Zombie Panic! Source - NeoAssassin

A huge thanks to all of you who nominated us during Phase 1! Because of your support we were able to make it into the Top 100!

Phase 2 Voting for ModDB's 2016 MOTY began a few days ago. The voting will be open for 7 more days, until December the 21st, and the victor this time will be crowned MOTY! The Players Choice Mod of the Year Released will be announced on the 29th of December.

As mentioned before, voting enters you into a chance to win games from ModDB's #modlove collection if you cast your vote while logged in. So be sure to register an account and login before voting if you'd like a chance to win! If you don't want to register an account, you can still vote for your favorite mods.

Vote ZP!S for ModDB 2016 MOTY!

Once again we'll need your help with voting ZP!S for ModDB 2016 MOTY! As stated in the previous announcement, due to us winning previous awards we may only be eligible for an honarable mention. Nonetheless, that would still be just as wonderful. We're asking that you please take a moment to cast your vote for us again as well as your other favorite mods, we'd greatly appreciate it.

As another little bonus, we'd like to give you a little more info regarding v3.0 and its progress.

New Item Sharing Feature

One of the new features we'll be adding with the release of v3.0 is the ability to share weapons and ammo with a specific person who is requesting them via the voice commands.

How it work is the person who needs a weapon or ammo opens up the voice command menu and uses the appropriate voice command to request it.

Then a player can hand them a weapon or ammo by looking directly at the person requesting it and pressing the key to drop ammo or weapons when within range.

This will give the item directly to the person requesting it instead of dropping it on the ground. That way it goes directly to the intended person and nobody can steal it. Or if you're in a location where there's a risk you'll lose the item if you drop it, you can hand it to your teammate instead as long as they request it. If they don't have room you won't give them the weapon or any more ammo and you'll drop it on the ground instead. You can also only give them one item at a time so you can not grief someone by giving them a bunch of weapons or ammo to slow them down.

Source Code Rewrite

We were given the source code some months ago by Monochrome Inc. so that we could continue development on ZP!S. It comes as no surprise that the code is quite outdated, and thus a lot of things were broken on the new engine and required fixing.

Now after a month of testing this port and continuously running into an odd server crash that we can't find the cause of as well as some other minor issues, we've decided that it would be best to completely rewrite the source code. This way errors because of outdated code will likely not be an issue anymore, and our programmer will be able to figure out what's causing the crashes or other issues as he makes changes/additions. So at this point it's no longer a port, it's a complete rewrite of the source code from scratch.

Don't panic though! This will not delay the release of v3.0 for very long. In fact some testing can still continue while the code is being rewritten, and we'll be completely back on track in no time.

Unfortunately we still do not have a release date to announce for v3.0, nor even an estimate. We need to put everything through the proper amount of testing before we're ready and can be certain of a release date.

Removal of ZPA Gamemode in v3.0

We're going to be removing the ZPA gamemode from the v3.0 release for several different reason. The main reason being that the gamemode is broken on the new engine and will require a lot of time and effort to fix. ZPA is also not very popular or practical so we thought it'd be best if we focused our effort on making sure everything else in ZP!S was functioning properly instead.

We also feel like the gamemode itself doesn't make a whole lot of sense and could be much better developed. We either want to revamp ZPA completely, or possibly replace it with a completely different gamemode that maybe draws some inspiration from what ZPA was.

We're very sorry if this disappoints any of you, but it's for the best. Whatever we decide on doing, it will be much better than before.

Weekly Development Streams on Twitch! Every Friday @ 9PM EST

Casei Magnus has been sharing his work on upcoming (and experimental) levels and designs. Join us each week to participate in the discussion, give us some feedback, share ideas, mingle with the devs, and have a good time - all to ensure that the new update ends up being what both our development team and community want out of ZP!S v3.0. Maybe even catch a sneak peek of something special every now and then.

We stream every Friday for a few hours starting at 9PM EST, come check out our channel if you're interested. If there's any questions you want to ask us, stop by and we'll be happy to answer them.

You can also go and check out our past broadcasts if there's anything you missed.

Thanks Again!

We can't thank you enough for the support we've received from all of you! We'll continue working hard and doing our best to provide you the best game possible. Let's keep ZP!S going for many more years!

