Vindictus - Saygo

Welcome to the Abyssal Arena update! The new battlefield might be the biggest features present, but with two new abilities to learn, new expansions on the Item Composition system, numerous new events and sales and dozens of other changes before you, there's plenty here to delve into, so take a look at it all below!

Enter the Abyssal Arena
The Ein Lacher Challenge brought you face to face with a single boss and gave you a simple task: Win as cleanly as you can, win with absolute perfection, and win without suffering a even a scratch for the best possible rewards. Every Wednesday and Saturday, the Abyssal Arena brings forth a far different obstacle, and if you play it safe, you won't get anywhere.

The new Abyssal Arena battle quest takes you to a small arena, where wave after wave of foes will test your ability to kill in the blink of an eye. Upon entering the Arena, you'll have 12 minutes to fight. Defeat all the monsters, and a new wave of enemies will appear, culminating in a powerful boss from Vindictus' past.

Defeat the boss to clear each level of the Arena, sending you down to the next level with 2 minutes added to the clock. Each boss you slay will grant you a new cache of AP, each new level will give you a new set of foes to dispatch, and if you can slay the champion of the Arena before time expires, there's a bounty of Seals of Bravery for you to claim. Just don't entirely forget about defense: Your HP, SP, Stamina and Armor Damage will not reset between each level, and sheer attrition can wear down even the mightiest warrior.

Characters can compete in the Abyssal Arena up to 3 times every Wednesday and Saturday, with millions of Gold and EXP, plus up to 200 AP, on the line, so get yourself ready for action!

Read More about the latest update here:
Vindictus - Saygo

Welcome to the Abyssal Arena update! The new battlefield might be the biggest features present, but with two new abilities to learn, new expansions on the Item Composition system, numerous new events and sales and dozens of other changes before you, there's plenty here to delve into, so take a look at it all below!

Enter the Abyssal Arena
The Ein Lacher Challenge brought you face to face with a single boss and gave you a simple task: Win as cleanly as you can, win with absolute perfection, and win without suffering a even a scratch for the best possible rewards. Every Wednesday and Saturday, the Abyssal Arena brings forth a far different obstacle, and if you play it safe, you won't get anywhere.

The new Abyssal Arena battle quest takes you to a small arena, where wave after wave of foes will test your ability to kill in the blink of an eye. Upon entering the Arena, you'll have 12 minutes to fight. Defeat all the monsters, and a new wave of enemies will appear, culminating in a powerful boss from Vindictus' past.

Defeat the boss to clear each level of the Arena, sending you down to the next level with 2 minutes added to the clock. Each boss you slay will grant you a new cache of AP, each new level will give you a new set of foes to dispatch, and if you can slay the champion of the Arena before time expires, there's a bounty of Seals of Bravery for you to claim. Just don't entirely forget about defense: Your HP, SP, Stamina and Armor Damage will not reset between each level, and sheer attrition can wear down even the mightiest warrior.

Characters can compete in the Abyssal Arena up to 3 times every Wednesday and Saturday, with millions of Gold and EXP, plus up to 200 AP, on the line, so get yourself ready for action!

Read More about the latest update here:
Vindictus - Saygo

Battle bosses one-on-one in Ein Lacher, take part in a new Royal Army Raid with numerous improvements and battle your fellow mercenaries in the improved Siege PvP Match. Vindictus' latest update has arrived with plenty of toys and fun things to do for everyone, check out all of the details below!

Take the Ein Lacher Challenge
Ein Lacher is a new way to test your mastery of Vindictus. You'll have no party to carry you, no teammates to distract the enemy boss and no lesser foes to work your way through. Just you and one of the bosses of Vindictus, battling it out.

Each day, you'll have a choice of 10 Ein Lacher battles to complete, selectable from the Exploration Departure map. You have to go it alone, but you'll have a few advantages of your own. You'll be sent right to the boss, with no other foes standing in your way. If you do fall in combat, you can revive yourself for free and continue the fight.

You'll even get EXP, AP and Gold upon defeating your foe, albeit with an increasing penalty to your EXP, AP and Gold rewards after the 4th free revive. Evil Cores will also drop, however limited to the number of Evil Cores per day you can normally claim from those foes.

Defeating bosses in Ein Lacher will also reward you with up to 20 Honor Medals per day that can be exchanged for Emblems, AP and EXP potions and Seals of Bravery from the Royal Army Recruit in town, based on how commanding a performance you gave:
  • Bronze Medal: Defeat the boss while falling 3 times or less and earn an Honor Medal
  • Silver Medal: Defeat the boss without being incapacitated to earn two Honor Medals
  • Gold Medal: Defeat the boss without ever taking damage for three Honor Medals!
  • Each Medal is only awarded once for each challenge
There's even a special set of titles you can claim to show absolute proof of your abilities, for clearing the Ein Lacher battles with Bronze, Silver or Gold medals. Just don't expect these awards to come easy: The bosses of Vindictus are in no mood for games.

Improved Royal Army Raids
Group based battles aren't being left out, though. We've gone back to the Royal Army Raids and given them a series of enhancements to make them more engaging, better balanced and ultimately more fun. Two improvements are the most obvious: First, you will now be able to see the health bar for all bosses in Royal Army Raids. Second, all lower-level raid members will no longer be a handicap. All characters below level 90 will have their Health, Attack and Defense boosted to give them a fighting chance.

We've also added new rewards for completing the Royal Army Raids. Defeating the boss will reward you with one of three different Mysterious Glass Bottles. These bottles contain powerful rewards: 50 AP and a Seal of Bravery, top-tier crafting materials or even an orange-quality Weapon Essence that can be used to craft the most powerful weapons available!

