Dota 2
Dota 2 - Wisp

Dota 2's expansion gathers pace with the arrival of this week's second update. This one introduces the heropedia, which presents a breakdown of every character's stats, lore background and skills, with short videos of every ability. You can browse it now on the Dota 2 site, or access it via the "Learn" tab in the Dota 2 client.

The grand roster of heroes has also been expanded with two new characters, Luna the Moonrider, who's much more dangerous than she sounds, and Wisp, a glowing ball of light with some unusual abilities. Find out more about them, and absorb the latest patch notes below.

Luna The Moonrider - Moontastic Agility Carry

As titles go, "Luna the Moonrider" isn't likely to instil much fear, until you actually see her and notice that she's riding a giant panther. Then you'll notice that the giant panther is wearing a hat, but while you're busy noticing that, you'll be taking a hit to the face from a rebounding magical chakram. Then as you're trying to pull your senses together she'll be activating her ultimate ability, which turns day to night and starts zapping you with bolts of searing moon energy. "What the hell, moon!?" you'll probably cry.

The ability videos in the updated heropedia were done by Dota cinema, who have also done a couple of overview videos for the new heroes. Here's one for Luna.

Wisp - Utility Glowing Hero Ball Thing

No Warcraft 3 sprite was left unused in the formation of Defence of the Ancients. Even glowing balls of light can become characters, as Guardian Wisp demonstrates. According to his bio, "Wisp occupies all planes at once, the merest fraction of its being crossing into physical existence at any one moment," which sounds grandiose, but it's best thought of as a sentient glowing ball who just wants to help. It does this by tethering itself to heroes, increasing their movement speed and stunning anyone who touches the strand. For its ultimate trick, it can teleport to any point on the map for 12 seconds, taking any tethered hero along for the ride.

See these abilities in action in the Dota Cinema overview of Wisp.

And here are the latest patch notes:


Added Luna
Added Guardian Wisp
Dota 2 now uses the CELT codec for increased voice communication quality.
Added a testing tool to the Workshop tab that allows contributors to see their models on a hero before submitting.
Added Heropedia to the Learn tab.



Bloodseeker: Fixed a bug where he could get healed by friendly heroes dying in the area around him that he didn't deny.
Pudge: Fixed a bug that was sometimes causing Pudge's Dismember to do an extra tick of damage
Pudge: Fixed a bug that allowed Pudge to deal damage without hurting himself by quickly toggling Rot.
Rubick: Fixed a rare case where Rubick could get permanently stuck with Telekinesis Land.
Rubick: Fixed a bug where Rubick would gain permanent Spectral Dagger buffs until he died.
Rubick: Fixed a bug with Poison Release that would cause you to steal the wrong ability from Shadow Demon.
Tiny: Fixed Aghanim's Scepter siege damage vs backdoor armor
Fixed being able to use a different player's items in your combine, if that item was in your stash at the time


More Rubick spell animations
Various Rubick visual effect improvements and fixes
Haste animation added for Bloodseeker
Adjusted Ogre Magi's sidearm attack animation
Logos removed from waterfall and mid river areas to safeguard gameplay
Tweaked dire banner position left of fountain shop
Roshan timer appear only after 10 seconds have passed from death
Reduced Gyro's model scale a little
Removed ambient effects on Razor and Morphling when hexed


Fixed some cases where icons could get stuck on the screen
Fixed new heroes not showing up in the hero picker if you had custom view set (They'll now appear in the top left of the grid view, for you to then place as you like)
Tournament Panel: Fixed game list not refreshing unless you opened a different tournament and then back.
Tournament Panel: Increased the size of the live games and recent games.
Tournament Panel: Fixed details button not working properly for the last few games.
Fixed Spectator label cutting off number of spectators.
Fixed Live games not displaying correctly after opening a Tournament.
Fixed a recent bug with the shop not closing when a unit is selected
Fixed some bugs with losing commentator perspecting when pausing and unpausing
Added backpack preview to couriers
Back button in the loadout takes you back to the backpack if you arrived via a backpack right click
Fixed some slots on the backpack not being right-clickable if they were not on page 1
Fixed the first equip from the backpack sometimes not working properly
Added inspect button near the hero panel for heroes that have custom items
Updated the replay skill filter to have more usefull categories.
Fixed dragging an item onto itself not turning its icon back on.
Cheat commands are now echoed to chat
Added a testing tool to the Workshop tab that allows contributors to see their models on a hero before submitting.
Fixed Mute button on the scoreboard not working.


