Terraria - Loki ISP

You did it everyone! Terraria is officially a Nominee for the 2020 Labor of Love Steam Award! On behalf of the entire Re-Logic development team, a sincere thank you to each and every Terrarian out there for your support.

Now we need your help to finish making this a reality by getting your votes in now for Terraria to win the 2020 Labor of Love Award!

2020 has brought a lot of insanity to all of us - but also one constant, and that is Terraria being in our gaming lives and releasing more amazing content.

10 years, from 250 items to over 5000. Never a microtransaction. Never a paid DLC. If any game defines the "Labor of Love", it is Terraria. This is it, friends, let's make it happen - Terraria = your Labor of Love winner for the 2020 Steam Awards.

Netting a win here would honestly mean a lot for the Re-Logic team and would be the perfect way to cap off what truly and fully has been our Labor of Love for nearly 10 years now. Terraria is not just a game to us, it is family.

So, once again, we earnestly ask for your support, your votes, and for your help in getting the word out to everyone you can think of to head on over and vote for Terraria!

To vote for Terraria, just head to the Steam Awards Voting Page (or just click the big VOTE button in the banner at the top of the page), find Labor of Love, pick Terraria and let's go!

Terraria - Loki ISP

2020 has brought a lot of insanity to all of us - but also one constant, and that is Terraria being in our gaming lives and releasing more amazing content.

10 years, from 250 items to over 5000. Never a microtransaction. Never a paid DLC. If any game defines the "Labor of Love", it is Terraria. This is it, friends, let's make it happen - Terraria = your Labor of Love winner for the 2020 Steam Awards.

Get those Nominations in now everyone, we got this!

To nominate, just head to the Terraria store page, click that nominate button and let's go!
Terraria - Loki ISP

Greetings, Terrarians! Terraria 1.4.1 releases today for our PC players!

Welcome to launch day for Terraria 1.4.1 on PC! As we have alluded to in previous news items and spoilers around this update, Terraria 1.4.1 is primarily focused on adding in pieces that were not quite ready in time for the Journey's End launch date - along with more fixes, balance tweaks, and a few new tidbits that we decided to add along the way. Located below, you will find the full changelog for Terraria 1.4.1

So, what all does Terraria 1.4.1 contain? Here are some of the bigger topline tidbits of note - but again, refer to the full changelog for a more complete accounting of things.


As promised, we have added the winning Vanity Sets from the Journey's End Vanity Design Contest! These turned out really well, and we are beyond excited to see these in game. Be sure to once again congratulate the winners and thank them for making such awesome designs possible!

- Plaguebringer
- Wandering Ronin
- The Timeless Traveler
- Floret Protector
- Capricorn
- Bonus winner: TV Head!

All six of these are craftable with pre-Hardmode materials of various sorts, so that all players can experience these awesome vanity sets! Thanks to everyone who participated and voted in the Vanity contest, and especially to our winners!


Who made all of this anyway? At long last, Terraria on PC has it's own credits! Upon defeating the Moon Lord for the first time, be sure to stay tuned for an awesome throwback credit sequence, including an exclusive never-before-heard music track! Want to see it again? You can access the Credits from the main menu at any time.

The Music Box (Journey's End) is now created by recording the Credits music sequence. Additionally, using it in a normal accessory slot will play the Credits sequence in-game, while using it in a social slot will only play the music.


How will you discover and unlock this regal companion? What does she do? You will have to explore and find out on your own!


Who doesn't like Achievements, right? Updated for the Journey's End era, we have included a handful of new goals for you to chase down!


We have included a handful of new items - with several focused on filling out the early/pre-hardmode Summoner options. We are personally fans of the new Flinx-based Summoner gear.


Vanity Overhaul? What exactly do we mean here? Well - the way armors and vanity sets used to work was a bit limiting, particularly in regards to the way "back" items worked. So, we made it better! For just one example: why pick between showing Wings or a Cape, for example, when you can have both!

Armors and vanity items which draw on the back (backpacks, tails, wings, and capes) are now no longer mutually exclusive. This means that you can now have one of any of those four categories all displaying at the same time. Previously, only one of those could ever be visible at a time (for instance, if you had visible wings, you could not ever see a cape, backpack, or tail).

Here is a visual explaining what we mean:

Prior to Terraria 1.4.1: The use of visible wings prevented capes from being visible, while the use of capes prevented shields from being visible.

