Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

We are happy to announce that the Update 0.205 is now available!

List of Update 0.205 Changes

Please note: At this moment it’s not possible to install the War Pig skin on M1A2C Main Battle Tank. We apologize for the inconvenience; we are working on the issue.


In this update, we are adding the T-80BVM Tier 9 progression Main Battle Tank. In order to unlock the tank, you need to deal a certain amount of damage using the T-80UM-1 Bars Tier 8 progression Main Battle Tank.

T-64BV Contract

In this update, we’re adding a new contract replacing the old AS90 one. As usual, you are able to complete the contract missions in exchange for the following prizes:

The contract will last at least until the end of the year so there is plenty of time to finish it.

Launcher Fixes

Today, we are updating the Wishlist Games launcher. When the update is available (there will be a prompt to update it), please make sure to update the launcher to the newest version. The list of improvements includes:

  • Added support for multiple accounts
  • Added support for Windows 7 and 8
  • Added Google and Facebook authorization for new accounts
  • Fixed an issue with Steam payments
  • Fixed an issue that caused your game’s folder path not to save correctly
  • Fixed an issue with Korean and Japanese code letters not containing the code
  • Fixed an issue that caused endless file verification
  • Improvements to the overall download speed and the updating process
  • Numerous localization fixes

Tales from the Dark Battle Path Fixes

In this update, we are correcting several issues of the Tales from the Dark Battle Path and its vehicles:

  • BMP-2M: Removed the dirt within launcher tubes
  • BMP-2M: Fixed black artifacts on the destroyed vehicle model
  • BTR-82A: Fixed the appearance of the brake lights
  • T-90M: Fixed the hull ERA texture
  • T-90M: Soft ERA now has a historically accurate color
  • T-90M: Right headlight now has an IR filter

Additional Vehicle Fixes and Updates

With each patch we continue (and will continue) to update vehicles based on your feedback and fix them. In this update, we have the following changes for you:

  • Fixed an issue where the engine sound was sometimes disappearing
  • Vehicles with partial reload (such as Kornet-D1) were suffering from bugged reload animations – the animation now triggers only if there’s enough time for it to happen correctly
  • Ajax: Turret ring is now properly armored
  • AS90: HEAT shells now behave as intended
  • B1 Draco: Fixed the transparent muzzle brake texture
  • BMP-1: Minor visual fixes
  • BMP-1P: Minor visual fixes
  • CV90 Mk.IV: Spike-LR missiles are now correctly marked as Tandem
  • Hunter AFV: PELE shells now have the same rate of fire as all the others (450 rounds per minute)
  • KF41 Lynx Prototype: Fixed the camouflage penalty for firing for both guns
  • KF41 Lynx Prototype: 35mm shell switching time decreased to 0.5s
  • Kornet-D1: Fixed an issue where players could load different types of missiles than intended and the reload was not working correctly
  • Kornet-EM: Fixed the display of armor to the correct value of 20mm
  • Kornet-EM: Fixed the Military Police skin appearance on minimal settings
  • Object 287: Fixed the missile texture
  • Object 787: Fixed the turret armor
  • Puma: Minor visual fixes
  • T-62M: Fixed the Rusalka skin appearance (gun muzzle)
  • T-72M1: Fixed the T-72M1R skin appearance (optics, mantlet clipping)
  • T-90: Fixed the second decal slot appearance
  • T-90A: Fixed the second decal slot appearance
  • T-90A: Visual fixes of the APS module
  • T-90MS: Fixed the Nightsinger skin machinegun model

Lone Star

We have made several updates to this Special Operation.

  • Secondary objective (defeat Grimm’s allies) can now be completed
  • Improved the volume of the map’s voiceover so that it can now be understood better
  • Once again fixed a very large number of places where players could get stuck
  • Some ditches where players could get stuck now have covers over them (safety first!)
  • Vehicle tracks no longer clip into the bridge at E8

General Changes

  • Removed dedicated Fullscreen setting due to crashes and performance issues it was causing, all Fullscreen users now use the Borderless Window setting
  • Game no longer crashes when attempting to change its window size
  • Rate of Decay now correctly plays the introduction video when pressing the play button on Joshua Seagrove’s avatar
  • Fixed several localization issues
  • Added a number of new assets
18 септ.
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand
On the 19th of September, starting from 8:00 CEST, the server will not be available for 5 hours due to a planned server maintenance.

