28 DIC 2013
AirMech - CarbonJames
User account migration has been completed! If you are still having any problems, don't worry, all data was archived before the migration and it's easy to fix any remaining issues. Chance of permanent data loss is 0% because of the way we moved the data.

The original data all exists, and scripts move that data into the new structure. So if you have an account in a bad state, that process just needs to be run again or looked at by hand. Nothing is actually lost.

If you are having any account problems, see this thread: https://www.carbongames.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=13045

If you haven't logged in since Christmas, remember you get FREE GIFTS when you log in all this week! Make sure to claim your presents in time.
28 DIC 2013
AirMech - CarbonJames
User account migration has been completed! If you are still having any problems, don't worry, all data was archived before the migration and it's easy to fix any remaining issues. Chance of permanent data loss is 0% because of the way we moved the data.

The original data all exists, and scripts move that data into the new structure. So if you have an account in a bad state, that process just needs to be run again or looked at by hand. Nothing is actually lost.

If you are having any account problems, see this thread: https://www.carbongames.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=13045

If you haven't logged in since Christmas, remember you get FREE GIFTS when you log in all this week! Make sure to claim your presents in time.
AirMech - CarbonJames
We needed to take the servers down for around 24 hours to complete the data migration. We hate to have them offline, but the process goes much faster this way and causes less problems.

If you're wondering the technical reason for this, we're moving all of the data from flat files into a proper database: Couchbase. Once that is done, we can continue our work of sharding the login server.

We'll post another message when the process is complete. When we're back, everyone will be able to collect their Christmas presents (if you haven't yet) and we'll be doing double drops and other promos to celebrate. :)
AirMech - CarbonJames
We needed to take the servers down for around 24 hours to complete the data migration. We hate to have them offline, but the process goes much faster this way and causes less problems.

If you're wondering the technical reason for this, we're moving all of the data from flat files into a proper database: Couchbase. Once that is done, we can continue our work of sharding the login server.

We'll post another message when the process is complete. When we're back, everyone will be able to collect their Christmas presents (if you haven't yet) and we'll be doing double drops and other promos to celebrate. :)
AirMech - CarbonJames
Let's Get Festive!
We have a list, and we're checking it twice, three times even...this is one massive patch! Updated game rules, Angel for everyone, Festive cosmetics, balance and bug fixes...we got something for everyone!

A Christmas Angel?
Angel is nearing completion, enough that we wanted to open it up to all players to use (available at the same level as Neo and Paladin). We're rolling it out with two amazing Variants, the limited time Festive Angel and the gorgeous Sakura Angel. While the Angel is still quite powerful, it's been balanced out with minimum fire ranges and a reduced chance to hit. It's a really fun class to play, give it a try!

Unified Rules….and World Peace?
We've combined bits of V1 and V2 rules and unified all maps to use the new systems. We found that having two rulesets and trying to balance the AirMechs and Units so both worked was making both worse, so we're bringing them together so we can finally do some proper balancing. Think of this as a starting point for V3 or V1.5 rules, depending on how you look at it.

Did someone say Presents?
There has been a lot of excitement and anticipation for the Festive content to appear. We couldn't even fit it all on the promo page! The Winter Crate contains just a fraction of the content available, but there's some real treasures in there. Noteable additions are the new Rudolph Mask and more common Reindeer Mask, complete with animated faces! We're not sure if this is awesome or creepy--let us know!

You can also now Giftwrap items you list in the Market for an additional fee. We'll experiment with this and might introduce different types of wrapping paper in the future that you get from drops. Also related to the Market, you can click on items in the Shop (not in My Collection) and you can buy more of them directly, without needing the Market listing trick.

  • Angel released for all players
  • Rules for all maps have been updated
  • Festive cosmetics released
  • Time and Cost to build Abilities has been reduced
  • Units and upgrades can be built simultaneously in the build queue
  • Lots of new secondary abilities for AirMech classes
  • Spectator HUD has been updated with more stats (click on units to toggle)
  • Survival HUD has been updated
  • New sound effects (ongoing)
  • Collision only occurs between airmechs and enemy/neutral units
  • Collision size for most units has been adjusted to be smaller for movement
  • Blast damage now affects the Fortress
  • Player can Gift Wrap items listed in the Player Market (for a small Diamond fee)
  • Players can now rebuy items directly from the in-game Shop
  • Numberous bug fixes
  • Large balance pass

Full patch notes with all the latest info (and more than we can post in an update here) are always ingame.
AirMech - CarbonJames
Let's Get Festive!
We have a list, and we're checking it twice, three times even...this is one massive patch! Updated game rules, Angel for everyone, Festive cosmetics, balance and bug fixes...we got something for everyone!

