War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest Greetings Underlords,

If you were to cast your dark minds back to the year of 2019 you might remember brighter days or indeed darker ones.

You might also remember the start of our partnership with Bandit Camp the devilishly delightful designers for Wicked Ones, a deeply realised free TTRP where you and your friends assume the role of evil dungeon dwelling denizens who through depraved acts of the dark heart expand their dungeon, plunder riches from the goodly folks of the above-lands and squash hapless heroes that wander into your domain. Why does that sound ever so familiar?

In any case last year our partnership bore fruit as the War for the Overwolrd campaign guide for Wicked Ones was unleashed. Allowing you to take explore the realm of Kairos as never before; through the guise of a tabletop RPG by building on top of Wicked One's all too familiar systems!

Better yet it is a product solely devoted to charity as all profits from this book for both ourselves and Bandit Camp are instead donated to Child's Play. In fact we're proud to say thus far we've raised $3380 for this grand cause, and soon we hope to break the $5000 barrier!

But there's more than this good news to share with you today. Indeed whilst we labour hard at our next game the folks at Bandit Camp have worked tirelessly towards their magnum opus.

Wicked Ones High-Quality Print Run Kickstarter

For the past few weeks Bandit Camp have been running their final (as far as we/they know) Wicked Ones kickstarter for an ultimate, collected release of Wicked Ones and its expansions physically realised in its greatest form yet via high-quality print-run.

This will deliver the books in a superbly high-detail greater than the print-on-demand releases previously run. Needless to say such an offering has neatly destroyed their initial goals

So why might this interest you?

Well firstly Wicked Ones is a great game that if you love Dungeon Management and TTRPGs we highly recommend you play.

Secondly, the WFTO supplement for the game realises the WFTO style of gameplay better than any RPG we are familiar with. It's become a cult classic amongst the Bandit Camp community.

Thirdly, the book includes the Dungeoneer's Guide to the Underworld, and as such is the only way to get this awesome collection of lore and art physically.

Finally, most crucially, that self-same supplement will as of a few days ago benefit from the same high-quality print-run as the other books as an improved add-on option. Still wholly for charity and we'll even throw in a free copy of WFTO for anyone who backs it.

How's that for a trade deal?!

Time is ticking

But rest not on your laurels, for the end of the Kickstarter is fast approaching with just a week from writing remaining. This may be the last chance to grab such a high-quality release and save on the postage you might otherwise incur buying them separately. Find out more on the Kickstarter Page

Bandit Camp have also made us aware that sometime in the near future print-on-demand options for hardcovers of their releases will soon be retired. So if you're hankering for a hard-cover book now is the best time to grab it!

For our part we expect that this will be the last time we promote the WFTO Wicked Ones book, and though it will likely remain available via Drive Thru RPG indefinitely we wouldn't want you to miss out on this chance.

  • Wicked Ones, a dungeon-building, village pillaging, goodie bashing TTRPG from our friends Bandit Camp is having its final kickstarter for a High-quality print run.
  • We worked with them previously to make a WFTO supplement for Wicked Ones that translated the feeling of playing War for the Overworld into the TTRPG format.
  • This was wholly for charity, raising $3380 so far for Child's Play with $5000 quickly approaching.
  • This same supplement is available as an add-on to the print run in the same high-quality form as the rest of the books.
  • It's all still for charity, any profits either of us would get from the WFTO add-on go to child's play.
  • We're giving them Steam Keys for WFTO's base edition anyone who pledges for the WFTO add-on
  • It's likely the last chance to get this book in a high-quality hardcover print. Even the print-on-demand medium quality will be retired soon.
  • There's a week left to get it.
  • We won't be bothering you any more about this!

To find out more and back the Kickstarter:

Visit the Kickstarter Page

That's all Underlords, and as always thank you for your support. We can't wait to talk to you very soon about our upcoming new game.

Until next time Underlords,

– Brightrock Games Team

Visit the Wicked One's Kickstarter

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War for the Overworld - Noontide
Hotfix Patch 2.1.0f4 - Release Notes

  • Fixed a random crash issue
  • CopyMightyScript and ImportMightyScript debug commands now function again, are no longer case sensitive and do not require debug mode to be unlocked
  • Fixed an issue where Shadow Distance would always reset to Medium
  • Increased default gamma from 20 to 30
War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest Greetings Underlord,

As promised a mere 11 days ago we have returned to this realm, dragging a surprise War for the Overworld patch kicking and screaming from the depths. This patch is a special one as it celebrates, somewhat belatedly, the 7th Anniversary of WFTO’s release and contains a few new features we, and you, might never have expected to see in WFTO.

But first an introduction. I’m Lee, one of the designers and the community manager at Brightrock. I’m better known in the community as Noontide. I’d like to take a moment to talk about the patch and why it’s a bit larger than our intended scope for maintenance.

A large part of this is a result of several months of on and off tinkering that I’ve been doing with the WFTO project. With input from my colleagues and assistance from the code team we’ve managed to wrap these changes up into this patch alongside the originally scheduled work and maintenance we had planned.

