UnReal World - Enormous Elk
It's evident that you have noticed it already...

Steam Winter Sale has begun
...but we thought of reminding you personally in case you want to give it a shot.

Sami (creator) and Erkka (co-designer) in the real world, not too far away from the development chambers.

We've given our shots for this winter and are ready to enter the holiday season.
The last release of this year (version 3.61) came live just a few days ago and has been happily received.

Best of the season to all of you, and see you again after yet another winter solstice!

UnReal World - Enormous Elk
Last update of the year 2019 is live now.
In addition to fistful of bugfixes there's also a small bag of new features of which some are long-awaited and suggested improvements. Enjoy!

Version 3.61 changelog - with some screenshots

Saved characters from previous versions (3.40 ->) are compatible with this version.

- added: companions can help you with hauling and pushing items

Unoccupied companions spontaneously help you when pushing or hauling heavy loads is being proceeded.

- added: fence gate

Gates can be [o]pened and [c]losed just like doors. They can be also built by player character from [M]ake menu under uilding options.

Screenshot from version 3.61.
This settler is happy to finally be able to add gates to his fence. There are two gates to be seen in half-constructed pen.

- added: when [C]ommanding animals the animal name is displayed in the menu title

For example, if you would command a dog called Rekku the menu title appear as:
This helps owners of multiple animals to be sure they chose to command the desired one.

- added: target selection if multiple creatures occupy the same location where an action is to be done

If there are multiple creatures at the location where you proceed to execute certain actions
you will be asked to select the target creature. This applies to following actions:

- melee attack
- packing and unpacking animals
- looking at the location

- added: limping and animal size tracking information

When examining tracks now you can also see if the creature is limping. This requires character's TRACKING skill to be 25% or more. Severity of the actual leg injury can't be interpreted so crippled animals also leave limping tracks.
Animal size, big or small, can be also seen from their tracks now. This is so obvious that only absolutely untrained trackers will fail to notice it.
Moreover, the actual track graphics are also shown smaller or larger depending on the creature size. Notice that as the young animals smaller in size their tracks pretty much always appear as small ones.
The new information is displayed in tracking messages for example like this:
"You see here fresh limping tracks of small elk..."

Screenshot from version 3.61.
A flock of forest reindeers have escaped from the hunter. There's bunch of tracks to be seen, and now we really want find out where did the crippled one go.

- added: tree in front of the character automatically selected when cutting branches

You don't have to specify a direction for cutting and peeling actions if there's a tree in
front the character you. That tree is always automatically selected for these actions.

- added: chat option to ask for a sage in the village

When chatting with NPCs there's now a way to find out ask if there's a sage in the village. "Is there a sage around?" chat line can be found from "Ask for help/company" chat options. If there's a sage you will be told his whereabouts in the village.

- changed: need for heated room, fireplace or fire are checked first in cookery recipes

It's more convenient that way as you aren't bothered with meaningless ingredient selections if these requirements aren't met.

- fixed: failed hideworking with "somebody else got the skin" message diplayed and no skin obtained

This rare occurrence might happen if the hideworking got cancelled at the very last minute of the hideworking process.

- fixed: agriculture graphics representing a planted tile disappearing soon after planting certain crops

This was a result of crops mistakenly entering wintering state if the planting was done early enough, and thus the planted graphics was removed. They still sprouted properly though.

- fixed: wrong inventory weight with certain startup scenarios

When starting a new character the inventory weight was displayed wrong until you made your first move.

- fixed: gaining skill options during character creation by hovering over encyclopedia hotspot

- fixed: wrong tying equipment requirements when making patches of items

This was noted eg. when making arrows. Crafting multiple arrows mistakenly increased both tying equipment length and amount requirements.

- fixed: pushing duplicates items

The issue was related to ice breaking messing up item data while pushing action was proceeded.

- typo corrected: "coffing" -> "coughing" in herb effects dialog


Cheers! ːurw_sageː
UnReal World - Enormous Elk
Autumn Sale
The dev's cat said it.
Autumn Sale is on, allowing you to enter the far north with discounted price.

Winter update is coming
Autumn is actually long gone here in Finland and the winter is coming -- and so is yet another update. The latest major UnReal World release 3.60 is still warm but we're already heading for a new patch before the year is over. So be prepared. It's gonna be about bugfixes, extending some new goodies the latest major version launched, and also a bunch of little suggestions featured.

Aaand here we'll take moment to get your full attention with hi-res winter scenery with the dev and cat. The cat is on the left, if you are new to UnReal World and were wondering.

Steam Awards
Oh yes. 2019 Steam Awards is also going on. If you're hesitating what to vote for The Labor of Love Award it seems like UnReal World kind of fits in there. The criteria speaks of things like:
This game has been out for a while.
Yes. Since 1992. 28 years or so.
The team is well past the first unveiling of their creative baby, but being the good parents they are, these devs continue to nurture and support their creation.
Oh yes. Continuos development since 1992.
This game, to this day, is still getting new content after all these years.
Yep. I think we said something about very recent and near future patches already in this post.

You'll find the nomination buttons on the store page.


Now you should have plenty of buttons to click and stuff to do, so let's continue later on.
Best of the autumn winter to all of you!
UnReal World - Enormous Elk
Sale & Release
Now don't spook out, but UnReal World version 3.60 is now live. The beta period for this version is over and the new version is auto-updating for the game owners on Steam as we speak. You can find more details about the release below, and we're sure you have already noticed that we are taking part in the ongoing Halloween Kekri Sale big time with the pleasing numbers and content images.
Join us... into the Far North we shall take you...

It's Kekri, not halloween, in the Far North.
Kekri is an ancient Finnish harvest festival celebrated in the fall when the annual agricultural activities were all accomplished and the harvest collected. Kekri meant the end of the crop year, which was a big turning point. It was the time when the souls and spirits of the dead wandered around and visited the living. The ancestors were respected and welcomed. Sauna was heated up for them, and meal prepared too. The living celebrated accordingly, and so do we. We have harvested and processed the bugs and to-dos since the last beta and now together with Kekri celebrations 3.60 stable is out.

Kekri Goat
Kekri time included tradition of Kekripukki (Kekri goat) figure. People would dress up as horned creatures, wearing furs or coats upside down, and went around in their disguises and were offered food and drink. So, what does a decent developer of tradition rich game do to follow the tradition?

Well, hello there, any foods or drinks to offer? Some purchases will do as well.

Kekri-themed title screen
We are coming up with special with Kekri-themed title screen which updates to your UnReal World at some point during this sale & festivity period.
[EDIT: Oct-31-2019 - The special title screen is now live.]

