3 Thg06, 2022
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
Hello dear citizens of Circadian City,

It has been a while you haven't heard from us and many of you thought the game was abandoned. Sorry for not letting you know about the things going on at the studio and about our plans. We didn't abandon the game.

Circadian City had 2 designers, 1 writer, 2 artists and 2 programmers when we released the game for Early Access.

According to the plan, one of the programmers left the studio right after Early Access. He was in his last year at the university and we were only going to work with him until the initial release. After his departure we hired an old team member we knew since our first game Monochroma.

We stuck to our roadmap and we made it until the v0.6 release of Circadian City. Then our lead programmer decided to leave the studio. We were left with a single developer who wasn't with us since the beginning of the project.

As if it was not enough, our new developer had multiple health issues that became more and more serious over time up until the point she could no longer work. Of course we supported her as much as we could and she had a successful surgery two weeks ago. Good news is, everything is fine now and she is going to be back next week.

Future Plans

While the development of Circadian City was halted due to lack of developers, with the rest of the team we pitched a new game idea and we signed a good deal a few months ago. We will announce that game in a while. With this new opportunity, we hired 3 new programmers and new artists to the team.

Our first responsibility for our players is to finish Circadian City. Our priority is to deliver the v0.8 that brings mouse support and other functionalities. We will do our best to release this version on August 18, 2022.

Later on we'll keep working on new content that we planned for Circadian City v1.0 along with the Nintendo Switch version for the 1st quarter of 2023.

Right after the release of v0.8 we promise to be much more responsive during the development and we will bring the necessary fixes and additional content much more frequently.

Thank you for your patience and support,

Nowhere Studios
4 Thg01, 2022
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
We're sorry to announce updating to the new UI was still rushed. We managed to make mouse work but gamepad and keyboard controls were affected and the game became unplayable for some.

We're returning to the old version on our default branch and we'll keep the v0.8 on the alpha branch for those who didn't have any issues.

We're working on the fixes and we won't add any new features until we clean the mess.

Sorry for any inconvenience,

Have a healthy and normal 2022!
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
Hello Citizens,

Making this update was even more difficult than making the first Early Access version of Circadian City but here we are. This update brings functionality and gameplay changes that fix most of the issues mentioned so far and brings the game to a new level.

The New UI and the Mouse Support

This was the most requested features since we released the first version of the game and it was the hardest to implement because of the way UI was developed. Yet we managed to bring it to a stable level with few existing issues. There is a list of known issues in our roadmap board. We're commited to solve those issues in the following weeks, so please let us know if you run into something not existing in the board.

With the new UI there are now 2 input models for the game:

- Keyboard & Mouse
- Gamepad

Yet we don't suggest to use gamepad until we fix the issues in the upcoming weeks.

Together with the new UI we also changed how the game works a little. For example there is now an: "Alyways Run" button coming checked. Shift key works as a toggle on keyboard.

Character Types

Character types allows for different playstyles right when starting the game. If you already started playing the game, they make a good reason to start again with a different challenge as well.

The Impatient

The Impatient archetype focuses more on daytime activities. Having a higher motivation, it's much easier to make money faster. It's up to the player to shorten the amount of work per day or working even longer to make huge amounts of money quite fast.

Note that the impatient can also eat raw food. One of the most complained issues about the game is now possible with the impatient. It's still not possible to eat some ingredients like pasta or chicken for example, but many others like bread, cheese, fruits, sweets are possible to be eaten directly.

One flaw of the impatient is the lack of concentration in Dreamworld. The amount of time spent in bed is not equal to dream time in Circadian City. Stress is an important factor that defines concentration for example. The impatient doesn't have extra stress but is always short in concentration by 20% compared to a normal character type.

The Creative

Creative archetpye is made for people who values personality improvement and interests over other things in the game. They will have a Dreamworld full of resources even if they don't spend time with other people, working or improving some interest in the daytime. So it's quite possible to spend time in the Dreamworld without any shortages. As you might know, the resources of the dreamworld normally replenish with activities in the daytime.

