Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
We have put up several polls <a href="">in the Red Orchestra 2 Beta forums</a>. We are looking for feedback on changes we are looking to make in the next Beta update. Please vote and let us know what you think!
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
We have put up several polls in the Red Orchestra 2 Beta forums. We are looking for feedback on changes we are looking to make in the next Beta update. Please vote and let us know what you think!
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
It has been a busy week here at Tripwire. Since adding "Classic" mode into the beta we've been working towards more bug fixes, refinements and tweaks based on feedback to the beta. We've also launched the <a href="">Tripwire Interactive Wiki</a> as a tool for fans of our titles to gather knowledge both about the games and how to mod them, as well as an updated <a href=""></a>

This weekend, in the follow up to last weekends first round of the Scorched Earth Tournament Finals, the last matches will be played. Just like last week you can <a href="">watch it live here</a>. Before, during and after the event John and Alan will be fielding community questions <a href="">posted in our forums</a>, so get your questions in soon!
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
It has been a busy week here at Tripwire. Since adding "Classic" mode into the beta we've been working towards more bug fixes, refinements and tweaks based on feedback to the beta. We've also launched the Tripwire Interactive Wiki as a tool for fans of our titles to gather knowledge both about the games and how to mod them, as well as an updated

This weekend, in the follow up to last weekends first round of the Scorched Earth Tournament Finals, the last matches will be played. Just like last week you can watch it live here. Before, during and after the event John and Alan will be fielding community questions posted in our forums, so get your questions in soon!
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
The final match in the Scorched Earth Tournament is just getting under way. Tune in to watch the <a href="">LIVE broadcast</a> and listen as the commentators discuss the game and its future (along with all things Tripwire) with our very own John Gibson.
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
The final match in the Scorched Earth Tournament is just getting under way. Tune in to watch the LIVE broadcast and listen as the commentators discuss the game and its future (along with all things Tripwire) with our very own John Gibson.
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
The full change log (which is too long for an OGG post it seems) can be found <a href="">here</a>

Highlights of the new classic mode include:

General Changes:
<li>Players can still gain experience and level up, but when playing in classic mode these levels do not grant any bonuses for class or weapon.
<li>Role and weapon loadouts are modified to closely match Red Orchestra 1 loadouts. This means fewer MkBs, AVTs, and SMGs are available
<li> Interface changes - added an RO1 style compass to the HUD. No peripheral action indicators.
<li>Uses standard realism mode as a base, and adds additional functionality on top of that
<li>Most Classic mode settings have been added to webadmin and can be toggled on/off for Custom mode
<li>Removed spawn on squad leader
<li>No lockdown
<li>No Killcam

Weapons use historically accurate load outs and upgrades are disabled. The following weapon versions are used:
<li>PPSH w/drum mag and select fire
<li>Kar98 w/bayonet
<li>Kar98 Sniper w/4X scope
<li>Mosin Nagant Sniper w/3.5X scope
<li>G41 Sniper w/4X Scope
<li>SVT40 Sniper w/3.5X scope
<li>MP40 with single 32 round mag
<li>MkB42 with bayonet (no scope)
<li>P38 Pistol
<li>C96 w/10 round mag
<li>MG34 w/50 round drum
<li>MG34 Tripod
<li>Pzb 784 (r)
<li>MN 9130 w/bayonet
<li>G41 (W) w/bayonet
<li>SVT40 w/bayo
<li>AVT40 w/bayo
<li>M1895 without silencer
<li>Maxim 1910
<li>All other weapons and equipment as normally given (binocs, satchels, smoke nades, etc)
Infantry Changes:
<li>Stamina usage and regeneration are modified to closely match RO1 functionality
<li>Player movement speed has been modified to match Red Orchestra 1 player movement speed. The sprinting speed is considerably slower to closely match the speed based on RO1 maps scale.
<li>Sprinting is modified to closely match RO1 functionality. The player sprints at a constant speed until running out of stamina, then stops sprinting until regaining some stamina
<li>The FOV zoom while using focus/controlled breathing is disabled
<li>Movement speed penalty when shot in the legs or feet (same as new realism mode)
<li>The player damage model is much more hardcore to match RO1 functionality. Players take damage instantly instead of bleeding some of the damage out over time. There is no bandaging or bleeding (although slow deaths from wounds are still possible).
<li>Stamina has a much greater effect on weapon sway and recoil (same as new realism mode)
<li>The FOV zoom while using focus/controlled breathing is disabled
Weapon Changes:
<li>Iron sight breathing and sway are greatly increased
<li>Weapons take longer to go into iron sights and match exactly the iron sight zoom in speed of RO1
<li>You cannot interrupt sprint by going into iron sights
<li>Weapons transitioning out of sprinting takes twice as long to more closely match RO1's sprinting transitions
<li>The weapon is unable to fire until the transition from sprinting is mostly complete. This more closely matches RO1 functionality and should encourage less "run and gun" play.

