Zombie Panic! Source - NeoAssassin

Hello, happy holidays! We hope that your holiday has been going good!

Today we want to share some news with you about the status of the v3.1 patch. Development has been going well, we've been dedicating a ton of time to testing, fixing, and developing things over the past few months. We've been able to find and fix many issues with things we didn't realize were there. We've also been able to add lots of new features.

Here's a list of some of the things we've added or changed;
  • The trigger_barricade entity was changed so that if you're able to place a barricade board inside of it - the board will fall off of what it was placed on and turn back into ammo. (If you don't have the trigger_barricade set to destroy boards, and it failed to block the board from being placed inside of it.)
  • Feed-o-Meter can no longer drain during berserk mode.
  • Lunge can no longer trigger your berserk mode (unless you enable it in Zombie Panic! Options). Now the panic key will trigger your berserk by default.
  • Survivors can no longer walk while panicked.
  • Armor can be dropped again.
  • AngelScript item balancing functions have been fixed to spawn the specified amount of items if the level is designed properly.
  • Fixed a server crash related to a model being set as a physics prop when it wasn't compiled for that (missing phys model). It will instead delete the prop and print a message in console.
  • Added a brand new Remington 870 weapon model.
  • The recoil system has been completely revamped to be similar to CS:GO recoil, and has much less view punch than our previous revamp.
  • New first person and third person weapon animations.
  • New sound effects for some weapons.
  • You're able to select whether the scoreboard will sort by score, kills, or hide both of them.
  • Breakable props will now be highlighted in an orange color while using Zombie vision.
  • New playable character!
  • And much more!

We've been wanting to get this patch out for months now, but due to different issues we've felt it was necessary to delay release to fix and improve things. We understand that this is very frustrating due to the many different problems you can experience on the current public v3.0.9a, and we're deeply sorry about this. But this is why we've been working hard to make sure that things are working properly in the next patch - so that we get closer and closer to the full public release of v3.1.

Currently, there's a few major issues affecting balance that we're in the process of trying to fix before the next beta patch release. Such as footstep sounds not playing randomly, and some damage modifiers to things (like doors) not working properly, to name a few. But mainly our Linux client is still having major issues that need to be resolved before we can release.

We've been able to use this time to polish and balance many things that were in need of it. Several levels have gotten adjustments to improve balance, as well as looks and immersion in some cases.

Here's some previews of some of the changes (click images to see them in full size);



As an extra gift, we want to finally reveal our next survivor, coming directly from the lore: Larry!

We hope to have the next beta patch out sometime soon in the beginning of next year. Thank you for your continued support!

Happy Holidays!
Zombie Panic Development Team
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara
We've shipped an update to 'unstable' beta branch focused on fixing many game bugs within the previous update, including the headshot t-pose and ragdolls fix, issues with the voting system, dedicated server stability performance, third-person animation improvements and much more.

As usual, you can read the full list of changes in our changelog thread!

Linux Beta Testers
The Linux Client support continues to be our top priority in the v3.1 public beta. However, we're very limited on how well our build is running for users with different distributions. Therefore, we need to be in touch with those willing to assist in this matter and telling us if the build has any kind of issue on their end. With those bugs patched, we can have a smooth public release to the Linux community who wishes to play the game.

If you want to help us with this task, join our Discord server and ping me (@Tabajara) or one of our developers to tag you with the "Linux Tester" role. Your help and feedback will allow us to ship specific and better fixes. Any time we do a Linux hotfix, we'll ping you for your help in testing it out for us.

You can also keep us updated by providing feedback in our 3.1 sub-forums!
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara
We're very excited to finally release our third patch to the public beta unstable branch, which includes new game features, numerous bug fixes and plenty of game balance changes. We've mentioned this prior in our previous announcement last month.

This will be a huge opportunity (again) to playtest the update together with the community, so we can gather important feedback and proper results (especially with higher player counts) from the playtesting sessions. In this case, we'll require YOUR help to test out the latest changes.