Version 3.60
Those who participated in 3.60 beta branch already know what it is about. For those who only now got their hands on it we'll briefly mention that the key features deal with NPCs, companions, domestic animals, village properties, and crafting additions. You can find the full changelog in this previous beta release post:

And since that previous beta release, we've worked out the following for this 3.60 stable release:

UnReal World version 3.60 (stable) changelog:
- added: tree saplings

There are now small saplings of spruce and birch trees appearing on zoomed-in maps. Saplings are not obstacles for movement like the bigger trees but you can walk right through them. Saplings can be cut down like any trees, and they have use in making of withes.

MIGRATION NOTICE: Saplings can be found only on newly generated maps. If your character has explored the world extensively you may want to run map maintenance (key command [7]) which removes unimportant previously generated zoomed-in maps.

- added: withe - a new type of tying equipment

Withes are tying and binding equipment made from flexible, slender saplings of spruce or birch trees. Your character can make withes from [M]ake-menu under Tying equipment category.

- added: WITHE game encyclopedia entry [F1]

- added: fence building now requires two bands of tying equipment

Fences have been traditionally tied with spruce withes, which are the preferred and convenient choice, but any other tying equipment will work as well.

- added: villagers now cook their raw meat and fish

Villagers will now cook raw meat and fish in their possession. This doesn't necessarily happen instantly upon obtaining the meat or fish, but at convenient moment for the villager in question.

- added: inventory auto-filtered to show timber when birch-bark raw material requirement selection is being made

- changed: upon planting something the sprouts are not immediately visible

Only after some days you will be able to see the sprouts of what you had planted. Before the sprouts, planted tiles appear in thicker prepared soil graphics so you will be able to recognize them.

- adjusted: village dogs don't bark at sleeping characters

Watchdogs barking at restfully sleeping characters made it impossible to have good nights sleep in a village.

- fixed: using length based items as weight based crafting material got their properties modified confusingly

For example tanning with birch-bark strips.

- fixed: hunting NPCs might choose to hunt player character's domestic reindeers

- fixed: villagers rejecting traps in trading, claiming that they have enough even though they had none

- fixed: raft weight reasoned

They've been super light earlier, but now weigh around proper 1200 pounds. This makes hauling the only option for moving rafts around on dry land.

- fixed: young leaves could be picked immediately when plants sprouted

Now the plant needs to be few weeks old before picking of leaves is possible.

- fixed: double animal skin when skinning the same carcass as your NPC companions

- fixed: young animals meat yield occasionally being as high as that of the adult animals

- fixed: NPC butchering/skinning processes in the background might cause player spend times to jump or reset

- fixed: NPC owned dogs not leaving tracks in the wilderness

- fixed: tying equipment return issues after drying/smoking

If several stacks of food was dried/smoked at the same location using same kind of tying equipment all the tying equipment got returned when the first batch of food was ready.

- fixed: player crafted items occasionally appearing as roasted foods (if there was NPCs cooking nearby)

- fixed: when looking at tree harvested of its bark the tree info mistakenly said "partially felled"

Celebrate & Participate
We wish you happy Kekri time - or happy Halloween if that suits you better.
All in all, now just celebrate and participate in the festivities at this special time of the year.

UnReal World - Enormous Elk
Windows players have been able to explore version 3.60 beta branch for few weeks already, and now we have built and synced in also Linux and MacOS versions.

There's been few hotfix patches already, and all the supported platforms are up-to-date with them. Things have been stable and playable, and hopefully the trend will continue with Linux and MacOS builds. Our to-do list is still not completed so polishing and expanding many features continue as we stride towards the stable tag.

If you have already opted into 3.60 beta branch, the following is no news for you, but for the convenience we'll repeat the instructions and changelog here.

Key features of version 3.60
The key features of version 3.60 version deal with NPCs, companions, domestic animals, village properties, and crafting additions. The list of additions and fixes is long and you can find the full changelog at the bottom of this post.

One of the most awaited additions is wandering NPCs now actively hunting animals on detailed map level. This opens up possibilities for numerous exciting incidents to take place as the woods with hunters and their game now becomes far more alive and complex than before.

Screenshot from version 3.60beta. The player character has followed an elk, freezing and starving. He bumps into a scene never witnessed before. There's a pile of elk bones, raw elk meat and few arrows. And an adventurer, who has apparently downed that elk, now carrying it's winter fur and some cuts he had already roasted. This is just one example of scenes which could have been witnessed by player character, turn by turn, from the start of the hunt to very act of utilizing the carcass.

We think you may want to opt-into 3.60 beta now...

How to opt-into beta release
This is password protected beta-releasae.
The password you need to know is: 360betaXXXZZZ

  • Close UnReal World if you happen to be playing it right now.
  • Right-click UnReal World in your Steam games library and select "Properties".
  • Select "Betas" tab.
  • Enter the password mentioned above into 'Beta access code to unlock private betas' field, and press [CHECK CODE].
  • Now 3.60 beta is available.
  • Select "3.60 beta" in the dropdown box ('Select the beta you would like to opt into').
  • Close the dialog, the game updates, enjoy!

Should you encounter crazy problems with the beta, you can always switch back to current stable version by choosing "NONE" from the beta dropdown box.

And here comes the changelog...

Version 3.60 beta changelog
** Saved characters from version 3.40-> are compatible with this version. **


This is a beta release. There are likely bugs, things are still somewhat under construction, and some of the listed improvements will be tweaked and polished further in patches to follow.

- added: active hunting mechanics for wandering NPCs

Wandering NPCs in the wilderness now actively hunt animals, and also utilize the kills the best they can.
NPCs seek the game based on their cultural preferences, and within their hunting possibilities. The very act of NPCs hunting, or chasing the game, is rarely witnessed by the player character but bones and remains found in the woods can now tell a story of another human hunter at the area.
This addition opens up possibilities for numerous exciting incidents to take place as the woods with hunters and their game now becomes far more alive and complex than before.
Two imagined but possible examples:
One day an arrow flies beside your head and is soon followed by a woodsman running past you. Half a day later you meet him again happily roasting the squirrel he eventually managed to shoot down.
Or you may suddenly bump into wounded and therefore aggressive bear who rushes at you with no warning - only because it had been angered earlier that day by another hunter. And so on...

- added: hunting NPCs utilize their kills and roast the raw meat

Hunting NPCs can now skin and butcher carcasses and roast the meat. They also try to utilize otherwise obtained raw meat, so after trading raw meat to wandering woodsman you may notice them proceeding to cook it.
Unlike player character, NPCs don't leave the meat by the fire and pick it up when it's done, but they stay put by the fire while roasting is being done.

