Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL
Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic.

While the World is putting its foot on the gas in preparation for the upcoming Christmas season and the weather is getting colder, we are bringing you some fresh information about the next Update for the game, and we would like to release the update in first quarter next year.
In the past we hoped we can release the game fully at that time but the features we want to add require much more time and attention, and thus it takes longer to get them into the game. Despite all that you can enjoy the game as it is in early access stage and recently the Metro update was finally released for all players.

Nov 30, 2022
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - 3division
Content update #11 introduces new metro and tram transport infrastructure as well as the community requested ‘Realistic Mode’, realistic borders and a new water erosion tool for the editor.

The community requested Realistic Mode will bring an additional difficulty level for players making the game more systematic and management heavy. Realistic mode will remove all options to purchase goods and vehicles inside facilities directly and remove the option to complete construction using money. This brings several new challenges for the planning process as every resource needs to be transported to your storage facilities from customs house at the border and every vehicle needs to be able to get to the depot from the border under its own power. There will be no sudden appearance of resources inside buildings and no magically appearing infrastructure or buildings. Of course, this mode will be optional as you really need to be very familiar with the game mechanics and be successful when starting a new Republic.

In addition to the Realistic Mode comes the new Realistic Borders update. Previously we only supported square borders, meaning your Republic was always square. The new Realistic Borders update allows you to edit your Republic’s border adding a new level of realism. We have also developed the first map - Slovakia - using the new Realistic Borders feature to showcase what can be done in the editor.

We have also produced the new Water Erosion tool for the terrain editor which will change the random generated terrain into something more realistic. It can also be used to smooth out imported maps

Two of the key new improvements to your Republic’s transport infrastructure are the Metro and Tram updates. We were able to create models for surface metro stations and a new surface metro and railway end station to enable you to plan your public transport network easier. There will be two surface metro stations with varied sizes available as well as an end station which you will be able to use for metro or normal trains.

We have also been working on the basic structures required for trams to operate. For this update, we have added new tram stops, one bigger and one smaller as well as a new way to connect between tramrail road and rails.

Content Update #11 main features:
  • Build underground stations and tracks with the new Metro infrastructure system.
  • Trams infrastructure with new tram stops and connection systems.
  • Super realistic mode
  • Water erosion for terrain editor (for faster smoothing of terrain)
  • Realistic republic borders are now implemented.
  • New Slovakia map with realistic borders
      Other notable changes:
      • fixed vehicle movement in mirror buildings
      • utra high shadows settings.. ultra low shadows setting
      • longer city names
      • tunnel boring machine
      • limit for loans
      • construction of pipelines or wires not directly connected to end buildings
      • pedestrian pass displayed on the road only when on both sides pedestrian
      • export/import via the ships/airplanes or helicopters not affecting the prices so much
      • panel road
      • merging unfinished infrastructures into bigger pieces (as in blueprint mode)
      • Possible to use custom house with construction office
      • Possible to use foreign workers from custom house
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL
Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic.

Another two weeks passed away and the metro update is not out yet. We are sorry for that, but obstacles that prevent the release are not related to coding itself and we may give you some insight into the development process which is not only about adding new features and fixing the game code itself.

While in releasing the game for close and open testing is quite straight forward, we need to do more when we want to release the official update and even we may have the code ready and tested with all the graphic art related to release, there are other PR related things that have to be done and we have a delay in some stuff there. So, we are delayed again, and it can be released any day if the last things are done properly.

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL
Greetings dear Comrades.

We are aware that expectations are high while the public release of the metro update to all players was delayed again. Things did not go as we planned timewise, and new bugs were found, so we needed to release a hotfix, but it is really about last touches which are needed for the release.

And as this was delayed mainly by critical bugs found, we were already focusing more on the waste management update which will come after this, and we can give you more insight into what you may expect.

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL
Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic.

We want to announce that there will be no Report for the Community this week because we are still focusing on release of the upcoming update. It is almost ready for release, but it still needs some final touches. Besides that, we were out of the office towards end of the week because we were participating on Game Days event in Kosice. We hope you can understand this and wait another week.
Until then, enjoy life and have fun.

Thank You for Your Support

3Division Team
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL
Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic!

Day by day our days are getting colder and even the world is approaching a difficult winter with raising heating costs, in our Republics there is no such a problem because we allow ourselves to use fossil fuels as key resources for heating until there is no other reliable option.

Last week we delayed the report because there was not enough material to write about, but today we have sizeable portion of latest information for you, and we hope you will enjoy this report.

More from the report find on our website:

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL
Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic.
We just want to announce that there will be no Report for the Community this week because we were focusing all our efforts on fixing bugs. We want to release the Metro Update in couple of weeks and we must be prepared for that. We do not have anything special to write about besides things from recent changelog, so we need to let you wait another week at least until we prepare something meaningful.
We hope you can accept this and patiently wait until the next report.

Thank You for Your Support

3Division Team
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL
Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic.

Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic. Another two weeks have passed since last report and lot of water did flow through Slovakia in Danube River.
Maybe it is not that much as other years used to be, but it is lot, nevertheless. Today we have somewhat fewer exciting subjects to write about, but it is still another report, and we have something special for those who enjoy not only playing the game but also making content and especially maps.

More from the report find on our website:

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL
Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic.

Autumn is knocking on our doors and the harvest is in full swing in our in-game Republics as much as in real world in attempt to gather as much crops as possible to feed all the people and animals.
Last week we released the Metro update for public testing, and we know we need to work hard because we received a bunch of reports about critical bugs which were hidden during internal testing. We were not able to deal with all the issues yet, but we successfully fixed some already and we may use this report to give you some insight into the development process and challenges we face. But first let us show you some new stuff.

More from the report find on our website:
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL
Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic.

We are aware that we failed to deliver the update before this report, and we feel the disappointment of many.
Our plan was to release the Metro update for public testing before the end of August if nothing unexpected happens. Unfortunately, we encountered several issues with metro infrastructure and then a critical issue just before previous weekend with extreme fuel consumption for buses which were working on lines. The hotfix for the bug was released on Tuesday because there was a national Holiday in Slovakia and last weekend before the start of Schoolyear, which meant we were not able to get back to the office.
This hotfix required few more days to test if it works and besides that there are few more reports of CTD which we want to fix before we release the update. If we will be lucky to find the reasons and fix them, the update may be released next week but there is still a chance it may be delayed a week longer.
If we would release the update with these issues the disappointment would be worse and we would have to face lot of unnecessary support requests and pressure, so bear with us in this.

More from the report find on our website:


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