Those aren't the only changes, however. In order to make it easier to find a party, only one Royal Army Raid will be available, changing each day. These raids will also start with a minimum of 10 players, at least four of whom are level 90, and up to 16 characters can take part. You also will no longer be able to use Ultimate attacks in Royal Army Raids. Oh, and there's one other little change...

The Peerless One is back for the Royal Army Raids! The Serpent King Lakoria has a powerful array of poisonous attacks, and a massive appetite. Whether swallowed whole, flung into the air to come crashing down or infected by a lethal toxin, you'll need your wits about you to stand a chance against this most massive of monsters.

Improved Siege Rewards
We've also boosted the rewards for each PvP Siege Match! With this update, everyone on the winning team will receive 12 Seals of Triumph, a 200 AP Capsule and 30,000 Gold each, while the losing team will earn 8 Seals of Triumph, a 100 AP Capsule and 20,000 Gold each.

In order to make Siege Matches more of an event, we've restricted their availability. As such, Siege matches will only occur every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday between 3:00 AM and 10:00 PM PDT (6:00 AM - 1:00 AM EDT, 8:00 PM - 3:00 PM AEST). The UI will let you know when a new match is available, so be ready to storm the castle!

Screenshot Mode

We've also added a special Screenshot mode to help you get images of your characters in the best light possible. You now have access to three independent cameras that can be positioned to follow your character around at a variety of angles and distances. While Screenshot Mode is active, every time you take a screenshot, an image will be taken from both your main camera angle and any active Screenshot Cameras.

Adjust a Screenshot Camera with the mouse: Left-Click to rotate the camera, Right-Click to strafe around with the camera and hold the Scroll Wheel to zoom in and out. These cameras will move and turn with your character, so get some great camera angles and show off your skills in style!

Mad Psycho and Manic Jester Sets

This month's update brings two new sets, the return of a classic Limited set, an array of hair, inner armor and tattoos, the triumphant return of the Premium Weapon Fusion Rune and more!

Check out the full details in the Mad Psycho and Manic Jester Sets post.

Exquisite Chest Events

It's been a year since our last Treasure Chest event, and even longer since the Fruit Fight event has been around. We're bringing both back around this month to give you a wealth of rewards no matter what you want to play. We're also easing you into the new normal for Royal Army Raids by giving you three Royal Army Raids each day for the next two weeks.

Check out the full details in the Exquisite Chest Events post.

Known Issues
  • Serpent King Lakoria (Royal Army Raid): After Lakoria transforms into his primary form, his health bar will go from 25x to 20x. His total health is unchanged, this is only a visual issue
Bug Fixes and Additional Game Improvements

