Unending Dusk - dwayne
Enjoy your holidays with double experience gained!
Unending Dusk - dwayne
Double XP Activated!

All experience gained will be doubled. This is for Story Mode only.
We expect this to last till January 5, 2021.

Added a snow effect in areas which could have rain.
Added a festive ornament to the lobby.

General Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Zombie Androids appear idle when killed twice

Thanks for the support. Happy Holidays.
Unending Dusk - dwayne
Balance Update.

Based on feedback, we decided to increase all player damage by roughly 40% across the board in Arcade and Story Mode. This should alleviate some of the early game issues we've had with difficulty.

All character Hit Points increased by 100.
All character walk speed increased.
Increased salvaged Currency to 20% from 10%.

General Fixes.
- Updated networking code to use the latest Valve SDK. This should improve performance
- Fixed an issue causing throw kills not to award experience or kill buffs
- Added some miscellaneous new tiles
- Time elapsed during Arcade and Story Modes will display more frequently
- Changed Arcade Mode difficulty label from Normal to Classic to avoid confusion for Achievements
- Fixed Torturer attack animation speed
- Fixed Rogue ability dash speed in Arcade Mode
- Made the game build back to 32-bit for better compatibility on some systems

Thanks! Next we'll be adding more randomization to the story mode. This includes new bosses, enemies and backgrounds.
Unending Dusk - dwayne
Removed Halloween Content.

Updated Jump Animations for all Characters.

Endless Demon Lord is now more difficult.

General Fixes
- Fixed music on Purgatory stages in Endless Mode (already hotfixed)
- Added additional text to explain more functionality to new players (already hotfixed)
- Fixed a bug which causes fragile destructibles to create a sound issue
- Removed dust particles from Templar when double tapping forward to walk

Thanks! More content coming in the future.
Unending Dusk - dwayne
Content Update.

Added 4th new skin for every character!
The skins are immediately available to use.

Added a new Mastery Mod for Endless Mode!
Mastery Mods greatly increase damage for the specific Mod damage type.
Example: Holy Mastery increases damage for Holy Mods.
Mastery Mods can only be acquired from the Forge Endless Vouchers.

Added a 10% Salvage Bonus at the end of every level.
You will now gain 10% of obtained currency, within a level, regardless if you spent all of it on revives.

Added an Endless Skip Item in the Forge.
After beating Endless level 10, you may skip to Endless Level 11 by equipping this item.
In multiplayer, only the host can skip and is required to equip the item.

Balance Changes
- Added 5%/10% Mod type damage to Orb, Wings and Aura Mods. This is the same bonus given by the Mastery Mods
- Increased Dark Wings to 20%/25% Power and 20%/25% Energy as intended
- Reduced animation speed of Endless Demon Lord back to normal
- Removed Demon Lord from Purgatory levels in Endless Mode
- Endless Demon Lord will now spawn at level 10 and 20 instead of level 11 and 21
- Endless Demon Lord levels now have a 10 minute time restriction

General Fixes
- Fixed a spawn issue with non-host players in local coop arcade mode (already hotfixed)
- Attempted to fix a rare issue where tiles don't load
- Optimized amount of coins dropped from Endless bosses
- Fixed Mod slots not being localized
- Fixed a crash issue with forged pets
- Increased throw animation 1st frame by one frame
- Fixed a visual issue with Purgatory fissure traps

Thanks, Happy Halloween! Next, we'll be working on all new content.
Unending Dusk - dwayne
Content Update.

Added new skins for every character!
The skins are immediately available to use.

Added a UI element in the Gear page which tells you which slots are equipped.

EXP and Currency from Nightmare Mode enemies have now been increased by 50%.

Increased the chance to find the Apex of the Mega City secret achievement.

Added a "flash frame" to enemies with unblockable attacks to better telegraph this mechanic.

Mods can now be sold for 100% the first time they are purchased. You can now try out any mod and sell it back for full price before leaving the game or lobby. This does not work for the Forged items.

Added an Achievement for beating Arcade Mode on Hard.

General Fixes
- Added a fix to prevent gear from being equipped more than once (already hotfixed)
- Fixed an issue where lives remaining bonus was not being scored properly (already hotfixed)
- Fixed an issue where Arcade Mode score page did not have the proper labels (already hotfixed)
- Added a fix to prevent enemy counter attacks from working on Special attacks
- Reduced the hit depth of the Executive gun attack
- Reduced the hit depth of the Demon Lord vortex waves
- Reduced the amount of small coins dropped by Nightmare and Hell mode bosses. The total currency awarded should be the same

Thanks! Next, we'll be adding the remaining skins. The goal is to have 4 default skins for each character. Stayed tuned for whats coming next.

Unending Dusk - dwayne
Content Update.

