2012 年 7 月 13 日
ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition - Valve
- Added the G2G vote results concerning the "Anti-Expansionist" Horatio faction trait.

- Fixed an issue where the ship design information will only display the first module of each class.
- Fixed an issue where the random event duration doesn't depend on the game speed.

All the version notes since the alpha version can be found at:
2012 年 7 月 12 日
ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition - Valve
All the version notes since the alpha version can be found at:

- The duration of random events is now displayed in the game event panel.
- Removed the "% of colonized systems" constraint from the expansion victory requirements.
- Each effect of "Retreat" and "Offensive retreat" battle actions now lasts +1 round.
- Improved AI reaction with Difficulty.
- The Endless Hero (Corporate/Adventurer)is now more balanced fleet/system-wise.
- Memory optimization.
- Added a new portrait for the Sheredyn (Emperor Edition).

- Fixed an issue where the cancel button in the Faction Editor saved the changes, allowing custom faction exploits.
- Fixed an issue where the Endless Hero never appeared in the Academy (Emperor Edition). The Endless Hero cannot be hired by an AI.
- Fixed an issue where two simultaneous attacks on a third player in the same system crashed the turn ending.
- Fixed an issue where simultaneous game joining crashed the turn ending.

- Fixed an issue where the upkeep for Inorganic Cultivation (Sower) & Intensive Cultivation Logistics (Craver) was positive instead of negative.
- Fixed an issue where the number of players in a session did not take into account locked slots.
- Fixed an issue where all battle cards were played even if the battle ended before the final phase.
- Fixed an issue where battle cards were not effective in a specific case.
- Fixed an issue where a player could only request a value of dust, from another empire, equal or less than his current dust.
- Fixed an issue where hovering over a reduced anomaly displayed the reduce anomaly effect tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where a player could rejoin his own defeated session after receiving the defeat screen.
- Fixed several text issues.
- Fixed several localized text issues.
2012 年 7 月 6 日
ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition - Valve
All the version notes since the alpha version can be found at:

- Memory optimization. Refer to the following post for further details:
- Added collisions to graphic FX to stop them from going through ships.
- Improved graphic FX for the 'Gravity Well' Battle Action.
- Hero bonuses to attack and defense will now be correctly acknowledged through displayed MP on his Fleet.
- Diplomatic balancing (harder mainly for Serious & Endless modes).

- Fixed an issue where negative effects on the AI’s diplomatic attitude were inversed, counter-balancing other parts of that AI.
- Fixed an issue where the Tolerance trait was displaying a wrong value in the system view.
- Fixed an issue where “Random faction” was displayed instead of the faction’s actual name on an invasion notification.
- Fixed an issue where the galaxy would sometimes not be visible when starting a new game.
- Fixed an issue where the user was unable to zoom out at maximum height after playing a few game sessions.
- Fixed an issue where the Horatio Affinity unlocked the Arid Epigenetics technology.
- Fixed an issue where the host remained stuck on the end turn action if a client joined in progress and left the session at the same turn.
- Fixed an issue where the title remained stuck on end turn actions after a manual combat.
- Fixed an issue where the users were not synchronized after a system was invaded and conquered during a multiplayer session.
- Fixed an issue where the round-ups on the tonnage modules were different than the ones on the total tonnage in the ship design view.
- Fixed several text issues.
- Fixed several localized text issues.
2012 年 7 月 4 日
ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition - Valve
Endless Space Out Now!