  • Fixed issue of client shutting down when player attempted to use the Marketplace with a character under the Marketplace level requirement
  • Fixed a mail issue of items binding once returned to the sender, if the intended recipient had no space in the inventory
  • Fixed a progression issue with the storyline “A Different Kind of Friend”, due to Tristan’s absence
  • Fixed an issue of being able to open the Storage Chest in PvP by pressing the Shared Storage hotkey
  • Fixed an issue where the Hot Spring soap user panel wouldn't update
  • Fixed an issue of players colliding with each other after the Succubus Queen Nightmare
  • Fixed an issue with Goddess Grace (Gift) being disabled, even the player has one
  • Fixed the memory leakage when the window is minimized or the screen is locked
  • Fixed an issue which allowed players to move in the Avatar Shop
  • Fixed a crash issue while running scaleform-related games
  • Fixed an issue with items disappearing when failing to register the items from an expired Storage Chest to the Marketplace
  • Fixed an issue with abnormal camera when returning to the character selection screen from in-game
  • Fixed an issue where certain boss range attacks applied 4x critical damage
  • Fixed an issue where party members could not obtain Secondary Weapons in Labyrinth
  • Fixed an issue with not accelerating when touching the Charles Race item
  • Fixed an issue where Lakoria gets stuck in a never-ending cycle of Clashes when Karok gets killed while attacking with Clash
  • Minor balance changes were made to Ben Chenner Summit battles and enemies
  • Fixed issue with the Daily Mission Rewards icon not disappearing once the reward was claimed
  • Guild Storage History Time is now in Local Time
  • Fixed the issue of the damage dealt by a party member's pet being displayed even when 'Party Related', 'Display Damage Dealt By Others' in the 'Turn Off UI During Battle' section of the UI setting was checked off
  • Fixed an issue of status effect icons disappearing upon changing equipment while waiting for departure
  • Fixed an issue where Incinerate gauge does not get updated in real-time
  • Fixed the issue where the Inventory Tab Tooltip did not disappear
  • Added a confirmation prompt when attempting to destroy Event items
  • Fixed an issue with the Story window overlapping
  • Fixed an issue with Stamina gauge not functioning properly in Season 2 battles
  • Fixed an issue where the Battle Result UI was moved to the bottom of the screen when the game window was minimized
  • Fixed an issue where the Revival UI is unavailable while a confirmation window appeared
  • Fixed an issue where the speed of UI animation is affected when the frame speed gets slower
  • Fixed an issue with basic difficulty not being set when moving to another region and creating a room after selecting easy mode
  • Fixed an issue with Story UI not becoming transparent among the NPC UI
  • Fixed an issue where UI location changes were not saving properly
  • Characters are now immobile while creating an item with Expertise
  • Fixed an issue with crafter's name not appearing when crafting with Expertise
  • Fixed various clipping issues with the Zecallion armor gloves and legs
  • Fixed an issue where Kai’s Arrow was displayed in the Outfitter Shop
  • Fixed a graphical issue with the Dark Rev Outfit and Fantasy Inner armor was equipped on Evie or Lynn
  • Fixed an issue with Kai's arrows not disappearing
  • Fixed an issue with the Twin Swords’ weapon trail displaying incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue with Lynn Divine Spear’s charging sound not playing properly
  • Fixed an issue with Evie’s Bloody Thread Drain sound
  • Fixed the issue of in-progress sound and completion sound being played in place of each other when doing a power fusion
  • Fixed an issue where the Focus UI Cooldown does not sync with Skill Awakening Cooldown when moving between sectors
  • Fixed issue of 2-hit link attack not working after Delia guards
  • Fixed an issue with Delia’s "I Have Fury" title
  • Fixed an issue with the sound and effect not appearing when Delia blocks projectiles with Eclipse
  • Fixed an issue of not being able to obtain the title Coronated even upon using Healing Corona
  • Fixed Evie's Rage Conductor having incorrect direction control
  • Fixed an issue where Fire Shock's Wide Area Attack occurred in incorrect locations on certain maps
  • Fixed an issue of Fiona dealing 2 attacks when Focal Point is used after Shield Dash
  • Fixed an issue where certain monster attacks would hit while guarding
  • Fixed an exploit which allowed Bow Kai to use some skills without expending SP
  • Fixed an issue with Bow Kai’s torso freezing when using Prey Dive while charging a normal Longbow attack
  • Fixed an issue where Gun Kai could use Revolving Skills without learning the skills
  • Fixed an issue where Bow Kai Sudden Critical damage didn’t apply properly
  • Fixed an issue where Bow Kai Sudden Critical disappeared
  • Improve Revolving UI response according to Gun Kai's ATT SPD
  • Fixed an issue where Bow Kai and a character with an aim skill could use the skill for free via a specific command
  • Fixed an issue where only one of Kai's Longbow Shot moving charging arrow hit
  • Fixing an issue with Headshot not appearing for Bow Kai's arrow attacks
  • Fixed an issue where using Dropkick to defeat the Blood Lord Champion did not award progress toward The Blood Lord Champion title
  • Fixed an issue with Karok's Standby Clash not working
  • Fixed issue of detonation only applying 1 Swift Assassin damage in PVP
  • Swift Assassin
    • Fixed an issue where detonating Swift Assassin wasn’t visible to others
    • Attacks which grant Zhen Swift Assassin strikes will now replace existing Swift Assassin strikes on enemies who already have 10 Swift Assassin strikes
    • Swift Assassin strike will now apply 50% additional damage is to targets which cannot have Swift Assassin strike placed on them
  • Golden Arm
    • No longer applies Swift Assassin
    • Damage has been increased
  • Fixed an issue where invincibility sometimes was not being applied for Lynn's skill Wind Step
  • Fixed an animation issue after using Divine Spear
  • Fixed an issue where Double Cross cut didn’t activate if smash was pressed before the tumble
  • Fixed the issue of Heart of Ice activating if a normal hit is used after Biting Cold is used during Hailstorm
  • Fixed an issue with Vella’s transformation motion
  • The title "Perilous Ruins Conquerer", earned after defeating 1000 gnolls with objects, was renamed to "Perilous Ruins Caretaker"
  • Fixed the item descriptions for the Awakening Runes to be more accurate to their function
  • The description text for Fiona’s skill Active: Shield Charge now displays the proper SP cost of 750 SP
  • The description text for Vella’s skill Active: Wind Rider now correctly references Twin Swords
Vindictus - Saygo

Battle bosses one-on-one in Ein Lacher, take part in a new Royal Army Raid with numerous improvements and battle your fellow mercenaries in the improved Siege PvP Match. Vindictus' latest update has arrived with plenty of toys and fun things to do for everyone, check out all of the details below!

Take the Ein Lacher Challenge
Ein Lacher is a new way to test your mastery of Vindictus. You'll have no party to carry you, no teammates to distract the enemy boss and no lesser foes to work your way through. Just you and one of the bosses of Vindictus, battling it out.

Each day, you'll have a choice of 10 Ein Lacher battles to complete, selectable from the Exploration Departure map. You have to go it alone, but you'll have a few advantages of your own. You'll be sent right to the boss, with no other foes standing in your way. If you do fall in combat, you can revive yourself for free and continue the fight.

You'll even get EXP, AP and Gold upon defeating your foe, albeit with an increasing penalty to your EXP, AP and Gold rewards after the 4th free revive. Evil Cores will also drop, however limited to the number of Evil Cores per day you can normally claim from those foes.

Defeating bosses in Ein Lacher will also reward you with up to 20 Honor Medals per day that can be exchanged for Emblems, AP and EXP potions and Seals of Bravery from the Royal Army Recruit in town, based on how commanding a performance you gave:
  • Bronze Medal: Defeat the boss while falling 3 times or less and earn an Honor Medal
  • Silver Medal: Defeat the boss without being incapacitated to earn two Honor Medals
  • Gold Medal: Defeat the boss without ever taking damage for three Honor Medals!
  • Each Medal is only awarded once for each challenge
There's even a special set of titles you can claim to show absolute proof of your abilities, for clearing the Ein Lacher battles with Bronze, Silver or Gold medals. Just don't expect these awards to come easy: The bosses of Vindictus are in no mood for games.

