The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - ty

Welcome back to the Isaac Online BetaAlpha! We have some bug fixes and game improvements ready for you all!

As mentioned last time, this is a Beta Alpha, so not all planned features and game modes are available right now. We also STRONGLY RECOMMEND that all players participating in the Beta Alpha make backup copies of your save data files in a safe folder. For those who have made backups but lost their progress marks, the steps to get your back is at the end of this post.

Where to report bugs:
Subject line: #IsaacOnlineBeta 1.9.5

You can message me on twitter, but send bug ports to the email above with the subject above please

Include the version number in your subject line, in the exact format listed above. This is very important for us to filter and keep track of the most current issues. The version number can be found on the title screen, main menu, online menu, lobby screen and in-game pause menu. It's everywhere now :)

If you encounter a crash, your crash log files are extremely helpful for us to diagnose the issue. Here's where to find them.

In a file explorer window, navigate to Documents>My Games>Binding of Isaac Repentance>crash_dumps

There are 2 files for each crash, A DMP file and a TXT file. Attach both of these to your email and our developer wizards will be very happy."


- Mom's bed now revives all players
- Online Matches Hard Mode online

- Pedestal item functionality
- Book of Virtues + Mr. Me! wisps killing themselves on cooldown doors
- Easter egg menu
- Player off-screen indicators would sometimes display the wrong character
- Desync if a player paused while a fullscreen overlay (ex. rainbow poop) was going
- Aimed attacks (ex. Marked, Ludovico, etc.) could slightly move the camera of other players
- Players revived after special bosses (ex. Mother)
- Lilith ghost baby from shooting
- Wisps staying around after player dies
- Lockup in text chat under specific conditions


Are you ready for round 2? Here's how to start playing online:
Step 1: Have The Binding of Isaac: Repentance installed in your Steam Library
Step 2: right-click on the title in your library and select Properties
Step 3: go to the Betas tab and type the beta key [insert beta key] into the Private Betas box and click Check Code.
Step 4: Click the button that will appear that says "Opt in to [beta branch name]. You should then also see [beta branch name] in the Betas Participation box in that same tab.

Following this, your game should update, and the next time you launch it you should see "Online Beta" at the title screen, and the "Online" option at the main menu.
To return to the standard release version of Repentance, simply open the Betas tab again and set the Betas Participation tab to "None".

Be sure to use the new password: theyvegonetoplaid

Keep reading if you need help with other stuff! See you online XOXO.

Lost Completion Marks
Here are the steps that should help in restoring your missing Completion Marks, if this issue has affected you.
Step 1: Have your save file backups handy! Hopefully you heeded our advice in the Online Beta announcement post to make save file backups before joining the Beta, because without them, this method will not work.

Step 2: In your Steam library, right click on The Binding of Isaac and open the ‘Properties’ window

Step 3: On the ‘General’ Properties tab, click on the ‘Steam Cloud’ switch to temporarily disable the Steam Cloud function.

Step 4: Open the folder where your active Binding of Isaac save files are kept. Take the backup save file you want to use, and copy it into this folder. Rename this file “persistentgamedata1.dat” for it to take the place of your slot 1 save. For save slots 2 and 3, copy backup saves to this folder and rename them “persistentgamedata2.dat” and “persistentgamedata3.dat”, respectively.

Step 5: Next, launch the game. At the save file select screen, you should now see your backup save files restored, and when you go to the character select screen, you should see your Completion Marks restored as well.

Step 6: Close the game, then open the ‘Properties” window again, and click the Steam Cloud switch again to turn the Steam Cloud function back on.

Step 7: Launch the game again. Steam should notify you that the Steam Cloud files and local files do not match, and will prompt you to proceed with either the local files or the cloud files. Choose ‘local files’, and the backup saves you just copied will overwrite the Steam Cloud files.

From there, the game should again function normally, with your Completion Marks restored.

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - ty

It is me, your amigo, Tyrone

Hello and welcome to the Binding of Isaac Online Beta!

The Nicalis team has been hard at work getting Online working for your favorite game. This beta program is for anyone who owns Repentance on Windows+Steam. This free update allows you to play the game in co-op multiplayer mode online, with friends and/or other players online.

I want to go over some details regarding the Online Beta here. This will be a longer post, but I'm hoping you make the time to read it as it will be useful for your experience.

SAVE BACKUPBefore you start, please keep in mind that this is a Beta, and not all features may be available right away. We also STRONGLY RECOMMEND that all players participating in the Beta make backup copies of your save data files in a safe folder, in the event of any bugs that could cause you to lose hard-earned progress.

The team will continue to work towards a release candidate into the future. That said, the beta will generally be available two weeks out of each month and offline the other two weeks. The Nicalis team will work on fixes and improvements from feedback and bug reports during the Beta. So please send whatever you can find :)

A new opt-in password will be posted here or on my Twitter account, X, whatever you wan to call it, around the end of each month for the subsequent version. This cycle will repeat until we feel online mode is ready for its official release, near the end of 2024.

This is VERY IMPORTANT and I can't stress how much we would love your help to make the online experience better for everyone.

Where to report bugs: http://a href="">Send Email
Subject line: #IsaacOnlineBeta 1.9.1

The subject is very specific for filtering, to ensure it gets seen and properly flagged by the Nicalis development team.
- Do not add any spaces between words in the hashtag.
- Do not change any format of the subject line, such as removing the hashtag
- Do not create your own subject line

For example:

Yes: #IsaacOnlineBeta 1.9.1
NO: #Isaaac Online Beta1.9.1, #IsaacOnline Beta, #OnlineBeta, #BetaIsaac, I found a bug in Isaac

We need the exact string in quotes "#IsaacOnlineBeta 1.9.1" (without the quotes). The only thing that will change for your subject line with future updates will be the version number.

OK, so your game crashed, desynced or something else—describe the issue as thoroughly as you can, and include the seed number if possible. Including links to videos or screenshots of your bug can also be very helpful to us. Please DO NOT attach large files as they'll get filtered and deleted.

