The Universim - Crytivo Games Inc.

Happy Holidays from all of us at Crytivo! It’s been another incredible year of triumphs, lessons learned, and growth. Thank you for always taking the time to interact with the dev team, try out new updates, and give us your opinions. What we really want to say is, thanks for being the greatest community around! Seeing you smile is the only gift we need, which is why we want to share a few of the exciting things coming to The Universim in 2018. Read on!

We’re in the Medieval Era!
Woah, what exactly does that mean?

Prepare to immerse yourself in a world filled with danger and the smell of wood. We had quite the little adventure developing the Stone Age, didn’t we? Well, the good news is that the Stone Age contains around 95% of the core mechanics we require to build the rest of the game, like planet generation, planet simulation (seasons, climates, etc), major AI systems, and pretty much everything else. Alright, fasten your seatbelts! We’re jumping to hyperspeed aboard the Crytivo Bathtub, and we’re probably going to lose some Nuggets. That’s okay, though. They’re designed to die either way.


There’s quite a bit on its way! While you were busy playing with your Nuggets, we were hard at work at Crytivo Labs developing the new Residential Block system. Most of our scientists engineers have no idea how it works, but we’ll try to explain it to you anyway.


We developed a system that sneakily creates Residential Blocks behind the scenes. This system reserves space for the buildings of the future. Nuggets discover new technologies and research extraordinary things all the time. These discoveries often alter their very lives, either on a molecular level or in regards to the effects that certain upgrades have on the operational and visual aspects of the civilization. The Residential Block system (RB) reserves space around buildings dynamically each time a Nugget decides to break out their trusty hammer. To spice things up a bit, the system also places a plethora of pleasing props around the block to beautify the entire area. The system also dynamically connects each RB and the buildings inside of them to the road network, which ensures Nuggets find their way around easily. Well, at least we hope they will. They have a mind of their own, that lot.


The Stone Age primarily used buildings that were pre-designed by our amazing artists. In the Medieval Era, we’re trying something a little different. The Prometheus system has been reading up on how to build houses out of a number of modular components. It’s amazing what you can learn from a few books! This means that every residential building will have its own unique look, while maintaining the handcrafted look and feel you’ve come to know. This is an enormously complex system, and we hope you enjoy the new look.

To learn more about our future plans, click on the link below.
The Universim - Crytivo

Happy Holidays from all of us at Crytivo! It’s been another incredible year of triumphs, lessons learned, and growth. Thank you for always taking the time to interact with the dev team, try out new updates, and give us your opinions. What we really want to say is, thanks for being the greatest community around! Seeing you smile is the only gift we need, which is why we want to share a few of the exciting things coming to The Universim in 2018. Read on!

We’re in the Medieval Era!
Woah, what exactly does that mean?

Prepare to immerse yourself in a world filled with danger and the smell of wood. We had quite the little adventure developing the Stone Age, didn’t we? Well, the good news is that the Stone Age contains around 95% of the core mechanics we require to build the rest of the game, like planet generation, planet simulation (seasons, climates, etc), major AI systems, and pretty much everything else. Alright, fasten your seatbelts! We’re jumping to hyperspeed aboard the Crytivo Bathtub, and we’re probably going to lose some Nuggets. That’s okay, though. They’re designed to die either way.


There’s quite a bit on its way! While you were busy playing with your Nuggets, we were hard at work at Crytivo Labs developing the new Residential Block system. Most of our scientists engineers have no idea how it works, but we’ll try to explain it to you anyway.


We developed a system that sneakily creates Residential Blocks behind the scenes. This system reserves space for the buildings of the future. Nuggets discover new technologies and research extraordinary things all the time. These discoveries often alter their very lives, either on a molecular level or in regards to the effects that certain upgrades have on the operational and visual aspects of the civilization. The Residential Block system (RB) reserves space around buildings dynamically each time a Nugget decides to break out their trusty hammer. To spice things up a bit, the system also places a plethora of pleasing props around the block to beautify the entire area. The system also dynamically connects each RB and the buildings inside of them to the road network, which ensures Nuggets find their way around easily. Well, at least we hope they will. They have a mind of their own, that lot.


The Stone Age primarily used buildings that were pre-designed by our amazing artists. In the Medieval Era, we’re trying something a little different. The Prometheus system has been reading up on how to build houses out of a number of modular components. It’s amazing what you can learn from a few books! This means that every residential building will have its own unique look, while maintaining the handcrafted look and feel you’ve come to know. This is an enormously complex system, and we hope you enjoy the new look.

To learn more about our future plans, click on the link below.
The Universim - Crytivo Games Inc.