Improved Royal Army Raids
Group based battles aren't being left out, though. We've gone back to the Royal Army Raids and given them a series of enhancements to make them more engaging, better balanced and ultimately more fun. Two improvements are the most obvious: First, you will now be able to see the health bar for all bosses in Royal Army Raids. Second, all lower-level raid members will no longer be a handicap. All characters below level 90 will have their Health, Attack and Defense boosted to give them a fighting chance.

We've also added new rewards for completing the Royal Army Raids. Defeating the boss will reward you with one of three different Mysterious Glass Bottles. These bottles contain powerful rewards: 50 AP and a Seal of Bravery, top-tier crafting materials or even an orange-quality Weapon Essence that can be used to craft the most powerful weapons available!

Those aren't the only changes, however. In order to make it easier to find a party, only one Royal Army Raid will be available, changing each day. These raids will also start with a minimum of 10 players, at least four of whom are level 90, and up to 16 characters can take part. You also will no longer be able to use Ultimate attacks in Royal Army Raids. Oh, and there's one other little change...

The Peerless One is back for the Royal Army Raids! The Serpent King Lakoria has a powerful array of poisonous attacks, and a massive appetite. Whether swallowed whole, flung into the air to come crashing down or infected by a lethal toxin, you'll need your wits about you to stand a chance against this most massive of monsters.

Improved Siege Rewards
We've also boosted the rewards for each PvP Siege Match! With this update, everyone on the winning team will receive 12 Seals of Triumph, a 200 AP Capsule and 30,000 Gold each, while the losing team will earn 8 Seals of Triumph, a 100 AP Capsule and 20,000 Gold each.

In order to make Siege Matches more of an event, we've restricted their availability. As such, Siege matches will only occur every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday between 3:00 AM and 10:00 PM PDT (6:00 AM - 1:00 AM EDT, 8:00 PM - 3:00 PM AEST). The UI will let you know when a new match is available, so be ready to storm the castle!

Screenshot Mode

We've also added a special Screenshot mode to help you get images of your characters in the best light possible. You now have access to three independent cameras that can be positioned to follow your character around at a variety of angles and distances. While Screenshot Mode is active, every time you take a screenshot, an image will be taken from both your main camera angle and any active Screenshot Cameras.

Adjust a Screenshot Camera with the mouse: Left-Click to rotate the camera, Right-Click to strafe around with the camera and hold the Scroll Wheel to zoom in and out. These cameras will move and turn with your character, so get some great camera angles and show off your skills in style!

Mad Psycho and Manic Jester Sets

This month's update brings two new sets, the return of a classic Limited set, an array of hair, inner armor and tattoos, the triumphant return of the Premium Weapon Fusion Rune and more!

Check out the full details in the Mad Psycho and Manic Jester Sets post.

Exquisite Chest Events

It's been a year since our last Treasure Chest event, and even longer since the Fruit Fight event has been around. We're bringing both back around this month to give you a wealth of rewards no matter what you want to play. We're also easing you into the new normal for Royal Army Raids by giving you three Royal Army Raids each day for the next two weeks.

Check out the full details in the Exquisite Chest Events post.

Known Issues
  • Serpent King Lakoria (Royal Army Raid): After Lakoria transforms into his primary form, his health bar will go from 25x to 20x. His total health is unchanged, this is only a visual issue
Bug Fixes and Additional Game Improvements