In 1.4.1, these elements no longer conflict with each other, and can be used together in various combinations

There are even more overhauls to the vanity system to explore, so be sure to check out the full changelog for all the juicy details!


Beyond Bug Fixes, we always want to try and enhance the user experience as much as possible. Here are just a few of the ways we have explored doing so in Terraria 1.4.1:

  • The Journey Mode duplication menu has been overhauled, with the addition of several new filters to break up some of the larger categories
  • Additionally, the Misc option in the duplication menu should more properly encompass items that do not fall under any other category
  • Torch God now plays an Otherworldly track when that setting is toggled
  • Bestiary now indicates if a drop is Wave-based/if it only drops after a certain wave in Frost Moon and Pumpkin Moon
  • Plantero's Sombrero has made its triumphant return
  • Reorganized menu settings for resolution/fullscreen/windowed borderless to all use the same sub-menu, to reduce confusion
  • Updated FNA (Mac/Linux related)
  • RGB support is now available for SteelSeries game peripherals
  • Updated localization for all languages up to 1.4 (some 1.4.1 content may still be untranslated, and these translations will come in an upcoming hotfix)


As you likely are aware, Terraria: Journey's End contained a ton of changes to balance across the entire progression of the game. As with any changes of this nature, everyone had thoughts and feedback. We invited everyone to weigh in on this robust discussion in our Official Balance/Feedback Thread on Terraria Community Forums - and you did not disappoint! With that feedback in hand - along with our own post-launch thoughts - we have made even more balance changes that we hope will bring things ever-closer to feeling "just right" for most folks. A little bit of everything has been impacted here, so we really encourage you to read up before you are surprised! :)

TCF Terraria: Journey's End Balance Discussion Thread

There are simply too many things to list here, so for the full list, please click the link below to check it out!


What update would be complete without a laundry list of Bug Fixes? There are far too many to list here - if you want to check out the full list, click on the link below:


Alongside Terraria 1.4.1, we have updated the Terraria Official Soundtrack with all of the Journey's End tracks - and some older favorites! There has never been a better time to pick up this collection of amazing tunes! The full OST is now updated on Steam, and all of the new tracks will be available on Spotify/iTunes/etc. in the very near future!

Of course, if you get or are addicted to the alternate tunes on the 05162020 World Seed, be sure to check out the Terraria: Otherworld Official Soundtrack as well!

That's Terraria 1.4.1 in a nutshell! To check out the full changelog and to participate in the discussion around the update, learn how best to report any bugs, etc. please check out our official Terraria 1.4.1 Launch Thread, linked below!



Having an issue? Found a nasty bug that you want us to squash? We are here for you!

While the team will be searching far and wide all over the Community, the best place to report bugs is over on TCF!

Click the Bug Report Banner above to head on over to share any issues you are having!

Terraria - Loki ISP

Happy Launch Day, Terrarians... and welcome to Journey's End!

This update has been a labor of love, tirelessly worked on by our team over a good while, and we truly feel that it brings Terraria to the next level, to a place where the core game can finally be called "complete". From new ways to play the game to over 1000 new items to find and craft to new bosses to challenge and even a full-pass review of all content of the game for balance, graphic quality, and mechanics - truly, Journey's End has something for everyone. We cannot wait to see your reactions as you dive in to all that this update has to offer, and we hope that you thoroughly enjoy our gift to you. It has been an amazing journey indeed... but we truly feel that this end is really just a new beginning for the amazing world of Terraria.

So, what awaits you in Journey's End? In case you missed our advance Terraria: Journey's End Changelog post last Thursday, we have linked it below for your reading pleasure. Also located in today's post are where and how to report bugs as well as other important information that you may find interesting.

As a reminder, Mac/Linux optimizations, additional Localization, and the Vanity Contest winners will be added in a post-launch update.


The Journey's End changelog is simply too massive to post here (seriously, just the text alone is over 45 pages long!), so we have created an organized and easily-navigated version over on our Forums. Click the link above to head there and check it out!


We have also put together an ever-evolving FAQ/Guide that should cover many of your burning questions. Again, click the link above to check it out!


Having an issue? Found a nasty bug that you want us to squash? We are here for you!

While the team will be searching far and wide all over the Community, the best place to report bugs is over on TCF!

