Dec 20, 2013
Community Announcements - Errok22
Greetings Opulencians!

Following our recent arrival on Steam, we have been offered to take part in the Steam Holiday Sales. Meaning that until January 2nd, all of our Double O Packs will be 33% off on Steam!

Any of our Double O packs will grant you direct access to the game and give you tons of in-game stuff! And since it’s really cool of you to support us right from the beta, it’ll get you directly into the Double O Club, our special program to say “Thank you” to all of you! Check it out here!
Community Announcements - Errok22
The December Update introduces a host of wintery content, as well as balancing, matchmaking improvements and bug fixes.

Opulencia is covered in snow and sparkly decorations to celebrate the holidays. Visit any Ubisoft-created castle to see this . This year, Chickens found themselves on the naughty list and have been temporarily turned into menacing snowmen! You might very soon be asked to get rid of them… Stay tuned! You’ll also find new holiday costumes in the Cornelius Emporium.

Here’s everything else the update provides:

Game Balance Improvements!
We’ve made adjustments with the intention of having a more balanced win ratio between attackers and defenders. After analyzing game metrics and reading your feedback, we’ve made changes to two particular aspects of the combat :

• Creature Damage : Some creatures have received a boost in damage output or a cooldown acceleration, meaning they can use their ability more often. In addition, all creatures above level 25+ have received an additional DPS boost.
• Timer Increase : We’ve increased the amount of time attackers have to reach the treasure room. The extra time should allow you to reach the treasure room before the cage locks the treasures.

Improvements to Matchmaking!
We’ve improved the criteria that selects castles and displays them in the Attack Selection screen. This change prioritizes active players in the matchmaking. Players that are no longer active in the game have less chance for their castle to appear in the attack selection screen.

Important Bug Fixes!
We’ve fixed a whole bunch of bugs, but these are the noteworthy ones :

• Fixed a bug that allowed some attackers to keep receiving crowns on repeat attacks against the same castle, even after having earned 3 stars.
• Fixed a bug with practice attacks from a player’s profile, which would sometimes be considered normal attacks.
• We fixed an issue that caused lag in the UI of certain players.
• Fixed a rare occurrence crash when trying to manually close the game client.
• Fixed a bug with the Mage’s Electrical Staff, which was not able to trigger abilities correctly.


[Detailed Balance Changes]
To achieve a more balanced attacker vs defender Win/Loss ratio, especially at high levels, we have increased creature damage in the following ways:

- Some creatures (details below) received a DPS boost, usually between +15% to +40%.
- Level 25+ creatures received an additional damage increase. That boost ranges from +3 damage per level for grunts, to +10 damage per level for bosses.

Specific creatures affected:

- Derp: attack cooldown reduced from 1.55s to 1.1s
- Snotter: damage increased by about 60%
- Squiddley: attack cooldown reduced from 2s to 1.3s
- Cyclops and Pete Poundmore
o Fists of Rage: Damage increased by around 30%
o Floorpunch: Ground slam’s cooldown reduced from 4.5s to 3.5s
o Offensive Tackle: Damage of the charge increased by around 25%
- Smelly Archer and Zeke:
o Spread Eagle: attack cooldown reduced from 1.5s to 1s
o Headshot: damage increased by about 25%
o Trapper Keeper: trap laying cooldown’s reduced from 7s to 5s
- Stare Master and Eyemax:
o Displacer: fixed a bug that made the electric field tick every sec, instead of every 0.4s. The damage was adjusted consequently. In addition, damage increased by 35%
o Eyeline: attack cooldown reduced by about 25%
o C: damage increased by about 10%
- Smelly Warrior and Jimbo:
o Overall damage increased by 15%
o Personal Bubble: attack cooldown reduced from 1.1s to 0.9s
o Heavy Handed: attack cooldown reduced by about 15%
o Griefer: attack cooldown reduced from 1.1s to 0.9s
- Battering Ram: increased damage by around 40%, and reduced the basic attack cooldown from 1.55s to 1.1s

We specifically targeted those creatures since they are DPS-inflicting creatures. Although at levels 25+, every creature that attacks received a damage buff, whether that creature’s role is DPS, Tank or Control. Only support creatures such as the Bone Puppeteer did not receive a buff, as that creature does not actually attack the hero using damage.

We realize attackers might need a bit more time to complete castles since the previous hotfix. To that extent, we’ve increased the timers slightly:

- 3 stars: +30s
- 2 stars : +40s
- 1 star: +20s

We will make further adjustments to the timers as we receive data and feedback on these recent changes.
Community Announcements - Errok22
Good day, my dear Opulencians !

6 months already have passed since the launch of our Closed Beta. Since then, a fair share of you all became “Original Opulencians”, our beloved founding members, thanks to the Double O Packs.

Today, we would like to go further and thank all of our prestigious Double O members for their continued support and trust. That is why we are very proud to introduce the Double O Club!

What is the Double O Club?