BETA NOTICE: NPCs are not able to cure or tan animal skins. That's pending to be added later on.

- added: dog companions for wandering NPCs

Wandering woodsmen and adventurers you may encounter in the wild can occasionally have dog companions with them. And just like dogs owned by player characters these will also protect their masters.

- added: footwear wearing out in use

Shoes and boots now wear out in use ie. when walking or otherwise moving around by foot.
Footwear material determines their durability. If used extensively on a daily basis
an average working lives of different footwear materials are:

* birch-bark - two weeks
* fur - a year
* leather - a year and a half

Walking barefooted, or using simple birch-bark shoes, is now more reasonable activity during the summertime as you may want to prolong the working life of your precious winter boots.
Footwear will break apart completely when they are worn out down to 50% of their original condition.

- tweaked: armour and cloth quality having greater impact on their durability

As a rule of thumb high quality items are more durable, and low quality items wear out faster in use. This is already seen with wear out rate of eg. weapons and tools. Now the quality based durability is extended to cover all the armous and clothes. You can expect rough armours to wear out faster in combat, and fine shoes to last longer on your journeys, and so on.

- added: armour and cloth quality having impact on their protective values

High quality armours and clothes now provide more protection, and the low quality ones provide less.
In most cases this covers more than one coverage aspect, but always at least the most important aspect for the item in question.
For example, fine fur clothes are warmer and maybe have more protection against blunt strikes too but masterwork quality fur clothes may also be more resilient against edges and tears as well.

- added: trying to use village goods for your own crafting is considered a breach

Villagers now react to player character's attempts to use village raw materials, eg. boards and tree trunks, for player character's own crafts. This is considered a minor breach
but ignoring villagers fair warnings it may lead to eventually getting banished from the village.

- added: measure of length for tying equipment

Tying equipment such as ropes and cords now have a length property. The unit of length we use is foot (ft), and should an item have a length property it is displayed both in inventory menu and when looking at items on the ground. This addition foremostly affects to crafting material requirements which can be length based from now on.

MIGRATION NOTICE: All the items which are designated to have a length property should convert automatically. So, your old ropes and cords should appear with their new proper lengths in this version.

- added: new crafting category under [M]ake menu: "Tying quipment"

This category contains the usual ropes and cords, which were previously found in "Utility articles".

- added: join and shorten options to manipulate tying equipment lengths

Under "Tying equipment" category within [M]ake menu there are options for joining and shortening ropes and cords as sometimes specific length is desired. You may not want to spend full length rope on something that requires only a short piece, or you may need to join cords together to come up with long enough string for a specific craft.

- changed: tying equipment requirements in crafting are now length based

Instead of requiring certain number of cords and ropes all the tying equipment requirements are now length based.

- reasoned: required tying equipment types in some crafting recipes

For example:
When making arrows, previously you could use any "tying equipment" in the process - including
ropes. Now arrow making requires "cord", a little finer and more specific tying equipment.

- added: tying equipment used in cookery do not disappear in the process anymore

You can pick your ropes and cords back after the smoking and drying processes are done.

- added: harvesting and utilizing birch-bark

Birch-bark can be now harvested with the common 'Peel bark from a tree' TIMBERCRAFT option.
Birch-bark is peeled and removed from a tree in long strips which are then wound to a ball for storage. (As a trivia, this kind of balls are called 'Sommelo' in Finnish.)
Peling birch-bark strip is slower process compared to harvesting other types of bark
which are removed from the tree as sheets.
Birch-bark can be also used as tanning material.

- changed: time of the year matters in harvesting bark

You can't no longer harvest bark all year around. The best season for peeling bark is early summer.
The process gets more difficult and the yield decreases accordingly outside the proper bark harvesting period, and eventually it becomes completely impossible.

- changed: bark item properties

* Alder and rowan bark items are now called a "sheet of [tree type] bark".
* Bark sheet weight has been decreased down to 0.5 lbs, but you may now obtain several sheets from a single tree.
* Yield of harvested bark is not constant but depends on character's success in bark peeling, determined by their TIMBERCRAFT skill, and the season when bark is collected.

- added: birch-bark rope

A new rope item made of birch-bark strips.

- added: craftable birch-bark items

It is now possible to craft the following birch-bark items. Character's CARPENTRY skill determines
success of all these birch-bark crafts.

* birch-bark box
* birch-bark basket

These can be found are under "Utility articles" within [M]ake menu.

* birch-bark rope

This can be found are under "Tying equipment" within [M]ake menu.

* birch-bark shoes
* birch-bark cap

These can be found are under "Clothes" within [M]ake menu.

- added: craftable clothes added to diy_glossary.txt

Sub-section "clothes" has been added to main crafting definition file diy_glossary.txt
and all the craftable clothes can be now found there.

- adjusted: cloth crafting times and material requirements

All the material requirements have been increased to slightly exceed the finished cloth weights. Crafting times of some small clothes have been reasoned by increasing or decreasing the required time.

- modding add: =length= raw material requirement tag

Required length of raw material for crafting can be indicated with a numerical value between
equals signs (=). The length unit is foot and value has to be whole number. The tag can be naturally
applied only to items that have a length property.

For example:
{Birch-bark strip} =5= [remove]

This means that 5 feet of birch-bark strips are required, which are then removed in the process.

- modding add: [LENGTH:] item property tag

This tag is used to specify item length. It's usage is intended for specifying length for
modded ropes and cords so be sure to use it within proper item type context. Results for
other than tool type items can be unpredictable.

[LENGTH:] - length in feet

For example:
[LENGTH:4] - the item is 4 feet long

- added: companions can help you with laborous tasks thus shortening the working time

Unoccupied companions now spontaneously help you with many different tasks. Their labor input helps to finish the physical work in shorter time, but doesn't otherwise affect to result or quality of the task outcome. The help companions provide is imagined to be something they can do without specific tools, but the kind which makes it easier and faster to finish the work together.
For example:
When building a log wall it helps to have extra hands around for moving and setting the logs in place even if the player character would be the one who does the necessary carving.
When softening the skin with a beater as a final stage of tanning process it helps to have somebody around to check, adjust or tighten the skin if necessary.
When setting and retrieving nets it helps to have somebody to row the watercraft.

The tasks where companions can currently help you are as follows:

* all the building tasks
* building trap constructions
* setting and retrieving nets
* harvestring bark
* tanning stages of cleaning, applying tanning material and final softening
* crafting rafts
* crafting leather ropes
* crafting birch-bark containers and ropes

The tasks are 10-20% faster to perform with a companion and in many cases having multiple helping pairs of hands shortens the time 5-10% more per companion. However, the benefits of helpers is gapped at three (3) companions, so having more than three helpers doesn't shorten the working time any further. It depends on the task how many helpers is the optimal number, and this varies from one to three companions.