Click the Bug Report Banner above to head on over to share any issues you are having!


The Re-Logic Team is thrilled to be able to share our amazing Journey's End cover art - courtesy of our very own Jimmarn! Our team feels like this epic panorama really captures how we - and you, our community - feel with this release finally being out in the wild. A time to reflect on all that has been accomplished as much as a time to prepare for what is next!

Jim has created three versions of this art for everyone to enjoy (Day - Night - Sunset). Each of these are now available for download on the Media page of Terraria.org, via the link below. Alternatively, you can click the cover art below to be whisked away to the download page so that you can grab the wallpaper(s) that you want and then proudly display Journey's End on your PC or Mobile Device!


Terraria - Loki ISP
Journey's End is very near, Terrarians!

This update has been a labor of love, tirelessly worked on by our team over a good while, and we truly feel that it brings Terraria to the next level, to a place where the core game can finally be called "complete". From new ways to play the game to over 1000 new items to find and craft to new bosses to challenge and even a full-pass review of all content of the game for balance, graphic quality, and mechanics - truly, Journey's End has something for everyone.

In the writing of this changelog, it was even more apparent than ever to our team just how much has been packed into this epic final major content update to Terraria. Truly, a fitting end to an absolutely amazing journey.

So, what awaits you in Journey's End? Click the banner below to head over to our forums and read over all of the juicy details...

Click The Journey's End Banner to View the Changelog

(The changelog is over 40 pages long, even just as plain text - so we are having to host it over there)

For those who would prefer an old school full text changelog, we have got you covered as well - this is available for download at the top of the thread linked above.

Terraria - Loki ISP

Greetings from the last stop before the plunge that is Terraria: Journey's End - the launch weekend!

We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed our series of Feature Articles over the past 2-3 weeks. We have certainly had a lot of fun introducing you to much (but most definitely not all!) of what Journey's End brings to the game. If you missed any of those, check them out at the bottom of this post.


With that now behind us, we have quite the lineup of fun and interactive community events ahead over the next several days. Let's dive into that schedule so that you can mark your calendars appropriately - this is not something you will want to miss!!!!


Enjoy an advance copy of the Terraria: Journey's End Summary & Changelog - see what lies down the path to Journey's End!


Celebrate Journey's End Eve with the Re-Logic Team as we hang out with some Community favorites as they check out what Journey's End has to offer!

The Re-Logic folks will be making the rounds to chat, answer questions, and celebrate the launch. Join Redigit, Cenx, and the rest of the crew for a fantastic time as we count down the hours to the "pushing of the button"!


Be there for the run up to the "pushing of the button" to release Terraria: Journey's End! The entire Re-Logic Team will gather together in Kargoh's Channel for the final hour run-up to the launch. Come and join the madness - Don't miss this!


Terraria - Loki ISP
Greetings, Terrarians!

The massive and highly-anticipated Journey's End update for Terraria is nearly here... only 10 days to go!

Today's Feature Article is one that we have been looking forward to for quite some time, as we will be giving you a first glimpse into the brand new Journey Mode. The goal of Journey Mode is to provide a more accessible experience by providing the player unprecedented control over the gameplay experience. A way to bring in all players of various skill levels and to be able to customize your experience to optimize the fun you have in game. This is not Creative Mode, this is a whole new way to experience Terraria - and one we feel represents the ultimate evolution of being able to play your Terraria any way that you want.

What does all of this mean? How does it all work? Let's dive into just the high level here... but if you want the full details, complete with a lot of fun images, check out the announcement thread over on TCF, linked below:



For starters, the only rule of Journey Mode is that Journey Mode Characters can only play on Journey Mode Worlds and vice versa - no exceptions!

Every Journey begins with that first step, but of course, every smart traveler packs the right gear before heading out. In Journey Mode, you will begin your adventure with an enhanced starter gear package, which includes:

  • Iron Shortsword
  • Iron Axe
  • Iron Pickaxe
  • Iron Hammer
  • Finch Staff (a bird that is happy to sit on your head when it isn't attacking your foes)
  • 100 Torches
  • 100 Rope
  • Magic Mirror
  • Starter Wings (very limited flight, removes fall damage)

Of course, you are free to use as much - or as little - of this gear as you choose. As you will hear us say over and over in regards to Journey Mode - the choices are all yours! Take as much or as little help as you need. You can even make things harder on yourself if you so choose, but more on that later



R&D? What in the world are we talking about? Welcome to the wide, wide world of Terraria R&D: Research & Duplication.