Please note that the maintenance can be extended beyond the abovementioned timeframe. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

Tomorrow’s update is bringing the long-awaited T-80BVM Tier 9 progression Main Battle Tank and we’d like to bring up a few details about this vehicle that may come to your attention during the vehicle’s release.

First, the unlock requirement. You’ll be asked to deal damage while driving the T-80UM-1 Bars. The damage requirement corresponds to roughly 70 matches of average active gameplay (although, as usual, exceptional players will complete this sooner). We wanted to avoid the Bars situation where, in order to unlock the tank, players were intentionally losing or leaving their T-80U matches. No more of that.

The second matter we want to address concerns the engines. The engines of the T-80BVM are a bit counter-intuitive. There are three:

  • GTD-1250TF turbine engine (1250hp)
  • GTD-1400 turbine engine (1400hp)
  • GTD-1400TF turbine engine (also 1400hp)

Two engines with the same horsepower and, additionally, the GTD-1400 engine offers higher maximum speed but lower acceleration than the previous one? What’s up with that?

The logic is as follows. Acceleration and hull traverse improvement is done via another upgrade module called GOP-165 transmission, which will work no matter what engine you have selected.

When upgrading the engine from 1250hp to 1400hp, the thing that changes for you is the maximum speed. Additionally, the basic engine has access to the Override active ability which the middle engine does not because that’s how the engine is built. The letter F in its name means “supercharged” and the engine is capable with of short bursts of higher power in real life (running it on this setting constantly would significantly reduce its lifespan).

The GTD-1400 engine does not offer this feature – in order to access the Override active ability, you must once upgrade to the GTD-1400TF engine, which unlocks the ability once again.

And as for the final issue – the 3VOF77 shell is marked as “airburst” but it works the same way as Armata’s programmable HE shell (only with a larger blast radius).

We hope this clears some things for you and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

This week, we’ve made significant progress when it comes to finalizing the account transfer. Steam accounts are now transferred correctly and working (we apologize for the issues), as is a vast majority of the account transferred from MY.GAMES launcher.

However, there are still issues left to be resolved. These are (in no particular order):

  • Some accounts were transferred incorrectly (the most common symptom of this is players finding their accounts empty after transfer and the game is asking for a new player name)
  • Steam account Web Shop purchases are not working correctly
  • Players in several countries are receiving broken authorization e-mails without a code
  • Game download is slower than it should be and sometimes it stops for no reason
  • The launcher does not work with Windows 7 and 8
  • E-mails are arriving in spam (or at all) for several providers such as Hotmail, MSN or (this can be solved on your end by adding the address to trusted e-mails in your mail client, typically in Spam settings)

We’d like you to know we are working hard on fixing these problems. For now, we’d like to thank you for your patience with a gift and an XP bonus for all matches this weekend. And, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
12 септ.
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

Right now we are finishing the transfer from MY.GAMES to Wishlist Games. We know it’s been a bumpy ride so far but we are well on our way to sort out all the issues that still exist. However, for now, would once again like to express our gratitude for your support with a gift.

The gift contains the following items:

  • 7-day temporary version of the EMBT Tier 10 Premium MBT
  • 7 days of Premium Time
  • 300 Gold

The gift can be obtained through the Gift section in our Web Shop. To access the Web Shop, please open the game and click the shopping basket button.

Thank you for staying with us and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
12 септ.
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

Today we’ve prepared the following items for you:

  • Type 99B Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank
  • Hunter Tier 9 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Pindad SBS Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Type 89 Tier 7 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • K21 Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle
  • Tales from the Dark Loot Crate

Between September 12 and September 19, 2024, the following items will be available:

Type 99B

The Type 99B is a fictional improved version of the currently most modern Chinese Main Battle Tank. It was designed as a concept by the Chinese tank community some years ago and we used the concept as a basis for its introduction. However, our version bears significant differences, most notably the Red Arrow missile launcher on the roof. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Type 99B is a Tier 10 Premium Main Battle Tank. It is fast, agile, and capable of dealing tremendous damage over a short period of time thanks to its turret-mounted thermobaric missile launcher.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop. It can be accessed it directly in the game by clicking the shopping cart button in the upper left corner of the Garage.