Happy Holidays,

- Zombie Panic Development Team
Zombie Panic! Source - NeoAssassin

A huge thanks to all of you who nominated us during Phase 1! Because of your support we were able to make it into the Top 100!

Phase 2 Voting for ModDB's 2016 MOTY began a few days ago. The voting will be open for 7 more days, until December the 21st, and the victor this time will be crowned MOTY! The Players Choice Mod of the Year Released will be announced on the 29th of December.

As mentioned before, voting enters you into a chance to win games from ModDB's #modlove collection if you cast your vote while logged in. So be sure to register an account and login before voting if you'd like a chance to win! If you don't want to register an account, you can still vote for your favorite mods.

Vote ZP!S for ModDB 2016 MOTY!

Once again we'll need your help with voting ZP!S for ModDB 2016 MOTY! As stated in the previous announcement, due to us winning previous awards we may only be eligible for an honarable mention. Nonetheless, that would still be just as wonderful. We're asking that you please take a moment to cast your vote for us again as well as your other favorite mods, we'd greatly appreciate it.

As another little bonus, we'd like to give you a little more info regarding v3.0 and its progress.

New Item Sharing Feature

One of the new features we'll be adding with the release of v3.0 is the ability to share weapons and ammo with a specific person who is requesting them via the voice commands.

How it work is the person who needs a weapon or ammo opens up the voice command menu and uses the appropriate voice command to request it.

Then a player can hand them a weapon or ammo by looking directly at the person requesting it and pressing the key to drop ammo or weapons when within range.

This will give the item directly to the person requesting it instead of dropping it on the ground. That way it goes directly to the intended person and nobody can steal it. Or if you're in a location where there's a risk you'll lose the item if you drop it, you can hand it to your teammate instead as long as they request it. If they don't have room you won't give them the weapon or any more ammo and you'll drop it on the ground instead. You can also only give them one item at a time so you can not grief someone by giving them a bunch of weapons or ammo to slow them down.

Source Code Rewrite

We were given the source code some months ago by Monochrome Inc. so that we could continue development on ZP!S. It comes as no surprise that the code is quite outdated, and thus a lot of things were broken on the new engine and required fixing.

Now after a month of testing this port and continuously running into an odd server crash that we can't find the cause of as well as some other minor issues, we've decided that it would be best to completely rewrite the source code. This way errors because of outdated code will likely not be an issue anymore, and our programmer will be able to figure out what's causing the crashes or other issues as he makes changes/additions. So at this point it's no longer a port, it's a complete rewrite of the source code from scratch.

Don't panic though! This will not delay the release of v3.0 for very long. In fact some testing can still continue while the code is being rewritten, and we'll be completely back on track in no time.

Unfortunately we still do not have a release date to announce for v3.0, nor even an estimate. We need to put everything through the proper amount of testing before we're ready and can be certain of a release date.

Removal of ZPA Gamemode in v3.0

We're going to be removing the ZPA gamemode from the v3.0 release for several different reason. The main reason being that the gamemode is broken on the new engine and will require a lot of time and effort to fix. ZPA is also not very popular or practical so we thought it'd be best if we focused our effort on making sure everything else in ZP!S was functioning properly instead.

We also feel like the gamemode itself doesn't make a whole lot of sense and could be much better developed. We either want to revamp ZPA completely, or possibly replace it with a completely different gamemode that maybe draws some inspiration from what ZPA was.

We're very sorry if this disappoints any of you, but it's for the best. Whatever we decide on doing, it will be much better than before.

Weekly Development Streams on Twitch! Every Friday @ 9PM EST

Casei Magnus has been sharing his work on upcoming (and experimental) levels and designs. Join us each week to participate in the discussion, give us some feedback, share ideas, mingle with the devs, and have a good time - all to ensure that the new update ends up being what both our development team and community want out of ZP!S v3.0. Maybe even catch a sneak peek of something special every now and then.

We stream every Friday for a few hours starting at 9PM EST, come check out our channel if you're interested. If there's any questions you want to ask us, stop by and we'll be happy to answer them.

You can also go and check out our past broadcasts if there's anything you missed.

Thanks Again!

We can't thank you enough for the support we've received from all of you! We'll continue working hard and doing our best to provide you the best game possible. Let's keep ZP!S going for many more years!

Happy Holidays,

- Zombie Panic Development Team
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara

Hello, everyone!