All of this is to say that this patch is meatier than first anticipated but also a little experimental and I would invite your opinions on changes that are being made here.

I expect this isn’t the last tinkering I will do with WFTO, but to set some reasonable expectations. I’m not a coder, I wasn’t involved in WFTO’s production directly and I’m still getting to grips with the project and its intricacies. A fair chunk of the work here involved a lot of help from others on the team who similarly supported me out of love and passion for the game.

So please understand that the inclusion of some unexpected features doesn’t change our intended plans for WFTO’s maintenance cycle. Which remains primarily an exercise in keeping a wary eye out for serious issues, triaging and addressing them with short bursts of activity between our work on Project: Aftercare.

With all that said I hope that you will enjoy the changes included in Patch 2.1 and you’ll keep an eye out for further news on Project: Aftercare this year :)

Now onto the patch notes!

Patch Highlights

Real-Time Shadow Support
One of my deepest desires for many years has been to see the game with real-time shadows, the light from torches casting long shadows of workers passing through, structures casting equally imposing presence on the environment. Ideal for dark, gritty dungeons.

There’s very real reasons why we never touched this. Frankly it’s super expensive performance wise, WFTO has a lot of dynamic lights already and each light is an expense, doubly so if they cast shadows. Then as time went on and performance generally improved, working backwards to introduce this was a non-starter because so much of the game had been done without it intended, as an example many objects that should have cast shadows, simply didn’t because they weren’t set up to.

Anyway a lot of that work has been a focus of my efforts, and now this is now a supported graphical feature. Largely I focussed on structures: Dungeon Cores, Shrines or significant light sources like the hand of evil. If you enable shadows this is the bare minimum you get.

Some other shadow sources can also be optionally enabled, mostly this means corridor torches right now but may be expanded in the future to include room props and more if there’s enough performance headroom.

Speaking of performance, it should be expected that this is a net-loss in performance if you enable this. I’ve provided options to help offset this and the recommended finds a nice middleground. But you can totally kill your FPS if you want to get the best looking picture, I just wouldn’t recommend it for moment to moment gameplay.

Visual Tone Overhaul
Part of my goals with my tinkering was to try and give the game a “deeper” atmosphere with an emphasis on feeling the effects of the terrain that surrounds you. First and foremost I wanted to communicate the sense that the player was underground with more oppressive shadows and lighting, whilst still allowing the player to see what they’re doing.

It’s hard to communicate these changes so here’s a few comparison screenshots.

Power Hand of Evil
Just over a year ago now we asked our Discord community whether they wanted to see the Power Hand of Evil, which was that year’s April Fools, make its way to the game. To say that the response was a resounding yes would be an understatement. So we finally got around to doing that.

The new hand can be selected via the gameplay options menu.

UI Performance Optimisations
Thanks to feedback from the community we managed to isolate a few significant performance monsters in the UI. This should greatly improve the performance of the Main Menu but also parts of the in-game UI that are known to cause problems such as the units panel and veins of evil.

In some brief logging I confirmed a significant 41.8% reduction in UI overhead on the main menu in a steam thread:

Gains for the In-Game UI are more circumstantial but the unit panel in particular is much, much faster taking only 0.1ms to render down from 5ms when fully populated and in advanced mode. That’s a massive 5000% gain in performance!

Patch Notes

Performance Optimisations
  • Significant improvements to the Main Menu UI will deliver up to 100% improved performance on the Main Menu
  • Significant improvements to several in-game UIs including but not limited to:
    • The Veins of Evil
    • Units Tab
    • Potions Tab
    • Groups UI

Visual Changes

Dynamic Shadows
  • Dynamic Shadows can now be enabled in the options menu with various configurations
    • Shadows can be enabled or disabled and configured to be cast only by important lights or specified optional lights
    • The distance at which shadows are rendered is set by the Shadow Distance setting
    • The resolution of shadows is affected by the Shadow Resolution setting

Tonal Updates
The Hand of Evil now casts a larger light which is colour toned based on the terrain theme
Players can override the colour of this light via a new setting in the options menu
The game’s default lighting is now darker in tone and with a very slight orange hue
Increased the intensity of SSAO
Explored fog of war is now tinted based on the terrain theme, it’s cold out there amongst the ice

Dungeon Themes
  • Rhaskos Dungeon Theme
    • Improved visuals on the Dungeon Core, fixed a few errors and introduced new elements to spruce up the granddaddy of all cores
    • Improvements to the Rhaksos wall topper
  • Arcane Dungeon Theme
    • Dungeon Core now has a visible ebb in its visual effects
    • All Dungeon Cores and walls have had a lighting pass in support of visual tone changes and shadow support

Shrines, Structures and Environments
  • All Shrines & Structures (such as gateways) have had a lighting overhaul to make best use of the new shadow system
  • Artefacts of all types cast slightly more light
  • The Underworld Gateway now fully team colors to your faction’s colour

  • Gold now has a glittering effect in all themes, this is adjusted based on the terrain theme
  • Ice theme terrain now has a reflective component, making it look a little more icey

  • Workers now have a small team coloured light to help identify them amongst the crowds
  • Oni Ashigaru Worker - Reduced Brightness, more consistent with other skins
  • Survival workers now have a more consistent brightness with other workers
  • Easter worker no longer dyes his fur to suit your team colour, animal cruelty is ended
  • The Cynical Imp no longer changes his skin color, instead he just picks different colors to emphasize his suit

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Dramatically improved loading times for the custom campaign menu and other menus where many levels are loaded sequentially
  • The War for the Overworld launcher is deprecated and has been removed.
  • Loading screens now feature the War for the Overworld logo without patch banners.