We’re back with another exciting patch for all of you incredible people. Our team has once again astounded with its ability to balance the flow of new content and bug fixing, driving the experience to new heights while squashing those annoying issues. Now that we’re finished patting ourselves on the back, let’s get to the fun stuff!
  • Brand new nugget list panel, with new filters, more headers and more details, including a new favicon menu.
  • Nugget favicons are now shown as an icon over the nugget as well.
  • Research: Blue Perks of the same tier can now be queued up for research: they will automatically continue to next queued perk after current is complete. From the panel, player will be able to add or remove from the queue, and see the order in which perks are stacked.
  • Building upgrades reviewed: now resource collection for upgrades will happen before demolition, and the building will continue working as usual until then. Resources status can be monitored on the upgrade panel.
  • Status Flags: building status icons are no more! we now have flags, which integrate smoothly into the environment, improving the look and feel. Flags will display up to two different status situations, and further warnings will appear after the ones on display are solved.
  • Path line for nuggets
  • Time stopped before epicenter is placed
  • Trickle Effect God Power
  • Tornado: New building damage formula
  • New building lumber mill.
  • New building stone mine.
  • New animal - the bear.


Starting off as tiny pathways, these little veins of early economic activity will soon grow and harden into highways and concrete footpaths as your civilization advances. A ridiculous amount of work was invested into this system over the past few months, but it is beginning to pay off. Our biggest challenge was to create an entirely dynamic road system that expands as new buildings are introduced, on top of being upgradeable from era to era. Let’s not even mention the difficulty of getting this to work on a spherical world. Overall, it was quite the experience, but we’re enormously proud to be introducing it to you now.


With the addition of dynamic roads, preserving performance became another top priority for the team. With a little magic, we not only mitigated the new system’s impact, but also improved performance further to allow for far more objects to be on-screen at any time. Planets are now curvier and more decorative than ever. You can even expect faster loading times! Also, keep an eye out for denser animal populations as you go about your divine duties.


Stone Mines and Lumber Mills officially mark the beginning of the Medieval Era! You can now construct neat little box-looking buildings that will churn out resources faster than ever before. Speaking of which, we’ll be balancing things over the next few patches to ensure we get the numbers right.


Our Nuggets are not just soulless and empty AI agents that drift about the game world performing menial tasks, they’re actually highly-advanced (albeit buggy) beings that attempt to act as alive as possible. Well, unless they’ve been tossed about by a tornado. Then they play dead very well indeed. As such, they have a dramatic list of stats that should be clearly presented to you. With the new panel, you have detailed access to any Nugget’s stats at any time.


We agree with your complaints that it can be a little difficult to prepare for natural disasters before they undo all of your hard work. The notifications were simply not giving you much time to react, leading to frustration as your Nuggets clung hopelessly to the barebones foundation of a disaster shelter while the civilization was ravaged. Disaster predictions will now be far more timely, giving you detailed information via the season calendar once you’ve constructed a Forecast Tower.


It can be a little overwhelming as buildings begin blurting out complaints about some or other resource shortage, filling your civilization with glowing pop-ups like you just clicked on a dodgy link. We always aim to keep things in the game as clean and natural-looking as possible, which led us to redesign the building notification system entirely. We are replacing pop-ups with a flag status system, equipping each building with a dedicated flagpole that will raise a different flag based on the building’s needs. We’ll keep iterating on this to get it right.


Nugget status icons were revisited as well, leading to slight changes that improve readability at a glance. We’ve added a severity indicator to the status icons that appear above a Nugget’s head. If Nuggets begin displaying negative status effects, like hunger, thirst, cold, or otherwise, the icon will be yellow to start off with (less severe) and slowly turn into a red icon (severe). Icons turn red once a Nugget’s health or other important stats become endangered.


The Nugget trajectory guessing minigame has been removed. We have replaced it with a Nugget trail line, showing you exactly where a Nugget is headed. You’ll never have to raise an eyebrow and allow confusion to take hold ever again.



We have even more exciting announcements coming soon on January 9th, 2018.
Sign up at to be among the first to hear our announcement and net yourself an exclusive reward.
The Universim - Crytivo

We’re back with another exciting patch for all of you incredible people. Our team has once again astounded with its ability to balance the flow of new content and bug fixing, driving the experience to new heights while squashing those annoying issues. Now that we’re finished patting ourselves on the back, let’s get to the fun stuff!
  • Brand new nugget list panel, with new filters, more headers and more details, including a new favicon menu.
  • Nugget favicons are now shown as an icon over the nugget as well.
  • Research: Blue Perks of the same tier can now be queued up for research: they will automatically continue to next queued perk after current is complete. From the panel, player will be able to add or remove from the queue, and see the order in which perks are stacked.
  • Building upgrades reviewed: now resource collection for upgrades will happen before demolition, and the building will continue working as usual until then. Resources status can be monitored on the upgrade panel.
  • Status Flags: building status icons are no more! we now have flags, which integrate smoothly into the environment, improving the look and feel. Flags will display up to two different status situations, and further warnings will appear after the ones on display are solved.
  • Path line for nuggets
  • Time stopped before epicenter is placed
  • Trickle Effect God Power
  • Tornado: New building damage formula
  • New building lumber mill.
  • New building stone mine.
  • New animal - the bear.


