Aug 8, 2022
Wyrmsun - Andrettin
- 5.3.6 Changelog

* Buildings
- Added Stone Deposit and Stone Quarry (graphics by Jinn). These function similarly to metal deposits and mines, but provide stone instead.
- Neutral faction buildings (like Mercenary Camps) are now only accessible for the owner of the settlement they are located in.
- Neutral faction buildings can now spawn neutral hostile units if the building is located in a non-owned settlement.
- Mercenary Camps are now indestructible.
- Added Tribal Camp building, which is used for the new Minor Tribe faction type. Tribal Camps function in a similar way to Mercenary Camps.
- Fixed issue which caused human players to be able to build structures on resource deposits and building sites on others' territories.
- Farms and Watch Towers now display the correct construction animations when building sites are disabled.

* Characters
- Added Thiodolf, recruitable from the Wolfing Clan.

* Civilizations
- Added more personal names for the Celts and the Suebi.
- Renamed the "Goth" civilization to "Gothic" and the "Teuton" civilization to "Teutonic".

* Events
- Added event in which Thiodolf gives a war-speech in poetry form, providing the Inspired Army modifier temporarily.
- Added Horse-Meat Eating Prohibited event for Mercia, if it has Christianity as its religion. The event provides the Religious Fervor modifier temporarily.

* Factions
- The Suebi Tribe is now a polity instead.
- Added support for the Minor Tribe neutral faction type. Minor tribes function in a similar way to mercenary companies.
- Added the Bearing Clan and Wolfing Clan minor tribes (Gothic), from the 19th century novel The House of the Wolfings. These clans can be spawned on the Earth scenario map if certain conditions are met.
- Added new flags for Suebi factions, displaying a Suebian knot (icons by Jinn).
- Teutonia now has access to the Furor Teutonicus upgrade.
- Mercia now grants a bonus to cavalry instead of infantry.
- The Yngling Tribe now grants a bonus to food supply instead of to archers.
- The Cherusci Tribe is now a polity instead.

* Maps
- The settlements in the Lorraine Plain map are now settlements which are actually in Lorraine.
- Added the Bordeaux, Clermont, Nancy, Vannes and Wurzburg settlement sites for the Earth scenario map, and updated the predefined settlement territories accordingly.
- Added Stone Deposit at Storugns in Gotland, for the Earth scenario map.
- Added many building sites in France, for the Earth scenario map.
- Placed more pre-Indo-European tribes on the Earth scenario map for the Stone/Bronze age.
- The Vosges rock terrain feature is now semi-randomly generated (similar to the Alps).

* Miscellaneous
- Improved the performance of the database parsing.
- Reworked the engine to take advantage of coroutines for asynchronous operations.

* Modifiers
- Added support for players to receive temporary modifiers during the game.
- Added the Inspired Army temporary modifier (+2 damage for organic military units).
- Added the Religious Fervor temporary modifier (+20 mana for priests).

* Quests
- The Gadrauhts, Harjis, Miles, Skutan and Swedish Veterans' Day quests now grant the Inspired Army temporary modifier on completion.
- The Gudja, Gudjan, Haimadala's Stones and The Great Temple quests now grant the Religious Fervor temporary modifier on completion.

* Units
- Increased the charge bonus of Gothic cavalry from 7% to 10%.
- Made it so the Suebi Kregar uses a single-layer image once again (with two variations, one with the Suebi shield and one without), both for the sake of memory efficiency, and because the layered version had some minor graphical issues.
- Added Suebi level 2 and 3 infantry units, the Veteran Kregar and the Truhtin.
- Neutral hostile infantry, ranged units, cavalry and flying riders now randomly move around.
- Added "Wojtek" to the brown bear name generation list.
- The Dwarven Scout now has a bonus against infantry of 25%, instead of +2 damage.
- Workers are now deselected when they enter a mine.

* Upgrades
- Added Lipizzaner Horse upgrade (icon by Jinn) for the Teutonic civilization (researchable at the Stables). This upgrade increases cavalry HP.
- Added Stirrups upgrade (icon by Jinn), for all civilizations which possess cavalry (researchable at the Stables or Yale Pen). This upgrade increases the charge bonus of cavalry.

