The Colonists - Rich
Hi everyone,

This is a small update with a few fixes and some festive decorations! Also, if you haven't seen it yet, there is still time to take on December's Frontier!

Release Notes
  • Turned festive decorations on! 🎄
  • Fixed bug when harbour expedition was sourcing resources from directly connected building and resources weren't being delivered
  • Fixed tile highlights not showing when going between Info and Upgrade panels on the watchtower
  • Watchtower Upgrade highlights now includes tiles already in your territory
  • [Tab] will now scroll through building instance panel tabs
  • Hold [Alt] to delete path connections when clicking 'remove' on a road
  • Resource storage panel now includes space ports if resource in outgoing or has purchase order
  • Minor UX improvements to building import and export selection panels
  • Fixed en route beer being incorrectly counted towards the goals in the beer challenge
  • Fixed bug from V1.5.16 where cleared natural resource tiles on randomly generated maps (inc. Frontiers) would cause terrain issues and affect bot movement
  • Fixed bug with loading savegames before V1.5.16 which contained one way track signals

Thank you once again for all the feedback!


Oct 26, 2021
The Colonists - Rich
Release Notes
  • Fixed map editor not loading correctly
The Colonists - Rich
Hi everyone,

It's time to enjoy the annual pumpkin harvest along with a handy new custom views feature. Oh, and there's still to take part in October's pumpkin-selling frontier!

Custom Views
You can now save camera locations in your game and return to them instantly with a key press. You have nine slots to use with default hotkeys of [1]->[9] on the keyboard keypad. Hold to set the view and tap to go to it!

Release Notes
  • [NEW!] Custom views - default hotkeys are [1]-[9] on keypad. Tap to view, hold to set.
  • Enabled pumpkin harvest visuals! 🎃
  • Added Dismantle button to bottom right of in-game UI
  • Added hotkey for Dismantle mode - default: [G]
  • Harbours now recalculate queueing locations when a nearby harbour is built in order to avoid conflicts
  • When placing a fixed entrance height building (usually shaft mine or train station), adjusted tiles should no longer go beyond steepness that prevents road or path placement
  • Fixed rubble getting being non-removable in non-saved proc-gen game
  • Fixed fuel consumption stat not being added when building is monument boosted
  • At the workshop, the second stackbot can now provide research resource as soon as energy resource is consumed instead of waiting for 1st stackbot to return
  • Fixed cursor locking if cursor was previously constrained when clicking 'Revert' on screen setting confirmation window
  • Resource icons in space port panels now have correct rollovers
  • Fixed edge case where upon tree growth, lumberjack bot stayed idle if the stackbot was busy
  • Adjusted trade ship interval to bypass rebuild hack during ship departure
  • Alert icon for road post connection now won't show if directly connected by a path to a bot printer building
  • AI now won't build L2 watchtowers, but will upgrade to them from L1 watchtowers
  • Map Editor - fixed issue with new proc gen custom map showing up with 'outside territory' lighting
  • Map Editor - cleaned up UX with 'set starting location' buttons

Thank you to all the players who submitted bug reports and suggestions!


The Colonists - Rich
Hi everyone,

This month's update has a new frontier, a new boats panel along with some improvements and fixes.

September Frontier
This month you get a small headstart in the desert where the race is to produce beer and bread as well as squeezing a medium monument in. Good luck!

Boats Overview Panel
There's a new panel available in the top left of the screen where you can view all of your boats and their current status.

Mod Support News
Mod support is nearly there and will be entering a beta this next month. Follow progress on Discord ( or look out for more news on that soon.