They also have a bonus to writing, painting and coding interests which will be more important on the upcoming updates.

The drawback is that they have a very low motivation and happiness. It would quite hard to improve friendships and making money if you are playing a creative character.

Combined Quest Tracker and Map

As another feature of the new UI, the map has changed. It's now possible to track a few things on the map along with the quests. With some new additions we want to track everything happening in the city on the map.

The interaction wheel

NPC's have an interaction wheel, making it easier to chat or follow a quest with them. We will use the interaction wheel on more complex entities like furnace in the future. It was somewhat hard to know which items were interacting with the machines of the dreamworld.

Scheduled City crowd

We have all kinds of passerby in the city making the neighborhood much more lively. It might be a bit difficult to distinguish which character are interactable but we'll solve that soon as well.

Are We Close to the Final Release of Circadian City?

The new features coming with v 0.8 needs a little bit of polishing. We will focus on that in the following weeks.

We want to focus on the content part from now on. If you followed the previous update notes, we were planning to open a new island for v 0.8 but it is delayed a bit more.

We'll soon introduce a farmer's market to the city:

We are planning to open that new island and the underworld of the Dreamworld until v 1.0 . Also we're aiming to write an ending for the story.

We also wish to include adoptable animals and new professions for v 1.0

Don't worry, v 1.0 doesn't have to be end of development. We will keep making small updates mostly for content here and there.

Let us know what you think in the comments and on Discord

Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
Hello Citizens,

We are about to release the update. This felt like developing the whole game from scratch.

Normally, we were planning to make content updates and balance changes to the game every month during Early Access. But the overhaul of the UI and adding mouse support required us to refactor everything in the game and overwhelmed us.

We realized we were kind of shortsighted as we used a single branch for the development and while working on this update we didn't have a chance to fix regular problems and make regular updates to the game.

The good news is: We are back!

This update is going to change soo many things in the game and I'm sure you will feel like playing a whole new game as well.

I will write a more detailed update post when we release the branch publicly. Until then, if you want to help us with testing of this new version, please send a DM from Discord that you want access to the private test branch.

We had a huge pile of bugs and the last 2 months were spent in finding and clearing them. Yet, it is quite possible that some of them were unnoticed. That's why we need another 2 weeks to fix them and start adding new content on top.

So what's new on this version?

Mouse Support

This was the no1 issue since our release. Many people purchasing the game refunded because of the lack of mouse support. It wasn't easy to add mouse support due to some complications but finally we enabled mouse and we can do many of the tasks in the game using mouse similar to the other games in the genre.

You will still need keyboard to do some actions such as walking or closing a menu or holding down space for actions requiring time but it's possible to use mouse to:

- Navigate the UI
- Organize inventory
- Interact with the scene
- Use items

Overhaul of the UI Design

The UI of the game wasn't suitable for mouse support and some other windows and menus weren't quite intuitive. We have changed everything. We hope you'll like it.

Always Run

This is an option in the main menu that makes the shift key works as a toggle between running and walking. Helpful!

Upcoming Features on v0.8

There are some other things we developed but we will release them in a couple weeks after testing the UI a little more. The upcoming content/features in the following weeks will be:

-West Island in the Dreamworld
-New personality traits
-Starting archetypes
-Scheduled City crowd

So if you want to reach the private test build for the UI, please join our discord and ask for the branch key.

Please note the issues and let us know what you liked and what you didn't in the new UI. If you like you can switch back and forth between branches to compare the old / new functionality and features.

This is the beginning of the 2nd major update for Circadian City. We will have at least one more major update before the end of Early Access.

Have fun!

30 Thg04, 2021
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
After the last Friday Update creating a new character might have given a bald character within the game.

