Dec 30, 2021
Zedfest - Diagrammet AB
Zedfest contestants! A smaller update (0.743) with a couple of bugfixes and changes.

  • Fixed the Daily challenge: Just two Victories! There was a problem where it didn't work correctly before.
  • Siren Head and Acid Puke Master (Zeds) are no longer initiating their special mechanics if they happen to be in the air.
  • Fixed an issue with the Steam achievement "You Finished Every Challenge?!" not being popped when completing every seasonal challenge. If you finished every seasonal challenge prior to this update and didn't get the achievement, just go to Challenges > Seasonal Challenges and it should pop for you.
  • Fixed an Ammo bug that would occur when switching weapon from Primary to secondary or vise versa and picking up an ammo box at the same/almost at the same time.
  • Fixed an Issue with the Sniper Scope not showing correctly when holding Aim, switching to another Inventory slot and switching back to the Sniper.
  • Fixed some collisions at a few places where a player could get stuck at Wonderful Winterland.
  • You can no longer stand on top of the Christmas tree at Wonderful Winterland.
  • The price to fill up ammo at P.U.G.S is now capped at 800₹ for the Primary weapon and 500₹ for the Secondary weapon. Before this change it could be extremely expensive to refill, especially when having Ammo perks activated and being high level.
  • The Ammo Generator (Traps n' goodie) now cost 1000₹ instead of 800₹.
  • P.U.G.S arrow location (shows on screen when not looking at P.U.G.S) have been enlarged quite a bit to make it easier to find.

Happy New Year Zedhunters!

Dec 18, 2021
Zedfest - Diagrammet AB
Zedfest Contestants! Just a small update (0.742) with a some improvements for the Sliding and rolling abilities.

  • Sliding and Rolling is now working much better when playing as a client with high ping.

Dec 16, 2021
Zedfest - Diagrammet AB
Hello there Contestants! Just a small update (0.741) with a few bugfixes and changes.

  • Fixed an issue where a boss could fall through the map and not return.
  • Fixed the Piggy banks flying away if it spawns when opening a Christmas present.
  • The grass has grown out again at Zed Island.
  • Added a few collision boxes at places players aren't supposed to be at.
  • The Ammo Generator (Traps n' goodie) have been changed quite a lot. Earlier the Ammo generator created one refill x current players, meaning it would have 4 charges when playing with 3 other people. This didn't work out since one player could ninja loot all the charges, making it practically free to refill ammo. This is changed and instead creates one full Weapon refill For Each Player. Each player gets their own Refill charge and cannot steal anyone else's Ammo Charges.
  • Made the Dude's (Objective) walking distance a little bit longer on Wonderful Winterland.
  • Removed Collision for the treebranches on Wonderful Winterland.
  • The price to open the Christmas presents found on Wonderful Winterland have been reduced to 300₹, instead of 500₹.
  • Slightly improved performance on Wonderful Winterland.
  • Added more Christmas presents around the map Wonderful Winterland.

Dec 15, 2021
Zedfest - Diagrammet AB
Hello there Zedfest Contestants! It's Christmas time, and that means a Christmas update (0.74) for Zedfest! A new map, new weapons, new Seasonal challenges and much more!

  • Fixed an issue where a boss could fall through the map and not return.
  • Fixed an issue when holding RMB with the chainsaw after dying (you'd have to hold RMB prior to death), this would let you continue to use the chainsaw. Also fixed an issue when dead and pressing left LMB/RMB would make the chainsaw do the chainsaw noise for a split second.
  • Fixed an issue where you would lose mouse input when pressing escape or LMB/RMB while in chat-mode during gameplay. This is now fixed and is working as intended.
  • The Health and Armor bar didn't update to its correct value when switching class at P.U.G.S (until you received damage). This is now fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where Rivan Dragoknight's Math problems could spawn on top of eachother. The same applies for Glitchface's Shield blocks and MR.Androids Buttons, they are fixed as well.
  • Added a few collision boxes at places players aren't supposed to be at.
  • You can no longer use the Slide ability to push away Bosses or Objective Zeds (like Lennart and the Dude).
  • The Ammo Generator (Traps n' goodie) now refills your weapon to maximum ammo, instead of just 1 magazine per charge. Amount of charges have been balanced out and now have 1 charge x players.
  • Grass footstep sound effects when walking on the grass at Zed Island.
  • A Countdown Timer for Objective mode. You now have 7 minutes to complete each Objective or you will fail.
  • A new map, Wonderful Winterland! "Welcome to Zanta's Wonderful Winterland! Lots of Snow, Gingerbread cookies and igloos! There might even be a Christmas present for you found somewhere on the map!"
  • 8 new spicy seasonal challenges and a new seasonal reward, the character Zanta Claus!
  • 3 freshly added Steam Achievements.
  • 2 new weapons! Zanta's Epic Snowball launcher and the Christmas Star! They are found on the new map Wonderful Winterland!
  • Added Voicelines for the Pathfinder character. Can be heard by selecting a callout from the ringmenu (Q button).
Nov 29, 2021
Zedfest - Diagrammet AB
Hello there Contestants! Just a small update (0.731) with a few bugfixes.