UI & Interface

  • Controller input for possession can now be disabled in the options menu

Bug Fixes

Crashes & Gamebreakers
  • Fixed an issue which would cause the game to enter a softlock state on loading transition in and out of levels

Visual Issues
  • Fixed an issue which prevented a specific arcane theme floor from being teamcoloured
  • The Cynical Imp is now appropriately teamcoloured
  • Fixed an issue where the worker claim vfx would not persist long enough in some tasks
  • Quartz now appears correctly in all terrain themes
  • The Team Indicator for perception shrines no longer hides underground

Audio Issues
  • Fixed an issue where the Rhaskos core heartbeat would not play in sync with the animation

Levels / Campaigns
  • War for the Overworld - Level 1 - Fixed an issue where the edge highlighter for tiles in the tutorial would not display correctly
  • War for the Overworld - Level 9 - Enemy units in the arena now count towards objective completion.

  • The description for the frostyweaver unit has been updated to correctly reflect its passive abilities
  • Fixed stick drift causing the possession camera to turn permanently if the player has an analog input device plugged in
  • If the UI fails to load it will no longer default to google.com, therefore removing your ability to google the issue immediately
  • Fixed an issue that would cause part of the unit panel to become inaccessible after losing a unit at certain UI scales
  • The unit panel should now behave properly at all normal UI scales… probably.

Map Editor
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a dungeon core to become deserialized, making it untargetable and unremovable in the map editor. Killing your map.

Mighty Script
  • Patrols added via the spawn party action should now behave as intended.

  • Fixed an issue where users on the GOG platform and Steam platform could not see each other’s multiplayer games

GOG Version
  • Custom campaigns will now be unpacked outside of GOG’s cloud save area, preventing an overload of your cloud save capacity

Until next time Underlord,

– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide
Rarest Greetings Underlords,

Once again, we pop out from the dingy depths of our caverns and gaze upwards towards the untarnished and needlessly fungible Overworld! The surfacers’ schemes bring them ever closer to ruin, and we must merely wait until their weaknesses crumble their world down to bare stone.

The Great Plan has long been in motion, and its tendrils now find purchase in the broader culture of the surfacers. This is the perfect time to strike, and the two blades of our strike are named:

1. Project: COD
2. Project: WFTO:NFTFTO

Let us pull back the curtain and reveal screaming murder victim behind as we delve into our first Project. Project:COD also known as CULT OF DUTY: DUNGEON WARFARE.

Join the Cult of Duty

Cult of Duty: Dungeon Warfare is a brand new First Person Gun ’em Down (FPGED) from our crack team of developers that specialize in real-time strategy management games. In it you will assume the role of a nameless cultist burdened with an exceptional duty. Hence the name, you see you’re a cultist in a cult, and you have a duty. Pretty clever.

He’s looking this way! Quick burn the rest of his face off!

We intend to completely redefine the genre of the FPGED, and we’ve spent literal years gathered around a chalkboard, generating ideas, writing on chalkboards, taking notes, eating chalk, and promoting synergy all to bring you a game that will truly change your perspective on the gaming world of First Person games.

We know. You can’t believe it. It’s long overdue that someone redefines, innovates and revolutionises the FPGED space. Well, hold onto your flaps, because you’re about to get blasted with the sickest FPGED featureset you’ve ever seen:

  • An Armoury of Evil - Your cult is armed with an assortment of weapons, forged with steel and imbued with the magical power of blood. Choose from weapons such as the Sacrificial Dagger, The BAFU Launcher, the Power Hand of Evil™ and the Chunder Thunderer, the most powerful weapon in your Arse-nal.
  • A Campaign to Remember - Across fifteen expertly crafted levels experience an epic cinematic tale of love and betrayal, woven relationships and beautifully choreographed cutscenes that will leave you wanting more. Then when you’re done, jump on Netflix and binge our tie-in anime which concludes the story.
  • Bloody Magic - There’s more to being a cultist than sleeping, eating, collecting payday and performing occult rituals. Your own brand of magic will service you in addition to your weaponry, wield dozens of unique spells as you fight your way through the goodly forces of the surface world. But remember your magic is powered by blood, your blood.
  • Know Your Place - As the loyal servant of an Underlord you must never forget who your master is, worship them, praise them with your every working moment, when they slap you then you will feel pleasure like never before. Let them do it, embrace it, enjoy it. Yes, just like that, you like that don’t you my little minion… *ahem* where were we?
  • Defeat Greater Parts of Yourself - In the Massively Multiplayer mode Korvek Royale you’ll discover the canon backstory to Korvek, one of the most important and beloved characters in War for the Overworld. Fight other parts of yourself is a massive deathmatch as you take on the form of a lowly cultist amidst the twisted, fractured realm that Korvek calls home. Who will be winner winner micropiglet dinner?

