Dec 22, 2021
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - 3division
Dear Comrades! This small bonus update allowing you decorate your cities with colorful lights! Put them everywhere you want - buildings, street lights, or trees!

The whole Soviet Republic team wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  • Added Christmas lights
  • Fixed problem with parking lot connected parking lots, it was not consider one way roads. This causing crashes in case some parking lot was demolished then.
  • Rail snap fix

  • You can find Christmas lights in the Trees & Accessories tab
  • They will light up if you have tool on the cursor or only during the Christmas - from 1st December to 15th January
  • You can pick them to buildings, trees, street lamps
  • They consume electric (if you have activated this setting in the game) need to have close substation (similar than road lamps)
  • They keep light also during the day
  • It is just decoration, it not have any effect right now
  • They will light up, even you have turned off the season
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL
Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic. We are less than week away from the upcoming holiday season and as we mentioned in previous report there is a surprise, we prepared for you. Unfortunately, we are not able to fully implement and balance crime and justice before Christmas as we planned but at least we can release the update for testing this week to find out what else may be wrong with the game after rebalancing workers happiness and productivity.

More from the report find on our website:
Dec 6, 2021
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - 3division
  • New farms added
  • Various building editor issues fixed
  • Fixed rare crash related to cultural broadcasting
  • Fixed dialog of loading game during the gameplay, there was not warning about missing mods
  • Hostels/student houses was divided into separate category for workshop list, list of building and overlays
  • Shortening name of game and directory for the load game window
  • White cursor dot in underground mode
  • Fixed issue if residential buildings is demolished, it could cause crash due to Secret Police mechanics
  • Fixed issue if residential buildings is demolished by fire, walking connections was not regenerated and if this building was rebuilt nobody can get out of this building
  • Fixed mixed signal blue light
  • Changed obsolete description "Click to prioritize" to "Drag & drop" at production line queue
  • Tweaked construction cost for new farms
  • If storage is demolished or destroyed by fire, resources are now deleted
  • Fixed problem with struck vehicles at farm/hospital or other building entry. This problem was related to refueling. If vehicle with low fuel was sent into building to worker there and this building had not blocking flag, it was causing this more or less visual problem
  • Secret police vehicle which is unable to reach destination residential building is now send back to secret police building
  • Fixed problem that helicopters was possible to purchase while the other helicopter taking off causing helicopter was badly placed bellow the ground or so
  • Fixed problem with bottom bar, sometime when translation of description in the strip is long, background not drawn bellow some icons
  • Avoid tiling now also on the water (water detail setting)
  • Fixed time lapse issues, DoF focus issue and visible topographic lines or grid
  • Fixed farm emissive materials
  • Fixed problem with road connection and placing field on the hills
  • Changed yellow signal mechanics, track will not get engaged if train is too far away
  • Fixed highlights of animated models
  • Fixed issue with line windows, it was not displaying the station overlay screen marks
  • Fixed issue about runway cannot be deleted sometimes when airplane fly away to the foreign eastern or western countries
  • Fixed rare problem about the control tower was newer achieve enough dispatchers to take off or land planes
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL
Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic!
The current situation here in Slovakia is dire once again and you may have heard that we are one of few countries in National Lock Down. But this cannot slow us down even if it can restrict our freedom of movement, because we can work from home office if necessary, just to bring you the next update which may contain few surprises. Since last report there were two updates released for public test and these were focusing on some fixes. Besides that, new farm buildings were made available, and we added water detail setting to avoid tiling similarly as we did with the land.

More from the report find on our website:
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL
Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic!
We bring you news once again, and as you anticipate, we can finally give you some information about new features you can expect to be delivered into the game in December if everything goes according to our plans. Our latest small updates brought you those new farm buildings and some fixes. Additionally, we created a new category for Hostels/Student homes and the cursor in underground mode has white colour now. Not too much other to say as the changelogs are quite short. But we can give you something solid about upcoming Crime and Justice feature now.

More from the report find on our website:
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - 3division
As a part of Czech & Slovak games week event on STEAM, Peter Adamcik, creator of Soviet Republic, will try play Soviet Republic live and answer your questions, 17th November 16:00 CET

You can check more about this event on this page:

Link for stream:

I'm looking forward to you!

