Meninas Mergulhadoras - sweetcakesgames
A New Character Is Coming For Full Release
We've begun working in full-swing on the full release. We've even got a date for you: November 15th!

We knew that we wanted the full release to have a new playable character. New content takes time so we want to get started right away. For the character, we need to make the art, sprites, story shots, and side animations. Our lovely & talented artist TopHarlot had a suggestion: Lets run a poll on Discord!

So we did!
Click here to join the Discord & vote

This new character will come with new story shots, cute officer mission, and their own path in the campaign.

Happy Voting! ;3
~Captain Cake
箱庭小駅伝2 - shintom
Full Gear - Dieuwt
Stealth update that fixes some things that bothered me. No biggie. Full Gear is signed up for Turn-Based RPG fest, so I want to have it up to code.
There's a new feature, though!

Added: the Storage.
  • One Mechanical Storage will spawn next to a random Tunnel Device in the Kernel.
  • It will hold 36 items of any type. Anything. Throw your spare equipment in there!
  • Of course, they're inaccessible if you're stuck in any other area.
  • They are visible on the map as well! So relax. And when you save your game, your items stay intact.
Added: you can now switch between four title themes
  • Standard, Half Moon, Two Bolts, and the final boss.
  • Naturally, these themes are locked until you see their respective content.
Added: sounds/particles when moving Tokens around
Added: particles when using the Pressure Tank
Added: "item already equipped" message when Quickslotting equipped items
Buffed: "I Can Only Pray" is now Boss quality
Nerfed: Domes try to summon 4+L -> 3+L enemies
Nerfed: the 3.0 boss in various, small ways
Nerfed: Flux Repressor's "Broken Inside" healing 6+3L -> 5+2L
Nerfed: Current's Eye and Flux Repressor Bonus Defense/Sight 4 -> 3 turns
Nerfed: Designer now requires 4 -> 6 items for his special armor
Nerfed: Curse is now rounded down before used to spawn Wrathed enemies
  • This is because common Cursing traps give 0.5 curse, but that alone shouldn't do anything yet.
  • Effectively, 2.5 Curse is now 2 Curse, and 0.5 Curse is none.
Changed: the main menu settings are now six relevant settings
Changed: disabled tokens now show a clear red cross
Changed: trying to use the Amethyst Tongs on ineligible Utilities now has an error message
Changed: added some orange boundaries to otherwise boring boxes
Fixed: Summer events would trigger late in the month
Fixed: the Wasteland NPC room no longer spawns seasonal decoration
Fixed: slightly awkward background rectangle for temperature tooltip and right-click help
Fixed: Programmer's Kind Regards wouldn't work
Fixed: secondary stats (Crit, Shield etc) would show decimals, which don't matter
Fixed: the tutorials "check anything!" message wouldn't disappear
Fixed: "Click to move" message appeared over unmoveable items

See you around.
The Braves - 腾蛇
Brave ones!

Meet the new after-hours update that we're sure will delight everyone! What's in store for you, you ask? Read on and find out!

New building — The Academy
For a long time this building stood abandoned, but thanks to the efforts of the Braves, the Academy found new teachers. Now anyone can rebuild the Academy and train their heroes in it.
Training is divided into three branches: Attack, Defense and Support. Any hero can learn skills in all three branches, but each of them has their own preferences in training. So attacking heroes will learn the strongest skills of the attack branch, and defense heroes will learn the strongest skills of the defense branch.
But the personal preferences of the heroes also play a role. Two attacking heroes can have different number of levels in the same skills, and all because one hero prefers the speed of projectiles, and the other strength of blows.
To train heroes in the Academy, you will need Runes and gold coins. Each branch of development needs its own runes. The level of the Academy determines how many skills you can learn each individual hero, as well as the maximum rarity of these skills.
Where can you find runes? It's very simple:
  • they will now be sold like any other resource in the marketplace
  • Look for them at points of interest in matches
  • defeat bosses in matches and get them as a reward.
  • rune sets in a jar - fast and convenient!

Weapons Portal Improvements
We really want every prism spent by the Braves to bring joy. Therefore, we are happy to announce that from now on, you will not encounter items from the Popadanz set in all weapon portals. Also, the minimum rarity of items in weapon portals has been changed to Rare. Now no items of ordinary and unusual rarity! But that's not all, when you summon x10 you will be guaranteed to get an epic item!