The major changes are:
  • New melee hit rays.
  • New score system (currently work in progress)
  • New unarmed survivor's punch and push features.
  • New "warm-up" round.
  • Adjustments to firearms and zombie arms' damage values.
  • Adjustments to survivor's fatigue and inventory sorting cooldown.
  • Tweaks to the flashlight's FOV and bright distance.
  • 30 new Steam achievements.
  • Many bugs fixed.
You can read the full list of changes in our changelog thread!

Important information for those who want to use both 3.1 and 3.0.9 without having to switch builds

The process is relatively simple. It involves having two builds at once in two directories, but having different launch methods.

1. Download ZPS 3.1.
2. Locate your Zombie Panic Source folder located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps by default.
3. Copy this directory and rename this to the name of your choosing, for instance, ZPS 3.1.
4. For this new folder, you'll create a batch file in the same directory that zps.exe is located, which is the base Zombie Panic Source folder. This batch file (create a text file initially then save it with the .bat extension) will contain:
@echo off start zps.exe -game zps -secure -steam
5. Switch back to ZPS 3.0.9. When you want to play version 3.0.9, you'll launch through Steam. If you want to play ZPS 3.1, you'll use the batch file. It's recommended to create a shortcut for easy access.

This can also be done interchangeably. If one is currently on 3.1, they can go through the steps of copying the 3.0.9 files and launch that version through the bat file.

3.1 Community Events

We'll be hosting public community events every weekend to play on the unstable beta branch together! Be sure to switch your game to the beta branch in advance, which you can see how to opt in the beta here.

Dates & Time
We'll be playing on the Official EU Server #3 and Official US Server #1 on June 2nd, 8th, 9th, 15th, 16th, 22th and 23th @ 7 PM (GMT - UTC 0) // 2 PM (EST - UTC -5) // 12 PM (PDT - UTC -7)

The last weekend of June will be the only time where we will give a pause to gather all the results from these upcoming events and direct our focus to fix any issues we may have found during the public playtesting. Be sure to voice your concerns and thoughts by leaving your feedback in our 3.1 sub-forums.

Join our Team's Public Group
Stay even more connected with the development of Zombie Panic! Source by joining our official and public Zombie Panic! Team Steam Group. From there, you will receive announcements regarding the team's focus and plans for future updates, showcasing work in progress media and the latest news from our main group in case you miss it.

You can also follow our official Developer Homepage to catch up on every major Zombie Panic! news post and our casual reviews from games or mods you could check out!

- Zombie Panic! Team
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara
Hello everyone!

It's been a while since our last beta update which was focused on melee weapon improvements, balancing, and other tweaks. We've heard a lot of great feedback from all of you and we are finally ready to share more improvements to the game's balance that you all have been asking for, and some that we felt were necessary! We've got a lot to talk about regarding today's changes, therefore stick with us until the end of this announcement and be sure to share your thoughts in the comment section down below! Keep in mind that some of these features are still work-in-progress, and everything is still subject to change before release.

Warm-Up Round
After every map change, the first round will be a warm-up round which works in the same way as the "test mode". Players will be able to walk freely around the map between 30-60 seconds while everyone waits for the rest of the players to connect. This can be adjusted via CVAR by the server administrators to meet their players' preference.

We hope this will help address the issue of the first round being heavily in favor of the Zombie team due to players taking a little longer to connect and joining the round late.

New Score System
We've been working on designing an improved score system that rewards players for most of the actions that they can perform. Gaining score is still primarily focused around killing or doing damage; that's because it is the most important action to helping you win on either team. However, now other actions such as healing a Survivor teammate or completing certain objectives will give you more points than you'll get from a kill. This will encourage players to help their teammates more or complete objectives instead of camping for kills in objective maps. Our intention is to encourage players to perform these actions more often by rewarding more points for completing those actions.