As a reminder, this mode is in beta and bug encounters are expected, so we highly recommend making copies of your save data files in a safe backup folder. Details about this at the top of this post, in case you missed it

We know most of you are not professional testers and that's OK :) but the more info you can provide in your bug reports, the quicker we can fix bugs in online mode. Here are some example bug reports:

game crashed on Caves 2 when picking up Breakfast item after beating the boss
boss was Peep
seed was XYZW-0123
3 players: Isaac, Azazel, and ???. Isaac and Azazel were in for entire match, ??? joined on Basement 2
happened immediately after pickup animation finished
log file and save data are attached

game crashed on Caves 2 when picking up an item
3 players: Isaac, Azazel, and ???
happened after the pickup animation finished

game crashed

In these three examples, the last one "bad" is completely unusable as a bug report. We can't do anything to fix it without more details.

For the initial beta release, Normal mode will be available to play in Online Beta mode. We plan to make more game modes available in 2024.

Achievements will still be available in Online Beta, with some caveats. Players who join a match already in progress will not earn achievements for that run. A special icon will appear to let you know that you will not receive achievements for the current run.

Completion marks will be available in Online Beta, but these ones will not cross over with the ones that appear on your singleplayer character select screen. Online multiplayer will have its own separate collection of completion marks! Similar to achievements, players who join a match in progress will not earn completion marks for that run.

We've made UI and HUD changes for online. Several options have been added to the Options Menu to make this UI more customizable, including making the display HUD for your co-op partners' health meters and pocket items more compact, more minimal, or even hidden if you prefer.

The Online Beta is being developed for The Binding of Isaac: Repentance, and will not be available for past versions (Rebirth, Afterbirth, Afterbirth+) ever.

This update does not include new content such as additional new items, characters, etc.
However, the Online Multiplayer does have a few updated game mechanics to improve the fun of playing Isaac in co-op mode.

With all that out of the way, how do you play?

Step 1: Have The Binding of Isaac: Repentance installed in your Steam Library
Step 2: right-click on the title in your library and select Properties
Step 3: go to the Betas tab and type the beta key into the Private Betas box and click Check Code.
Step 4: Click the button that will appear that says "Opt in to [beta branch name]. You should then also see [beta branch name] in the Betas Participation box in that same tab.

Following this, your game should update, and the next time you launch it you should see a prompt that you will have to read and accept, then you'll see "Online Beta" at the title screen, and the "Online" option at the main menu.
To return to the standard release version of Repentance, simply open the Betas tab again and set the Betas Participation tab to "None".

That's it! I think? Oh yes, you need the password don't you? combthedesert
Dec 7, 2022
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - inkerton
- The Cantripped! challenge now only spawns active item cards, item cards can be swapped out when picking up new cards when all card slots are already full
- Tainted Cain now has the same starting stats as Cain (increased damage and reduced range)
- Salvaging Tainted Cain's active item no longer spawns special drops in special rooms (such as secret rooms)
- The fire aura granted by Breath of Life + Judas' Birthright no longer destroys projectiles
- Adjusted the active to passive item ratio from TMTRAINER from 1/2 to 1/4
- Glitch items can no longer destroy Cathedral light beams, ending chests and challenge trophies
- Enemies respawned by the D7 no longer drop loot when killed if they were champions and no longer grant score in daily runs
- Great Gideon's crawlspace no longer appears in the Ascent (as it crashed the game when entered)
- Expansion Pack can no longer trigger the Glowing Hourglass
- Items in the Death Certificate area now spawn as "option" items similarly to items in Boss Rush and Angel rooms - the player is automatically returned to the main floor whenever picking up an item would cause other items in the room to disappear
- Added rubber banding to Star of Bethlehem - it now moves faster off screen when the player is ahead of it along the path to the boss room and slows down if the player is lagging behind
- Star of Bethlehem now moves towards Mega Satan's room in the Chest and the Dark Room if its door was unlocked
- Vanishing Twin is now shared by both of Tainted Lazarus' forms - this also fixes several bugs that occur when flipping while Vanishing Twin is copying a boss
- Spindown Dice is now available in challenges and daily runs, items that are tagged to never appear in those modes are considered locked and will be skipped over
- Bag of Crafting is now available in challenges and daily runs, as well as when playing as Tainted Lost
- Bag of Crafting now obeys changes to item availability such as challenges, daily runs and Tainted Lost's adjusted item pools and will not craft items that cannot be normally obtained
- Death Certificate now ignores changes to item availability caused by items or characters (i.e. Tainted Lost or Sacred Orb) and will only refrain from spawning items locked behind achievements or current game rules (challenges or daily runs)
- Added new co-op babies
- Updated some of Eden's hair styles
- Updated a few item qualities
- Updated localization files