The Phase 1 Nominations for the ModDB 2016 MOTY began a few days ago and will be open until December 11th. So go and vote for your favorite mods to give them a chance to make it into the Top 100 and be eligible to enter into Phase 2 of voting to become MOTY. As courtesy of ModDB, members from the community who vote have a chance to win a game from ModDB's #modlove collection. Be sure to register an account for a chance to win! You're not required to be registered to vote though, so if you don't want to make an account you can still vote.

Nominate ZP!S for ModDB's 2016 MOTY!

We're asking for you all to please nominate ZP!S for the chance to become ModDB's 2016 MOTY. We realize that ZP!S isn't as great or popular as it once was, but we're working hard everyday to make ZP!S even greater than it was before. Since we've won MOTY before, we may only be eligible to become an honorable mention. But we would still greatly appreciate it if you would visit our ModDB page and show your support by voting for us.

As a bonus, we'd like to share some screenshots with you to give you a preview of what's to come. It's important to note that this is all still work in progress, so it's still under development and subject to change. What you see here is by no means the final product for the release of v3.0.

Improved Animations

Below you can see the early stages of a big feature that we're very excited about: improved animations! No longer will the survivors use those klunky, old HL2/HL2MP animations. We're now employing animations modified from DoD:Source, which ships with Source SDK, with noticeable improvements in weapon wielding and movement.

Cascaded Shadow Mapping

Cascaded Shadow Mapping is another huge feature we've hinted at previously, and we think you'll be pleased with the progress. CSM allows us to give a fresh breath of life to our existing maps, giving them crisp shadows and making them look more natural. To use CSM you'll need at least Direct X 9.0c or higher.

Here's some previews of CSM:

Weekly Development Streams! Every Friday @ 9PM EST

We’ve also started a Twitch channel to give you a little sneak peek into development and engage with the community for a few hours every Friday at 9 PM EST.

Casei Magnus has been sharing his work on upcoming (and experimental) levels and designs. Join us each week to participate in the discussion, give us some feedback, share ideas, mingle with the devs, and have a good time - all to ensure that the new update ends up being what both our development team and community want out of ZPS v3.0. Maybe even catch a sneak peek of something every now and then.

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who has done their best to support this game after almost 9 years of existence! We hope to keep ZPS going for many more years to come!

See you around,

- Zombie Panic Development Team
Zombie Panic! Source - ♛ Tabajara

Hello, everyone!

The Phase 1 Nominations for the ModDB 2016 MOTY began a few days ago and will be open until December 11th. So go and vote for your favorite mods to give them a chance to make it into the Top 100 and be eligible to enter into Phase 2 of voting to become MOTY. As courtesy of ModDB, members from the community who vote have a chance to win a game from ModDB's #modlove collection. Be sure to register an account for a chance to win! You're not required to be registered to vote though, so if you don't want to make an account you can still vote.

Nominate ZP!S for ModDB's 2016 MOTY!

We're asking for you all to please nominate ZP!S for the chance to become ModDB's 2016 MOTY. We realize that ZP!S isn't as great or popular as it once was, but we're working hard everyday to make ZP!S even greater than it was before. Since we've won MOTY before, we may only be eligible to become an honorable mention. But we would still greatly appreciate it if you would visit our ModDB page and show your support by voting for us.

As a bonus, we'd like to share some screenshots with you to give you a preview of what's to come. It's important to note that this is all still work in progress, so it's still under development and subject to change. What you see here is by no means the final product for the release of v3.0.

Improved Animations

Below you can see the early stages of a big feature that we're very excited about: improved animations! No longer will the survivors use those klunky, old HL2/HL2MP animations. We're now employing animations modified from DoD:Source, which ships with Source SDK, with noticeable improvements in weapon wielding and movement.

Cascaded Shadow Mapping

Cascaded Shadow Mapping is another huge feature we've hinted at previously, and we think you'll be pleased with the progress. CSM allows us to give a fresh breath of life to our existing maps, giving them crisp shadows and making them look more natural. To use CSM you'll need at least Direct X 9.0c or higher.

Here's some previews of CSM:

Weekly Development Streams! Every Friday @ 9PM EST

We’ve also started a Twitch channel to give you a little sneak peek into development and engage with the community for a few hours every Friday at 9 PM EST.