The Original Opulencian Club is our way of saying thanks to all those of you who have supported us! How would we do that? We cover you in spoils! The avalanche starts no later than today and will go on after that! What’s planned for this first surprise?

Friend Referral

• Our Friend Referral system, which will give you the possibility to invite not one, not two, but three of your friends directly in-game, or through Steam! (You'll receive your keys at 3pm EST, 9pm GMT).

[Double O Club members exclusively]
For more information on the Friend Referral, please click here

Test Server Access

• Exclusive access to our Test Server for you to try new features of the game way in advance, and to see your feedback included as we advance further phases to phases! You must be at least level 15 to qualify.
For this first Phase, only people that have purchased Double O Packs before Monday 16th December at 10am EST and that are level 15 or higher will be able to access the Test Server. The “Open Creation” Test Server will be open until Sunday 22nd December included.

Here you go : DOWNLOAD
To gather your precious feedback on « Open Creation », an exclusive Double O Club forum section has been created. You need to be connected to access it. We will also send you a survey on Monday to ask you more specific questions!

If you have any question on the Test Server, please go to our Test Server FAQ on the forum: CLICK


But wait, there’s more! All those of you that have already joined the Double O Club will be given three new costumes for Sir Painhammer, Blackeye Bowgart and The Earl of Evilosity!

Who are the members of the Double O Club?

• If you have already bought or if you are going to buy a Double O Pack, you are automatically added as a member of the Club! Welcome!
• You haven’t purchased a Double O Pack and are starting to curse already? Fear not! Starting January 6th, we will nominate every week 20 new members of the Club, based on the following criteria:

1) In-game feats : you’d better start looting hard !
2) War against bugs and exploits, by submitting tickets to our Customer Support
3) Community influence, both on our forums and through our Social Channels

Meanwhile, we have already promoted the first 100 “Honorary Members” of the Double O Club, based on the mix of experience, time spent in-game and recent activity.

Congratulations therefore to :
You are now part of the Double O Club !

What are the Double O Club’s next steps?

Here comes the official Double O Club Calendar! The first Test Server phase has just been started and will last until Sunday December 22nd. A second phase will start early January. You can expect more spoils on January 8th and 15th, as to what’s next… you will have to wait for the fog to lift!

What happens if I join the Double O Club later on?

With the exception of the Festivities Costumes that are only given to the first members, all players joining the Double O Club will benefit from the same gifts as the others, retroactively. It will never be too late to join!

Thanks to all again, and congratulations to all Double O Club members !
Community Announcements - Rook Fell
Did you know? There is a living, breathing, technically real human being behind every Mighty Quest announcement and [developer] post? We even have proof!

Join Community Managers Errok and Sir Taki for their Fireside Brawl, Wednesdays at 1PM EST/6PM GMT on the official page for your morning (or afternoon, or evening... really timezones, you don't make this easy on me) of Mighty Quest.

Need more livestreaming action? Of course you do. Join Esper from the Frag Dolls and Rook Fell (I know that person...) Wednesdays at 6PM EST/3PM PST for your nightly dose of Mighy Quest, over on the page.

One day, two awesome chances get in on the action. 1PM EST on the channel, and 6PM EST on the page.

Happy looting!

Community Announcements - Rook Fell
In our recent game update on November 26th (you can read all about it here), we set some objectives on what we want the base success ratio on the first attempt of a Player vs. Player castles of the same level to be (Hint: It's 50%). As such, we made some changes to the overall game balance...

... and judging from our raw data (and of course, player feedback), we might've gone a bit overboard. You might even say we dove face-first into the deepend. Whoops.

So we're going to do some changes. Like right now. Starting with:
  • Creature HP has been increased by 50% across the board. Some bosses have had slightly smaller increases.
  • We fixed a bug with Jimbo, who was using the wrong resurrected creature template.
But wait! There's more!
  • We’ll take a few days to gather your feedback both on the forums and via the in-game data.
  • We’ll post the results, and if necessary do a second round of changes.
So this is where you come in, you Steam Early Access-ers you. We'd like your feedback (preferrably in the forms of "construcive" and "specific") regarding the perceived difficulty of Mighty Quest. To maximize the amount of useful data we collect, please try to attack player-created castles that are equal level to your hero and avoid attacking Ubisoft-created castles for now.

This is only the first step in our efforts that we, the people of Opulencia, in order to form a more perfect video game, are taking to address game balance concerns.