Starting off as tiny pathways, these little veins of early economic activity will soon grow and harden into highways and concrete footpaths as your civilization advances. A ridiculous amount of work was invested into this system over the past few months, but it is beginning to pay off. Our biggest challenge was to create an entirely dynamic road system that expands as new buildings are introduced, on top of being upgradeable from era to era. Let’s not even mention the difficulty of getting this to work on a spherical world. Overall, it was quite the experience, but we’re enormously proud to be introducing it to you now.


With the addition of dynamic roads, preserving performance became another top priority for the team. With a little magic, we not only mitigated the new system’s impact, but also improved performance further to allow for far more objects to be on-screen at any time. Planets are now curvier and more decorative than ever. You can even expect faster loading times! Also, keep an eye out for denser animal populations as you go about your divine duties.


Stone Mines and Lumber Mills officially mark the beginning of the Medieval Era! You can now construct neat little box-looking buildings that will churn out resources faster than ever before. Speaking of which, we’ll be balancing things over the next few patches to ensure we get the numbers right.


Our Nuggets are not just soulless and empty AI agents that drift about the game world performing menial tasks, they’re actually highly-advanced (albeit buggy) beings that attempt to act as alive as possible. Well, unless they’ve been tossed about by a tornado. Then they play dead very well indeed. As such, they have a dramatic list of stats that should be clearly presented to you. With the new panel, you have detailed access to any Nugget’s stats at any time.


We agree with your complaints that it can be a little difficult to prepare for natural disasters before they undo all of your hard work. The notifications were simply not giving you much time to react, leading to frustration as your Nuggets clung hopelessly to the barebones foundation of a disaster shelter while the civilization was ravaged. Disaster predictions will now be far more timely, giving you detailed information via the season calendar once you’ve constructed a Forecast Tower.


It can be a little overwhelming as buildings begin blurting out complaints about some or other resource shortage, filling your civilization with glowing pop-ups like you just clicked on a dodgy link. We always aim to keep things in the game as clean and natural-looking as possible, which led us to redesign the building notification system entirely. We are replacing pop-ups with a flag status system, equipping each building with a dedicated flagpole that will raise a different flag based on the building’s needs. We’ll keep iterating on this to get it right.


Nugget status icons were revisited as well, leading to slight changes that improve readability at a glance. We’ve added a severity indicator to the status icons that appear above a Nugget’s head. If Nuggets begin displaying negative status effects, like hunger, thirst, cold, or otherwise, the icon will be yellow to start off with (less severe) and slowly turn into a red icon (severe). Icons turn red once a Nugget’s health or other important stats become endangered.


The Nugget trajectory guessing minigame has been removed. We have replaced it with a Nugget trail line, showing you exactly where a Nugget is headed. You’ll never have to raise an eyebrow and allow confusion to take hold ever again.



We have even more exciting announcements coming soon on January 9th, 2018.
Sign up at to be among the first to hear our announcement and net yourself an exclusive reward.
The Universim - Crytivo Games Inc.

Today is the great day for another portion of some delicious news. As many of you already know, we tried to keep the pace and we were adding a lot of new features to the game each month. We got to the point, where we were satisfied with the amount of content we put in and decided that it’s a good time to take a short break from the flaw of the new changes and work on some bug fixes, balance and AI improvements in order to provide to our valuable players an interesting and exciting gameplay. We hope you guys got tired from nuggets who were hitting their heads into the wall or were so lazy, that actually were standing on the same place and were just chilling. In this patch we said enough of those stupid Nuggets! Let us introduce you a new Universim Pathfinding system v1.0. Our new pathfinding system is able to solve all (most) those issues and allow players to feel that there is some hope in their civilization and maybe stop kicking Nuggets butt in order to force them to move. With the introduction of our new pathfinding system, we tried to solve the major issues with Nuggets AI and improve the workflow of the game and make it more dynamic. The new Pathfinding system is 4 times more accurate than previous one, we had to go through a lot of challenges to introduce this system in a short period of time and keep relatively that same performance. We hope you'll love it!

We also thought that it would be cool to allow the player to place the buildings more precisely on the map. Therefore, we added a grid around each building that allows the player to see the boundaries of the building. We're also starting reserve space around the buildings for future Dynamic Road Formations.

On top of that we made a lot of changes to the balance of our game. We re-balanced a lot of different aspects in our game in order to provide a pleasant experience for you guys. Mating system was changed multiple times, nuggets effects & perks were revisited and rewritten in order to provide a better representation of the nuggets stat changes. Happiness effect got its separate love. Happiness now will depend on many different factors and actions, so you should be careful of what you are doing.

In addition to all the bug fixes / AI improvements and balance, we also added some pets to Mother Planet! Foxes & Mammoths are ready to join us today!