The Honest Truth
Here at Brightrock Games we believe in absolute honesty and transparency with our valued fanbase. So we’re going to call this what it is. We’re going to fleece the absolute gosh-darned pants off you with all sorts of tasty, metric raising, arguably-abusive microtransactions, cosmetics, voice lines and more which you can rub into the faces of those less fortuante.

We’re not hiding it anymore, no one is, gone are the days where we’d charge you honestly for the hours of sweat and toil we put into this content, we’re going to find every possible way to nickel and dime you. It's just the way of things you understand?

Once upon a time, the idea of paying money for horse armour was so absurd that it broke the community of Gamers. Fortunately, we’re long past the days of those plebeian concerns, and microtransactions have since been embraced by the whole gaming community as a force for good.

Pay-to-win? We’ve got that too! You don’t want to fall behind do you? Damn right you don’t you little scamp, basically, you'll want to buy our tat or that's what will happen. Falling behind is what losers do, and we both know you're too awesome to be a loser right?

Multiplayer is a great opportunity to show off your choice in robe colours!

So now we both know you want to be a winner you can check out our list of Day 1 DLC & Microtransactions, complete with pricing so you can start budgeting now! All of these can be purchased together at a 5% discount in the “Certified Winner” pack which comes with a special title “I’m better than you”!

  • Robe Colour Pack 1 (£3.99) - Customise your robes like never before with all new colors including: Cherry, Merlot, Jam, Wine, Mahogany, Blood, Currant, Scarlet and more!
  • Scowl Pack (£5.99) - Bad guys never smile. Now put your own spin on the iconic expression with 5 brand new scowls to wear into battle. Guaranteed to make enemies and friends alike jealous.
  • Grimace Pack (£5.99) - On no occasion do Evil Dudes grin. Right this second redefine expectations on this defining appearance with more than four and less than six pristine grimaces to don in war. Assured to inspire envy in foes and allies all the same.
  • Frown Pack (£5.99) - Sinister males always forgo beaming. At this moment, rework the recognisable guise with a few more than a couple fresh frowns to have on in a scrap. Unfailing to assign desirous feelings in companions and rivals
  • Glower Pack (£5.99) - At no time do villainous men twinkle teeth. Presently place a rotation upon the archetypal countenance with the square root of 25 virginal glowers to sport to a confrontation. It is certain your antagonists and confidantes will be covetous.
  • Iconic Voice Pack (£9.99) - Tired of running around without running your mouth? Grab this pack and you too can spout such lines as “I never get hungry in here for some reason” and “Who the hell is Brian” approximately 97 times a minute.
  • Weapon Honing Bundle (£5.99) - Your weapons could always be better, with this pack of raw materials you’ll need to improve the killing power, range and much more. No more grinding, just swipe!
  • Modern Warfare Pack (£59.99) - Tired of getting stomped by noobs? Change the field of engagement with the Modern Warfare pack. Containing all your favorite modern weaponry fill your foes full of lead whilst they babble their magic spells, or call in a tactical airstrike should you find yourself outmatched.
  • Developer Abuse Pack (£9.99) - You just give us money to verbally abuse you. Whenever you do anything in game you’ll have bespoke developer responses reminding you how bad you are and how much better you would be for purchasing our microtransactions.

We’re so excited to share further news with you in the coming months in the meantime all that remains is to confirm that Cult of Duty will release on the latest Xbox personal console on 01.04.2023.

Coming soon to a video game retailer near you

Until then we’ll be answering any questions you may have in the comments and we’ll include the most pressing ones in our Cult of Duty FAQ below.

Now before we forget we have big news for WFTO as well!

WFTO Patch 4.1 Preview: NFTs for the Overworld

We know you’re all desperate to get your hands on the Cult of Duty, but the demands of our artistic vision are so exacting that it’s going to take a bit more time to ship.

We also know that all of you beautiful, gorgeous, charismatic fans deserve more than a “when it’s done” - so we’re also happy to reveal our original and uncompromised vision and finally provide you with the game WFTO was always meant to be.

War for the Overworld: Non Fungible Tokens for the Overworld (WFTO:NFTFTO) is a radically new content experience in the video-game landscape. The industry at large has refused to acknowledge the power and labour of Gamers, and we at Brightrock think it’s far past time this was remediated.

With WFTO:NFTFTO, the time you invest in WFTO:NFTFTO will be rewarded with novel, fun tokens which are unlocked upon the arrival of the minions in your dungeon. Minions have long had unique personalities, attributes, names, and backstories, all buried deep within the code for the original WFTO. In our new version, each minion summoned will be assigned a token, and if summoned into your dungeon, that token becomes yours - forever.

