Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 2/20/2013

[ MISC ]

- Reduced Glock damage.
- Reduced Deagle inaccuracy.
- Reduced Fiveseven and Tec9 prices.

- Added checks to prevent clients from executing workshop concommands.
- GameModes.txt and individual map kv files now get updated and loaded everytime a new map is loaded.
- Newly subscribed maps in workshop map selector are sorted to the start of the list.
- Fixed some cases where workshop maps failed to download.
- Added status indicator to main menu that shows if maps are currently downloading.
- Added convar sv_rcon_whitelist_address, rcon clients failing to auth from the specified IP address will never get banned.
- Fixed Windows GOTV relays crashing when running without Steam client.
- Improved handling of workshop maps on GOTV relays.
- Added support for specifying +tv_enable 1 +tv_relay ip:port on GOTV relay commandline.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 2/13/2013

* Deagle: increased effective range.
* P250: reduced effective range.
* Glock: increased recoil on burst.
* Added a community dedicated server convar "sv_workshop_allow_other_maps". When this option is enabled and the server is idling empty, it will allow players to reserve it on another workshop map. Server will then download the other workshop map and let players play it, after the map ends the players will mapcycle into workshop collection hosted by the server.
* Added a game setting 'Max Acceptable Matchmaking Ping' to allow users in geographic locations far from official datacenters to find games via matchmaking without using developer's console.
* Servers starting to host a workshop collection will no longer show up as running de_dust.
* Added convar mp_death_drop_c4 that determines whether C4 is droppable.
* Fixed not being able to drop C4 in Demolition mode.
* Added display of public joinable games in maps workshop browser.
* Fixed dead players getting a network update that showed their dead icon position at the position of the player they jumped to spectate right after dying
* Fixed mapcycle problems when the server was playing a map outside of active mapgroup or collection.
* Workshop maps no longer show "workshop" prefix on master server and official maps show "official" instead of map id when played as part of hosted workshop collection.
* Fixed the post processing effects (like blur) persisting through a level change to the new map if the new map does not contain a postprocess_controller entity.
* Fixed some sv convars so they can be executed via map cfg files
* Fixed the regular radar images not showing on the loading screen for workshop/custom maps
* Fixed an interpolation exploit with bogus update rates.
* Fixed a regression where old protobuf demo files failed to play. All protobuf demos should be playable again.
* Maps that are newly subscribed are now highlighted as NEW in the UI.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 2/7/2013


- Added 'workshop_start_map' command line param to specify which map in a workshop collection for the server to start on. Takes the desired map's file id.
- Password-protected community servers are no longer available for community matchmaking.
- Map name is now correctly reported to master server.
- Added spawn points in cs_assault.
- Convars now get reset to defaults before server.cfg is executed.
- Fixed a dedicated server crash after player disconnection.
- Fixed respawn pop-up showing when you could not respawn in some cases.
- Fixed bug in respawning if team spawn point counts were asymmetrical.
- Fixed prop_dynamic_glow's not getting a final network update.
- Fixed webapi authkey behavior on Linux dedicated servers.
- Fixed layout of player details screen.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 2/7/2013


-Added the CS:GO Maps Workshop.
  -Maps Workshop tab now available in client Map Browser
  -Maps Workshop FAQ:
  -Workshop url:
  -Server Operators details:
  -Upload tool for Map Makers:
  -Information about custom game rules:

-Added cs_assault to Classic map group.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 1/30/2013

- Nerfed the Deagle.
- Added a feature to spectate friends games via GOTV.
  -In 'Play With Friends,' if a friend is on an official matchmaking server the WATCH option will appear next to their name.
- DM immunity changes:
  -Default immunity was raised to 10s.
  -Moving cancels immunity.

