The Flame in the Flood - (Alice Bell)

>I really really really> like The Flame In The Flood. I am terrible at it, rarely reaching even the mid stage of the river, but I love it. The flood of the title is one that has swept through America, swelling the banks of a regular river until it s a wide and treacherous one. Only small islands of safety are left – an old fish bait shop, a homestead, a patch of wilderness – and they re not even always safe. Sometimes there s a big angry boar or a starving wolf.

The flame is you. And your little dog.


The Flame in the Flood - (Dominic Tarason)

The Flame in the Flood

Is it any wonder that people are struggling to sell games when everyone and their dog is just throwing lovely free stuff at us? This time, they even threw in the dog to sweeten the deal. Apocalyptic rafting survival adventure The Flame in The Flood is free for the next 48 hours (minus a couple) via the Humble store, and you should probably pick it up while the going’s good.


The Flame in the Flood - (Philippa Warr)

The Flame in the Flood’s [official site] lead designer, Forrest Dowling seemed like an ideal candidate for my ongoing investigation of outdoor worlds in videogames both because of his name and because of his survival game. The Flame And The Flood sees you play as Scout, a woman trying to stay alive as she navigates her way along a fiercely flowing river. It manages to be a strangely cosy version of the outdoors with a wonderful, evocative colour palette and soundtrack. Here’s how it works:

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The Flame in the Flood - (Philippa Warr)

The Flame in the Flood [official site] took a while to settle for me. I went through a few phases with the game but I seem to have landed on “comfy but ultimately not very deep” as a verdict. Ironic given it’s a game about being uncomfy and surviving a flood. Here’s Wot I think:

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The Flame in the Flood - (Adam Smith)

The Flame in the Flood [official site], out Feb 24th, is a wilderness survival game with a difference. Several differences, actually. First of all, it doesn’t involve lots of first-person tree-punching and is more about isometric exploration than campfire crafting. And then there’s the setting – you’re in a drowned world, travelling by raft from one location to the next, searching for food, warmth and – just possibly – signs of life. Human life, that is. Because, as the trailer below shows, the wildlife is deadly.

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The Flame in the Flood - (Marsh Davies)

Considering how large floods figure in the early myths of nearly every culture on the planet, they have been a surprisingly unpopular trope in Western apocalyptic fiction during the course of the last century. Despite terrible floods ravaging parts of the third world during my life-time - I particularly recall the news footage from Bangladesh in the 80s and 90s - it has really taken the advent of personal documentation with mobile phones and YouTube, as was proliferate in the flooding of New Orleans and the Japanese tsunami, to really bring home the incredible human horror of such events. So much so that even Hollywood was able to look piteously upon the reefs of corpses revealed by the receding floodwaters of Thailand   s 2004 tsunami, and ask,    Gosh, but what if it had happened to white people?    - as in The Impossible, starring Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts. Maybe such films do good, in a cynical, roundabout and kinda racist way; maybe that    what if    is really the only way to engage a complacent Western audience in sympathy with people of another skin colour. But I   m not convinced. I tend to think films like The Impossible permit a kind of callow self-pity, allowing a privileged audience to dip into the suffering of another people and come out unscathed, while at the same time reinforcing the notion that the outside world is a place full of chaos and death.

Each week Marsh Davies paddles through the polluted torrent which is Early Access and comes back with any stories he can find, or otherwise tumbles overboard and lets himself sink beneath the surging water. This week he s been fighting against the tide in The Flame In The Flood [official site], a survival game set in a drowned world, in which a girl and her dog paddle between islands looking for resources – then eventually fail to find them and die.>

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BioShock Infinite - (Alec Meer)

A few months ago I published up my impressions of an early build of The Flame in the Flood [official site], a sort of roguelike/white water rafting mash-up set in the backwaters of a drowned but contemporary America, and made by ex-Irrational, Harmonix, and Bungie devs. Which was jolly stupid of me, given the only other people who could play it at that point where those who’d backed its Kickstarter. Fortunately, it’s now on Steam Early Access, which means you can buy it, which means I positively demand that you read my earlier article on it first.

… [visit site to read more]


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