R&D is going to quickly become your best friend - and latest obsession - during your adventures in Journey Mode. How does it all work? Why, it is so easy, the Guide could do it!

Once you complete your Research on any item in the game, you will unlock the power to Duplicate it at will. Let's pause a second to let that sink in. Ok, are you back with us? Let's continue along our tour.

Researching an item is pretty straight forward - start by opening up your inventory and clicking on Benny the Construction Bunny. This hardhat-wearing friendly critter is your gateway to the immense powers bestowed upon you in Journey Mode.

Clicking the icon for any item appearing in the Duplication Menu will instantly spawn a full stack of that item (materials, blocks, etc.) or a single duplicate of things like Weapons/Armor/Accessories. Anything you can Duplicate is yours to use as you see fit. Again, this is a power you can choose to utilize - or not. As we keep saying, Journey Mode is about you playing your way!

So just how powerful does this get? Aren't there over 5.000 items now? How in the world can I keep track of all of that?! With a fully searchable interface along with filter tabs, you will be able to quickly find what you are looking to recreate!

R&D works in Multiplayer sessions as well! Work together as a team to help your partners keep up! Share gear (or don't!) - make sure that everyone gets that early Magic Mirror or epic boss drop. What you and your friends decide to do with all this power is entirely up to you!



You ever have those days in Terraria where it seems to have become monsoon season and the rain never stops? How about those times when you are ready to challenge Skeletron but you look up and it is 6:59am in game? What if you just wanted to engage in a bit of kite-flying, but the wind isn't cooperating? Once again, Journey Mode has the answers to all of these problems and more

The weather has become a bigger and bigger part of the Terraria experience over time - and 1.4 takes that to the next level, with new wind effects and storms to add to the already-robust environmental effects. That being the case, it only makes sense that Journey Mode gives you the power to control the very weather itself!

What if I told you that you could jump ahead in time, accelerate it's passing, and even freeze it altogether - and that you would not even need a single gigawatt to do so? Sounds like a pipe dream? Well keep dreaming, folks, because with Journey Mode, that is precisely what you can do!



In the past, Terrarians were forced to select their level of difficulty at the World Creation screen. While this is certainly still the case in the normal game modes, Journey Mode once again breaks the mold and allows players to create a challenge tailored to their skill level - and to adjust it back up or down as they see fit, with real-time results.

What does this all mean? Well, this means that the challenge level in Journey Mode is in your hands - from an easy no-enemy jaunt through the countryside to a murderous gauntlet full with hordes of Master Mode enemies, once again, the choice belongs to you. With Journey Mode you can create both the easiest and the most difficult experiences that Terraria has to offer.

For this power, you have two levers to pull. Difficulty - which will impact everyone you are playing with (in multiplayer) - and Spawn Rate, which will only impact the area around your character. With Spawn Rate, everyone can have their own mini-challenge slider even though the difficulty level is the same for everyone.



There are a small handful of additional powers that we would be remiss to not mention - and we are pretty sure these will be fan favorites! Two of these are player-based powers, while one of them impacts the world itself.

Godmode - Also sometimes known as Kidmode... a nice set of training wheels to help new or younger players learn the game (don't worry, we won't tell anyone when you use it on yourself to get over the tougher challenges)

Infection Spread - Don't want it? Then you don't have to have it

Increased Placement Range - Ok, sure, but just how big of a difference does this make? A lot, trust us.

Whew, so you made it to the end of our journey into Journey Mode. We are sure your minds are swimming with the ideas and possibilities right now. Let's close out with some thoughts from a dedicated community content creator and influencer. Someone whom has never failed to cover and provide his thoughts on the big news in the world of Terraria. Of course, we speak of none other than ChippyGaming - so without further ado, we are happy to share his advance-view thoughts on Journey Mode!


If you have missed any of our previous Journey's End Feature Articles, check out the links below to learn more!

Expand Your Terraria Empire - Pylons, Town Building, and NPC Happiness

What was Old is Made New Again: Revisting the Terraria Experience

Full Steam Ahead! tModLoader to Launch as Free DLC for Terraria with Journey's End!
Terraria - Loki ISP
Greetings, Terrarians!

