to challenge of farming
  • Removed Map exclusive accessories from Lab Assault (ie CD, ToL, GTH, WW/SN and Palantir)
  • Buffed Spooktacular 2 accs to Lab Assault levels
  • Revert Hyper Rifle elemental damage halving due to 2 projectiles.
  • Ember Accessories ult cap is 600 instead of previous 500.
  • Reduced small coal requirement to make a small diamond from 88 to 44

Bug Fixes
  • Possible fix for trade glitch where both players lose their items
  • Fixed max upgrade count not shown in trade on item info
  • Fix for armor being removed more than weapons (weapons were rated higher in quality)
  • Fixed Talay and Moonbase survival start waves
  • Fixed EST traps on Assault maps not damaging
  • Fixed Hero Info Screen tower stat overlap so numbers aren’t hidden
  • Sealed off Tavern Defense secret room so players cant fall out of the map there
  • Fixed not being able to build on left bridge in Tavern Defense
  • Fixed Tavern Defense Snowman not attacking
  • Fixed Imp stat prediction
  • Fixed gobler shield handle positioning
  • Commented out K key binding to killme command
  • Fixed opacity scaling
  • Fix for items removed during build phase
  • Evil Hero bosses on Winter Wonderland and Silent Night no longer despawn after 2.5 minutes
  • Fixed Tower Wars Spider Queen health overflow causing them to never act or be able to take damage
  • Fixed spelling of "marshmallows" on Anamorphic Ember
  • Fixed AFK shop bug that crash the game for some players
  • Fix to mitigate wave skipping
  • Fixed Battle Droid not weakening enemies
  • Fix for Phoenix killing itself
  • Towers should now move with vertical moving platforms in ToW
  • Fix to Allow Jester to get Apprentice weapons as rewards
  • Fix for unintended increase in leather armor on survivals
  • Fixed hats being backwards on Super Legendary Huntress
  • Fix mana from chests going under the floor
  • Fix for Mistymire survival weapon drop rate to be in line with other Shard maps
  • Fix for 60% of random elements rolling Lightning
  • Fixed moon pet to spawn with tiered level requirements. Max level requirement bumped down to ult90 to line up better with other pets.
  • Fix for Embermount boost pad to activate every time.
  • Fix for damage numbers disappearing above 5mil
  • Fix for excessive mana on the ground in Moonbase NMHC Survival
  • Fix for AFK shop not allowing players to buy anything if host has too many items in item box
Dungeon Defenders - [TrendyEnt] iamisom

Dungeon Defenders II is officially out of Early Access and free-to-play on Xbox One, PC & PS4! With this major milestone in our game’s history, we’re releasing Update 1.0.

Update 1.0 focuses on our New Player Experience. This update fixes a ton of bugs, adds a lot of polish, introduces more quality-of-life changes, improves our early-game experience, and gets new players through Campaign and deep into Chaos. After today, we’re spinning up on features and changes you’ve been asking for (Endless Mode says hi).

We’ve been in Early Access for more than two years. With more than 60+ updates, Dungeon Defenders II has grown up before our very eyes. It’s been exciting and, quite frankly, a little unnerving to develop a game with you watching every step of the way. Our growth and improvement is because of your support, your feedback and the dedicated members of our team who went above and beyond to drive our game forward. We’re proud of where Dungeon Defenders II is today, but launch is just the beginning. With your support, Dungeon Defenders II is only going to get bigger and better!

Here are the notes for Update 1.0:

Xbox One Version Available Now!
Brewed in secrecy, the Xbox One version is finally here! We’re also pleased to announce that the Xbox One version, at launch, is completely caught up to our PC & PS4 versions!

The Initiate
Come on and SLAM!

The Initiate is our first gender-swap hero. This powerful Chi-wielding warrior is the gender swap of our bald friend, the Monk. She uses the same defenses as the Monk, but she comes with a suite of new abilities:
  • Chi Stomp: A powerful slam that can be activated in mid-air!
  • Crippling Chi Wave: The Initiate builds up a glowing ball of Chi and launches it at her enemies, which damages and debuffs any enemies hit!
  • Talisman of Empowerment: The Initiate places a talisman on the ground that temporarily boosts the power of nearby defenses!

The Initiate is available at a lower Gem and Defender Medal price than other heroes. And don’t worry: The Barbarian will have his time to shine soon.

Updated Tutorials
Play our all new Tutorial map and check out our new Tutorial videos with the new How To Play Menu! The new videos and map cover a variety of helpful hints, tips, and tricks that will aid in your defense of Etheria!

Updated Story and Campaign
Etheria has never felt so alive! Play through the updated story in our revamped Campaign experience and stave off the Old Ones advance. Prepare for new threats and twists that will appear. Make sure to keep an eye out during Build Phase!

New Summary Screen & Score System
At the end of each map, whether you win or lose, there’s a new summary screen that will score you based on your performance. Our new scoring system includes many different modifiers and bonuses to help you tweak your builds and get higher and higher on your personal mental leaderboard. Shortly after the release of score, we’ll add some form of score tracking for players to see!

Updated HUD & Health Bars
We’ve updated a number of our Heads-Up Display elements to make the UI cleaner while providing more information. The biggest change is the addition of hero deck hotkeys above the Health Bar. Now you can easily see which hero is in which hero deck slot hotkey, which is especially handy if you’re the kind of player who constantly rotates heroes in and out of your Hero Deck!

New Tower Skins
Check out the all new Bit Crush Dryad, Woodland Apprentice, and Hypno Abyss Lord Tower Skins! (Time for an Abyss Lord/Monk defensive DANCE PARTY! Unce unce unce #hype)

New Shard Icons
We’ve added new iconography for some of the most popular Shards in the game. We’ll continue to improve on our Shard icons after launch!
  • Channel - Icon Type Change
  • Inspiration - Icon Type Change
  • Hero Critical Strike - Minor Border Change
  • Life Leech - Icon Type Change
  • Speed Boost - Icon Type Change
  • Superconductor - Icon Type Change
  • Construction - Icon Type Change
  • Explosive Guard - Icon Type Change
  • Defensive Critical Damage - Minor Border Change
  • Destruction - Minor Border Change
  • Fortification - Minor Border Change
  • Deadly Strikes - Icon Type Change
  • Panic Fire - Icon Type Change
  • Press Your Luck - Icon Type Change

Incursions & Legendary Weapons
As part of our New Player Experience, we’ve introduced Incursions into Chaos! The goal of our Incursions is to provide variety and progression milestones as players progress through Chaos.

Each Chaos tier will now have its own unique Incursions. After completing an Incursion, you’ll unlock unique Legendary weapons at the Wayfarer! The Wayfarer will forge these unique weapons based on your highest powered hero. The Wayfarer will sell these weapons for Defender Medals, so be sure to sell those Souls4Gold when the update comes out!

As for long-term gameplay variety in our endgame, we have a number of interesting changes and features we’re going to add post-launch. Stay tuned!

New Weapons
In addition to the Wayfarer weapons, we’ve added many new weapon models to the game across many of our different heroes. Go forth and get that sweet new loot!

PS4 Optimization
This update improves PS4 framerate, especially when a lot of enemies are on-screen at once. This is just the first of our optimization updates for the PS4 -- shortly after launch, we have a litany of other changes that should improve framerate even more!