  • Fixed issue of client shutting down when player attempted to use the Marketplace with a character under the Marketplace level requirement
  • Fixed a mail issue of items binding once returned to the sender, if the intended recipient had no space in the inventory
  • Fixed a progression issue with the storyline “A Different Kind of Friend”, due to Tristan’s absence
  • Fixed an issue of being able to open the Storage Chest in PvP by pressing the Shared Storage hotkey
  • Fixed an issue where the Hot Spring soap user panel wouldn't update
  • Fixed an issue of players colliding with each other after the Succubus Queen Nightmare
  • Fixed an issue with Goddess Grace (Gift) being disabled, even the player has one
  • Fixed the memory leakage when the window is minimized or the screen is locked
  • Fixed an issue which allowed players to move in the Avatar Shop
  • Fixed a crash issue while running scaleform-related games
  • Fixed an issue with items disappearing when failing to register the items from an expired Storage Chest to the Marketplace
  • Fixed an issue with abnormal camera when returning to the character selection screen from in-game
  • Fixed an issue where certain boss range attacks applied 4x critical damage
  • Fixed an issue where party members could not obtain Secondary Weapons in Labyrinth
  • Fixed an issue with not accelerating when touching the Charles Race item
  • Fixed an issue where Lakoria gets stuck in a never-ending cycle of Clashes when Karok gets killed while attacking with Clash
  • Minor balance changes were made to Ben Chenner Summit battles and enemies
  • Fixed issue with the Daily Mission Rewards icon not disappearing once the reward was claimed
  • Guild Storage History Time is now in Local Time
  • Fixed the issue of the damage dealt by a party member's pet being displayed even when 'Party Related', 'Display Damage Dealt By Others' in the 'Turn Off UI During Battle' section of the UI setting was checked off
  • Fixed an issue of status effect icons disappearing upon changing equipment while waiting for departure
  • Fixed an issue where Incinerate gauge does not get updated in real-time
  • Fixed the issue where the Inventory Tab Tooltip did not disappear
  • Added a confirmation prompt when attempting to destroy Event items
  • Fixed an issue with the Story window overlapping
  • Fixed an issue with Stamina gauge not functioning properly in Season 2 battles
  • Fixed an issue where the Battle Result UI was moved to the bottom of the screen when the game window was minimized
  • Fixed an issue where the Revival UI is unavailable while a confirmation window appeared
  • Fixed an issue where the speed of UI animation is affected when the frame speed gets slower
  • Fixed an issue with basic difficulty not being set when moving to another region and creating a room after selecting easy mode
  • Fixed an issue with Story UI not becoming transparent among the NPC UI
  • Fixed an issue where UI location changes were not saving properly
  • Characters are now immobile while creating an item with Expertise
  • Fixed an issue with crafter's name not appearing when crafting with Expertise
  • Fixed various clipping issues with the Zecallion armor gloves and legs
  • Fixed an issue where Kai’s Arrow was displayed in the Outfitter Shop
  • Fixed a graphical issue with the Dark Rev Outfit and Fantasy Inner armor was equipped on Evie or Lynn
  • Fixed an issue with Kai's arrows not disappearing
  • Fixed an issue with the Twin Swords’ weapon trail displaying incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue with Lynn Divine Spear’s charging sound not playing properly
  • Fixed an issue with Evie’s Bloody Thread Drain sound
  • Fixed the issue of in-progress sound and completion sound being played in place of each other when doing a power fusion
  • Fixed an issue where the Focus UI Cooldown does not sync with Skill Awakening Cooldown when moving between sectors
  • Fixed issue of 2-hit link attack not working after Delia guards
  • Fixed an issue with Delia’s "I Have Fury" title
  • Fixed an issue with the sound and effect not appearing when Delia blocks projectiles with Eclipse
  • Fixed an issue of not being able to obtain the title Coronated even upon using Healing Corona
  • Fixed Evie's Rage Conductor having incorrect direction control
  • Fixed an issue where Fire Shock's Wide Area Attack occurred in incorrect locations on certain maps
  • Fixed an issue of Fiona dealing 2 attacks when Focal Point is used after Shield Dash
  • Fixed an issue where certain monster attacks would hit while guarding
  • Fixed an exploit which allowed Bow Kai to use some skills without expending SP
  • Fixed an issue with Bow Kai’s torso freezing when using Prey Dive while charging a normal Longbow attack
  • Fixed an issue where Gun Kai could use Revolving Skills without learning the skills
  • Fixed an issue where Bow Kai Sudden Critical damage didn’t apply properly
  • Fixed an issue where Bow Kai Sudden Critical disappeared
  • Improve Revolving UI response according to Gun Kai's ATT SPD
  • Fixed an issue where Bow Kai and a character with an aim skill could use the skill for free via a specific command
  • Fixed an issue where only one of Kai's Longbow Shot moving charging arrow hit
  • Fixing an issue with Headshot not appearing for Bow Kai's arrow attacks
  • Fixed an issue where using Dropkick to defeat the Blood Lord Champion did not award progress toward The Blood Lord Champion title
  • Fixed an issue with Karok's Standby Clash not working
  • Fixed issue of detonation only applying 1 Swift Assassin damage in PVP
  • Swift Assassin
    • Fixed an issue where detonating Swift Assassin wasn’t visible to others
    • Attacks which grant Zhen Swift Assassin strikes will now replace existing Swift Assassin strikes on enemies who already have 10 Swift Assassin strikes
    • Swift Assassin strike will now apply 50% additional damage is to targets which cannot have Swift Assassin strike placed on them
  • Golden Arm
    • No longer applies Swift Assassin
    • Damage has been increased
  • Fixed an issue where invincibility sometimes was not being applied for Lynn's skill Wind Step
  • Fixed an animation issue after using Divine Spear
  • Fixed an issue where Double Cross cut didn’t activate if smash was pressed before the tumble
  • Fixed the issue of Heart of Ice activating if a normal hit is used after Biting Cold is used during Hailstorm
  • Fixed an issue with Vella’s transformation motion
  • The title "Perilous Ruins Conquerer", earned after defeating 1000 gnolls with objects, was renamed to "Perilous Ruins Caretaker"
  • Fixed the item descriptions for the Awakening Runes to be more accurate to their function
  • The description text for Fiona’s skill Active: Shield Charge now displays the proper SP cost of 750 SP
  • The description text for Vella’s skill Active: Wind Rider now correctly references Twin Swords
Vindictus - Saygo

Trained by the finest in the world. Enchanted by the chaos of the battlefield. Captivated by the deaths of her foes. The wait is finally over, as the lovely lady of the land has arrives to the battlefield, Bastard Sword in hand. Face the Fomor horde with Vindictus' newest mercenary, Delia!

Delia, Nobility's Finest Daughter

Delia wields a two-handed Bastard Sword, a heavy blade whose size is only exceeded by Hurk's massive Greatsword. The young princess has been trained to use the full length of the blade with each swing, using her momentum to plow through her foes. But don't think all she can do is hack and slash her way to victory; Delia has a wealth of special moves and powerful combos to leave her enemies in pieces.

Combos and Standard Attacks

Vindictus' classic Combo style forms the backbone to Delia's offense, using a series of Normal strikes and Smash attacks to devastate her foes.

More info here:

Special Attacks

After building up SP by bisecting a few Fomors, Delia can unleash powerful attacks bound to the quick slots or through the SP Skill button. Each ability has its own use, and taking advantage of every one will be a key towards victory.