Casei Magnus has been sharing his work on upcoming (and experimental) levels and designs. Join us each week to participate in the discussion, give us some feedback, share ideas, mingle with the devs, and have a good time - all to ensure that the new update ends up being what both our development team and community want out of ZPS v3.0. Maybe even catch a sneak peek of something every now and then.

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who has done their best to support this game after almost 9 years of existence! We hope to keep ZPS going for many more years to come!

See you around,

- Zombie Panic Development Team
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara

During the Steam Autum Sale, everyone has been given the chance to nominate their favorite games for various awards. We're currently working hard on the v3.0 build and we are hoping to breathe new life into the game and bringing in old as well as new players and communities, and for that to happen we need your help; We need to spread the word! You have already shown a tremendous support for the new update, and we are thankful for the excitement and dedication that so many of you display. These awards are a great way for the game to gain more recognition – and we’d love for you guys to nominate Zombie Panic! Source for The Test of Time Award! This is awarded to the game that has not only remained a blast to play throughout its’ history, but also the game with a community that is dedicated and involved. We believe ZP!S is that kind of game, and for that reason we’re asking all of you to help support us in nominating the game for this award.

Weekly Development Streams!

We’ve done our best to engage with the community for ideas and feedback, give insight into the development through sneak peaks and, starting tomorrow, Friday, November 25th, 9 PM EST, weekly mapping development streams. Casei Magnus will be sharing his mapping work on upcoming - and experimental maps and designs, where you can give feedback, share ideas and have a good time while discussing ZPS - all to make sure that the new update ends up being what both our development team and community want.

Progress on the 3.0 Build

The new update is coming. We have begun the playtesting phase where we make sure that everything is running as it should and that no bugs or exploits make it through to the launch. After the playtesting phase has completed, what will remain on our to-do list before the build is ready for launch is the Linux port and stress testing and hardening of the game’s netcode. Stay tuned and share the news with your friends!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

- ZPS Dev Team & Monochrome
Zombie Panic! Source - ♛ Tabajara

During the Steam Autum Sale, everyone has been given the chance to nominate their favorite games for various awards. We're currently working hard on the v3.0 build and we are hoping to breathe new life into the game and bringing in old as well as new players and communities, and for that to happen we need your help; We need to spread the word! You have already shown a tremendous support for the new update, and we are thankful for the excitement and dedication that so many of you display. These awards are a great way for the game to gain more recognition – and we’d love for you guys to nominate Zombie Panic! Source for The Test of Time Award! This is awarded to the game that has not only remained a blast to play throughout its’ history, but also the game with a community that is dedicated and involved. We believe ZP!S is that kind of game, and for that reason we’re asking all of you to help support us in nominating the game for this award.

Weekly Development Streams!

We’ve done our best to engage with the community for ideas and feedback, give insight into the development through sneak peaks and, starting tomorrow, Friday, November 25th, 9 PM EST, weekly mapping development streams. Casei Magnus will be sharing his mapping work on upcoming - and experimental maps and designs, where you can give feedback, share ideas and have a good time while discussing ZPS - all to make sure that the new update ends up being what both our development team and community want.

Progress on the 3.0 Build

The new update is coming. We have begun the playtesting phase where we make sure that everything is running as it should and that no bugs or exploits make it through to the launch. After the playtesting phase has completed, what will remain on our to-do list before the build is ready for launch is the Linux port and stress testing and hardening of the game’s netcode. Stay tuned and share the news with your friends!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

- ZPS Dev Team & Monochrome
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara
Hello Everyone,
Our team has some excited and long-awaited news to share with you! After years of delays and putting the development on hold many times, ZPS on Source 2013 is finally happening!
Before we get into the details of what this will mean for the game, we must introduce our newest programmer, who offered to do the port of SDK 2007 to the latest Source Engine version SDK 2013, and is willing to support ZPS even more: Jonnyboy0719, from BrainBread2! He has been doing outstanding work porting this game to a proper build, fixing up lots of old bugs, issues and critical glitches from the old engine and making this happen for us!

So let's get to the news and what this means for the community.

Source 2013 was released awhile ago by Valve, and we were working on a port already back in 2014, which would be the release of ZPS 2.5 that never went further because of delays and other problems that the team had to face.

