Prison Architect - Fifnaril

We just deployed an update for Prison Architect to address several critical issues we saw reported from the community.
  • Staff strikes are now playing out correctly. The prison will no longer go into permanent lockdown.
  • Freefire SFX now plays correctly.
  • New bed types (Old Bed, Mattress Bed, Comfy Bed) now work in padded cells.
  • Clean laundry is now brought to inmates that have a new type of Bed in their Cell (Old Bed, Mattress Bed, Comfy Bed).
  • Comfy beds are no longer behaving as low-quality beds. They are now properly tagged as high-quality beds.
  • Comfy beds will now fulfill the Sleep need.
  • Cooks now produce meals according to the quality setting correctly.
  • Food Quantity and Variety for in-game Events are now met.
  • Inmates are now fed correctly. They no longer end up without food when they arrive on time.
  • Numerous UI fixes for 4k+ resolution.
  • The logistic menu no longer closes when selecting a grading option.
  • Janitors and Gardeners’ work can be prioritized.
  • The game will no longer crash when placing a soft pillow without a bed.
  • Prison Sharing on Steam now displays the subscribed map correctly.
May 15, 2020
Prison Architect - DavyDavy

We just deployed a hotfix on mac that addresses an issue that was causing the game to use only 25% of the screen.

Thank you for your reports!
Prison Architect - Fifnaril


We just announced Island Bound, the new Prison Architect expansion that will be released on June 11, 2020. Check out the announcement trailer:

This expansion will allow you to create Island Compounds with no access road. You will have to bring your logistics game to a whole new level with these prisons, as you need to use a variety of new tools to make sure they run as intended. From ferries to helicopters, you will be able to deliver supplies directly to docking areas, and to maximize efficiency by linking them to specific deliveries – but be careful, as this also means more access points to sneak in contraband into your prison!

Luckily, you will also have new security objects that will allow you to inspect deliveries and prisoners as they enter the prison, or at key security checkpoints. You will also have access to additional emergency services when things get out of hand. Air Firefighters, Elite Ops Teams, Air Paramedic – we made sure you have all the support you need when things take an unexpected turn.

Finally, you will have access to new tiles and objects to customize your island!

We know it has been a long wait since we teased this expansion at PDXCON 2019 – we are really excited to finally show you what we have been working on over the last few months!

If you want to find out more about the expansion over the next few weeks, remember to follow us on social media (Facebook | Twitter) and check our weekly streams on Tuesday at 15:00 CEST (6:00AM PDT) – we may show the new content over the next few weeks!

Island Bound’s Key Features:

Sea and Air:Upgrade your prison’s logistics with a variety of ferry and helicopter transport options that deliver supplies and inmates directly to docking areas around your compound. But be aware, there are now more access points to sneak contraband into the prison.

Chain Link Up: Maximize your prison’s efficiency by linking docks, helipads, and roads to specific deliveries. You can even toggle what services are available to each delivery point within your compound.

Supermax Security: New security objects make it easier to search deliveries and prisoners as they enter the prison, or at key security checkpoints. Additional emergency services can be called when things get out of hand, including Air Firefighters, Elite Ops Teams, and Air Paramedics.

Island Life: Customize your Island or Connected Island Plot with over fifteen nautical tiles and objects. Shape the land around your compound with moats, rivers, and lakes for security, or for style -- no access roads needed!

The Rock: Manage the world’s most famous prison with two premade maps: Alcatraz Prison and Alcatraz Island.

Prison Architect - Fifnaril


“Cleared for Transfer” and the free update “The Bucket” are finally available, and you can now start executing on your plans to use the new transfer system to promote good behavior amongst your inmates with fine-tuning of your Sector Gradings.

If you are looking for a complete changelog, you can find it here.

If you want an overview of the new content, you can check out this video we made in collaboration with Charlie Pryor.

You can also stay in touch with us on social:


Thanks for your support, we look forward to hearing your thoughts on Cleared for Transfer!

Prison Architect - Fifnaril

To all wardens,

Today we celebrate the release of Cleared for Transfer and The Bucket update, introducing several new exciting mechanics, wall types, objects and much more to your game. Check out the patch notes below!

Cleared for Transfer:
With Cleared for Transfer, we introduce the idea that prisoners can now transfer between security sectors of your prison - you control the criteria or rules for prisoners to transfer. In order to create a ‘motivation’ for prisoners to transfer, you can also link and/or restrict privileges to individual security sectors. You can increase (or decrease) a security sector’s grade (e.g. Min Sec), by attaching privileges (such as Visitation), adding new objects, equipment, and facilities, and making regime changes (such as more Yard time).

Ultimately your aim should be to entice prisoners to want to transfer into a more comfortable or privileged sector, and then encourage them to change their ways in order to meet the criteria for transfer.