Companions do help you with these tasks completely spontaneously, without any commands, if they are free from other chores and can reach the player character. You will be notified about companions helping you with specific messages displayed right after starting the task. These messages also tell if you are being assisted with the optimal maximum number of companions for the task in question. If you receive help from some companion(s), but the task would be even easier with more helping hands the message is, for example, as follows:
"You get some help with this task from Ahti."
And if you have the optimal maximum number of helpers the message is, for example, as follows:
"Tapio, Korjus and Visa help you with this task."

- modding add: header tag to specify companion help possibility for do-it-yourself crafts and building

There is a new tag to be used in biy_* and diy_* headers:


This defines maximum number of companions whose labor input can help to shorten the working time
as described above. The value can be 1, 2 or 3.

- added: several new companion commands

Companion usefulness is seriously boosted with the following new tasks they can now do on demand.
Their skills affect to outcome of the tasks so companions' expertise can be sometimes
used to obtain higher quality goods than what the player characters could produce by themselves.

* butcher and skin a carcass

Companions can be commanded to butcher and skin carcasses. They go for the closest carcass
and first skin it if possible, and then cut it for meat and fat. These products will end up
in companion's inventory, or are left by the carcass if they are too much to carry.
Companion's hideworking skill affects to obtained skin quality.

* roast meat or fish

Companions can be commanded to roast raw meat or fish they happen to be carrying.
Unlike player character, companions don't leave the meat by the fire and pick it up when it's done,
but they stay put by the fire while roasting is being done. Companions roast ten pieces of meat
at a time, and if not given another order they try to keep on cooking until everything is roasted.

* make logs

Companions can be commanded to carve trunks into logs. A few trunks are processed in a row.

* make boards

Companions can be commanded to split boards from trunks. A few trunks are processed in a row.
Companion's timbercraft skill affects to quality of finished boards.

- added: asking NPCs about their general skills

Within "Ask for help/company" chat mode there's now an option to ask people about their skills and
expertise. The skills NPCs speak of when asked are hideworking and timbercraft as these have
significance with the new companion commands added.

- added: villagers refuse to sell all of their animals

Previously you could empty a village of its animals with sequential purchases.
Now villagers refuse to sell them all and always want to keep few of each species to themselves.

- added: village dogs now roam freely

The dogs you may find in villages are not penned anymore but roam freely at the village area.
This not only adds atmosphere but allows dogs now to truly defend the village if need be.

This applies only to new villages you enter. Villages created in earlier versions for migrated
characters still have the dogs penned.

- added: watchdog behaviour for village dogs

Village dogs now alert of the approaching strangers by barking. Now the player characters may be
greeted by approaching barking dogs when they first enter a village. This dog behaviour gets
gradually toned down when the player character becomes more familiar with the village.

- added: color variety for domestic animals

All the domestic animals may have subtle varieties in their coat colors. This adds flavour to the
game world, but also makes it easier to distinguish different colored pets from each others just by
their looks.

- adjusted: snakes

There was a fistful legacy issues related to snakes which are now fixed and balanced as follows:

* snakes now cause point type wounds

Previously they caused tear wounds, which wasn't quite right.

* snakes now hibernate during the winter as they should

Previously they were active all year around, which wasn't quite right.

* snakes are now slightly more common than previously

* snakes are now venomous, as they should be

The snakes in the game are vipers. They are venomous species but the bites are usually not highly
dangerous. If the venom is discharged upon a bite it will take several days for the snake to
refill its venom glands. However, the snakes can naturally bite without venom too.

- adjusted: colorful outcome of eating certain mushrooms

- changed & reasoned: birch-bark item weights

Many birch-bark items weighed too much and have been adjusted as follows:
[previous weight] -> [weight now]

Birch-bark shoes 0.8lbs -> 0.13 lbs
Birch-bark cap 0.9lbs -> 0.15 lbs
Birch-bark necklace 0.1lbs -> 0.05lbs

- changed & fixed: foreign traders won't accept more furs than they can carry

Previously foreign traders dropped their excess load after completed trade and this opened an
exploit where dropped furs could be picked up and used again in trading. Now foreign traders simply
reject the offered items they can not carry.

- balanced: villagers' interest to buy paw-board fox traps

Trading paw-board fox traps could be used an exploit as villagers did buy them without any reasoning.
Now there's a cap for villagers' interest in paw-board fox trap.

- fixed: tufted duck populations were far too rare. Now they appear more commonly.

- fixed: cancelled unpacking of pet/companion on a tile with plants caused harvesting to proceed without confirmation

- fixed: being able to wear fur footwear with shoes or boots already worn

Fur footwear, despite of their vague name, are essentially fur boots.
And only one pair of shoes or boots can be worn at a time.

- fixed: being considered defeated (against robbers) when knocked out even if you still had companions/animals active

The fights which deal with special consequences for the player character's party upon defeat will
now continue despite of the player character being unconscious until the true result is resolved for
all the participants. This includes both fighting the robbers, as well as some village fights where
villagers choose to deal with nuisances in non-fatal manner.

- fixed: bears active and awake in the winter

Now they hibernate during the winter as they should.

- fixed: double tree trunk when felling the same tree as your companion

- fixed: forced swimming in shallow water gets you stuck after 100% fatigue

This is fixed by character automatically getting to wade mode if the water is shallow enough,
and while when wading it is possible to rest by standing still.

- fixed: wading on land

Getting out of water whilst swimming made the character wade on the first land-tile reached.

- fixed: [roast] cookery method decreasing also other than non-meat/fish weights

The intention was to make roasting to reduce meat/fish cooked weight, but it mistakenly extended to cover
other ingredients as well.

- fixed: only one fistful of young leaves regardless the plant patch size

Harvesting the young leaves you always got only one fistful of them even though there were more plants in the
patch. This is now fixed (or re-reasoned) and bigger the patch the more young leaves you can expect to get.
However, young plants still yield less leaves compared mature plants so the harvest is still usually smaller
than the patch size would indicate.

- fixed: lavaret (fish) missing price per weight value

- fixed: same types of fish caught on different gaming sessions not stacking

This was due to redundant randomized value existing in fish data.

- fixed: no stags among forest reindeers

- fixed: companions refused to fell any trees if there was a bear skull pine relatively close by

- fixed [typo]: player owned pigs sometimes mistakenly descriped as "board" (instead of boar)


That's all folks! ːurw_sageː

Cheers, have fun, and let's keep our fingers crossed for the possible beta bugs being minor and scarce. But whatever their size and annoyance level may be, we've got our bows prepared for shooting them down.

