Team Fortress 2 - erics
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Fixed not being able to preview Community Market items in-game
  • Updated the localization files
  • Updated cp_altitude
    • Increased capture time on A
    • Increased BLU respawn time on A
    • Increased RED respawn time on B
    • Increased delay before BLU’s first forward spawn activates after A is captured
    • Fixed RED having access to a spectator camera on A after the point was captured
    • Fixed case where BLU could enter RED’s forward spawn after B was captured
    • Fixed a missing respawn visualizer in BLU's first spawn
    • Fixed a texture issue on C cable car tower
    • Updated menu photos
    • Visual adjustments
Dota 2 - krAnk0r

Thanks to the high-quality submissions tendered to the Dota 2 Workshop, there's a breadth of offerings ready to celebrate Aghanim's return with an all-new Collector's Cache. Though Aghanim himself preferred presenting his own results as a fait accompli, the rest of us convinced his magnificence to invite all Battle Pass owners to weigh in on the proceedings and help make the final selection.

From now until Tuesday, January 4, the final candidates for the Collector’s Cache will be featured for preview in the Dota 2 client, where all players can see a lineup of the item sets for easy comparison. Battle Pass owners can give a thumbs up or down to each set under consideration, and sets with the highest scores will be included as the main items of the Cache.

We would like to thank all of the workshop artists who have submitted items, and we look forward to revealing the collection that best represents Aghanim's the community's favor.
Dota 2 - Greg
  • Ascension Scaling: creature bonus hp per ascension reduced from -5/20/40/60/80/100% to -5/18/36/54/72/90%
  • Ascension Scaling: creature bonus damage per ascension reduced from -5/20/40/60/80/100% to -5/18/36/54/72/90%
  • All melee heroes' base armor increased by 1
  • Fixed several exploits used to skip trap rooms
  • Fixed certain creatures not reacting when damaged from far away
  • Fixed Ash's Pulse triggering while silenced or muted
  • Panda Potion Pub and Arcane Archives events can now appear at depth 1


  • Dark Symbiosis: When an ally is Enfeebled, it now lasts 2x the duration
  • Dark Tendrils: Fiend's Grip Percent increased from 35% to 50%
  • Dark Tendrils: Latch Range increased from 90 to 100
  • Dark Tendrils: Creation interval improved from 2.5 to 2.0
  • Cloud of Frailty: Now also grants 2 charges of Brain Sap
  • Black Ichor: Channeling no longer ends if the primary target dies after taking Black Ichor
  • Driven to Delirium: Now also grants 200 Fiend's Grip cast range
  • Mind Fracture: Radius increased from 250 to 275
  • Mind Fracture: Heal Percent increased from 25% to 35%
  • Mind Fracture: Movement Slow increased from 40% to 50%
  • Shared Torment: Spill Width increased from 175 to 200
  • Shared Torment: Non-captains targeted with Enfeeble after taking Shared Torment are 20% larger
  • (Minor Shard) Brain Sap Cast Range increased from 150 to 175
  • (Minor Shard) Nightmare Invulnerability Duration increased from 0.4 to 0.5
  • (Minor Shard) Nightmare Tick Damage increased from 15 to 20

  • Strafe: percent of Skeleton Walk movespeed used for attack speed buff increased from 300% to 400%
  • Strafe: duration increased from 6s to 7s
  • Burning Barrage: fixed arrow damage display value appearing as 40% instead of 65%
  • Burning Barrage: fixed damage percent minor upgrades not working
  • Splitshot: now also increases Burning Barrage's arrow damage by 10%

  • Hammer Time: Celestial Hammer charges increased from 2 to 3
  • Sunforge: Celestial Hammer bonus time in world increased from 2 to 3
  • (Minor Shard) Celestial Hammer Damage and Burn Damage are now combined in the same upgrade
  • (Minor Shard) Celestial Hammer Range increased from 200 to 250
  • (Minor Shard) Celestial Hammer Fire Trail Duration increased from 0.8 to 1.0

  • Glimpse bonus damage upgrade increased from 30 to 40
  • Loaded weapon Thunder Strike chance increased from 50% to 60%

  • Crosswind: magic damage increased from 500% to 600% of Frost Arrows Bonus Damage
  • Shifting Shots: movespeed reduction reduced from 20% to 10%
  • Marked Reflexes: time required to fire reduced from 7 seconds to 5 seconds

  • Tidebringer damage changed from 20/30/40/50 to 15/30/45/60
  • Dread Pirate: Now also triggers a Tidebringer attack on X gained and lost on the enemy
  • No Quarter: Now also grants Tidebringer 2 charges