Dota 2 now uses the CELT codec for increased voice communication quality.

Dota 2

As I type this, Dota 2 is the most popular game on Steam and is being played by 52,219 people. This is a game that's sort-of kind-of not-really in closed beta, one that has numerous holes waiting to be filled by proposed features, and which is still being updated all the time.

But given that it's easy to get in to the Dota 2 beta (you can even buy your way in), and given that you can pay for items in the Dota 2 store now, should PC Gamer review the game? We'd like to hear what you think.

This is a mounting problem in PC land. We experienced the same thing with both Tribes: Ascend and Minecraft: games that people could buy, but which were clearly unfinished. Dota 2 is now in a similar state. Valve have promised that the finished game will have a tutorial to teach new players how to play, and a system that rewards veterans for training the less experienced. Those systems don't exist yet. There are also still dozens of balancing tweaks and UI changes being made almost every week.

But if you can pay for the game and its in-game items, shouldn't we be providing advice on whether its worth your money? Especially when it's not exactly small amounts: this Courier Pack costs £45.

And if you think we should review it now, do you think we should re-review - with a whole new score - when the game gets significant updates?

Or should we just wait until it's closer to completion? Let us know in the comments. For context, here are the patch notes from the June 20th update:

- Added Rubick!
- Bane: Fixed Fiend's Grip not ending if Kraken Shell dispels it.
- Chaos Knight: Reality Rift now puts the Chaos Knight behind his target.
- Clockerk: Fixed Hookshot stunning dead units.
- Gyrocopter: Fixed Homing Missle not giving any bounty.
- Invoker: Fixed Alacrity interaction with Magic Immunity
- Kunkka: Fixed Ghost Ship allied debuff dealing all the damage immediately when then rum wears off, rather than over the following 8 seconds.
- Mirana: Reduced size of Arrow 20%.
- Outworld Destroyer: Aadded visual indicator for Astral Imprisonment Length.
- Riki: Fixed sometimes not attacking his Blink Strike target immediately.
- Spirit Breaker: Fixed a bug allowing charging Razor without moving.
- Fixed Batrider and Outworld Destroyer having 1 too little armor.
- Fixed Chaos Knight having 2 extra armor.
- Fixed Lone Druid having 1.3 too little armor.

- Added support for tournament spectating passes.
- Select All Other Units feature no longer selects any unit that is lacking attack capability (like Beastmaster's Hawk).
- Added a buff to indicate the duration of Death Prophet's Exorcism.
- Updated Aghanim's Scepter tooltips for Beastmaster, Necrolyte, Queen of Pain, Warlock, and Windrunner.
- Updated the Aghanim's Scepter store preview.
- Fixed bug where large replays were unable to download.
- Replay downloading is now paralleled to improve download speeds.
- Fixed item purchase message crediting the wrong player if the purchased item stacked with someone else's item.

- Added a custom particle effect for Skadi.

- Added announcers and new couriers to the Dota Store.
- Added new items for Witch Doctor.
- Fixed a bug that caused new users not to earn random drops. Affected users will receive the drops they should have gotten when they finish their next match.
- Increased the number of backpack slots displayed on a single page of the backpack to 64.
- Increased the base number of backpack slots from 50 to 64.
- Increased the number of backpack slots that store users have from 500 to 640.
- Fixed a bug that caused the last slot in the backpack to not respond to drag n’ drop.
- Fixed bugs with dragging and dropping items between pages of the backpack.