Be sure to give us feedback in the beta forums!
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
The full change log (which is too long for an OGG post it seems) can be found here

Highlights of the new classic mode include:

General Changes:
  • Players can still gain experience and level up, but when playing in classic mode these levels do not grant any bonuses for class or weapon.
  • Role and weapon loadouts are modified to closely match Red Orchestra 1 loadouts. This means fewer MkBs, AVTs, and SMGs are available
  • Interface changes - added an RO1 style compass to the HUD. No peripheral action indicators.
  • Uses standard realism mode as a base, and adds additional functionality on top of that
  • Most Classic mode settings have been added to webadmin and can be toggled on/off for Custom mode
  • Removed spawn on squad leader
  • No lockdown
  • No Killcam

Weapons use historically accurate load outs and upgrades are disabled. The following weapon versions are used:
  • PPSH w/drum mag and select fire
  • Kar98 w/bayonet
  • Kar98 Sniper w/4X scope
  • Mosin Nagant Sniper w/3.5X scope
  • G41 Sniper w/4X Scope
  • SVT40 Sniper w/3.5X scope
  • MP40 with single 32 round mag
  • MkB42 with bayonet (no scope)
  • P38 Pistol
  • C96 w/10 round mag
  • MG34 w/50 round drum
  • MG34 Tripod
  • PTRS
  • Pzb 784 (r)
  • MN 9130 w/bayonet
  • G41 (W) w/bayonet
  • SVT40 w/bayo
  • AVT40 w/bayo
  • TT33
  • M1895 without silencer
  • DP28
  • Maxim 1910
  • All other weapons and equipment as normally given (binocs, satchels, smoke nades, etc)
Infantry Changes:
  • Stamina usage and regeneration are modified to closely match RO1 functionality
  • Player movement speed has been modified to match Red Orchestra 1 player movement speed. The sprinting speed is considerably slower to closely match the speed based on RO1 maps scale.
  • Sprinting is modified to closely match RO1 functionality. The player sprints at a constant speed until running out of stamina, then stops sprinting until regaining some stamina
  • The FOV zoom while using focus/controlled breathing is disabled
  • Movement speed penalty when shot in the legs or feet (same as new realism mode)
  • The player damage model is much more hardcore to match RO1 functionality. Players take damage instantly instead of bleeding some of the damage out over time. There is no bandaging or bleeding (although slow deaths from wounds are still possible).
  • Stamina has a much greater effect on weapon sway and recoil (same as new realism mode)
  • The FOV zoom while using focus/controlled breathing is disabled
Weapon Changes:
  • Iron sight breathing and sway are greatly increased
  • Weapons take longer to go into iron sights and match exactly the iron sight zoom in speed of RO1
  • You cannot interrupt sprint by going into iron sights
  • Weapons transitioning out of sprinting takes twice as long to more closely match RO1's sprinting transitions
  • The weapon is unable to fire until the transition from sprinting is mostly complete. This more closely matches RO1 functionality and should encourage less "run and gun" play.

Be sure to give us feedback in the beta forums!
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
Forgotten Honor together with Tripwire Interactive are happy to announce that our Red Orchestra 2 knockout tournament "Scorched Earth" has reached its international finals. The two finalists have battled through 5 phases over the last 3 months, including 64 clans from across the world, to make it to the Grand Final. And, with $12,000 in cash prizes at stake, as well as personal honor, the competition has been ferociously fought out to get to the final two - DoublePenetration for Europe and Team Chaos for the USA.

The finals will be played in two legs - one on a US server, the other on a European server. The first (US) one takes place this coming Sunday, 18th March, at 3pm Eastern/8pm Central European and can be viewed LIVE through Livestream (details can be found here: <a href=""></a> ), with commentary provided by Sam Reese of Crosshairs fame and John (Rammjaeger) Gibson, President of Tripwire Interactive.

For more details on the contest, including the dates and the lists of the participants, head for the Scorched Earth web page at: <a href=""></a>

Servers provided by NFO Servers (<a href="" title=""></a>) for the USA and Gaming Deluxe (<a href="" title=""></a>) for Europe.

<a href="">Discuss on the forums -></a>
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - [TW]Yoshiro
Forgotten Honor together with Tripwire Interactive are happy to announce that our Red Orchestra 2 knockout tournament "Scorched Earth" has reached its international finals. The two finalists have battled through 5 phases over the last 3 months, including 64 clans from across the world, to make it to the Grand Final. And, with $12,000 in cash prizes at stake, as well as personal honor, the competition has been ferociously fought out to get to the final two - DoublePenetration for Europe and Team Chaos for the USA.

The finals will be played in two legs - one on a US server, the other on a European server. The first (US) one takes place this coming Sunday, 18th March, at 3pm Eastern/8pm Central European and can be viewed LIVE through Livestream (details can be found here: ), with commentary provided by Sam Reese of Crosshairs fame and John (Rammjaeger) Gibson, President of Tripwire Interactive.

For more details on the contest, including the dates and the lists of the participants, head for the Scorched Earth web page at:

Servers provided by NFO Servers ( for the USA and Gaming Deluxe ( for Europe.

Discuss on the forums ->

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