  • Death Dealer's Discount: Cooldown reduction increased from 75% to 100%
  • Death Dealer's Discount: Now also increases area and primary target damage to the initial target by 50%
  • Sinister Spire: Move slow increased from 30% to 50%
  • Sinister Spire: Duration increased from 15 to 18 seconds.
  • Life Leech: Mana stolen as life increased from 100% to 150%
  • Skeletal Summoning: Skeleton Duration increased from 7 to 10 seconds
  • (Minor Shard) Frost Nova damage increased from 70 to 80
  • (Minor Shard) Frost Shield damage increased from 15 to 20
  • (Minor Shard) Sinister Gaze mana steal percent increased from 5 to 7%
  • (Minor Shard) Added Chain Frost Jumps 2(4)

  • Over the Moon: Damage multiplier increased from 2 to 3
  • Over the Moon: Leap range reduced from 1000 to 750

  • Over-Empower: Allies also receive Magnus's self damage and cleave multiplier

  • Blast Wave: impact damage from Icarus Burn dps increased from 300% to 400%
  • Flame Revenant: percent of Fire Spirits' damage as flame revenant damage reduced from 100% to 75%
  • Focus Point: the tip of Sun Ray's beam now also heals 150% more
  • Savior: multiplier of Sun Ray's base heal as heal increased from 8x to 10x
  • Spirit Balm: now also increases Fire Spirits' travel speed by 450
  • fixed Supernova DPS talent not updating tooltip

Queen of Pain
  • Discordant Force duration increased from 7s to 15s
  • Fervent Assault duration increased from 2s to 4s

  • Leash duration upgrade increased from 0.5s to 1s
  • Death Pact with Brackish Bath upgrade now deals 150% damage
  • Fish Food attack bonus increased from 50 to 60

  • Local Cooling cooldown reduction increased from 0.5s to 1s

  • Flesh Golem base damage amplification reduced from 25/30/35% to 15/20/25%
  • Rotting Mitts: Chance to trigger decay increased from 20% to 22%
  • (Minor Shard) Soul Rip max units increased from 2 to 3
  • (Minor Shard) Tombstone zombie base damage increased from 4 to 5
  • (Minor Shard) Flesh Golem duration reduced from 8 seconds to 5 seconds
  • (Minor Shard) Flesh Golem Bonus Strength reduced from 5% to 4%

  • Relentless: Overpower stack generation increased from 2 to 3
  • Relentless: Now causes Earthshock to slow for an additional 2 seconds
  • (Minor Shard) Earthshock damage increased from 75 to 90
  • (Minor Shard) Earthshock radius / distance increased from 50 to 75
  • (Minor Shard) Earthshock movement slow increased from 12% to 16%

Void Spirit
  • Resonant Pulse: base shield absorb increased from 60/120/180/240 to 80/140/200/260
  • Translocate: Dissimilate damage per translocated ally increased from 50% to 75%
  • Expanse: now also reduces Dissimilate cooldown by 2s
  • Inverted Force: Aether Remnant damage dealt to collided enemies increased from 150% to 200%
  • Inverted Force: push distance increased from 500 to 550
  • Triad Echo: now also increases Aether Remnant pull duration by 0.7s

Winter Wyvern
  • Diamondize: Units can no longer attack and cast spells while embraced
  • Diamondize: movement speed while embraced increased from 150 to 225

Witch Doctor
  • Strange Boon Heal percentage increased from 50% to 60%


Magma Mines
  • Magma Golem Projectile: impact damage reduced from 300 to 250
  • Magma Golem Projectile: slowed cast point from 0.25s to 0.3s

Chippy Conifers Reconvene
  • Pinecone Sniper: Acorn Shot: projectile speed reduced from 1400 to 1100

Gelatinous Bastille
  • Acid Blob Jump: land damage reduced from 350 to 300
  • Acid Blob Jump: stun duration reduced from 1.25s to 1.1s

  • Phantom Lancer Illusion: health reduced from 1200 to 1000

Mole Cave
  • Eimermole Burrow: aura dps reduced from 75 to 40
  • Eimermole Emerge: stun duration reduced from 1s to 0.9s

Eldwurm Aerie
  • Shatter Blast (Ground): reduced projectile start radius from 150 to 120 and end radius from 200 to 180
  • Shatter Blast (Ground): reduced shatter damage from 350/425/500/575/650 to 300/370/440/510/580

Ridges of Nishai
  • Elder Tremor Smash: cast point rescaled from 1.212 to 1.299/1.237/1.178/1.122/1.011
  • Elder Tremor Smash: radius reduced from 265/275/285/295/305 to 265/270/275/280/285
  • Elder Tremor Fissure: cooldown increased from 8/7.6/7.2/6.8/6.4 to 8.3/8/7.7/7.4/7.1/6.8

Rizzrick the Razorsaw
  • increased armor from 12 to 15

Gate of the Dead
  • Crypt Gate: max skeletons reduced from 45 to 40

Round-Up Canyon
  • Batrider: health reduced from 4000 to 3000, magic resistance reduced from 33 to 15