- Co-op bot matches will now randomly assign the human players to Radiant or Dire.
- In co-op bot matches, if a human disconnects before picking a hero, the bots will now correctly balance the teams.
- Fixed bots not selecting heroes into non-AP games.
- Fixed bots not deploying their couriers on Passive difficulty.
Dota 2

Graham, Tom, Rich and Chris discuss FTL, The Witcher 2, Indie Game: The Movie, the Steam charts and answer your questions from Twitter. Also featuring exclusive information on the breakfast preferences of the PC Gamer team. Graham likes sausages.

We also talk about the overcrowded MMO market, Hitman: Absolution, the future of competitive Dota, and whether or not you should build your next gaming rig yourself.

Download the MP3, subscribe, or find our older podcasts here.
steam hours played

A gentleman named Lambent Stew has put together a webpage that gathers some of your Steam data and arranges it like little quantitative ducks in a row. How nice.

There are a number of homemade utilities that reconstitute Steam information, like a Steam sales tracker, and a Steam account value calculator. What's unique to this one is it outputs some useful aggregate data, like total hours played, and what percentage of games you've bought you haven't opened, you jerk. Good lord, I haven't played 1,006 games. Tonight, Nancy Drew: Ransom of the Seven Ships, it's you and me.

Dota 2
Dota 2 Tournament Support

Valve have revealed their plans to support full tournaments within the Dota 2 client. In a post on the Dota 2 blog, the team describe how players will be able to pay for access to live matches and replays that run in-engine. The money raised will be split between Valve and the tournament organiser in a similar manner to the Steam Workshop. This functionality is due to launch later in the week.

The Defence tournament will be the first to use the system, which Valve say is just the beginning of the game's support for competitive play. "This won’t be the end of our features for tournaments, or players, but we think it’s the right first step – helping tournaments become more financially stable helps all the players participating in them."

Valve aren't trying to force out traditional stream-based casting, stating that " continue to do the best we can to support them. Some customers will always prefer to use their web browser to watch matches." They're paying particular attention to the needs of tournament sponsors, who need a way to declare their support and display advertising.

The other major new feature will be Teams, which allows a group of players to declare their affiliation formally within the game. Dota 2 will detect when two teams are playing and make appropriate changes, such as displaying team logos and banners. Ultimately, this will be expanded to include Team vs. Team matchmaking.

Earlier in the week we rounded up a number of the Workshop items that we'd like to see added to Dota 2. Do you think Valve's support for in-game tournaments and player-made add-ons has what it takes to give Dota 2 the advantage?
Dota 2

On Friday, we showed you my favorite items, equipment, and tool mods built by players that are currently available in Dota 2's store through Steam Workshop.

Today, we take a look under the hood and browse the unrefined, experimental, and sometimes creepy suggestions waiting for judgement in the Steam Workshop. Let's skip the creepy and go straight through 12 of our favorites.

Glacial Tiny
I'm starting off strong: this Russian nesting doll of a reskin is my personal favorite in the entire list. Creator gramps has tackled a big project here--Tiny grows in size as you level his Grow ability, meaning that he needs four different models to progress through. Gramps produced an awesome lineup based on a solid concept that lends an icy touch to the granite soon-to-be-giant.

Vote for or against it on its Steam Workshop page

Cult of the Anti-Magicae
Now I'm a bit biased on this one--I love the Anti-Mage. This equipment overhaul redesigns the lone mage-stalker as a member of a larger cult, complete with matching robes and formal masks for dinner parties. while the images shown on the Workshop page are concept art, the author (Hawf the super rad) promises that the whole thing has been built as a 3D model ready for use. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, but I love that it adds to the existing lore rather than simply making him a hair dresser or something random.

Vote for or against it on its Steam Workshop page

Dinosaurs Courier
I'm not sure what else you think you need to know about this mod before voting for it, but I assure you you're wrong. It is a dinosaur. He replaces the donkey as your courier. He has armor and a keg. He is a dinosaur. He carries your stuff. He is a dinosaur. Go vote for this now.