A Christmas Angel?
Angel is nearing completion, enough that we wanted to open it up to all players to use (available at the same level as Neo and Paladin). We're rolling it out with two amazing Variants, the limited time Festive Angel and the gorgeous Sakura Angel. While the Angel is still quite powerful, it's been balanced out with minimum fire ranges and a reduced chance to hit. It's a really fun class to play, give it a try!

Unified Rules….and World Peace?
We've combined bits of V1 and V2 rules and unified all maps to use the new systems. We found that having two rulesets and trying to balance the AirMechs and Units so both worked was making both worse, so we're bringing them together so we can finally do some proper balancing. Think of this as a starting point for V3 or V1.5 rules, depending on how you look at it.

Did someone say Presents?
There has been a lot of excitement and anticipation for the Festive content to appear. We couldn't even fit it all on the promo page! The Winter Crate contains just a fraction of the content available, but there's some real treasures in there. Noteable additions are the new Rudolph Mask and more common Reindeer Mask, complete with animated faces! We're not sure if this is awesome or creepy--let us know!

You can also now Giftwrap items you list in the Market for an additional fee. We'll experiment with this and might introduce different types of wrapping paper in the future that you get from drops. Also related to the Market, you can click on items in the Shop (not in My Collection) and you can buy more of them directly, without needing the Market listing trick.

  • Angel released for all players
  • Rules for all maps have been updated
  • Festive cosmetics released
  • Time and Cost to build Abilities has been reduced
  • Units and upgrades can be built simultaneously in the build queue
  • Lots of new secondary abilities for AirMech classes
  • Spectator HUD has been updated with more stats (click on units to toggle)
  • Survival HUD has been updated
  • New sound effects (ongoing)
  • Collision only occurs between airmechs and enemy/neutral units
  • Collision size for most units has been adjusted to be smaller for movement
  • Blast damage now affects the Fortress
  • Player can Gift Wrap items listed in the Player Market (for a small Diamond fee)
  • Players can now rebuy items directly from the in-game Shop
  • Numberous bug fixes
  • Large balance pass

Full patch notes with all the latest info (and more than we can post in an update here) are always ingame.
AirMech - CarbonJames
We always release new AirMech classes first to Prime owners for testing (and because it's fun) so it's nice timing that AirMech Prime is only $7.99 (other currencies adjusted appropriately) during the Steam Autumn sale!

Already have Prime? Ingame you can now purchase Prime Cubes which we also put on sale, and you can give them to friends or sell them on the AirMech Market for a nice profit after the sale ends.

Not been following the Angel development? She's based on the classic P-38 Lightning fighter, and on the ground she has dual pistols for primary and a massive railgun for her secondary! Think along the lines of a sniper.
AirMech - CarbonJames
We always release new AirMech classes first to Prime owners for testing (and because it's fun) so it's nice timing that AirMech Prime is only $7.99 (other currencies adjusted appropriately) during the Steam Autumn sale!

Already have Prime? Ingame you can now purchase Prime Cubes which we also put on sale, and you can give them to friends or sell them on the AirMech Market for a nice profit after the sale ends.

Not been following the Angel development? She's based on the classic P-38 Lightning fighter, and on the ground she has dual pistols for primary and a massive railgun for her secondary! Think along the lines of a sniper.
AirMech - CarbonJames
If enough people add AirMech Prime to their Wishlist, there's going to be a MASSIVE sale for it during the Steam Sale! Get all your friends to add it, they don't have to buy it, just get it on their Wishlist! We can do it! :)

AirMech - CarbonJames
If enough people add AirMech Prime to their Wishlist, there's going to be a MASSIVE sale for it during the Steam Sale! Get all your friends to add it, they don't have to buy it, just get it on their Wishlist! We can do it! :)


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