Steam potato sack sale

Come with me, back into the distant past. Don't mind that wibbly blurry effect and that "WooOOoOOooOO" noise, that's just what happens when you go back in time. We're almost there. All you have to do is click this link and make the transition to April 4 2011!

I've always wanted to say that. If you just took the trip, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. You'll also have a good idea as to whether or not you'd like to purchase the games going in the return of the potato sack sale on Steam.
Humble Indie Bundle 3
The Humble Indie Bundle 3 has expanded in all directions. The pay-what-you want package originally offered Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, VVVVVV, And Yet it Moves and Hammerfight, then Mojang threw in a trial to let purchasers play Minecraft for free until August 14. Then rotating robo-blaster Steel Storm jumped in, but that still wasn't enough.

Now, if you pay more than the average contribution (currently $5.22) for the Humble Indie Bundle 3, you'll get the Humble Indie Bundle 2 games as well.

The Humble Indie Bundle 2 includes Braid, Cortex Command, Machinarium, Osmos and Revenge of the Titans. A great package. Donations are split three ways between the developers, Child's Play and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. You get to decide how your payment is divided between these camps, and you can drop the Humble Bundle organisers a tip, too.

The Humble Indie Bundle 3 will be available for another five days. The bundle has sold 261,476 copies and counting for more than $1.3 million.

The Humble Indie Bundle is a remarkable success story, since the third version of the pay-what-you-want scheme began last week it's already taken more than $1,000,000 in sales.

The money is split between developers, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Child's Play and the cost of maintaining the bundle itself, with purchasers getting to determine how much goes to each. Now they've added a sixth game to the bundle: top down shooter Steel Storm: Burning Retribution, and made the introductory video you see above.

The Humble Indie Bundle already contains Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, VVVVVV, Hammerfight and And Yet it Moves, plus free access to Minecraft until August 14th. If you've already bought the bundle, you'll still get the extra game - you'll find it on the Humble Indie Bundle website. Those who have the bundle on Steam will see Steel Storm: Burning Retribution automatically added to their library. If you haven't bought it yet, you have seven days left before the offer ends.

The third Humble Indie Bundle is now available. It's your chance to pay whatever you like for Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, VVVVVV, Hammerfight and And Yet it Moves. A portion of each payment is allocated to the developers, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child's Play. You can use sliders on the purchase page to decide the percentage that each party gets, and there's also an option to tip the Humble Bundle organisers. Each game works on PC, Macs and Linux systems, and comes DRM free.

There are 13 days left to go on the deal, and more than 92,000 bundles have been sold. At the time of writing, the deal has made $437,366 already, and it's only been up for half a day. It looks as though this bundle is already set to break the records set by Humble Indie Bundles 1 and 2.
Killing Floor

The Potato Sack sale kicked off over the weekend on Steam. The sale knocks 50% off 13 indie games, including Super Meat Boy, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Killing Floor and more. The whole bundle is 75% off, and you'll get a potato hat in Team Fortress 2.

This isn't just an ordinary sale, thought. There's something weird and potato related happening. Several games in the potato pack have received some unusual updates. Egyptian hieroglyphics have been found in Amnesia, potato references have been found in Defence Grid: The Awakening, and plugging a Razer peripheral in to Kick It! will trigger one of fifteen potato related phrases like this one "never trust a potato...they have eyes everywhere. They are always listening...we never went to space! SPUDnik was a Russet Conspiracy!" What the spud is going on?

VG247 note that a wiki has been set up to collect the mounting clues, though nobody has any idea where any of it is leading. Valve revealed Portal 2 through a series of encoded images and radio messages patched into Portal 1. Could there be another reveal on the cards, or is it all an elaborate, long running April fools hoax?

Here's a list of the games that are part of the potato sack sale. Head over to Steam to take advantage of the deals. There's no end date for the sale yet.

1... 2... 3... KICK IT!
AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Defense Grid: The Awakening
Killing Floor
Super Meat Boy
The Ball
The Wonderful End of the World
Toki Tori


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