Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki
The Rookie Royale has entered its final week, and there's still time to sign up for the final round! The Rookie Royale is a tournament designed specifically to help new players get their feet wet in the competitive community, and features experienced players coaching new players to help them step up their game!

Head over to the Awesomenauts forums for more information on the tournament and how to sign up for it.

If you just want to catach the livestream for this event, tune in on Sunday around 18:00 EU / 17:00 UK / noon ET / 9AM PT to
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki
The Rookie Royale has entered its final week, and there's still time to sign up for the final round! The Rookie Royale is a tournament designed specifically to help new players get their feet wet in the competitive community, and features experienced players coaching new players to help them step up their game!

Head over to the Awesomenauts forums for more information on the tournament and how to sign up for it.

If you just want to catach the livestream for this event, tune in on Sunday around 18:00 EU / 17:00 UK / noon ET / 9AM PT to
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Rylynn
The second update for the Open Beta of Awesomenauts 4.2 went live yesterday, and there was a lot to discuss about the changes on the Streamisho. We’ll run you through all the news below but if you prefer, you can watch it on Youtube:
Summer sale

The Summer Sale has arrived! This year, the All Nauts Pack Summer Bundle is available on Steam. It contains the All Nauts Pack and all the three costume party DLCs. There are also discounts for skins, announcers, and costume parties. Be sure to check it out in the Armory!

4.2 Beta news
New changes were made to Awesomenauts and there were fixes for the level editor. Some balance changes are not final and might be reverted. The patch notes can be found here:
Smiles theme
Smiles, the newest addition to the Awesomenauts could be played in the Beta and his character theme had been unveiled in the Streamisho. Missed it? Listen to it on Youtube here:
Rookie Royale
The third qualifier of the Rookie Royale starts on the 1st of July. It’s an accessible tournament for new players. Sign-ups are still open until the 30th of June! More info here:

ALWB: King of the Frog
The King of the Frog is a casual drop-in/drop-out tournament that’s held over a longer time span. It is a custom 1v1 tournament with either Froggy G or Dizzy. Last week, it was possible to show your Froggy G skills and Dizzy battles can be fought out next week! Check out their discord more info:

Community highlight
Are you up for a challenge with Nibbs? This custom map is designed to parkour around certain areas and complete the challenge!
Check out the Magic Dragon (Nibbs Parkour) by EgyptFalcon on the Steam workshop:
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Ivyking
The second update for the Open Beta of Awesomenauts 4.2 went live yesterday, and there was a lot to discuss about the changes on the Streamisho. We’ll run you through all the news below but if you prefer, you can watch it on Youtube:
Summer sale

The Summer Sale has arrived! This year, the All Nauts Pack Summer Bundle is available on Steam. It contains the All Nauts Pack and all the three costume party DLCs. There are also discounts for skins, announcers, and costume parties. Be sure to check it out in the Armory!

4.2 Beta news
New changes were made to Awesomenauts and there were fixes for the level editor. Some balance changes are not final and might be reverted. The patch notes can be found here:
Smiles theme
Smiles, the newest addition to the Awesomenauts could be played in the Beta and his character theme had been unveiled in the Streamisho. Missed it? Listen to it on Youtube here:
Rookie Royale
The third qualifier of the Rookie Royale starts on the 1st of July. It’s an accessible tournament for new players. Sign-ups are still open until the 30th of June! More info here:

ALWB: King of the Frog
The King of the Frog is a casual drop-in/drop-out tournament that’s held over a longer time span. It is a custom 1v1 tournament with either Froggy G or Dizzy. Last week, it was possible to show your Froggy G skills and Dizzy battles can be fought out next week! Check out their discord more info:

Community highlight
Are you up for a challenge with Nibbs? This custom map is designed to parkour around certain areas and complete the challenge!
Check out the Magic Dragon (Nibbs Parkour) by EgyptFalcon on the Steam workshop:
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki
We just updated the Open Beta for Awesomenauts 4.2: Fired Up! on Steam! Jump into the open beta to try out a whole bunch of tweaks to the new character, Smiles, as well as further experimental changes to Derpl, Yuri, and Ted McPain!

Full patch notes are below!
As always, please be aware that all changes in this open beta are subject to change, and your feedback plays an important role in helping to decide what makes it into the game and what needs further tuning.

Specifically the changes to Yuri, Derpl, and Ted McPain are currently subject to change and will likely return for further tweaks in betas for later updates.

For info on how to access the open beta, please visit our official forums.