One necessary change with this new system was that the amount of points rewarded needed to be inflated to allow us to implement more diverse rewards, instead of everything rewarding between 1-10 points. The point values will be much higher than you're used to, but this does not diminish their value. Every action that rewards points will be balanced depending on things like their importance, difficulty, and frequency at which they can be performed. We will not be discussing the exact values we have planned at the moment, because these will be adjusted before release. Although, we will say that it would be possible to get thousands of points within one round with the new design.

Certain actions such as placing barricade boards and sharing weapons or ammo have been excluded from rewarding points. Rewarding these types of actions would result in things like Survivors using barricades boards on a wall where it's useless, or constantly sharing items back and forth unnecessarily, all in order to farm the most points. We feel that it was necessary to restrict those actions from rewarding points in order not to encourage that type of behavior.

Here are some of the actions that will reward players with points;

Currently we are in the process of implementing the new design, then we will move into testing and balancing. It's important to remember that this is still a work-in-progress, and it will be adjusted as we test the new system to see how it functions. With all of that in mind, we appreciate any feedback you have regarding this new system!

Survivor Team Changes
Firearms Damage Adjustment
We were aware that it has been a little difficult to play as a Survivor in situations where your arsenal wasn't very useful against a horde of Zombies. We did minor adjustments to their damage hoping to fix this small issue. We had lots of fun during our internal playtesting in the past weeks and we hope you all feel the same with these changes!

This update also includes small tweaks to all melee weapons' attack range, making them act according to their model measurement. For example: a hammer will have a small range compared to a golf club or a machete. With minor changes such as these, we hope to maintain fair and balanced gameplay.

Fatigue Adjustments
Survivors could become extremely slow after depleting their stamina when carrying the default spawn loadout (a pistol, 10 pistol ammo, and a melee weapon). So slow that it would give you no chance to run away and survive.

Therefore we've decided to make some adjustments to Survivor fatigue, so that they don't become extremely slow when they're not carrying much. The intention is to make it so that a Survivor can run away from Zombies to stay alive for a while longer, but when they run out of stamina they will eventually be caught.

These adjustments are still subject to change after more testing, but basically, how it currently functions is that you'll run about 5 velocity slower than a normal Zombie when you've depleted all of your stamina and you're carrying the default spawn loadout. Once you are low on stamina, the Zombie will eventually catch back up to you if you can't panic or defend yourself in some way. This will give Survivors a chance to run away and hide, or find something to defend themselves with. But in the end they will be eaten if they cannot find a way to save themselves.

New Unarmed Survivor Features
Have you ever found yourself completely defenseless when having no weapons, perhaps a Zombie blocking the doorway? While unarmed, Survivors can now brawl with Zombies using their fists. However, fists deal an extremely low amount of damage and is only intended for last resort purposes.

Survivors also now have new shove animations when pushing physics props. This will be helpful in indicating to Survivors if they're actually moving something.


The distance and field of view of the flashlight has been slightly increased, improving visibility in darker environments. The field of view has been increased from 45 to 65, and the distance has been increased from 750 to 1000.

These changes were made because Zombies could be hard to see in very dark areas when they were coming within a dangerous distance of a Survivor, which made dark areas unfair for Survivors. Now Zombies should be easily seen when within a pistols' effective range.

Besides fixing some bugs we found with the inventory, we've decreased the inventory sorting cooldown by 0.25 seconds to make interactions faster and less tedious.

How Survivors obtain barricade planks from a pile of barricades has also had minor changes. Rather than picking up the entire stack of barricades, Survivors will be able to take a single plank at a time.

We're also considering adjusting the weight of items to more properly balance them in compliment to the fatigue adjustments. But this has not been completed yet, so we cannot speak about the specifics of this change.

The Biotec anti-virus has been given a new model;

Green Inoculator
The effect of the Green Inoculator has been changed so that it heals over time for a small amount, temporarily increases resistance to infection, and will temporarily pause infection state and delay turning into a Zombie.