Now, with this new engine running on our upcoming build, we're excited to introduce the following:
  • Better optimization, fixed memory leaks and multi-core rendering, making the game run smoother, faster and more stable, for both players and servers.
  • Proper Linux support for dedicated servers.
  • Fixes of old engine bugs and glitches that were causing the game crash or close itself.
  • Better Hit-registration and lag compensation.
  • Better Steampipe.
  • Working achievements.
If everything goes as planned, we'll be releasing these features in ZPS v3.0, along with other improvements, as soon as possible. For now, enjoy this small teaser, showcasing the alpha state of ZPS 3.0

Meet Pedro: our newest Survivor!
Pedro was in development for a long time back in 2011, by our 3D artist EArkham. He's a ex-drug dealer from Mexico before the apocalypse started, and we'll make you guys finally meet him in-game sooner than you think! Here are some previews of what he looks like:

New Engine means major changes!
Since this is a totally new engine port, basically rewriting the game from scratch, Jonnyboy will be doing his best to make everything work how it is supposed to be working in ZPS. However, like we mentioned above, some things had to be changed, which will affect some custom content that was compiled for the Source SDK 2007.

This will affect all of the custom maps and content as they will be incompatible with the new engine. The major changes on the port is a flip of the names/numbers that determine how your map reads the Teams (Human, Zombie and the Spec). Technically speaking, if any map running the entities: "filter_activator_team" and "func_ladder"; and was compiled in SDK 2007, it will be unplayable in ZPS 3.0 version.

But don't PANIC! yet. if you're reading this, are a community mapper and still active, then don't worry, the changes that have to be made are small and easy to do. We'll create a guide explaining how to do these small changes on your map, recompile it properly to be compatible and ready for the future release in no time! We're informing you now so that you have time to prepare but as we are not fully done with the build, other requirements needed to make maps work on the engine may be discovered. If so, we will inform you in due time.

New Upcoming Maps!
Speaking of maps, this update will include two old, popular community maps, made official: Zomboeing and FrozenHeart! Both objective, having lots of additional details and other changes that have improved the gameplay and look of the maps. We would like to thank Ratboy and Darb Dude for doing an amazing job on bringing back Zomboeing as an fully-fledged and incredibly entertaining experience!

And also, releasing bunch of maps improvements & fixes on other stock maps, introducing our first official Hardcore map, zph_pithole, by Xufe!

Improved Server Security - The days of malicious crashes are behind us.
One of the most important changes in this update is the solution to the age-old exploit that has been used to carry out server attacks for years. This behavior is not something we want to see carried over to the new build.

To help secure the community until the new build is ready, we've set up a Server Setup and Security threads. With the help of the community, their threads will help you secure your server to deal with the attacks to the best of the current engines ability.

When will this update roll out?
After all this information, you guys might be asking yourself: update, when!?
As we've mentioned, the build is currently in Alpha state, and our team is doing our best to bring you guys this update as quick as possible. The update is focused on bringing stability and security to the game, adding a bunch of new content is something our team wishes to do but we won't let it prolong the release date of this crucial update.
Future updates, that will introduce more new content and tweaks, will be shared with you as always through our announcements.

In the meantime, share these exciting news with your old friends through Steam, Facebook and even on Twitter! Tell them that ZPS is coming back in a more secure and stable state than ever seen before.
The next announcement will be the changelog of the ZPS 3.0 build. Looking forward to it! We sure are.

-ZPS Dev Team
Zombie Panic! Source - NeoAssassin
Hello Everyone,
Our team has some excited and long-awaited news to share with you! After years of delays and putting the development on hold many times, ZPS on Source 2013 is finally happening!
Before we get into the details of what this will mean for the game, we must introduce our newest programmer, who offered to do the port of SDK 2007 to the latest Source Engine version SDK 2013, and is willing to support ZPS even more: Jonnyboy0719, from BrainBread2! He has been doing outstanding work porting this game to a proper build, fixing up lots of old bugs, issues and critical glitches from the old engine and making this happen for us!

So let's get to the news and what this means for the community.

Source 2013 was released awhile ago by Valve, and we were working on a port already back in 2014, which would be the release of ZPS 2.5 that never went further because of delays and other problems that the team had to face.

