Dota 2 - Valve
This update has improved how Dota 2 is setup on your machine and will provide a significantly faster load time for most players. As a result of these changes, the update may take a while to download.

- Fixed how magic damage is amplified when there are multiple sources of bonuses.
- Death Prophet: Fixed Exorcism healing never resetting.
- Enigma: Tightened selection area of Eidolons to make picking individual units easier when they clump
- Gyrocopter: Fixed Call Down not slowing magic immune units.
- Spectre: Spectral Dagger now properly trails invisible units.
- Spectre: Fixed various properties of Haunt illusions being incorrect.
- Tiny: Fixed Craggy Exterior working on illusions of Tiny.
- Visage: Fixed Roshan decreasing Gravekeeper's Cloak charges.
- Visage: Fixed Gravekeeper's Cloak not restoring its layers independently of one another.
- Warlock: Fixed Flaming Fist damage not leveling properly, damaging magic immune units, and having incorrect chance to proc.
- Fixed a bug with Radiance kill credit and illusions.
- Fixed Roshan no longer casting Slam to slow and damage nearby units.

- The Smooth Drag option now works for anyone that's spectating (whether through DotaTV or as a broadcaster).
- Reduced waiting time in hero picker during All Random to 10 seconds.
- Reworked how your personal hero performance is done on your profile page (provide feedback here
- Added preview for summoned items like the panda and watcher golem to store and backpack.
- Added the ability to filter out empty teams from the team list.

- Fixed some incorrect timing calculations that were causing bots to miss some last hits.
- Fixed Practice vs Bots not properly selecting the nearest server.
- Fixed Death Prophet bot to know about the true range of Crypt Swarm.
- Fixed bots thrashing selling a situational item (dust, wards, TP scroll) to purchase another situational item.

- Added Captain's Mode Picks and Bans.
- Added ability upgrade order and times to each player.
- Added inventory for additional units (Lone Druid's Spirit Bear).
- Added an API for getting match details in the order they were recorded.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Updated the icons for the new Warlock and Lone Druid sets.
- Fixed units not pathing around invisible enemies.
- Fixed stolen Berserker's Rage not restoring the original attack type on death.
- Fixed for LP mode not limiting 40 heroes.
- Fixed Battle Trance affecting units like Spirit Bear.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Troll Warlord!
- Added All Random to matchmaking!
- Added tournament calendar view to the Watch tab!

- The pathfinder now ignores obstructions that are due to units that are not visible to the pathing unit.
- Crystal Maiden: Fixed Freezing Field channeling ending if you get purged.
- Dazzle: Fixed Poison Touch slow and stun applying if BKB was used after it had been applied
- Drow: Fixed Drow Illusions carrying the double bonus from Marksmanship
- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Chakra being castable on magic immune allies.
- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Manta dispelling Mana Leak.
- Lifestealer: Fixed Rage not removing certain buffs that BKB does (Empower, Haste, etc).
- Medusa: Fixed Mana Shield happening after Stout/Vanguard damage block rather than before.
- Meepo: Fixed Poof considering dead illusions as valid destinations.
- Morphling: Fixed Replicate dying if Morphling dies with Aegis.
- Timbersaw: Fixed Whirling Death sometimes taking too long to cast when used with Timber Chain.
- Timbersaw: Fixed Chakram cast time behavior
- Visage: Fixed Attack and Defense type on level 3 Familiars
- Warlock: Fixed Aghanim Warlock Golems not doing enough damage
- Fixed MKB dealing bonus damage to towers.
- Fixed ground courier being able to block lanes and surround Roshan.
- Fixed being able to lifesteal more life than the target has.
- Fixed Diffusal Blade cooldown being 12 seconds instead of 8

- Added Practice vs Bots option in the Play menu.
- Added a privacy setting in the UI so that players can specify whether they want to allow external 3rd party websites to be able to access their match history (defaulted to private).
- Least Played mode now eliminates each players' top 40 played heroes, up from 20.
- Added completion cost to shop item tooltips, displayed if the player has one or more components.
- Added tooltips to the shop category buttons.
- Fixed the Repick option disappearing too soon
- Fixed bug where buffs would sometimes display an incorrect duration sweep.
- Bringing up the combat log will now hide the killcam.
- Fixed bug where sometimes spectators would, when inspecting a player, not see thier cosmetic items.
- Fixed bug where Dota 2 would not track changes in the Windows default audio device.
- When spectating a game in directed, hero chase, or player view, the mouse will no longer be locked to the window

- Added new item sets for Lone Druid and Necrolyte.