UnReal World - Enormous Elk
Firstly, this first beta is available only for Windows at this point. Other platforms will follow in-time. We're sorry for the prolonged waiting time, but couldn't help it, and really needed to start 3.60 betas rolling.

And they get rolling from now on. Things are fairly stable already, but our to-do list is still not completed. So bear in mind that many of the features now available will be polished even further in patches to follow as we stride towards the stable tag.

Key features of version 3.60
The key features of version 3.60 version deal with NPCs, companions, domestic animals, village properties, and crafting additions. The list of additions and fixes is long and you can find the full changelog at the bottom of this post.

One of the most awaited additions is wandering NPCs now actively hunting animals on detailed map level. This opens up possibilities for numerous exciting incidents to take place as the woods with hunters and their game now becomes far more alive and complex than before.

Screenshot from version 3.60beta. The player character has followed an elk, freezing and starving. He bumps into a scene never witnessed before. There's a pile of elk bones, raw elk meat and few arrows. And an adventurer, who has apparently downed that elk, now carrying it's winter fur and some cuts he had already roasted. This is just one example of scenes which could have been witnessed by player character, turn by turn, from the start of the hunt to very act of utilizing the carcass.

We think you may want to opt-into 3.60 beta now...

How to opt-into beta release
This is password protected beta-releasae.
The password you need to know is: 360betaXXXZZZ

  • Close UnReal World if you happen to be playing it right now.
  • Right-click UnReal World in your Steam games library and select "Properties".
  • Select "Betas" tab.
  • Enter the password mentioned above into 'Beta access code to unlock private betas' field, and press [CHECK CODE].
  • Now 3.60 beta is available.
  • Select "3.60 beta" in the dropdown box ('Select the beta you would like to opt into').
  • Close the dialog, the game updates, enjoy!

Should you encounter crazy problems with the beta, you can always switch back to current stable version by choosing "NONE" from the beta dropdown box.

And here comes the changelog...

Version 3.60 beta changelog
** Saved characters from version 3.40-> are compatible with this version. **


This is a beta release. There are likely bugs, things are still somewhat under construction, and some of the listed improvements will be tweaked and polished further in patches to follow.

- added: active hunting mechanics for wandering NPCs

Wandering NPCs in the wilderness now actively hunt animals, and also utilize the kills the best they can.
NPCs seek the game based on their cultural preferences, and within their hunting possibilities. The very act of NPCs hunting, or chasing the game, is rarely witnessed by the player character but bones and remains found in the woods can now tell a story of another human hunter at the area.
This addition opens up possibilities for numerous exciting incidents to take place as the woods with hunters and their game now becomes far more alive and complex than before.
Two imagined but possible examples:
One day an arrow flies beside your head and is soon followed by a woodsman running past you. Half a day later you meet him again happily roasting the squirrel he eventually managed to shoot down.
Or you may suddenly bump into wounded and therefore aggressive bear who rushes at you with no warning - only because it had been angered earlier that day by another hunter. And so on...

- added: hunting NPCs utilize their kills and roast the raw meat

Hunting NPCs can now skin and butcher carcasses and roast the meat. They also try to utilize otherwise obtained raw meat, so after trading raw meat to wandering woodsman you may notice them proceeding to cook it.
Unlike player character, NPCs don't leave the meat by the fire and pick it up when it's done, but they stay put by the fire while roasting is being done.

BETA NOTICE: NPCs are not able to cure or tan animal skins. That's pending to be added later on.

- added: dog companions for wandering NPCs

Wandering woodsmen and adventurers you may encounter in the wild can occasionally have dog companions with them. And just like dogs owned by player characters these will also protect their masters.

- added: footwear wearing out in use

Shoes and boots now wear out in use ie. when walking or otherwise moving around by foot.
Footwear material determines their durability. If used extensively on a daily basis
an average working lives of different footwear materials are:

* birch-bark - two weeks
* fur - a year
* leather - a year and a half

Walking barefooted, or using simple birch-bark shoes, is now more reasonable activity during the summertime as you may want to prolong the working life of your precious winter boots.
Footwear will break apart completely when they are worn out down to 50% of their original condition.

- tweaked: armour and cloth quality having greater impact on their durability

As a rule of thumb high quality items are more durable, and low quality items wear out faster in use. This is already seen with wear out rate of eg. weapons and tools. Now the quality based durability is extended to cover all the armous and clothes. You can expect rough armours to wear out faster in combat, and fine shoes to last longer on your journeys, and so on.

- added: armour and cloth quality having impact on their protective values

High quality armours and clothes now provide more protection, and the low quality ones provide less.
In most cases this covers more than one coverage aspect, but always at least the most important aspect for the item in question.
For example, fine fur clothes are warmer and maybe have more protection against blunt strikes too but masterwork quality fur clothes may also be more resilient against edges and tears as well.

- added: trying to use village goods for your own crafting is considered a breach

Villagers now react to player character's attempts to use village raw materials, eg. boards and tree trunks, for player character's own crafts. This is considered a minor breach
but ignoring villagers fair warnings it may lead to eventually getting banished from the village.

- added: measure of length for tying equipment

Tying equipment such as ropes and cords now have a length property. The unit of length we use is foot (ft), and should an item have a length property it is displayed both in inventory menu and when looking at items on the ground. This addition foremostly affects to crafting material requirements which can be length based from now on.

MIGRATION NOTICE: All the items which are designated to have a length property should convert automatically. So, your old ropes and cords should appear with their new proper lengths in this version.

- added: new crafting category under [M]ake menu: "Tying quipment"

This category contains the usual ropes and cords, which were previously found in "Utility articles".

- added: join and shorten options to manipulate tying equipment lengths

Under "Tying equipment" category within [M]ake menu there are options for joining and shortening ropes and cords as sometimes specific length is desired. You may not want to spend full length rope on something that requires only a short piece, or you may need to join cords together to come up with long enough string for a specific craft.

- changed: tying equipment requirements in crafting are now length based

Instead of requiring certain number of cords and ropes all the tying equipment requirements are now length based.

- reasoned: required tying equipment types in some crafting recipes

For example:
When making arrows, previously you could use any "tying equipment" in the process - including
ropes. Now arrow making requires "cord", a little finer and more specific tying equipment.

- added: tying equipment used in cookery do not disappear in the process anymore

You can pick your ropes and cords back after the smoking and drying processes are done.