Quality of Life
  • Added a new Minimum Ascension Level host option.
  • Added the ability to rename your heroes for free in the Inventory.
  • Added controller sensitivity option on PC.
  • Revamped range indicator decals for visibility.
  • Now you can play and access everything on PC with a controller, including the Options Menu!
  • Added the names of defenses under relic slots.
  • Added Server Region display to the Main Menu.
  • Improved the Flamethrower Tower’s visual effects.
  • Added a minimap and NPC blips to the Heroes Marketplace.
  • Improved player name display with proper capitalization!
  • Added a “Hold <blank> to rotate tower” for PC controller users.
  • Improved and unified the look of many different UIs.
  • Updated the first quest in the game to have smarter text and a better UI.
  • Victory chests show up on all minimaps.
  • The War Table in the Private Tavern should now default to Private Games. Such private. Many seekrits.
  • Updated the game icon to the Squire’s Head. This was the most important change of all.

Core Health
  • Increased the core health in Chaos to protect against enemies one-shotting the core.

  • Ballista - Black Arrow damage increased from 50% to 60%.
  • Cannonball - Stun Fire proc increased to 25% and stun duration from 2.4 to 3.0 seconds.
  • Cannonball - Heavy Cannonball damage increased from 950% to 1250%.
  • Earthshatter - Earth Toss proc chance increased from 35% to 100%. Knockup duration increased slightly.
  • Fire for Effect chance increased from 25% to 45%
  • Flame Aura - Encroaching Flames proc chance increased from 25% to 30% and damage increased from 40% to 60%.
  • Skeletal Archer - Explosive Arrows proc chance increased from 15% to 30% and damage increased from 110% to 450%.
  • Snakes on a Plane - Proc chance increased from every 5 seconds to every 3 seconds and damage increased from 525% to 3000%.
  • Enduring Bubble - Levels increased from 8 to 10. Buff duration decreased from +5 seconds to +2 seconds.
  • Lateral Blast - Damage increased from 725% to 2250%.
  • Mega Rock - Proc chance increased from every 10 volleys to every 5 volleys. Damage increased from 1150% to 4000%.
  • Frosty Proton Node - Proc chance increased from 5% to 25%, duration decreased from 5 to 2 seconds.
  • Gunwitch’s Hunting Blind Tower damage unchanged from 0% to 0%.

Betsy Weapons
  • Betsy weapons now have their shards locked in a shard slot to mimic their old, pre-shard passive effects.
  • Apprentice and Huntress Betsy Weapons have had updated firing rates and damage to better match our new balanced solutions.
  • Updated Betsy’s Empowered Lightning Shard description to make more sense.

Bug Fixesss
  • Fixed another magical Proton beam crash. Huzzah!
  • Fixed an issue with an endless black screen after multiple loading screens.
  • Hero Information and Currency indicators should no longer overlap.
  • Improved fullscreen and windowed game display modes.
  • Fixed another Siege Roller stuck issue.
  • Power Transfer Shard functions when equipped to Boost Aura now.
  • “Speeds” are now “Orbs” again.
  • “Skulls” are now “Marks” again. We have no idea how that happened.
  • This also means the Orb and Mark filters work again!
  • Abyss Lord’s Abyss Stones are now able to crit.
  • This update fixes a bug where multiplayer enemy health scaling was scaling higher than intended. Per-player enemy health scaling is now +25% rather than +50%. Go forth and defend with friends!
  • Fixed an issue where you could not drop a Shard onto a bag icon.
  • Shard Packs and Shards should go through the proper auto-collect flow now.
  • Fixed a text pop up at a really high Ascension level.
  • Jumping and using the right click dash on the Lavamancer should work properly now while dashing around the map. No more randomly hitting invisible walls! HOORAY!
  • The Ogres on the Forest Ambush Incursion thought it’d be really cool to just T-pose for fun. We set them straight.
  • The crosshair reticle should now turn the correct colors when targeting allies and other things in game. It will be colors other than red now! ADDITIONAL HOORAYS.
  • Updated several error message text to make more sense.
  • The resolution selector in the Options Menu is now scrollable with scroll wheels.
  • The World Tree now properly gets destroyed during the Victory animation if it’s too close to the Victory Chests.
  • Updated the description on the Shadowflame Dagger.
  • Updated the consumable tooltip to use the new UI.
  • Combined Power - Serpent’s Coil beams will now attack training dummies.
  • Updated the error text if there are no marked targets for Arcane Volley.
  • Gunwitch’s Snipe Critical Damage Shard no longer applies to all elemental damage.
  • Fixed the Level 50 Level Up Pop Up to show Level 50 instead of “Level 0”.
  • Renamed the default hero names to their classes. Squire is now “Squire.” Monk is now “Monk.” Barbarian is now “Pete.”
  • Fixed a challenge display issue where it would render completed challenges twice in the UI.
  • Flame Aura properly calculates crit damage and chance into its inspected DPS number.
  • Fixed a matchmaking issue where if Player 2 declines, then Player 1 gets an “Unknown Error.”
  • Fiery Brimstone Shard now only works for the Abyss Lord as originally designed and fixed the critical damage scaling on the procs from 100% to 12% where it should be.
  • Unequipping items will go through the auto-collect flow and go to the bags that they should be.
  • Fixed an issue where swapping to EV2 Mark III was causing a rogue torso to display.
  • Fixed Drakken’s eyes and mouths to be glowing properly.
  • Added a notification that a party request has been sent to another player.
  • The “Could not authenticate with Steam… try again?” pop up was missing some buttons. We gave them back.
  • Fixed a crash if you had selected Exit on a menu screen while an immediate message was being displayed.
  • Mystic’s Dark Torment damage over time critical effect is no longer scaling inversely with hero damage.
  • Fixed a billboard issue on Siege of the Throne Room.
  • Fixed an area where Kobolds could get stuck in the Ruins.
  • G4T0’s facial animations have been restored! Beep boop. Bloop.
  • Fixed a boost aura description typo. “Precentage” is right… right?
  • Fixed small lighting issues on the Dryad Hornet’s Nest and Slime Pit.
  • Monk’s alternate attack is no longer blocked by towers.
  • Fixed the wyvern death animation.
  • The Weapon Filter on the Filter By… bag no longer has defense stat options.
  • Fixed a spot on Dragonfall Plaza where the Dryad could exit the map.
  • Fixed several small issues with tower damage challenges.

Known Issues
  • No “Press G to End Match” message is displayed after beating wave 4 on Airship Battle. This is only a visual problem and G still functions correctly.
  • Glaive of Storms isn’t currently purchasable in the wayfarer shop. It still unlocks and drops from the Power Surge Incursion.
  • Glaive of Storms’ unique shard is missing its icon.
Dungeon Defenders - iamisom

Dungeon Defenders II is officially out of Early Access and free-to-play on Xbox One, PC & PS4! With this major milestone in our game’s history, we’re releasing Update 1.0.

Update 1.0 focuses on our New Player Experience. This update fixes a ton of bugs, adds a lot of polish, introduces more quality-of-life changes, improves our early-game experience, and gets new players through Campaign and deep into Chaos. After today, we’re spinning up on features and changes you’ve been asking for (Endless Mode says hi).