Fire Fox

Furry Mammoths

New quest: “Punish my Nemesis”
Refactored cemetery. Now it contains pyre
Clouds are now savable


Fixed: School perk had negative effect
Fixed: Gravedigger standing still after you scare him
Fixed: Gravedigger tries to reach nugget in orbit
Fixed: Critical bug related to “AreaRadius”, “Find my lost nugget” quest
Fixed: Critical bug during searching for nugget, “Find my lost nugget” quest
Fixed: Dead nuggets were not in the cart after load
Fixed: Female nuggets not mating in some cases
Fixed: NRE related to dead nuggets and FormatCurrentStatus method
Fixed: Stuck nugget eating in the eatery after game load
Fixed: Stuck nugget when cleaning construction site
Fixed: females from couples made with cupid power never had more than 1 kid
Fixed: Descriptions of powers were cut in God Powers Carousel
Fixed: Upgraded Reservoir capacity. Reservoir capacity stated increase of 10000 instead of 15000
Fixed: Slow Burn perk caused nuggets to feel hungry all the time
Fixed: Multiple perk effects were not working properly or didn’t have significant changes
Fixed: Improved Nuggets work assignment. Before nuggets were assigned to the closest buildings to build. Now they have an intention to finish building the first placed building unless any other building received all the recourses before the first building
Fixed: Some happiness effects did not increase nuggets happiness
Fixed: Windstorm would deal damage after it ended
Fixed: Bunker slots were locked
Fixed: Engineers were functioning only on 40%


Wood/Stone refineries will create a small demand for wood/stone if they are not full, forcing nuggets to harvest those resources.
Injured nuggets will be auto-replaced in a building if they are in hospital.
Improved transportation AI. All buildings should be served (sooner or later)
Improved repair AI. Now lower health buildings should be served first.
Improved decision AI (idle ai can be interrupted at any point).
Adjusted auto assignment of nuggets. System should try and search for nuggets with required education level first.
Improved male/female birth ratio.
Improved construction priority builders assignment.
Improved farmer AI, it will go harvest even if it has next critical AI (thirst, hunger, etc.)


Storage Area Perk (Unlocks Warehouse) was moved from Stage 4 to Stage 2 in order to allow players to accumulate resources in one spot early in the game and increase construction speed & improve the dynamic of the game.
Recreation Perk (Unlocks Local Business) was moved from Stage 2 to Stage 3 due to the new way how happiness stat works & improve the balance.
Refined Materials Perk (Unlocks Store & Wood Refinery) was moved from Stage 4 to Stage 2 in order to allow players get and accumulate new materials for the buildings upgrade once they will be available.
Ancient Burial, Dew Forecasting & Education perks were moved from Stage 3 to the Stage 4 in order to balance out the perk order and reflect changes that were made to the Tornado / Hurricane.
Naturopaths Perk (Unlocks Hospital Pre Medieval upgrade) were moved from Stage 5 to Stage 6 in order to start the transition from stone age to the Medieval age and allow room for the new perk system that is coming in the next patch.


We revisited a lot of perks and their stats in order to improve the balance of the game. This helped us not only improve the balance, but also fix some bugs that were causing the players experience issues with the food or did not apply any effect at all due to a very minor increase. Before we also had some perks applying effects to some stats in percentage value and hard value which caused some issues with the balance. We also decide to redo the percentage value on some perks and make them “hard” values in order to simplify the system and improve the balance. This change allowed us to control the nuggets stat growth more precisely and make sure that our perk system doesn’t break the game. The changes are:
Primitive Tools: Might changed from 2->1
Cooking: Hunger Reduction changed from 2% ->5%
Heavy Lifting: Might changed from 2->3
Heauge Mahscles: Might changed from percentage value to the hard value 10% ->4
Hide Bags: Carry Capacity changed from percentage value to the hard value 10%->2
Molars: Hunger Recovery changed from 5% -> 7%
Divine Stamina: Nugget Stamina changed from 18% -> 15%
Slow Burn: Nugget Food needs changed from 15%-> 20%
Divine Punishment: Twin increase changed from 2% -> 50% from current value
Elbow Grease: Might changed from percentage value to the hard value 5%->3
Round Cogs: Pump output changed from percentage value to the hard value 5% -> 2
Dam It: Pump output changed from percentage value to the hard value 5% -> +2
Cooking Utensils: Food cooking time was changed from percentage value to the hard value +5% -> +2 seconds
Tactical Evisceration: Gutting speed changed from +5% -> +14%
Tinctures: Hospital healing increased from +8% -> +20%
Efficient Pipelines: Pump output changed from percentage value to the hard value +5% -> +2
Fishing Lures: Gutting Time changed from percentage value to the hard value from 17% -> -2sec


After multiple responses on the new mating system, we decided to change it more and allow players to slowly but surely progress forward. The new mating system will provide the player with a slow but a constant grow. Surely with some usage of the God Power everything can go horrible wrong... oh.. you are all Gods... Gods don't do any mistakes, so nevermind. New mating system will provide the player with a good amount of nuggets in order to fulfill all positions in the buildings and have enough available nuggets to build those buildings. The issue with the dying civilization is solved as well, so you can finally enjoy your growing civilization endlessly until you kill all your nuggets yourself.
The rate of nugget mating was increased
Number of kids increased from 3 to 4
Getting Twins chance decreased
Time for the tornado & hurricane was changed in order to accommodate changes that were made to the Perk order. Players should have enough time to build the forecast tower & a bunker in order to protect their nuggets from complete destruction and death.


