Product Update - Valve
Added weapon upgrades (look in Armory, upgrades are available only for permanent weapons)
Changed accuracy in ui to spread, added recoil
Added 4 heroes (you cannot use any other gear with Hero character)
Added language selection to Options. After update it will try to automatically select your native language
New weapons added: handgun Colt1911, shotgun Mossberg, SMG P90S, sniper rifle Blaser
Changed Primary and Secondary weapons categories for SMG and SUPPORT
Airstrikes have been added. You need Laser Designator to use airstrikes.
Some scopes were improved
Added voice overs to capturing flag events, communication rose, artillery strikes
Weapon feedback improved
Particles can now cast shadows
Password protection is working for unranked games only

Bug fixes:
fix for WP balance when buying supply crates
fix water problems with fog
particles optimized for older video cards
first pass on optimizing a lag when another player joins a match
added ultra to shadows quality in options
crash fixes
Product Update - Valve
Adjusted how much XP needed for each level
Added Gold Credit rewards for leveling up
Fixed UI bugs
Product Update - Valve
Bug fixes:
Rewards for winning round, best player in team\overall are lowered
Fixed issues with font in UI
Updated PhysX, grenades\rockets should now work correctly (not fly through geometry)
Nightfall map lighting was updated, now it is darker
Product Update - Valve
Updated UI for PlayGame menu. Added Basic and Premium game creation.
Simplified XP rewards. Now showing only one XP in end of round, rather than offense\defense\tactician\etc. Updated End of Round menu is coming soon.
Updated rewards (XP was increased)
Reset stats when game starts
Show rewards in practice games (though they will be reset at the end of round)

Bug fixes:
Fixed bug with grenades
Camera fixes
Fixed bug that we were giving 20GC for kill enemy close to their flag, instead of 20WP
Product Update - Valve
Slowed down capture flag speed (should take about 20 seconds to capture neutral flag)
Added new rewards:
Kill enemy close to your flag
Kill enemy close to enemy flag
Sabotage win round by number of kills
Updated min player requirement to start the game (lowered to 6 players and 4 players on small maps)
Updated store UI
Added daily\weekly awards in My Merc section
Jump animation tweaked

Bug fixes:
fixed bug that in deathmatch tickets were decreased while game hasn't started yet
fixed bug that win\loss match rewards were not given in sabotage game
fixed bug with giving best player reward at the end of round
fixed sniper scope position
Product Update - Valve
Added Sabotage rewards (plant and diffuse bomb)
Added end of round reward for best player and best player in team
Don't show red\blue crosshair if weapon is blocked (by wall in the corner for example)
Show crosshair for sniper rifle when not aiming
Updated level up bonuses

Bug fixes:
Fixed bug that crosshair on non 16:9 resolutions was off
Removed stamina when sprinting
Adjusted UI for weapon stats (was showing incorrect values)
Fixed jumping issues: getting glued or sliding over geometry
Fixed ally player identification
Fixed bug when server was forcing armor and head gear (you were not able to remove them)
Footstep sound tweaks
Product Update - Valve
November 7, 2011 UPDATE
Bug fixes:
- fixed video artifacts on Burning Sea level
- fixed broken spawn points on Crossroads
- fixed terrain decorations option not being saved properly
- fixed missing decals on Jungle Ruins level
- collision fixes
Product Update - Valve
- Currency names have been changed! gold dollars became War Points (in-game currency), game points became War Cash (cash currency).
- Improved color correction on most maps.
- Upgraded PhysX to version 3.1, your character should run along walls now more smoothly.
- Enabled hardware shadows (should improve FPS and quality of shadows)
- Improved store buy functionality
- Added sorting in leaderboards
- New in-game rewards, right now they are giving 10 War Points, but soon enough will be giving other items
- Camera should be more smooth now, more improvements to it coming soon
- Show your current ping in top left corner, next to game timer
- Disconnect player if ping is more than 500ms for more than 60 seconds
- Graphics options have been changed a little bit
- Improved quality of ambient occlusion
- Performance improvements
- Security improvements
Product Update - Valve
- Halloween items added: new character, new head and new head gear. (They will be available in the store shortly)
- Updated Eastern Bunker map (textures, lights)

Bug fixes:
- aiming was making character invisible
- blinking trees
- halo around objects in shadow
- animated objects were not lit correctly
- spot lights were not oriented correctly
Product Update - Valve
October 18, 2011 UPDATE
Bug fixes:
- fixed lighting bug on skinned meshes
- collisions on some trees were not matching actual tree
- excessive z-fighting on some levels
- screenshot wasn't working in main menu
- night vision was randomly turning itself off
- Dust Quarry: fixed broken night vision filter

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