Prisoner Transfers system:
  • The Cleared for Transfer mechanics only refers to the following existing prisoner security sectors/levels; Min Sec, Med Sec, Max Sec, and SuperMax.
    • This means that prisoners can only transfer between these levels.
      • A Death Row inmate is always a Death Row inmate, a Protective Custody inmate is always a Protective Custody inmate and the same for Criminally Insane inmates.
  • Inmates eager to move to a lower security sector with more privileges will only look at the sector that is one below their current one. 
Elements that are tied to the Prisoner Transfers system: 
  • New tab in the Reports UI: ​Transfers. 
  • Updated ​Policy ​tab to allow for tweaking of privileges, food quality and parole cutoff.
  • Updated ​Prisoners​ tab to see transfer candidates and to approve transfers.
The Prisoner Transfers system can be enabled and disabled in the map settings.

Expanded Room Grading system:
  • Cells can now reach a max. Score of 15 (up from 10)
  • Room Grading now includes the following rooms:
    • Yard
    • Common Room
    • Classroom
    • Canteen
    • Gym
    • Inmates eager to move to a lower security sector with more privileges will only look at the sector that is one below their current one. 
    Security sector grading​:
    • Security sectors now have a grading that can be viewed in the “Logistics” menu.
    • This will inform you about the attractiveness of a security sector and will feed into the Prisoners Transfer system.
    The Bucket Update:
    New room: Gym:
    • Introduced a new room: The Gymnasium.
    • We added several new items for this room, such as the Boxing Ring, Punch Bag and Water Cooler.
      • These objects can also be placed elsewhere in a prison.
    • The Gymnasium will act similarly to a Yard (but indoors) catering to various prisoner Needs (Exercise and Recreation).
      • Being inside the Gym will also ​negatively​ increase the prisoner’s “Hygiene” need by a small amount, encouraging a Shower.
    • Prisoners will treat the Gym similarly to a Yard, meaning that they’ll want to visit the Gym during the “Yard” and “Freetime” regime periods
    • With the exception of gang members (mentioned below), all other inmates should still favor the Yard (seemingly as they get to spend some time outside).

    New​ custom security sectors ​for Deployment:
    • You can now create a custom security sector in the Deployment menu,
      • e.g. You can set a sector that includes min and med security.
    Punishments, Searches, Shakedowns & More per sector:
    • Actions that you trigger via the bottom-right HUD element can now be activated for individual security sectors.
    New Staff control:
    • In the “Deployment” menu, you now have 4 new options:
      • Prioritize Area (Janitor)
      • Prioritize Area (Gardener)
      • Assign Cook.
      • Assign Doctor

    • New Walls, Signs, Floors​, etc.
    • Added new quick rooms​:
      • Mail Room
      • Library
      • Laundry
      • Infirmary
      • Armory
      • Visitation
      • The Planning mode now has an option to ​disable auto-foundations. 
      • Added ​Forestry Prison Labor.
        • New research is necessary in the Bureaucracy menu.
      • Barred walls will now allow for heat to pass through them.
      • You can ​fire multiple staff​ now by holding the mouse button and dragging your selection.

      • The renderer now supports multiple spritesheets!
      • Vehicle speed and support for removing shadow casting from objects is now exposed for modding
      • The renderer now supports multiple spritesheets!
      • Vehicle speed and support for removing shadow casting from objects is now exposed for modding
      Additional Improvements, Fixes & Features:
      • Intake UI: Renamed “Prisoner Transfer” to “Legendary Prisoners” to avoid confusion with the Prisoner Transfer system.
      • Lunar Plot Forestry will now only grow Sakura trees.
      • Assigned Cooks will now cook in their kitchen.
      • Fixed an Exploit that would reset the Security Rating when reloading a prison.
      • Fixed an issue that showed all Sectors as available in the Emergency Actions, if you've set a custom sector up in the prison.
      • Transfers in Reports no longer open as a new window.
      • Fixed a number of missing translations.
      • Fixed a crash that would occur if you change the language several times in-game
      • Fixed a slow down that a player would see if on multiplayer if the client turns on Prisoner Transfers. Also fixed Client not being able to see the correct Grading score for Security Sectors.
      • Fixed a bug that would cause a crash on starting Prison Stories.
      • Fixed a bug that would stop you from moving the Firemen in the "Palermo" scenario in Prison Stories.
      • Policy menu will no longer show Criminally Insane if you do not have the DLC.
      • Players will no longer be able to approve transfers if they load a map that had transfers on unless they have the DLC.
      • New Assign and Prioritize options have the New Star picture on them to highlight they're new.
      • Fixed a bug that meant Death Row inmates did not pass parole despite meeting the criteria for it.
      • Clone tool no longer shows incorrect sprites when used.
      • Fixed the Allow Transfer option so that when you disable it, no prisoners are shown as ready for transfer.
      • Inmates whose reoffending rate match the number you set the 'estimated reoffending rate' for transfer now qualify for transfer.
      • Fixed a bug that would stop you entering tunnels in Escape Mode.
      • Fixed a bug that stops MAC/Linux players from playing the game in Windowed Borderless mode
        In Multiplayer when a Client changes criteria on the Transfers tab, other players can now see that change.
      • Fixed an issue that had prisoners constantly being swapped about if they were in a Mixed Custom Sector wing.
      • Criminally Insane prisoners can now live in a Custom Sector for 'Criminally Insane'.
      • Fixed a bug that stopped a player from playing a modified map in Escape Mode
        In Multiplayer if the host has the Cleared For Transfer DLC, anyone who connects to that game will have access to the Transfers mechanics and content, regardless of if they own the DLC.
      • Fixed an issue that caused UI elements to be off-screen or overlap if High DPI option is on in the graphics settings.
      • Criminally Insane Prisoners with the Claustrophobic reputation no longer grows extra hands when in lockdown and aggressive.
      • If using 4k resolution the Policy menu will no longer scroll off the page.
      • Canteen trays no longer float in the air if they are at the bottom of an Oak Table.
      Prison Architect - Fifnaril

