Error 259 - Stefano_GamingAlt
You can now play Error 259 on linux devices!
Cooking Live - Italian Kitchen Simulator - Victoria S.
Jane’s been asked to shoot a TV program called “Cooking Strike” to show off her incredible cooking skills, and she needs to complete five levels in a row to make sure she’s ready!

While you complete the levels to get ready for the show, the TV crew will bring some more professional equipment.

If you fail a level, your progress will be reset and you’ll have to start from the beginning!
You can try as many times as you want. The TV show’s paying for the food, so you won’t be using yours up.

When you finish the fifth level you’ll receive a big reward that includes booster parts, Coins, Rubies, and blog points!

If you don’t complete all the levels before the event ends, don’t worry. You aren’t losing anything, and there’ll always be another TV program!
Clothing Store Simulator - SIERRA
Hello dear players, we continue to make updates in line with your feedback and requests. You have frequently requested that your cargo be delivered to the warehouse. But some players say it's better to have it delivered to the store. That's why we wanted to leave this choice to you.

-We will now be able to choose where the cargo will arrive on the order screen.
-A new storage box with a capacity of 60 has been added.

-The problem with the paint system has been resolved.
-The problem with the save system while carrying items has been resolved.
-The problem of not being able to leave clothes or buildable items in front of the store has been resolved.
Community Announcements - robciclexd

This is a test.
That is all.

Thank you.
Andy Blast Vs The Forces of Evil - 4KbShort
Hey everyone!

You might be wondering why this "weekly" devlog hasn't been every week. Well, a couple of reasons, but the main one is; gamedev is hard and sometimes things get stuck. The other reason was, while stuck, I made a quick Adventure Game for MAGS in Adventure Game Studio and you can check that out for free here:
However, I have also been working on Andy Blast again and here is a short list of recent updates:

  • Changed the color of the brick wall in front of the tree in level one to show it was a foreground/blocking item
  • Increased speed of Ghouls after detection to "Ludicrous"
  • Adjusted gibs spray upon monster death to be more visually appealing
  • Assembled level 6 framework/platforms/etc
  • Created art assets for levels 7/8
  • Adjusted colors of some previous assets to current palette
  • Minor visual adjustments to some enemies
  • Added "Y"/"N" keys to confirm/cancel quitting due to old habits

In addition, I'm super happy to announce that I've been able to finally figure out level 6 which has been causing me no end of grief (and the reason I had to take a break because it was holding up the rest of the game) and with that I've also been able to figure out the final boss!
So hopefully quick progress will be made on the remaining levels/bosses/etc and I can finally release the game!
3D Don't Die Mr Robot - Infinite State Games
3D Don't Die Mr. Robot - THE MAIN GAME is coming along super well. We're finishing up our player customisation and it gave us an idea; why not give the Demo players a taste of how cool it is when you unlock some of our decorations?

So we've updates the Demo build with a new challenge - score over 500 points and we'll give your Mr. Robot some shades.

If you unlock them we'd love to hear about it so let us know with a screenshot and your high scores!
Heroes of Higher Realms - Greenlynx
We fixed the potential premature level ending issue that we mentioned in today's update. Please update your game to avoid such a potential bug...

Esperia ~ Uprising of the Scarlet Witch ~ - Elriandir
Hi everyone!

I was quite busy these past few weeks, sorry for the lack of news. This is a minor update correcting some bugs, I'm working on some more important improvements - and other 'big' things - but for now you'll have to do with this!

The opening video is back in the game!
It was removed last year because the game engine sometimes froze when it was played (either only the sound was played, it messed with fullscreen or worse you had to restart). This has been fixed by the game engine devs and now it runs fine, at least as far as my tests go, so the start of chapter 5 will have the opening video played!

The boss character in Ch2 finally has a proper art. It will be updated in the demo soon as well.

-It is now possible to cancel Nina's Undead summoning when choosing the tile. This will avoid the softlock that can happen if all adjacent tiles are occupied, and allows you to change your mind if you want to change her position before using the skill.

A lot of unused data was removed from the game. You probably won't notice it though.

-Achievement of the 'highest relationship' was unlocked when characters reached the second level relationship (so after any B-level relation). This has been fixed, the unlocked achievements will remain.
-In Random mode the boss in Chapter 5 didn't have his usual 'stealable' stat booster.
-In Random Mode, some of the skills distributed to enemies were strange and have been changed.
-Elphin had a dialog repeating in his first level support with Sara.
-One tile on the left and the right of the screen on Ch4 could be selected by mouse even though it was off-screen.

Esperia is now 40% off during summer sale, if you like it don't hesitate to spread the word and/or leave a review, we're finally past 30 reviews!

With best witches,
Vibrant Venture - Pattrigue
A new patch has been released for Vibrant Venture!

This patch also features some much needed changes to Azura's Homing attack and momentum in general.
See the changelog below for details.

  • Reworked Azura's Homing Attack
    • You can now bypass the charge animation entirely by performing a homing attack while moving at sprint speed or faster
    • Moving slower than sprint speed triggers the charge animation
    • The duration of the charge animation increases based on your initial speed when initiating the homing attack; slower speeds result in a longer charge time
    • Bouncing off an enemy after a successful attack now retains your momentum
  • Removed the movement speed cap
    • Momentum is now always fully preserved
    • Friction is applied when landing
    • Azura's Dash now has no speed limit, allowing you to maintain your speed while airborne
  • Fixed crawling while being carried by a moving platform in a one block gap causing the player to bob up and down
  • Fixed the background flickering in the Level Builder when entering playtesting right above the death pit
  • Fixed walking up against the underside of stairs sometimes moving the player onto the stair
  • Fixed sliding into the underside of stairs causing the Slide Kick to cancel
  • Fixed Brachin and Brachin Goo animations ignoring time scale
  • Fixed a checkpoint trigger being too small in 3-3

Attack on Hex Island - ProdigalSon Games
  • Cards not being selectable after paginating while the cursor was on them
  • Cards become not focused when changing pages even when the cursor was on them
  • Shield ability not playing when blocking a token
  • Shield ability playing when the card is captured
  • Tinker percentage not resetting when removing the token being tinkered
  • Theme drop-down in PvP remaining active for the non-host player

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