Dead Space (2008) - (Nathan Grayson)

Ahhhhhh, memories.

What is the most terrifying thing? I mean aside from spiders. And human nature. And that one episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Yep, that’s right: being forced to admit there is a legitimate> reason to open Origin, to dig it out of your PC’s sullen grave of a start menu and rack your brain to remember your password. But at least now you can pair terror with terror, as Dead Space will be completely free on Origin until May 8th. And that’s free to keep> – not just to play.

… [visit site to read more]

Dead Space™ 2 - (Alec Meer)

Little did they realise

Update: despite earlier declining to comment, EA have since told Eurogamer that the report is “patently false”, while Viceral’s UI lead has tweeted that “The reports of our death were greatly exaggerated.” Perhaps it would have been better to say that when a whole bunch of people asked the first time?>

It’s not pinin’! It’s passed on! This franchise is no more! It has ceased to be! It’s expired and gone to meet its maker! It’s a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! Its metabolic processes are now ‘istory! It’s off the twig! It’s kicked the bucket, it’s shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisible! It’s f-ckin’ snuffed it! This is an ex-franchise!

This post brought to you by a sense of humour from 1969. You know us Brits, always with our Monty Python gags. Perhaps it’s the only way I know how to pay tribute to Dead Space, the EA action series which has reportedly uh, taken a holiday in the wake of lacklustre sales for the recent third game. (more…)

Dead Space™ 2 - (Alec Meer)


Dead Space is famously an Alien-inspired game about lonely survival on a spaceship/station inhabited by otherworldly horrors. No more! Now it’s a buddy action move about welding helmeted Isaac grudgingly teaming up with bloodthirsty merc and victim of nominative predeterminism John Carver. They hate each other, but I’ve a funny feeling they might come to respect and even like each other before the tale is done.

As well as the co-op focus, Dead Space 3 is rather more planet-bound and a whole lot more icy than the previous, claustrophobic and somewhat brown entries in the series. As you can see below. Yes, I thought I’d surprise you all by posting a trailer during E3 week. I don’t play by the rules, me. (more…)

8 Φεβ 2011
Dead Space™ 2 - (John Walker)

He's angry because he can't wear balaclavas.

A week back Jim was kind enough to tell us Wot He Thought of Dead Space 2. Compelled by a lack of anything else to do this weekend, John played it too. And when two minds of the RPS hive share content, they must examine. Thus, we Verdict. Below is Jim and John’s discussion of the space stomping sequel, in which Jim defends while John complains.>


Dead Space™ 2 - (John Walker)

This is definitely okay.

A patch will soon be arriving for Dead Space 2 to make it more accessible to disabled players. It’s perhaps not something most of us think about, but for a number of players it’s essential that they be able to freely map controls if they’re going to be able to play. And Dead Space 2 currently doesn’t allow you to set moving forward to the mouse. This meant that gareth170 on the Overclockers forum couldn’t play the game. And of course he’s not the only one – his post, linked with an ongoing campaign by quadriplegic comic Chuck Bittner, and has seen a huge response of support for the matter, and ultimately the announcement from Visceral that they’ll be patching the game accordingly.


Dead Space™ 2 - (Jim Rossignol)

Visceral’s space-action horror sequel Dead Space 2 has been out on PC for a few days now, so I thought it might be time to put a tentative toe into the vacuum, step out, and tell you wot I think.> (more…)

Dead Space™ 2 - (Quintin Smith)

Goodbye creepy little thing, we hardly knew ye.

Time for me to be the badger of bad news. EA has confirmed to The Escapist that the Severed DLC for Dead Space 2, which adds 2 standalone chapters to the game that tell the story of whatever happened to Dead Space: Extraction stars Gabe Weller and Lexine Murdock, won’t be seeing a PC release. You can chalk that up with the Dead Space: Ignition standalone comic book/minigame release we never saw, which unlocks a new Hacker suit, a new weapon and some new audio logs in Dead Space 2. Thanks to reader Dominic “Domino” Tarason for the tipoff, who also informs us that the vsync mouselag that troubled some folk in the PC version of Dead Space 1 is still alive and kicking in Dead Space 2. That is all.

Dead Space™ 2 - (John Walker)

I can't wait to get Darkspore add-ons from Populous.

When it was announced that there would be Dragon Age armour in Mass Effect 2, it may have gone crashing through the fourth wall like a confused rhinoceros, but at least the two games came from the same developer. It’s bemusing to try to fathom how the two universes might cross over, but we got over it. But for Dragon Age 2 you’ll be able to unlock unique armour if you also have, er, Dead Space 2. Buh-huh?

There’s a trailer explaining all this below.


Dead Space™ 2 - (John Walker)

Oh dear, I couldn't tell the difference between the Dead Space 2 shot and the RF Armageddon shot. GAMES!

Where does a Necromorph keeps its eyes? According to the latest Dead Space 2 multiplayer trailer, about four feet behind its head. See, what I’m doing here is mocking the title, “Through the eyes of a necromorph” in a game viewed from a third-person perspective. Everyone involved now feels incredibly silly, and will probably quit their jobs, lose their families, and become destitute. That’s the power I wield. Games industry: think more carefully before you title your videos.



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