- Fixed a crash that could occur when firing large amounts of Haemolacria shots with laser attacks
- Fixed a crash caused by killing Siren while she has control of Lil Delirium
- Fixed reward plates crashing the game when attempting to spawn enemies in Home
- Fixed devil room doors and other temporary doors leaving an invisible door with an invalid state behind when removed (this could cause crashes with certain items such as Mr. Me)
- Fixed dying from taking a devil deal sometimes displaying the wrong portrait on the game over screen
- Fixed enemies attempting to pathfind through Bomb Grimaces and Quake Grimaces
- Fixed We Need to go Deeper/Mom's Shovel being unable to create crawlspaces with Car Battery
- Fixed item pedestals duplicated by Crooked Penny forgetting their option group, allowing all duplicated options to be picked up
- Fixed instant death when turning into Keeper using Clicker while having 2 or more broken hearts
- Fixed instant death when Esau Jr. grants Heartbreak when used as Keeper
- Fixed Tainted Lazarus becoming intangible when using Flip with Car Battery and Birthright
- Fixed The Empress? not applying its speed decrease as intended
- Fixed The Empress? not tracking HP overflow correctly, removing more hearts than intended upon wearing off in certain situations
- Fixed The High Priestess being able to target Dark Esau and Blood Puppy
- Fixed Tooth and Nail not ticking while Isaac is holding an item above his head (this could be abused for near-infinite invincibility)
- Fixed Tooth and Nail not removing its invincibility effect until the room is left if the item is dropped or destroyed
- Fixed the Broken Modem sometimes causing enemies to remain frozen forever if the item is dropped or destroyed when enemies are present in the room
- Fixed the Book of Shadows visually giving wings to Isaac when he also has Jupiter
- Fixed items gained through full run reroll effects (such as D4) not contributing towards transformations
- Fixed transformation progress not being properly decreased when holding several copies of the same passive item and losing one or more
- Fixed active items losing their transformation progress when crafting a new one as Tainted Cain
- Fixed active items losing their transformation progress when dropping them with Butter!
- Fixed not being able to shoot or interact after using a pill while flying during the Mega Mush effect
- Fixed a softlock that could occur when saving and resuming a run while picking up Dad's Note
- Fixed being able to use Soul of Isaac on Dad's Note
- Fixed Trisagion effects lingering when combined with Lachryphagy or Angelic Prism
- Fixed Star of Bethlehem not entering special boss rooms in the Blue Womb and Corpse II
- Fixed the D10 being able to devolve permanently charmed enemies
- Fixed the Book of Revelations replacing Mother's boss room with Death in the Red Redemption challenge
- Fixed Chub, C.H.A.D. and Carrion Queen missing their body segments when spawned by Delirious
- Fixed Technology 2's laser persisting when changing form as the Forgotten or when it is removed/rerolled
- Fixed Cursed Eye only allowing the Forgotten to charge up to 4 attacks rather than the intended 5
- Fixed a softlock caused by using Clicker or reviving from Lazarus' Rags as Tainted Forgotten while his body is in a location that would be inaccessible without flight
- Fixed Lilith being able to shoot tears normally when using the Glowing Hourglass after reviving as a different character
- Fixed the Glowing Hourglass not losing its uses when used in the Beast fight and behaving like an infinitely reusable teleport
- Fixed the Glowing Hourglass not losing its uses when rewinding to a state where it is inside Moving Box
- Fixed the Glowing Hourglass triggering effects that normally trigger at the start of a new level when rewinding back to a previous level
- Fixed Twisted Pair entering a bugged state when rewinding with the Glowing Hourglass or starting a victory lap
- Fixed Guppy's Eye incorrectly predicting item drops from shopkeepers
- Fixed enemies rarely spawning behind rocks in certain challenge room/Greed mode waves
- Fixed a minor hitch in the loop of The Lamb's fight theme
- Fixed The Sad Onion's costume not appearing on most characters

Modding changes
- Added extra safety checks to prevent crashing on startup after disabling mods that contain custom characters or items
- Fixed a crash when resuming a run that was stopped while in the temporary room created by the goto command
- Fixed not being able to register more than one MC_PRE_PLAYER_COLLISION callback
- Added a new debug flag (14) which displays Lua memory usage as a graph
- Added a dedicated memory pool for use by Lua scripts (this should prevent issues with loading sounds and textures when many large mods are loaded at the same time)
- Moved all callback related logic to Lua (this should improve performance when many callbacks are registered)
- Added Isaac.RunCallback(callbackId, entityId, ...), runs all functions tied to the given callback and entityId (entityId can be nil for callbacks that do not depend on specific entity types)
- Isaac.AddCallback, Isaac.RemoveCallback and Isaac.RunCallback now accept any value as a callback ID, even non-numeric values such as strings, this may be used by mods to define custom callbacks for other mods to use
- The full list of changes can be found here:
Nov 10, 2022
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - inkerton
- Reduced the chance of Baby Plum being struck by a ballistic missile on death to 0.0001% (was 100%)
- Increased the maximum damage dealt by Cube Baby when pushed
- Added special interactions with the Book of Virtues and Judas' Birthright when executing a perfect block with Breath of Life
- Breath of Life no longer wastes a charge if released after being fully charged by clearing a room
- Breath of Life now has a more intuitive interaction with the Battery
- Flying enemies will now be teleported to accessible positions if rerolled into non-flying enemies by the D10
- Sanguine Bond will now immediately spawn its spikes in the middle of the room when picked up in a Devil Room
- Added unique drops to Corpse polyps
- Added a proper death portrait for the Mausoleum door
- Renamed the "Glowing Hour Glass" to "Glowing Hourglass"
- Updated a few item qualities
- Updated localization files

- Fixed the game failing to start on Windows 7
- Fixed Cube Baby moving in the wrong direction when thrown using Mom's Bracelet (for real this time)
- Fixed Cube Baby spinning while held with Mom's Bracelet
- Fixed exchanging active items in the Death Certificate area not kicking the player back to the main floor
- Fixed Mega Satan's door being able to spawn in the Death Certificate area if Death Certificate was used in the Chest or the Dark Room
- Fixed The Fool crashing the game or not teleporting the player to the correct room when used in the Death Certificate area
- Fixed a crash caused by using Breath of Life with Butter!
- Fixed Breath of Life setting Bethany's soul heart counter to zero
- Fixed Breath of Life sometimes providing infinite invincibility while remaining in contact with an enemy
- Fixed the D10 being able to affect Delirium when transformed into certain bosses
- Fixed several enemies not being correctly devolved by the D10
- Fixed D10 wisps rerolling hit enemies into random enemies instead of devolving them
- Fixed the D Infinity still causing the D10 full screen animation to play
- Fixed Glowing Hourglass infinitely regaining uses when traveling between floors
- Fixed Glowing Hourglass uses not decrementing when used with the 'M trinket
- Fixed Glowing Hourglass uses not decrementing when reverting Tainted Lazarus to his other form
- Fixed Glowing Hourglass uses resetting when swapped between Jacob & Esau
- Fixed Void not always losing its charge when mimicking Glowing Hourglass with Schoolbag
- Fixed Genesis allowing challenges and daily runs to continue beyond their intended goal
- Fixed Tainted Forgotten's items not being rerolled by dice rooms if they were triggered by Tainted Soul
- Fixed Tainted Forgotten not gaining damage increases from Sanguine Bond
- Fixed not being able to buy items surrounded by spikes from A Pound of Flesh while invincible
- Fixed backdrop graphics for L rooms not loading properly in the Womb
- Fixed a couple of room layout issues in the Catacombs and Gehenna

Modding changes
- Devolution entries can now be added to <entity> elements in entities2.xml to make modded enemies compatible with the D10, syntax is <devolve id="type.variant.subtype" weight="weight" /> (ex: <devolve id="10.1.0" weight="1" />)
- Devolution entries are randomly picked according to the room's seed if more than one entry is present (enemies of the same type in the same room will always devolve into the same entity)
- Devolution ID follows room layout rules, i.e. 999 is used instead of 1000 for effect entities, 1000 and higher are used for grid entities, allowing certain enemies to be rerolled into rocks or other obstacles
- Added MC_PRE_ENTITY_DEVOLVE(Entity) callback for more complex custom behavior, returning true overrides default behavior
- Added HUD:Update(), HUD:PostUpdate() and HUD:Render()
- Added missing enums to TearFlags, SeedEffect and SoundEffect
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - ty
It's me, Tyrone; I've logged into the Steam backend to give you an update on, um, the 1.7.9 update.