We’ve been in Early Access for more than two years. With more than 60+ updates, Dungeon Defenders II has grown up before our very eyes. It’s been exciting and, quite frankly, a little unnerving to develop a game with you watching every step of the way. Our growth and improvement is because of your support, your feedback and the dedicated members of our team who went above and beyond to drive our game forward. We’re proud of where Dungeon Defenders II is today, but launch is just the beginning. With your support, Dungeon Defenders II is only going to get bigger and better!

Here are the notes for Update 1.0:

Xbox One Version Available Now!
Brewed in secrecy, the Xbox One version is finally here! We’re also pleased to announce that the Xbox One version, at launch, is completely caught up to our PC & PS4 versions!

The Initiate
Come on and SLAM!

The Initiate is our first gender-swap hero. This powerful Chi-wielding warrior is the gender swap of our bald friend, the Monk. She uses the same defenses as the Monk, but she comes with a suite of new abilities:
  • Chi Stomp: A powerful slam that can be activated in mid-air!
  • Crippling Chi Wave: The Initiate builds up a glowing ball of Chi and launches it at her enemies, which damages and debuffs any enemies hit!
  • Talisman of Empowerment: The Initiate places a talisman on the ground that temporarily boosts the power of nearby defenses!

The Initiate is available at a lower Gem and Defender Medal price than other heroes. And don’t worry: The Barbarian will have his time to shine soon.

Updated Tutorials
Play our all new Tutorial map and check out our new Tutorial videos with the new How To Play Menu! The new videos and map cover a variety of helpful hints, tips, and tricks that will aid in your defense of Etheria!

Updated Story and Campaign
Etheria has never felt so alive! Play through the updated story in our revamped Campaign experience and stave off the Old Ones advance. Prepare for new threats and twists that will appear. Make sure to keep an eye out during Build Phase!

New Summary Screen & Score System
At the end of each map, whether you win or lose, there’s a new summary screen that will score you based on your performance. Our new scoring system includes many different modifiers and bonuses to help you tweak your builds and get higher and higher on your personal mental leaderboard. Shortly after the release of score, we’ll add some form of score tracking for players to see!

Updated HUD & Health Bars
We’ve updated a number of our Heads-Up Display elements to make the UI cleaner while providing more information. The biggest change is the addition of hero deck hotkeys above the Health Bar. Now you can easily see which hero is in which hero deck slot hotkey, which is especially handy if you’re the kind of player who constantly rotates heroes in and out of your Hero Deck!

New Tower Skins
Check out the all new Bit Crush Dryad, Woodland Apprentice, and Hypno Abyss Lord Tower Skins! (Time for an Abyss Lord/Monk defensive DANCE PARTY! Unce unce unce #hype)

New Shard Icons
We’ve added new iconography for some of the most popular Shards in the game. We’ll continue to improve on our Shard icons after launch!
  • Channel - Icon Type Change
  • Inspiration - Icon Type Change
  • Hero Critical Strike - Minor Border Change
  • Life Leech - Icon Type Change
  • Speed Boost - Icon Type Change
  • Superconductor - Icon Type Change
  • Construction - Icon Type Change
  • Explosive Guard - Icon Type Change
  • Defensive Critical Damage - Minor Border Change
  • Destruction - Minor Border Change
  • Fortification - Minor Border Change
  • Deadly Strikes - Icon Type Change
  • Panic Fire - Icon Type Change
  • Press Your Luck - Icon Type Change

Incursions & Legendary Weapons
As part of our New Player Experience, we’ve introduced Incursions into Chaos! The goal of our Incursions is to provide variety and progression milestones as players progress through Chaos.

Each Chaos tier will now have its own unique Incursions. After completing an Incursion, you’ll unlock unique Legendary weapons at the Wayfarer! The Wayfarer will forge these unique weapons based on your highest powered hero. The Wayfarer will sell these weapons for Defender Medals, so be sure to sell those Souls4Gold when the update comes out!

As for long-term gameplay variety in our endgame, we have a number of interesting changes and features we’re going to add post-launch. Stay tuned!

New Weapons
In addition to the Wayfarer weapons, we’ve added many new weapon models to the game across many of our different heroes. Go forth and get that sweet new loot!

PS4 Optimization
This update improves PS4 framerate, especially when a lot of enemies are on-screen at once. This is just the first of our optimization updates for the PS4 -- shortly after launch, we have a litany of other changes that should improve framerate even more!

Quality of Life
  • Added a new Minimum Ascension Level host option.
  • Added the ability to rename your heroes for free in the Inventory.
  • Added controller sensitivity option on PC.
  • Revamped range indicator decals for visibility.
  • Now you can play and access everything on PC with a controller, including the Options Menu!
  • Added the names of defenses under relic slots.
  • Added Server Region display to the Main Menu.
  • Improved the Flamethrower Tower’s visual effects.
  • Added a minimap and NPC blips to the Heroes Marketplace.
  • Improved player name display with proper capitalization!
  • Added a “Hold <blank> to rotate tower” for PC controller users.
  • Improved and unified the look of many different UIs.
  • Updated the first quest in the game to have smarter text and a better UI.
  • Victory chests show up on all minimaps.
  • The War Table in the Private Tavern should now default to Private Games. Such private. Many seekrits.
  • Updated the game icon to the Squire’s Head. This was the most important change of all.

Core Health
  • Increased the core health in Chaos to protect against enemies one-shotting the core.

  • Ballista - Black Arrow damage increased from 50% to 60%.
  • Cannonball - Stun Fire proc increased to 25% and stun duration from 2.4 to 3.0 seconds.
  • Cannonball - Heavy Cannonball damage increased from 950% to 1250%.
  • Earthshatter - Earth Toss proc chance increased from 35% to 100%. Knockup duration increased slightly.
  • Fire for Effect chance increased from 25% to 45%
  • Flame Aura - Encroaching Flames proc chance increased from 25% to 30% and damage increased from 40% to 60%.
  • Skeletal Archer - Explosive Arrows proc chance increased from 15% to 30% and damage increased from 110% to 450%.
  • Snakes on a Plane - Proc chance increased from every 5 seconds to every 3 seconds and damage increased from 525% to 3000%.
  • Enduring Bubble - Levels increased from 8 to 10. Buff duration decreased from +5 seconds to +2 seconds.
  • Lateral Blast - Damage increased from 725% to 2250%.
  • Mega Rock - Proc chance increased from every 10 volleys to every 5 volleys. Damage increased from 1150% to 4000%.
  • Frosty Proton Node - Proc chance increased from 5% to 25%, duration decreased from 5 to 2 seconds.
  • Gunwitch’s Hunting Blind Tower damage unchanged from 0% to 0%.

Betsy Weapons
  • Betsy weapons now have their shards locked in a shard slot to mimic their old, pre-shard passive effects.
  • Apprentice and Huntress Betsy Weapons have had updated firing rates and damage to better match our new balanced solutions.
  • Updated Betsy’s Empowered Lightning Shard description to make more sense.