Release Notes
  • [NEW] Boat list panel - lists all the boats in your colony
  • Added options to unlock all campaign missions and clear all campaign progress
  • Spruced up buildings list panel and building entries in resource production, demand and storage panels
  • Fixed military campaign savegames resetting difficulty to 'normal' when loading a savegame
  • Fixed data leak in AI players which could cause saving to fail in very long and very large games
  • Changed vegetable and wheat farmbots to prioritise seeding over harvesting
  • Fixed issue where upon construction, storage yards with rules already added would not necessarily source resources from the closest buildings
  • Fixed bug where storage yards could show up twice in the resource demands panel
  • Resource will no longer self-destruct when arriving at a road post which a newly created transport rule which would affect the resource's journey. If full ban, resource will attempt to turn around and find a destination. If ban except storage rule then resource will search in all directions for a valid storage yard
  • Fixed issue with water jumping when changing game speed
  • Fixed issue with harbour's import rules being ignored when sourcing expedition resources via boat routes
  • Fixed import rules of train station being ignored when direct connection to harbour which is sourcing expedition resources
  • Added difficulty info to in-game scenario panel
  • Disabled up/down arrows and added message in resource demand panel about building construction priority
  • Fixed issue where destroying a building which had en route resources whilst the building panel was up could cause resource en route highlight icons to incorrectly remain visible
  • Fixed issue with colony ship printing duplicate bots after placing/removing buildings at tick 0
  • Fixed potential rare issue where building height adjustment could get locked
  • Changed map editor water so it stays at maximum height to make easier to distinguish underwater tiles
  • Show challenge complete screen even if no trophy earned
  • Now only shows challenge complete screen when started as a challenge game (i.e. challenges won't register in campaign mode)
  • Fixed boat challenge victory condition goal not updating unless panel reopened
  • Updated Unity version to hopefully fix alt tab crash/freeze issue
  • Fixed hitting Return or Escape not advancing OK Alert Windows like 'New Version' available
  • Campaign screen now resizes and adds a scrollbar for squarer resolutions
  • Fixed an issue where custom maps wouldn't run if an AI player was first in the player list
  • Fixed up some progress bar alignment issues on construction, dismantling, expedition and military panels
  • Increased size of resource progress bars a little on construction and upgrade panels
  • Fixed surface miner bot appearing black when zoomed in very close
  • Fixed not returning to main menu when trying to load a savegame that couldn't be found
  • Fixed gold icon incorrectly showing against military times in campaign screen

Massive thanks to everyone who's posted or sent their feedback and bug reports, it helps a huge amount. See you next month!


The Colonists - Rich
Hi everyone,

A small update this month, unless you like to build your robot colonies in Japanese!

July Frontier
There's some water to be crossed in this month's frontier, or is it better to go over land? Play July's frontier and see where your best time ranks on the leaderboard.

Japanese Localization
Thanks to our amazing community translators you can now play The Colonists in Japanese!

(Also, keep your eyes out for the Japanese launch of the console version this month)

Release Notes
  • Wheat farmbots now head to the nearest corner of the wheat field to sow/harvest
  • Wheat farmbots can also now use the gap in the side of the building
  • Fixed wheat farm and vegetable farm showing incorrect lower production rate when monument boosted
  • Added Japanese option

Back with more updates and mod support news next month!



The Colonists - Rich
Hi everyone,

V1.5.12 has just gone live, here's what's new:

June Frontier
The June frontier brings something a little different this month - all L1 and L2 techs are preresearched so it's a turbo-charged race to build the Large Monument!

The production processes of buildings have been tweaked behind the scenes to more accurately match production and consumption rates between buildings. Most are small changes, the biggest change comes on the cocoa farm which was way too low!
  • Sawmills (+10.5%)
  • Blast furnaces (+12.9%)
  • Blacksmiths (+21.4%)
  • Brickyards (+19.9%)
  • Tanneries (+21.8%)
  • Paper mills (+18.2%)
  • Printing presses (+12.1%)
  • Steel mill (+18%)
  • Glassworks (+22%)
  • Fletcher (+22.6%)
  • Weaponsmith (+21.2%)
  • Wells (-7.1%)
  • Vegetable farms (+19.6%)
  • Cider presses (+10.5%)
  • Breweries (+21.4%)
  • Cocoa farms (+109.2%)
  • Chocolate factories (+27.7%)

Extra stackbots have been added to many of these buildings as well as to the medium and large storage yards. Also the speed boosts of stone roads/paths and brick roads/paths have been increased by 5 and 10% respectively.

Release Notes
  • Balancing tweaks for production buildings to more accurately match respective production rates, as well as extra stackbots.
  • Increased stone road and path boost speed by 5%, resulting in 50% speed boost over dirt
  • Increased brick road and path boost speed by 10%, resulting in 100% speed boost over dirt
  • Bots will now work in clearance mode when the outgoing resource stack is full
  • Fixed bug when placing roads and paths over broken terrain which could sometimes cause broken roads and building entrances
  • Significantly improved issue of being able to zoom through the terrain
  • Fixed invalid queuing locations being generated for harbours in tight spots which could cause problems when multiple ships using the harbour
  • Fixed bug from V1.5.10 where a resource might not head to a building for construction if the building's production incoming resource stack is full (e.g. flour mill full of wheat)
  • Fixed Orchard production rate displaying incorrectly in construction UI
  • Fixed hang when opening Info panel on Colony Ship in game with territory disabled
  • Fixed the game not applying saved UI text size option when opening the game
  • Fixed train station not creating track when placed on edge of map

Console News
In case you missed it, The Colonists is now available to play on console! Find all the info here:

Once again, a big thanks to everyone providing feedback, suggestions and bug reports, see you all next month!