Reinforcement of old heroes
We continue a good tradition of revising the skills of old heroes to make the game with them more enjoyable for all Braves. This time, three heroes have new powers, and the most interesting thing is that all three of them are elves. Coincidence? Who knows? Meet the renewed Midnight Witch, Slippery Ice, and Dancing Flame.
Dancing Flame. Epic rarity:
  • Draconid Form:
    • Increased chance to turn into a draconid when dealing damage to an enemy.
    • Fire Sphere. In addition to the familiar puddles of magma, Dancing Flame can now unleash a Fire Sphere that deals massive fire damage to anyone in its path and then explodes. The direction of the sphere is customizable, and will point wherever the mouse cursor (or right stick, in the case of the joystick) is pointing during activation.
    • +75% to the size of Plamedrag and its evolution
Slippery Ice. Epic Rarity:
  • Draconid Form:
    • Increased chance to turn into a draconid when taking damage.
    • Ice Sphere. In addition to the familiar puddles of ice, Slippery Ice can now unleash an Ice Sphere that deals massive water damage to anyone in its path and then explodes. The direction of the sphere is customizable, and will point wherever the mouse cursor (or right stick, in the case of the joystick) is pointing during activation.
    • +75% to the size and evolution of the Chladodryg.
Midnight Witch. Epic Rarity:
  • +2 Cursed Sickles projectiles (was +1)
  • +50% to the size of Cursed Sickles (was +35%).
  • Mushroom Glade:
    • Increased the chance of Mushroom Glade appearing when dealing damage to an enemy.
    • Increased the damage of Mushroom Glade.
    • Decreased Mushroom Glade's rollback time.

We're also giving you a mystic code in honor of the update: RUNICSKILLS

That's all for now, Braves. The next update is coming soon and it will bring you new heroes, new weapons and a new event, timed to coincide with the opening of the Academy!
Catacomb Rogue Clawsaders - ^15 Lone
I had unexpected issues with the new mechanics of the next mini boss. Therefore, I will postpone this update until the middle/end of next week to remove all possible glitches/bugs.
Decipher The Deck - ThinkWithGames
A free demo of the game is now available! Tell your friends!

Changes made in this update:

  • Making these 6 levels easier
    level 2
    level 9
    level 11
    level 18
    level 20
    level 26
    If you got stuck somewhere around these levels, try playing the new versions of these levels. They might help you understand the levels right after them.
  • You can now pick up cards on levels with spades (only if pink cards have not been changed on that level)
  • Fixed a bug where abilities could show behind black tiles
  • Fixes related to keypress hint for moving to the next level
  • Hovering over no level in level select now removes all highlighting
Breakwaters - Soaring Pixels Games
-Fast Travel added to Boats! Just jump on the rudder and hit the FT button. Nearby Titans will block fast travel on Normal and Hard difficulty settings.
-Update to Teleporting loading screen to have unique visuals.
-Update to World Creation menu to show world modes as buttons instead of drop downs.
-Update to Force Respawn so it doesn't drop the players gear like a normal death would and keeps the current health value.
-Fixed an issue with Force Respawn being used while on boats.
Terranny - padrote
- Added a tutorial set to introduce the Gauntlet
- Added an achievement for completing the gauntlet tutorial
- You can no longer skip secondary tutorials from their intro popup, can click "Later" instead and they will show up the next time you play the game. Tutorials can still be skipped by hitting F5
- Evaluator, Flaunter, and Gauntlet are now disabled for beginners to avoid confusion. Each one has certain requirements to unlock (shown on tooltip) and clicking on them will fire off the appropriate tutorial
Peanut Butter Jelly Wars Playtest - akahmann93

- Bug Fix
- Visual/Other Updates
- New Units
- Secret Menu Units
- Balance Changes


- Fixed "pushing ground units off screen" glitch

- Added new particle effects for various units, attacks, and
- All units either have death animations or leave behind corpses.
- Corpses have physics and can interact with certain objects.
- Captain skeletons/corpses has been updated to break into
multiple pieces.
- In battle sound effects are randomized to vary in pitch to
prevent sound repetion from being grating.


Trick or Treat Bag
- A "Piggy Bank" that only costs $1000.
- Runs out of candy after 20 seconds & stops earning money.
TIP: Use to gain access to expensive units for an early rush.

Tuna in a Can
- Much like Sardines in a Can... but BIGGER.
- Tunas have 20 HP each
- Tunas have "Fish Eater" ability which allows them to eat ally.
Sardines to recover HP.
TIP: Pair with Sardines to create an unbreakable, moving meat

Spread Reaper
- Only targets Piggy Banks, Spawners, Captains, and the Jar.
- Doesn't appear on the radar.
- Has a delayed spawn appearance. Only appears 5 seconds later.
in the spot where the Captain initially spawned them.
TIP: Place them every where in every corner to catch your
opponent by surprise.