We know you've been having issues with Gravedigger not being super productive, so we refactored cemetery completely. Before, Gravegigger was not able to keep up with all the madness you had in your village. Dead Nugget bodies were lying all over the place, infecting healthy Nuggets because of his laziness. Now, let us introduce introduce stronger, more productive and scarier than before Gravedigger TWO POINT OH. Now Gravedigger can collect multiple bodies at the same time, he moves faster and knows better what body should be collected first to keep your village nice and shiny. Cemetery Building by itself been redesigned dramatically. It was merged with Pyre! Gravedigger now will become a Pyre Manager! Yes, you got it right! He has been promoted as well. Graveyard has more space for the dead souls. Last but not least, Gravedigger will be able to reuse old grave spots, if nobody was visiting dead Nugget for a long time his spot will become vacant for a new "tourists".


In this patch we also introduced tooltips in order to help players to track Nuggets stat changes. Now each learned perk will show up on the Nugget panel and provide the data to the player about the effects that are applied to the nuggets. All the perks got a new perk description & a specific description for the tooltip feature.


Water Reservoir Level 0 - 20 (W) : 30 (R) -> 10 (W) : 10 (S)
Eatery Level 0 - 15 (W) : 25 (S) -> 10 (W) : 20 (S)
Farm Level 0 - 20 (W) : 25 (S) -> 20 (W) : 30 (S)
Fish Hut Level 0 - 20 (W) : 20 (S) -> 15 (W) : 15 (S)
Warehouse Level 0 - 15 (W) : 20 (S) -> 20 (W) : 25 (S)
Hospital Level 0 - 25 (W) : 30 (S) -> 20 (W) : 10 (S)
Refinery Stone Level 0 - 25 (W) : 25 (S) -> 20 (W) : 20 (S)
Refinery Wood Level 0 - 25 (W) : 25 (S) -> 20 (W) : 20 (S)
Cemetery Level 0 - 10 (W) : 25(S) -> 10 (W) : 20 (S)
Forecast Tower Level 0 - 35 (W) : 35 (S) -> 30 (W) : 30 (S)


Nuggets now are getting influenced by many different factors that are happening around them. If you will treat your nugget with food & water, he will be satisfied with your kindness, but if you decide to break Nugget heart by taking his spouse away or abuse them, they will eventually try to commit suicide. So be extremely careful with the actions that you perform on your nuggets! Nuggets will gain or lose their happiness due to the next action:
Child Birth
Child Death
Being next to the corpse
Seeing the God using a Dark Power
Next to the Funeral Pyre
Gay Mating
After they healed their disease
After they recovered from the injury
Being Homeless
Having an Injury
After the Le Cupidon power
Seeing the God using a Light Power
When they get married
When they mate
When they Oppressed
When they lost their partner (partner death)
When the partner left the family
When the partner didn’t show up on a date
When they Starving
Straight Mating


Evolution tower has a ground decal.
Hospital has a ground decal.
Archive has a ground decal.
Bunker 3d model was updated to occupy center of its reserved space.
Pre-Medieval well has now water inside.
Animated Fox model is implemented.
Mammoth model with animation is added.
Cemetery model is updated - now it has funeral pyre on its territory.
Ghosts-Nuggets with animation now will appear in the game.
New ‘Bite This’ animation for nuggets is available.
Nuggets now become mummies after death. Mummy model is implemented.


Cemetery panel redesign. Cemetery and Pyre are now merged into one.
Redesign worker slots and added detailed tooltip on hover.
Redesigned nugget slots to show only their picture and progress - rest will be visible after hover. That way we are able to make panels a lot smaller so they won’t be in the way so much.
Redesigned buildings resources usage panel (bottom right) there is a demolish and turn on/off building button now.
Worker ID card update. Nuggets statistics are affected by numerous factors. Now you will be able to see the value and when hovering - list of factors.
Evolution tower. Added ‘more coming soon’ label when all researches are done.
Evolution tower mechanics change. Introduced new white perks.
MainUI update - added white perks research as well.
New worker slots, resources usage panels and close button added to:
Construction Site
Engineers Hut
Fishing Pier
Forecast tower
Local business buildings
Prayer Enclave
Residential buildings
Stone refinery
Wood refinery
Water Pump
Water Reservoir
Water Well
Fixed tooltips for Education traits in Nugget ID panel.