Now, with this new engine running on our upcoming build, we're excited to introduce the following:
  • Better optimization, fixed memory leaks and multi-core rendering, making the game run smoother, faster and more stable, for both players and servers.
  • Proper Linux support for dedicated servers.
  • Fixes of old engine bugs and glitches that were causing the game crash or close itself.
  • Better Hit-registration and lag compensation.
  • Better Steampipe.
  • Working achievements.
If everything goes as planned, we'll be releasing these features in ZPS v3.0, along with other improvements, as soon as possible. For now, enjoy this small teaser, showcasing the alpha state of ZPS 3.0

Meet Pedro: our newest Survivor!
Pedro was in development for a long time back in 2011, by our 3D artist EArkham. He's a ex-drug dealer from Mexico before the apocalypse started, and we'll make you guys finally meet him in-game sooner than you think! Here are some previews of what he looks like:

New Engine means major changes!
Since this is a totally new engine port, basically rewriting the game from scratch, Jonnyboy will be doing his best to make everything work how it is supposed to be working in ZPS. However, like we mentioned above, some things had to be changed, which will affect some custom content that was compiled for the Source SDK 2007.

This will affect all of the custom maps and content as they will be incompatible with the new engine. The major changes on the port is a flip of the names/numbers that determine how your map reads the Teams (Human, Zombie and the Spec). Technically speaking, if any map running the entities: "filter_activator_team" and "func_ladder"; and was compiled in SDK 2007, it will be unplayable in ZPS 3.0 version.

But don't PANIC! yet. if you're reading this, are a community mapper and still active, then don't worry, the changes that have to be made are small and easy to do. We'll create a guide explaining how to do these small changes on your map, recompile it properly to be compatible and ready for the future release in no time! We're informing you now so that you have time to prepare but as we are not fully done with the build, other requirements needed to make maps work on the engine may be discovered. If so, we will inform you in due time.

New Upcoming Maps!
Speaking of maps, this update will include two old, popular community maps, made official: Zomboeing and FrozenHeart! Both objective, having lots of additional details and other changes that have improved the gameplay and look of the maps. We would like to thank Ratboy and Darb Dude for doing an amazing job on bringing back Zomboeing as an fully-fledged and incredibly entertaining experience!

And also, releasing bunch of maps improvements & fixes on other stock maps, introducing our first official Hardcore map, zph_pithole, by Xufe!

Improved Server Security - The days of malicious crashes are behind us.
One of the most important changes in this update is the solution to the age-old exploit that has been used to carry out server attacks for years. This behavior is not something we want to see carried over to the new build.

To help secure the community until the new build is ready, we've set up a Server Setup and Security threads. With the help of the community, their threads will help you secure your server to deal with the attacks to the best of the current engines ability.

When will this update roll out?
After all this information, you guys might be asking yourself: update, when!?
As we've mentioned, the build is currently in Alpha state, and our team is doing our best to bring you guys this update as quick as possible. The update is focused on bringing stability and security to the game, adding a bunch of new content is something our team wishes to do but we won't let it prolong the release date of this crucial update.
Future updates, that will introduce more new content and tweaks, will be shared with you as always through our announcements.

In the meantime, share these exciting news with your old friends through Steam, Facebook and even on Twitter! Tell them that ZPS is coming back in a more secure and stable state than ever seen before.
The next announcement will be the changelog of the ZPS 3.0 build. Looking forward to it! We sure are.

-ZPS Dev Team
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara
We've made some adjustments to the preview public beta and the recent maps update. Thank you to all who've been playing those official maps, reporting minor bugs to us and giving us feedback to help improve your experience even more. You can find those changes detailed below.