- Casts a spell upon spawning. While casting you temporally stop
earning money. After casting they move forward like any other
normal unit.
- Spell is a circular AoE electrical shock wave that causes
piercing damage to all non-building units. (Does up to 40
TIP: Use as a "get off me" option when being rushed by enemy
melee troops.

Koo Koo Squid
- Casts a spell upon spawning. While casting you temporally stop
earning money. After casting they move forward like any other
normal unit.
- Spell is a circular AoE force shield which blocks projectiles
and negates the effects/damage from enemy AoE attacks. However,
when hit by a Gnome or Gnole explosion the force field
TIP: You must be precise and strategic with your Squid
placements. Use it at the very moment you know your forces
would otherwise be wiped out by an enemy projectile/AoE

- Gnome + Mole which digs underground to become a land mine.
- Doesn't appear on radar.
- Is able to detect flying units.
TIP: Go out as early as possible to spam these critters all over
the map. It may be too late to do so later in the game.


"Secret Menu" units are alter-egos of units already in the game.
These units are typically less cost effective and a bit weaker,
but they always have a specialized niche which could prove to be
useful in specific scenarios.

NOTE: These patch notes will NOT explain how to select these
units or share their specific stats. It is up for the community
to experiment how they function. I will provide HINTS though...

Drone & Nest
- Alternative picks to the Fly & Hive
HINT: Try pairing them with Garl-ICBMs or Gnomes...

Termite & Termite Mound
- Alternative picks to the Fly & Hive
HINT: Try using them when Honey Cannons start to annoy you...

Sprost & Void
- Alternative picks to the Splare & Portal
HINT: Try using them when Ants start to annoy you...


General Changes
- New ability "Plated Armor" halves damage received from
projectiles and AoE attacks. (Effectively this means units with
this ability have double the HP they have in regards to being
hit by projectiles/AoE attacks).
- Certain projectiles are able to PIERCE which means they bypass
the "Plated Armor" ability.

- (PERFORMANCE) The "Max Unit Capacity" has been lowered from
300 to 200. This means once there are 200 ally
troops already on the field, your spawner will
temporally stop spawning until there are less
than 200 troops.
(Clarification: 200 limt means
each side can up to 200 units, so there can
roughly be 400 troops on the field at once)

Sardines in a Can
- Increased HP from 10 to 30.

Honey Cannon
- Decreased HP from 30 to 20.

- Their attacks now PIERCE.

Gatling Apple
- Decreased HP from 150 to 100.
- Decreased attack power from 3 to 2.
- Their attacks now PIERCE.

Salt Cannon
- Increased attack power from 5 to 10.

- Garlic radation friendly fire now does full damage to
allies rather than only half.
- Garlic radation can now PIERCE.

- Their attacks now PIERCE.
- Gained "Honey Combo" ability which causes their projectiles
to do +5 more damage when hitting a target ensnared with
honey (normally it is only does +1 damage for other units).

Psy Crab
- Decreased HP from 50 to 20.
- More likely to move forward when clumped up against a wall.

- Gained "Plated Armor" ability (see description above).
- Gained "Stingproof" ability which resists Jellimoa's melee
attack, but NOT their AoE electrical spell.

- Decreased HP from 150 to 100.
- Gained "Plated Armor" ability (see description above).
- Their attacks now PIERCE.
- Slightly increased width of AoE attack radius.

- Decreased HP from 150 to 100.
- No longer sacrifices HP to spawn a Fly.
- Doubles the attack speed of all Flies within her cluster.

- Their explosions now PIERCE.
- Gained "Garlicproof" ability.
SEEING THINGS - whippering
It's been a lot of fun seeing players and streamers alike enjoying SEEING THINGS. Thank you for the support -- we really appreciate it!

We've got some new stuff cooking and we'll be sharing news, WIP art and videos, etc in our newly formed Robot Invader Discord server and in our new newsletter. We'll also be doing the occasional game giveaway and such there. If Twitter is more your thing, we're there too.

If you're interesting in learning more about our previous games (we have 10!) and being the first to get info and opportunities to playtetst our next one (we're actively working on it!), plus game giveaways, we'd love for you to join our community. Here are the links, and we've also updated SEEING THINGS to include these too. Thank you!

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