[ MISC ]
- Fixed dedicated server memory leak.
- Reserved server with connected GOTV spectators will hold reservation after all players disconnected for at least TV delay time to allow spectators to watch the match to the end.
- Added convar sv_hibernate_punt_tv_clients to also punt lingering TV spectators after all players disconnected and at least TV delay time elapsed.
tv_snapshotrate will now correctly adjust client-side rates automatically for smooth spectating experience.
- Added convar tv_relayradio, 0 = off, 1 = relay team radio commands to GOTV (default value = 0).
- Added convar tv_relaytextchat, 0 = off, 1 = relay "say" chat only, 2 = relay "say" and "say_team" chat to GOTV (default value = 1).
- Team kills and team damage is now preserved for players in competitive games across disconnects and reconnects.
- Fixed a regression in naming of tv_autorecord demo files.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release notes for 1/23/12

- A new game mode has been added to matchmaking and offline play: Deathmatch.
- Weapon balance and recoil were adjusted with pro community input ( Thanks to J3Di, NiP, VeryGames, ESC, 4NOT, mTw, and FM TOXiC )
- In addition to global changes that affect all weapons, specific adjustments have been made to: rifles, pistols, and the P90.
- Weapon purchasing changes:
- The AWP's kill reward was increased from $50 to $100.
- The Glock is now a Terrorist only weapon.
- The FiveseveN is now a CT only weapon.
- The Terrorists' molotov price has been reduced to $500. The CT's incendiary grenade remains $850.
- Note that the pistol arrangement has changed in the buymenu.

- The messaging system has been converted to protobuf.
- Demos recorded with previous versions of CS:GO will not be compatible as of this update. In order to view old demos, set your 'beta' to 'demo_viewer' in the CS:GO betas property panel, in Steam. Don't forget to set it back to 'NONE' when you want to play online again.
- If you are running SourceMod on your server, you will need to update to the latest version. For details, see:

- Added some performance improvements for low-end clients.
- Fixed some fence materials that were allowing players to see through smoke grenades.
- GOTV spectator UI will now correctly show kevlar and helmet information for players.
- Avatars will now correctly load for all players when connected to a GOTV server or when watching a demo.
- Added support to notify players during servers maintenance downtime.
- Fixed a dedicated server exploit where community dedicated servers could masquerade as official and get players searching for official game modes connected to them (
- Fixed a rare problem when clients matchmaking for Classic Competitive game could be stuck on green Accept screen
- Fixed a rare problem when clients could connect to a Classic Competitive game and then later be disconnected for failing to accept the match.
- Improved algorithm pinging whitelisted dedicated servers when searching for Classic Competitive games, pinging less addresses fixes occasional problems for some customers where address translation tables on their routers would fill up and their routers would fail to route required packets to display the green Accept screen.
- Added support for mm_dedicated_search_maxping to restrict client's ping when matchmaking for Classic Competitive games. ( Matchmaking algorithm will still be prioritizing best servers to minimize ping of all party members. )
- Fixed a rare server crash when bots attempted to shoot the bomb defuser.
- Fixed a client crash when downloading a lot of custom assets from community servers.

- Deathmatch uses the nav mesh to create spawn points. Make sure that your nav is contained within the bounds of your map to ensure that players aren't spawned outside of it. Use map_showspawnpoints to see where spawn points were generated.
- If you want to use mapper-placed spawnpoints instead of the randomly generated ones, place an info_map_parameters in your map and set usenormalspawnsfordm ("Use Normal Spawns in Deathmatch?) to true.
- We're launching the private beta for workshop maps. If you're a map maker, mail with the subject "Map Workshop Beta" and your steam id in the content, with a link to maps shipped ( or maps in progress ) suitable for the Workshop.

- Please use the CSGO SDK list for discussions about Deathmatch and Workshop.

Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 1/9/2013


- Added Server Report panel. Player can use this panel to report server for things such as inappropriate content and bad performance etc.. This menu is accessible from the Pause Menu.
- Improved competitive matchmaking algorithm to further reduce wait times.
- Fixed 'rebuy previous' not working after the first round of rebuying.
- Spawn points are now randomized every round.
- Whitelisted con_filter convars for debugging.
- Fixed damage taken and given not being fully reset in modes that aren't round-based.
- Changing mp_warmuptime takes effect immediately.
- Added concommands mp_warmup_start and mp_warmup_end, which restart and early terminate warmup, respectively.
- Fixed exploit where cl_interp restrictions could be bypassed.
- Alias command no longer allows aliasing over existing convars and concommands.
- Fixed rare case of maps not matching requested game mode on dedicated servers
- The client-side headshot feedback sound no longer plays for the local client when damaging another player in the head with a grenade explosion or when shooting them in the head through another surface (penetration)
- Slightly reduced the client-side headshot feedback sound volume (spatialized sound is unaffected)
- Fixed nameplate flicker in free cam mode during demo playback.
- Fixed wall penetration on Linux dedicated servers
- Fixed exploit where grenade projectiles were used to boost teammates.
- Fixed a very rare server crash when firing a weapon.
- Improved the error message shown when finding a game fails to locate an acceptable dedicated game server formerly reported as DS.
- Improved memory management on servers with GOTV enabled.
- Changed holiday cheer level to match CS1.6.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 12/24/2012

[ MISC ]
* Added the ability to commend and report players from the player details view that can be accessed in the scoreboard.
* Number of competitive wins, and unique commendations are now shown in the main menu along with skill group.
* Competitive scoreboard will show number of competitive wins needed to display your skill group if you have not displayed it yet.
* Fixed movement on ladders ignoring the walk button. Now climbing ladders while holding walk is slow and silent, which fixes previous exploit of being able to climb ladders at fullspeed without making sound.
* Fixed failure to fire after weapon switching away from a reload and back (fake-reloading).
* Whitelisted tv_password convar to set GOTV password.
* Reduced fps in main menu when not connected to a server from 300 fps to 120 fps to help with laptops and desktop video cards doing excessive work. Exposed fps_max_menu convar to control fps in main menu.
* Added one more minute of grace period for players to reconnect to their competitive match before a cooldown for failing to reconnect is assigned. Cooldown for failing to reconnect is now assigned after player has remained disconnected for at least 4 minutes, not counting the round of disconnection and not counting the round in which 4 minutes grace period elapses.
* Fixed Hammer crash on exit.
* Added some holiday cheer.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 12/12/2012

 -Merged elements of Volcano's DE_NUKE_VE map into standard DE_NUKE.
 -In the main menus, replaced mapgroup carousel with a map picker. Players can now select which maps they want to match-make into.
 -Maps in map picker show expected wait time.

[ MISC ]
 -Improved performance in CPU-bound cases.
 -Fixed missing ladder sound when moving at full speed on ladders.
 -Added support for muting microphone in play with friends lobby.
 -Fixed cases where spectator UI wouldn't appear during GOTV demo playback.
 -Fix for crash caused by extinguished fire.
 -ESC key now closes Server Browser dialog.
 -Made CHudMenu have input priority over Scaleform.
 -Reduced default vgui font size for resolutions >1600.
 -Whitelisted mp_match_restart_delay.
 -Limiting physics timestep to 64 to eliminate high tickrate physics bugs, such as bouncing guns.
 -Server no longer creates physics objects for players to reduce server cpu load. To re-enable, set cs_enable_player_physics_box to '1'.
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 12/6/2012

[ MISC ]

* Added support for using '?' instead of ':' in the 'connect' concommand so we can create URL links that connect to GOTV.
* Fixed case where walking on stairs generated footsteps on the client but not on the server.
* Fixed damage taken console report not reporting damage taken.
* The spectator UI player bars and the ammo panel will now show individual player kills for the round.
* In the buy menu, FIREPOWER now reflects raw weapon DAMAGE.
* The value for the 'rate' convar is no longer read from Steam registry settings.
* Fixed buy menu showing the wrong values for weapon armor penetration.
* Kick/bans for tk'ing and team damaging are now controlled by mp_autokick.
* Fixed part of the headshot particle effect drawing through walls.
* Fixed radar and overview showing enemy icons for decoys indefinitely.
* Number of GOTV viewers is now correctly calculated and networked through the chain of GOTV relays.
* Fixed hearing a headshot sound when an enemy is burning from your molly/incgren fire.

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