This hotfix fixes that and do the following:

-Reorders the acquisition of random quests in the Dreamworld
-Removes older gem quests in Dreamworld
-Fixes a time interval in which church gates were neither open or closed.
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
Hey everyone,

Before you ask the question, let me tell. Today is Monday but we're doing the Friday update. That's because we wanted to make this update on Friday but due to the fact we couldn't reach the build computer after Covid curfew on Friday and weekend we had to wait Monday.

So what do we have on this update? Two new game items:

Wishing Well and Growth Enhancer

Wishing Well

This was one of the first items we designed for the game but we couldn't finish it as it required multiple features in the game. Right now we have those features so there it is.

Wishing Well costs 250 lucidium and you can purchase it from the Loonies in the Dreamworld.

At first look the wishing well looks just like an ordinary well, so you can refill your water cans as usual. But if you throw a gold coin to the well, it starts speaking with you. Contrary to what you might expect, wishing well doesn't make your wish come true. It makes you wish for something in the realworld that would give you a motivation boost if you consume. How cool is that?

Growth Enhancer

We introduce the growth enhancer for plants to speed up your farming in the Dreamworld. Farming is quite essential to feed your animals, to make essences or making juice at the juice bar.

Growth enhancer doubles the growth speed of all the crops (Carrots, pumpkins and strawberries so far but there will be others to come later on). If you water the crops they will grow even faster.

You make a growth enhacer with 20 uses from 10 pebbles and in order to unlock the recipe you need the first level friendship of Han, Megan, Marlon, Proudhon, Mel or Ada. If you're already friend with them and made their statues in your previous save just hammer the statue and plant it again to unlock the recipe.

New Female Shapes

We made some changes to the character creator for female heads and we hope you like the new additions. We also have a weird new octopus hat. We might lock it in a future update but right now it's all free from the beginning.

Other Changes and Bug Fixes

  • Removed the blue and green queittones ingredients from Master Atelier recipes
  • Improved the progress of Dreamworld quests a little
  • Master Atelier now requires 4 timber and 4 remium ingot to build
  • Quest descriptions are improved
  • Various small bug fixes causing exceptions in the game

Upcoming Updates

We're still working on the major update that will change the look of the game quite a bit along with adding mouse support. We're expecting that update to come in July.

We created a new zone for the Dreamworld, added new questlines, changed the whole UI, adding new characters here and there and adding lots of new personality traits. The update in July will be the biggest update since the release of the game and we're planning some marketing campaign along with it.

Help us build a community around the game by joining our Discord joining our Discord

May is around the corner and we wish you a wonderful spring time!
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
This hotfix solves some issues related to the second island in the Dreamworld.

- The repair progress of the bridge no longer resets. It saves your progress even if you wake up and come back later to it.
- The collisions at the edges of the second island are properly set.
- The camera now properly covers the whole area of the second island.
- A visual sorting order problem of the bridge is fixed.

The fix didn't come to MAC version yet. It takes a bit of time to update the MAC version.

Someone reported another problem: In some quests Rob Rob is asking for a blue quietton but there is none in the game yet. Please ignore those quests for now. We will enable them at the next Friday Update.
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
Hello Citizens!

It has been a few weeks without any updates. While we are working for the new UI without stop, we had the chance to improve the quality of the current build.

Our work consists of some new content and bug fixes, so let’s start with the new content as always

Personality Level 2

Once you complete the quests of Rob Rob, he will give you a Hamster Wheel. That energetic guy is able to produce “pure energy” that feeds your personality tree.

Once you harness that power, you will climb up to the second level of the personality tree. Where you will start choosing between intuitive and observant personality skills.

The first skill is there and we’re still working on upcoming skills.

Additionally to the red, blue and yellow gems, an orange gem is introduced to the game and our insectoid friend at the East Island gives one as a reward for his daily quests.

The first intuitive skill allows you to use any grass or twigs to fuel up your furnaces.

The first observant skill allows you to find some seeds when harvesting crops with a 50% chance.

Choose carefully because we don’t have an option to change these skills later in the game yet.

Juice Bar Items

Juice Bar is a new crafting table introduced with v 0.6 yet it only had the anx booster to use on the hamster wheel which didn’t work properly.

