Product Update - Valve
Super MNC Rule Changes: 25

Lots of big changes this week! We have a revamped main menu. Greatly improving the ease of finding what you want.
Next, we'd like to introduce our new Post Game Prize system! At the end of every game you have an opportunity to win a random Prize. Prizes currently consist of endorsements, taunts, base products, and even some powerful new products!
In other big news, the Juice Bot makes his triumphant entrance into Super MNC!
As always, feel free to leave us feedback at!

New Rules
• Free Pro Rotation: Gunslinger, Captain Spark, Gunner, Cheston, Megabeth, Support
• Added new Post Game Prize system.
• Added new landing page.
• Split Locker Room into 'Store' and 'Locker Room'
• Add the ability to text chat during opening and closing cinematics.
• Added key binding for high resolution screen shot.
• Added idle player kicking.
• Improved the performance and look of all health bars.
• Added new pickup effect when players pickup items on the battlefield.
• Juice Reload Modifier: 0.5 -> 0.75
Bug Fixes
• Fixed Juice Bot from never spawning in game.
• Fixed crash caused by VO playing when the game ends.
• Fixed alternate fire refresh timers showing offset from the crosshair.
• Fixed enemies not showing up in 'team vision' in certain circumstances.
• Fixed getting melee damage if you grappled right after starting a melee weapon attack.
• Fixed slight leveling discrepancies between bot rating and turret rating.
• Added All Magnet: Gathers all nearby pickups. Smaller range then Money Magnet
• Added Bot Buster: Increases bot rating on every bot kill, resets when you die.
• Added Massive Air: Grants full air control whenever you are in the air.
• Added Can't Stun This: Rejects one stun every 30 seconds after level 5.
• Added Asbest-O's: Removes fire effects shortly after you catch fire.
• Hot Hands: Fixed more damage being done if you were the grappler and half when you were the grapple target.
• Money Magnet: Now pulls 1 coin at a time every 0.25 seconds.
Downtown Spunky Arena
• Continued Art Revisions
• Added description in Pro Chooser screen.
Bullet Gorge Arena
• New opening music
• Added description in Pro Chooser screen.
Loco Moco Arena
• New opening music
• Added description in Pro Chooser screen.
• Health: 755->750
• Turned on begin and end cloak sounds for the owning player.
• Health: 915 -> 900
• New Taunt: Tea Time
Captain Spark
• Health: 770 -> 750
• Health: 1110 -> 1200
• Tommy Gun: Spread Max: 0.175 -> 0.275
• Family Jewel: Damage: 76 -> 88
• New Taunt: Tea Time
• Bananas: Fixed sometimes showing up black.
• Exploding Barrel: New art and effects
Combat Girl
• Health: 915 -> 900
• New Taunt: Tea Time
• New Uniform: Hippy
• Health: 1305 -> 1300
• New Taunt: Tea Time
• Health: 705 -> 725
• Lucinda: Damage: 50 -> 54
• Lucinda: Headshot Multiplier: 4 -> 3
• New Uniform: Hippy
• Health: 915 -> 900
• Health: 915 -> 900
• Added new Jackbot grapple animation.
• Rocket Ma'am: Reload Time: 1.25 -> 1.35
• Rocket Ma'am: Removed enemy knock back
• Rocket Ma'am: Alt Fire Laser: Recovery Time: 6 -> 12
• Rocket Ma'am: Each rocket explosion now drains 1/2 skill rather than 1/4
• Shoot the Moon: Velocity: 2048 -> 1536
• Shoot the Moon: Removed knock back from initial damage
• Shoot the Moon: Damage no longer lights enemies on fire
• Health: 680 -> 700
• Sniper Rifle: Damage: 60 -> 67
• Sniper Rifle: Ammo: 6 -> 5
• Sniper Rifle: Headshot Multiplier: 4 -> 3
• Fixed juice and fire effects partially covering the screen while scoped.
• Health: 915 -> 900
• New Taunt: Tea Time
• Shotgun: Fixed enemies taking full damage when they aren't hit by the full area
• New Taunt: Tea Time
• Health: 1550 -> 1400
• Hot Seat: Damage: 76 -> 88
• New Taunt: Tea Time
• Freight Train: Recovery Time: 20/14/10/7.5 -> 15/10/7.5/6
• Freight Train: 50/150/200/250 -> 100/200/250/300
• Health: 755 -> 750
Product Update - Valve
Super MNC Rule Changes: 22

You are my rule changes... you are my rule cha-ha-ha-hangess. You are the one... in my life! (+2 points if you get the reference!)

Happy Valentine's Day from all of us at Uber Entertainment! We have released an entire set of Valentine's Day uniforms and taunts. Awesome taunts that come complete with props and effects. Show off the love you have for your own skill level to the person you just fragged!

We have some amazing, new, large systems we're working on internally so the balance and feature changes are slightly lighter this week than most weeks. The Tank underwent some weapon rework, somewhat returning both weapons to previous functionality. ProTip: Get up close and personal with the Tank! We also did some adjustments to Assassin grappling, improved sharpshooter rifles and continued the range normalizations we've been doing for a few updates now.