Vote for or against it on its Steam Workshop page

Storm Spirit Sombrero
Okay, this one's a little more open to opinion. Most absurd/random/silly equipment ideas get thrashed pretty quickly in Dota 2's Steam Workshop. Dota 2 is serious business and most fans don't see room for silly humor in the game's no-nonsense world. The most common comments found on silly item suggestions like monocles, top hats, and butterfly wings are "leave this stuff in TF2" or "don't make this LoL please."

Creator Crocodile Dendi makes a decent argument justifying the sombrero's inclusion, however, pointing out the Storm Spirit's back story emphasizes his "good humor" and he's described as "jovial" and "jolly." Whether or not that'll actually make you feel better about sombreros in Dota 2 is up to you.

Vote for or against it on its Steam Workshop page

Twisted Firekeeper
The Warlock has a pretty sweet torch by default, but this gnarled version adds a nice, more natural look to the obsessed sorcerer. Of course, he will still summon flaming golems on top of you while shackling you to your friends so that you all die slow and painful deaths.

Vote for or against it on its Steam Workshop page

King of the Desert
The Sand King is king of the dunes--a sand-filled armor shell that is the endless deserts' "guardian, warrior, ambassador" according to Dota 2's official lore. This equipment pack by Anti-(Flux) Mage gives him a wardrobe worthy of a desert ruler (and also makes him look a bit like a Sphinx from the shoulders up). The colors are toned well and don't make it feel goofy or outrageous. It's a nice addition to the theme without taking it too far.

Vote for or against it on its Steam Workshop page

Ghostly Kunkka
"It's not fair!" they cry in the comments section. And, well, they're right. Adding this much transparency to a usually very-visible hero gives him an advantage, even if it is minor. But that is a small price to pay for gaining a ghost pirate in your game. Ever since I battled LeChuck in the first Monkey Island game, I've wanted ghost pirates in just about every game I've played. There has to be a way to balance out this transparency perk--adding particle effects around it or lessening the transparency or adding a more noticeable outline--and make the skin work. I love the idea.

Vote for or against it on its Steam Workshop page

The Pirate Cap'n voice pack
I'm not just including this one because of my love of all things peg-legged and rum-filled. Bingo Bango provides some of the highest quality voice acting I've seen in the Workshop yet. He delivers his pirate-y lines with enthusiasm and an accent that doesn't induce cringing. This is a great voice pack, but I really think the community can come up with better ideas than a pirate captain. I hope to see a lot more of these added in the future. If anyone needs a nerdy twenty-something for recording lines, you know where to find me.

Vote for or against it on its Steam Workshop page

Hammer of the Dingus
The Omniknight is no fun at parties. He's all holy light, wards, and guardian angels--focused on his big moral crusade and all that. This Hammer of the Dingus lightens the mood a bit, replacing his serious silver, runed hammer with something a little more playful. Wrapped leather straps give it a more home-made look while the turquoise and gold mallet keep the regal feel. The shaft probably needs to be a bit longer to work with the current animations, but other than that, I dig it.

Vote for or against it on its Steam Workshop page

Pilots Chem Mask
Rememeber Hawf the Super Rad from one of the first slides? He's also built an awesome broken gas mask for the Bat Rider, who'll make good use of it while hurling napalm, molotov cocktails, flaming lassoes, and other large blazes down on the ground beneath him. Like his other projects, only the artwork is shown, but he assures everyone that it's fully modeled and ready to go. I hope the model looks as good!

Vote for or against it on its Steam Workshop page

Conicial Hats for Brewmaster
"Stepbrothers is a very entertaining movie." If you know nothing about Dota, that is the only bit of description the author, Vodka Putin Thunder, gives for this equipment upgrade for the Brewmaster. Anyone familiar with Dota, however, will know that the original Brewmaster was a Pandaren monk with a classic chinese conical hat. Dota 2's version is sadly hatless, until you install this pack at least. The author has also been very responsive to feedback, updating his/her textures to incorporate more lore-friendly symbols.