Hunter AFV

Another alternative name for this vehicle is NGAFV (or Next Gen AFV), since it belongs to a whole program to replace the obsolete M113 APC in Singaporean service and to operate alongside its predecessor, another indigenous Singaporean IFV called Bionix. Hunter is the name of the production model of this program. The Hunter AFV is the pinnacle of bleeding edge of technology. In this sense, it can be compared to the AS21 Redback and both vehicles share several characteristics, not the least of which being relatively large size. This bulky IFV offers considerable levels of protection and firepower. It is expected to serve in the Singaporean army in large numbers in the near future with its mass-production having recently begun. You can read more about its history in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Hunter AFV is a Tier 9 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. As its description above suggests, it is a rather standard-sized IFV with good levels of protection and excellent firepower (consisting of a 30mm autocannon and a Spike ATGM launcher). It also features a recently introduced type of armor, NERA. Simply put, NERA is an ablative armor kit that deteriorates whenever it gets hit. In other words, the vehicle starts with excellent protection levels but it will lose some with damage taken as the battle progresses. Apart from that, the vehicle is adequately mobile and quite universal. It can, of course, also deploy Mechanized Infantry.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop. It can be accessed it directly in the game by clicking the shopping cart button in the upper left corner of the Garage.

Pindad SBS

The SBS platform is one of the first domestic armored vehicles developed by Pindad (the largest Indonesian armor producer) for Indonesia and is officially listed as a “light tank”. It was developed sometimes in the early 2010s with some prototypes in different configuration appearing in public in 2014 or so. The variant in the game is a long-range MLRS fire support vehicle with a 122mm multi-barreled rocket launcher. You can learn more about it in our In Armored Warfare, the Pindad SBS is a Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. This AFV is fairly unique, since its main weapon is a multi-barreled rocket launcher capable of firing over obstacles. This makes the Pindad incredibly powerful in both offense and defense. Static enemy targets stand no chance! This vehicle is best used with Commander Ophelia Kitescu and in a platoon – the firepower of such a formation is truly without equal.This bundle is available in our Web Shop. It can be accessed it directly in the game by clicking the shopping cart button in the upper left corner of the Garage.
Type 89
The Type 89 Infantry Fighting Vehicle is the current Japanese service IFV. It was built in very small numbers between 1989 and 2004. The low-production meant that, with the development costs sunk into it, each unit was incredibly expensive. In fact, to date, the Type 89 is the most expensive IFV in the world. Otherwise it’s generally unremarkable – last generation steel armor, a 35mm autocannon and massive guided missiles (that were also meant for landing ship destruction instead of just anti-tank combat) are generally being all phased out by now. The Type 89 is, however, still waiting for its replacement. You can read more about it in our [url]dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the Type 89 is a Tier 7 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle that is capable of not only deploying Mechanized Infantry, but also to destroy its targets at long distances using its powerful guided missiles. It is also fast and maneuverable, but does not feature thick armor.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop. It can be accessed it directly in the game by clicking the shopping cart button in the upper left corner of the Garage.


The K21 is a modern Infantry Fighting Vehicle, designed to replace the K200 series in the Korean Army. It features good protection and a hi-tech weapon system with the "hunter-killer" capability. You can read more about it in our dedicated article.

In Armored Warfare, the K21 is a Tier 8 Premium Armored Fighting Vehicle. In the game, it is an IFV with solid protection and firepower, but also excellent mobility. It carries Mechanized Infantry.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop. It can be accessed it directly in the game by clicking the shopping cart button in the upper left corner of the Garage.

Tales From the Dark Loot Crate

The Tales from the Dark Loot Crate is now available. This Loot Crate contains Tales from the Dark Battle Coins and Boosters.

  • Battle Coins are the primary currency of the Tales from the Dark Battle Path campaign and are used to progress through it and to obtain its prizes.
  • Battle Coin Boosters are usable only during an active Battle Path and increase your Battle Coin income by 900 percent for two hours.