* User Interface
- Reworked the multiplayer host and client game menus.
- Fixed issue which caused the screen to shake when mousewheel-scrolling to the edge of the map.
- Reworked the game results menu.
- Fixed issue which caused the cursor to not update properly when it should after scrolling the map with the keyboard.
Mar 13, 2022
Wyrmsun - Andrettin
Note: This new patch makes it so farms and towers are now only buildable on top of minor building sites.

However, for those who prefer playing without building sites, a mod has been added to the Steam Workshop which removes the building site requirements and makes them not appear on maps - the No Building Sites mod. Additionally, many of the classic skirmish maps now have map-specific settings which likewise disable building sites.

- 5.3.5 Changelog

* Buildings
- Farms and towers can now only be built on top of "Minor Building Site" locations.
- Added Troll Farm building. If it is owned by the neutral player, it will spawn Troll Warriors.
- Elven Farms will now spawn Elven Swordsmen if they are owned by the neutral player.
- Fixed the Goblin Mason's Shop animations.

* Difficulties
- Fixed issue with the AI resource gathering bonus under Hard difficulty which actually made it earn less resources than under Normal difficulty.

* Heroes
- Fixed issue which could cause character experience to not be properly applied when loading a saved game.

* Items
- Added Easter Egg item (consumable, heals 5 HP). This item only drops in the game when it is Easter season in the real world.

* Map Editor
- Fixed issue which caused the F10 editor menu to no longer work after exiting and re-entering the map editor.

* Maps
- Minor building sites are now generated on many maps.
- Added many predefined minor building sites for the Earth scenario map.
- Added support for maps to have their own settings which affect game rules (e.g. whether building sites are required for buildings).
- Disabled the building site feature for the Central Park, Little Island, Looking Upwards, No Man's Land, North-South Conflict, Northern Lakes and Time for Decisions custom maps.
- Added the "Hamlets" custom map, based on the map from Battle for Wesnoth of the same name (which is licensed under an open-source license). This map has rules which make gameplay more akin to Wesnoth: buildings are capturable, each player starts only with a barracks (no town hall or workers) and a military unit, farms are capturable and provide copper income per minute, and many neutral farms are pre-placed on the map.
- Added the "Lorraine Plain" custom map (256x256, 2 players), based on the map from 0 A.D. of the same name (which is licensed under an open-source license).
- Fixed a bug which could cause mercenary camps to be generated without a civilization.

* Pathfinding
- Made improvements to pathfinder performance.

* Quests
- Fixed crash which could happen in the final dialogue of the Svegdir's Journey side-quest.

* Scenarios
- Added neutral Elven and Troll Farms in mythical times in Britain and Scandinavia.

* Times of Day
- Added preference to enabe/disable the time of day shading.

* Units
- Unit selection is now shown as a rectangle.
- When the player's own units are selected, the middle parts of the selection rectangle lines will become yellow/orange/red, depending on damage taken.
- Unit HP bars are now only shown if the new "HP Bar" preference is enabled (disabled by default).
Feb 12, 2022
Wyrmsun - Andrettin
The plan for the next patch is to make farms and towers require a Minor Building Site to be constructed upon:

The reasoning for this move is threefold. First, it makes effective territorial control more strategically important. Second, it makes farms and food supply more valuable. And finally, it introduces the necessity to make a strategic choice between increasing food supply to recruit more units and building towers to defend your lands.

The existing maps will be adjusted to contain a good number of minor building sites.

Since this change will result in a substantial change to gameplay, the current version of the game will keep being accessible as its own "branch" on Steam even after the next patch is released.
Feb 1, 2022
Wyrmsun - Andrettin
- 5.3.4 Changelog

* AI
- Minor improvement to the performance of AI force management.

* Encyclopedia
- Added Dynasties encyclopedia category. Dynasty encyclopedia entries have a button for displaying the dynastic character tree for it.

* Factions
- Renamed the Thielung Tribe to Gautalanda, and made it a polity.

* Map Editor
- Fixed crash when hovering over a unit with the mouse in the map editor.

* Pathfinding
- Improved A* node insertion performance.

* Preferences
- Fixed potential freeze issue which could occur if the game were started without a preferences file having been loaded (in such a case e.g. clicking on the "Custom Game" button would freeze the game).

* Scenarios
- Reworked the Thunraz's Servant scenario. It is now called "The Gutasaga", and the overall objectives have been changed as well.