More info here:

New Character Creation Menu

Now that we have a new mercenary in the mix, we've unloaded a few improvements to the Character Creation process. Instead of having to complete the tutorial before customizing your character, you'll be able to tweak your character's appearance to your satisfaction first. We've also added a few different forms of lighting to the Character Creation screen and Avatar Shop, to give you a better idea of how your mercenary will look in different environments.

Pet Name Change Coupon

You asked for it, it's here: The Royal Army Recruit now has a cache of Pet Name Change Coupons that you can purchase for 5,000,000 gold each.

Radiant Princess Set, Bloody Night Set and More!

Delia brings new outfits to Vindictus as well, with two gorgeous ensembles linked to the stars themselves. Karok's even gotten into the act with his own unique addition to the shop. With new packages, new hairstyles and inner armors and a special leveling package for nobility's finest daughter herself, there's going to be something for everyone!

Check out the Radiant Night Sets and More post for the full details.

Noble Princess Events

With Princess Delia's arrival to Vindictus, two new events are here to reward you for your time with this powerhouse warrior. Play every day for a wealth of prizes with the Delia Attendance Check Event and fight your way up to 90 for a pair of new, Delia specific titles with the Noble Princess Event!

Check out the Noble Princess Events post for the full details.

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
  • Corrected the AP Limit Warning message to warn player to use their AP before entering a battle
  • Corrected the item description for Raonne’s Enhancement Pouch to no longer refer to increasing the stats of a player’s items
  • Jump Event Items: Crescent Moonlight Ring (Permanent) and Thunder Ring (Permanent) will accept the Twilight, Crescent Moonlight's, and The Dead enchants
  • Jump Event items: Emerald Belt (Permanent) and Ruby Belt (Permanent) will now accept the Subdued enchant
  • Jump Event items will now have proper enhancement level stats
  • Fixed an issue where expired items could not be removed from Guild Storage
  • Added several features to Advance Search on the Marketplace which will allow players to search for and sort specific scrolls
Vindictus - Saygo

Trained by the finest in the world. Enchanted by the chaos of the battlefield. Captivated by the deaths of her foes. The wait is finally over, as the lovely lady of the land has arrives to the battlefield, Bastard Sword in hand. Face the Fomor horde with Vindictus' newest mercenary, Delia!

Delia, Nobility's Finest Daughter

Delia wields a two-handed Bastard Sword, a heavy blade whose size is only exceeded by Hurk's massive Greatsword. The young princess has been trained to use the full length of the blade with each swing, using her momentum to plow through her foes. But don't think all she can do is hack and slash her way to victory; Delia has a wealth of special moves and powerful combos to leave her enemies in pieces.

Combos and Standard Attacks

Vindictus' classic Combo style forms the backbone to Delia's offense, using a series of Normal strikes and Smash attacks to devastate her foes.

More info here:

Special Attacks

After building up SP by bisecting a few Fomors, Delia can unleash powerful attacks bound to the quick slots or through the SP Skill button. Each ability has its own use, and taking advantage of every one will be a key towards victory.

More info here:

New Character Creation Menu

Now that we have a new mercenary in the mix, we've unloaded a few improvements to the Character Creation process. Instead of having to complete the tutorial before customizing your character, you'll be able to tweak your character's appearance to your satisfaction first. We've also added a few different forms of lighting to the Character Creation screen and Avatar Shop, to give you a better idea of how your mercenary will look in different environments.

Pet Name Change Coupon

You asked for it, it's here: The Royal Army Recruit now has a cache of Pet Name Change Coupons that you can purchase for 5,000,000 gold each.

Radiant Princess Set, Bloody Night Set and More!

Delia brings new outfits to Vindictus as well, with two gorgeous ensembles linked to the stars themselves. Karok's even gotten into the act with his own unique addition to the shop. With new packages, new hairstyles and inner armors and a special leveling package for nobility's finest daughter herself, there's going to be something for everyone!

Check out the Radiant Night Sets and More post for the full details.

Noble Princess Events

With Princess Delia's arrival to Vindictus, two new events are here to reward you for your time with this powerhouse warrior. Play every day for a wealth of prizes with the Delia Attendance Check Event and fight your way up to 90 for a pair of new, Delia specific titles with the Noble Princess Event!

Check out the Noble Princess Events post for the full details.

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
  • Corrected the AP Limit Warning message to warn player to use their AP before entering a battle
  • Corrected the item description for Raonne’s Enhancement Pouch to no longer refer to increasing the stats of a player’s items
  • Jump Event Items: Crescent Moonlight Ring (Permanent) and Thunder Ring (Permanent) will accept the Twilight, Crescent Moonlight's, and The Dead enchants
  • Jump Event items: Emerald Belt (Permanent) and Ruby Belt (Permanent) will now accept the Subdued enchant
  • Jump Event items will now have proper enhancement level stats
  • Fixed an issue where expired items could not be removed from Guild Storage
  • Added several features to Advance Search on the Marketplace which will allow players to search for and sort specific scrolls
Jun 30, 2016
Vindictus - Saygo

Trained by the finest in the world. Enchanted by the chaos of the battlefield. Captivated by the deaths of her foes. When the stars align on Thursday, July 14th, nobility's finest daughter will finally arrive to the world of Vindictus. Get a sneak preview of her abilities below and claim your Delia Coronation Pack today!

Meet Delia, Nobility's Finest
Delia wields a two-handed Bastard Sword, a heavy blade whose size is only exceeded by Hurk's massive Greatswords. The young princess has been trained to use the full length of the blade with each swing, using her momentum to plow through her foes.

