Tomb Raider - (Dominic Tarason)

Shadow of The Tomb Raider

Update: Big surprise! It’s finally now official.>

Now, keep this between us – quiet, alright? Just between you and me, I think there might be a new Tomb Raider game in the works. I also think that it might be called Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and that it might be released this September, and that it’ll feature scenes a lot like the completely-unrelated-we-assure-you image you see above.

I have all these wild hunches because Square Enix’s PR seems to have sprung all of the leaks, spilling juicy game info all over the place up to and including shakey-cam footage of the teaser trailer, along with the release date. So much for a dramatic reveal, eh?


Steam Community Items - (Brock Wilbur)


With a new Tomb Raider film about to hit theaters, the world is ripe for some Lara Croft nostalgia. Here to fill that void we have some delightful remaster news: the first three Tomb Raider games are getting made-up really pretty, and they’ll be free for gamers who own the originals. The reason why, however, might surprise you.


Tomb Raider - (Alice O'Connor)

The best moment in cinematic history is, of course, any time a character says the title of the movie they’re in. This is the main reason I am excited for a Tomb Raider movie. At some point, surely someone will say in reverent tones “You’re… the Tomb Raider”.

Myself, I’m hoping Lara will rebuff accusations of grave robbery with “Please, my father was the Grave Robber. Call me the Tomb Raider.”

Oh, right, yes, the ‘news’: Warner Bros. have shared the first snaps of their movie based loosely on the gritty 2013 reboot, along with a blurb hinting at a “tomb raider” shoutout. … [visit site to read more]

Tomb Raider - (Jessica Famularo)

Crystal Dynamics recently welcomed Ian Milham to their team. While no new Tomb Raider game is announced yet, he’ll be assuming the role of game director for the series. Don’t worry, he’s got the experience to back it up. Milham has been in the business for twenty years, including time as an environment artist, the art director for the Dead Space games, and the creative director of Battlefields 4 and Hardline.

… [visit site to read more]

Tomb Raider - (John Walker)

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.>

It’s probably the case that most people’s favourite Tomb Raider is the first one they played. Unless it was Angel Of Darkness. Mine was Tomb Raider II, so it’s always the one I think of the most fondly.

… [visit site to read more]

Tomb Raider - (Philippa Warr)


Crystal Dynamics have released an alternate playthrough of Rise of the Tomb Raider‘s [official site] ‘Advancing Storm’ demo to showcase Lara’s stealth possibilities. This is probably because even though they said stealth was entirely possible that bit got lost when the main message of the original video turned into “GUNS and then THROAT SLITTING and then EXPLODING BARRELS and then SHOTGUN YOU IN THE FACE”.

Or perhaps the stealth message went astray during the bit where they explained [at 3.13 in this video] that you could set up a poison bomb in someone’s corpse and the beeping would lure an AI over and then the poisonbombcorpse would explode. Who knows.

… [visit site to read more]

XCOM: Enemy Unknown - (Alec Meer)

Once a week most weeks, team RPS gathers, eyes itself warily across the table then debates. Sometimes it’s about SCANDAL, like slow-motion Batman or No Man’s Sky hype, other times it’s about perennials, like best levels ever or if Early Access means the end times.

This week, we’re discussing the pitfalls and merits of platform exclusives, in the wake of Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture being PS4-only, despite its devs making their name with the PC-only Dear Esther. In recent months similar has happened with Tomb Raider, and of course there’s a long history of this sort of thing, from your Marios to your Halos. Is this right? Is it sensible? And what about the other side of the coin, with XCOM 2 being PC-only? Not so grumbly then, are we? Let’s see if we can figure this one out, eh? … [visit site to read more]

Tomb Raider - (Adam Smith)

Just as Dark Knight Rises was mostly a tale of falling down in order to get back up again, Rise of the Tomb Raider [official site] will require Lara Croft to hit the ground hard before she even considers doing any sort of upward movement. A new 13 minute video from Gamescom sees her Jonesing around, talking about her dad’s research, stumbling, crashing, dodging bullets and – SHOCK OF SHOCKS – raiding a tomb.

… [visit site to read more]

Tomb Raider - (Marsh Davies)

Fail Forward is a series of videos all about the bits of games which don t quite work and why. In this episode, Marsh Davies discusses Tomb Raider [official site], evil wizards, falling off things and the forthcoming demise of the cinematic shooter.

… [visit site to read more]

Tomb Raider - (Alice O'Connor)

Remember how Square Enix were fannying about with Rise of the Tomb Raider [official site], playing tedious word games and falling silent to pretend that their neck-impaling sequel would be an Xbox exclusive when clearly it wouldn’t? You’ll never guess what: it is coming to PC after all!

Well, the word games aren’t quite over – it may or may not be exclusive to Windows 10 (more below). But yes, “early 2016″ is when it’ll come our way. As I’ve been dutifully ignoring the game until Squeenix stopped playing around, I suppose now’s the time for me to flood you with details and gameplay trailers.

… [visit site to read more]


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