Contagion - Tatsur0
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We will be starting our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" Stream & Giveaway via our channel 10mins from this post. For those that don't suffer from Daylight Savings Time we run our events based of PST/PDT and so our Streams are now an hour earlier (I happen to be one of those that have to adjust my schedule as well and really hope one day DST will die a horrible death).

While you wait, we've just posted Episode 20 which you can watch now!

We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" and/or "Contagious Gaming" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 7:00) <a href="">-Click here for current time-</a> and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!

We're less than 2 weeks from our Full Release of Contagion which is still currently available on Steam at the "Early Access" discount until April 11th

<center><a href=""><img src=""></a></center>

For those that are curious our focus after full release will be on releasing our Contagion SDK & Tutorials so that you may all begin to create content ASAP!

We're also prioritizing our Linux & Mac platforms, Steamworks Implementation, Massive visual improvements with Character and Animation updates, a new map, weapons, and more. While this is our "Full Release" we will be releasing free content (including Free DLC Bundles) for as long as we can afford it! We want to bring back to the table some of that community love and respect that we don't see too often anymore.

See you at the Stream we hope! The entire team is both excited and of course nervous as we close in on release so wish us luck! We have some more updates coming out soon before full release that will change the way you look at the game (hopefully for the better).

<a href=""><img src="" align="right" width="128" height="128"/></a>

<a href=""><img src="" width="43" height="33" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="34" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="42" height="31" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="37" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="59" height="31" /></a>

-The Contagion Team
Contagion - Tatsur0


We will be starting our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" Stream & Giveaway via our channel 10mins from this post. For those that don't suffer from Daylight Savings Time we run our events based of PST/PDT and so our Streams are now an hour earlier (I happen to be one of those that have to adjust my schedule as well and really hope one day DST will die a horrible death).

While you wait, we've just posted Episode 20 which you can watch now!

We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" and/or "Contagious Gaming" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 7:00) -Click here for current time- and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!

We're less than 2 weeks from our Full Release of Contagion which is still currently available on Steam at the "Early Access" discount until April 11th


For those that are curious our focus after full release will be on releasing our Contagion SDK & Tutorials so that you may all begin to create content ASAP!

We're also prioritizing our Linux & Mac platforms, Steamworks Implementation, Massive visual improvements with Character and Animation updates, a new map, weapons, and more. While this is our "Full Release" we will be releasing free content (including Free DLC Bundles) for as long as we can afford it! We want to bring back to the table some of that community love and respect that we don't see too often anymore.

See you at the Stream we hope! The entire team is both excited and of course nervous as we close in on release so wish us luck! We have some more updates coming out soon before full release that will change the way you look at the game (hopefully for the better).

-The Contagion Team
Contagion - Tatsur0
<center><a href=""><img src=""/></a></center>

<center><a href=""><img src=""/></a></center>

Friday Frenzy goes live on our Twitch.TV Channel in 5mins! Sorry for the delay but GO TO HELL Daylight savings and those who didn't tell me about it till just now.

Here is Episode 19 we just uploaded (be sure to follow the new channel as we will be phasing out our old Youtube channel in favor of the dedicated Contagion one).

We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" and/or "Contagious Gaming" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 7:00) <a href="">-Click here for current time-</a> and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!

<center><a href=""><img src=""></a></center>

<a href=""><img src="" align="right" width="128" height="128"/></a>

<a href=""><img src="" width="43" height="33" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="34" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="42" height="31" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="37" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="59" height="31" /></a>

-The Contagion Team
Contagion - Tatsur0


Friday Frenzy goes live on our Twitch.TV Channel in 5mins! Sorry for the delay but GO TO HELL Daylight savings and those who didn't tell me about it till just now.

Here is Episode 19 we just uploaded (be sure to follow the new channel as we will be phasing out our old Youtube channel in favor of the dedicated Contagion one).

We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" and/or "Contagious Gaming" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 7:00) -Click here for current time- and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!


-The Contagion Team
Contagion - [Monochrome-Games.Com] JoeH04
Congratulations to the lucky winner[s] and a big thanks to ALL who participated! We hope you stick around for future competitions/events and the full release of Contagion. [April, 11th, 2014]

Please visit the link to our Official Contagion Facebook Page as the winner[s] have been announced on there!

The Contagion Team
Contagion - [DCC] Zomb0
Congratulations to the lucky winner[s] and a big thanks to ALL who participated! We hope you stick around for future competitions/events and the full release of Contagion. [April, 11th, 2014]

Please visit the link to our Official Contagion Facebook Page as the winner[s] have been announced on there!

The Contagion Team
Contagion - Tatsur0
<center><a href=""><img src=""/></a></center>

We recently revealed Barlowe Square with the "Hunted" game-mode and today we released "Extraction" as promised. We're currently working on further optimizing and polishing Barlowe Square as well as "Escape" but we haven't stopped there as work on a new firearm.

April 11th we will release a more optimized version of Contagion with improved AI, Full Release final features (more to come later), fully polished, and following the release we will continue with our Contagion SDK release, Achievements, Steamworks, Gametracker, Sourcemod, new content, even more free content in the form of Free DLC bundles. While we're excited we also quite nervous even with all the praise and support of our community which we're incredibly grateful for.

We have some exciting stuff coming up we've kept to our selves as a surprise to our community and we hope you'll be just as stoked as we are when we reveal it. That said we just finished our Recent Facebook competition with numerous entries and will be announcing the winners on the 20th!