- added: harvesting and utilizing birch-bark

Birch-bark can be now harvested with the common 'Peel bark from a tree' TIMBERCRAFT option.
Birch-bark is peeled and removed from a tree in long strips which are then wound to a ball for storage. (As a trivia, this kind of balls are called 'Sommelo' in Finnish.)
Peling birch-bark strip is slower process compared to harvesting other types of bark
which are removed from the tree as sheets.
Birch-bark can be also used as tanning material.

- changed: time of the year matters in harvesting bark

You can't no longer harvest bark all year around. The best season for peeling bark is early summer.
The process gets more difficult and the yield decreases accordingly outside the proper bark harvesting period, and eventually it becomes completely impossible.

- changed: bark item properties

* Alder and rowan bark items are now called a "sheet of [tree type] bark".
* Bark sheet weight has been decreased down to 0.5 lbs, but you may now obtain several sheets from a single tree.
* Yield of harvested bark is not constant but depends on character's success in bark peeling, determined by their TIMBERCRAFT skill, and the season when bark is collected.

- added: birch-bark rope

A new rope item made of birch-bark strips.

- added: craftable birch-bark items

It is now possible to craft the following birch-bark items. Character's CARPENTRY skill determines
success of all these birch-bark crafts.

* birch-bark box
* birch-bark basket

These can be found are under "Utility articles" within [M]ake menu.

* birch-bark rope

This can be found are under "Tying equipment" within [M]ake menu.

* birch-bark shoes
* birch-bark cap

These can be found are under "Clothes" within [M]ake menu.

- added: craftable clothes added to diy_glossary.txt

Sub-section "clothes" has been added to main crafting definition file diy_glossary.txt
and all the craftable clothes can be now found there.

- adjusted: cloth crafting times and material requirements

All the material requirements have been increased to slightly exceed the finished cloth weights. Crafting times of some small clothes have been reasoned by increasing or decreasing the required time.

- modding add: =length= raw material requirement tag

Required length of raw material for crafting can be indicated with a numerical value between
equals signs (=). The length unit is foot and value has to be whole number. The tag can be naturally
applied only to items that have a length property.

For example:
{Birch-bark strip} =5= [remove]

This means that 5 feet of birch-bark strips are required, which are then removed in the process.

- modding add: [LENGTH:] item property tag

This tag is used to specify item length. It's usage is intended for specifying length for
modded ropes and cords so be sure to use it within proper item type context. Results for
other than tool type items can be unpredictable.

[LENGTH:] - length in feet

For example:
[LENGTH:4] - the item is 4 feet long

- added: companions can help you with laborous tasks thus shortening the working time

Unoccupied companions now spontaneously help you with many different tasks. Their labor input helps to finish the physical work in shorter time, but doesn't otherwise affect to result or quality of the task outcome. The help companions provide is imagined to be something they can do without specific tools, but the kind which makes it easier and faster to finish the work together.
For example:
When building a log wall it helps to have extra hands around for moving and setting the logs in place even if the player character would be the one who does the necessary carving.
When softening the skin with a beater as a final stage of tanning process it helps to have somebody around to check, adjust or tighten the skin if necessary.
When setting and retrieving nets it helps to have somebody to row the watercraft.

The tasks where companions can currently help you are as follows:

* all the building tasks
* building trap constructions
* setting and retrieving nets
* harvestring bark
* tanning stages of cleaning, applying tanning material and final softening
* crafting rafts
* crafting leather ropes
* crafting birch-bark containers and ropes

The tasks are 10-20% faster to perform with a companion and in many cases having multiple helping pairs of hands shortens the time 5-10% more per companion. However, the benefits of helpers is gapped at three (3) companions, so having more than three helpers doesn't shorten the working time any further. It depends on the task how many helpers is the optimal number, and this varies from one to three companions.

Companions do help you with these tasks completely spontaneously, without any commands, if they are free from other chores and can reach the player character. You will be notified about companions helping you with specific messages displayed right after starting the task. These messages also tell if you are being assisted with the optimal maximum number of companions for the task in question. If you receive help from some companion(s), but the task would be even easier with more helping hands the message is, for example, as follows:
"You get some help with this task from Ahti."
And if you have the optimal maximum number of helpers the message is, for example, as follows:
"Tapio, Korjus and Visa help you with this task."

- modding add: header tag to specify companion help possibility for do-it-yourself crafts and building

There is a new tag to be used in biy_* and diy_* headers:


This defines maximum number of companions whose labor input can help to shorten the working time
as described above. The value can be 1, 2 or 3.

- added: several new companion commands

Companion usefulness is seriously boosted with the following new tasks they can now do on demand.
Their skills affect to outcome of the tasks so companions' expertise can be sometimes
used to obtain higher quality goods than what the player characters could produce by themselves.

* butcher and skin a carcass

Companions can be commanded to butcher and skin carcasses. They go for the closest carcass
and first skin it if possible, and then cut it for meat and fat. These products will end up
in companion's inventory, or are left by the carcass if they are too much to carry.
Companion's hideworking skill affects to obtained skin quality.

* roast meat or fish

Companions can be commanded to roast raw meat or fish they happen to be carrying.
Unlike player character, companions don't leave the meat by the fire and pick it up when it's done,
but they stay put by the fire while roasting is being done. Companions roast ten pieces of meat
at a time, and if not given another order they try to keep on cooking until everything is roasted.

* make logs

Companions can be commanded to carve trunks into logs. A few trunks are processed in a row.

* make boards

Companions can be commanded to split boards from trunks. A few trunks are processed in a row.
Companion's timbercraft skill affects to quality of finished boards.

- added: asking NPCs about their general skills

Within "Ask for help/company" chat mode there's now an option to ask people about their skills and
expertise. The skills NPCs speak of when asked are hideworking and timbercraft as these have
significance with the new companion commands added.

- added: villagers refuse to sell all of their animals

Previously you could empty a village of its animals with sequential purchases.
Now villagers refuse to sell them all and always want to keep few of each species to themselves.

- added: village dogs now roam freely

The dogs you may find in villages are not penned anymore but roam freely at the village area.
This not only adds atmosphere but allows dogs now to truly defend the village if need be.

This applies only to new villages you enter. Villages created in earlier versions for migrated
characters still have the dogs penned.

- added: watchdog behaviour for village dogs

Village dogs now alert of the approaching strangers by barking. Now the player characters may be
greeted by approaching barking dogs when they first enter a village. This dog behaviour gets
gradually toned down when the player character becomes more familiar with the village.

- added: color variety for domestic animals

All the domestic animals may have subtle varieties in their coat colors. This adds flavour to the
game world, but also makes it easier to distinguish different colored pets from each others just by
their looks.

- adjusted: snakes

There was a fistful legacy issues related to snakes which are now fixed and balanced as follows:

* snakes now cause point type wounds

Previously they caused tear wounds, which wasn't quite right.