Wriggling Wreef
  • Giant Amoeboid Jump: stun duration reduced from 3 to 2.5
  • Large Amoeboid Jump: stun duration reduced from 2.5 to 2.1
  • Medium Amoeboid Jump: stun duration reduced from 2 to 1.7
  • Small Amoeboid Jump: stun duration reduced from 1.5 to 1.3
  • Large Amoeboid: health reduced from 10800 to 9500
  • Medium Amoeboid: health reduced from 6480 to 5700
  • Small Amoeboid: health reduced from 3888 to 3420
  • Large, Medium, and Small Amoeboids: armor reduced by 3

Keen Commander
  • Tinkwerk Polymorph: projectile speed reduced from 820/840/860/880/900 to 820/830/840/850/860
  • Tinkwerk Polymorph: transform duration reduced from 3.5/3.8/4.1/4.4/4.7 to 3.5/3.7/3.9/4.1/4.3
  • Tinkwerk March: machine movement speed reduced from 400/415/430/445/460 to 400/410/420/430/440
  • Fixed Keen Minions being spawned after Tinkwerk was dead, and all existing Keen Minions are removed when Tinkwerk dies

Nemestice Crater
  • Wraith Warden: health increased from 55,000 to 60,000

Storegga the Ample Claps Back
  • Storegga: increased hp from 50,000 to 60,000
  • Storegga: increased armor from 32 to 37

Thunder Mountain
  • Thunder Squire smash damage increased from 1750 to 2000
  • Thunder Knight smash damage increased from 3500 to 4000
  • Zoos lightning bolt damage increased from 1400 to 1750

Demonic Woods
  • Camp Bully (small Nightstalker) HP reduced from 9000 to 7500
  • Camp Assistant (Bane) HP reduced from 15000 to 12000

The Bomb Squad Goes Boom
  • Walrus Pudge: armor increased from 0 to 10
  • Land Mine Detonate: damage increased from 1200 to 1400

Smashy and Bashy
  • Smashy Slithereen Crush Cast point reduced from 1.6 to 1.5
  • Smashy Slithereen Crush damage increased from 6000 to 7500
  • Smashy armor increased from 15 to 25
  • Smashy movement speed increased from 375 to 400
  • Smashy HP increased from 40000 to 50000
  • Bashy damage increased from 225 to 275
  • Bashy attack point improved from 0.55 to 0.5
  • Bashy HP increased from 30000 to 35000
  • Crabby damage increased from 550 to 775
  • Crabby HP increased from 1800 to 2500
  • Crabby movement speed increased from 350 to 375
  • Crabbies now spawn on a cycle related to the health of Smashy and Bashy
Team Fortress 2 - erics
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Fixed movement bug related to the Cow Mangler 5000
  • Fixed Taunt: The Hot Wheeler sounds not always playing
  • Updated Winter Spirit, Festive Spirit, and Magical Spirit Unusual taunt effects with performance improvements
  • Updated pl_breadspace
    • Fixed an bug where BLU could teleport into RED spawn
    • Fixed an animation error within the final arena
    • Fixed some displacements seams
    • Deleted some light effects no longer in use in the final area
Dota 2 - Jeff Hill
  • Fixed a Linux crash on CPUs without AVX support.

Experimental Controller Support Bugfixes and Changes
  • L1 + D Pad will inspect and move the camera to allied heroes.
  • Pressing in the left stick will now inspect your target. If you can control the target, it will select it like a normal left click with the mouse.
  • Fixed a bug with double-press orders on some spells not working, notably Invoker's Aghanim's Scepter Sunstrike and Underlord's Aghanim's Shard Firestorm.
  • Locking onto runes or dropped items will show the tooltip for the item or rune in the world, similar to a mouse hover.
  • Targeting a creep with L1/L2 + X Button will now select the lowest-health creep first.
  • Fixed target selection of breakables in Aghanim's Labyrinth to not select through the fog.
Team Fortress 2 - erics
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Fixed Your Eternal Reward ragdolls not fading
  • Fixed Wrap Assassin projectiles colliding with invisible map entities
  • Fixed ConTracker counting kills twice
  • Fixed Halloween: Exorcism spell not being triggered by feign deaths
  • Updated schema drop_type for hats shipped in the last few updates
  • Updated Spark of Smissmas Unusual effect
    • Fixed some slight coloring issues
    • Adjusted lifetime values
  • Updated The Giftcrafter and Beanie The All-Gnawing to fix material/model issues
  • Updated the Steam Workshop dialog to support skipping several pages at once
    • ConVar tf_steam_workshop_page_skip controls the number of pages to skip. Default is 10.
    • Supports wrapping around the beginning and end of the list
  • Updated/Added some tournament medals
  • Updated the localization files
  • Updated ctf_doublecross_snowy
    • Fixed missing texture
    • Fixed a few minor visual issues
  • Updated pl_breadspace
    • Fixed some clipping around cliffs and BLU base
    • Fixed a bug where players could get stuck behind a wall of computers near the final point
    • Fixed location by BLU spawn where you can build under cliff
    • Fixed an issue with sound in the final sequence
    • Fixed decals
    • Fixed missing Breadcrab animations
    • Added updated drill model
    • Added normal maps for the rock cliffs
    • Added missing decals and logos
    • Added bread chunks that fly when Big Mama explodes
    • Optimized areas to reduce lag
    • Updated backpack and matchmaking images
Dota 2 - krAnk0r