The Panic effect was removed from the Green Inoculator because we felt that it wasn't very useful except in very specific situations. We think that such a mechanic would be better suited for a different item we're considering adding in the future, with some adjustments to the effect.

Voice Command Cooldown
Lastly, we've reduced the voice commands cooldown to 3 seconds. We've also established a priority list so certain Survivor sounds have priority over other sounds, such as the hurt noise having priority over voice commands.

Zombie Team Changes
Base Damage
We've made a very minor change to Zombie damage where some body areas would do slightly less damage than others, preventing Zombies from killing unarmored Survivors in the usual four swipes. It should work as intended now.

Feed-O-Meter Regeneration
The rate at which feed-o-meter regenerates has been increased so that it takes about 40 seconds to regenerate the whole bar. This change was made because Zombies could not be as useful to the team in the time it took them to regenerate their feed-o-meter back. Now they will be able to use their abilities more often, which should make playing Zombie more enjoyable.

Jumping Fatigue Penalty
We've made jumping a bit more penalizing to Zombies who spam it continuously. Each jump will increase your fatigue (reduce your velocity) by 10, stacking up to a maximum of 80, with the minimum velocity you can be reduced to being 80. When you stop jumping you will gradually, but quickly, regain your speed. This is to discourage Zombies from jumping too much, and to encourage them to use their lunge more often.

Random Infection Fix
We realized we overlooked an important factor in random infection replacing starting Zombies: the fact that it would only replace one single starting Zombie. It's now fixed so that multiple Survivors can be randomly infected to meet the required number of starting Zombies depending on the current player count. This will maintain proper balance when at larger player counts.

Infected Player Collision
The player collision for recently turned infected Survivors has long been broken and abused by players to keep their victims stuck in place. Now the recently turned Survivors' collision will be temporarily disabled until they're no longer standing within a Survivor. This can make it tricky or confusing to deal with a recently turned infected Survivor, but it will at least give you the chance to run away instead of being stuck.

Changes to Cinema
Cinema is undergoing some major changes to improve balance and design. We've got some previews for you, but remember that these are still work-in-progress.

Next Beta Patch Release Date
We're still unsure of when we will release the next beta patch, but it is getting closer and closer. The plan is to get the new scoring system implemented, perform some internal testing, and address any remaining major balance issues, then beta patch 3 should be ready to be released. However, things don't always go as we anticipate.

Issues regarding level design will take us a longer time to finish, and therefore not all level related issues will be addressed in the next patch. We will make these level changes over a longer period - after a process of testing, designing, and repeating until things are right.

After the release of beta patch 3, we'll be focusing on preparing v3.1 for public release. The major reprogramming has been finished, and most of what is holding v3.1 back from release is testing and balancing. Although, it's important to remember that there's the possibility that other major issues could pop up that could delay release longer. We have no estimated or planned release date for v3.1 yet, but we will say that it's just about ready.

Your feedback is important!
As always, we appreciate all feedback you have for us! Thanks to the community's input, the 3.1 beta has been shaped into a positive direction, heading towards an enjoyable, balanced environment. We will also be scheduling weekly playtime events to garner interest in 3.1 and to provide an opportunity to try the latest build. We look forward to playing with you!

- The Zombie Panic! Source Team
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara
We've released an important security patch for the 3.0.9a version (public branch) just now. Server owners are encouraged to update their servers as soon as possible.

  • Fixed a spectate command exploit that caused servers to hang.
This update will be applied automatically very shortly or upon restarting your Steam client. We'll always try to patch any exploit that pops up to the main public version. Meanwhile, our focus is to continue working on the next major update, which you can check our latest news for information regarding it.

- Zombie Panic! Team
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara

Hi everyone,

We're back with a quick dev diary to introduce you a work in progress feature for melee combat. This new feature will be applied to every melee weapon and will be available in our upcoming third patch for our unstable beta branch. We've been quite busy with the next v3.1 update preparing for a public beta release, which includes many game balance changes, adjustments and tweaks for both teams.

