Counter-Strike 2 - jo
  • Practice matches and matches started with the "map" command will now run in engine loopback mode to match the CS:GO offline default. Engine loopback bypasses most networking code for the host, resulting in one less tick of latency for the local player. Engine loopback can be disabled by appending "loopback=0" to the map command-line (e.g. "map de_dust2 loopback=0").
Counter-Strike 2 - jo
  • Added counter-strafe input automation detection options for non-Valve servers. See the sv_auto_cstrafe family of convar descriptions for details.
  • Enabled measurement of network jitter on direct UDP connections to community servers. Previously, jitter measurement was only available for connections relayed over SDR. Jitter data is included in the net_connections_status command output.
Counter-Strike 2 - jo
  • Fixed a case where some commands, including jump, might be ignored under poor network conditions.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause inconsistent jump heights.
  • Fixed a case where client player collision would remain disabled after ragdoll interaction occurred in the previous round. Thanks for the repro steps, @poggu__.
  • Fixed a case for Linux users where the game would hang when opening the pause menu.
Counter-Strike 2 - jo
  • Fixed a case where the radar background and radar icons were misaligned
Counter-Strike 2 - jo

  • Fixed a case where a player could get stuck between a prop and the ceiling
  • Fixed a pixel walk
  • Fixed some C4 stuck spots
  • Adjusted collision on van for smoother movement
  • Fixed wall penetration issues around some arches
  • Fixed a view jittering issue when jumping on a crate near palace
  • Fixed some collision that allowed smoke grenades to go inside a wall
  • Adjustments to grenade clipping
  • Adjusted collision on some props
  • Fixed some C4 stuck spots
  • Fixed some C4 stuck spots
  • Removed a boost spot in pit by A site
  • Perf improvements
  • Clipping adjustments
  • Adjustments to grenade clipping
  • Fixed a bad clip edge that players were getting stuck on at T spawn
  • Fixed a pixel peak
  • Adjustments to grenade clipping
  • Fixed a C4 stuck spot
  • Fixed some prop collision that could hide C4
  • Fixed some lighting issues
  • Fixed some minor visual bugs near canal
  • Some clipping adjustments near park for smoother movement
  • Added some missing handrail collision

Counter-Strike 2 - jo
  • The MASTERMINDS 2 Music Kit Box is now available for purchase in standard and StatTrak versions
  • Fixed a case where audio output was garbled due to running on efficiency CPU cores
  • Minor style adjustments
  • Reduced the amount of performance stutter at end-of-round time
Counter-Strike 2 - jo
  • Certain types of movement/shooting input automation such as hardware-assisted counter strafing will now be detected on Valve official servers, resulting in a kick from the match
  • Input binds that include more than one of the following commands will now be ignored by default. Support can be re-enabled using the cheat-protected convar `cl_allow_multi_input_binds 1`
    • sprint, reload, attack, attack2, turnleft, turnright, turnup, turndown, forward, back, left, right, moveup, movedown, klook, use, jump, duck, strafe, zoom, yaw, pitch, forwardback, rightleft
  • The jump-throw confirmation grunt sound can now be heard by other players nearby

  • Initial testing of VacNet 3.0 has begun on a limited set of matches. If you believe your match was incorrectly cancelled, email us the match details at
Counter-Strike 2 - Piggles ULTRAPRO
Counter-Strike is constantly evolving. From art, to maps, to inventive plays, and even player input, the CS community shapes the game.

Scripting and automating player commands has always been contentious, but over the years some forms of scripting (e.g., jump-throws) have gained acceptance, as they enable plays that wouldn't otherwise be possible. In fact, jump-throws became such an important part of the game that we've done the work to make them reliable without any special scripting or binds (i.e., by jumping and quickly throwing a grenade).

Developing one's coordination and reaction time has always been key to mastering Counter-Strike.

Recently, some hardware features have blurred the line between manual input and automation, so we've decided to draw a clear line on what is or isn't acceptable in Counter-Strike.

We are no longer going to allow automation (via scripting or hardware) that circumvent these core skills and, moving forward, (and initially--exclusively on Valve Official Servers) players suspected of automating multiple player actions from a single game input may be kicked from their match.

To prevent accidental infractions, in-game binds that include more than one movement and/or attack actions will no longer work (e.g., null-binds and jump-throw binds).

If you have a keyboard that includes an input-automation feature (e.g., "Snap Tap Mode"), be sure to disable the feature before you join a match in order to avoid any interruption to your matches.
Counter-Strike 2 - jo

  • Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes)
Pool Day
  • Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes)

  • Slightly delayed tagging effects to reduce instances of players experiencing teleportation when taking damage. Delaying tagging results in a smoother experience, however players will have slightly more time to move at full speed when receiving damage. The delay can be adjusted on servers using convar sv_predictable_damage_tag_ticks (default 2)
  • Fixed a case where players could start the bomb plant animation outside of bomb sites
  • Fixed a case where the revolver barrel would rotate erroneously
  • Reduced initial loading times for the Settings and Play menus

Counter-Strike 2 - Vitaliy
  • In Casual game mode players will earn an additional XP score point for every round in which they dealt damage to enemies.
  • Added a server setting "sv_vote_to_changelevel_rndmin" to control rounds/time during which voting for a level change is allowed.
  • Official game servers in Casual game mode now allow voting for a level change only at the end of the match or during the first round of the match.
  • Official game servers in Deathmatch and Arms Race game modes now allow voting for a level change only at the end of the match or during the first minute of the match.
  • Restricted upward movement of a player when a teammate is boosted on their head.
  • Dead players are no longer allowed to pick up ground weapons.
  • Buy menu will automatically close if the switch team menu opens.
  • Rescuing a hostage now increments objectives counter in match stats.

  • Improved legibility of damage given and taken in post-round damage report.
  • Made spec target highlighting more pronounced.
  • Player names are now visible on mini scoreboard whenever the mini scoreboard is expanded.


  • Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes)
  • Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes)


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