Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M
Patch 1.14 is now live and should be downloaded automatically if you are using Steam.

This fixes an issue where achievements would not unlock on Steam.

Starting the game with this version should automatically unlock all achievements on Steam that you have unlocked in the game.

There is a possibility that starting the game will display an error message due to files from the old version not being deleted automatically.

If this happens to you, you can follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the game's install directory.

2. Uninstall the game on Steam.

3. Delete any remaining files inside the game's install directory.

4. Re-install the game.
Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M
Patch 1.13 is now live and should be downloaded automatically if you are using Steam.

This fixes an issue where the game sometimes refused to start when mods are installed.
Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M
It doesn't seem that long ago that I wrote the last anniversary post. Time can just fly when you're busy. Despite that, I unfortunately wasn't able to keep the anticipated release date of 2023 for the sequel to Angels with Scaly Wings.

I again could go into the reasons for why the game is taking so long due to the vastly increased scope compared to the first game, but I've already talked about that at length.

Skip the next few paragraphs if you want to go into the sequel with no prior knowledge (which I would recommend).

--Potential spoilers starting here--

Perhaps one tidbit I haven't mentioned before is that this time around, the main character will be working with a team of characters instead of mostly being on their own. What does this mean?

There will be a lot more scenes where multiple characters are present, and they will feature interactions between these characters.

Investigations are much more interesting this time around, and will typically involve at least one other character besides the player character.

The presence of one or more other characters during these scenes add a lot of complexity as they will be influenced by each character's moods and other factors.

Doing this when the game's final script will have roughly double the word count compared to the first game is adding a lot more work than we initially anticipated.

But we'll keep at it! And I think the end result will be more than worth it.

--Potential spoilers ending here--

I am definitely planning to show much more of the game throughout this year.

But to ease the wait a little bit, we have prepared something special for you.

Some years back, we created a mobile version of the game for android devices. Unfortunately, we never got the opportunity to publish it on the various mobile platforms, so we are adding the .apk file for this to Steam and

So, anyone who has previously purchased Angels with Scaly Wings will be able to access and play this mobile version.

However, there is a downside to this. As we made this version some years ago, it is only updated to version 1.08. The latest patches, including the Japanese language overhaul and other added languages are not present here.

But we figured we should make this version available as we had no other way to release it at this point and it's just been sitting here collecting dust.

Quite some effort went into making the game work as nicely as possible on both phones and tablets, including gesture controls, and new settings to adjust text and cursor size.

On Steam, you should find the .apk file to install it on your android device in the game's install directory.

On, you should find the file available as separate download on the game's download page.
25 Kas 2023
Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M
If you are interested in AwSW stuff, now might just be the right time!

Redbubble is discounting various merchandise up to 40% off until December 2.

You can find our Redbubble store here:

Also, the Adine body pillow cover is 15% off until November 29th! The discount is automatically applied in the cart, and there's only a dozen or so of them left.

You can get it here:
Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M
If you are interested in AwSW plushes, please answer our survey:
Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M
Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M
Cycle 928: A storm causes severe destruction.

Cycle 930: A stone said to have mysterious powers is found by a meatman near a river bank. After supposedly causing the deaths of three people, the stone is either lost by its owner or disappears.

Cycle 933: The regentship declares the recovery phase of nearby lake Crimson Sand to be over, and fishing in the lake resumes.

Cycle 936: Heiress Melissa is ousted and flees after an attack by a rival clan that leaves the regentship in disarray.*

*The events following this incident are unknown, as multiple sources contradict each other regarding the fate of the overthrown descendant.

While Melissa supposedly returned to reign over her land after coming to an agreement with the attackers, some contemporary sources insist that this Melissa was an impostor, deceiving both the public and the attackers as no family members remained who could have identified a supposed schemer. An alternative theory suggests this new Melissa was created by the attackers themselves, who reigned by proxy by deceiving the public with the supposed return of the heiress.

However, it is just as likely that the fleeing Melissa was ultimately caught by the attackers and forced to act as a regent, while the attackers dictated her every move and policy from behind the scenes henceforth.

Curiously, there are also claims that Melissa indeed was able to make her way to a distant place, where she then led a quiet life.

Cycle 940: Heiress "Melissa", the then-current regent, passes away from a mysterious illness. Though speculation exists that she may have been gravid at the time of death, there is no offspring to succeed her. In absence of an heir through familial ties, Chief Advisor Rogrett - only a few cycles earlier known as the leader of the attacking clan - steps in to take on reigning duties.

Cycle 941: Regent Rogrett normalizes relations with surrounding clans and agrees to the delivery of 20 Mouflon furs as payment for custom-fitted jewelry.
Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M
Today marks AwSW's 6th anniversary. It's a little hard to believe so much time has already passed since the first game!

To celebrate the occasion, we have added some new merch on our Redbubble store: clothing and phone cases can now be selected for some of the designs.

You can find our Redbubble store here:

I'll also take this opportunity to provide an update about the development of my next game: Angels with Scaly Wings, part 2.

In the past year, I finished writing all the content that is available during a first playthrough. All this writing has also been edited.

My next tasks are implementing the editor's comments and finalizing the text, and starting to put this in the actual game (programming).

Right now, I am almost done finalizing the text for chapter 1 - which in itself is the size of a novel. In total, I am estimating the final game will have a word count that is roughly twice the size of AwSW - if not more (350.000 - 400.000 words).

Character designs are almost finished at this point. That means this category joins music and backgrounds, which also (almost) cover all the content that has been written so far.

We have also made significant progress with the in-game character sprites, though we still have a fair amount left to do.

Last year was also the year we wanted to make big strides with CGs (the big illustrations accompanying certain events which are usually only seen once in a playthrough). Unfortunately, we haven't made as much progress on this front as we would have liked. We still have a lot of work to do here!

I remain committed to bring my vision for this game to life in the best way we can. With this in mind, when should you expect to be able to play the game?

I don't want to promise too much, so I'll say at this rate we are aiming for Q4 of this year.

We'll just have to see how things evolve and progress throughout this year. We'll certainly try to do our best!
Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M

Cole is a dragon of many talents. As a producer and seller of fruit, he is usually seen offering his wares in Covenant City's market street - where he also picks up the latest gossip from his many customers.

His job sees him commute to and from Idyl's End regularly to pick up the latest harvest or move his stock. Luckily, the roads between the cities are relatively safe nowadays, but that doesn't mean leaving the city walls is without any risk.

The desert's dirt roads can still be treacherous, and the mountains hide many a secret.

Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M

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