  • Fixed an issue if prestigeing the Doctor with the "How much ₹ U got?" perk selected, the max carrying ₹ went to 0.
  • Fixed an issue with the perk "How much ₹ U got?" not working correctly if playing as a client.
  • Doctor's Arc Rifle's healing-range now increases by 20% for each weapon-level.
  • There is a small chance of the character rolling forward instead of just sliding on the floor when switching class in the main menu.

Nov 23, 2021
Zedfest - Diagrammet AB
Zedfest contestants! Update 0.73 is here with mostly bugfixes, but there are some changes and added stuff as well.

  • Framrate-independent weapon recoil. Yep, you had twice the recoil at 120fps than 60fps... This is now fixed and acting like if you played with 80fps before.
  • The Acid Puke Master's Puke now get removed upon player death, instead of continuing taking damage for no reason.
  • The world famous Ammo-bug have finally been defeated! A bug that made your weapon get full ammo again when switching weapon at P.U.G.S and shooting it down to 0/0 ammo. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed a bug where the P.U.G.S discount (perk) was still valid when switching to another class without the discount at P.U.G.S.
  • Fixed a bug where the Health Regeneration perks didn't work correctly after being revived.
  • Fixed a weird bug that occured when completing 4/4 daily challenges and 8/8 Seasonal challenges at the same time, you would not receive the Seasonal reward. If this happened to you, just open the Seasonal challenges window and you should receive the reward.
  • Fixed some issues with perks not resetting correctly when prestige:ing while in the lobby.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't unlock Louise Zedfoxx or General Manta when playing as a client.
  • Increased rocket-damage and blast radius by 20% from the bosses Mr.Android and Glitchface.
  • The player is no longer punished with 50% increased weapon recoil when not aiming (RMB). While the recoil is now the same whether you are aiming or not, the bullet spread still has its 50% reduction when aiming.
  • The Doctor's lvl 15 perk "Overly Attached Doctor?" is not quite ready yet.
  • The Doctor's lvl 15 perk "Afraid of needles?" have been moved to level 5, changed name to "A pouch of grenades" and now increases Max carrying grenades instead.
  • The Doctor's lvl 5 perk "How much ₹ U got?" have been moved to level 15 and have now changed from increasing starting ₹ by 1000 (kinda worthless) to increase max ₹ Cap by 600 instead, for a total of 2700₹.
  • The Nuker's lvl 5 perk "Bomb Addict" now also increases Rocket jump-force by 50%.
  • The Nuker's lvl 15 perk "The Break-Up" is now fully working and increases the Blast radius of explosives by 40%.
  • The Nuker's lvl 15 perk "Double Trouble!" now has a 20% chance to spawn a Sticky Grenade.
  • Several UI-changes and refinements.
  • Weakpoint for the Z-droid. He receives an additional 50% damage when being hit in the Red eye.
  • Added Blast radius info for grenade weapons at P.U.G.S. Was already there at the normal customization menu but not at P.U.G.S.
  • Rebindable Inventory keys. 1-6 can rebinded to whatever the user feel more comfortably with.
  • Rubber Armor can now drop from dead Zeds!
Nov 13, 2021
Zedfest - Diagrammet AB
Hello Zedhunters! Here is the larger November update with some fixes, changes and a bunch of added stuff for 0.72.