Added Arcade mode!
Arcade mode is a straightforward beat-em up style playthrough without RPG elements.
Test your skills and take on this old-school challenge.
This mode includes two difficulties.
- Normal which has infinite respawns
- Hard difficulty sets a 12 respawn limit

Arcade mode includes Local CO-OP and online support (up to 4 players).
(Story mode does not have Local CO-OP but still supports online play. Sorry..)

The original Unending Dusk mode is now called Story mode.
Achievements will not work for Arcade mode.

Added Throws!
In both Story and Arcade mode, you may now throw non-tank enemies.
Ghoul, Hound and Hellhound are non-tank enemies which can't be thrown.

Simply walk up to the applicable enemy to grapple them.
Press any attack button to throw forward. Press back to throw them backwards.

Added Templar alternative skin!
Dark Templar

General Fixes
- Added resizable support for Windowed Mode
- Added alternative damage text color (white) in gameplay options
- Added Invite Friend function to the options menu. This makes it easier to invite people mid-game.
- Added a new Broken Spearman type enemy to balance early game as well as help with aesthetics
- War Machine mines are now capped at 6 on all difficulties
- Fixed enemies going to 0 position when its target is lost while weaving
- Fixed charging enemies sometimes getting stuck
- Normalized ghost walk speed to improve Templar and Rogue
- Fixed fire sounds to only play when visible
- Fixed health discrepancy when multiple damage occurs simultaneously
- Fixed players being stuck in character select if their options menu is open while accepting an invite
- Removed an extra frame from bodyguard counter animation
- Removed one second of counter time from Torturer counter animation
- Worked on unpolished High Priest and Master Swordsman animations
- Changed text for first-time completion dialogue to better suit both Story and Arcade modes
- Elite Guard and Ninja enemies now teleport in the center of the area to adjust enemy clustering
- Captain boss falling projectile now doesn't target the players
- Fixed crash for remote players encountering the Endless Demon Lord
- Removed pixel nipples from some background tiles
- Added dust effect to enemy back dashes
- Fixed Gunslinger alternate ability dust effect
- Zombies now count as one kill when they die twice

Balance Updates
After more play testing, we have further adjusted balance between characters.
Brawler now seems like the baseline.
Health is now uncapped and can surpass 9999.

- Attacking out of stealth damage increased to 400
- Dash damage increased to 150
- Light attack 1 damage increased to 25
- Light attack 2 damage increased to 35
- Light attack 3 damage increased to 100
- Heavy attack damage increased to 75
- Stealth can now be hit by the Demon Lord's full-screen attack

- Heavy 1 cancel into the 2nd heavy attack has been adjust one frame to prevent instant damage

- Base Health has been adjusted to 900
- Dash damage increased to 100
- Light attack 1 damage increased to 15
- Light attack 2 damage increased to 25
- Light attack damage increased to 75

- Light attack 1 damage increased to 12 (24)
- Light attack 2 damage increased to 20 (40)
- Light attack 3 damage increased to 150

- Base Health has been adjusted to 900
- Dash damage increased to 125
- Jumping Heavy attack damage increased to 50 (150)
- Jumping Light attack damage increased to 45 (135)

- Light Attack 1 damage increased to 100
- Light Attack 2 damage increased to 175
- Heavy attack 1 damage increased to 100

Sorry for the even longer delay. Thanks for the support!

Next, we will be releasing more quality of life features and some end-game content.
Unending Dusk - dwayne
Content update.

NEW character: Templar

The Templar is another slow but powerful character. She possesses auras which damage the entire screen over time. Like the Rogue, the Templar cannot run.

Alternate skin for the Templar will be added at a later time.

General Fixes
- All limited duration buffs will now refresh when activated again.
- Fixed a bug that triggered the Daily Login dialogue twice for new characters.
- Fixed a bug which allowed additional boss damage to apply to all normal tank enemies.
- Fixed the Brawler's "One Two" and "One Two Three" techs providing extra damage.
- Walk speed tech now applies to the Rogue's walk when the player double taps forward. The Rogue cannot run but players can still walk by double tapping forward.
- Increased enemy walk speed (100% faster) when they spawn as a wave. This should allow them to get to the player faster.
- Buffs no longer persist when the player dies.
- Tweaked the landing dust particle on the Brawler, Gunslinger and Rogue.
- Corrected the Assassin's Focused Blade tech description text.
- Increased amount of energy gained from landing level 2 charged standing heavy attacks.

Balance Update:
All character alternate special buffs (hold special to activate) have been rebalanced. The philosophy was to make them more useful by covering the character's weakness. We also kept in mind the reduce damage stacking in relation to their available reduction Techs (75% is the max damage reduction. Sorry, this is hidden).