Some of you might get a slight performance decrease. This is the result of more detailed Pathfinding Grid that wrapping planet around. We will continue working on Performance optimization.
Loading Times increased slightly.


Please keep in mind, even though we did a tremendous job improving the overall AI Stability and Performance you still might come across some issues and bugs. Please report them to on our Forums and Discord

P.s: We also would like to say thank you to:

For their contribution and active participation during this patch test & community mission. They all will receive Free T-Shirt with our game logo. Please send PM to Sasha or AlexK for the instructions on how to receive your T-Shirts.
Everyone else, who also participated during patch test & community mission, we would like to say thank you for helping us to improve the game. Your active participation will be noticed and awarded. Participate, respect each other and let your imagination go wild during those missions and test. Thank you all for sticking with us on this crazy ride! We hope you love all of the new additions, and we have plenty more in store for you. Stay tuned, stay in contact, and stay awesome! Don't forget to leave your comments below.

Please don't forget to add The Universim to your Steam Wishlist HERE
All our love, The Crytivo Crew
The Universim - Crytivo

Today is the great day for another portion of some delicious news. As many of you already know, we tried to keep the pace and we were adding a lot of new features to the game each month. We got to the point, where we were satisfied with the amount of content we put in and decided that it’s a good time to take a short break from the flaw of the new changes and work on some bug fixes, balance and AI improvements in order to provide to our valuable players an interesting and exciting gameplay. We hope you guys got tired from nuggets who were hitting their heads into the wall or were so lazy, that actually were standing on the same place and were just chilling. In this patch we said enough of those stupid Nuggets! Let us introduce you a new Universim Pathfinding system v1.0. Our new pathfinding system is able to solve all (most) those issues and allow players to feel that there is some hope in their civilization and maybe stop kicking Nuggets butt in order to force them to move. With the introduction of our new pathfinding system, we tried to solve the major issues with Nuggets AI and improve the workflow of the game and make it more dynamic. The new Pathfinding system is 4 times more accurate than previous one, we had to go through a lot of challenges to introduce this system in a short period of time and keep relatively that same performance. We hope you'll love it!

We also thought that it would be cool to allow the player to place the buildings more precisely on the map. Therefore, we added a grid around each building that allows the player to see the boundaries of the building. We're also starting reserve space around the buildings for future Dynamic Road Formations.

On top of that we made a lot of changes to the balance of our game. We re-balanced a lot of different aspects in our game in order to provide a pleasant experience for you guys. Mating system was changed multiple times, nuggets effects & perks were revisited and rewritten in order to provide a better representation of the nuggets stat changes. Happiness effect got its separate love. Happiness now will depend on many different factors and actions, so you should be careful of what you are doing.

In addition to all the bug fixes / AI improvements and balance, we also added some pets to Mother Planet! Foxes & Mammoths are ready to join us today!


Fire Fox

Furry Mammoths

New quest: “Punish my Nemesis”
Refactored cemetery. Now it contains pyre
Clouds are now savable


Fixed: School perk had negative effect
Fixed: Gravedigger standing still after you scare him
Fixed: Gravedigger tries to reach nugget in orbit
Fixed: Critical bug related to “AreaRadius”, “Find my lost nugget” quest
Fixed: Critical bug during searching for nugget, “Find my lost nugget” quest
Fixed: Dead nuggets were not in the cart after load
Fixed: Female nuggets not mating in some cases
Fixed: NRE related to dead nuggets and FormatCurrentStatus method
Fixed: Stuck nugget eating in the eatery after game load
Fixed: Stuck nugget when cleaning construction site
Fixed: females from couples made with cupid power never had more than 1 kid
Fixed: Descriptions of powers were cut in God Powers Carousel
Fixed: Upgraded Reservoir capacity. Reservoir capacity stated increase of 10000 instead of 15000
Fixed: Slow Burn perk caused nuggets to feel hungry all the time
Fixed: Multiple perk effects were not working properly or didn’t have significant changes
Fixed: Improved Nuggets work assignment. Before nuggets were assigned to the closest buildings to build. Now they have an intention to finish building the first placed building unless any other building received all the recourses before the first building
Fixed: Some happiness effects did not increase nuggets happiness
Fixed: Windstorm would deal damage after it ended
Fixed: Bunker slots were locked
Fixed: Engineers were functioning only on 40%


Wood/Stone refineries will create a small demand for wood/stone if they are not full, forcing nuggets to harvest those resources.
Injured nuggets will be auto-replaced in a building if they are in hospital.
Improved transportation AI. All buildings should be served (sooner or later)
Improved repair AI. Now lower health buildings should be served first.
Improved decision AI (idle ai can be interrupted at any point).
Adjusted auto assignment of nuggets. System should try and search for nuggets with required education level first.
Improved male/female birth ratio.
Improved construction priority builders assignment.
Improved farmer AI, it will go harvest even if it has next critical AI (thirst, hunger, etc.)


