31 Δεκ 2020
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
The last hotfix created a bug to plant seeds in the game. Yesterday night we reverted the game to an older version and now we fixed all of the bugs and we're entering the new year bug free :)

Have a happy new year and don't miss 2020!

Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
The last hotfix disabled players to plant seeds as we have been working on ground tiles lately.

This is a major bug preventing the progress of the game so we decided to revert to a previous version until we solved this issue.

Hoping to fix both problems within this year :D

30 Δεκ 2020
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser

Bug Fixes
  • Addressed a bug that prevented players from progressing on a personality stage (ie introvert/extrovert) after having completed 5 skills from a single branch
  • The giftbox no longer appears to the same character after being opened

26 Δεκ 2020
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
Our Christmas present for you is delayed because of a missing asset :(
Now it's fixed.

Bug Fixes
  • The missing texture of the giftbox is updated

Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
Happy Hollidays everyone!

We got some new content to share with you!


We had some flirt options in the game before this update. But with this update there is a new mechanic related to flirt. When you are interacting with an NPC you can flirt with, now "flirt" appears as an interaction option.

Currently, improving your romance with an NPC doesn't give you anything but we are going to add some new content in the Dreamworld that would be unlocked with the power of love!

We would like to hear your ideas about what to add.

New content and update
  • We have new female and male hat options for character creation
  • Whenever you unlock a friendship quest, your relation with that NPC doesn't improve further until you complete that quest
  • Each new level in your personality tree now requires the previous level to be crafted
  • There is a surprise left to your door!

Bug Fixes
  • We fixed a bug allowing you to unlock later(not yet implemented) stages in your personality tree


- Timed quests are going to be available soon! (In the Dreamworld and Realworld)
- Watering and fertilizing tiles will be reworked soon!

Hopefully we'll finish those until next week!

As always, I need to mention:

We decided to have a full redesign of the UI. That's a lot of work, therefore mouse implementation will come with that UI update.

We are aiming for 3 major updates in 2021. More info about those major updates will be shared soon.

Let us know what you think and what you want to see more in the game.

Have a nice weekend!
23 Δεκ 2020
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
Sorry for not having a "Thanks God It's Friday Update" last week. We have been working to fix some bugs. But don't worry, the bugs are fixed and we have some content and features for the upcoming Friday.

Bug Fixes
  • Solved an issue causing player cloths to lose colors
  • After eating Fish and Chips, "greasy fingers" are applied properly (gives better chance for the Arcade Machine)
  • Solved an issue causing player hats to disappear from the inventory on add/remove

Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
Hey there everyone!

Christmas time is here and we are all locked up in our houses. With Covid vaccines on the corner this perior of our lives seem to be ending soon. While you are still at home, we are sure you have some time to play some games.

This is a special day for Circadian City as we are doing our first version increment since our Early Access release. This is still a Friday Update but a bit bigger than usual. Let me quickly remind you the updates we're planning.

During the Early Access we will have 3 major updates to the game including the release of version 1.0

We will unlock a new Dreamworld map on each of these major updates along with new personality options, features and content.

On our regular Thanks God It's Friday Updates, we also bring some lesser features and content. This version 0.5 Update is bigger than our usual Friday Updates but still smaller than a major update.

Please also note that this update is only for Windows versions of the game. Due to Covid conditions we didn't have access to the Mac in the office therefore we couldn't get the update on Mac this week (It will be possible next week I suppose)

Long story short, we have two new important features:


We updated how character creation works. New and updated faces, hairs and hats! We will update some more on the upcoming weeks. Please tell us how you like them.

We had some negative comments on the woman face types and we worked a bit on them. We would like to see your comments on them as well.

Currently you can't find many hats during the game. But it's possible to add/remove new hats to your characters. If you watch the Razbuten 's stream this week. He will share an easter egg on how to unlock some hidden content!

There will be more hidden contents in the future.