- Added Necrolyte bot.
- Added Witch Doctor bot.
- Sven will no longer War Cry when doing a casual retreat.
- Fixed Viper bot not harassing with his unique attack modifier.
- Fixed bug in Sandstorm avoidance that always made bots maximalliy avoid it.
- Adjusted the values so that bots are more willing to tanking creeps at high health/tankability ratings.
- Bots now take into account cleaving when determining what neutral camps they're willing to farm.
- Death Prophet bot will now use Carrion Swarm more when laning.
- Fixed bug that would cause bots to fountain-dive sometimes.

- Added a "Show Low-Res Model" checkbox that toggles between showing the low & high resolution LODs for imported models when in Loadout camera view.
- Now automatically switches to showing low-res models in the Day/Night camera views, and high-res models in the Portrait camera view (since that's how they're used by the game)
- Fixed "Other" submission type displaying a "failed to find content file" when submitting.
- Fixed Preview not resetting background properly when moving from Portrait to Day/Night view.
- Fixed Preview losing hero rotation when going to and from Portrait view.
- Fixed a case where the Add Wearable slot buttons didn't work for some slots on some heroes (like Sven)
Dota 2 - Valve
Added Least Played mode to matchmaking! In this mode players can only choose from a list of their least played heroes. This mode is great for learning new heroes since everyone will be on equal footing.

- Faceless Void: Fixed Backtrack working on HP Removal.
- Medusa: Mystic Snake now returns to restore you when it is blocked by Linken's Sphere.
- Meepo: Fixed an exploit with boot selection
- Riki: Fixed an issue with Permanent Invisibility on respawning.
- Slark: Fixed Impale based stuns not getting removed by Dark Pact.
- Issuing the haste command to the courier with the new UI no longer interrupts channeling spells on the primary hero.
- Fixed an exploit allowing items to be combined from multiple owners.
- Fixed Thunderclap being purgable.
- Fixed Malefice being purgable.
- Fixed Poison Touch being purgable and its interaction with BKB
- Fixed Brewmaster's Dispel not dealing damage to illusions.
- Fixed illusion damage interaction with other things that modify outgoing damage percentage (like Quelling Blade).
- Fixed being unable to target yourself with Force Staff if you are magic immune.
- Least Played Mode: The top 20 winning heroes for each player will be disabled. Heroes with less than 3 wins will not be disabled.

- Fixed an exploit that let you bring up the panel to repick after the game started
- The Balanced Shuffle button now shows up for all non-league private lobbies.
- Fixed Nightstalker's darkness indicator persisting across games.
- Abandoned games are marked in the match history

- Added Drow bot.
- Added Warlock bot (and Warlock Golem bot).
- Added support for bots using unique attack modifiers to harass while laning.
- Fixed bug that was causing bots to farm for buyback much earlier than they should.
- Fixed bug that was causing some bots to get stuck when trying to use a Tango.
- Bots that are lanemates of a carry will no longer jungle during the laning phase.
- If a hero is already jungling during the laning phase, additional bots will not jungle.

- Added Import Courier and Import Ward.
- Added support for animations and attachment points.
- Added Quicksave & Quickload import buttons to make it easy to redo a previous import.
- Added Centaur Warrunner, Batrider, Mirana, Keeper of the Light, Shadow Demon, and Slark.
- Preview now allows you to add multiple cosmetic items onto the preview Hero.
- Preview now has a Portrait camera view.
- Preview now allows you to select a skin on models with multiple skins.
- Preview now visualizes attachment points on models that require attachments to be valid.
- Improved validation of polygon and bone count of submitted models.
Dota 2 - Valve
Added Medusa!