Now there are two new items anx booster for humans and wuut cooler.

Drinking anx booster speeds up your character at the cost of some extra stress. 50% speed increase for 5 stress.
Drinking Wuut Cooler reduces your stress but it slows your movement as well. 10% speed decrease for 10 stress reduction.

To get both advantages prepare one of each and drink them.

Balance Changes

Crafting the simple chest in the Dreamworld now requires twigs and Edgar Dung, instead of twigs and wuut flower (which was uneasy to find in the first island)
Daily quests of Dream characters give the same gem consistently. Therefore you know which quest to follow for the required gem.

Rob Rob gives red, Loonies give Blue, Wanderer gives Blue and Arthur gives Orange

Bug Fixes

Extrovert Level 6 perk was enabling speaking at the speaking corner. Yet it was reducing stress instead of giving motivation. It is fixed.
Hamsterwheel was turning into something else after you collect the energy. It is fixed.
Fixed some visual clipping bugs from the furnace and the East Bridge in the Dreamworld
Item use fail sound was being heard whenever you try to collect / harvest things. It is fixed.
There was another sound bug that was being heard as if you are navigating in the inventory while walking. It is fixed.
The edge of the screen at the East Side of the East Island in Dreamworld is displayed correctly now.
Stress is now being displayed correctly on the HUD in Dreamworld
Stars in the sky of the Dreamworld are now seen correctly.

What's Next?

We want to keep adding new perks to Intuitive / Observant personality paths while improving the visual quality of the game for our next regular update within a few weeks.

Here is a sneakpeek of our upcoming fog & lighting update that will make the nights in Circadian City a bit more colorful.

Our next major update including the mouse support and the overhaul of the UI is planned to come around July.
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
This has almost been another major update as there were some features waiting to be implemented and we just had the time.

We have lots of visual updates this week. Some facilitators and quest reworks for unlocking the second island in the Dreamworld and also unlocking the second level of "You Tree" (where you improve your personality). But most important of all we have a new stress mechanic "Appeal"


We removed the first personality options from introvert and extrovert and instead we've added the appeal options.

If you're playing an introvert character, being at home and spending time at the park will reduce stress. For an extrovert though, going out, bars, restaurants and cafes are places to reduce stress instead.

With this change handling stress at the beginning of the game will be much easier (after you unlock the first personality level at least)


There was an ugly Dreamworld background that didn't fit to all resolutions. We removed that and we made a scalable background in the Dreamworld. In the future, there will be some animated objects reflecting your daily actions.

We've also added several interactive animations to the city as well. Let us know if you like them.


We realized players were unable to unlock the second island as some of the quests were tedious and took a long time to complete. We reduced some required amounts and we've added a friendship item "Cutting Monster" that will help your character make timber and cutstone in a much faster way.

A stone version of "tree tree" will come soon as well.

After shaving nap sheeps, their fur regrows in under a day.

Random quests started to appear much earlier in the game.


- Shapley is interactable again
- Brunel and Denver quests are updated
- Sound & Music update. Character voices have changed and now music reacts to music level set in the options
- We no longer lock mouse movement, so you can use other overlays in game easily.
- Resource spawning areas in Dreamworld are edited
- Initial resource amounts are increased but if you have resource boosters from your actions they resets whenever you wake up.
- Arcade Machine now works properly
- Buildings doors schedules are updated (there is still a bug in Church door, it will be fixed soon)
- Other minor bugfixes


We will keep improving the visuals in the game. The new island in Dreamworld still needs some polish. Also improving the "You Tree" will add some lighting and animations to Dreamworld.

We will add skill options for Intuitive and Observant tracks.

Happiness will increase the speed of improving friendships and interests.

Our new UI is almost ready and it works well with mouse but we will release it during summertime, new UI still needs lots of polish.

27 Thg02, 2021
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
- Pebbles are back in Dreamworld
- Version number is correctly displayed

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