19 квіт. 2012
The Cat and the Coup - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Adam Smith)

Politics is boring. It’s not politics’ fault that he’s boring, that’s just the way he is. If variety is the spice rack of life, politics is nutmeg. Completely unremarkable and dull to your average teenager, until you mention the fact that it caused a few wars. In large enough doses, nutmeg can also give you palpitations and make you see things that aren’t really there. Like I said, boring, right? No wait, that’s the opposite of boring. That’s interesting.


The Cat and the Coup - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alec Meer)

I was going to treat this as a Wot I Think, but sometimes you meet a game that just isn’t at all suited to any kind of verdict like that. There’s plenty I could probably find to moan about if I put my critic’s hat on, but what a futile endeavour that would be.

The Cat And The Coup doesn’t exist to serve games’ usual purposes, although that’s not to say it’s entirely divorced from why we play them. You owe it to yourself to free up 20 minutes for this. And I don’t only say that because it stars a cat.


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