Welcome to the long-time-coming Repentance update!

Below you'll find probably the single biggest update since its release! Highly recommend you scan through below to see what's been updated, changed and improved.

Some highlights include: C Section fetuses now only deal 75% damage every 10 frames Lil Dumpy now has a secondary, larger detection radius that can cause it to randomly trigger from nearby enemy projectiles.

Glowing Hourglass no cooldown, but can only be used three times per floor . Increased the cooldown of D10 to 2 (from 1). It now devolves enemies instead of replacing them randomly.

Cain's Other Eye now follows Isaac and copies all tear modifiers/stats, but shoots in random directions and has -25% reduced damage. Bum Friend can now give batteries/items from the Beggar pool. My favorite--The Black Bean now causes multiple farts in quick succession and leaves poisonous gas clouds

Added the following:
- C Section to the Ultra Secret room pool
- Mom's Ring to the Old Chest pool
- Epic Fetus to the treasure pool (at very low weight)
- Glowing Hourglass to the Greed mode treasure pool
- Ouija Board to the Greed mode devil pool
- Breath of Life to the Greed mode angel pool

Greed mode button won't deal damage in Lost form, some less useful items, trinkets and cards in Greed mode, such as The Moon, are fixed. Ultra Greed won't get stuck in his dash state forever when his movement is blocked by certain objects.

Buuuuuuuut! There's MORE!

By the time you read this, it'll be Friday November 4th 2022. Which means it's officially G-Fuel Day! The Repentance team has put together the sweetest piece of daily runs since, well, since that poop and fart themed one. YOU KNOW WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT.

So tons of amazing stuff below, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE play today's daily seed, playable starting 3AM PST.

The guys really put in a lot of effort to make it A-mazing. Edmund is even considering naming his next child gfuel--we've also discussed renaming Vinh into Le Gfuel as well. Don't want to spoil, you need to play it. Have fun this weekend!

Repentance 1.7.9

- C Section fetuses now only deal 75% damage every 10 frames (from 100% damage every 8 frames)
- Lil Dumpy now has a secondary, larger detection radius that can cause it to randomly trigger from nearby enemy projectiles
- Glowing Hourglass no longer has a cooldown, but can only be used three times per floor (at which point it temporarily functions as the regular Hourglass)
- Increased the cooldown of D10 to 2 (from 1). It now ΓÇ£devolvesΓÇ¥ enemies instead of replacing them with a random enemy
- Cain's Other Eye now follows Isaac and copies all tear modifiers/stats, but shoots in random cardinal directions and has -25% reduced damage
- Bum Friend can now give batteries and items from the Beggar pool
- The Black Bean now causes multiple farts in quick succession and leaves poisonous gas clouds
- 20/20 now only decreases damage by -20% (from -25%)
- Isaac's Tears now has an added +5 damage bonus applied to the tears
- Sticky Bombs now cause white creep to splash on the ground, slowing enemies
- Breath of Life now takes less time to activate and recharge. Upon blocking damage with perfect timing, it will release holy beams in four directions (similar to Salvation) and grant a brief shield effect
- Athame no longer creates a black ring on damage taken, instead it adds a chance for the ring to spawn around killed enemies (scales with luck)
- Betrayal no longer charms all enemies on damage taken, it now allows enemy projectiles to hit other enemies - when an enemy takes damage from an enemy projectile, it will attempt to target the enemy that fired it
- My Shadow no longer creates dark chargers on damage taken, instead Isaac's shadow will closely follow him and create temporary dark chargers when enemies come into contact with it
- Increased the damage of Lil Brimstone to 3 per tick (from 2.5)
- Increased the damage of Shade to 5 per tick (from 2)
- Razor Blade and Blood Rights now only cost a half heart after the first usage in a room
- Ouija Board now grants a tears up (equal to that of Squeezy)
- My Reflection now grants a damage up (equal to that of Death's Touch) and a luck down
- Reduced the cooldown of Mom's Pad to 2 (from 3). It now also spawns 1 blue fly on use
- Adjusted the cooldown of Blank Card with a few cards
- A penny now appears in all curse rooms when in possession of Voodoo Head
- Cube Baby can now be launched by melee attacks
- The Bag of Crafting can no longer be crafted
- Saturnus tears no longer damage grid entities (such as poop and TNT barrels)
- Items spawned from chests can now be safely picked up in the Death Certificate area
- Removed a redundant range increase from Crown of Light (it used to counteract the shot speed decrease)
- Reduced the devil price of Sacrificial Altar to 1 heart- Increased the average amount of items available for purchase in devil rooms
- Added Backstabber to the devil room pool
- Added Book of Revelations, Stigmata, Jesus Juice and Purity to the angel room pool (they were previously only there in Greed mode)
- Added C Section to the Ultra Secret room pool
- Added Mom's Ring to the Old Chest pool
- Added Epic Fetus to the treasure pool (at very low weight)
- Added Glowing Hourglass to the Greed mode treasure pool
- Added Ouija Board to the Greed mode devil pool
- Added Breath of Life to the Greed mode angel pool
- Moved Mom's Key from the Greed mode silver treasure pool to the Greed mode shop pool
- Tainted Bethany can now use her blood charges to place bombs when in possession of Blood Bombs
- Mom's Toenail now drops a foot every 20 seconds (previously every 2 minutes), with further reduced time for the doubled/golden variants
- Duct Tape now affects delayed following familiars (such as Multidimensional Baby and Shade)
- Cracked Dice now has a chance to trigger the D10 effect
- Shot speed up/down is now considered a minor pill effect, meaning other stat modifying pill effects are slightly more likely to appear instead
- The shop is now offering a discount on a variety of active items
- Ultra secret rooms can no longer generate near curse rooms (this fixes a rare softlock caused by using The Moon? in certain floor layouts)
- Portals, Purgatory cracks and buttons now always render above water to aid in visibility
- Rooms containing Suction Pitfalls in the Scarred Womb can no longer be bloody
- Reduced the damage enemy Brimstone lasers deal to other enemies to 11 per tick (from 22)
- Increased the health of Blastocyst's largest form to 300 (from 190)
- Increased the health of The Hollow's segments to 26 (from 22)
- Hangers can now be champions
- Needles and Pasties can no longer be champions
- The Stars and Joker cards can now show up in Greed mode
- Baby Plum, Bumbino, The Pile and Reap Creep are now locked behind the ΓÇ£Something wicked this way comes+!ΓÇ¥ achievement
- Added game over portraits for spiked chests, spiked rocks, Hell Game, Confessional, buckets, mushrooms, polyps and the Mausoleum entrance
- Added attack sound effects for Bob's Rotten Head, The Candle and Red Candle
- Added feedback for actives with a timed recharge being ready to use
- Added more golden/doubled trinket effects
- Added a few more coop babies
- Added even more new room layouts and updated various existing layouts (note that resuming a saved run from before this update may result in temporarily broken maps/rooms)
- Updated a few boss champion sprites
- Updated the sprite for Breath of Life
- Updated the ΓÇ£giantbookΓÇ¥ animations
- Updated various item qualities
- Added French language support
- Updated localization files