As always, feel free to leave us feedback on!

New Rules
• Free Pro Rotation: Gunslinger, Assassin, Tank, Assault, Support
• Added "Faster Character Select" option to speed up class choosing performance by reducing how often animations are updated.
• Old chat room text is now cleared out when you return from a match.
• Boost time is now always shown as ::
• Team mates are now always shown through walls like "Team Vision" enemies are.
• Renamed "melee" in the key bindings screen to "High Five".
• Bullseye's colors updated to be more festive this time of year.

Bug Fixes
• Fixed product sets not editing properly if you have the maximum number.
• Fixed all melee weapon lunges from being shorter than intended.
• Fixed double clicking on regions in the play menu resulting in undesired behavior.
• Fixed the rejoin dialog from sometimes failing.
• Fixed the resulting behavior of a build team leader leaving the queue.
• Fixed suicide denying a kill from the other team.
• Fixed Practice Game UI from disapearing when flipping through other menu items.
• Added various new sounds to product activations.
• Hot Hands: Recharge Time: 1 -> 10

Bullet Gorge Arena
• Continued art revisions.
• Fixed Pros from standing on high areas on the Hotshots side.
• Added new death cams so you can get a better view of the evil person who scored a kill on you.

Downtown Spunky Arena
• Continued art revisions.
• Adjusted the center ring's Regenitol locations.
• Added in blocking glass to high walls overlooking bot spawners.
• Adjusted some interior space in some of the buildings.
• Fixed some spots where Pros could stand on areas where they shouldn't be able to stand.

• New Uniform: Heartbreaker
• New Taunt: Valentine
• Cloak: Each attack while cloaked will now drain a little bit of the skill.
• Dagger Grapple: Front: 300 -> 200
• Sword Grapple: Front: 300 -> 200
• Shuriken Grapple: Front/Back: 300/300 -> 250/250

• New Uniform: Heartbreaker
• New Taunt: Valentine

Captain Spark
• New Uniform: Heartbreaker
• New Taunt: Valentine
• New Uniform: Heartbreaker
• New Taunt: Valentine
• Base Health: 1305 -> 1110

Combat Girl
• New Uniform: Heartbreaker
• New Taunt: Valentine

• New Uniform: Heartbreaker
• New Taunt: Valentine
• Rocket: Lock On Range: 2560/2560/3072/3584 -> 3072/3072/3072/3072

• New Uniform: Heartbreaker
• New Taunt: Valentine
• Adjusted pain VO.
• Lucinda: Can now score a headshot when not zoomed in.

• New Uniform: Heartbreaker
• New Taunt: Valentine (Disabled due to issues we found with Bouncing Buddies)
• Junior: Fixed detecting enemies through walls.

• New Uniform: Heartbreaker
• New Taunt: Valentine
• Sniper Rifle: Can now score a headshot without being zoomed in.
• Flak: Fixed being able to fire your weapon while it's being thrown out.

• New Uniform: Heartbreaker
• New Taunt: Valentine
• Firebase: Can now be healed while deploying.
• Firebase: Now starts off at 5% health and regenerates while deploying.
• Firebase: Deploy Time: 3 -> 5

• New Uniform: Heartbreaker
• New Taunt: Valentine
• Base Health: 1550 -> 1500
• Jet Gun: Range: 704 -> 896
• Jet Gun: Full Damage Range: 704 -> 256 (Once again does more damage the closer to the muzzle)
• Rail Gun: Damage: 66 -> 75
• Product Grenade: Changed to a throw animation so that it's more consitent with other skills.
• Product Grenade: Now does stun and "ad splash" at every level.
• Product Grenade: Damage: 80/160/200/240 -> 75/150/225/225
• Tank Shield: Can now target base turrets, Firebases and Combat Kitties.
• Tank Shield: Activation Range: 2048/2048/2048/2048 -> 2560/2560/2560/2560
• Tank Shield: Health: 700/900/1200/2000 -> 750/900/1000/1200

• New Uniform: Heartbreaker.
• New Taunt: Valentine

• New Uniform: Heartbreaker
• New Taunt: Valentine
• Fixed talking like the Sniper when he destroyed a turret.
Product Update - Valve
SMNC Rule Changes: 20

Hiyoo! Rule Change 20 here. We're lookin' live at Downtown Spunky Arena!

New map week! Downtown Spunky Arena has been added to the map rotation. In keeping with history we're releasing this map in an unfinished art state. It will go through continued art revisions just as Bullet Gorge has. The Downtown Spunky layout was inspired by the layout of Monday Night Combat's Spunky Cola Arena and updated to fit Super MNC's game mechanics.

Products! The Product System is now unlocked. To set your products go to locker room, click on the "Products" tab and create a product set. After building a product set you can use that set in a custom class or during Pro choosing before a game. What Products are and how they work are described below.