So leave your comments below, or head over to the Steam Discussion to share your feedback. Help us Opulen-Cia Kenobi, your our only hope. <font size ="1">[That sounded better in my head...]</font>

This information was plagurized "cliffnoted" from the official forums. To read the full post by Lead Designer dasquidd, head over to the Official Mighty Quest Forums.
Community Announcements - Rook Fell
Here are the Patch Notes from today's maintenance, where we fixed several things that needed fixing. Hurray for fixing things!
  • Fixed a bug in the matchmaking systems where castles could appear twice (also addresses the issue where players could attack their own castle).
  • Steam: Fixed an issue that was causing the game to launch in the wrong language for some players.
  • Fixed a potential multithreading crash during hardware detection.
  • Fixed a potential crash caused by our anticheat detection.
  • Killing a confused creature will no longer prevent the Treasure Room gate from opening.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing some players from leveling up their Heroes.
  • Improvements to the diagnostics tools to help diagnose hard to reproduce issues.
Community Announcements - Rook Fell
Game Balance
We’ve made significant changes to the Game Balance with the following objectives:

  • We’re aiming for a 50% chance of reaching the treasure room alive on the first attempt in same-level player castles.
  • When reaching the treasure room alive, we expect the average attacker to get there quickly enough to get 1 or 2 stars, while a skilled player would get 3 stars.

To reach our first objective, we’ve increased the importance Hero Level has on DPS and Armor, as well as boosting defensive abilities on gear. Previously, DPS and Armor were determined by the gear’s base stats, whereas now it is equally distributed between the gear’s base stats, item abilities and the hero’s level. Some creatures and trap stats have been modified to reflect our objective, such as a reduction in the length of time a Hero can be stunned as well as a reduction in damage by certain creatures.

Our secondary objective required us to make modifications to the timer as well as the efficiency of certain combinations of delay-tactics.

New Item Abilities
We’ve added two new item abilities: Confusion and Raise the Dead. A confused creature attacks anyone in range, with preference for other creatures. The effect lasts 5 seconds. Raise the Dead summons a squad of spectral skeletons that attack nearby creatures.

<center><img src=""><img src=""></center>

Art Improvements
Each region now has a new sky color and ambiance, representing its progression in Opulencia. We’ve made changes to the exteriors of the Boss castles, making them more visually impressive.

Players with a low-level Castle Heart will notice an accumulation of cobwebs in their rooms along with harmless spiderlings creeping around. As the Castle Heart is upgraded, your castle regains its glorious and clean appearance.

<center><img src=""></center>

Global Chat
We’ve enabled the global chat between players for all territories, and introduced profanity filtering.

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Profile Pictures
Each player can now pick a profile picture among a selection of images. More profile pics will be added in the future!

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Cornelius Emporium
We’ve added a new building to your castle, called the Cornelius Emporium. The emporium now sells customization options such as Castle Themes and Costumes.

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<img src=""></center>

Important Bug Fixes & Improvements
  • We fixed an issue where the Stare Master could teleport out of the current room during combat, causing it to get stuck.
  • We modified the selection of PVE castles in the first region.
  • After each attack, you’ll notice a number next to your Hero Inventory icon. This number represents the amount of new items you’ve looted since you last opened your inventory.
  • Consumable boosts have been moved from their own section of the Brewery to the same section as Health Potions. Visit the brewery to purchase your XP, Gold or Life Force boosters.
  • We’ve fixed a bug with Icy Blast. It should now properly debuff the attack speed of affected creature
  • Fixed a bug in the matchmaking which caused some players to not be attacked.
Community Announcements - Rook Fell
UPDATE 2: Maintenance is now complete, and the November update is now live. Happy looting!

UPDATE: Game maintenance has been postponed. The game is back online, however no update was deployed. Our website and official forums are still down for maintenance.

What: Scheduled Maintenance
When: Tuesday, November 26th at 9AM EST/6AM PST
Duration: Approximately 2 Hours

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot will be undergoing maintenance on Tuesday, November 26th as we deploy the November update. The expected downtime is approximately two hours. Please note that you will be unable to play The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot during this time. Patch Notes will be available before maintenance is complete. For more information regarding tomorrows update, check out our recent

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot Team
Community Announcements - Rook Fell
Tune in Monday, November 25th at 1PM EST/10 AM PST on our official channel as Lead Designer Dasquidd answers community questions and discusses our upcoming game update.

Have something you would like answered? Comment below with your question, or post in the dedicated thread on the official Mighty Quest forums for your chance to win! [And by win, I mean have your question answered. Not that we don't want to answer all of your questions, but you know... limited time, limited space. Apparently we need to leave room in the day to feed and water our Development Team. Who knew?] But I digress.

What: Developer Chat
When: November 25th, 2013 at 1 PM EST/10 AM PST

I wonder if he would rather fight 100 duck-sized horses, or one horse-sized duck...
Community Announcements - Rook Fell
We know our players are all smart, talented, creative, extremely good looking people who smell like sunshine and unicorn kisses, and we want the rest of the world to know it too.

That's why we'd like to dedicate this public service announcement to our Community Hub, a chance for all our beautiful players to share their talents and mighty questing with the other 5,000,000+ people who use Steam on a daily basis. You could be internet famous!

There are sections for Screenshots, Videos, Guides, and even Artwork like the one featured below [pretty nice, if I do say so myself].

So when you're done looting and pillaging the hard earned Gold and Life Force from your neighbors, or perhaps, even as your looting and pillaging the hard earned Gold and Life Force from your neighbors, be sure to document your adventures [or create your own!] to upload and share with your fellow Opulencians.

Happy looting!

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