- Witch Doctor: Fixed Aghanim's Death Ward attacking Familiars and other psuedo heroes.
- Doom: Scorched Earth now only applies damage from Doom himself, not all the units affected by his aura.
- Pudge: Fixed being able to get units stuck using Refresher.
- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Recall interaction with non-hero units.
- Fixed Armlet and Power Treads interaction.

- Added a Haste button to the courier HUD element.
- Added Mid Only game mode for private lobbies (disables other lanes and allows the same hero to be selected).
- The Announcer Share dialog has been replaced with a Shared Content dialog.
- Added a badge to the top bar to count the available shared items.
- If shared content is available in a game, a message is now printed pregame.
- Added Balanced Shuffle button to non-tournament private lobbies.
- Added All Chat private lobby option for enabling voice chat among all players.
- Fixed "Equip" appearing in the right click menu for some chests.

- Fixed hearing the wrong announcer after equipping a new item in the loadout.
- Fixed bugs with muting cobroadcasters causing other sounds to be muted.

- The bots are now less likely to push with more heroes than what they deem necessary (less 5-man Dota). Probably needs some tuning.
- Made bots slightly less self-concerned when considering defending an ally. Also made them more likely to jump in if they have a slow or stun.
- Bots that are capable of jungling during the laning phase may now do so.
- If purchasing an item from the secret shop would complete an item, desire for going there is now increased.
- When their next item is purchasable, their desire to farm is signficiantly reduced.
- Fixed bad tuning that was causing bots to almost never farm lanes.
- Improved bot responsiveness to pings on Roshan.
- Bots are now less likely to assume that humans will purchase wards.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed Snowballs/Coals/Campfires proccing some passive abilities like Aftershock
- Fixed RoB, RoA and Radiance proccing Essence Aura
- Fixed a Roshan exploit with Clockerk
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Nightstalker darkness graphic to day/night clock.
- When calculating Net Worth, we no longer include the inventory value of the other Meepos.

- Roshan is no longer pushed by Clockwerk's cogs.

- Added Announcer previewing.
- Fixed backwards day/night indicator.

- Added Australia server region.
- Failed chunks are now retried when downloading replays. This should address the issue with Error 206.

- Bots will now wake up if they're attacked during their initial 15 second slumber.
- Improved decision-making of who should buy wards on a team.
- Fixed Lich bot trolling teammates by using Dark Ritual on creeps that a teammate teleporting to.
- Swapped around Jugg bot's item build (he goes for ring of health and battlefury faster now).
- Carry bots are now allowed to move further from their base laning location when going for last hits.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Naked Greevils now get a random ultimate too.
- Auras from heroes no longer apply when in Greevil mode.
- Rebalanced the essence stat bonuses slightly. This should make seraphic greevils slightly weaker overall and colored greevils should be the best at whatever their essence gives innately.
- The items heroes receive from presents are now significantly better.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes caused non-naked greevils to get incorrect/random abilities.
- Fixed a few greevil ability tooltips that were crediting abilities to the wrong essence/egg colors.
- Fixed Greeviling game summary gifts somtimes displaying incorrectly.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed greevil wall-related server crash.
- Death Pact only gives half its bonus if used on greevils.
- Juggernaut can no longer instantly kill greevils with his ultimate.
- Fixed missing chat messages when items drop.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Frostivus arrives...and is cancelled by the Greeviling!
- Added Polycount Contest Winner Items (11 new hero sets)
- 6.77 gameplay parity update


