Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment
Hi All,

Here are some devlogs from my latest sci-fi cRPG that I've been working on. Hope you enjoy!

"Welcome to the party, pal!"
In my last devlog, I discussed non-combat support personnel that you could recruit for your cause. This devlog will focus on combat companions/party members. These are allies you can recruit to join you on missions if you choose, or you can opt to go it alone. There might be some people that want to murder hobo everyone in the game, including potential companions. Yes, there's even room for serial killers in Sector Unknown...
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Support Personnel
In your adventures across various planets, you'll have the opportunity to recruit a wide range of characters into your organization. While not all of these characters are suited for combat, they will each bring unique skills and contributions that are vital toward your success...
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Space Travel
In Sector Unknown you find yourself stranded on the desert planet Maku. From there, once you find a ship of your own, the stars open up to you with six story planets available to explore and bring under your control, either through diplomacy or by force...
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Bounty Hunting & Contracts
In Null Sector, a region unmarked on star charts and devoid of formal settlements, inhabitants are continually threatened by both bipedal adversaries and wild beasts. To counteract these dangers, locals sometimes gather their resources to handle a threat beyond their capacity.
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Crafting & Resources
After claiming the abandoned mining facility on Maku as your base, you will unlock crafting in the game...
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Raiders! Forsaken Earth -

"Anonymous Hacker Simulator" has just been released

Embark on a journey through the dark labyrinth of cyberspace and uncover the secrets of anonymous operations. Step into the shoes of a mysterious hacker who penetrates through security, deciphers codes, and manipulates systems to achieve their goals.

This captivating simulation invites you into a world where the boundaries between reality and virtuality begin to blur. Can you survive in this dangerous environment? Do your skills suffice to overcome the most advanced security measures?

Set out to conquer the network and gain fame as cybercrime masters or heroes defending against it! Let your actions be recorded in the history of the virtual world!

And that's not all! For the first 14 days, you can grab the game at a promotional price! But that's not the end of it! Soon we will reveal a bundle specially created for this occasion, where you'll be able to expand your library with more great titles! Don't hesitate any longer - immerse yourself in the dark world of "Anonymous Hacker Simulator" now and let yourself be carried away by the dangerous fun that will make your heart beat faster!
Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment
I would like to announce my next game, coming next year to Early Access titled Sector Unknown.

After creating quite a few strategy games as an indie (and mostly solo) developer, I decided, perhaps quite insanely, to create an cRPG instead. This is the genre that I find myself playing and enjoying the most, from classics such as Baldur’s Gate 2, Fallout 2, Fallout New Vegas, Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect, to more contemporary games such as Pillars of Eternity, Outer Worlds, Colony Ship, Trudograd, Underrail, and Encased. In short, I really, really like RPGs, and especially ones that use an isometric angle of gameplay.

Sector Unknown is sort of my love letter to both the classics and the contemporaries. I think I’m better suited for telling a story than number crunching strategy games (as evidenced by my mixture of reviews in that genre).

After three years working part-time (well almost full time) on the systems, the game is close to complete on features (movement, inventory, party management, quests, dialogue, crafting, combat, itemization, space flight, etc). I’m aiming to have a demo for the game completed in a month or so. It’s close to completion now, but I’m still not happy with the tutorial level. What I do not want is for it to be a barrier to entry like the much-maligned temple tutorial level in Fallout 2 (I almost never experienced the rest of that fantastic game due to being so turned off by the temple).

The goal for this game is to launch into Early Access Q1 next year. I intend to have over half of the game completed by that EA launch with full launch occurring 6-9 months after that. The idea to do an EA launch was not one taken lightly, but one thing I have found with my past launches is that just when I think a game is bug-free and ready for a seamless launch, players will find new and interesting ways to break things – leading to frantic post-launch schedule of rushing out bug-fixes and patches. I think this way is better. Launch into Early Access and take player feedback over time so that I can get everything sorted for a smooth launch after that.

The other factor is budget. Right now, I do not have the armor or model system in place for player characters and NPCs. These are assets. This will change before Early Access as I have the models done (with no armor or clothing yet), but even after that, I suspect I will need some of the additional revenue from EA launch to finish the last 2-3 planets (as mentioned I aim to have 3-4 story planets complete for EA launch, with the first one ready for the demo in the coming month or so).

I hope people will wishlist and follow this game. It’s always been a dream of mine to create a sci-fi cRPG, and there doesn’t seem to be many on the market except for Colony Ship (which I completed three times). So I hope there’s a market for something like this, a game taking inspiration from early Bioware and some of the great current game developers on the market today.

I will continue to provide updates in the next while, including game systems, story, ideas, and more. I really look forward to people's feedback and thoughts as well.

Raiders! Forsaken Earth -
Hey fellow gamers!
We are excited to announce the release of our latest game - Builders of Greece! 🎉

Builders of Greece is an exciting blend of strategy, city-building, and resource management set in the beautiful world of ancient Greece. Step into the role of an architect who must face various challenges to develop their city, construct impressive buildings, and ensure the prosperity of its citizens.