Melee Hit Rays
We've implemented an interesting feature for our melee weapons called "hit rays" to improve their attack range and accuracy against targets. Currently, melee is very difficult to use against multiple targets. We hope this new feature makes combat against multiple targets more viable.

Each swing will create an arc of line tracers in the player's FOV according to the melee's range. Every melee will soon have its own arc size, where it fires from the eyes angles and goes from right to left. You will not be able to 360°swing hit.

This means you will now be able to hit multiple targets depending on how well you swing the melee during battle. After the first hit on X target, it will deal the same base damage on the next one. It works in a similar fashion to many modern zombie games in which you can mow down multiple targets with one swing. Check the video below for a demonstration:

In the future, we'll be looking to tweak our melee weapons even more in order to improve them. As always, we greatly appreciate hearing your feedback!

Steam Cloud Update
A reminder that we applied a minor Steam client change to the Steam Cloud settings for all Zombie Panic! Source users a couple of months ago.

Your cfg/config.cfg file and your Game Instructor (3.1 Beta only) tips that you've seen already should now be saved and properly synced into your Steam Cloud. This doesn't require any update on your side.

The 2.4 to 3.0 Transition
We did create a mega F.A.Q thread containing information and the history of our past 2.4 development, what happened with the forgotten "2.5 version" and what sacrifices had to be made to launch v3.0 back in 2017. We want to be transparent about this topic with the community as to how many questions weren't answered years ago about it. Consider sparing some time to read it whenever you can. Feel free to ask further questions.

Beta Update 3
Finally, our goal is to give final touches and fixes to the next unstable update as quick as possible. There is an internal discussion of an important topic that must be addressed first before we ship this patch out. Once we're done, the third patch will be out really soon for public testing along with its many improvements. More information will be shared in the next month-ish. Thank you for your patience!

Follow us for latest updates on Twitter and YouTube. Be sure to also join our official and verified Discord server: https://discord.gg/zps

- Zombie Panic! Team
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara

Happy New Year!

As we promised, our second beta update is focused more on melee adjustments and buffs on their damage and usage. We've made a significant change in their hit detection and how they actually work, hoping to minimize the "long arms" problem. We also have slightly increased their damage value on most of the melees and implemented a new feature giving a little damage boost when charging up (holding MOUSE2) a two-hand melee weapon (sledgehammer, chair, and shovel).

We'll keep planning and working new ways to improve even further our melee weapons as overall for better dynamic combat against those nasty zombies. This requires you telling us if today's changes was a welcome addition or not, and what else could require our attention. Be sure to voice your concerns and thoughts by leaving your feedback in our 3.1 sub-forums.

Beta Changelog 2#
  • Added a new console with better color support.
  • Added a "phone settings" tab in ZP Options.
  • Added an optional ability to drop your current firearm as soon as it's fully unloaded (à la Contagion).
  • Added a system's cross cursor when using voice commands.
  • Bullets now apply physics impulses to physical props.
  • Divided cooldown for weapons/ammo interactions (e.g. dropping) by 2.
  • Fixed being able to grab weapons while charging a 2 handed melee weapon.
  • Fixed "Create Listen Server" going haywire.
  • Fixed CVARs "crosshair" and "cl_crosshairobserver" being ignored.
  • Fixed last survivor(s) earning survivors related achievements if the round wasn't won by survivors.
  • Fixed missing spectator flashlight material.
  • Fixed Panic not scooting inventory in certain cases.
  • Fixed some official sprays.
  • Fixed spectators not getting updated info.
  • Fixed Steam Cloud bad configuration.
  • Fixed Steam overwritting user config. files for both client and dedicated server every update.
  • Fixed weight issue with delivery items and grenades.
  • HUD is now hidden during cutscenes.
  • Increased ladder climbing speed by x0.25.
  • [Linux Only] Forced missing "-secure -steam" parameters.
  • POTENTIAL fix for "bouncy crouching".
  • POTENTIAL fix for "ghost" ammo/ragdolls/items/weapons.
  • POTENTIAL fix for T-posing ragdolls when dying.
  • Migrated more strings to the new localization system.
  • Reduced panic duration from 5.5 to 3.5 sec.
  • Removed lag compensation for melee weapons.
  • Reworked the entire melee weapon system (should be more easy to hit your targets now).
  • Reworked the green inoculator effect.
  • Reworked the "look closer at the phone" code (zooming should no longer block other functions).
  • Reworked the generic Source's options menu/tabs to fit more with ZPS's.
  • Reworked the voice system.