Some example chunderbois from our first minting. Get them while they’re hot, or not, being hot is a variation that can happen. Much value.

Each minion token has an intrinsic value generated by the hash matrix of our new DungeonCoin crypto-market. This technology will allow you to trade minions between dungeons, or even sell them outright to new players. Do you have a Chunder who spends more time than usual in the Foundry? Is he called Jim? Have you spent nights tossing and turning on white-hot pillows, thinking about how desperately you want Chunder Jim to be your boyfriend?

Well, in a year from now, Chunder Jim will be worth over five million dollars, and his token can be yours to own - provided that he gets summoned to your dungeon.

What’s more, WFTO:NFTFTO will constantly hash new DungeonCoins as you play the game - and each successful hashing increases the value of all the DungeonCoins and minion tokens you own. Finally, you can actually enjoy playing a computer game, comforted by the knowledge that every hour spent playing has boosted the value of your Minion Wallet!

Some of our chunderbois are fully animated! Great for showing off your investments to your “friends”.

We can’t overstate how exciting it is to be spearheading this initiative to bring substantial product value to our fans and players, and we’re incredibly grateful that you’ve all stuck with us long enough for the true WFTO vision to be revealed. Keep hashing those Chunders, Underlords!

Brightrock Games is not liable for any personal, interpersonal or hardware damage caused by the appropriation of your computer for the hashing of DungeonCoin. End user is solely liable for any incidents of overheating, melting, CPU fan explosions, thermal paste ingestion, boils, burns, bankruptcy, and any other outcomes of the proprietary DungeonCoin technology.

Cult of Duty FAQ

Q. If my Robe is reduced to 0% durability am I naked?

In order to avoid affecting our ratings board scores (15) we are legally required to confirm the Cultist does indeed wear his skivvies in this case. However we plan to release a De-Censor DLC for £69.69 which will make your cultist appropriately naked. This comes with a free weapon! The Massive(ly exaggerated) Rod of Evil.

Q. When I do a 360 quickscope upon my enemies, will I be rewarded with Experience Points?

Yes. Every successful “Quickscope” will result in you being rewarded with Experience Points, which can be spent on unlocking attachments for your weapon of choice.

Q. I enjoy playing video games, because it’s exciting when the marios bounces around. However, I often feel anxious that I’m wasting my time watching a computer character collect coins on the screen, which is where I watch the game on. Is there any solution to this?

There is! The recent deployment of DungeonCoin allows you to generate value merely by playing our game - and then trade or sell your minions to other savvy consumers. Not a single minute spent in WFTO will be wasted, and the line always goes up!

Q. I have lost the ability to go to the toilet by myself

Until April 12th Underlords,

– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest Greetings Underlords,

It has been some time hasn’t it? Rest assured that the dark work on our next project continues undeterred and unabated and that soon enough all shall be revealed to you.

In the meantime we once more reach out to you across the aether to share news of interest.

Specifically with regards to the culmination of our partnership with the most devious folks of Bandit Camp, and the long-awaited release of the War for the Overworld Campaign Guide for their excellent dungeon-building, surface-raiding, pen and paper RPG – Wicked Ones!

But first, in case you missed the news. In late September we released patch 2.0.8 for War for the Overworld to fix a serious crash on startup issue on the latest intel CPUs. If you were affected by this crash or have had issues since, please check out this post.

Now without further ado, onto the main event!

WFTO Meets Wicked Ones
Cast your mind back Underlords to the heady year of 2019, the year before the time of ending, before the great plague and before this humble community manager had aged into his 30s… Great times indeed…

We had just started the early stages of development on our latest work when we received a most curious message from a Kickstarter Campaign.

A pen and paper roleplaying game in which you control the dark denizens of a world in which they build, defend a dungeon, explore the world and raid the settlements of goodly heroes. We both agreed a dark partnership was in order.

Supporting Child’s Play
The War for the Overworld Campaign Guide for Wicked Ones is entirely a charitable endeavour. All proceeds from Brightrock Games, Bandit Camp and DriveThruRPG will be donated to the Child’s Play charity to help improve the lives of children through the power of play.

That’s right 100% of our proceeds and that of our partners from sales of this book will be going to charity forever. Who said you can’t do good while doing a little evil?

War for the Overworld Campaign Guide for Wicked Ones

This Campaign Guide is a massive 81-page, full-colour tome and includes everything you need to know to place your games of Wicked Ones in the War for the Overworld universe, to build your Wicked One wholly as or inspired by one of our minions and to serve a great underlord (of your own design) as you strike out against together with your fellows against the goodly forces of the Empire.

The Guide adjusts the core gameplay of Wicked Ones to bring it closer to the experience of playing War for the Overworld. With the unique mix of Roleplay, dungeon keeping and surface raiding there’s sure to whet any Underlord’s bloodthirsty tongue.

Don’t know what Wicked Ones is? Well you can read a bit about it below!