Bug Fixesss
  • Fixed another magical Proton beam crash. Huzzah!
  • Fixed an issue with an endless black screen after multiple loading screens.
  • Hero Information and Currency indicators should no longer overlap.
  • Improved fullscreen and windowed game display modes.
  • Fixed another Siege Roller stuck issue.
  • Power Transfer Shard functions when equipped to Boost Aura now.
  • “Speeds” are now “Orbs” again.
  • “Skulls” are now “Marks” again. We have no idea how that happened.
  • This also means the Orb and Mark filters work again!
  • Abyss Lord’s Abyss Stones are now able to crit.
  • This update fixes a bug where multiplayer enemy health scaling was scaling higher than intended. Per-player enemy health scaling is now +25% rather than +50%. Go forth and defend with friends!
  • Fixed an issue where you could not drop a Shard onto a bag icon.
  • Shard Packs and Shards should go through the proper auto-collect flow now.
  • Fixed a text pop up at a really high Ascension level.
  • Jumping and using the right click dash on the Lavamancer should work properly now while dashing around the map. No more randomly hitting invisible walls! HOORAY!
  • The Ogres on the Forest Ambush Incursion thought it’d be really cool to just T-pose for fun. We set them straight.
  • The crosshair reticle should now turn the correct colors when targeting allies and other things in game. It will be colors other than red now! ADDITIONAL HOORAYS.
  • Updated several error message text to make more sense.
  • The resolution selector in the Options Menu is now scrollable with scroll wheels.
  • The World Tree now properly gets destroyed during the Victory animation if it’s too close to the Victory Chests.
  • Updated the description on the Shadowflame Dagger.
  • Updated the consumable tooltip to use the new UI.
  • Combined Power - Serpent’s Coil beams will now attack training dummies.
  • Updated the error text if there are no marked targets for Arcane Volley.
  • Gunwitch’s Snipe Critical Damage Shard no longer applies to all elemental damage.
  • Fixed the Level 50 Level Up Pop Up to show Level 50 instead of “Level 0”.
  • Renamed the default hero names to their classes. Squire is now “Squire.” Monk is now “Monk.” Barbarian is now “Pete.”
  • Fixed a challenge display issue where it would render completed challenges twice in the UI.
  • Flame Aura properly calculates crit damage and chance into its inspected DPS number.
  • Fixed a matchmaking issue where if Player 2 declines, then Player 1 gets an “Unknown Error.”
  • Fiery Brimstone Shard now only works for the Abyss Lord as originally designed and fixed the critical damage scaling on the procs from 100% to 12% where it should be.
  • Unequipping items will go through the auto-collect flow and go to the bags that they should be.
  • Fixed an issue where swapping to EV2 Mark III was causing a rogue torso to display.
  • Fixed Drakken’s eyes and mouths to be glowing properly.
  • Added a notification that a party request has been sent to another player.
  • The “Could not authenticate with Steam… try again?” pop up was missing some buttons. We gave them back.
  • Fixed a crash if you had selected Exit on a menu screen while an immediate message was being displayed.
  • Mystic’s Dark Torment damage over time critical effect is no longer scaling inversely with hero damage.
  • Fixed a billboard issue on Siege of the Throne Room.
  • Fixed an area where Kobolds could get stuck in the Ruins.
  • G4T0’s facial animations have been restored! Beep boop. Bloop.
  • Fixed a boost aura description typo. “Precentage” is right… right?
  • Fixed small lighting issues on the Dryad Hornet’s Nest and Slime Pit.
  • Monk’s alternate attack is no longer blocked by towers.
  • Fixed the wyvern death animation.
  • The Weapon Filter on the Filter By… bag no longer has defense stat options.
  • Fixed a spot on Dragonfall Plaza where the Dryad could exit the map.
  • Fixed several small issues with tower damage challenges.

Known Issues
  • No “Press G to End Match” message is displayed after beating wave 4 on Airship Battle. This is only a visual problem and G still functions correctly.
  • Glaive of Storms isn’t currently purchasable in the wayfarer shop. It still unlocks and drops from the Power Surge Incursion.
  • Glaive of Storms’ unique shard is missing its icon.
Dungeon Defenders - iamisom

This update and message is brought to you by the Community Development Team. The CDT is a group of volunteer community members dedicated to bringing new content and experiences to Dungeon Defenders!

The Rising Phoenix update is here! Time to grab some snacks, sit down and enjoy yet another free update made possible by you, the community. The CDT would like to thank you for your help with testing and providing feedback to make this release happen. We hope you enjoy! (And if you're interested in helping the CDT with the next update, or if you have a suggestion of what the CDT should do next, let us know in the CDT forums!)

New Content
  • Steam Trading Cards, Wallpapers, Emoticons, Badges
  • Embermount Volcano campaign map with Poenix Boss
  • Embermount Tavern Theme
  • Steam Achievement and Phoenix feather plaque when beating Embermount
  • New enemy - The Harbinger
  • 4 New weapons (1 for each class)
  • 3 new pets in Embermount Survival
  • 3 New accessories for Embermount - Brooch, Mask and Bracers
  • Story line cut scenes for Embermount
  • Moon Pet added to Moonbase Survival
  • Cosmetic Accessory Set Bonuses: Crystal, Embermount and Palantir (based on hat, mask and bracers)
  • News page updated

  • Items rated as transcendent or above have a particle beam showing over the item to make picking them out of the pile easier. Beam only shown on items not filtered from the minimap by quality
  • Added toggle key (b) for particle beams
  • Updated minimap colors for ult+ and ult++ (orange and red respectively)
  • Electric aura’s can damage the tavern dummy
  • The highest damage dealt to a target by chained proximity mines will be dealt instead of the first to deal the damage
  • Maximum starting wave is now set per map (24 on 25 wave maps, 28 on 30 wave maps, 32 on 35 wave maps, 36 on 40 wave maps)
  • Camera rotation is locked when in top down placement mode (building / repairing / upgrading)
  • New Setting - Can move while building (disables movement while in top down placement)
  • New Setting -Enable tower dynamic lighting (significant performance benefits when disabled.) Affects traps and projectile towers (most notably inferno traps and fireball towers) Requires restarting DD after enabling to take effect. Disabling requires a new tower of that type to be built.
  • Cursor placed relative to the hero in the placement casting state
  • Removed slight frame rate dependency from many damaging towers. All projectile towers, Lightning Tower, Slice’n Dice, and Proton Beam. Every point in tower rate counts. There are no breakpoints.
  • New item comparison calculation for armour and accessories
  • Items can be renamed when at their maximum upgrade level at the cost of one upgrade
  • Item naming character limit has been increased to 36
  • Added a report issue button to the pause menu
  • Palantir, Greater Turkey Hunt, CD, Temple of Love, Winter Wonderland, and Silent Night accessory multipliers now match those awarded by lab assault
  • Moonbase now has a survival mode
  • Added confirmation message when hitting 42 on Moonbase DDR machine
  • Initiate Enemy Drain ability, Spider Minion web, and Wheel of Fortuna buff/debuff enemies resistance factor applied to the training dummy
  • Jester’s Move Tower and Wheel abilities can be used in the tavern
  • Trap/Aura selection priority is identical for repairing. Selection will be based only on current health percentage.
  • Trap/Aura upgrade priority favours traps when upgrades are equal, otherwise whichever tower has the least upgrades.
  • Instant upgrade will favour towers that can be upgraded over repairing towers that are at their maximum upgrade level.
  • Traps and auras can overlap spawns and show a warning when doing so
  • BucBay - Repositioned the hero spawn points to face the main crystal and open area instead of the dead end.
  • Golding an enemy (by Djinn / Wheel) increases its power by a percentage so the power boost scales into higher level games
  • Djinn ability casting durations depend on difficulty (enemy gold beam and tower desummon). That is to say, buffing/desummoning takes more time on a lower difficulty
  • Summoner minions can move sensibly over short distances with no pathfinding mesh present (ie. when placed on walls, they won’t always jump off before moving along)
  • On Nightmare difficulty, the 50% of loot that was not receiving wave/difficulty multipliers has been replaced with fully scaled items
  • Party Popper tower animation scaling reduced so it doesn’t spaz out with only a few points in tower rate
  • EV beam collision is now much more consistent between pre/post placement
  • Armour vs. weapon comparison skewed more in favour of armour to bias the drop removal priority
  • Traps on uneven terrain can now trigger on any walking enemy inside its radius
  • Slow ogre spawns on some maps on NM difficulty are much improved in many cases
  • Armour type drops rates boosted by 25% for random equipment drops.
  • Character health over 1 million is displayed using the high value format to 4 significant figures (eg. 1.234 M) to prevent the health value running off screen
  • Excess equipment removal function has been rewritten. Fixed an unconfirmed issue which removed many more items than intended under some circumstances, and it is much faster.
  • Excess mana removal function rewritten. Introduced a biasing system to keep tokens with a larger value around for longer. Large tokens will still be deleted eventually. This is not a bug, but a design decision that was made to prevent players waiting until the end of the round to collect mana and not being significantly penalised for doing so.
  • Multiple upgrades can be applied to an item in a single click when using “pro mode”. No key down - 1 upgrade per click. Shift down - Applies up to 9 upgrades per click. Ctrl down - Applies up to 50 upgrades per click
  • Predicted stat value will account for the number of upgrades to be applied
  • Invasion shows the current phase number in the UI
  • Inferno trap damage and attack rate updates for (de-)buffs in real time