Update 4.2 Beta 2

  • Fixed that (some) counters for achievements would not update for some players.
  • Fixed that the Slowwolf announcer would not be granted to a player that got the “Welcome back!” achievement in a beta.
  • Fixed that the “Dinosaurs don’t like brain boxes” achievement would be granted if a player makes a kill after rejoining.
  • Made the sound ducking on announcer voices and player-triggered character voices more subtle.
  • Fixed that if you moved the mouse very close to the centre of Coco and used her AA, her arms would extend in a different direction than her attack.
  • Optimised all sounds to use less space on disk and in memory and to load a bit quicker.

  • Added an option to Button objects to only react to a specific character class.
  • Added an option to the AIDebugger (the F4 editor) to view detailed events about character gameplay. There is also an option to filter these events and to show them only for the selected character.
  • Fixed a crash when using the WriteToTextbox AI block in combination with zero respawn time or switchClass/switchTeam.
  • Fixed that actions and conditions weren’t sorted alphabetically in the BehaviourCreator tool.
  • Fixed that AffectAreas, JumpPads and Shops didn’t become invisible in the editor when the “Gameplay objects” group was hidden.

  • Rip-Apart Bear upgrade, self damage reduction increased from 18% to 25%.
  • Base Health, increased from 1350 to 1400.

  • Gave Derpl’s cats a moving tail for a better visual effect and feel.

  • Prismatic Moonstone Dust upgrade, damage over time reduced from 110 to 90 per stage.

  • Bush Fire, damage against turrets reduced from 32 to 25 per flame.
  • Bush Fire, damage against droids increased from 21 to 25 per flame.
  • Trapper’s Hook, duration increased from 0.8s to 1.1s.
  • Trapper’s Hook, reeling in now takes 0.5s instead of 0.1s.
  • Tail Whip, added 0.2s of stun.
  • Unicornian Butt upgrade, stun increase reduced from 0.5s to 0.3s.
  • Warbot Heart upgrade, now also heals for 90.
  • Snapper Trap upgrade, price reduced from 215 to 175.
  • Snapper Trap upgrade, now heals for 250 upon landing Trapper’s Hook.
  • Candy Rope upgrade, now weakens affected enemies during the Hook for 20% for 160 solar.
  • My First Machete upgrade, slow increased from 10% to 12% per stage, duration increased from 1s to 2s, price increased from 145 to 160 per stage.
  • Inscribed Lighter upgrade, lifetime of flames increased from 1.3s to 2s, time between damage reduced to 0.4s.
  • Renegade walky talky upgrade, now shortens teleport to 1.5s when allies are near.

Highly Experimental, long term iterations

The changes listed below are experiments for you all to play around with and tell us what you think. Unless there’s a majority or proponents reached, these changes won’t make it into the upcoming update. The idea is for us to iterate upon these ideas until they might one day make it into the game.

Did some tweaks since last beta, trying to make tapping the trap button stick closer to the original behaviour. The trap now only flies out when fully charged
  • Grid Trap, if the skill isn’t fully charged, the Trap will be place at Derpl’s position.
  • Grid Trap, reduced the distance covered by fully charged Trap by 50%.
  • Fatcat upgrade, no longer affected by Longcat.

Ted McPain
A lot of players shun shotgun because it’s a bit clunky and the high-cooldown, high-damage aspect is easier to mess op than the continuous stream from machinegun. This experiment tries to make him play a bit smoother, stimulating more players to switch weapons more frequently. Last beta the damage wasn’t actually nerfed to compensate, these changes should bring the values more toward the original Ted.
  • Shotgun attack speed decreased from last beta by 20%.
  • Shotgun damage reduced by 20%.
Changed Stimpack and upgrades to fit with the changes above.
  • Stim pack attack speed increase replaced with a damage boost of 40%.
  • Ammo weekly attack speed increase replaced with a damage boost of 12% per stage.
  • Ted McPain Unicorn Dance Karting upgrade, damage per stage increased from 47 to 67.
  • Ted’s Power Briefs upgrade, shotgun knockback increase increased from 240% to 340%.