What’s Included in the Campaign Guide
The following is from the Wicked Ones product page. It details what is added to the Wicked Ones tabletop RPG with the book so that it plays more like WFTO. There's no exclusive WFTO in-game content associated with the book.

Even for those who are not familiar with the War for the Overworld video game, this campaign guide has a lot to offer including new rules, a map. Also, as with Wicked Ones Deluxe Edition, all graphics in the book have been converted to high quality tokens and figures for VTT play and do-it-yourself printing. The campaign itself and the factions are well described within the book, which makes for great inspiration even without experience playing WFTO.

● A new sandbox map for Wicked Ones, Mount Desmos, with a detailed scenario focusing on underground raids before bursting forth into the Overworld.

● Underlords, powerful spirits from the Aether, leading your dungeon. They’re a single character shared by the entire group and can cast spells and compel their minions towards action. Their abilities replace the core function of a dungeon.

● A dungeon core at the center of your dungeon. Located on the first level, it replaces the sanctum and second level of the dungeon. Defend it well, because if it falls, your Underlord is banished from the realm.

● Shrines and portals littering the Underworld, discovered while tunneling to the edges of the map to go on raids.

● 12 beasts from WFTO to serve your dungeon as creatures and a new way to bring them along on raids with you when necessary.

● 3 powerful titans that can be summoned by acquiring the Kenos artifact and finishing a tier 3 ritual. Each titan has its own unique bonus.

● 10 unit archetypes and new primal abilities to build WFTO-style PCs with.

● 15 heroes of the Empire, adventurers strongly connected to the factions within and around Mount Desmos.

● Active participation in dungeon defense by the PCs, who make a placement roll as an invasion occurs just like their minions do. Once you become aware of the invasion, you are free to move about the dungeon making invasions much more chaotic and dynamic.

● The Dungeoneer’s Guide to the Underworld, an in-world field guide for the evil and good units in War for the Overworld written by Brightrock Games. This was previously available to those that bought the Underlord Edition of the game, but has been made available for inclusion with this supplement to give GMs and players way more background information on the denizens of Kairos.

Print on Demand Physical Copies

The Campaign Guide is available in both digital and print-on-demand physical formats, naturally this means you can get both an awesome supplement to the Wicked Ones game but also for the first time ever get your hands of evil on a physical copy of the Dungeoneer’s Guide to the Underworld which is included in the book.

The Hardback format and excellent print-quality make these truly great additions to any Underlord’s collection.

Just check out these awesome pictures of the physical book in person!

How to Get It?
You can grab either Digital or Physical editions of the War for the Overworld Campaign Guide for Wicked Ones right over on DriveThruRPG!


  • PDF Only – $10.00
  • Hardcover, Premium – $25.09
  • Hardcover, Standard – $18.81

You’ll need a copy of Wicked Ones to play of which you can either purchase the excellent Deluxe Edition or download and play the Free Edition. We’ve played the game ourselves quite liberally and have been having a blast just with the core rules!

If you’re looking to grab the Deluxe Edition we’ve been informed by our friends at Bandit Camp that the game is currently, at time of posting, DTRPG’s Deal of the Day, knocking a huge $12 off the price of the Deluxe Edition (from $20 to $8!). As the name suggests this deal is only for today.

What is Wicked Ones?
Put simply, Wicked Ones is awesome but for a more objective description we’ll turn to the folks at Bandit Camp to summarise!

WICKED ONES is a Forged in the Dark tabletop RPG about a group of fantasy monsters building a dungeon, launching raids on the surface to gather a hoard, and pursuing your nefarious master plan. Along the way, there’s pillaging, rituals, concoctions, contraptions, discoveries deep in the ground, dungeon rooms, traps, creatures, minions, and so much more! You build your dungeon over time throughout the campaign and no two dungeons will ever be alike.

You bask in choosing the greater of two evils as your group strives to accomplish its master plan and terrorize the region around your dungeon. However, your vile deeds lure increasingly greedy and powerful adventurers into your dungeon. Can you stave off the inevitable onslaught of heroism that your notoriety brings?

If you’d like to find out more then be sure to drop into the Bandit Camp Discord!

And remember you can try the game entirely for Free with the Free Edition!

Lastly in the interests of supporting the wonderful talent at Bandit Camp we’d like to make you aware of their next endeavour Relic, which is currently in the pre-Kickstarter phase.

That concludes our final update on this unique partnership. We hope that we can count on your support of the new product for Child’s Play and we hope that you enjoy playing Wicked Ones and especially the WFTO Supplement!

Finally all that remains is for us to wish you all a great remainder of 2021 while we look forward to pulling back the curtain on Project: Aftercare in 2022!

Until next time Underlords,

– Brightrock Games Team

– Brightrock Games Team

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Patch Highlights

Edit 22/09/2021: We've become aware that a small number of users now have a different crash on startup in v2.0.8 please read this thread on how you can help and how to workaround the crash for now.

Engine Update & Major Crash Fix

Last year we began receiving reports that the game was instantly crashing upon launch on certain PCs. Upon investigation we found that this issue affected all users with Intel CPUs of 10th Generation or newer.