  • No more disappearing projectiles! There was a problem when projectiles (rockets, grenades etc) touched the owner, making them dissapear instantly. They are now working as intended.
  • Fixed an issue with the reworked weapon-system. You will have to purchase secondary weapons, melee weapons and grenades again.
  • Fixed a bug where you could select and switch to the same class you were already using at P.U.G.S.
  • Fixed an issue where previously opened doors to the Storage rooms would appear to be closed for players that joined the server late.
  • Fixed several issues with the new boss Rivan Dragoknight.
  • Fixed up a few locations where players weren't supposed to be at.
  • Fixed an issue where slow firing weapons (shotguns etc) could shoot 2 bullets at the same time.
  • Fixed Torpedo's level 15 Perk "Well Prepared".
  • Fixed up an annoying bug when a client was picking up the power up "Invinciblefest". When the invincible ended the player didn't get Their max health back, they got the host's max health. This is working correctly now.
  • Several small random fixes.
  • You are now invincible for a few seconds after being revived. This is a well needed feature when playing in higher difficulties.
  • Increased the sensitivity range for the Mouse in Settings > Controls. You can now choose to have even lower mouse sensitivity than before.
  • The boss Rivan Dragoknight now has a weakpoint, the center Yellow core (stomach). He receives an additional 50% damage from bullets when hitting the core.
  • The boss Rivan Dragoknight is now extra vulnerable to explosive damage. Each Explosive shot deals an additional 20% damage on him.
  • Daily challenges now reset 00:00 UTC time instead of 00:00 local time.
  • The Explosive CatBoomer (in Doctor's loadout) is now healing a player in conjunction with dealing damage to Zeds. Healing is basedamage/5.
  • When joining a server already in progress you now have to press the ready button in the lobby to be able to join in the next intermission, instead of automatically joining.
  • The health points received from Bonebreaker's Right side level 5 Perk "Lots of melee swings!" have been reduced by 1, from 4 HP to 3 HP per melee kill
  • A information table during Boss cinematic, showing the max health/armor and current weakpoints.
  • Added the option "Out of Ammo" in the chat ring menu.
  • Redesigned Challenge-system to cope with future Seasonal challenges. You now get a reward when completing all daily/seasonal challenges. There is also 8 freshly added Seasonal challenges that will be active for about a month until the christmas season comes.
  • A new character, Mini Mantana! Is a seasonal reward.
  • Killfeed in upper right corner. Kill a crap ton of Zeds and enjoy the smooth killfeed. Can be turned On/Off in - Settings > General.
  • Freshly added Headshot Visual FX.
Tip of the day: Complete every seasonal challenge to unlock the fantastic Mini Mantana character!

Zedfest - Diagrammet AB
Hello Zedfest contestants! An update with some fixes, changes and added stuff for 0.71. And a new special playable character!

  • Fixed a bug that would occur when you had an objective pickup equipped (electric motor, USB-stick etc), placing it on the correct place and immediately picking up another pickup again, that pickup would get destroyed, making it impossible to proceed the objective.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vortex Blaster x2000 was unable to shoot after reloading.
  • Fixed up a few locations where players weren't supposed to be at.
  • Dewolt Syringe Pistol's damage have been slightly increased across all weapon levels.
  • The Cheat code Box can now be opened by using the keyboard instead of clicking a button in the Main menu.
  • Slightly lowered the HP of bosses in Impossible difficulty.
  • Added the leaderboard for Zed Island.
  • A new playable character, the mighty Pathfinder! Find out how to unlock him by watching the video below!

Zedfest - Diagrammet AB
Well hello there, fellow Zed Hunters! Halloween is just around the corner, and that means a Halloween update for Zedfest! Fixes, changes and added stuff for 0.7.

  • Fixed a small issue where the Hacking console would continue to be hacked if you died during that stage("The slomo friend, objective).
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't damage The Boss Glitchface's Health Destroyer Beacon or the Shield Blocks by using melee-weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where the Traps n' goodies could be spawned above a Zed or player.
  • Fixed a weird issue where Zeds would spawn during Intermission. Not really a bug, I had accidentally left a keybinding which spawned 25 Zeds randomly around the map hehe. This is now fixed.

  • Lowered the amount of Zed-kills needed to be able to upgrade and prestige a weapon by a large chunk.
  • Several User-Interface changes have been made.
  • Grenades thrown by Zeds/Bosses now deal 15% more damage per difficulty increase, instead of doing the same damage across all difficulties.
  • Refined the Blood squirts a little bit. Fixed the occasional blood squirt-flickering, and more and better blood squirts from Zeds when their limbs get detached from their body.

  • A new difficulty "Impossible" is added. For the truly death seeking Zed Hunters!
  • A new Boss is added! His name is Rivan Dragoknight and he's a MF super professional Robot Boxer made by some guys from the old Sovjet Union! Hmm his name kinda reminds me of something, can't seem to put my finger on it.
  • A new playable Map, Zed Island! A large open environment set on a freshly found Island somewhere. Just the perfect place to host Zedfest at!

Tip of the day: Prestige:ing a class has several benefits, like Bonus XP and Level bonus stats for example.

Oct 3, 2021
Zedfest - Diagrammet AB
Hey there Zedfest contestant! Just some small tweaks and fixes for 0.621.

  • Fixed an issue that could occur when joining a game already started.
  • Added a few collision boxes at places players aren't supposed to be at.
  • There have been some major rework regarding the weapon leveling and prestige:ing system in order to cope with Upgradable Melee-weapons, new weapons and for future additional classes etc. Secondary/melee weapon's level and Prestige will reset back to its origin. Please go through the loadout for every class and hover/select a weapon if it went unselected. Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you all understand!
  • To Prestige a weapon you first need to fulfill Level 5's kill-bar, instead of immediately being able to Prestige when hitting level 5.
  • Some minor UI-changes.
  • Added the Banana Bomb to the Torpedo's loadout aswell.


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