- Fixed the button in Greed mode dealing damage when in Lost form (from Soul of the Lost or when playing as Tainted Jacob)
- Fixed a few useless items, trinkets and cards appearing in Greed mode (such as The Moon?)
- Fixed Ultra Greed getting stuck in his dash state forever when his movement is blocked by certain objects (his dash now automatically ends after 3 seconds)
- Fixed Dangle and Turdlings not being locked behind the ΓÇ£Something wicked this way comes!ΓÇ¥ achievement
- Fixed Cube Baby sometimes flying in the wrong direction when thrown with Mom's Bracelet
- Fixed an issue with Multidimensional Baby that could cause laser items to damage Isaac when changing rooms
- Fixed Esau's items becoming dormant when using a revival item that changes character
- Fixed the Forgotten's Brimstone balls not dealing increased damage against enemies affected by Brimstone curse
- Fixed the Forgotten losing his deal chance when losing a bone heart to a curse room door or similar damage sources
- Fixed rotten hearts and broken hearts getting removed from the Forgotten's inactive form when saving and resuming a run
- Fixed Tainted Forgotten's soul and Tainted Lazarus' hologram being able to exceed the movement speed cap
- Fixed Tainted Lazarus' hologram being vulnerable to damage from certain sources
- Fixed a crash caused by using a pill after using The Fool? with Echo Chamber
- Fixed a crash caused by using R Key with Broken Remote
- Fixed a crash caused by too many knives passing through Multidimensional Baby at once
- Fixed rewards from the Suicide King card not being seeded
- Fixed enemy kills in the current room not giving score after using the D10
- Fixed being able to go beyond the intended goal of a daily challenge using the crawlspace out of bounds teleport into the Error room
- Fixed using Forget Me Now while picking up another active item with the Schoolbag causing the other active item to be consumed instead
- Fixed items with variable charge time (such as D Infinity) not always having the expected amount of charge when dropped and picked back up
- Fixed 120 Volt attacking perma-charmed enemies
- Fixed Adrenaline's damage bonus not updating when losing a bone heart from damage
- Fixed a rare case where Vasculitis would spawn a hostile fire when killing a burning enemy
- Fixed Friend Finder allies being duplicated when saving/resuming as Jacob & Esau or Tainted Forgotten
- Fixed win streaks being cleared and not being able to save/resume a run after being revived by Mysterious Paper
- Fixed Bumbino rarely getting teleported to an invalid position after being suplexed
- Fixed Siren attempting to take control of Star of Bethlehem and causing damage from an invisible source
- Fixed Tuff Twins being able to pass through rocks when being pulled by certain item effects
- Fixed Vis Versa's brimstone beam not always using the correct color in challenge rooms
- Fixed an issue with pink champion Haunt's death animation
- Fixed champion Flaming Hoppers not using their proper champion sprites
- Fixed certain champion enemies (such as Globins) not using the correct body color
- Fixed status effect icons not appearing on Meatball, Dark Ball, Rag Man's head and Mega Satan's second phase
- Fixed some items with no passive effect being granted by Lemegeton and Cantripped challenge cards
- Fixed various items not increasing/decreasing range as much as intended
- Fixed Shard of Glass appearing with the Lost's Birthright
- Fixed Guppy's Eye not being in the curse room pool
- Fixed Chaos not including item pools introduced in Repentance (such as the Planetarium)
- Fixed double pennies, nickels and dimes healing Keeper for only half of their intended amount
- Fixed rocket bombs exploding on contact with certain types of projectiles
- Fixed rocket bombs being slowed down when passing through regular bombs
- Fixed Bone Knights receiving more knockback from tears than intended
- Fixed minor issues with certain room layouts
- Fixed not being able to open the Mausoleum door when playing on the ALM1 GHTY seed
- Fixed taking damage when going to the next floor when playing on the D0NT ST0P seed

Modding changes
- Debug overlays no longer attempt to localize item/entity names and will always display them in English
- Added extra safety checks to prevent Bag of Crafting from crashing due to item pools containing invalid entries

Mar 25, 2022
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - inkerton
Repentance 1.7.8a

- Little Horn now takes reduced damage from his own bombs (this prevents him from killing himself too quickly)
- Little Horn's orange champion variant now uses unique flaming troll bomb sprites and always spawns flaming troll bombs when teleporting around the room
- Updated several room layouts
- Updated localization files