Vindictus' classic Combo style forms the backbone to Delia's offense. She uses Normal attacks to disrupt her foes, using the long blade to cleave through the enemy horde, and then transitions into a Smash attack to send them flying with a massive blow. Her Rising and Falling Comet Smashes form the pinnacle of her style. After three Normal attacks and a Smash, Delia can either immediately carve an arc before her with the Rising Comet Smash, or wait for a moment, get in position and bring her massive sword down with the powerful Falling Comet.

Delia is not without some special attacks, however. After building up SP by bisecting a few Fomors, Delia can unleash powerful attacks, including Ion Thrust's quick thrust forward, rushing forward and driving her sword through the fools before her, or Full Moon, where Delia dances through her foes, the Bastard Sword carving open her path before finishing with one massive swing.

Delia's most unique ability is Zenith. Summoning the vast power granted to her, she can explode with power to boost her strength to its limit. As Delia becomes a true juggernaut of power, each swing will hit harder, her skin will become as hard as diamond and her sword will move faster than ever before! The only downside is that the spell has a habit of sundering her own armor, leaving her weakened once the spell fades.

New Outfits

Delia brings new outfits to Vindictus as well, with two gorgeous ensembles linked to the stars themselves. Karok's even gotten into the act with his own unique addition to the shop. With new packages, new hairstyles and inner armors and a special leveling package for nobility's finest daughter herself, there's going to be something for everyone!

Delia Attendance Event
When Delia arrives, we'll be launching a new Attendance Event, challenging you to log in as many days as possible to get the best rewards possible, including Lubber's Sketchy Enhancement Coupons, Permanent Storage Chest Expansions, 2000 AP Capsules, Exquisite Enchant Runes and more!

Delia Registration Event
Remember to sign up for your Coronation Pack with the Delia Registration Event! This free package contains everything you need to get Delia on her feet as fast as possible, including four pieces of jewelry granting a total of +700 ATT, +800 DEF, +3 Balance and +10 Luck, as well as a free Storage Chest Expansion Ticket and a special Tiara to let Delia start her campaign in style.

Sign up for your very own and come back on July 14th to claim it and see the star-crossed Princess for yourself!
Jun 30, 2016
Vindictus - Saygo

Trained by the finest in the world. Enchanted by the chaos of the battlefield. Captivated by the deaths of her foes. When the stars align on Thursday, July 14th, nobility's finest daughter will finally arrive to the world of Vindictus. Get a sneak preview of her abilities below and claim your Delia Coronation Pack today!

Meet Delia, Nobility's Finest
Delia wields a two-handed Bastard Sword, a heavy blade whose size is only exceeded by Hurk's massive Greatswords. The young princess has been trained to use the full length of the blade with each swing, using her momentum to plow through her foes.

Vindictus' classic Combo style forms the backbone to Delia's offense. She uses Normal attacks to disrupt her foes, using the long blade to cleave through the enemy horde, and then transitions into a Smash attack to send them flying with a massive blow. Her Rising and Falling Comet Smashes form the pinnacle of her style. After three Normal attacks and a Smash, Delia can either immediately carve an arc before her with the Rising Comet Smash, or wait for a moment, get in position and bring her massive sword down with the powerful Falling Comet.

Delia is not without some special attacks, however. After building up SP by bisecting a few Fomors, Delia can unleash powerful attacks, including Ion Thrust's quick thrust forward, rushing forward and driving her sword through the fools before her, or Full Moon, where Delia dances through her foes, the Bastard Sword carving open her path before finishing with one massive swing.

Delia's most unique ability is Zenith. Summoning the vast power granted to her, she can explode with power to boost her strength to its limit. As Delia becomes a true juggernaut of power, each swing will hit harder, her skin will become as hard as diamond and her sword will move faster than ever before! The only downside is that the spell has a habit of sundering her own armor, leaving her weakened once the spell fades.

New Outfits

Delia brings new outfits to Vindictus as well, with two gorgeous ensembles linked to the stars themselves. Karok's even gotten into the act with his own unique addition to the shop. With new packages, new hairstyles and inner armors and a special leveling package for nobility's finest daughter herself, there's going to be something for everyone!

Delia Attendance Event
When Delia arrives, we'll be launching a new Attendance Event, challenging you to log in as many days as possible to get the best rewards possible, including Lubber's Sketchy Enhancement Coupons, Permanent Storage Chest Expansions, 2000 AP Capsules, Exquisite Enchant Runes and more!

Delia Registration Event
Remember to sign up for your Coronation Pack with the Delia Registration Event! This free package contains everything you need to get Delia on her feet as fast as possible, including four pieces of jewelry granting a total of +700 ATT, +800 DEF, +3 Balance and +10 Luck, as well as a free Storage Chest Expansion Ticket and a special Tiara to let Delia start her campaign in style.

Sign up for your very own and come back on July 14th to claim it and see the star-crossed Princess for yourself!
Vindictus - Saygo

The war against the Fomors has shifted to the offensive. As the Royal Army leads the charge against the Fomor horde and pushes into territory long lost to humanity, the path ahead grows darker, more bizarre, more... wrong. The next chapter in the story of Vindictus has arrived with the Lochlann: Plains of Corruption update!

Welcome to Lochlann...

Long ago, Lochlann was a thriving town, filled with humans on an expansive plain. Then the Fomors came, driving the humans out of their homes. But now, ever since the Fomors took claim over Lochlann, something else has taken hold, corrupting the very earth and spawning creatures not meant for this world.

While some have their own theories about the corruption that has taken hold on the Lochlann Plains, the truth may only be found with hard work, an open mind... and a lot of luck. Those who have completed the story through Lugh Lamhfada should report to Marrec in Colhen to restart the story!