<center><a href=""><img src=""/></a></center>
We look forward to announcing the winners and future winners!

"Early Access" BUILD 4872
  • Added new version of Barlowe Square "Extraction" which is very much a WIP
  • Improved and fixed navmesh and spawn issues on Barlowe Square "Hunted"
  • Optimised weapon HUD code, added new commands and system for HUD and switching weapons (Required to update weapon select binds both mouse wheel and keys)
  • Fixed bug that caused weapon commands not to work properly
  • Melee weapons are now able to smash out our new glass saving on ammo
  • Added End Of Round UI for each gamemode with new awards and stats for specific modes coming soon
  • Flashlights for other players now have LOD's which causes players further away from rendering full expensive lights
  • New ambient sounds for Barlowe Square to fix missing rain sounds when outside
  • Adjusted lighting and weapons on Pioneer Express
  • Optimised flashlight code when turning flashlights on for the first time
  • New props and detailing on Barlowe Square and Pioneer Express
  • Fixed navmesh issues on Barlowe Square and Pioneer Express

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<center><a href=""><img src=""/></a></center>

Friday Frenzy Returns!
I chose to cancel last weeks Friday Frenzy to watch my daughter graduate and share what she learned over the year. I am a proud daddy but I'm looking forward to returning to our weekly schedule!

Here is Episode 19 (sorry for my cold) and Episode 20 is this Friday!

<center><a href=""><img src=""/></a></center>

We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" and/or "Contagious Gaming" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 8:00) <a href="">-Click here for current time-</a> and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!

We're very close to Release so for those who've shown their support be vigilant and be sure to report any bugs you run into whether or not we may know of them. We want to release a solid title you all can be proud of! We want to thank all of you again for everything!

<center><a href=""><img src=""></a></center>

<a href=""><img src="" align="right" width="128" height="128"/></a>

<a href=""><img src="" width="43" height="33" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="34" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="42" height="31" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="37" height="35" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="59" height="31" /></a>

-The Contagion Team
Contagion - Tatsur0

We recently revealed Barlowe Square with the "Hunted" game-mode and today we released "Extraction" as promised. We're currently working on further optimizing and polishing Barlowe Square as well as "Escape" but we haven't stopped there as work on a new firearm.

April 11th we will release a more optimized version of Contagion with improved AI, Full Release final features (more to come later), fully polished, and following the release we will continue with our Contagion SDK release, Achievements, Steamworks, Gametracker, Sourcemod, new content, even more free content in the form of Free DLC bundles. While we're excited we also quite nervous even with all the praise and support of our community which we're incredibly grateful for.

We have some exciting stuff coming up we've kept to our selves as a surprise to our community and we hope you'll be just as stoked as we are when we reveal it. That said we just finished our Recent Facebook competition with numerous entries and will be announcing the winners on the 20th!

We look forward to announcing the winners and future winners!

"Early Access" BUILD 4872
  • Added new version of Barlowe Square "Extraction" which is very much a WIP
  • Improved and fixed navmesh and spawn issues on Barlowe Square "Hunted"
  • Optimised weapon HUD code, added new commands and system for HUD and switching weapons (Required to update weapon select binds both mouse wheel and keys)
  • Fixed bug that caused weapon commands not to work properly
  • Melee weapons are now able to smash out our new glass saving on ammo
  • Added End Of Round UI for each gamemode with new awards and stats for specific modes coming soon
  • Flashlights for other players now have LOD's which causes players further away from rendering full expensive lights
  • New ambient sounds for Barlowe Square to fix missing rain sounds when outside
  • Adjusted lighting and weapons on Pioneer Express
  • Optimised flashlight code when turning flashlights on for the first time
  • New props and detailing on Barlowe Square and Pioneer Express
  • Fixed navmesh issues on Barlowe Square and Pioneer Express


Friday Frenzy Returns!
I chose to cancel last weeks Friday Frenzy to watch my daughter graduate and share what she learned over the year. I am a proud daddy but I'm looking forward to returning to our weekly schedule!

Here is Episode 19 (sorry for my cold) and Episode 20 is this Friday!


We stream our Official Contagion "Friday Frenzy" and/or "Contagious Gaming" via our Twitch.Tv Account at- every Friday @ 7:00PM PST/PDT (GMT- 8:00) -Click here for current time- and will pass out one or more free copies of Contagion during the Stream!

We're very close to Release so for those who've shown their support be vigilant and be sure to report any bugs you run into whether or not we may know of them. We want to release a solid title you all can be proud of! We want to thank all of you again for everything!


-The Contagion Team
Contagion - [Monochrome-Games.Com] JoeH04
Hi all,

The Facebook competition has now officially ENDED. We would like to thank those who have taken the time to participate and we wish you the best of luck in the competition.

Using a programme, we will randomly select the lucky winner(s) to keep the competition fair.

The results will be announced Thursday, March 20th at 10AM PST (GMT – 8:00) The lucky winners will be notified via Facebook along with details on how to claim your prize. Be sure to check your inbox!

Thank you and good luck!

The Contagion Team
Contagion - [DCC] Zomb0
Hi all,

The Facebook competition has now officially ENDED. We would like to thank those who have taken the time to participate and we wish you the best of luck in the competition.

Using a programme, we will randomly select the lucky winner(s) to keep the competition fair.

The results will be announced Thursday, March 20th at 10AM PST (GMT – 8:00) The lucky winners will be notified via Facebook along with details on how to claim your prize. Be sure to check your inbox!

Thank you and good luck!

The Contagion Team

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