Storage Area Perk (Unlocks Warehouse) was moved from Stage 4 to Stage 2 in order to allow players to accumulate resources in one spot early in the game and increase construction speed & improve the dynamic of the game.
Recreation Perk (Unlocks Local Business) was moved from Stage 2 to Stage 3 due to the new way how happiness stat works & improve the balance.
Refined Materials Perk (Unlocks Store & Wood Refinery) was moved from Stage 4 to Stage 2 in order to allow players get and accumulate new materials for the buildings upgrade once they will be available.
Ancient Burial, Dew Forecasting & Education perks were moved from Stage 3 to the Stage 4 in order to balance out the perk order and reflect changes that were made to the Tornado / Hurricane.
Naturopaths Perk (Unlocks Hospital Pre Medieval upgrade) were moved from Stage 5 to Stage 6 in order to start the transition from stone age to the Medieval age and allow room for the new perk system that is coming in the next patch.


We revisited a lot of perks and their stats in order to improve the balance of the game. This helped us not only improve the balance, but also fix some bugs that were causing the players experience issues with the food or did not apply any effect at all due to a very minor increase. Before we also had some perks applying effects to some stats in percentage value and hard value which caused some issues with the balance. We also decide to redo the percentage value on some perks and make them “hard” values in order to simplify the system and improve the balance. This change allowed us to control the nuggets stat growth more precisely and make sure that our perk system doesn’t break the game. The changes are:
Primitive Tools: Might changed from 2->1
Cooking: Hunger Reduction changed from 2% ->5%
Heavy Lifting: Might changed from 2->3
Heauge Mahscles: Might changed from percentage value to the hard value 10% ->4
Hide Bags: Carry Capacity changed from percentage value to the hard value 10%->2
Molars: Hunger Recovery changed from 5% -> 7%
Divine Stamina: Nugget Stamina changed from 18% -> 15%
Slow Burn: Nugget Food needs changed from 15%-> 20%
Divine Punishment: Twin increase changed from 2% -> 50% from current value
Elbow Grease: Might changed from percentage value to the hard value 5%->3
Round Cogs: Pump output changed from percentage value to the hard value 5% -> 2
Dam It: Pump output changed from percentage value to the hard value 5% -> +2
Cooking Utensils: Food cooking time was changed from percentage value to the hard value +5% -> +2 seconds
Tactical Evisceration: Gutting speed changed from +5% -> +14%
Tinctures: Hospital healing increased from +8% -> +20%
Efficient Pipelines: Pump output changed from percentage value to the hard value +5% -> +2
Fishing Lures: Gutting Time changed from percentage value to the hard value from 17% -> -2sec


After multiple responses on the new mating system, we decided to change it more and allow players to slowly but surely progress forward. The new mating system will provide the player with a slow but a constant grow. Surely with some usage of the God Power everything can go horrible wrong... oh.. you are all Gods... Gods don't do any mistakes, so nevermind. New mating system will provide the player with a good amount of nuggets in order to fulfill all positions in the buildings and have enough available nuggets to build those buildings. The issue with the dying civilization is solved as well, so you can finally enjoy your growing civilization endlessly until you kill all your nuggets yourself.
The rate of nugget mating was increased
Number of kids increased from 3 to 4
Getting Twins chance decreased
Time for the tornado & hurricane was changed in order to accommodate changes that were made to the Perk order. Players should have enough time to build the forecast tower & a bunker in order to protect their nuggets from complete destruction and death.


We know you've been having issues with Gravedigger not being super productive, so we refactored cemetery completely. Before, Gravegigger was not able to keep up with all the madness you had in your village. Dead Nugget bodies were lying all over the place, infecting healthy Nuggets because of his laziness. Now, let us introduce introduce stronger, more productive and scarier than before Gravedigger TWO POINT OH. Now Gravedigger can collect multiple bodies at the same time, he moves faster and knows better what body should be collected first to keep your village nice and shiny. Cemetery Building by itself been redesigned dramatically. It was merged with Pyre! Gravedigger now will become a Pyre Manager! Yes, you got it right! He has been promoted as well. Graveyard has more space for the dead souls. Last but not least, Gravedigger will be able to reuse old grave spots, if nobody was visiting dead Nugget for a long time his spot will become vacant for a new "tourists".


In this patch we also introduced tooltips in order to help players to track Nuggets stat changes. Now each learned perk will show up on the Nugget panel and provide the data to the player about the effects that are applied to the nuggets. All the perks got a new perk description & a specific description for the tooltip feature.