Iterating upon the ideas from the last beta, trying to remove old restrictions to make Yuri play a bit smoother while making it possible for veterans to keep their style. Additionally trying to add more depth through the charges mechanic of his laser.
  • Flight, initial jump increased by 30%.
  • Falling, allow Yuri to keep falling through glass platforms when Jetpack is off, by pressing down.
  • Ground acceleration and speed increased by 30%.
  • Laser, time between damage stages reduced from 1.2 to 0.7 seconds.
  • Laser, 3rd stage added to base, each stage adds 8 damage per tick.
  • Mine deploying, now limited to 2 mines. Creating a 3rd make the oldest explode.
  • Mine deploying, lifetime increased from 8 to 12 seconds.
  • Mine deploying, a hit indicator lets the Yuri player know if someone was hit by a mine.
  • Giant Monocle upgrade, range increase now starts at 10%, every damage stage adds 10%.
  • Resonance Amplifier upgrade, now adds 1 charge level, adding 8 damage.
  • Hubble’s Lens upgrade, now locks Yuri in place while firing and reduces time between charges from 0.7s to 0.3s.
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki
We just updated the Open Beta for Awesomenauts 4.2: Fired Up! on Steam! Jump into the open beta to try out a whole bunch of tweaks to the new character, Smiles, as well as further experimental changes to Derpl, Yuri, and Ted McPain!

Full patch notes are below!
As always, please be aware that all changes in this open beta are subject to change, and your feedback plays an important role in helping to decide what makes it into the game and what needs further tuning.

Specifically the changes to Yuri, Derpl, and Ted McPain are currently subject to change and will likely return for further tweaks in betas for later updates.

For info on how to access the open beta, please visit our official forums.

Update 4.2 Beta 2

  • Fixed that (some) counters for achievements would not update for some players.
  • Fixed that the Slowwolf announcer would not be granted to a player that got the “Welcome back!” achievement in a beta.
  • Fixed that the “Dinosaurs don’t like brain boxes” achievement would be granted if a player makes a kill after rejoining.
  • Made the sound ducking on announcer voices and player-triggered character voices more subtle.
  • Fixed that if you moved the mouse very close to the centre of Coco and used her AA, her arms would extend in a different direction than her attack.
  • Optimised all sounds to use less space on disk and in memory and to load a bit quicker.

  • Added an option to Button objects to only react to a specific character class.
  • Added an option to the AIDebugger (the F4 editor) to view detailed events about character gameplay. There is also an option to filter these events and to show them only for the selected character.
  • Fixed a crash when using the WriteToTextbox AI block in combination with zero respawn time or switchClass/switchTeam.
  • Fixed that actions and conditions weren’t sorted alphabetically in the BehaviourCreator tool.
  • Fixed that AffectAreas, JumpPads and Shops didn’t become invisible in the editor when the “Gameplay objects” group was hidden.

  • Rip-Apart Bear upgrade, self damage reduction increased from 18% to 25%.
  • Base Health, increased from 1350 to 1400.

  • Gave Derpl’s cats a moving tail for a better visual effect and feel.

  • Prismatic Moonstone Dust upgrade, damage over time reduced from 110 to 90 per stage.

  • Bush Fire, damage against turrets reduced from 32 to 25 per flame.
  • Bush Fire, damage against droids increased from 21 to 25 per flame.
  • Trapper’s Hook, duration increased from 0.8s to 1.1s.
  • Trapper’s Hook, reeling in now takes 0.5s instead of 0.1s.
  • Tail Whip, added 0.2s of stun.
  • Unicornian Butt upgrade, stun increase reduced from 0.5s to 0.3s.
  • Warbot Heart upgrade, now also heals for 90.
  • Snapper Trap upgrade, price reduced from 215 to 175.
  • Snapper Trap upgrade, now heals for 250 upon landing Trapper’s Hook.
  • Candy Rope upgrade, now weakens affected enemies during the Hook for 20% for 160 solar.
  • My First Machete upgrade, slow increased from 10% to 12% per stage, duration increased from 1s to 2s, price increased from 145 to 160 per stage.
  • Inscribed Lighter upgrade, lifetime of flames increased from 1.3s to 2s, time between damage reduced to 0.4s.
  • Renegade walky talky upgrade, now shortens teleport to 1.5s when allies are near.

Highly Experimental, long term iterations

The changes listed below are experiments for you all to play around with and tell us what you think. Unless there’s a majority or proponents reached, these changes won’t make it into the upcoming update. The idea is for us to iterate upon these ideas until they might one day make it into the game.

Did some tweaks since last beta, trying to make tapping the trap button stick closer to the original behaviour. The trap now only flies out when fully charged
  • Grid Trap, if the skill isn’t fully charged, the Trap will be place at Derpl’s position.
  • Grid Trap, reduced the distance covered by fully charged Trap by 50%.
  • Fatcat upgrade, no longer affected by Longcat.