- Fixed a bug which prevented scores from being submitted upon winning a daily run
- Fixed missing champion sprites for Rag Man
- Fixed champion Mask of Infamy not using its unique champion sprites
- Fixed champion versions of Chub, Little Horn, Rag Man, Brownie, Peep and the Bloat not using the correct sprites for spawned enemies
- Fixed champion War and Death not using the correct sprites when transitioning to their second phase
- Fixed Lil Loki not counting towards the Conjoined transformation (for real this time!)
- Fixed Clutch's Clickety Clacks not dealing contact damage after being revived
- Fixed reviving as Lazarus resetting his devil deal chance even if red heart damage was taken during the current floor
- Fixed Bethany's unlock condition not working as intended due to Lazarus' new revival mechanic
- Fixed several special room doors not working correctly in the Pay to Play challenge
- Fixed Pay to Play (the item) locking doors that would normally be unlocked (such as the silver treasure room in Greed mode)

Modding changes
- Added missing enums for null items introduced by previous updates
Mar 21, 2022
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - inkerton
Repentance 1.7.8

Gameplay changes
- "Something spooky" has appeared in the Ashpit!
- Lazarus now reverts to his normal form when going to the next floor, gaining his extra life back if he lost it
- Lazarus now gains a permanent +.5 damage up each time he turns into his revived form
- Lazarus now only loses up to 1 heart container when turning into his revived form, this cannot bring him below 1 heart container
- Increased the damage multiplier of Lazarus' revived form to 1.4 (from 1.2)
- Reduced the duration of the temporary damage bonus granted by Lazarus' Birthright from 3 minutes to 1, however this bonus is granted every time Lazarus turns into his revived form
- ??? now gets devil deals at a reduced cost and starts with an innate Lil Larva effect (destroying poop spawns 1 blue fly)
- Bleed effects from Mom’s Razor and Backstabber now deal damage based on how quickly an enemy is moving (faster enemies take more damage). While an enemy bleeds, they leave behind creep that damages other enemies. The effects can now also be applied to bosses.
- Mom’s Razor now blocks projectiles and can damage bosses
- Camo Undies now grants +.5 speed while cloaked. When uncloaking, all nearby enemies take damage, and Isaac gains a brief tears + damage up
- Lost Fly now deals damage less frequently (7 damage every 7 frames) but forces nearby enemies to target it
- The D12 can now reroll most obstacles, including poop, spikes and fireplaces, and can generate more varied obstacles
- Pay to Play now works on double locked doors, key blocks and chests, and features new sprites for all types of locked doors
- We Need to Go Deeper/Mom’s Shovel/Ehwaz now feature a secret method to guarantee a crawlspace once per floor and no longer create them based on random chance
- Lil Dumpy is now a follower and automatically produces a Butter Bean fart when an enemy or projectile is about to hit Isaac
- Voodoo Head now improves curse room layouts/rewards
- Book of Sin no longer creates microbatteries (only normal and rarely golden/mega batteries)
- Adjusted the formula used to calculate damage for Libra and the pause menu stat tallies (this results in overall higher damage during Libra runs)
- Reduced the devil price of The Nail, Bloody Lust and Bloody Gust to 1 heart
- Added Little Horn to the devil room pool (it was previously only there in Greed mode)
- Added Guppy’s Eye to the curse room pool
- Replaced Razor Blade with Blood Rights in the devil room pool
- Replaced Mom’s Razor with Razor Blade in the curse room pool
- Increased the weight of Blank Card in the shop pool (was previously more rare)
- Bomber Boy now has normal weight/rarity in the bomb bum pool (was previously more rare)
- Toned down the amount of enemies spawned on the first floor of Greed/Greedier mode
- Beggars no longer give Treasure Map, Compass or Contract From Below in Greed mode
- Added thick Odd Mushroom to the treasure room pools in Greed mode
- Added Ball of Bandages to the silver treasure room pool in Greed mode
- Removed Cube of Meat from most Greed mode pools except silver treasure/shop
- Removed Dead Bird and Ouija Board from the devil room pool in Greed mode
- Reduced the appearance rate of the devil room layout with only runes in Greed mode
- Urn of Souls now deals 50% more damage when combined with the Book of Belial via Judas' Birthright
- Significantly increased the durability of Book of Virtues wisps created from Ventricle Razor
- Significantly increased the range and damage of the Brimstone beams from Sulfur wisps
- Devil's Crown no longer affects the mirrored treasure room in Downpour II
- Monster Manual can now grant Gemini and Psy Fly
- Rooms containing pits in the Corpse can no longer be bloody
- The D7 no longer teleports the player when used in certain special rooms (such as Devil rooms)
- Red champion Monstro II now has faster attacks, but also slightly reduced health
- Added unique champion sprites for bosses
- Added visual and audio feedback for Backstabber’s effect
- Updated Onan’s Streak to require Judas and It Lives be unlocked first
- Added more new room layouts
- Updated various item qualities
- Updated localization files