* Units
- Made it so the "Blackbeard", "Goldbeard", "Redbeard", "the Black" and "the Red" epithets can be generated for units with the respective hair colors.
- Fixed issue with doors often not being properly destroyed in dungeon maps (doors would often remain in their last damaged frame, and the attacking unit would keep attacking the door, despite it already having been destroyed).

* Upgrades
- Coinage is now researched at the Market, and requires having either Monarchy or Republic.
Jan 13, 2022
Wyrmsun - Andrettin
- 5.3.3 Changelog

* Achievements
- The Paragon, Legend and Demigod achievements can now be acquired by leveling up any character, not just custom heroes.
- The achievement and achievement unlocked dialogs now have a semi-transparent background beneath their text.
- Achievements are now displayed in a tree in the achievements menu.
- Added support for achievements to grant bonus abilities to characters.
- The "The Mightiest Made" achievement now grants one free level of the Toughness ability to Modsognir.

* Dynasties
- Factions can now have dynasty upgrades. Only one dynasty upgrade may be active at a time, and which dynasties are available depends on the faction. Only tribes and monarchies may have a dynasty.
- Added the Yngling dynasty for the Yngling Tribe, Norway, Sweden and Vestfold (+1 food for Farms).
- Added the Skjoldung dynasty for the Skeldung Tribe and Denmark (+2 armor for infantry).
- Added the Habsburg dynasty for Austria, Carinthia, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire (+10 HP for cavalry).
- Added the Hohenstaufen dynasty for Germany, the Holy Roman Empire and Swabia (+2 armor for cavalry).
- Added the Amelung dynasty for Gothia and Ostrogothia (+2 damage for cavalry).

* Heroes
- Some heroes can now only be recruited if their respective dynasty is in power.

* Miscellaneous
- Fixed a game saving issue involving units contained in buildings.

* Units
- Added Minecart sound (used when a Minecart is created) (sound by the Flare team).
- Reworked how the epithet assignment to units work, to allow for more complex conditions.
Jan 8, 2022
Wyrmsun - Andrettin
- 5.3.2 Changelog

* Encyclopedia
- Added entry for the "Luxury Resources" game concept.

* Factions
- Fixed issue with polity names in custom games if they hadn't acquired a government type upgrade yet (e.g. East Anglia would be called " of East Anglia").
- Merged the Bavarian, Bernice, Burgundian, Cantware, Danish, Dere, Frankish, Frisian, Geat, Gute, Jutish, Lombard, Mierce, Norwegian, Ostrogothic, Saxon, Swedish, Thuringian, Vandal and Visigothic Tribe factions into their polity counterparts (i.e. Bavaria, Denmark, etc.), and made the latter no longer require Writing.
- Added the Anglia, Avionia, Bastarnia, Batavia, Herulia, Lugia, Marcomannia, Rugia, Semnonia and Teutonia polity factions, replacing their tribal counterparts.
- The Holy Roman Empire now requires Monarchy, and cannot switch to being a Republic.
- The list of foundable factions is now dynamically-generated according to certain rules, instead of being predefined for each faction.
- Added the North Sea Empire faction for the Norse civilization (+1 speed for Longships).

* Items
- Added Helmet (+1 armor) and Knightly Helmet (+2 armor) items.

* Maps
- Building Sites are now generated for the On the Vanaquisl and Westward Migration scenario maps.
- Buildings are now always placed entirely within a settlement's territory on start.

* Pathfinding
- Fixed depot-finding issue for workers which could happen under specific circumstances.

* Units
- Fixed issue with a unit's experience value potentially becoming incorrect if there were other friendly units capable of gaining experience around it.
- Fixed issue which caused tree stumps to only be harvestable by one worker at a time.
- Fixed issue with door death animations which were causing doors to not be destroyed, but to remain in their death animation indefinitely.

* Upgrades
- Added Chevauchée upgrade for the English civilization (researchable at the Barracks). This upgrade makes cavalry units acquire resources when they damage enemy buildings.
- Added Skynborg Yale upgrade for the Dwarven civilization (researchable at the Yale Pen). This upgrade increases cavalry HP.
- Added the Tribe government type upgrade (-10% infantry cost). Tribal factions are locked to this government type, while polities can switch from it to Monarchy or Republic. Players with the Tribe government type will have a name like e.g. "Gute Tribe", even if they are polities.