Balance Updates
  • Slice’N Dice and Lightning Tower - Higher damage output. Damage per tick now increases with the attack rate stat so that damage output continues to scale into lategame (including buffs and debuffs). Scaling revised to account for this.
  • Bowling Ball Tower - Faster attacks. Animation time exponent increased from 0.8 to 1.0 (significant increase in high end attack rate). Bowling ball tower damage had fallen well behind at high levels due to it’s below average animation duration scaling. Increasing the scaling exponent to 1.0 brought the damage up to comparable levels and makes it easier to compare across towers for future changes.
  • Magic Missile Tower - More powerful attacks. Damage scaling exponent increased from 1.105 to 1.15. Single target towers need to do more damage than multi target towers. The MMT wasn’t, so it gets a small buff.
  • Darkness, Inferno, and Gas traps - Base charges increased to 3 from 1/2/2.
  • Ethereal Spike Trap - Base charges increased from 2 to 4. Attack radius now scales with trigger radius so it can always hit the enemy that triggered the trap. Damage now scales much, much faster
  • Proximity Mine Trap - Base charges increased from 2 to 4
  • Mana Bomb and Purity Bomb - Significant increase in damage scaling. Blocked in assault challenges due to combination of absurdly high damage and long range

Bug Fixes
  • Possible fix to lock down hero info and equipment info UI istances to help prevent future chances of item stealing
  • Fixed Diamonds spawn
  • Fixed level 60 armor dropping on low difficulties
  • Fixed flying enemies not correctly triggering traps
  • Fixed Pure Strategy on Embermount and Buccaneer Bay
  • Proton beams and inferno traps with high attack rates now deal damage every tick. Multiple proton beams can also damage the same target because of this fix
  • Public games being played on a different version no longer visible in matchmaking
  • Items with all negative stats no longer show as an upgrade if no equipment is present to compare to
  • Large aura’s (>18 units in radius) are always picked up immediately when entering upgrade/repair/sell casting modes
  • Fix lightning tower not being able to chain off an enemy if it kills it in the same tick
  • Fix for semi-random interval between first and second shot after reloading a gun
  • Fix for other heroes banked mana being displayed incorrectly in the pause menu
  • Fixed ghost pillars in Hall of Court
  • Palantir no longer warns of fish wyverns
  • Old One’s belly crystal can be attacked by all weapons
  • Instant upgrade will no longer attempt to repair towers that have health above the normal repair threshold
  • Fixed south west doors on Buccaneer Bay that wouldn’t animate on wave start..
  • Fixed unintended increase in high level armor dropping
  • Fixed Ogres dropped by Goblin Copters damaging crystals in CD and WW.
  • Fixed Djinn casting time being accelerated by ensnare auras
    Enemies set to golden state don’t retrigger the Wave 10 and Wave 20 survival difficulty spikes
  • Prevented any item spawning with negative damage, upgrades, or ammunition (observed as 1/1 upgrades, 10 damage, or 1 ammunition spawning too frequently)
  • Summoner minion collision on client games now matches the host (no more rising out of defences)
  • Phase shifted summoner can no longer be killed by explosive attacks exceeding 100,000 damage
  • Fix apprentice / squire / huntress weapons spawning with incorrect (high) quality ratings
  • Fix items with 8 negative stats being evaluated as godly
  • Fix double multiplication bug causing items in the tavern shop to show up with much higher than intended prices
  • Mix mode skeletons will now always timeout if they get stuck in an unrevived state
  • Moonbase gravity is not dependant on frame rate
  • Tavern XP bonus doesn’t award a “score”
  • In Local/Open game modes, having the mod missions selected will not lock out the Shards and Lost quests buttons
  • Loot multiplier scaling now increases with every wave of a map (integer division…)
  • Fix stretched Squire masks
  • Fix for wyverns, djinn, and goblin copter pathfinding logic stalling and appearing stuck. Fixes the infamous CD wyvern along with almost every other stuckage for these three enemy types
  • Fix floating damage numbers disappearing offscreen when attack rates continuously exceed 10 times per second
  • Fix health decay rate for proton beam depending on the attack rate
  • Possible fix for goblin copters forgetting to drop their ogre when the drop zone is reached
  • Possible fix for DEW / Spider targeting when there are no targetable players on larger maps
  • Jester “Move Tower” ability now uses the same placement rules as when the tower is being built.
  • Fix map name not being visible to clients in the tavern in some circumstances
  • Fix accented ‘U’ in Uber maps being incorrectly formatted and not showing as an accented ‘U’
  • Fix projectile speed multipliers on Moonbase Quietus reward being unexpectedly low
  • Fix issue preventing item particle effects showing up correctly while dropped on the floor (to be used for new items)
  • Fix weapons equipped to the series EV not always hiding all particle effects correctly
  • Fix map selection UI jumping to Deeper Well if a player joins the game when looking at the Lost Quests maps
  • (Partial) Fix for repair/upgrade auto selection finding a tower out of range
  • Fix for minimap quality filter breaking for qualities above Ultimate
Dungeon Defenders - [TrendyEnt] iamisom

This update and message is brought to you by the Community Development Team. The CDT is a group of volunteer community members dedicated to bringing new content and experiences to Dungeon Defenders!