All the version notes since the alpha version can be found at:

- Changed the save file system. The previous files are not compatible.
- Added the custom faction screen.
- Added a free camera mode in the battle view.
+ Arrow keys: move the view
+ Mouse wheel: changes the camera field of view (angle)
+ Mouse right click + pan: rotates the camera view
+ Ctrl: sticks / unsticks the camera on your fleet
- You can continue to play after a victory condition is achieved.
- Added a state to the player, to know if he's in a battle or not.
- Added an animatic for each faction, which will be displayed for a new game.
- Added narrative & random events illustrations.
- Changed the illustration for the selection of "Random Faction".
- Changed the Pirates 3D fleet icon.
- Added several outgame scenes, which will be displayed randomly.
- All technologies have a dedicated icon.
- Added 5 new music.
- Added new GUI sounds.
- Added an ES soundtrack directory (in the Steam install directory of Endless Space on your computer).
- Added the ES credits.
- Texture, video, memory & AI optimization.
- Added one new difficulty mode - Endless.
- Food consumption by population will vary with game speed.
- Heroes will not be injured when retreating. Changed the 'Death before dishonor' faction trait.
- Ship levels increase HP, DamageMin, DamageMax, InterceptionAccuracy, DeflectionPerTurn and Absorption.
- Changed the ship leveling, which now requires more XP (6 to 45 -> 4 to 100)
- Decreased the defense mods' cost (3 to 75 -> 2 to 58).
- Decreased the defense mods' weight (7 to 20 -> 5 to 16).
- Antimissile and Shield mods are now more powerful than their Weapon counterpart.
- Deflectors bonuses were only slightly increased.
- Halved Defense MP (8 to 210 -> 4 to 125) but not their efficiency in general.
- Defense MP is less effective during invasions than weapons.
- Added an extra bonus on the armor mods (25 to 304 -> 25 to 220+12%).
- Modified the Bluecap mold monopoly bonus (Dust -> Approval).
- Reduced the difficulty of diplomatic victory ( 1000 + 10*(players)*(planets) -> 2000 + 15*(players)*(planets) ).
- Decreases the malus of the random event "SUPERNOVA DISRUPTS NAVIGATION MAPS" (-80% -> -30%)
- When playing sower, the player knows the actual FIDS of a planet before colonizing it.
- Decreased the Alliance bonus multiplier (Alliance : * 2 -> Alliance : * 1,6).

- Fixed an issue where the leech hero ability will not stop upon conquering the star system.
- Fixed an issue where an assert is received when a system is conquered by the AI and the user is in System view on the same system.
- [MP] Fixed an issue where assert is received when joining an in-progress session.
- [MP] Fixed an issue where opening the war notification as host will cause an assert.
- Fixed an issue where pressing ESC after quitting a game will cause an assert.
- Fixed an issue where the game crashes 100% after loading a specific save game.
- Fixed an issue where loading a saved game from another Steam account causes an assert.

- Fixed several text issues.
- Fixed several localized text issues.
- Fixed an issue where the browsing arrows become unresponsive in planet view in a 2 planet system.
- Fixed an issue where the moon orbiting a planet will not adjust size properly in planet view.
- Fixed an issue where the heal button is not functional on the Assign to system screen.
- Fixed an issue where a graphical corruption can be seen when entering the star system.
- Fixed an issue where the Permanent Perennials star system improvement is not working.
- Fixed an issue where the resolution will not change to 1600x900 when in windowed mode.
- Fixed an issue where the user will have the buyout option active for a ship that cannot be completed normally (strategic prerequisite or obsolete ship design).
- Fixed an issue where the amount of military power is displayed using decimals on the battle report.
- [MP] Fixed an issue where ships are displayed as being in hangar on other player`s system.
- Fixed an issue where the name of the empire is not replaced in the current deals with button.
- Fixed an issue where cease fire are not spread to allies.
- Fixed an issue where the initial starting population decreases right after the first turn at slow game speed.
- Fixed an issue where disband/create fleet does not refresh movement points.
- Fixed an issue where the race names are seen in the language of the other player.
- Fixed an issue where the Hissho Affinity tool tip is not updated.
- Fixed an issue where the United Empire Affinity tool tip is not updated.
- Fixed an issue where the "Industry to Science" conversion tool tip is not updated.
- Fixed an issue where the user is able to select guard action on an enemy`s fleet.
- Fixed an issue where technologies do not affect the deal approval.
- Fixed an issue where actual faction names were not updated in the Diplomatic Negotiations Screen when choosing random factions.
ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition - Valve
Playable Alpha Release Notes
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