Nov 10, 2021
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - 3division
  • Secret police duty vehicles now installing spy equipment few seconds
  • Fixed rendering of frozen people on entry of the residential buildings
  • Now should be able to connect modded helipads to buildings like hospital, plants, etc
  • Now small and big underground pipes have visually different size
  • Decreased inflation of dollar from 1-15% to 1-3%.. and inflation of Ruble from 1-15% to 1-10%
  • Fixed issue when workshop map contains power plant, and player set as startup parameter no electricity, it was crashing
  • Fixed problem with signals near custom house - the track inside customs was not apart of signal bloc, now fixed - this change should not affect the modded customs with allow pass flags, let us known in case yes
  • Fixed road snap - for example upgrade of roads was very hard with dense streets, when buildings was too close the roads
  • Fixed manufacturing vehicles with random color
  • Tweaked pathfinding, increased footpaths penalty to avoid service vehicles going too much over the footpath especially in winter
  • Corrected broadcasting happiness wrong calculation
  • Fixed snapping errors with underground pipes and heating pipes
  • French localization update
  • Russian localization update
  • Fixed helicopter tutorial
  • Fixed mistake in code, when some demands of workers was not meet at certain circumstances his government loyalty was possible to increase
  • Fixed crash with notification message
  • Fixed error in code related to workshop item icons initialization, now with "fast init (BUILDINGS)" option are icons loaded only when use, which should save loading time and memory
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL

More from the report find on our website:
Oct 26, 2021
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - 3division

Government Loyalty
The secret police building is where only the highly educated citizens can work. They will have duty vehicles assigned to them which look like personal cars but are assigned to the secret police building. This allows the secret police to travel undercover to residential areas and install spy equipment into citizens homes to gather loyalty information on the people living there.

Every citizen has government loyalty. The higher the loyalty the more productive they are at work and the less negative influence they have on overall happiness. Citizens with lower loyalty can be restricted from working within certain critical jobs such as school, TV or radio stations, to reduce the risk of negative influence (and therefore lower government loyalty) over students or other citizens.

Finally, you can now build monuments to influence government loyalty. Building monuments can increase government loyalty by up to 50% for citizens who pass by them.

More information on government loyalty can be found here:

Using community feedback, the GUI has been updated for ease of use. There is a new construction menu with customizable screen positions and a quick stats tab to access information on your citizens as well as your republic’s economy.

More information about the new GUI can be found here:

Content Update #8 features:
  • Build monuments to increase the loyalty of your citizens.
  • Use secret police to install spy equipment and find out how loyal your citizens really are!
  • Utilize information gathered by the secret police to ensure citizens do not use their positions to affect other citizen’s loyalty.
  • New construction menu with customizable screen positions.
  • Quick info tab to access citizen information and your republic’s economy.
  • New complex rail signals mechanic update (no requirement to place the chain signals)
  • Optimized traffic flow added for parking lots and other buildings.
  • Orphanage added - Look after your republic’s children should the worst happen to their parents.