The Rising Phoenix update is here! Time to grab some snacks, sit down and enjoy yet another free update made possible by you, the community. The CDT would like to thank you for your help with testing and providing feedback to make this release happen. We hope you enjoy! (And if you're interested in helping the CDT with the next update, or if you have a suggestion of what the CDT should do next, let us know in the CDT forums!)

New Content
  • Steam Trading Cards, Wallpapers, Emoticons, Badges
  • Embermount Volcano campaign map with Poenix Boss
  • Embermount Tavern Theme
  • Steam Achievement and Phoenix feather plaque when beating Embermount
  • New enemy - The Harbinger
  • 4 New weapons (1 for each class)
  • 3 new pets in Embermount Survival
  • 3 New accessories for Embermount - Brooch, Mask and Bracers
  • Story line cut scenes for Embermount
  • Moon Pet added to Moonbase Survival
  • Cosmetic Accessory Set Bonuses: Crystal, Embermount and Palantir (based on hat, mask and bracers)
  • News page updated

  • Items rated as transcendent or above have a particle beam showing over the item to make picking them out of the pile easier. Beam only shown on items not filtered from the minimap by quality
  • Added toggle key (b) for particle beams
  • Updated minimap colors for ult+ and ult++ (orange and red respectively)
  • Electric aura’s can damage the tavern dummy
  • The highest damage dealt to a target by chained proximity mines will be dealt instead of the first to deal the damage
  • Maximum starting wave is now set per map (24 on 25 wave maps, 28 on 30 wave maps, 32 on 35 wave maps, 36 on 40 wave maps)
  • Camera rotation is locked when in top down placement mode (building / repairing / upgrading)
  • New Setting - Can move while building (disables movement while in top down placement)
  • New Setting -Enable tower dynamic lighting (significant performance benefits when disabled.) Affects traps and projectile towers (most notably inferno traps and fireball towers) Requires restarting DD after enabling to take effect. Disabling requires a new tower of that type to be built.
  • Cursor placed relative to the hero in the placement casting state
  • Removed slight frame rate dependency from many damaging towers. All projectile towers, Lightning Tower, Slice’n Dice, and Proton Beam. Every point in tower rate counts. There are no breakpoints.
  • New item comparison calculation for armour and accessories
  • Items can be renamed when at their maximum upgrade level at the cost of one upgrade
  • Item naming character limit has been increased to 36
  • Added a report issue button to the pause menu
  • Palantir, Greater Turkey Hunt, CD, Temple of Love, Winter Wonderland, and Silent Night accessory multipliers now match those awarded by lab assault
  • Moonbase now has a survival mode
  • Added confirmation message when hitting 42 on Moonbase DDR machine
  • Initiate Enemy Drain ability, Spider Minion web, and Wheel of Fortuna buff/debuff enemies resistance factor applied to the training dummy
  • Jester’s Move Tower and Wheel abilities can be used in the tavern
  • Trap/Aura selection priority is identical for repairing. Selection will be based only on current health percentage.
  • Trap/Aura upgrade priority favours traps when upgrades are equal, otherwise whichever tower has the least upgrades.
  • Instant upgrade will favour towers that can be upgraded over repairing towers that are at their maximum upgrade level.
  • Traps and auras can overlap spawns and show a warning when doing so
  • BucBay - Repositioned the hero spawn points to face the main crystal and open area instead of the dead end.
  • Golding an enemy (by Djinn / Wheel) increases its power by a percentage so the power boost scales into higher level games
  • Djinn ability casting durations depend on difficulty (enemy gold beam and tower desummon). That is to say, buffing/desummoning takes more time on a lower difficulty
  • Summoner minions can move sensibly over short distances with no pathfinding mesh present (ie. when placed on walls, they won’t always jump off before moving along)
  • On Nightmare difficulty, the 50% of loot that was not receiving wave/difficulty multipliers has been replaced with fully scaled items
  • Party Popper tower animation scaling reduced so it doesn’t spaz out with only a few points in tower rate
  • EV beam collision is now much more consistent between pre/post placement
  • Armour vs. weapon comparison skewed more in favour of armour to bias the drop removal priority
  • Traps on uneven terrain can now trigger on any walking enemy inside its radius
  • Slow ogre spawns on some maps on NM difficulty are much improved in many cases
  • Armour type drops rates boosted by 25% for random equipment drops.
  • Character health over 1 million is displayed using the high value format to 4 significant figures (eg. 1.234 M) to prevent the health value running off screen
  • Excess equipment removal function has been rewritten. Fixed an unconfirmed issue which removed many more items than intended under some circumstances, and it is much faster.
  • Excess mana removal function rewritten. Introduced a biasing system to keep tokens with a larger value around for longer. Large tokens will still be deleted eventually. This is not a bug, but a design decision that was made to prevent players waiting until the end of the round to collect mana and not being significantly penalised for doing so.
  • Multiple upgrades can be applied to an item in a single click when using “pro mode”. No key down - 1 upgrade per click. Shift down - Applies up to 9 upgrades per click. Ctrl down - Applies up to 50 upgrades per click
  • Predicted stat value will account for the number of upgrades to be applied
  • Invasion shows the current phase number in the UI
  • Inferno trap damage and attack rate updates for (de-)buffs in real time

Balance Updates
  • Slice’N Dice and Lightning Tower - Higher damage output. Damage per tick now increases with the attack rate stat so that damage output continues to scale into lategame (including buffs and debuffs). Scaling revised to account for this.
  • Bowling Ball Tower - Faster attacks. Animation time exponent increased from 0.8 to 1.0 (significant increase in high end attack rate). Bowling ball tower damage had fallen well behind at high levels due to it’s below average animation duration scaling. Increasing the scaling exponent to 1.0 brought the damage up to comparable levels and makes it easier to compare across towers for future changes.
  • Magic Missile Tower - More powerful attacks. Damage scaling exponent increased from 1.105 to 1.15. Single target towers need to do more damage than multi target towers. The MMT wasn’t, so it gets a small buff.
  • Darkness, Inferno, and Gas traps - Base charges increased to 3 from 1/2/2.
  • Ethereal Spike Trap - Base charges increased from 2 to 4. Attack radius now scales with trigger radius so it can always hit the enemy that triggered the trap. Damage now scales much, much faster
  • Proximity Mine Trap - Base charges increased from 2 to 4
  • Mana Bomb and Purity Bomb - Significant increase in damage scaling. Blocked in assault challenges due to combination of absurdly high damage and long range