The Colonists - nervous_testpilot
The Colonists is available on PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch right now!

The Auroch Digital team, Code by Fire, and Mode 7 are happy to announce that The Colonists is now available on consoles!

Grab your copy here:
[/b][/list]You’ll be able to build your dream settlement and chase productivity zen from the comfort of your sofa, or even on the go!

The console edition of The Colonists will include both peaceful and military campaign modes, as well as challenge trophies, and sandbox mode.

Here's a reminder of what's new in The Colonists Console Edition?
The Auroch Digital team have worked hard to make The Colonists just as awesome on consoles as it is on PC so they've added:
  • New Controls: Re-designed controls from the ground up to feel natural and fun on consoles
  • Controller Optimized UI: Re-imagined user interface to be more accessible for players of all types
  • New Robot Hats: Some little cute touches here and there including some snazzy new robot hats (TeaBot's hat is our favourite ☕)

The Colonists - Rich
Hi everyone,

April Frontier
The April Frontier is live! There are some unusual prices in the market this month... time to make some money and don't forget about your monuments!

Clearance Mode
There's a new clearance mode option for lumberjack huts and surface mines. This means your workerbots will not generate resources once they come back from their jobs - handy when you just want to clear out areas of trees or resources!

Release Notes
  • Added clearance mode for lumberjack huts and surface mines
  • Added tree amount setting for random map generation
  • Added option to destroy all resources at a storage yard
  • Increased maximum edge panning speed
  • Fixed shaft mine not stopping demand for Energy when production halted
  • Fixed occasional crash on random map generation
  • Fixed roads not get monument boost when placed after monument is complete
  • Fixed bug with watchtowers firing on destroyed or lost watchtowers
  • Fixed dismantling of watchtower not recalculating available watchtower tiles
  • Fixed edge case with roads somehow having negative traffic costs
  • Fixed water displaying slightly wrong after destroying boatyard
  • Fixed boat captain bot sometimes disappearing if origin boatyard is destroyed
  • Fixed guardbot not animating when reloading
  • Fixed camera hotkeys not updating if changed mid-game

Console News
The Colonists is coming to console! Find more info here:

Thanks to everyone for all their feedback and comments - it really makes a difference!


See you next month!

The Colonists - nervous_testpilot
The Auroch Digital team, Codebyfire, and Mode 7 are happy to announce that The Colonists will be coming to PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch this year!

You’ll be able to build your dream settlement and chase productivity zen from the comfort of your sofa, or even on the go!

The console edition of The Colonists will include both peaceful and military campaign modes, as well as challenge trophies, and sandbox mode.

What's new in The Colonists Console Edition?
The Auroch Digital team have worked hard to make The Colonists just as awesome on consoles as it is on PC, here's what's new:
  • New Controls: Re-designed controls from the ground up to feel natural and fun on consoles
  • Controller Optimized UI: Re-imagined user interface to be more accessible for players of all types
  • New Robot Hats: Some little cute touches here and there including some snazzy new robot hats (TeaBot's hat is our favourite ☕)
To celebrate the upcoming console version of the game Auroch Digital are doing a giveaway. 10 lucky people signed up to the Colonist mailing list will win a copy of the game on console on release. You’ll also be the first to receive all the latest news about the console edition, including the release date.

The Colonists - Rich
Hi everyone,

March Frontier
It's the March Frontier! This time you get a bit of starting help with some money and some tech already researched, but it's a tricky starting location.... the race is on to build a medium monument!

Release Notes
  • Fixed bugs with dismantling train stations and harbours esp. mid construction
  • Made export rules available for all buildings when dismantling and takes into account construction materials
  • Expedition resources can now be recovered from dismantling harbour
  • Dismantling harbours and boatyards now don't disappear when dismantling complete
  • Added cocoa beans to resources in bottom left
  • Added fade to palm tree in lumberjack priority selection mode
  • Improved map fit when at minimum zoom
  • On map, added ability to click visibility header icon to toggle all resources on or off
  • Can now place standalone road post with [Alt]
  • Fixed bug where occasionally at workshops resources would be allocated when there wasn't room, causing an error
  • Fixed issue with trade ship departure if space port rules removed and resources destroyed whilst a bot is fetching a resource for sale
  • Fixed cow farm field contiguous verification not always working correctly
  • Fixed bug with loading game at exactly one game tick
  • Fixed some pathing issues related to flat tiles that are the exact same height as sea level
  • Fixed issue when pressing return on name editing not immediately focusing back to game
  • Added construction job progress percentage to builder bot tooltips

Once again, big thanks to everyone for their bug reports, feedback and comments!


Thanks, see you next month!


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