===== 2.4.1 August Update (08-19-2016) =====

  • Updated Store Page description.
  • Updated all .cfg files
  • Updated game tips.
  • Removed unused files inside the models and materials folders.
  • Added Brazilian translations.
  • Added Danish translations.
  • Added French translations.
  • Added German translations.
  • Added Swedish translations.
  • Updated Russian translations.
  • ZPO_harvest
    • Tweaked weapon spawns.
    • Fixed some decal issues.
    • Fixed few spot_light issues.
    • Added an easter egg.
  • ZPO_shreddingfield
    • *NEW*: Survivors can no longer go through the parking lot right away until they move to another street. (Breakable after that)
    • Fixed an issue with the last objective generator.
    • Fixed players being able to block the human spawn door.
    • Fixed players being able to block the supermarket exit door.
    • Fixed players being able to block the warehouse door.
    • Fixed a displacement error.
    • Tweaked random weapon spawns.
  • ZPS_asylum
    • Tweaked weapon and ammo spawns.
    • Fixed a displacement error.
  • ZPS_deadend.
    • Added an extra way out on the Zspawn closer to the school bus.
    • Added a breakable window inside the Church.
    • Tweaked weapon and ammo spawns.
    • Improved HDR lighting.
  • ZPS_keretti
    • Tweaked weapon and ammo spawns.
  • ZPS_nightmare
    • Added a few details around.
    • Tweaked weapon and ammo spawns.
    • Healthkit and Kevlar spawns nerfed.
    • Improved optimization.
    • Fixed an annoying ladder issue on a roof.
  • ZPS_policestation
    • Added more vehicles outside of police station.
    • Added fire smoke inside the police station.
    • Tweaked weapon and ammo spawns.
    • Fixed a displacement error.
    • Replaced some HL2 models.
  • ZPS_silence
    • Tweaked weapon and ammo spawns.
  • Added models/textures for the new survival map zps_sapidcerebrum.
  • Replaced weapon_spanner with a new pipe wrench model/texture.

This is not the map update that we promised you guys earlier. This is only a small patch to correct issues and add tweaks to the newly updated stock maps and game files. The next map update is still in the works.

This update will add changes to your cfg files so we recommend backing up your game commands and binds by creating a autoexec.cfg file. A basic on how to do this can be found here. When the update rolls out, replace your own .cfg file to the new one.

-ZP:S Dev Team
Zombie Panic! Source - Tabajara
We've made some adjustments to the preview public beta and the recent maps update. Thank you to all who've been playing those official maps, reporting minor bugs to us and giving us feedback to help improve your experience even more. You can find those changes detailed below.

===== 2.4.1 August Update (08-19-2016) =====

  • Updated Store Page description.
  • Updated all .cfg files
  • Updated game tips.
  • Removed unused files inside the models and materials folders.
  • Added Brazilian translations.
  • Added Danish translations.
  • Added French translations.
  • Added German translations.
  • Added Swedish translations.
  • Updated Russian translations.
  • ZPO_harvest
    • Tweaked weapon spawns.
    • Fixed some decal issues.
    • Fixed few spot_light issues.
    • Added an easter egg.
  • ZPO_shreddingfield
    • *NEW*: Survivors can no longer go through the parking lot right away until they move to another street. (Breakable after that)
    • Fixed an issue with the last objective generator.
    • Fixed players being able to block the human spawn door.
    • Fixed players being able to block the supermarket exit door.
    • Fixed players being able to block the warehouse door.
    • Fixed a displacement error.
    • Tweaked random weapon spawns.
  • ZPS_asylum
    • Tweaked weapon and ammo spawns.
    • Fixed a displacement error.
  • ZPS_deadend.
    • Added an extra way out on the Zspawn closer to the school bus.
    • Added a breakable window inside the Church.
    • Tweaked weapon and ammo spawns.
    • Improved HDR lighting.
  • ZPS_keretti
    • Tweaked weapon and ammo spawns.
  • ZPS_nightmare
    • Added a few details around.
    • Tweaked weapon and ammo spawns.
    • Healthkit and Kevlar spawns nerfed.
    • Improved optimization.
    • Fixed an annoying ladder issue on a roof.
  • ZPS_policestation
    • Added more vehicles outside of police station.
    • Added fire smoke inside the police station.
    • Tweaked weapon and ammo spawns.
    • Fixed a displacement error.
    • Replaced some HL2 models.
  • ZPS_silence
    • Tweaked weapon and ammo spawns.
  • Added models/textures for the new survival map zps_sapidcerebrum.
  • Replaced weapon_spanner with a new pipe wrench model/texture.

This is not the map update that we promised you guys earlier. This is only a small patch to correct issues and add tweaks to the newly updated stock maps and game files. The next map update is still in the works.

This update will add changes to your cfg files so we recommend backing up your game commands and binds by creating a autoexec.cfg file. A basic on how to do this can be found here. When the update rolls out, replace your own .cfg file to the new one.

-ZP:S Dev Team

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