We are just shy of three weeks out from the highly-anticipated release of Terraria: Journey's End, and we know that as the anticipation builds, so will the excitement! Well, allow us to add more fuel to that fire with the official announcement that the long-standing "Terraria mod to make and play mods", tModLoader will be coming to Steam on May 16th as a free DLC for Terraria alongside Journey's End!

(Click the Gear to hear do the TML Store Page)


Though fully-integrated official mod support is not something that is feasible within the Terraria codebase, tModLoader has served faithfully as that "bridge" between the main game and the amazing library of player-created mods that exists for Terraria. With this launch, modding has never been more visible or accessible for Terrarians - so, if you have not ever tried out modded Terraria, there is no time like the present!

The launch version of TML for Steam will be based on the 1.3.5 version of the game - as will all of the currently-available mods out there. This will allow for players to continue to enjoy modded Terraria uninterrupted while they can also separately dive into all that Journey's End/1.4 has to offer on the vanilla side of the fence. The TML Team will be working diligently to get a 1.4-tier TML out as quickly as possible on Steam so that, as mods are updated to the 1.4 standard, support for them will already be available.

Always remember that playing with mods is at your own risk, etc. Neither Re-Logic nor the TML Team can vouch for the quality and/or functionality of each and every mod. If you are having issues with any specific mod, the best way to sort that out is to get in touch with the team behind that specific mod!

Future plans also include the addition of Steam Workshop support underneath the TML banner, allowing mod creators to upload and host their mods on Steam for the first time. This will take the accessibility and visibility of these amazing community creations to yet another level.

The Re-Logic team felt strongly that with Journey's End being the final major content update to Terraria, there was no better way to tie things off than to hand the keys over to the fans. With tModLoader and a stable foundation to work from in 1.4, modders are now free to explore any number of ways that the game might be interpreted or experienced. We cannot wait to see where you take this wonderful world that we have created!

Check out the Steam Page for tModLoader below - make sure you wishlist this so that you will know the instant it is released!

Learn more about tModLoader and join the conversation on our official reveal thread on Terraria Community Forums!


Terraria - Loki ISP
First of all, a big thank you to everyone that entered our Journey's End Vanity Contest! We were blown away by both the sheer volume (THOUSANDS :eek: ) and the overwhelming quality of what you all produced. Simply stunning, but not really surprising, because we know how awesomely creative you all are, right? :)

Seriously, if you have not checked out the awesomeness that is the Submissions Thread... you really should do so right now! (https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/journeys-end-vanity-contest-submission-thread.86457/)

The Re-Logic team has at long last completed the arduous task of going over every entry (yes, we did look at every. single. one.), and we are ready to reveal our choices for the 25 Journey's End Vanity Contest Finalists! Our criteria were focused on how cool we found the concept, how well we felt it could be executed on by our team, and how well we felt it would fit into Terraria. Note that for some concepts, multiple people may have had a similar idea. For these, the idea that best communicated the concept and/or stood out as being the most unique to the team was selected.

You will find these detailed entries over at Terraria Community Forums > https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/journeys-end-vanity-contest-finalists-voting-instructions.87511/


In order to involve as many of the various arms of the Terraria Community as possible, we will be utilizing a centralized voting method that is not tied to any one aspect of the Community. Voting will all be done via the Google Forms link posted below. Before we get there, a few things to point out.


  • In order to limit the possibility of "ballot stuffing" (aka voting over and over again), you will be required to sign into a Google account in order to vote.
  • We figure this is as innocuous of a thing to ask as anything, since most folks either have a Google account or could make one easily
  • You will be asked to vote for a first, second, and third place entry - each entry will have an image, name, and the creator's name clearly listed.
  • If you so desire, you may vote for the same entry in all three places.
  • The order in which the finalists will appear is randomized for each voter, to avoid bias.


That's pretty much it folks - sign into Google, vote, and then see how it all shakes out! Tell your friends and family - don't let your favorite be left out!
Terraria - Loki ISP
Greetings Terrarians!

We mentioned last week over on the Terraria Community Forums that, given the tough situations that we are all facing in the world right now, we are pushing harder than ever to get Journey's End out to you as soon as possible.

Well, today we are here to share a little bit more detail behind those plans, and what better way to do that than to share with you our planned launch date...


We hope you enjoy this latest reveal... see you in a month, Terrarians!

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