Increased Damage by 20%
Increased Movement by 20%
Reduce Damage by 20%

Increased Damage by 20%
Increased Movement by 30%
Reduce Damage by 10%

Increased Damage by 10%
Increased Movement by 10%
Reduce Damage by 40%

Increased Damage by 10%
Increased Movement by 20%
Reduce Damage by 30%

Increased Damage by 10%
Increased Movement by 30%
Reduce Damage by 20%

Increased Damage by 10%
Increased Movement by 40%
Reduce Damage by 10%

Mod Changes:
- Light Strike Keystone: Flash Fire damage increased to 72 (Upgrade 3)
- Ability Strike Keystone: Flash Flame damage increased to 72 (Upgrade 3)

Sorry for the long delay and thanks for the continued support!

What's coming next will be announced later ;).
Unending Dusk - dwayne
Small content and large balance update.

Added a Daily Credits feature. Players receive 10,000 each day when entering the game.

General Fixes
- Normalized large and medium coin pickup sounds
- Credits dropping from bosses now cascade to avoid performance issues
- Endless Level 11 and 21 boss will now appear properly
- Adjusted some text positions in the Gear and Store pages
- Fixed a translation crash when switching difficulty on Endless in map select
- Fixed a scaling issue with Button glyphs in the lobby and other areas
- Added commas to the Credit numerals in the Pause Menu

Balance Changes
Adjusted the payout of Endless Vouchers. Each level will now reward 1 extra voucher. 1 additional for defeating levels 11 and 21. Unique mods will now have a higher chance to be generated to compensate for the decrease in vouchers rewarded.

Holy Attack Mods now do 10% more damage against Demon enemies. Demon enemies are enemies which are first introduced in the Apex or Purgatory maps.

Lowered multiplayer monster strength by 5% per player. As the game scales, multiplayer gets increasingly harder, this change is an attempt to combat this problem.

Changed some endgame values for better progression and to support the holy damage increase.
- Light Missile Keystone: Pulse Dart damage reduced to 69 (Upgrade 2)
- Light Strike Keystone: Energy Plane damage increased to 33(x2) (Upgrade 2)
- Light Strike Keystone: Double Plane damage increased to 33(x4) (Upgrade 2)
- Light Missile Keystone: Fire Bolt damage reduced to 69 (Upgrade 2)
- Ability Vortex Keystone: Flame Pillar damage reduced to 240 (Upgrade 2)
- Ability Vortex Keystone: Holy Beam damage reduced to 180 (Upgrade 1) and 240 (Upgrade 2)
- Special Vortex Keystone: Chaos Beam damage reduced to 180 (Upgrade 1) and 240 (Upgrade 2)
- Light Strike Keystone: Holy Cross damage increased to 135 (Upgrade 2)
- Heavy Strike Keystone: Lightning Bolt damage increased to 225 (Upgrade 2)
- Heavy Missile Keystone: Meteor damage reduced to 225 (Upgrade 2)
- Ability Missile Keystone: Meteor Shower damage reduced to 225 (Upgrade 2)
- Light Strike Keystone: Kinetic Force damage reduced to 90 (Upgrade 2)
- Ability Vortex Keystone: Cyclone damage reduced to 240 (Upgrade 2)
- Special Vortex Keystone: Chaos Cyclone damage reduced to 240 (Upgrade 2)
- Ability Nova Keystone: Dark Nova damage reduced to 180 (Upgrade 2)
- Ability Strike Keystone: Holy Flash damage increased to 240 (Upgrade 2)
- Light Orbit Keystone: Dark damage increased to 60 (Upgrade 1) and 90 (Upgrade 2)
- Heavy Orbit Keystone: Dark damage increased to 60 (Upgrade 1) and 90 (Upgrade 2)
- Heavy Missile Keystone: Holy Spike damage increased to 240 (Upgrade 2)
- Special Aspect Keystone: Angel Spirit damage reduced to 650 (Upgrade 2)
- Ability Nova Keystone: Power Explosion damage increased to 150 (Upgrade 2)
- Ability Nova Keystone: Energy Discharge damage increased to 150 (Upgrade 2)

Thanks! Happy Halloween!
Unending Dusk - dwayne
Some Fixes and a Tip.

- Heavy Missile Keystone: Dark Meteor will now properly upgrade to Dark Meteor+
- Ability Missile Keystone: Dark Meteor Shower will now properly upgrade to Dark Meteor Shower+
- Ability Strike Keystone: Dark Mirrors and Dark Mirrors+ will now provide the proper stats.
- Added a tip for quick rise.

Updated again to fix four more mods:
- Light Orbit Keystone: Dark now properly upgrades to Dark+
- Light Orbit Keystone: Holy now properly upgrades to Holy+
- Heavy Orbit Keystone: Dark now properly upgrades to Dark+
- Heavy Orbit Keystone: Holy now properly upgrades to Holy+


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