We've also updated the following official maps: Biotec, Frozenheart, Murksville, Asylum, and Subway. All content is now available on the unstable build.

What to be on the lookout for?
Besides the melee work, we've made an important gameplay change in our green inoculator and voice command cooldown as requested by the community. The Green Inoculator now gives you a temporary speed boost for 6 seconds (as if you were panicking) ignoring all the weight and fatigue you have. It no longers delays the infection.

As usual, this is an experimental change and necessitate a reasonable period of testing to decide the best result for the green inoculator.

3.1 Community Events are back!
To get a thrill out of all those changes, we'll be hosting a few gaming community events to play on the unstable branch in the upcoming weekends (19th, 20th, 26th, and 27th) of January. It's going to be at the same timezone as it was in the previous event we did last year - 7 PM (GMT - UTC 0) // 2 PM (EST - UTC -5).

We will be playing on the Official EU Server #3 first, then the Official US Server #1 for the rest of the days. More info you can find here.

Join our Discord Server
Stay connected with game developers, playtesters and other community members by joining our official Discord server! Tell us what did you like and did not like about the update, what we could work on next and so on! Use this public link to join: https://discord.gg/zps

See you in the next announcement,
- Zombie Panic! Development Team
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara

Hello everyone,

We'd like to start off by thanking everyone who has participated in the public beta testing so far and left their feedback to us on the forums. Input from the community is a valuable source of information and allows us to polish the game even better. With the initial bugs reported and suggestions from the week after launch, we've shipped our first major patch of adjustments and fixes into the 'unstable' beta branch. As a result, this will make public playtesting more balanced, fast-paced and fun to play.

The major changes are the following:
  • Decreased zombies' outline radius by 50%. It was far too strong to be able to see teammates across the entire map.
  • Increased cooldown for voice command and taunts to counter spamming.
  • Increased player movement speed for both teams by 10%.
  • Reworked the Angelscript algorithm on all official maps. This will fix the lack of ammunition and weaponry when playing with a high number of players. We also set a new rule to not spawn a specific type of ammo if the weapon isn't present in the map.
  • Reworked the spawn selection algorithm.
  • Reworked the starting zombie selection algorithm.
  • Reworked the Zombie HP regen algorithm to be more like early ZPS versions.
  • Zombies lives are now capped to 32 max.

You can check the full list of changes from today's patch in our changelog thread

We'll continue to adjust and improve the v3.1 beta based on feedback from the community. We're currently working on other fixes of some remaining bugs and issues presented in the build, aiming for the second patch of fixes next week or so. We'll also keep on the lookout for more reports and suggestions from playtesting, so be sure to keep them coming to our Public Beta 3.1 sub-forums!

Help us test it by switching your game to the 'unstable' beta branch to play the latest changes of our upcoming 3.1 update. Read more how to here.

Improved Language Support
With recent changes and enhancements, it is now much easier to support different languages in-game. We have reached out to our community contributors who volunteer their time to translate Zombie Panic! Source into their main native language to update our localization files with the new 3.1 changes.

Language support can be pretty important for the enjoyment of games. During the beta, you will be able to read objective lists, phone messages, storylines, tips, in-game beacons and game texts in your language of choice! We've reworked our entire localization system, making it easier for volunteers to translate the game in their own native language by using a translator application, which is now available in the Zombie Panic! Source Mod Tools.