New Raid: Infected Eochaid

Deep below the plains of Lochlann lies a monstrous beast, Eochaid. Over a dozen meters tall, it was a fearsome opponent long before the seeping corruption that has befallen Lochlann entered his nest... but now it has been transformed into something else entirely.

Face off against the Infected Eochaid in Vindictus' newest Raid Battle. The powerful strikes from this beast would be enough to fell even the strongest warrior, but the corruption has infused it with terrible new power. With this newfound power, it moves effortlessly obliterating foes with powerful magic and summoning minions to spread the corruption further. Only a coordinated team of mercenaries can hope to evade his strikes and disable his powers long enough to slip in a finishing blow.

Those that manage to slay the beast may claim Eochaid's Essence, a rare and mysterious substance connected to the corruption itself. Brynn in Colhen remains his inventive self, however, and will be able to transform this essence into one of two new powerful earrings, Innocent Cry and Innocent Tear.

Enchant Scrolls in the Marketplace
With the Lochlann: Plains of Corruption update, we've lifted the restriction on selling non-Permanent Enchant Scrolls on the Marketplace! Instead of throwing a rare but unwanted scroll at the nearest vendor for a paltry sum, you're now able to list them on the Marketplace and find the scroll a good home. The scrolls will still expire once purchased, so make sure you use it promptly!

Urban Punk and Angel Sets

The Plains of Corruption have brought in a wealth of new items. With two new outfits in a modern style, a new type of Enhancement Stone to boost your odds, a pair of high-value packages and more, there's plenty to enjoy with the outfits below!

See all the new items in the Urban Punk and Angel Sets post.

Returning Warrior Events

As you venture out into Lochlann's corrupted fields and beyond, you're going to need all the backup you can find. An experienced warrior at your side, a powerful spell enchanting your blade and... the finest earrings glinting in the starlight. Three events arrive for the month of June, here to help you grow stronger as the story of Lochlann unfolds.

Find out more at the Returning Warrior Events post.

Additional Changes
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed issue with the Soap buff indicator not appearing over Hot Springs
  • Fixed issue where players were unable to use NX Credit to purchase character slots
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to replace components in S3 equipment and weapons if the item was crafted by a player whose name begins with a double digit number
Known Issues:
  • Enchant scrolls in the Event Exchange Shop preview as tradeable when moused-over
Vindictus - Saygo

The war against the Fomors has shifted to the offensive. As the Royal Army leads the charge against the Fomor horde and pushes into territory long lost to humanity, the path ahead grows darker, more bizarre, more... wrong. The next chapter in the story of Vindictus has arrived with the Lochlann: Plains of Corruption update!

Welcome to Lochlann...

Long ago, Lochlann was a thriving town, filled with humans on an expansive plain. Then the Fomors came, driving the humans out of their homes. But now, ever since the Fomors took claim over Lochlann, something else has taken hold, corrupting the very earth and spawning creatures not meant for this world.

While some have their own theories about the corruption that has taken hold on the Lochlann Plains, the truth may only be found with hard work, an open mind... and a lot of luck. Those who have completed the story through Lugh Lamhfada should report to Marrec in Colhen to restart the story!

New Raid: Infected Eochaid

Deep below the plains of Lochlann lies a monstrous beast, Eochaid. Over a dozen meters tall, it was a fearsome opponent long before the seeping corruption that has befallen Lochlann entered his nest... but now it has been transformed into something else entirely.

Face off against the Infected Eochaid in Vindictus' newest Raid Battle. The powerful strikes from this beast would be enough to fell even the strongest warrior, but the corruption has infused it with terrible new power. With this newfound power, it moves effortlessly obliterating foes with powerful magic and summoning minions to spread the corruption further. Only a coordinated team of mercenaries can hope to evade his strikes and disable his powers long enough to slip in a finishing blow.

Those that manage to slay the beast may claim Eochaid's Essence, a rare and mysterious substance connected to the corruption itself. Brynn in Colhen remains his inventive self, however, and will be able to transform this essence into one of two new powerful earrings, Innocent Cry and Innocent Tear.

Enchant Scrolls in the Marketplace
With the Lochlann: Plains of Corruption update, we've lifted the restriction on selling non-Permanent Enchant Scrolls on the Marketplace! Instead of throwing a rare but unwanted scroll at the nearest vendor for a paltry sum, you're now able to list them on the Marketplace and find the scroll a good home. The scrolls will still expire once purchased, so make sure you use it promptly!

Urban Punk and Angel Sets

The Plains of Corruption have brought in a wealth of new items. With two new outfits in a modern style, a new type of Enhancement Stone to boost your odds, a pair of high-value packages and more, there's plenty to enjoy with the outfits below!

See all the new items in the Urban Punk and Angel Sets post.

Returning Warrior Events

As you venture out into Lochlann's corrupted fields and beyond, you're going to need all the backup you can find. An experienced warrior at your side, a powerful spell enchanting your blade and... the finest earrings glinting in the starlight. Three events arrive for the month of June, here to help you grow stronger as the story of Lochlann unfolds.

Find out more at the Returning Warrior Events post.

Additional Changes
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed issue with the Soap buff indicator not appearing over Hot Springs
  • Fixed issue where players were unable to use NX Credit to purchase character slots
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to replace components in S3 equipment and weapons if the item was crafted by a player whose name begins with a double digit number
Known Issues:
  • Enchant scrolls in the Event Exchange Shop preview as tradeable when moused-over

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