Bug Fixes
  • Possible fix to lock down hero info and equipment info UI istances to help prevent future chances of item stealing
  • Fixed Diamonds spawn
  • Fixed level 60 armor dropping on low difficulties
  • Fixed flying enemies not correctly triggering traps
  • Fixed Pure Strategy on Embermount and Buccaneer Bay
  • Proton beams and inferno traps with high attack rates now deal damage every tick. Multiple proton beams can also damage the same target because of this fix
  • Public games being played on a different version no longer visible in matchmaking
  • Items with all negative stats no longer show as an upgrade if no equipment is present to compare to
  • Large aura’s (>18 units in radius) are always picked up immediately when entering upgrade/repair/sell casting modes
  • Fix lightning tower not being able to chain off an enemy if it kills it in the same tick
  • Fix for semi-random interval between first and second shot after reloading a gun
  • Fix for other heroes banked mana being displayed incorrectly in the pause menu
  • Fixed ghost pillars in Hall of Court
  • Palantir no longer warns of fish wyverns
  • Old One’s belly crystal can be attacked by all weapons
  • Instant upgrade will no longer attempt to repair towers that have health above the normal repair threshold
  • Fixed south west doors on Buccaneer Bay that wouldn’t animate on wave start..
  • Fixed unintended increase in high level armor dropping
  • Fixed Ogres dropped by Goblin Copters damaging crystals in CD and WW.
  • Fixed Djinn casting time being accelerated by ensnare auras
    Enemies set to golden state don’t retrigger the Wave 10 and Wave 20 survival difficulty spikes
  • Prevented any item spawning with negative damage, upgrades, or ammunition (observed as 1/1 upgrades, 10 damage, or 1 ammunition spawning too frequently)
  • Summoner minion collision on client games now matches the host (no more rising out of defences)
  • Phase shifted summoner can no longer be killed by explosive attacks exceeding 100,000 damage
  • Fix apprentice / squire / huntress weapons spawning with incorrect (high) quality ratings
  • Fix items with 8 negative stats being evaluated as godly
  • Fix double multiplication bug causing items in the tavern shop to show up with much higher than intended prices
  • Mix mode skeletons will now always timeout if they get stuck in an unrevived state
  • Moonbase gravity is not dependant on frame rate
  • Tavern XP bonus doesn’t award a “score”
  • In Local/Open game modes, having the mod missions selected will not lock out the Shards and Lost quests buttons
  • Loot multiplier scaling now increases with every wave of a map (integer division…)
  • Fix stretched Squire masks
  • Fix for wyverns, djinn, and goblin copter pathfinding logic stalling and appearing stuck. Fixes the infamous CD wyvern along with almost every other stuckage for these three enemy types
  • Fix floating damage numbers disappearing offscreen when attack rates continuously exceed 10 times per second
  • Fix health decay rate for proton beam depending on the attack rate
  • Possible fix for goblin copters forgetting to drop their ogre when the drop zone is reached
  • Possible fix for DEW / Spider targeting when there are no targetable players on larger maps
  • Jester “Move Tower” ability now uses the same placement rules as when the tower is being built.
  • Fix map name not being visible to clients in the tavern in some circumstances
  • Fix accented ‘U’ in Uber maps being incorrectly formatted and not showing as an accented ‘U’
  • Fix projectile speed multipliers on Moonbase Quietus reward being unexpectedly low
  • Fix issue preventing item particle effects showing up correctly while dropped on the floor (to be used for new items)
  • Fix weapons equipped to the series EV not always hiding all particle effects correctly
  • Fix map selection UI jumping to Deeper Well if a player joins the game when looking at the Lost Quests maps
  • (Partial) Fix for repair/upgrade auto selection finding a tower out of range
  • Fix for minimap quality filter breaking for qualities above Ultimate
Dungeon Defenders - iamisom

A message from the Community Development Team:

Greetings, Defenders! I know many of you have been wondering when the second CDT Update 2 is coming out.

We are happy to announce the release date has been set for this Thursday, August 4th! Look for the full patch notes when the update comes out. Thanks for helping us work through the beta, and we look forward to the release with you!
Dungeon Defenders - [TrendyEnt] iamisom

A message from the Community Development Team:

Greetings, Defenders! I know many of you have been wondering when the second CDT Update 2 is coming out.

We are happy to announce the release date has been set for this Thursday, August 4th! Look for the full patch notes when the update comes out. Thanks for helping us work through the beta, and we look forward to the release with you!
Dungeon Defenders - iamisom

A message from the Community Development Team:

Greetings Defenders!! After working through many obstacles, it has finally arrived!!

The Community Development Team is proud to announce that our second content update is ready for Public Beta testing! There are lots of new features, content and improvements made at the request of the community. So please take some time to look through the changes and enjoy testing.

To join in on the fun and provide us your valuable feedback, follow these simple steps!
  1. Right-click on Dungeon Defenders in your Steam Library
  2. Click on the "Betas" tab
  3. Select "community_beta_branch" from the list.
The download should begin automatically or at least get queued for download. Note that you can not change this setting while the game is running.

New Content
  • Embermount Volcano campaign map with Phoenix Boss
  • Embermount Tavern Theme
  • Phoenix feather plaque when beating Embermount
  • New enemy - The Harbinger
  • 4 New weapons (1 for each class)
  • Two new pets in Embermount Survival
  • Moon Pet added to Moonbase Survival
  • 3 New accessories - Brooch, Mask and Bracers
  • Steam Trading Cards (will be released when Update 2 goes live)
  • Cosmetic Accessory Set Bonuses: Crystal, Embermount and Palantir
  • News page updated

  • Electric auras can damage the tavern dummy
  • Items rated as transcendent or above have a “god beam” showing over the item to make picking them out of the pile easier. Beam only shown on items not filtered from the minimap by quality
  • The highest damage dealt to a target by chained proximity mines will be dealt instead of the first to deal the damage
  • Maximum starting wave is now set per map (23 on 25 wave maps, 28 on 30 wave maps, 33 on 35 wave maps, 38 on 40 wave maps)
  • Camera rotation is locked when in top down placement mode (building / repairing / upgrading)
  • New Setting - Can move while building (disables movement while in top down placement)
  • New Setting -Enable tower dynamic lighting (significant performance benefits when disabled.) Affects traps and projectile towers (most notably inferno traps and fireball towers) Requires restarting DD after enabling to take effect. Disabling requires a new tower of that type to be built.
  • Cursor placed relative to the hero in the placement casting state
  • Removed slight frame rate dependency from many damaging towers. All projectile towers, Lightning Tower, Slice’n Dice, and Proton Beam. Every point in tower rate counts. There are no breakpoints.
  • New item comparison calculation for armour and accessories
  • Items can be renamed when at their maximum upgrade level at the cost of one upgrade
  • Item naming character limit has been increased to 36
  • Added a report issue button to the pause menu
  • Palantir, Greater Turkey Hunt, CD, Temple of Love, Winter Wonderland, and Silent Night accessory multipliers now match those awarded by lab assault
  • Moonbase now has a survival mode
  • Added confirmation message when hitting 42 on Moonbase DDR machine
  • Initiate Enemy Drain ability, Spider Minion web, and Wheel of Fortuna buff/debuff enemies resistance factor applied to the training dummy
  • Jester’s Move Tower and Wheel abilities can be used in the tavern
  • Trap/Aura selection priority is identical for repairing. Selection will be based only on current health percentage.
  • Trap/Aura upgrade priority favours traps when upgrades are equal, otherwise whichever tower has the least upgrades.
  • Instant upgrade will favour towers that can be upgraded over repairing towers that are at their maximum upgrade level.
  • Traps and auras can overlap spawns and show a warning when doing so
  • BucBay - Repositioned the hero spawn points to face the main crystal and open area instead of the dead end.
  • Golding an enemy (by Djinn / Wheel) increases its power by a percentage so the power boost scales into higher level games
  • Djinn ability casting durations depend on difficulty (enemy gold beam and tower desummon). That is to say, buffing/desummoning takes more time on a lower difficulty
  • Summoner minions can move sensibly over short distances with no pathfinding mesh present (ie. when placed on walls, they won’t always jump off before moving along)
  • On Nightmare difficulty, the 50% of loot that was not receiving wave/difficulty multipliers has been replaced with fully scaled items
  • Party Popper tower animation scaling reduced so it doesn’t spaz out with only a few points in tower rate
  • EV beam collision is now much more consistent between pre/post placement
  • Armour vs. weapon comparison skewed more in favour of armour to bias the drop removal priority
  • Traps on uneven terrain can now trigger on any walking enemy inside its radius
  • Slow ogre spawns on some maps on NM difficulty are much improved in many cases
  • Armour type drops rates boosted by 25% for random equipment drops.
  • Character health over 1 million is displayed using the high value format to 4 significant figures (eg. 1.234 M) to prevent the health value running off screen
  • Excess equipment removal function has been rewritten. Fixed an unconfirmed issue which removed many more items than intended under some circumstances, and it is much faster.
  • Excess mana removal function rewritten. Introduced a biasing system to keep tokens with a larger value around for longer. Large tokens will still be deleted eventually. This is not a bug, but a design decision that was made to prevent players waiting until the end of the round to collect mana and not being significantly penalised for doing so.
  • Multiple upgrades can be applied to an item in a single click when using “pro mode”. No key down - 1 upgrade per click. Shift down - Applies up to 9 upgrades per click. Ctrl down - Applies up to 50 upgrades per click
  • Predicted stat value will account for the number of upgrades to be applied
  • Invasion shows the current phase number in the UI
  • Inferno trap damage and attack rate updates for (de-)buffs in real time