Once we acquired an affected PC we confirmed that this issue was a seeming incompatibility with the Unity Engine version WFTO was built upon as a blank project in that same version would yield the same crash.

Through the stellar work of our code team we've completed the tumultuous move to a newer version of the Unity Engine from 5.4.6 to 5.6.7. This addresses the crash and allows War for the Overworld to run as intended on these machines with no workarounds required.

Great care has been taken to ensure that the player experience should be unaffected by this move but engine updates, even ones as seemingly minor as this are often very involved and rarely done once a game is launched.

We would therefore ask you to remain aware of any changes in behaviour in the game and report any issues directly to us via Userecho.

We'd like to thank all the fans on our Discord server who helped test this new patch on the beta branch.

  • Unity Engine updated from version 5.4.6 to 5.6.7, addressing a serious crash on Intel CPUs.

Gameplay / Balance Changes


New Unit - Unbound Ghoul
  • Special variant of the Ghoul that can be placed in the Map Editor
  • The Unbound Ghoul is a normal Ghoul except it is not treated as a "slave" unit i.e. it does not require a master
  • The Unbound Ghoul will not go feral without the guidance of a necromancer and instead can be placed freely as a hostile unit.

  • Can now be affected by the Blood Money spell

Restless Spirit
  • Can now be affected by the Blood Money spell

Bug Fixes

Crashes & Gamebreakers
  • Fixed a serious Intel crash on launch due to incompatibility with Unity 5.4.6.
  • Fixed a few other unrelated crashes.


  • Cynical Imp workers are now appropriately team coloured.


  • Fixed an issue where the multiplayer chatbox would still be clickable even if it was hidden
  • Fixed an issue which prevented users from signing up to the newsletter in-game and receiving their
  • Several other minor UI fixes.


– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlord,

Every year the Oni Ashigaru worker returns from his year-long wanderings. Waging honourable warfare, saving the denizens of the Underworld from roving imperial bandits. From where he has returned we don't rightly know but each year he comes bearing gifts in the form of discounts.

Get the free Oni Ashigaru Worker

Login any time before the end of April and you will immediately unlock the Oni Ashigaru worker for use in non-campaign modes. Once you've logged in you will receive an unlockable and should find the worker available for selection in Skirmish, Multiplayer, My Pet Dungeon, Crucible and Custom modes.

If he's missing do not fret, simply restart the game and then check again. You should find him waiting for you!

Mid April Sale - Up to 80% off!

With the worker's return you'll also find the game massively discounted until the 26th! If you've been waiting for an opportunity to complete your collection or have yet to delve into the depths of the Underworld then now is the perfect opportunity to do so!

Check out the on sale items over on the store page!

Until next time Underlord,

– Brightrock Games Team[/b]

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Most Overdue Greetings Underlord,

It has been some time since we shared news from within the fortified walls of the Brightrock foundry but for good reason! Our Augres have been hard at work crafting the true form of Project: Aftercare and it is the thing you’d least expect…

That’s right Brightrock has long since left the software space and we’re now entering the hardware race. So with an exultant howl we present to you at last Project: Aftercare or more accurately THE POWER HAND OF EVIL!


We know that many of our Underlords have longed for the day where they could reach into their dungeon and pluck their minions from its dark corridors and drop them elsewhere, or even deliver a hefty slap of your own.

Well with the POWER HAND OF EVIL™ you can do just that, simply don it’s moulded plastic form and you’ll be able to reach directly into your screen and enact your godly will directly. Note: This may be an exaggeration, we do not recommend actually reaching directly into your screen.

The POWER™ HAND OF EVIL features full finger tracking, and emotive motion sensing engines; it is fully compatible with all your favourite War for the Overworld actions and with the full power of your normal UI functions you’ll quickly find yourself throwing your keyboard and mouse out the window for this vastly superior control scheme.

You can probably even use it in other titles, though we’re not sure why you’d be playing anything other than War for the Overworld, the greatest game ever made.

Handy Features​

  • Grab, Drop, Slap and Flick for Victory - Your hand movements are perfectly translated directly into the game. Pinch your fingers to pick up, wave your hand to slap and even utilise new flick functionality to drive your minions forward over long distances!
  • Place, Cast, Rally - The power of your UI is at your fingertips! You can select rooms, place flags and cast spells using the handy, dandy keyboard embedded into the hand of evil.
  • Hot Swappable Keys - We realise that options are power in the hardware space and fundamentally there’s too many awesome things in WFTO to fit on one gauntlet. To that end you can purchase key packs which contain random keys for WFTO Aspects, pry your room keys off and replace them for instant access! Naturally you can also find “Shiny” RGB keys in the packs. Gotta get ‘em all!
  • Go Hand in Hand - Sometimes 18 keys isn’t enough. If you need more you can chain POWER HANDS OF™ EVIL together, ride them up your arm, glue them together, maybe even wear one on your other hand! The options are endless!
  • Track Ball, Track All! - We’ve included a swish trackball, well understood to be the best 3D object to use in navigating a 2D space. It’s so rad!
  • Radical Gauntlet Appearence - Speaking of Rad, the moulded plastic of the glove matches that of designs in WFTO itself, now you can truly feel like a cheap version of an Underlord.
  • VR Compatibility - The Power Hand is fully compatible with all VR Headsets, explore WFTO like you’ve never seen before and look awesome while doing it!
  • Mo’ Money, Mo’ Features - Of course for our whales we’ve got more features on the premium founders edition, complete with OLED buttons and actual tesla coils with which to zap your foes. More on that below!