- Fixed some characters in the item description font (such as b and d) not displaying correctly since last update
- Fixed some missing shading in the Horny Boys' boss portrait
- Fixed Bag of Crafting being able to craft locked items using fixed recipes
- Fixed Bag Lunch and Wish Bone causing strange behavior with pickups for the rest of the run after triggering (such as infinitely duplicating items from Damocles)
- Fixed Devil rooms not spawning in the Shop floor in Greed mode if the Womb wasn't unlocked first
- Fixed co-op ghosts being able to take damage from certain sources
- Fixed a rare crash caused by floor generation in the Red Redemption challenge
- Fixed Astral Projection causing a crash when triggering in a room containing rain
- Fixed Clickety Clacks becoming white champions, which could result in a softlock
- Fixed a softlock when throwing Tainted Forgotten into the special minecart in Mines II right after entering the room
- Fixed Tainted Forgotten getting extra plays on devil beggars during damage iframes
- Fixed the sound of Tainted Forgotten hitting the ground playing when thrown into a trapdoor
- Fixed the Book of Belial not increasing devil deal chance when held by Judas with Birthright
- Fixed Satan sometimes becoming invulnerable during his second phase when under the effects of I'm Excited
- Fixed not being able to shoot during the Kidney Stone barrage effect with Chocolate Milk
- Fixed Neptunus and Chocolate Milk preventing the charge bar from completely filling up
- Fixed Head of Krampus dealing 19 ticks of damage instead of 20
- Fixed Brimstone+Anti Gravity+Soy Milk not working as intended
- Fixed Pyromaniac being more rare than intended
- Fixed various minor issues with certain room layouts
- Fixed Mother's Shadow's chase track not looping correctly
- Fixed the door to the minecart room in Mines II taking longer to open than intended after successfully escaping Mother's Shadow
- Fixed Colostomia sometimes staying invulnerable for longer than intended during the transition to her second phase
- Fixed Reverse Justice card removing an item from the current pool for every chest spawned
- Fixed rocket bombs exploding on contact with perma-charmed enemies
- Fixed a softlock caused by falling into a pitfall while Mega Mush is active
- Fixed Sumptorium sometimes not being able to recall all clots when playing as Tainted Eve
- Fixed Black Hole not destroying Fool’s Gold rocks
- Fixed various issues caused by the D7 in Home

Modding changes
- The full list of changes can be found at
Dec 6, 2021
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - inkerton
Repentance v1.7.7a

- Fixed some achievements being rendered incorrectly when the language is set to Russian

Modding changes
- Added a placeholder collection sprite for modded items that do not provide one
- Fixed Lemegeton wisps not being rendered properly for modded items
- Fixed costumeSuffix attribute not working as intended when assigned to Isaac
- "goto" command now accepts "default" as a room type when trying to warp to a special room
Dec 3, 2021
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - inkerton
Repentance 1.7.7

Gameplay changes
- Added more new room layouts
- Tainted Cain can now pick up items normally in the Genesis room
- Strawman, Found Soul, Soul of the Forgotten and Soul of Jacob and Esau now always match their speed to their owner's
- Reduced the cooldown of Yuck Heart to 4 (from 6)
- Technology 2 now works with any familiar that replicates the player's attack (i.e. Incubus)
- Isaac's Heart now grants its effects to Tainted Forgotten's soul instead of Tainted Forgotten himself
- Ipecac + Hemoptysis no longer deals damage to players
- Wiggle Worm's tears up now scales with trinket multipliers
- Hook Worm, Ring Worm and Ouroboros Worm now grant a tears up similarly to Wiggle Worm
- The D1 no longer creates exact copies of pickups (i.e. duplicating a card may spawn a different card)
- Echo Chamber now only copies the last 3 cards/pills used
- C Section + Technology shots now only have a luck based chance to replicate themselves when combined with Explosivo, Sinus Infection or Mucormycosis to prevent infinite loops
- Tainted Moles can no longer be champions
- Increased the armor strength of Tainted Round Worm to 30 (from 12)
- Reduced the health of Tainted Mulligan to 100 (from 120)
- Reduced the health of Flesh Death Head to 30 (from 50)
- Added Dead Tooth and Monstro's Tooth to Bumbino's special drop pool
- The creep pool spawned by Free Lemonade now deals more damage and lasts twice as long
- Updated the sprite of Magic Fingers
- Updated a few item qualities
- Updated localization files

- Fixed Tainted Lazarus' hologram taking damage from the lava in the Beast fight
- Fixed Tainted Lazarus' hologram being affected by poison clouds and Dogma's Godhead shots
- Fixed Tainted Lazarus not being able to shoot after flipping while Dark Arts is active
- Fixed Tainted Keeper still getting less coins than intended in from killing enemies in Greed mode if he left the starting room at any point during the current floor
- Fixed Tainted Forgotten not being able to throw his body if blindfolded with a charged attack (such as Chocolate Milk or Cursed Eye)
- Fixed a crash caused by recalling clots as Tainted Eve while moving between rooms
- Fixed a crash caused by using Hemoptysis right as the effects of Berserk end
- Fixed a crash caused by Lil Portal picking up a heart that spawned as part of a devil room
- Fixed secret shops and angel shops not generating in the Red Redemption challenge, crashing the game if entered
- Fixed Eden's Blessing applying to newly created players during the current run (such as Strawman or Tainted Lazarus' hologram)
- Fixed Temporary Tattoo, Old Capacitor, Nuh Uh!, Crystal Key and Karma appearing in Greed mode
- Fixed C Section, Mom's Knife, Brimstone and Monstro's Lung not working at 30 tear rate or above
- Fixed Cursed Eye not working at 60 tear rate or above
- Fixed Neptunus + Chocolate Milk not firing any tears at 30 tear rate or above
- Fixed red chests in the Genesis room still teleporting the player to the Devil room
- Fixed the aura of Censer and Succubus not rendering correctly when held by Tainted Lazarus' hologram
- Fixed Lost Soul taking damage from lasers fired by friendly enemies
- Fixed the Visage getting stuck in its first phase if the chain is broken by Uranus or Freezer Baby
- Fixed the Boomerang being able to push stalactites around in the Beast fight
- Fixed bouncy lasers from the pink champion version of the Haunt having a flickering effect
- Fixed the Duke of Flies setting off explosive gas when summoning flies
- Fixed BFFs not affecting Finger
- Fixed Tainted Lazarus' inactive form spawning its familiars if the key pieces or knife pieces are consumed while shared between the two
- Fixed Tainted Lazarus sometimes causing a crash when flipping with the Mom transformation
- Fixed flipped items sometimes not granting health or consumables
- Fixed bosses taking less damage when non co-op players are present (such as Strawman, Found Soul, Soul of the Forgotten and Soul of Jacob and Esau) or when playing as Tainted Forgotten
- Fixed Lemegeton causing a crash if any non orbiting wisps are present (such as How To Jump)
- Fixed Tainted Forgotten getting two copies of the Dogma item when entering the Beast fight
- Fixed freezing the Bony spawned by the Forsaken preventing it from reappearing and doing its Brimstone attack
- Fixed the Stairway spawning in an inaccessible position in some Greed mode starting room layouts
- Fixed familiars not storing their RNG seed properly when saved and restored (this could cause bag familiars to keep dropping the same reward as Tainted Lazarus)
- Fixed active items sometimes getting lost as Tainted Lazarus when both forms holds two copies of the same active item
- Fixed Trisagion shots always facing right when combined with Anti-Gravity
- Fixed Genesis, Joker and Reverse Emperor not teleporting the player to the correct room when used in the mirror dimension or the Death Certificate area
- Fixed rocket bombs colliding with tears and other bombs
- Fixed Blood Clot, Chemical Peel and Stye not working correctly on Incubus and similar familiars
- Fixed troll bombs spawned as part of certain room layouts being turned into poop pickups when playing as Tainted ???
- Fixed Guppy's Eye causing content previews to briefly appear in room layouts containing buttons set to spawn chests or sacks when pressed
- Fixed Guppy's Eye not working in crawlspaces
- Fixed Soul of Lazarus not being removed upon revival when held by Esau
- Fixed some lights not rendering properly since 1.7.5 (this was particularly notable with Night Light)
- Fixed glitch items not being removable by victory laps
- Fixed another issue which caused Lachryphagy tears to accumulate more damage than intended
- Fixed C Section + Pop! or Lachryphagy causing fetuses to never hit the ground
- Fixed a rare crash caused by using Rotten Tomato against Mask of Infamy
- Fixed hearts staying visible in the HUD after turning into the Lost in the middle of a run
- Fixed damage inflicted by the Greed Mode button not counting as self inflicted damage
- Fixed extra items spawning when saving and resuming a run while in the Genesis room