Bug Fixes
  • Proton beams and inferno traps with high attack rates now deal damage every tick. Multiple proton beams can also damage the same target because of this fix
  • Public games being played on a different version no longer visible in matchmaking
  • Items with all negative stats no longer show as an upgrade if no equipment is present to compare to
  • Large auras (>18 units in radius) are always picked up immediately when entering upgrade/repair/sell casting modes
  • Fix lightning tower not being able to chain off an enemy if it kills it in the same tick
  • Fix for semi-random interval between first and second shot after reloading a gun
  • Fix for other heroes banked mana being displayed incorrectly in the pause menu
  • Fixed ghost pillars in Hall of Court
  • Palantir no longer warns of fish wyverns
  • Old One’s belly crystal can be attacked by all weapons
  • Instant upgrade will no longer attempt to repair towers that have health above the normal repair threshold
  • Fixed south west doors on Buccaneer Bay that wouldn’t animate on wave start..
  • Fixed unintended increase in high level armor dropping
  • Fixed Ogres dropped by Goblin Copters damaging crystals in CD and WW.
  • Fixed Djinn casting time being accelerated by ensnare auras
  • Enemies set to golden state don’t retrigger the Wave 10 and Wave 20 survival difficulty spikes
  • Prevented any item spawning with negative damage, upgrades, or ammunition (observed as 1/1 upgrades, 10 damage, or 1 ammunition spawning too frequently)
  • Summoner minion collision on client games now matches the host (no more rising out of defences)
  • Phase shifted summoner can no longer be killed by explosive attacks exceeding 100,000 damage
  • Fix apprentice / squire / huntress weapons spawning with incorrect (high) quality ratings
  • Fix items with 8 negative stats being evaluated as godly
  • Possible fix for a wave skipping bug
  • Fix double multiplication bug causing items in the tavern shop to show up with much higher than intended prices
  • Mix mode skeletons will now always timeout if they get stuck in an unrevived state
  • Moonbase gravity is not dependant on frame rate
  • Tavern XP bonus doesn’t award a “score”
  • In Local/Open game modes, having the mod missions selected will not lock out the Shards and Lost quests buttons
  • Loot multiplier scaling now increases with every wave of a map (integer division…)
  • Fix stretched Squire masks
  • Fix for wyverns, djinn, and goblin copter pathfinding logic stalling and appearing stuck. Fixes the infamous CD wyvern along with almost every other stuckage for these three enemy types
  • Fix floating damage numbers disappearing offscreen when attack rates continuously exceed 10 times per second
  • Fix health decay rate for proton beam depending on the attack rate
  • Possible fix for goblin copters forgetting to drop their ogre when the drop zone is reached
  • Possible fix for DEW / Spider targeting when there are no targetable players on larger maps
  • Jester “Move Tower” ability now uses the same placement rules as when the tower is being built.
  • Fix mapname not being visible to clients in the tavern in some circumstances
  • Fix accented ‘U’ in Uber maps being incorrectly formatted and not showing as an accented ‘U’
  • Fix projectile speed multipliers on Moonbase Quietus reward being unexpectedly low
  • Fix issue preventing item particle effects showing up correctly while dropped on the floor (to be used for new items)
  • Fix weapons equipped to the series EV not always hiding all particle effects correctly
  • Fix map selection UI jumping to Deeper Well if a player joins the game when looking at the Lost Quests maps
  • (Partial) Fix for repair/upgrade auto selection finding a tower out of range
  • Fix for minimap quality filter breaking for qualities above Ultimate

Balance Updates
  • Tower Buff Beam - Base boost values increased while upgrading effectiveness has been reduced. Fully upgraded buffs are nearly identical, but unupgraded beams are significantly more powerful and the scaling with stats is much more noticeable
  • Slice’N Dice and Lightning Tower - Higher damage output. Damage per tick now increases with the attack rate stat so that damage output continues to scale into lategame (including buffs and debuffs). Scaling revised to account for this.
  • Bowling Ball Tower - Faster attacks. Animation time exponent increased from 0.8 to 1.0 (significant increase in high end attack rate). Bowling ball tower damage had fallen well behind at high levels due to it’s below average animation duration scaling. Increasing the scaling exponent to 1.0 brought the damage up to comparable levels and makes it easier to compare across towers for future changes.
  • Deadly Striker Tower - Slightly slower, more powerful attacks. Animation time exponent increased from 0.67 to 1.0. Attack Rate exponent reduced from 0.77 to 0.6. Damage scaling exponent increased from 1.1 to 1.36 Base damage decreased from 350 to 300. An even worse case than the bowling ball tower for the attack rate being restricted by the firing animation. Overall attack rate scaling was reduced to compensate for the faster animation and keep the tower in it’s niche (slow, high damage). Damage scaling increased to bring it closer to other towers at high stats (because of a quirk in how damage is calculated, base damage remains the same even though it was decreased)
  • Magic Missile Tower - More powerful attacks. Damage scaling exponent increased from 1.105 to 1.15. Single target towers need to do more damage than multi target towers. The MMT wasn’t, so it gets a small buff.
    Darkness, Inferno, and Gas traps - Base charges increased to 3 from 1/2/2. Trigger radius scaling reduced to match cloud radius scaling
  • Ethereal Spike Trap - Base charges increased from 2 to 4. Attack radius now scales with trigger radius so it can always hit the enemy that triggered the trap. Damage now scales much, much faster, starting off at ~3.5x a proximity mine trap, and ending up around 10x the same trap
  • Proximity Mine Trap - Base charges increased from 2 to 4
  • Mana Bomb and Purity Bomb - Significant increase in damage scaling. Blocked in assault challenges due to combination of absurdly high damage and long range

We look forward to hearing your feedback!

- Acen

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