- Alchemist: Fixed Unstable Concoction charge time counting when it was released rather than impacted
- Alchemist: Fixed Unstable Concoction being dodgeable
- Bane: Fixed base damage being too low
- Centaur: Fixed Centaur's Return instantly killing Zombies
- Luna: Fixed Lunar Blessing affecting some non-hero units like Familiars and Spirit Bear
- Spectre: Fixed Desolate not dealing damage to enemy heroes if they are near neutrals
- Timbersaw: Timberchain sometimes missing trees at max range
- Timbersaw: Fixed different elevations causing an invisible Chakram
- Timbersaw: Adjusted hitbox
- Timbersaw: Fixed Return Chakram proccing Magic Stick
- Warlock: Fixed Golem's Flaming Fists not dealing damage to the primary attack target


- Added a toggle option for Chat Message sound
- Fixed day night images being incorrectly rotated
- Updated Timbersaw's recommended items
- Fixed lifetime timer alignment
- Adjusted Chat Message sound level


Ancient Apparition
- Chilling Touch manacost rescaled from 140 to 110/120/130/140

- Batrider can no longer attack while using Flaming Lasso

Bounty Hunter
- Track no longer reduces armor

Centaur Warrunner
- Movement speed decreased from 305 to 300
- Double Edge no longer interrupts channeling
- Stampede now applies a 100% slow instead of a stun (as always, units cannot be slowed below 100 movement speed)

- Agility growth increased from 1.2 to 2.3

- Shallow Grave cast range rescaled from 400/600/800/1000 to 550/700/850/1000

Doom Bringer
- Scorched Earth now also affects other units you control
- Doom now has too much armor! (+1)

Drow Ranger
- Trueshot Aura now only affects non-hero units within 900 range of Drow

- Aftershock stun duration rescaled from 0.3/0.7/1.2/1.5 to 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5
- Aftershock damage increased from 25/45/75/115 to 50/75/100/125
- Enchant Totem cooldown decreased from 6 to 5

- Untouchable AS reduction increased from 20/40/60/80 to 20/50/80/110

- Ice Path damage from 100 to 25/50/75/100

- Base Int increased from 15 to 17
- Spirit Wolves armor increased by 1

- Skewer no longer affects magic immune units
- Skewer cast range rescaled from 1200 to 600/800/1000/1200
- Reverse Polarity duration decreased from 2.5/3.25/4 to 2.25/3/3.75

- Moonlight Shadow duration increased from 11 to 15 seconds

- Cast animation time decreased from 0.4 to 0.25

- Reaper's Scythe stun/delay increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds

- Purification cast range rescaled from 400/500/600/700 to 700

- Illusory Orb cooldown decreased from 13 to 12

- Decrepify cooldown decreased from 13/11/9/7 to 12/10/8/6

Shadow Demon
- Shadow Poison cooldown decreased from 3 to 2.75

- Base agility increased by 6

- Haunt no longer ends when you use reality (the targeted illusion is still replaced by you though)

- Great Cleave damage decreased from 25/40/55/70 to 20/35/50/65
- Warcry duration decreased from 8 to 7 seconds

Templar Assassin
- Refraction manacost increased from 75 to 100

Treant Protector
- Damage increased by 10
- Leech Seed cooldown decreased from 18/16/14/12 to 16/14/12/10
- Overgrowth cooldown decreased from 80 to 70
- Living Armor damage instances increased from 6 to 7
- Living Armor can be cast through the minimap (only considers heroes and towers/rax in this mode)

- Decay damage reduced from 40/80/120/160 to 20/60/100/140

Vengeful Spirit
- Wave of Terror damage increased from 18.75/37.5/56.25/75 to 30/50/70/90

- Base strength increased by 3

- Shadow Word cooldown decreased from 20 to 16

- Shukuchi damage increased from 90/100/110/120 to 90/110/130/150

- Strength growth increased from 1.8 to 2.3

- Crit multiplier decreased from 2.7 to 2.4
- Recipe cost decreased from 1200 to 1000

- Damage decreased from 35 to 30

Eye of Skadi
- HP bonus increased from 200 to 250
- MP bonus increase from 150 to 250

Shiva's Guard
- Freezing Aura's attack speed reduction increased from 25 to 30

Neutral Harpy Storm
- Chain Lightning manacost reduced from 90 to 50

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