New Event Mode + Battle Pass

Aghanim the all-powerful returns, bringing an all-new Battle Pass and event mode in tow — and this time he needs your help! Thanks to a mishap with the Continuum Device, Aghanim's magical prowess is now spread dangerously thin amongst a gang of alter egos that have materialized on our world from elsewhere in the multiverse. Without the ability to foray into the Continuum Vault himself to fish them out and restore the balance of his power, Aghanim must rely upon four brave heroes to rescue his doppelgangers and put this entire Continuum mess to rest.

Prepare yourself for the mind-bending journey over at the Aghanim's Labyrinth Battle Pass page, where you can check out more about the free event game and all the rewards in store for those who participate in the Battle Pass — like an all-new Mirana Persona, Drow Ranger Arcana, Hoodwink Prestige Bundle, Immortal Treasures, and an entire vault filled with more.

Dota with a Controller - Experimental Feature

As the realities of the Continuum meld in mysterious ways, today's update also introduces a world in which Dota can optionally be played using a controller instead of the standard mouse+keyboard setup, giving players a new way to interface with their favorite fight. From choosing your hero to smashing an Ancient, you can battle your way to victory in Dota by plugging in any PC controller that allows Steam Input (including PS/XBOX/Switch Pro Controllers and more) and steering your hero into the fray.

There's a lot in the game to account for, so like all things Dota, some practice will be useful, but every hero from Wraith King to Meepo can be gamepad-powered into the lanes. This is an experimental feature that is still evolving, so we'd love to hear your feedback to help inform the changes we make. For any moments where you want the familiarity of your classic ways, don't worry — you can always swap between controller and mouse+keyboard on the fly as you play.

Read more about this experimental feature on the Controller FAQ.

Dota Pro Circuit Winter Tour

The year may be winding down, but the Dota Pro Circuit matches are as hot as ever. Make sure to check out the Winter Tour progress over at the DPC headquarters to stay on top of who's who in each region heading into the new year.
Team Fortress 2 - erics

(Image credit: Woony)

Listen up mercs, it is once again the end of the year and you all know what that means, don't you? Put your hand down Scout, it does not mean you can try to score a date at the mall while dressed as an elf again. It means that you have once again been enlisted to fight off hordes of angry shoppers, falling trees, and most importantly, robots! And you had better believe those trees will not be on our side, despite that holiday everyone celebrates right about now. Now pack your guns, because your tour of duty has BEGUN!

Operation Binary Blackout is a holiday Mann vs. Machine charity event brought to you by Moonlight MvM featuring 7 intermediate missions and 13 advanced missions. Defeat the hordes of robots in this community tour and earn up to 3 in-game medals! Event servers are available worldwide in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

If fighting off robots isn't enough for you, there is also a charity drive for Child's Play aimed at benefiting the lives of children at hospitals around the world. Cash or item donations of at least $5 USD will earn an in-game donor medal! Click here for information on how to donate!

Interested in creating content for future MvM events? New MvM submissions are now being accepted for the next event! Check out the links below for more information or join the Moonlight MvM Discord to participate in the development process. All contributors will earn a special in-game content creator medal!

Have fun, but don’t delay, because the event will end on March 30, 2022!

Important links:

Team Fortress 2 - erics

(Image credit: Rainnyy and Suna)

The temperature is low, but the spirits are high! The annual 72 Hour Jam is back once more to fill your heart with creative cheer! This year, the Jam’s charity drive is supporting St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. Anyone who donates $5 or more to the drive is eligible to receive this year’s in-game charity medal. Donate here!

Starting Friday, December 17th, at 6pm GMT (10am PST), you have 72 hours to make whatever Team Fortress 2 creation you can think of! Whether it be a map, model, artwork, or even another game entirely, anything goes as long as it's Team Fortress 2 related! Additionally, you are able to earn another medal simply by participating!

For more information, check out the thread on TF2Maps or join the TF2Maps Discord. Be sure to also follow @TF2Maps on Twitter and Twitch for live coverage over the weekend, as well as any future events!

Happy Jamming!
Left 4 Dead 2 - Kerry
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.

- Improved dedicated server searches to return lower-ping servers closer to the lobby leader's local region.

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