      Greetings, wardens!

      As mentioned a few weeks ago, we compiled a quick guide on how to implement your translation in Prison Architect via modding

      What do I need to make a mod?
      A Prison Architect mod is composed of a subfolder to the “mods” folder in the game files. This folder is located at the following address:

      %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Introversion\Prison Architect\mods

      Within the subfolder of your mod, you need to make sure there are the following items:
      • A text document called manifest.txt
      • A thumbnail in .png format
      • A subfolder named data

      The manifest.txt file is the description of your mod for the game. Basically, you are telling the game what your mod is about. It needs to have the following format:

      Name "Name of the mod" Author "Your name/nickname" Description "Description" Version v1.0 Date DD/MM/YYYY URL LINK

      The Data folder:
      The data folder contains your mod – this is where the actual content is.
      For a localization mod, you need to retrieve the localization files from the folder where you installed the game. If you use Steam, it is in the /Steamapps/Prison Architect folder by default.
      Once you get there, you need to extract the main.dat using a data compressing program – we used Winrar while preparing this guide. Once you open main.dat, you will see the Data folder. If you open it, you will finally get access to the language files.

      You need to copy the .txt files from there to your mod folder.
      Once you have done this, you can open the text files and start translating!

      Ok, my translation is done, how do I check it and share with others?

      To check your mod, you need to activate it within the game.

      To do so, you need to open the main menu and select “Extra”. This will open the Extra menu, where you will be able to select “Mods”.

      On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see a list of all the mods installed on your pc.

      To test your mod, you need to tick the box next to it, and then select “Apply at the bottom of the screen. The game will reload with your mod applied.

      To share your mod, you can select your mod in the Mod menu and then press the “Publish Mod” folder on the bottom right of the screen. You will also see that there is a “Is this a translation to another language?” box, make sure to select it! Once your mod is uploaded, its name will become green.

      Good luck with your modding, and don’t forget that our community created plenty of guides and material to help you in case you are still struggling with modding, like the in-depth articles on the official wiki!
      Prison Architect - Fifnaril
      We finally got the bottle open! What can this message mean?

      Join us on Today at 15:00 CEST for the Cleared for Transfer release stream - we may find out more about this mysterious message!
      May 12, 2020
      Prison Architect - Fifnaril

      We went for a stroll today during our yard time, and we found this. What could it be?

      Join us on Thursday at 15:00 CEST for the Cleared for Transfer release stream - we may find out more about this mysterious bottle there!
      Prison Architect - Fifnaril

      Welcome to Show and Cell, our little corner to showcase the creativity of the Prison Architect community! Here you can find some inspiration and read about the people that create fan art/gameplay videos, or build awesome prisons!

      If you want to join this creativity showcase, you can use #showandcell!

      If you want to get the latest news and updates, you can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

      "I got lost on my way to the canteen on my first day. When I finally found it, my serving time was over...” - Ray Powell

      This prison was created by Brute, and this seems like a cool place to visit! There are so many details in every area, and this prison can handle everything from medium security to supermax. It even has a death row if prisoners are not behaving as they should! With safety in mind with all the utilities were planned perfectly. As a prisoner, you can join one of many clubs and even visit IronBar's cinema!

      We had the opportunity to ask Brute a few questions.