Vote for or against it on its Steam Workshop page

Bloodseeker-Legacy Weapon
I may have saved the best for last. This weapon mod for Bloodseeker splits his large blades into multi-bladed shredders wickedly drenched in the blood of all sorts of squishies. It brings back the look of the original Dota model without flatly copying it--which would be an extremely poor choice considering Dota 2's much more powerful graphics engine. I have no reservations here: I want to tear people up with these.

Creator Grimm is working to build an entire mod bundle that incorporates this weapon and changes the entire appearance of the Bloodseeker, shown as a work-in-progress above. He's gotten a lot of positive feedback, and I can't wait to see the finished product.

Vote for it on its Steam Workshop page
Dota 2
DreamHack Summer 2012 logo

Did last week's MLG Spring Championship leave you thirsting for more eSports? Then DreamHack Summer 2012 has you covered. With well-attended tournaments for StarCraft 2, League of Legends, and Dota 2, DreamHack should keep you busy throughout the weekend and into the work-week. It starts tomorrow at 11 AM Eastern, and continues through Monday, with the StarCraft 2 Grand Final scheduled for 5:15 PM Eastern.

A lot of big names are there this weekend, too: HerO, Stephano, Ret, PuMa, NaNiwa, SaSe, ThorZaIN, and HuK will be attending, among others. While the list is missing some of the most notable players who were at the MLG Spring Championship last weekend, it also looks like a good chance to see some of the players on the European StarCraft circuit that don't often make appearances at MLG events. Personally, I like Stephano for the win, but maybe ThorZaIN can repeat.

DreamHack will also play host to the MSI Beat IT League of Legends Tournament, and the Corsair Vengeance Dota 2 Cup. The LoL tournament will feature Moscow Five along with Fnatic,, and Absolute Legends.

Dota 2 has an even stronger lineup set to compete this weekend. Natus Vincere, CLG, Evil Geniuses, Mousesports, Quantic... look, you get the idea. Everyone is there. Dota 2 competition begins at 8 AM Eastern on Saturday. The Finals begin at 3:30 PM Eastern on Monday. You can view the schedule here.

You can catch all the DreamHack streams on, including a Heroes of Newerth tournament and some other events. As with MLG last week, the biggest challenge is going to be choosing what to watch.
Dota 2

One of the smartest things Valve's done with Dota 2 is hook it up to Steam Workshop--the curated platform provided by Valve for players to create and submit mods for the game. The community can vote for the ones they like and, if Valve agrees, it'll get added to the game.

Once added, players can either earn the items by leveling up and playing games through the matchmaking system, trade for them with other players, or just flat-out buy them for cash from Valve.

Dota 2's community has only just begun to scratch the surface of the potential hero skins, ability mods, announcer voice packs, and courier upgrades. Here are my favorites of what's out there so far.

1. The Forgemaster's Tools Bundle
Category: Item bundle  |  For: Axe  |  Price: $2.99

This equipment bundle isn't the most spectacular looking or the most dread-inducing, but it's the best of the cheap low-priced bundles. It doesn't take a dramatic twist or a whimsical flair that morphs his namesake into a bundle of flowers or something. Axe is still about the axe with this bundle--but is portrayed as a humble blacksmith who wasn't trained for battle but picked up his weapon in a moment of desperation to fight for something he holds dear--family, home, or something else. I like the narrative this bundle creates more than the standard "one-man army grunt soldier" that's Axe's official backstory.


2. Morok's Mechanical Mediary
Category: Courier  |  For: All heroes  |  Price: $7.99

The official description may claim this wonderful mechanical spider-bot was born from frugality and laziness, but you're only going to need one of those traits to pick up this little guy. $8 isn't pocket change, but for the price of a large burrito you can bring this lovable robot butler into every match (as long as you're the one buying couriers for your team). Sure beats having that jackass courier follow you around.