Become Radical!​

No doubt you’re already reaching for your wallets and who can blame you? Not only will the POWER HAND OF EVIL™ will not only improve your gameplay, but also undeniably make you more attractive to those around you.

Obviously the current state you’ve seen is still an early prototype but we have opened up pre-orders of the super special founders edition! For a low markup of £2,500 you can get early access to the POW™ER HAND OF EVIL and any early hardware faults it develops! Bargain!

If you’re ready to take the plunge grab your founder’s edition version of the hand soon for the low-low price of £3,500.

Look forward to more announcements from us this year!

Until next time Underlord,

– Brightrock Games Team

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Most Auspicious Greetings Underlord,

The Lunar New Year is upon us once more and in celebration, the ever lucky Dragon Worker has returned to bring you his blessings.

We’re also pleased to announce that the game is on sale with up to 80% off all War for the Overworld products until the end of the Steam Lunar Sale! Check out the store page!

To Unlock the Dragon Worker, Simply log-in to the game any time before the 20th of February to unlock this awesome, unique skin for your workers to use in any non-campaign game mode. But act fast, once he's gone he won't return for another year!

Until next time Underlord,

– Brightrock Games Team

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War for the Overworld - Noontide

Darkest greetings Underlords,

Through the darkest of tunnels we can see a light flickering at the end, not a mere torchlight but one of blazing radiance. With the last hours of the cursed year 2020 quickly fading we hope that our message reaches across the aether and finds you safe and well.

As we close out the year we have a few small announcements, firstly that of our final Community Spotlight for this year, which features some more excellent maps from the community and then news from our partners at Bandit Camp, developers of the tabletop RPG Wicked Ones!

Read on Underlords!

Quarter 4 Community Spotlight
This quarter's spotlight contains gems recently hewn from the rock which forms the strata of the Steam Workshop. Five new realms to assert your dominance across and a grand campaign produced by a partnership of skilled artisans that inhabit the workshop.

It's a truly momentous experience playing through a campaign which several of our most dedicated community members worked on together, we certainly hope to see more such cooperation from our loyal Underlords!

As always each and every spotlighted author will receive a code for the Golden Imp, if they have not already. So be sure to check the private comments on your items for your code!

Deathmatch Levels
Core Shards Levels

Scenario Levels
Custom Campaigns

If you want to get your hands on these incredible levels we've included links to download them separately or you can download them as part of our community spotlight! You can also subscribe to the meta spotlight collection which collects together all our existing spotlights in a single click download.

Fanart by @InspektorPL

Wicked Ones Releases!

Back in June 2019 we were proud to put our support behind Wicked Ones, an innovative and ambitious tabletop RPG which neatly translates the dungeon building concept into a roleplaying experience.

With the help of our Underlords they managed to hit their Kickstarter goals and more, unlocking not just all their stretch goals but also goals which unlocked access to WFTO themed content for the game!

We are pleased to announce that our devilish friends at Bandit Camp have now released the core rules for the game, which have achieved great success over at Drive Thru RPG, hitting #2 on the best selling charts!

So what are you waiting for Underlord? Grab some of your fellow lords, a copy of the Wicked Ones rules and a virtual table top and explore this awesome game right now!

Buy Wicked Ones now at Drive Thru RPG!

WICKED ONES is a Forged in the Dark tabletop RPG about a group of fantasy monsters building a dungeon, launching raids on the surface to gather a hoard, and pursuing your nefarious master plan. Along the way, there's pillaging, rituals, concoctions, contraptions, discoveries deep in the ground, dungeon rooms, traps, creatures, minions, and so much more! You build your dungeon over time throughout the campaign and no two dungeons will ever be alike.

You bask in choosing the greater of two evils as your group strives to accomplish its master plan and terrorize the region around your dungeon.

However, your vile deeds lure increasingly greedy and powerful adventurers into your dungeon. Can you stave off the inevitable onslaught of heroism that your notoriety brings?

As for the War for the Overworld content? Well rest assured that's still on the horizon, we are in talks with Bandit Camp for the next phase as development ramps up on the splatbook to bring your games of Wicked Ones into the setting of War for the Overworld!

You'll be able to build your dungeon as an Underlord, possess your very own minions and crush the goodly forces of the Empire as you race to establish your notoriety within Kairos!

We'll be sure to keep you informed as we approach release!

That's all for now Underlords, all that remains is to wish you and your families a safe and hopefully more stable 2021, we'll see you soon...

Until next year Underlords!

– Brightrock Games Team

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