* User Interface
- Reworked the top bar of the in-game interface.
- A large "Paused" text label is now shown over the map when the game is paused.
Dec 23, 2021
Wyrmsun - Andrettin
- 5.3.1 Changelog

* Buildings
- Fixed crash which occurred when placing a building, if the building's center tile were beyond the end of the map.

* Encyclopedia
- Names of characters, buildings and units can now link to the entry of the respective word. For instance, clicking on the link on Thrahila's name will result in the encyclopedia entry for the corresponding Proto-Germanic word being displayed. Word entries provide information such as the language to which the word pertains, as well as its meaning, and other characteristics.

* Items
- The tooltip for an item being hovered over on the map will now display whether it is usable or equippable by the selected unit, if there is a single unit selected.

* Maps
- Added building sites to some of the legacy quest maps.

* Modding
- Added support for uploading mods from the launcher.

* Terrain
- Added updated border graphics.

* Units
- Auras are now only applied if the unit which provides the aura isn't garrisoned in a building/unit.
- Mugging no longer takes resources from the target unit's player.

* User Interface
- The Alt+Q hotkey now correctly only selects the player's army, instead of bringing up the quit to menu dialog as well.
- Reworked the quest completed and quest failed dialogs.
Dec 12, 2021
Wyrmsun - Andrettin
Important Note: This patch introduces a substantial change to gameplay, namely that universities and temples now need to be built on top of a Building Site (similar to how it works for town halls and settlement sites). The intent is to gradually make more buildings have similar requirements.

- 5.3.0 Changelog

* AI
- The AI will now declare war on a player if it has a quest to own a settlement possessed by that player.
- The AI will now continuously check if it can build a town hall in the desired settlement if it has a quest to own a given settlement.
- The AI will now only build town halls on settlements with territory adjacent to their own. It will still build a town hall on a quest objective settlement, even if it is farther away.
- The AI can now transport workers to other landmasses to build settlements.
- The AI will now (if it is at peace) declare war on one of its neighbors if it has a great military advantage over them (in the Scenario mode).

* Buildings
- Temples and universities can now only be built on top of "Building Site" locations.
- Building sites, mineral deposits and the like now display to which settlement's territory they belong in their tooltip.

* Factions
- Added Norse raven flag icons (by Jinn), and updated some Norse factions to use them as their icons.

* Heroes
- Fixed issue which caused custom heroes items which were saved as equipped to start out unequipped when using them in a game.

* Items
- Added the "Rusty" magic prefix for armor (-1 armor).

* Maps
- Updated Earth map settlement territories so that less settlements have territory on both sides of a major river.
- Added the Baltic Route Network route terrain feature to the Earth map.

* Miscellaneous
- The current year now changes more quickly in earlier eras.
- Added new border graphics (by Jinn).
- Fixed issue with textures not being reset properly when changing the scale mode without restarting.
- Borders being shown on water is now optional (off by default).
- If the preferences file cannot be parsed, then the default values for the preferences are used, instead of the game exiting.

* Quests
- Fixed issue which caused the initial dialogue to not trigger properly for the Mead of Wisdom legacy quest.
- Added side-quests for Denmark and Sweden to conquer areas in Scandinavia and around the Baltic.
- Added side-quests for the Swedish Tribe and Sweden, for certain Swedish real-world festivities (e.g. Gustavus Adolphus Day). These only trigger when it is the corresponding day in the real world.
- Added side-quests for Denmark related to Danish historical serfdom laws.

* Scenarios
- Kobolds now spawn at longer intervals in the Nidavellir scenarios.

* Status Effects
- The duration of harmful status effect is now reduced semi-randomly depending on the levels of the caster and the target (if both are organic units).

* Upgrades
- Added the Monarchy government type upgrade (-25% cavalry cost) (only available for polities) (icon by Brullov).
- Added the Republic government type upgrade (+10% Copper/Silver/Gold processing bonus) (only available for polities) (icon by Brullov).

* User Interface
- Increased the width of the map dropdown for the custom game menu, as some map names were too long for it.
- Items sold at the market now have a colored border if they are magic or unique.
- Reworked the achievement unlocked dialog.
- Reworked the dialog for most dialogues.
Nov 17, 2021
Wyrmsun - Andrettin
- 5.2.4 Changelog

* AI
- Improved the performance of AI resource gathering.