3. Healing Ward of the Kuur-Ashiminari
Category: Ability mod  |  For: Juggenaut  |  Price: $5.99

This one's pretty niche: if you like Juggernaut, use his W ability frequently, and prefer the look of this marble lion over the floating banner-torch that comes as the default, then this is something you might be interested in picking up. If you like trolling by chasing enemy players with the ward (Juggernaut's W ability summons a healing ward that you can move independently of your character), it's even more entertaining with this item mod.


4. Wuldastron the Twin-Blade of Giants
Category: Weapon  |  For: Sven  |  Price: $4.99

Sven is one lucky knight-gone-rogue. He has a ton of awesome weapon options available in the Workshop, but this one definitely trumps the rest. Nothing says "Get out of my way, you fool!" like a massive red sword with a wicked blade on top. It's a bit pricier than the other options available to him but, unlike a lot of the rare items in the store, this one's worth it.


5. A la carte pirate
Category: Equipment  |  For: Kunkka  |  Price: $3.74
It's a shame there's no scurvy scallywag bundle for Kunkka. He's got some terrific pirate equipment mods, but until Valve bundles them with a discount, you'll have to pick up the pieces separately. Thankfully, they're all pretty cheap. This PCG-approved custom bundle includes the Captain's Hook ($0.75), Pride of the Crew bandana ($1.49), Pegleg of the Cursed Pirate ($0.75), and Sword of the Seventy-Seven Seas ($0.75). Kunkka makes the most convincing pirate in the hero lineup, with the possible exception of this silly/scary Tidehunter bundle.


6. Naval Mine
Category: Weapon  |  For: Tidehunter  |  Price: $0.75
Cheap and effective. For less than a buck you can replace that gross half-eaten fish Tidehunter drags around with this much more dangerous it-might-explode-at-any-second naval mine. It's not flashy, it's not particularly clever, but it's not seven bucks and it adds a fun twist without breaking the game's lore. If you like breaking lore, and see ol' Tidehunter as a big softie, you cold toss a cuddly squid plushy in that off-hand slot instead. Tidehunter easily has the best arsenal of items so far--if you play him regularly, you really need to check out all of his item mods.


7. Flower Staff of the Peace-Bringer (aka Hippy Stick)
Category: Weapon  |  For: Nature's Prophet  |  Price: $1.49
Confession time: I hate the Nature Prophet's head--his boring, weird face is absolutely offensive to my eyeballs. And since there are no item mods to completely cover up his face (although beards and large horns help hide it), the next best thing to do is distract from it. Enter the giant flower larger than half the heroes in the game. I dig the hippy vibe this powerful flower gives to the tree-huggingest hero around, and, as a bonus, it'll troll any particularly uptight players that want everything Dota 2 to be gritty and serious.


8. Fearless Badger
Category: Courier  |  For: All heroes  |  Price: $7.99
Logan would never forgive me if I didn't include this in the list. I'm pretty sure I don't need to convince you on this one. I'll let the official description of this particularly brave badger speak for itself: "Of all the creatures of the forest, the badger makes perhaps the finest courier. Fearless and quick, it bends its will to none save those who have earned its trust."

Have you received or purchased any items in Dota 2 yet? What are your favorites?
Dota 2
Dota 2 - The International
The second big International tournament for Dota 2 will take place at PAX Prime in Seattle on August 31. Valve are going to top last year's International tournament with a prize pool of at least $1.6 million. With so much cash on the line, we can look forward to a lively contest. If you'd like to swing by and absorb the ambience of the event first-hand, tickets will go on sale on the Dota 2 store tomorrow at 9am PDT / 5pm GTM.