Water Reservoir Level 0 - 20 (W) : 30 (R) -> 10 (W) : 10 (S)
Eatery Level 0 - 15 (W) : 25 (S) -> 10 (W) : 20 (S)
Farm Level 0 - 20 (W) : 25 (S) -> 20 (W) : 30 (S)
Fish Hut Level 0 - 20 (W) : 20 (S) -> 15 (W) : 15 (S)
Warehouse Level 0 - 15 (W) : 20 (S) -> 20 (W) : 25 (S)
Hospital Level 0 - 25 (W) : 30 (S) -> 20 (W) : 10 (S)
Refinery Stone Level 0 - 25 (W) : 25 (S) -> 20 (W) : 20 (S)
Refinery Wood Level 0 - 25 (W) : 25 (S) -> 20 (W) : 20 (S)
Cemetery Level 0 - 10 (W) : 25(S) -> 10 (W) : 20 (S)
Forecast Tower Level 0 - 35 (W) : 35 (S) -> 30 (W) : 30 (S)


Nuggets now are getting influenced by many different factors that are happening around them. If you will treat your nugget with food & water, he will be satisfied with your kindness, but if you decide to break Nugget heart by taking his spouse away or abuse them, they will eventually try to commit suicide. So be extremely careful with the actions that you perform on your nuggets! Nuggets will gain or lose their happiness due to the next action:
Child Birth
Child Death
Being next to the corpse
Seeing the God using a Dark Power
Next to the Funeral Pyre
Gay Mating
After they healed their disease
After they recovered from the injury
Being Homeless
Having an Injury
After the Le Cupidon power
Seeing the God using a Light Power
When they get married
When they mate
When they Oppressed
When they lost their partner (partner death)
When the partner left the family
When the partner didn’t show up on a date
When they Starving
Straight Mating


Evolution tower has a ground decal.
Hospital has a ground decal.
Archive has a ground decal.
Bunker 3d model was updated to occupy center of its reserved space.
Pre-Medieval well has now water inside.
Animated Fox model is implemented.
Mammoth model with animation is added.
Cemetery model is updated - now it has funeral pyre on its territory.
Ghosts-Nuggets with animation now will appear in the game.
New ‘Bite This’ animation for nuggets is available.
Nuggets now become mummies after death. Mummy model is implemented.


Cemetery panel redesign. Cemetery and Pyre are now merged into one.
Redesign worker slots and added detailed tooltip on hover.
Redesigned nugget slots to show only their picture and progress - rest will be visible after hover. That way we are able to make panels a lot smaller so they won’t be in the way so much.
Redesigned buildings resources usage panel (bottom right) there is a demolish and turn on/off building button now.
Worker ID card update. Nuggets statistics are affected by numerous factors. Now you will be able to see the value and when hovering - list of factors.
Evolution tower. Added ‘more coming soon’ label when all researches are done.
Evolution tower mechanics change. Introduced new white perks.
MainUI update - added white perks research as well.
New worker slots, resources usage panels and close button added to:
Construction Site
Engineers Hut
Fishing Pier
Forecast tower
Local business buildings
Prayer Enclave
Residential buildings
Stone refinery
Wood refinery
Water Pump
Water Reservoir
Water Well
Fixed tooltips for Education traits in Nugget ID panel.


Some of you might get a slight performance decrease. This is the result of more detailed Pathfinding Grid that wrapping planet around. We will continue working on Performance optimization.
Loading Times increased slightly.


Please keep in mind, even though we did a tremendous job improving the overall AI Stability and Performance you still might come across some issues and bugs. Please report them to on our Forums and Discord

P.s: We also would like to say thank you to:

For their contribution and active participation during this patch test & community mission. They all will receive Free T-Shirt with our game logo. Please send PM to Sasha or AlexK for the instructions on how to receive your T-Shirts.
Everyone else, who also participated during patch test & community mission, we would like to say thank you for helping us to improve the game. Your active participation will be noticed and awarded. Participate, respect each other and let your imagination go wild during those missions and test. Thank you all for sticking with us on this crazy ride! We hope you love all of the new additions, and we have plenty more in store for you. Stay tuned, stay in contact, and stay awesome! Don't forget to leave your comments below.

Please don't forget to add The Universim to your Steam Wishlist HERE
All our love, The Crytivo Crew
Oct 29, 2017
The Universim - Crytivo Games Inc.

Join us for a live stream!
Nuggets will be tossed, patch secrets will be revealed, and you even get to ask our devs some questions. But no, we won't do your math homework.

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Oct 29, 2017
The Universim - Crytivo

Join us for a live stream!
Nuggets will be tossed, patch secrets will be revealed, and you even get to ask our devs some questions. But no, we won't do your math homework.

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The Universim - Crytivo Games Inc.

Reasearch and Development of the Modular Residential Building System

Medieval Pharmacy Concept Art

Modular Medieval House Concept Art

Oil Extraction Tower

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The Universim - Crytivo

Reasearch and Development of the Modular Residential Building System

Medieval Pharmacy Concept Art

Modular Medieval House Concept Art

Oil Extraction Tower

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