Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Compendium Immortals
- Items now drop for all leagues types with more than 500 spectators. The number of drops increases the more spectators there are.
- As of week 3, any fantasy players that are in invalid slots (a Core in a Support slot, or a Support in a Core slot) will score no points.
- Amateur leagues will no longer cause players to show up as Scheduled in the fantasy panels.
- Fixed fantasy player addition priority being in the wrong order.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed Neutral Ensnare not proccing Linken's Sphere
- Fixed Captain's Mode default team name display
- Fixed a visual bug showing an incorrect number of Battle Points received at the end of the game
- Added an Edit Official Player Info button on the personal profile for professional players
- Fix bug sometimes counting players as leavers if the game ended while gameserver connectivity to Steam was disrupted
- Fix bug not always marking the game as safe to leave if the leaver disconnected and abandoned quickly
- Added a chest slot to Wraith King
- Added two new Treasures which include eight new sets, a rare Earth Spirit set, and a rare bulldog courier, Butch!
- Removed limitations on newly released items not being marketable.
- Fixed items that shouldn't have gems (loading screens, etc) showing gems.
Dota 2 - Valve
• Fixed the death and pause screens ignoring your video settings and causing performance loss
• Fixed Frost Armor slowing you when you attack allied units
• Fixed Lightning Bolt not interrupting units when ground targeted
• Chain Frost stops playing a sound effects on non-hero units and stops intermittently flashing in the Fog of War after it has bounced 50 times
• Fixed secondary bounces on Static Charge not crediting the kill properly
• Fixed some Spirit Form Scepter crashes
• Fixed some issues with double clicking on control groups
• Fixed buying Scepter on Keeper of the Light while dead not updating your state properly
• Fixed a crash with Reaper’s Scythe
• Fixed Geminate Attack's second hit proccing effects
• Fixed being able to walk through Power Cogs
• Fixed Burning Spears being unable to miss
• Fixed Static Charge hitting the primary attacker even if he was out of range
• Fixed a crash with Vengeance Aura
• Fixed Silence interrupting channeling items
• Removed the New Bloom filter in the live games tab
• Fixed Brewmaster being unable to dispel his Cyclone
• Fixed being unable to sell items from the stash if you were selecting another unit
• Fixed a gap in the HUD while dead
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fix bug sometimes counting players as leavers if the game ended while gameserver connectivity to Steam was disrupted

- Fix bug not always marking the game as safe to leave if the leaver disconnected and abandoned quickly
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fix bug where players attempting to reconnect would be rejected with "Steam authorization failed", during a Steam service disruption

- Fix bug where the gameserver would not properly display notification messages when a player was marked as abandoning by AFK

- Fix bug incorrectly giving players abandons if the gameserver was unable to contact the Dota 2 Network at the time the match ended and players left rapidly.

- Players who have not yet picked a hero five minutes after the horn will be treated as abandoning by AFK.

- Fixed various solo matchmaking exploits

- Ranked matchmaking will no longer accept parties with an extremely large MMR spread.

- Several tooltip and ability description adjustments and fixes

- Fixed a few server crashes related to clients sending invalid orders

- Recalibrated the thresholds at which players are put into low-priority after receiving high numbers of reports.

- Spectators can now see when a commentator uses hero showcase mode
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fix bug causing MMR to intermittently fail to appear on the scoreboard at the end of a ranked match. MMR is visible to all players in the match with a calibrated MMR. It is not visible to spectators or players with uncalibrated MMR. MMR is not recorded in replays.
- Fix bug causing matchmaking cooldowns to escalate too quickly in some circumstances
- Fix bug in team matchmaking causing team details to be occasionally swapped.
Dota 2 - Valve
- League Administration Site now allows League Admins to add/remove Admins, view detailed Match Stats, and upload third party Compendiums.
- Any Fantasy Leagues that had duplicate members and a stuck draft have had the duplicate teams removed and the league reset.
- Replays are now available to download quickly after a match completes.
- Ranked Matchmaking is currently unavailable for parties of 4 as part of an experiment to measure its impact on game quality.
Dota 2 - Valve
- You can now edit your fantasy team name by clicking on it.
- Fantasy league commissioners can now remove members from their fantasy league (only pre-draft).
Dota 2 - Valve
Dota Store
- Increased speed/responsiveness of the store
- Added Loading Screens to the store
- Added new Tournament and HUD/Loading Screen sections to the Featured page
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Ember Spirit to CM

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