The Dota 2 blog mentions that a lump of tickets will drop every day at that time until Saturday. Tickets cost $49.99 and will be added to your Dota 2 inventory on purchase. That means you can trade it with other players for an unspeakable number of Bill's hats. Using the item will tie your invite to your Steam account, after which "your confirmation and access pass required to enter the event will be emailed to you at a later date." PAX Prime attendees will be able to grab a few spare seats, but that'll be on a first come first served basis, so be sure to bring your best knuckle dusters. Valve say "we expect tickets to sell out quickly."

Valve recently announced that Dota 2 will be free to play, though it's not available yet. Valve are beefing up their server infrastructure to make sure they can handle the demand when the game eventually goes completely live. You can buy your way in, however, with a £25 / $39.99 Dota 2 Invite.
Dota 2
Steelseries announced their next line of game-themed peripherals today, including a Dota 2 mouse, a Guild Wars 2 mouse and headset, and a new wireless version of their World of Warcraft mouse. Details, prices, and pictures for all three are below.

Guild Wars 2 headset - $100

Designed to be slim and travel-friendly, the Guild Wars 2 gaming headset utilizes mesh SNDBlock ear cushions to block outside noises, a 40 mm driver, a detachable cable to switch which side of your head it plugs in on, and a built-in microphone.

For audiophiles, here are the specific details from the Guild Wars 2 headset's official page.

Frequency response: 18 – 28000 Hz
Impedance: 32 Ohm
SPL@ 1kHz, 1 Vrms: 118 dB
Cable length: 1 + 2 = 3 m (9.8 ft.)
Jacks: 3.5 mm

Frequency response: 50 – 16000 Hz
Pick up pattern: Omni-directional
Sensitivity: -38 dB

Guild Wars 2 mouse - $70

Ambidextrous and bursting with Guild Wars style, this white, red, and black mouse appears to be based off of Steelseries classic mouse design. It sports four side buttons (two on each side) in addition to the mouse wheel and center triangle available for binding in-game or building macros through the included drivers. It also has one of those rubber, anti-tangle cords we love and the same high-level tracking laser we've come to expect from Steelseries.

For the data junkies, here are some specs from the Guild Wars 2 mouse's official page:
Weight: 90 grams
Height: 1.5 in
Width: 2.7 in
Length: 4.9 in
Mega pixels per second: 10.8
Frames per second: 12000
Counts per inch: 90 – 5670
Sensor data path: True 16 bit

Dota 2 mouse - price TBA
Based on Steelseries' Kana design, the Dota 2 mouse is also ambidextrous with only two side buttons, which are massively huge and can be disabled if you don't like them. The lighting on the scroll wheel changes based on the profile you currently have active, so you can build different profiles in the included drivers for each hero if you wanted to. Steelseries namedrops a few esports players they say provided input for the mouse's development, including Natus Vincere, SK Gaming, Evil Geniuses, and Fnatic. It comes bundled with a Dota 2 mousepad.

The specs from the Dota 2 mouse official website:
Weight: 0.16 lbs
Height: 1.5 in
Width: 2.5 in
Length: 4.9 in
Mega pixels per second: 3.7
Frames per second: 3600
Counts per inch: 400 – 3200
Sensor data path: True 16 bit

World of Warcraft wireless mouse - price TBA

An upgrade to the existing World of Warcraft mouse options currently available from Steelseries, this one adds wireless functionality with a detachable cord and a whole new look that showcases the world map and peaceful logo. It maintains the high button count with 11 programmable buttons and a new drag-and-drop interface for its drivers to help you set up those buttons easily. It looks like it's the same size as the previous WoW mice from Steelseries, which makes it more suitable for large hands.

The specs from the World of Warcraft wireless mouse official site:
Weight: 0.25 lbs
Height: 1.6 in
Width: 3.2 in
Length: 4.5 in
Frames Per Second: 12000
Counts Per Inch: 100 – 8200
Wireless Band: 2.4GHz
Wireless Range: 3m (10 ft.)

Steelseries also announced that they're working on a Guild Wars 2 keyboard, but have no details on the hardware or software capabilities of it at this time.

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