* snakes now hibernate during the winter as they should

Previously they were active all year around, which wasn't quite right.

* snakes are now slightly more common than previously

* snakes are now venomous, as they should be

The snakes in the game are vipers. They are venomous species but the bites are usually not highly
dangerous. If the venom is discharged upon a bite it will take several days for the snake to
refill its venom glands. However, the snakes can naturally bite without venom too.

- adjusted: colorful outcome of eating certain mushrooms

- changed & reasoned: birch-bark item weights

Many birch-bark items weighed too much and have been adjusted as follows:
[previous weight] -> [weight now]

Birch-bark shoes 0.8lbs -> 0.13 lbs
Birch-bark cap 0.9lbs -> 0.15 lbs
Birch-bark necklace 0.1lbs -> 0.05lbs

- changed & fixed: foreign traders won't accept more furs than they can carry

Previously foreign traders dropped their excess load after completed trade and this opened an
exploit where dropped furs could be picked up and used again in trading. Now foreign traders simply
reject the offered items they can not carry.

- balanced: villagers' interest to buy paw-board fox traps

Trading paw-board fox traps could be used an exploit as villagers did buy them without any reasoning.
Now there's a cap for villagers' interest in paw-board fox trap.

- fixed: tufted duck populations were far too rare. Now they appear more commonly.

- fixed: cancelled unpacking of pet/companion on a tile with plants caused harvesting to proceed without confirmation

- fixed: being able to wear fur footwear with shoes or boots already worn

Fur footwear, despite of their vague name, are essentially fur boots.
And only one pair of shoes or boots can be worn at a time.

- fixed: being considered defeated (against robbers) when knocked out even if you still had companions/animals active

The fights which deal with special consequences for the player character's party upon defeat will
now continue despite of the player character being unconscious until the true result is resolved for
all the participants. This includes both fighting the robbers, as well as some village fights where
villagers choose to deal with nuisances in non-fatal manner.

- fixed: bears active and awake in the winter

Now they hibernate during the winter as they should.

- fixed: double tree trunk when felling the same tree as your companion

- fixed: forced swimming in shallow water gets you stuck after 100% fatigue

This is fixed by character automatically getting to wade mode if the water is shallow enough,
and while when wading it is possible to rest by standing still.

- fixed: wading on land

Getting out of water whilst swimming made the character wade on the first land-tile reached.

- fixed: [roast] cookery method decreasing also other than non-meat/fish weights

The intention was to make roasting to reduce meat/fish cooked weight, but it mistakenly extended to cover
other ingredients as well.

- fixed: only one fistful of young leaves regardless the plant patch size

Harvesting the young leaves you always got only one fistful of them even though there were more plants in the
patch. This is now fixed (or re-reasoned) and bigger the patch the more young leaves you can expect to get.
However, young plants still yield less leaves compared mature plants so the harvest is still usually smaller
than the patch size would indicate.

- fixed: lavaret (fish) missing price per weight value

- fixed: same types of fish caught on different gaming sessions not stacking

This was due to redundant randomized value existing in fish data.

- fixed: no stags among forest reindeers

- fixed: companions refused to fell any trees if there was a bear skull pine relatively close by

- fixed [typo]: player owned pigs sometimes mistakenly descriped as "board" (instead of boar)


That's all folks! ːurw_sageː

Cheers, have fun, and let's keep our fingers crossed for the possible beta bugs being minor and scarce. But whatever their size and annoyance level may be, we've got our bows prepared for shooting them down.
UnReal World - Enormous Elk
It's september. It's release month. We're making final touches, tests and preparations to allow first beta of upcoming version 3.60 to go live in few weeks.
It is also likely that the first beta will be released for Windows only, and other platforms will follow later on. This is because our OSX and Linux maintainer is super busy this month, and aiming for synchronized release would delay things far onto October.
When the rumble starts we'll be seeing several beta versions on our way towards stable tag as there's still stuff on 3.60 to-do list.

As you may know, the main focus of upcoming version is laid on NPCs and companions. Several new NPC/companion features have been mentioned in previous posts, and we'll hereby highlight one more big addition:

Companions can help you with laborous tasks thus shortening the working time

Unoccupied companions now spontaneously help you with many different tasks. Their labor input helps to finish the physical work in shorter time, but doesn't otherwise affect to result or quality of the task outcome. The help companions provide is imagined to be something they can do without specific tools, but the kind which makes it easier and faster to finish the work together.

For example:
* When building a log wall it helps to have extra hands around for moving and setting the logs in place even if the player character would be the one who does the necessary carving.
* When softening the skin with beater as a final stage of tanning process it helps to have somebody around to check, adjust or tighten the skin if necessary.
* When setting and retrieving nets it helps to have somebody to row the watercraft.

The tasks where companions can currently help you are as follows:

* all the building tasks
* building trap constructions
* setting and retrieving nets
* harvestring bark
* tanning stages of cleaning, applying tanning material and final softening
* crafting rafts
* crafting leather ropes
* crafting birch-bark containers and ropes

The tasks are 10-20% faster to perform with a companion and in many cases having multiple helping pairs of hands shortens the time 5-10% more per companion. However, the benefits of helpers is gapped at three (3) companions, so having more than three helpers doesn't shorten the working time any further. It depends on the task how many helpers is the optimal number, and this varies from one to three companions.

Companions do help you with these tasks completely spontaneously, without any commands, if they are free from other chores and can reach the player character. You will be notified about companions helping you with specific messages displayed right after starting the task. These messages also tell if you are being assisted with the optimal maximum number of companions for the task in question. If you receive help from some companion(s), but the task would be even easier with more helping hands the message is, for example, as follows:
"You get some help with this task from Ahti."
And if you have the optimal maximum number of helpers the message is, for example, as follows:
"Tapio, Korjus and Visa help you with this task."

Screenshot of upcoming version 3.60. Companion helps the character with setting the net.
UnReal World - Enormous Elk
Yes, yes. Yet another version is cooking up. That's not news. That's how it goes with UnReal World.

But what it will be about, and when to expect a release?
That would be more like news. And that's what this post is about.

Summer is always a busy season. There's so much happening that it's hard to even summarize what's happening. Many of the warm days and nightless nights get spent on recreational activities, but working hours in the development chambers have been also been busy and sweaty. Now lets take a look at what has happened, and to where all this is taking us. Some of this stuff may have been announced already, but it doesn't hurt to drool once again.