Now, sugar and caffeine are addictive in the game. Any item you consume including sugar or caffeine increases a hidden metric that might make you an addict to these ingredients.

Don't worry though, if you can hold against the coffee or sugar crisis, in about 3 days you will get rid of your addiction.

You can keep consuming these items in moderation, but if you try to abuse them, the addiction is waiting there for you :)

We will enable addiction for alcohol as well in the future but it's related with the happiness mood and it's not in the game just yet.

When you are addicted to an ingredient there are a few things to look after and you can find them under your Moods & Metrics UI.

Time to Crisis: This shows the time you have left until next crisis. Typically around 4 hours when you are awake.

Coffee/Sugar Crisis: When you are in need of consuming some coffee or sugar. Every hour you don't consume these items you receive +1 stress

On the UI we have a known issue that these temporary metrics don't show as a rate but rather they either show as full or they don't show at all. This was designed this way in the beginning and we will change it soon to reflect the real values.


Some of the new items have descriptions including morning, afternoon, evening and after midnight. They describe the time of the day you do these actions.

From Midnight to 6 AM is considered "After Midnight"
From 6 AM to 12 PM is considered "Morning"
From 12 PM to 6 PM is considered "Afternoon"
and from 6 PM to midnight is considered "Evening"

  • Garlic Fish: Gives Bad Breath for 4 hours, reducing your the rate you earn friendships by 75% but also gives double effect from stress reduction actions (if consumed in the evening)
  • Beef Stew: 25% Chance to remove addictions instantly (if consumed in the evening)
  • Milk with Honey: 50% more energy gained during sleep (if consumed after midnight)

Major Update Sneak Peek:

We are still working on remaking the UI of the game. This takes time and we will enable mouse controls with that update. Tell us what you think about this new look:

- Follow the development and vote for content on the development board

- Join the discussions and experience the hype on Discord
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
Hello Citizens,

As promised, we keep adding new content & features until v 1.0.

Temporary Status Effects

Apart from the permanent boosters from personality and mood based boosters from motivation,stress etc.. we are adding item based temporary boosters and effects to the game. Some of these effects are conditional.

We implemented additional effects to 4 food items:
  • Omelette gives additional hunger for 2 hours if consumed in the morning (between 6AM 12 PM)
  • Classic Breakfast gives additional 5 motivation if consumed in the morning
  • Ham and Cheese sandwich gives additional 10 energy if consumed in the afternoon (between 12PM 6PM)
  • Steak with Mushroom gives 25% boosts to all interest gains if consumed in the evening (between 6PM and midnight)

We want to implement more content of this type in the following weeks. Let us know what you think.

We are also working on the visualisation of these effects on the new UI to come. We're not doing much for the old (current) UI anymore.

Improvements to Schedule System
  • NPCs can be found in more than 2 localtions within the same day
  • Friendship quests might have an outcome of changing the schedules of NPCs
  • Some changes to the schedules of some shops and NPCs

Bug Fixes
  • We fixed a rare bug causing the game to disable schedule system (thefore NPCs were not appearing and building doors were missing)


We are working on the wearable items in the game and also adding some animations around the city. We were aiming to finish wearables this week but it is left to next week.

Addictions to coffee, sweets and alcohol are on their way next week as well.

A new mechanic for romance is coming. Similar to chatting with NPC, flirting will be an option for some NPCs)

As always, I need to mention:

We decided to have a full redesign of the UI. That's a lot of work, therefore mouse implementation will come with that UI update.

We are aiming for 3 major updates this year. More info about those major updates will be shared soon.

Let us know what you think and what you want to see more in the game.

Have a nice weekend!
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
Hello Citizens,

We are sorry we had to skip last week's update as the schedule system was kind of a big issue for us technically. But finally we're here along with some other updates!

We will keep adding new content & features until v 1.0.