Smaller features and fixes:
  • 21 years old will now search building primarily new current residence, if not found they will search first for hostels, then for residential buildings around whole map - empty buildings and buildings with low unemployment rate should be preferred
  • Added 3rd terrain setting - High - what is parallax with tile prevention
  • Added T678 diesel locomotive (available 1961 - 1967)
  • Added checkboxes to production line for random skin, and end production after last task
  • Added code for process priority to "realtime" to avoid FPS drops on some systems
  • Added code for reset government loyalty, if opening older save, also in the cheat menu was added button to reset/randomize government loyalty for citizens
  • Decreased profit from Tourism by 60-70%
  • Added support for ZIP saves
  • Added flags to residential buildings and city/area window, which citizens are allowed to move into the building
  • Added less restrictions for firetrucks and ambulances when overrunning other vehicles such as trolleybuses without power or vehicles without fuel
  • Added low loyalty affect negatively the birth of children - depend on the difficulty setting (unsatisfied citizen reaction level)
  • Added low loyalty decrease production even the citizen is happy and health, high loyalty increases production even over 100% (depends of health, satiety and happiness of citizen)
  • Added models for rail junction and rail, road and footpaths death ends
  • Added new optimized parking lots
  • Added notification message about low loyalty
  • Added pedestrian connections to parking lots and hospital
  • Added possibility to define transfer point for the citizens at bus/trains and all other vehicles. So your citizens will be able to switch the line without requirement to have two stations
  • Added warning into construction window in case the road connection is required for the construction and it is not present
  • Added warning message about missing fuel in the harbors or terminals
  • Bottom panel can be set to top in the general settings
  • Bottom panel size can be tweaked in the general settings
  • Changed construction office logic, now when source is on small level of resources, only the one or few vehicles will be sent to take the resources to constructions. However this checks may not works, when source for materials is assigned to to more COs and those COs have different constructions assigned, if the COs will be have same constructions, should works without problems. This check is disabled for gravel (due to conveyor engine network) and for concrete and asphalt.
  • Corrected dry bulk cargo capacity and loading/unloading electricity consumption - you may have some problems when loading/unloading materials directly to cement or alumina storages with road vehicles, need rebuild building in case problems because in old built buildings circuit breaker may be low
  • If rail track construction is without workers from rail CO longer than 50 seconds, the track builder will return home
  • Fix of yellow signal problems, pathfinding tweaking
  • Fixed DO was not able to load from customs
  • Fixed FPS problem with CO helicopters when they failed to find place to land
  • Fixed bug when students with home in orphanage doesn't board into vehicles if they have specified to load students only
  • Fixed city hall window
  • Fixed collision problem of T813 vehicles
  • Fixed crash during the game which appear when monument close to infrastructure constructions
  • Fixed crash if unused excavator leave construction, crash was related to introducing non blocking parking mechanics
  • Fixed crash using load anyway functionality
  • Fixed fake ambulance not arrived notification message - counter was not reset, so message was appearing until another citizens from the building would needed ambulance and counter was not reset
  • Fixed issue if flattening terrain without money with road or other infrastructure, strength of excavator was not counted properly
  • Fixed issue if modded parking lot catch fire, game was crashing after fire destroyed parking lot
  • Fixed issue that factory or cargo station was able to take resources from conveyor/pipe engine even the connection was turned off
  • Fixed issue when CO mixers or dumpers with asphalt leaving especially some modded plants too early, before they catch load all (this problem was introduced after fixing when vehicle leave station despite there is small production in the factory, CO vehicles are now out of this condition)
  • Fixed issue with batch suspend construction button - it was not suspending the construction in case manual construction
  • Fixed issue with firefighter helicopters, in case no close lake causing struck and low FPS
  • Fixed issue with power and heating plant stopped production
  • Fixed landscape editor GUI issues
  • Fixed missing characters for Hungarian in main menu
  • Fixed problem when clicking on eye icon not guide camera to the object (due to camera movement (drag) was assigned to LMB)
  • Fixed problem when pollution is turned on during the game. In case you have done this, and you have badly pollution display in the top panel info, use cheat menu to reset the pollution.
  • Fixed problem when train not found route (on the station mostly) causing signal to turn red while flip of train on the signal
  • Fixed problem with bad texture when building ship with more skins in the dry dock
  • Fixed problem, was possible to place buildings too close to each other on hilly terrain, causing the problems with terrain when flattening, terrain was overlaps the existing building.
  • Fixed radio demography statistic in the top panel
  • Fixed tourism unbalanced stuff
  • Fixed unlimited backward movement for ships
  • Fixed upgrade of bridge in planning mode (was possible to upgrade bridge to regular road/rail)
  • If ship going to refuel pumping harbor, it can refuel itself in case no fuel in the harbor
  • -Improved T603 and T613 personal cars models
  • Improved and scaled down cursor graphics - no more red cube
  • Increased limit for vehicle loading resources - when less than 50% of amount is possible to load at station, this is considered as nothing was loaded, and train will no longer waits for load unless it will have specified wait for load. Previously this value was 15%
  • Left panel can be hiding and bottom (or top) panel also
  • Low loyalty effect on happiness was removed for kids and citizens living in the untouched old city buildings
  • Model viewer now have scrollbar
  • Now in city hall is enough have 30% productivity instead 50% to display data
  • Now is not possible to draw road over rail way junction or rail-way deadend
  • Now is not possible to place the dead end or rail junction over the road
  • Now is possible to change "get citizens" flag during the construction of residential building
  • Now ships will refuel on every stop in the schedule
  • Now the grass is not removed above tunnels and underground infrastructure
  • Passenger stations and platforms have now warning in case they are full
  • Personal cars now can gain maximum loyalty 75%-85% depends on the unsatisfied citizens reaction level
  • Radio broadcast can gain now maximum loyalty 70%-80% for citizens without personal cars, and 80%-90% for citizens with personal car, again according unsatisfied reaction level
  • Removed logo from modelviewer to display it in low resolutions
  • Rework of T815 dumper, more variants will follow
  • Screen mark cubes replaced with more flat and nice circles
  • Signal mechanics update, to fix issue that trains waiting on yellow even they should not
  • TV broadcast can gain now maximum 80%-90% for citizens without personal cars, and 100% only for citizens with personal car
  • Terrain tile prevention is now also on the snow transition and mud transition
  • Train pathfinding changed, improved station block reservation (Let us known if you encounter any issues)
  • Ugly tiled underlay gravel while road construction was replaced
  • Underground pipelines or cables should be now visible (slightly highlighted) even they are not finished in the underground mode
  • Various building editor fixes
  • Very low loyalty, bellow 30% decreasing happiness instantly, depend on the difficulty setting (unsatisfied citizen reaction level)
  • When station have defined the transfer station flag, citizens after they step out to station, they not immediate leave to workplaces (or buildings to spend free time)
  • When turned of GUI, highlight selection are not rendered
  • Wooden barriers for mud road and pedestrian (and wooden bridge too)
  • Worker productivity is now stated in the worker's window

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - LovelyPL
Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic.
It is time to hurry up and bring all your harvesters into the fields before the winter hits and your crops decay. For us it is the time to announce that next week we will switch the current beta version into stable, and it also means that we will be able to change our focus on something new and for most of you more exciting stuff. But even before that, we were able to make something extra that we added into this update, and we want to share some of these things with you.

More from the report find on our website:

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