Ted McPain
A lot of players shun shotgun because it’s a bit clunky and the high-cooldown, high-damage aspect is easier to mess op than the continuous stream from machinegun. This experiment tries to make him play a bit smoother, stimulating more players to switch weapons more frequently. Last beta the damage wasn’t actually nerfed to compensate, these changes should bring the values more toward the original Ted.
  • Shotgun attack speed decreased from last beta by 20%.
  • Shotgun damage reduced by 20%.
Changed Stimpack and upgrades to fit with the changes above.
  • Stim pack attack speed increase replaced with a damage boost of 40%.
  • Ammo weekly attack speed increase replaced with a damage boost of 12% per stage.
  • Ted McPain Unicorn Dance Karting upgrade, damage per stage increased from 47 to 67.
  • Ted’s Power Briefs upgrade, shotgun knockback increase increased from 240% to 340%.

Iterating upon the ideas from the last beta, trying to remove old restrictions to make Yuri play a bit smoother while making it possible for veterans to keep their style. Additionally trying to add more depth through the charges mechanic of his laser.
  • Flight, initial jump increased by 30%.
  • Falling, allow Yuri to keep falling through glass platforms when Jetpack is off, by pressing down.
  • Ground acceleration and speed increased by 30%.
  • Laser, time between damage stages reduced from 1.2 to 0.7 seconds.
  • Laser, 3rd stage added to base, each stage adds 8 damage per tick.
  • Mine deploying, now limited to 2 mines. Creating a 3rd make the oldest explode.
  • Mine deploying, lifetime increased from 8 to 12 seconds.
  • Mine deploying, a hit indicator lets the Yuri player know if someone was hit by a mine.
  • Giant Monocle upgrade, range increase now starts at 10%, every damage stage adds 10%.
  • Resonance Amplifier upgrade, now adds 1 charge level, adding 8 damage.
  • Hubble’s Lens upgrade, now locks Yuri in place while firing and reduces time between charges from 0.7s to 0.3s.
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki
Yeaaaah! The Summer Sale is here! It's time for awesome deals on optional content for Awesomenauts, including discounts on skins, announcers, skin bundles... and an amazing deal on our very special Summer Sale bundle:

The All Nauts Pack - Summer Pack includes the currently available characters and will unlock all future ones as soon as they release, and on top of that it also includes 27 awesome skins for various characters. The list of skins includes awesome costumes like Voltar Bonaparte, Leon Legionnaire, Demon Skølldir, and 24 more!

The Awesomenauts All Nauts Pack - Summer Bundle is a great deal if you've been looking to unlock all available characters, get access to new characters as soon as they become available, and sport some shiny new skins to boot! The offer will only be available during the Steam Summer Sale, so don't wait too long!

For a full list off what's on sale, check out the in-game armory! Enjoy the summer!
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Mitaki
Yeaaaah! The Summer Sale is here! It's time for awesome deals on optional content for Awesomenauts, including discounts on skins, announcers, skin bundles... and an amazing deal on our very special Summer Sale bundle:

The All Nauts Pack - Summer Pack includes the currently available characters and will unlock all future ones as soon as they release, and on top of that it also includes 27 awesome skins for various characters. The list of skins includes awesome costumes like Voltar Bonaparte, Leon Legionnaire, Demon Skølldir, and 24 more!

The Awesomenauts All Nauts Pack - Summer Bundle is a great deal if you've been looking to unlock all available characters, get access to new characters as soon as they become available, and sport some shiny new skins to boot! The offer will only be available during the Steam Summer Sale, so don't wait too long!

For a full list off what's on sale, check out the in-game armory! Enjoy the summer!
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Rylynn

The open beta for Awesomenauts 4.2: Fired Up! launched yesterday and Smiles joins the heat of the battle! We covered the beta on the Streamisho and discussed many of the new changes there. You can watch the VOD on Youtube here:
The poaching crocodile ran a successful business, but he felt it was time for revenge. Smiles is equipped with a steel tail, trappers hook, and a flamethrower for when things get heated!

If you want to read more about Smiles and the new features in the Beta, check out the Beta launch announcement here:
Awesomenauts - the 2D moba - Ivyking

The open beta for Awesomenauts 4.2: Fired Up! launched yesterday and Smiles joins the heat of the battle! We covered the beta on the Streamisho and discussed many of the new changes there. You can watch the VOD on Youtube here:
The poaching crocodile ran a successful business, but he felt it was time for revenge. Smiles is equipped with a steel tail, trappers hook, and a flamethrower for when things get heated!

If you want to read more about Smiles and the new features in the Beta, check out the Beta launch announcement here:

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