Modding changes
- The full list of changes can be found here:
Nov 16, 2021
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - inkerton
Repentance 1.7.6

Gameplay changes
- Reduced the cooldown of Placebo with stat upgrades, Pretty Fly and Experimental Pill
- The Lost's hearts are now hidden again (Holy Mantle indicator is still visible)
- Enemies are no longer guaranteed to drop coins when encountered in a previously visited room as Tainted Keeper
- Glyph of Balance no longer drops soul hearts when playing as the Lost
- Glyph of Balance can now drop soul hearts, red hearts as Bethany, Tainted Bethany if they need any
- Glyph of Balance can now drop poop pickups as Tainted ??? if he needs any
- Esau Jr. now preserves quest items (such as the Polaroid and the Negative)
- Added Red Stew to the Ultra Secret Room pool
- Added even more new room layouts
- Updated a few item qualities
- Updated localization files

- Fixed The Marathon achievement not usually unlocking (dailies completed before this update may not count)
- Fixed the daily exit confirmation popup not rendering correctly in the Chinese translation
- Fixed the Continue option becoming unavailable when switching languages while mods are enabled
- Fixed Tainted Judas' birthright not working as intended
- Fixed Tainted Cain being able to take fatal devil deals without dying (again)
- Fixed Tainted Cain not being able to pick up items normally in the Death Certificate area
- Fixed victory lap popup displaying the wrong message
- Fixed the victory lap HUD icon clipping into the stat display
- Fixed lava pits not refreshing properly if the game window was resized
- 20/20 now decreases the damage given by Polyphemus similarly to other tear multipliers (this is still very strong since it cancels the firerate decrease from Polyphemus)
- Fixed 20/20 not increasing Keeper and Tainted Keeper's firerate
- Fixed Tainted Keeper getting less coins than intended from enemies in Greed mode
- Fixed Telescope Lens and Door Stop appearing in Greed mode
- Fixed Butter! having a 100% chance to drop passive items on damage taken
- Fixed Butter! being able to drop active items on damage taken
- Red chests can no longer teleport the player to the Devil/Angel room while in the Genesis room
- Fixed Dark Esau not blocking enemy projectiles when not charging
- Fixed Dark Esau preventing white champion enemies from losing their invulnerability
- Fixed Esau Jr. removing Dark Esau when used as Tainted Jacob
- Fixed Tainted Lazarus' charge bar being visible in water reflections
- Fixed Tainted Lilith's birthright preventing her from opening the flesh door in Mausoleum II
- Fixed Dogma (item) giving hearts every time it is dropped and picked back up
- Fixed Mom's Ring spawning a rune every time it is dropped and picked back up
- Fixed Magic Mushroom and Leo granting the Stompy! transformation when repeatedly dropped and picked back up
- Fixed a Dross room that could have the right side entrance blocked by rocks
- Fixed a Depths room that could have Brains behind rocks
- Fixed a Cathedral room that could have Polties appear on top of entrances
- Fixed a Flooded Caves boss wave in Greed mode sometimes causing a crash
- Fixed a crash caused by an “I’m Excited!” pill activating in a room with rain effects
- Fixed Expansion Pack rarely preventing the player from attacking
- Fixed not being able to go to Sheol after having used Genesis
- Fixed Genesis turning other characters into Isaac after having used Esau Jr
- Fixed ultra secret rooms very rarely generating in impossible locations, causing a softlock when teleported to via the Moon? card
- Fixed white fire rooms in Downpour and special button rooms in the Mines rarely generating connected to special rooms
- Fixed Decap Attack causing the head to hover endlessly over the player's body if recalled before the head hits the ground
- Fixed Trisagion lasers getting stuck when spawned by item interactions that create large amounts of tears
- Fixed a rare freeze caused by Trisagion + Continuum
- Fixed C Section synergies with melee weapons creating more fetuses (causing loops/crashes)
- Fixed a crash caused by picking up Strawman after Money = Power
- Fixed Shiny Rock not doing anything
- Fixed Dice Bag causing the Whore of Babylon popup to appear whenever it gives a temporary dice item if the player has Whore of Babylon and is at low health
- Fixed Panic Button triggering on white fires
- Fixed quest items being disabled when the player carrying them dies in co-op
- Fixed Best Friend + Brimstone Bombs damaging the player
- Fixed C Section + Technology sometimes causing self damage when fired by familiars (such as Incubus and Twisted Pair)
- Fixed Dr. Fetus/Epic Fetus + poison effects spawning harmful poison clouds when fired by familiars
- Fixed the light emanating from Dogma's TV not rendering correctly

Modding changes
- The full list of changes can be found here:

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