      How long did it take to create this prison?
      I have been building this prison called "IronBar" for almost two months, and I feel there is still so much to improve on. I think, as a perfectionist in this game, you are never really finished.

      I had to rebuild it two times to fix the issues that I encountered and remade it to perform better. I had some trouble getting the right pathing for visitors since I had a different main entrance for visitors and prisoners. The staff walking in and out of the prison using the reception and since that didn’t seem logical so I made a special "staff" road crossover to get to the place they wanted to be.

      I also had to figure out how I wanted to implement the new mentally insane prisoners from the psych ward edition in my prison so they can get the care they needed without the chance to harm other prisoners and ended up with an extra wing specially designed for those.

      Over the years I build a couple of prisons and enjoyed the part where I had to make it perfect in all aspects of the game until the prison could run itself. This time I tried something different, Instead of making everything with an eye for the functionality I tried to create something that also looked great.

      Anything you want to mention about IronBar?
      Everything in this prison has been build with an eye for detail. From the small common rooms up to the yard areas, the supermax facility, and even the prison entrances/hallways and offices.

      Did you plan the layout of the prison before you built it?
      I planned out and designed different area's inside the prison before I did build it. I used different saves to create something until I liked it enough to implement it in my prison. In every design, there's thought about micromanagement, pathfinding, realism. Small details like the way how pipelines face towards the middle of the prison instead of towards the outsides of the cellblocks.

      How long have you been playing Prison Architect?
      I have been playing prison architect since the release on and off, ones in a while I come back to the game to spend my time on building something new.

      What made you start playing Prison Architect?
      I always enjoy simulation/building/crafting games and I play many titles although prison architect is one of the most unique of its genre and when I found out about the game and having something else than building a city or theme park with all of its new challenges made me fall in love with the game instantly.

      Any tips for someone new to the game how to get better on planning and building their prison?
      There is so much depth in the game that it can keep you busy for days. I love struggling with logic circuits to make things like marques, airlocks, and even lights that turn on and off when people enter or leave a room. It gives an extra challenge to designing your prison and although it doesn’t add much to the overall gameplay its very enjoyable to see those custom made things work in your prison.

      As a tip for those people new to the game, I would like to say, Trial and Error. Build something but don’t be scared to break it down again if it’s not working as intended. The only way to learn this game is to see things go wrong and try to understand why they went wrong. If you can find the source you can next time prevent it and design around it. In the end, everyone enjoys the game in its own way and where one likes to roleplay with a handful of prisoners, others like to start riots with 100's of supermax inmates. Where 1 tries to build a resort others build 1 single room with 1000 prisoners and have a laugh when things go as aspected "not very well" and after 100’s of hours, prison architect is still one of the games I greatly enjoy playing.

      Do you want to try this prison? Then you can get it here!

      Bulldozer payday 2,
      Paint upgrade downgrade sign,
      clean white canteen table,
      Stock sprite fix (obsolete),
      All Contraband Detectible,
      More Floors Doors and Walls,
      Additional Guard Sprites,
      Additional Staff Sprites,
      Shield Payday 2,
      Enhanced Colored Jail Doors,
      Canteen Tables in Colour,
      Wood Bed for Cell
      Prison Sorter

      Thank you for this time and see you for the next Show and Cell!
      The Prison Architect Team

      Prison Architect - Fifnaril


      We are happy to announce “Cleared for Transfer”: the next free DLC for Prison Architect, available from May 14! Join us live on today at 17:00 CEST (8 AM PDT) to find out all about it.

      Cleared for Transfer will bring new mechanics to your prisons, such as the possibility for Inmates to move to another Security Sector if their behavior meets your expectations.

      Yes, you read it right - YOUR expectations! It is up to you to decide what are the requirements for prisoners to apply for a transfer to a lower security level, and use benefits as an Incentive to make the transfer appealing to your inmates.

      You will also get more options to control the cell quality in your sectors - and we will be including other room types to this system.

      Along with Cleared for Transfer, we will also be releasing a free update called the Bucket. This update will bring you more items, more cosmetic options, quality of life changes… and Gyms!

      If you want to be up to speed with the latest Prison Architect news, don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

      New Features Breakdown:

      Prisoner Transfers: Prisoners can now transfer between sectors (or wings) of your prison. Requirements for transfer to a lower-security sector are entirely up to you.

      Special Privileges: Privileges can be assigned based on the security sector, giving your prisoners a motivation to transfer. Prisoners in high security areas are able to see the privileges given to lower security sectors.

      Room Grading: You can now grade other rooms, such as yards, classrooms, common rooms, and a new gymnasium.

      Custom Security Sectors: Create areas with custom security sectors that can include prisoners from different security levels.

      New Actions and Enhancements: You can initiate actions like shakedowns, tunnel searches, and lockdowns by security sector.

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