Please note that you have to obtain the access to a Battle Path to use both items.

This bundle is available in our Web Shop. It can be accessed it directly in the game by clicking the shopping cart button in the upper left corner of the Garage.

We hope that you will enjoy the offer and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
11 септ.
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand
On the 12th of September, starting from 8:00 CEST, the server will not be available for 2 hours due to a planned server maintenance.

Please note that the maintenance can be extended beyond the abovementioned timeframe. We apologize for the inconvenience.
11 септ.
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

This weekend, we’ve prepared a special event for you. The Ranked Battles mode will be played with Tier 2 vehicles only!

We’re looking forward to your feedback regarding playing Ranked Battles on other Tiers than Tier 10 and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

As we already announced, the next Contract will feature the Ukrainian T-64BV Main Battle Tank. But contracts do feature other prizes as well, which are available for completing Contract Missions. And this time, the prizes will be five Ukrainian camouflages.

Let’s start with the basic Ukrainian digital camouflage (Model 2015). Before 2014 and the conflict that rose therefrom, Ukraine was largely using camouflages similar to Russia. The reason for it is that both countries’ military came from Soviet roots (in this case the Soviet camouflage manuals). After the political changes that followed the events of 2014 and the subsequent conflict in Donbas, Ukraine’s military started looking more towards the West, eager to shed its Soviet legacy.

One aspect of these changes was the adoption of a digital camouflage consisting of green background with black and yellow “digital” squares (their side being roughly 10cm wide) that, at close distances, break the silhouette of vehicles while, at long distances, they create the same effect as a classic “spot” camouflage. This pattern likely first appeared in public during the Day of the Defender of Ukraine parade in Kiev on October 15, 2015.

Despite being visually attractive, the first pattern didn’t work quite as well as many hoped, which is why, in 2016, it was replaced by the Ukrainian digital camouflage (Model 2016). This pattern made the black and yellow zones a bit more sparse and added a new color – brown.

This pattern apparently was more successful and remains in service to this day. Most Ukrainian vehicles bear this camouflage.

The final iteration of the camouflage came five years later. The Ukrainian digital camouflage (Model 2021) was shown to the public on August 24, 2021 during the Day of Independence of Ukraine military parade in Kiev.

This pattern seems denser with three shades of green and light yellow color being present. A number of modern Ukrainian armored vehicles were painted with it but with the war less than six months away at that point, Ukraine likely never had the chance to truly deploy it en masse.

Aside from these three, we have two other interesting camouflages for you. The first one is the rather interesting ZhBTZ camouflage.

This is not a real combat camouflage, it’s a factory paint job pattern created by the Zhitomir Armor Plant (Zhitomirskiy Bronetankovyi Zavod, ZhBTZ in short) in order to promote their prototypes and production vehicles such as various BMP-1 upgrades (such as the BMP-1U Shkval). The camouflage likely first appeared in the September of 2015 at a military expo in Kiev.

The final camouflage we call Ukrainian (Stripes). This is a variant of an older Soviet pattern (in desert colors) that most notably appeared on various T-64-based prototypes such as the BMPT-64. This camouflage was first noticed roughly around 2007 but has since appeared on numerous vehicles.

And that’s what we have for you in this contract. We hope that you’ll enjoy these camouflages and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!
Armored Warfare - 2000Valand

With the initial part of the account transfer complete, the time has come to address the situation of Steam users.

We’d like to inform you that the Steam user transfer will, as previously announced, proceed automatically. There is no need for you to transfer your account in any manual way.

Furthermore, based on your feedback, we are integrating the game with Steam. What this means is that, in the future, you’ll be able to download game updates not via the WLG launcher, but via Steam directly.

However, there’s a catch. Unfortunately, due to this dramatic change of the system, Steam users will have to re-download the game client from scratch this one time.

We apologize for the inconvenience but there is simply no way around it.

Please note: We strongly suggest not to attempt to find any workarounds that seemingly work because your client would break with the next update.

As for our Wishlist Launcher users:

We are hard at work fixing the bugs you reported, improving the download speed of the game and, last but not least, adding new features such as multi-account support to the launcher. We’d like to thank you for your reports as well as your continued support and, as always:

See you on the battlefield!

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