* Buildings
- Markets now display how many seconds it will take until their inventory refreshes in their interface.
- Town halls now display how many seconds it will take until their quest/hero pool refreshes in their interface.

* Factions
- Fixed issue which prevented players from founding a faction of the same type as their current one.

* Heroes
- Modsognir and Durin can now only be recruited by the Brising Clan.

* Items
- Removed the "Swift" magic prefix for weapons, as it had the same name as the "Swift" prefix for boots, and the same effect as the "Accurate" prefix for weapons. Persistent items with the affix will now have the "Accurate" prefix instead.
- Added "Freezing" magic prefix for weapons (+2 cold damage). The "Ice" prefix now gives +3 cold damage (previously it was +2), and the "Glacial" prefix now provides +4 cold damage (previously +3).
- Added "of Shock" (+1 lightning damage and "of Electrocution" (+3 lightning damage) magic suffixes for weapons. The "of Lightning" suffix now gives +2 lightning damage (previously it was +1), and the "of the Storm" suffix now provides +4 lightning damage (previously +2).
- The "Storm" magic prefix now gives +4 lightning damage (previously +2), for consistency with the "of the Storm" suffix.
- Added "Lightning" magic prefix for weapons (+2 lightning damage).
- Fixed issue which prevented items from being generated with both a magic prefix and a suffix.
- Fixed crash which could occur when a scroll was used.
- Items from factions which are traded with will now appear in the player's markets.

* Map Editor
- Fixed issue which prevented players from being added to a map with the editor.

* Maps
- Reworked the Alps for the Earth scenario map.
- Added the Aberdeen, Linkoping and Tamworth settlement sites for the Earth scenario map, and updated the predefined settlement territories accordingly.
- Updated the Caverns of Chaincolt Gates and Shorbear Hills submaps for the Nidavellir scenario map.
- Fixed issue which caused the Germanic civilization to not be chosen as a random one for custom game maps.

* Pathfinding
- Improved the performance of the algorithm used by units to find a depot to return resources to.

* Quests
- Added side-quests for gathering copper and building a smithy for the Norse.

* Scenarios
- The current year is now displayed at the top bar for scenarios. An in-game year passes for each real minute. The in-game year has no effect other than limiting some hero recruitment choices.

* Status Effects
- Reworked the status effect code in the game's engine to improve performance and make it simpler to add new status effects in the future.

* Terrain
- Decoration tiles can no longer appear under terrain transition graphics (e.g. a dirt rock appearing under grass).

* Units
- Increased the transport capacity of transport ships from 3 to 4.
- Removed rafts, as they required a substantial amount of special code for them to be maintained in the engine, and they were barely used in the game.
- Melee air units (such as Gryphons) can now be attacked as if they were on land if they are attacking land units.
- Fixed a potential crash related to unit resource-gathering.
- Fixed crash which occurred when right-clicking a unique unit's portrait (e.g. that of the Esel silver deposit) to go to its encyclopedia entry.

* User Interface
- (Re-)Added windowed mode support.
- Reworked the faction choice dialog.
- Fixed the PageDown and PageUp hotkeys not working for command buttons.
Oct 20, 2021
Wyrmsun - Andrettin
- 5.2.3 Changelog

* AI
- Fixed issue which caused the AI to potentially declare war on the owner of a hidden ownership unit (such as the Goblin Thief) when attacking it.

* Maps
- Added Naples settlement site to the Earth map, along with predefined territory for it.
- Added the Aemilian Way and Appian Way route terrain features to the Earth map.
- Added the Thames river to the Earth map.
- Fixed an issue which caused a freeze when starting a dungeon map.
- Improved settlement site placement for the Earth map, to prevent them from being adjacent to tiles that are blocked off (leading e.g. to blocked workers).

* Quests
- Fixed an issue which caused the minimap to not be updated properly for shared vision (if applicable) at the start of legacy quests.

* Terrain
- The dry grass and semi-dry grass transition graphics have been updated.
- Added new dry grass and semi-dry grass decoration tiles.
- Fixed issue which caused a crash if two wall tiles were being built at the same time while adjacent to each other.

* Upgrades
- Fixed a crash which could occur when selecting a building which had a button to research an upgrade class if its player had no upgrade for that class.

* User Interface
- Fixed an issue with whitespace scaling for some of the in-game text.

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