The main focus of upcoming version is laid on NPCs. This applies to both companions you can hire for yourself, and wandering woodsmen you may meet in the wild. But that's not all. I'll cover some of the upcoming new features in the chunks of text below. I won't add screenshots this time, but a few selected historical image sources from Finnish museums and archives. Some of these may not be era-accurate, but mood and theme suitable nevertheless.

Wandering NPCs will actively hunt animals, based on their cultural preferences, and also utilize the kills the best they can.

This opens up possibilities for numerous exciting incidents to take place as the woods with hunters and their game now becomes far more alive and complex than before.
The very act of NPCs hunting is propably rarely witnessed by the player character but traces and remains found in the woods can tell a story of another human hunter at the area.
Wandering woodsmen and adventurers may now also occasionally have dog companions with them. And just like the dogs owned by player characters these will also protect their masters.

"Hunter with his gear"
Photographer: Sirelius U.T. 1898 National Board of Antiquities / Suomalais-ugrilainen kuvakokoelma / SUK36:263 License: CC BY 4.0

Companion usefulness gets boosted with several new tasks they can do on demand

New companion commands are:
* butcher and skin carcasses
* roast meat or fish
* make logs and boards
Companions skills naturally affect to outcome of the tasks so their expertise can be sometimes used to obtain higher quality goods than what the player characters could produce by themselves.
That's cool, you might think. And you also might think of few other tasks companions could do. Indeed. Same here. We actually do have a few more things regarding companions still under construction. Currently we're working on mechanisms to allow unoccupied companions automatically to help you with laborous tasks (eg. building) thus shortening the working time.

Well, we haven't concentrated solely on living things. Here's a few of probably the most interesting additions and features regarding item galore;

Harvesting and utilizing birch-bark

It will be possible to harvest and utitilize birch-bark in crafting. Birch-bark is peeled and removed from a tree in long strips which are then wound to a ball for storage. (As a trivia, this kind of balls are called 'Sommelo' in Finnish.)
It will be possible for player character now to craft birch-bark shoes, caps, boxes, baskets - and also birch-bark ropes.

Ball of birch-bark, 'Sommelo'.
The National Museum of Finland / Yleisetnografiset kokoelmat / VK5354:11 License: CC BY 4.0

Measure of length for tying equipment

Tying equipment such as ropes and cords now have a length property, and tying equipment requirements in crafting are now length based. There will be also options for joining and shorterning ropes and cords as sometimes specific length is desired.

Armour and cloth quality having impact on their protective values

High quality armours and clothes now provide more protection, and the low quality ones provide less. In most cases this covers more than one coverage aspect, but always at least the most important aspect for the item in question.

Footwear wearing out in use

Shoes and boots now wear out in use ie. when walking or otherwise moving around by foot. Footwear material determines their durability.

Reindeer fur boots, 'Nutukkaat'.
The National Museum of Finland / Suomalais-ugrilaiset kokoelmat / SU4724:35 License: CC BY 4.0

Let this be enough for summery summary about what to expect. Now then there's that other question...

When we're done with those "few more things" still pending to be added it is time to start wrapping things up for a beta release. I'm quite reluctant to set or mention any deadlines as they usually don't keep, but if we think it out loud then...
It shouldn't take more than few weeks to finish the most urgent pending to-do's. Then a week of extensive testing and adjusting the latest additions, and then if everything goes fine it's time to start final packaging.
...we could be seeing first beta of the brave new version in early september. And from there on, what has been laid in there will still be evolving and growing, stabilizing and multiplying.

How's that? Sounds like a plan to me. :urw_sage:
UnReal World - Enormous Elk
I'm a bit late to announce this but it is live now:
Steam Summer Sale
and you can get
UnReal World for discounted price until 9th of July.

Why the announcement is late is because while the sale was launching I was busy attending to 'science-art-forest' themed seminar and workshops at Koli in eastern Finland - a location famous of its hills and cliffs which are well-known national sceneries of Finland.

In addition to presentation about working with the game I also performed an archery demonstration in the most awesome location I have ever shot a bow.

Summer is full of opportunities. Let's not hesitate. Cheers!

Archery demonstration, shooting with Japanese bow.

Giving a presentation about UnReal World and the related stuff..

The highest summit of Koli; "Ukko-Koli".

UnReal World - Enormous Elk
Things have been cooking and development has evolved up to an extent where a sneak peek of what to expect in the future is in place. We don't have a deadline for the upcoming release, it's a work in progress, but we do know what the core content will be about.

The core content of the next release will focus on NPCs. The most important additions will concern the wandering woodsmen you may meet in the wild and the companions you can hire for yourself. They'll be given a bit more wits, tasks, and meaning for their existence in the game world as follows.

Who let the dogs out?

Let's start with few a introductory features regarding NPCs and dogs.

  • Wandering woodsmen you may encounter in the wild may occasionally have dog companions with them - and their dogs will also protect their masters.

  • Village dogs are now released out of their pens to roam freely at the village area. This allows dogs to truly protect the village from possible threats. Intruders may be now first greeted with alarm barks and approaching watchdogs.

  • Moreover, all the domestic animals may now have subtle varieties in their coat colors. Adds some flavour, but also makes it easier to distinguish different pets from each others just by their looks.
Free roaming dogs and domestic animal color variety.

Actively hunting wandering NPCs

NPCs who roam the woods can now actively hunt animals. They seek the game based on their cultural preferences, and within their hunting possibilities. The very act of NPCs hunting, or running after a game, is probably rarely witnessed by the player character but bones and remains found in the woods can now tell a story of another human hunter at the area.

As we know, the hunts can end in unimaginable ways, so many different scenarios may arise from the NPCs now taking their chances with the wildlife - and occasionally maybe even the very same wildlife that you were after.

Witnessing an NPC hunting scene. Seal-tribe woodsman has been met in the wild, and he's busy trying to shoot down a squirrel.

New companions commands

Companion usefulness gets boosted with some new tasks they will be able to do on demand. Currently it's been added:

  • butcher and skin a carcass
  • make logs
  • make boards

...and the list is likely to grow with a few more crucial tasks. There's a great level of complexity to make companions proceed these tasks with similar detail than the player character so tasks to be added are prioritized with the quality over quantity.

The list of companion commands - so far:

As companion skills naturally affect to outcome of the tasks their expertise can be sometimes used to obtain higher quality goods than what the player characters could produce by themselves. We also need to add an chat option to ask NPCs about their general skills and expertise so you know what kind of craftsman you've hired.

The companion was commanded to butcher and skin one of the reindeers we managed to hunt down. We got meat now, and a fine reindeer skin, which is way better hideworking result than what Jurks could have done in his current condition.

Exciting times ahead.
The work continues, more is to follow.
Stay tuned.

These are future additions - not yet function in current version 3.52


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