As always, feel free to leave us feedback on

New Rules
• New Free Pro Rotation: Sniper, Captain Spark, Karl, Combat Girl, Cheston
• Greatly changed the calculation to determine if you earn a 'leave' in a game. Should happen less often.
• New message HUD UI. Now shows an icon along with descriptive text.
• Improved in-game VOIP chat.
• Added new audio to the end game scoreboard.
• New position icons for Strikers, Commandos, Enforcers, Sharpshooters, and Defenders

• Added full Products system
• Products add new game play, as opposed to Endorsments that just alter statistics.
• Products are used when an in-game event occurs. There are products that use when you juice, die, respawn, make a kill, and more.
• Products have an in-game Pro Level requirement. This means you have to get enough XP, in game, to attain the level that turns that product on. Once you reach that level it will start working. Products that don't list it's Pro Level requirement are unlocked all the time and will work immediately at the start of the game.
• Products can be unlocked for you, the Agent, via combat credits.

Bullet Gorge Arena
• Continued art revisions.

Downtown Spunky Arena
• Added new arena!

• Spawned Black Jacks and Bouncers no longer give money when they die and will no longer drop loot.
• Fixed neutral Black Jacks from never timing out and sometimes ending up with multiples hanging around.
• Jackbot: Slam now has an inner radius that can not be jumped over.
• Jackbot: Health: 27000 -> 30000
• Bouncer: Speed: 770 -> 670

• Fly: Skill Drain: -15/-9/-6.5/-5 -> -13.75/-8.25/-6/-4.5 (Compensates for use cost introduced last update)
• Hippy Uniform: Fixed Ice Men version showing up as Hot Shots
• Assault Bomb: Radius: 256/384/512/512 -> 512/512/512/512

Captain Spark
• New Taunt: Tap Dance

• New Taunt: Vision
• New Uniform: Beach Leech
• Rampage: Fixed rare case where client would get stuck running forward until he charged or rampaged again.
• Hippy Uniform: Fixed some texture alignment issues.
• Fixed some graphical issues with Cheston's models.
• Tommy Gun: Spread: 0.02 -> 0.025
• Tommy Gun: Spread Return Per Shot/Not shooting: 0.02/0.05 -> 0.023/0.04
• Exploding Barrel: Damage Radius: 512/512/512/512 -> 384/384/384/384
• Rampage: Damage: 80/120/160/200 -> 80/110/130/150
• Rampage: Damage Radius: 384/384/384/384 -> 320/320/320/320

Combat Girl
• Combat Laser: Radius: 32/64/96/112 -> 96/96/96/96

• Ground Slam: Now has an inner radius that players can not jump over.
• Ground Slam: Fixed Assault's Fly jets not turning off properly if he is slammed while flying.
• Rocket: Life Span: 30 -> 10
• Rocket: Damage: 100/200/250/300 -> 80/160/200/240
• Rocket: Turn Rate: 120/360/720/1080 -> 720/720/720/720
• Rocket: Tightened up the view angle to keep a target locked

• Junior: Fixed damaging allied Combat Kittens in certain situations.
• Junior: Damage Radius: 128/256/384/512 -> 384/384/384/384
• Handler: Alt Fire projectile life span: 2 -> 6
• Prop Hop: Radius: 256/512/768/1024 -> 768/768/768/768

• Updated his pose in the locker room.

• Heal/Hurt Gun: Heal: 18 -> 16
• Heal/Hurt Gun: Hurt Reload Time: 1 -> 1.2

• New Taunt: Hi Boys
• Hot Seat: Fixed lunge used in conjuntion with his jump jets to gain massive distance.

• Base Health: 770 -> 755
• Coin Launcher: Updated reload animation
• New jump animation
• Crook Hook: Will now play proper impact sound.
• Party Pooper: Will now play sounds on affected Pros.
• Shifty Shuffle: New shifty effect.

Bug Fixes
• Fixed Bullet Gorge replays showing up as untitled.
• Fixed end game scoreboard showing an XP discrepancy between what was actually earned and what is displayed.
• Fixed the client and server disagreeing on a Pro's speed when they are slowed via the Support's Heal/Hurt Gun.
• Fixed skill sounds being played twice on certain clients.
• Fixed head crabs and ground zeroes from playing the same sound twice.
• Fixed replays not showing money ball messages and friendly/hostile players based on the Pro you were following.
• Fixed mouse wheel not working properly in Pro selection.
• Fixed allied name plates drawing in the middle of the screen when they are actually behind you.
• Fixed a crash caused by rotating the main menu Pro when a game starts.
• Fixed and added feedback for empty friends lists.
• Fixed some instances of games starting without having a full ten players.
• Fixed log in UI's buttons being misaligned by 1.1 pixel.
• Fixed an instance of players not getting a Pro until they die and respawn caused by simultaneous lock of the same Pro.
• Fixed taunt drop down behavior from displaying incorrect information.
• Fixed dragging endorsements in the locker room from sometimes not showing the endorsement.
• Fixed getting the scoreboard on top of the Pro select screen.

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