Here are a few reasons why you should give Builders of Greece a try:
🏛️ Build your dreams: Construct your own city from the ground up, choosing from a variety of buildings and structures to create the perfect Greek metropolis.
🔨 Explore and discover: Marvel at the beautiful landscapes of ancient Greece, take advantage of fertile and resource-rich territories, and establish trade connections with other cities.
💼 Manage resources: Juggle economy, resources, and the needs of your citizens to ensure the development of your city and maintain social harmony.
🌍 Embark on a journey: Experience an engaging campaign, exploring diverse regions of Greece and facing various challenges along the way.

Builders of Greece is more than just a game; it's a journey to the fascinating world of ancient Greece, where you shape the fate of your city and its inhabitants.

Don't wait any longer! Join us now and build your own oasis of civilization in beautiful Greece!
Head to the Steam store and start building your empire now!
Raiders! Forsaken Earth -
"Colonize" - Conquer the New World and Build Your Colonial Empire!

Immerse yourself in the age of colonization with the new game Colonize, just debuted on the Steam platform! This exciting combination of survival game and building strategy takes you back to the 17th century, where the struggle for survival in the New World was fierce.

🏗️ Expand your settler empire - build, grow, and manage your settlement to survive in unknown lands.

⚔️ Explore and endure - face various challenges such as resource scarcity, diseases, and attacks from native tribes.

🌱 Cultivate your colony - cultivate the land, raise animals, and provide your inhabitants with essential resources.

📜 Write your own history - every decision you make will shape the fate of your colony.

🎮 Check it out now! We encourage everyone to try out Colonize and experience the thrilling colonial adventure!

🔗 Hop on Steam Page and start colonizing!
Raiders! Forsaken Earth -
Grab a special premiere discount and have fun!
P.S. Look at all the special bundles and grab two games at a discounted price!
Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment
Hey all,

Today I released Age of Gladiators Reforged, a complete rebuild of the 2016 release. I wanted to offer a discount to previous owners of Raiders! Forsaken Earth as well.

Here is a link to the bundle:

And here is a link to Age of Gladiators Reforged:

Hope you enjoy the game!

Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment

It's been a busy Summer.

Along with Deadwater Saloon, I would also like to announce Age of Gladiators Reforged, a remake of the original 2016 game in the Unity Engine.

The store page can be seen here:

As some of you might know, I created the 2016 game in an engine I (barely) cobbled together from several books. It didn't work in most resolutions and UI/quality-of-life changes were near impossible to implement - so I decided to recreate it in Unity from scratch.

The UI has been updated to something made in 2022 (featuring more icons and less text as well as better-looking windows that conform to the overall palette) and many new quality of life additions have been added (daily alert icons across the top for example).

As well, numerous other gameplay and aesthetic changes have been made:

  • Combat Mitigation now fed by agility and reflexes as well, making these attributes more useful.
  • Improved alerts system
  • Revised Gladiator Expertise system
  • Revised Player Perks system
  • Age incline and decline more drastic
  • Added Killer Instinct and Work Ethic to gladiator personalities
  • Drastically improved tooltips
  • Works on most resolutions
  • Staff, Lender, Other portraits added throughout the UI - now you can put a face to a name
  • Weapons and Armor now have Stamina costs (making stamina much more important now)
  • Dodging and Blocking now use Stamina (again, making stamina much more important now)
  • Greed also affects daily spending of gladiator
  • Gladiator portraits added to all UI
  • Stable now contributes to fatigue recovery time
  • Stable now has countdown for improvements
  • Custom mouse cursor instead of system one
  • Added a fight log so players can recap exactly what happened during battle
  • Scrollbars instead of burdensome next/previous buttons
  • Animals now have names
  • More Player Portraits
  • Fight Setup screens made more efficiently - a fight can now be started with two clicks instead of the many clicks previously
  • Improved music player
  • Icons instead of just text

These are just some of the changes - there are plenty more I am not thinking of here.

Will keep everyone posted.

And of course, previous owners of Age of Gladiators will enjoy a discount if they choose to purchase the remastered version.

So please wishlist and follow Age of Gladiators Reforged today.


Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment
Small update.

  • Fixed a bug where a settlement uprising would sometimes create an event with no way to proceed.

Raiders! Forsaken Earth - Creative Storm Entertainment
Some new game options have been added, making the game either deadlier or more akin to a slow ride to grandma's house.

  • Added new game option at start: an experience gain speed for your raiders.
  • Added new game option at start: lower or higher Vigilance for the wasteland based on your actions - this will equate to an easier or harder game overall, depending on the settings you choose.
  • Added a fourth option to the end game event timing, making it even longer before they begin the enemy begins their invasion.
  • Added ability for players to minimize side party/unit/location tracker on the right-hand side of the screen - this can improve game performance as this panel tracks all parties, units, and locations in the game every three seconds.

This will provide players with more freedom in shaping their gameplay.


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