We currently support the following:
  • French
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Swedish
  • Russian

You can set your game to use one of these languages via Properties > Language tab.

In the meantime, we and our contributors will continue to update our localized files during the public playtest period, addressing the remaining labels and sections to translate. A huge special thanks to: Shepard (French version); Klowby and Kud (Chinese version); Darkumbrella, GreenKnight and Residays (Spanish version); Jonnyboy (Swedish version); and dR.Vodker (Russian version).

Support Us!
Phase 1 of the ModDB 2018 Mod of the Year Awards has ended, and Phase 2 has begun. This means the Top 100 have been selected, and there will be another 10 days of voting to determine the victor of 2018!

Please vote for us again, but don't forget about your other favorite mods! Voting will enter you into the draw to win games from their #modlove collection.
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara

Today, we're very proud to release the 3.1 update for public playtesting! The latest changes are all available in our unstable beta branch. You can find out how to opt in to the beta on this thread.

We've created a new sub-forum in our Steam Discussions for reporting bugs and providing feedback during the public playtesting period. All of 3.1's issues, crashes, suggestions, and ideas should be directed to that specific sub-forum only. Please keep everything 3.1-related in that forum for better documentation and organization.

IMPORTANT: to have the new sounds work properly, you will need to remove your sound cache in your vpks. Delete the "zps_sounds.vpk.sound.cache" file located inside your vpks folder inside your Zombie Panic! Source directory.

The following major changes are:
  • Linux Client support working for Ubuntu and SteamOS versions.
  • New recoil system, similar to Day of Defeat: Source, for each firearm.
  • New survivor's first-person and third-person animations for pistols, shotguns, rifles, explosives and phone device.
  • New sound effects, three new melee weapons, and a brand-new explosive grenade model.
  • New portable inoculator for self-heal, healing your teammates or delaying the infection (depending on the color of the inoculator)
  • New sprays from our community contest winners and development team.
  • Source code rewritten from the ground up without using any of HL2DM's code.
  • Improvements to player hitboxes and barricade hammer enhancements.
  • Biotec redesign with visual improvements and Club Zombo gameplay improvements.
  • Steam Workshop fully functional again with additional "Add-ons" menu.
  • A new 'tutorial' menu section dedicated for newcomers.
  • Glock 18c is now a fully automatic weapon, but is much more inaccurate than other pistols.
  • Updated ZPS Angelscript API documentation.
  • 30 new Steam Achievements.
  • Numerous bug fixes!

View this thread for the full changelog.

We highly recommend backing up your personal client files before opting in to the beta in case something untoward happens. We appreciate your help in advance!

ModDB's 2018 MOTY Awards
The phase 1 of the ModDB 2018 Mod of the Year Awards has begun, so go vote and show your support for your favorite mods! Voting also enters you into the draw to win games from their #modlove collection.

We ask that please you give us a vote, but be sure to give your other favorite mods a vote too!

Happy testing,
- Zombie Panic! Development Team
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara

Today, one of our beloved and most acclaimed games is turning 20! Please wish Happy Birthday to Half-Life! Thank you, Valve Software for developing this masterpiece! Without it, there wouldn't be Zombie Panic! in the first place. Even our little Source gem version of it.

3.1 Gameplay Teaser
We've been doing some major fixes and polishing on our unstable build for the past weeks to ensure things are in place and properly working for public beta testing. We all want you to have a decent and enjoyable beta after opting in to our unstable branch - especially for our Linux users out there who have been waiting patiently for this glorious moment.

We've presented some actual gameplay footage representation of the unstable beta branch in the past, where you can check it out in the teaser below if you haven't yet.
The major bugs have been knocked out and we're focused on making everything the best it can be; however, we're not going to release during this weekend's US Thanksgiving holiday. What we can offer is very, very tentative release date of Nov 30th. Remember that anything can happen and an unexpected call for delaying the release is possible, so if we miss the target, we'll have a very good reason for it. We appreciate your patience and loyalty while we prepare to crank up the hype train.

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