We have 3 types of updates:
- Bugfixes (they can happen anytime and we only write a patch note without announcing it)
- Friday Updates (we're aiming to have them weekly or biweekly)
- Major Updates (approx. once in every 3 months)

We are aiming for 3 major updates until version 1.0 and we will slowly unfold that plan. We are listening very carefully to all the complaints and new design ideas and trying to schedule them in an effective way.

Schedule System

The city runs smootly like clockwork now. Every NPC and building/shops in the game have a schedule system now. So you won't be able to find NPC on the same spot every hour of the day. They have a life.

Also you won't be able to enter to many buildings after evening or midnight. Well except some pubs and nightclubs if you like the nightlife.

The final stage of the schedule system would be to implement a pathfinding system so that NPC's and other extras in the city will start walking around, heading to their destination. This will be enabled on upcoming updates.

As a side effect of the schedule system you might feel that there is less options to do in the city. But don't worry, we'll keep adding some content (also for the night time) to keep the city alive at every hour and day.

Motivation Rework

The way motivation used to work was like walking on thin ice. We had a base value of 50 and every item you consume or action you do gave you some motivation and removed that motivation later on.

This was causing some rare problems to shift the base value of motivation.

We reworked the motivation so that the new base value is now at 30 and your motivation would tend to come back to 30 wherever it is. This will also help you to stay motivated for longer hours.

New values where you receive a payment buff are:

motivation > 40 : "25% bonus performance at work"
motivation > 60 : "75% bonus performance at work"
motivation > 80 : "145% bonus performance at work"

New Content
  • Buildings and NPCs have a schedule system
  • Motivation system rework
  • You can find Proudhon selling hotdogs at Corot Park on weekends and some other changes

Bug Fixes
  • Vegan smoothie can be consumed now
  • Introvert level 6 perk, "art appreciation" works smootly (unfortunately you might need to start a new game if you already received this perk)
  • Chest at the upper right corner of your house saves its content properly now.


We are working on the wearable items in the game and also adding some animations around the city.

Cooking recipes will start giving some temporary bufffs.

Addictions to coffee, sweets and alcohol are on their way.

We decided to have a full redesign of the UI. That's a lot of work, therefore mouse implementation will come with that UI update.

Let us know what you think and what you want to see more in the game.

Have a nice weekend!
Circadian City - Burak Tezateser
Hello Citizens,

I'm glad to introduce the 4th of our regular updates to the game. We will keep adding new content & features until v 1.0.

We are aiming for 3 major updates until version 1.0 and we will slowly unfold that plan. We are listening very carefully to all the complaints and new design ideas and trying to schedule them in an effective way.

Schedule System Early Steps

We always wanted to design a city with lots of movement and things to do on every corner. Schedule system would allow us to to program NPC's and objects in the city so that they would appear and disappear at certain hours of the day.

This week we've implemented that to two actions: Running with Jack & Jake brothers or doing yoga with Luis. After you complete their quests, at a certain time of the day, you'll have a chance to do some sports with those guys.

On upcoming weeks, we will add new actions like this and we will set the opening and closing times of shops and offices.

Later, we will set the schedule of NPC's so they would be on other parts of the city according to the day and time of the day.

The final stage of that would be to implement a pathfinding system so that NPC's and other extras in the city will start walking around, heading to their destination.

New Content
  • The restaurant Solange is now accessible with two different quests and another secret way.
  • Magnus Gym requires a weekly membership card to be able to use the gym.
  • A new friendship reward has been added to dreamworld. The "tree tree"
  • Running with Jack & Jake
  • Doing yoga with Luis
  • Option to paint the Green Church

Bug Fixes and visual updates
  • Actions target single objects now. So no more using the same item on multiple objects (mining, adding fuel, feeding napsheeps etc)
  • Minor issues


We will keep working on the schedule system and we will bring new items to the Dreamworld.

We are still working on the mouse implementation and there is a high chance we can go for a full redesign of the UI, so this might wait for our next major update.

Let us know what you think and what you want to see more in the game.

Have a nice weekend!

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