Tannenberg - gamedrivenl
As the year draws to a close, we take a look back at everything that's happened this year!

From the special Christmas Truce and Wolf Truce events in Verdun and Tannenberg, plentiful free updates for Isonzo, all the way to Verdun appearing in a French museum exhibit, it's been a busy year. We also celebrated the 10 year anniversary of the WW1 Game Series - Verdun entered Early Access all the way back in 2013!

Our Italian Front title Isonzo has received several free expansions adding maps and weapons, alongside a number of paid cosmetic DLC packs. Thanks to support from the community, it also won the IndieDB Indie of the Year 2022 award! Let's take a look at everything that's been added to the game this year...

- 4 Huge New Maps!
- 8 New Weapons!
- 2 Cosmetic DLC Packs!
- Mac Support!
- Much more!

If you haven't yet felt the crunch of Alpine snow beneath your boots, Isonzo is currently 67% off with DLC up to 30% off until January 4th.


Four New Battlefields for Isonzo!
Piave - Caporetto Offensive

Grappa - Caporetto Offensive

Piana - Mountain War Offensive

Marmolada - White War Offensive

Upwards and onwards!
We completed a lot of our roadmap milestones in 2023 just as planned, and there are plenty more coming in 2024!

There'll be a new map, more weapons, additional cosmetic DLC packs... and a special game mode! We're maintaining radio silence about the new game mode for now, but keep your ears to the ground and you might pick up some teasers.

Marmolada Video Dev Blog
Go behind the scenes with map designer Kian as he discusses the creation of Marmolada in this YouTube video - including almost 1000 reference images!

Verdun at the Museum
In the aisles of the History Center of the Notre-Dame-de-Lorette Memorial'14-18 you’ll be able to find a special exhibition! The War games. Playing with History exhibit allows visitors to immerse themselves into WW1 history, by having 10 games available to play. We’re very pleased that Verdun is one of those games!

The exhibit runs until May 2024, and entry to the museum and exhibition are both free. If you’re in the area, check it out!

Christmas Truce
The Christmas Truce is live once again in Verdun, and you’re able to participate in multiple activities together with other soldiers who joined the Christmas Truce. Join a friendly match of football, have a snowball fight or just take a nice relaxing stroll and enjoy the winter scenery.

The Truce event runs until January 7th!


Wolves in Tannenberg!
In October, the wolves returned to the forests of Tannenberg, asking the question: would you cease fire with your human foes to battle a new enemy? Some of you will have managed to hold a successful truce to fight off the canine aggressors, and others, not so much.

Last but definitely not least... thank you!
We're extremely grateful for all the support from our great community this year, and it's been wonderful to see people enjoying themselves with our games.

We can't wait to show you what we have planned for 2024! On that note, we'll end with a little Isonzo WIP image...

Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
Hello everyone,

The Christmas Truce has returned to Verdun! For the 11th time, you can participate in this historical event on Western Front. Starting today (Dec 21) until January 7th, you can join by simply choosing the ‘Christmas Truce’ option from the Play menu in the game.

Experience Christmas on No Man’s Land
On the Christmas Truce map in Verdun, there are multiple activities you could do with your fellow truce holders. Play a match of football (soccer), have a snowball fight, and attend a burial for the fallen.

Gather around the bonfire and listen to classic Christmas Carols in-game and don’t forget to send your Christmas greetings to your loved ones right from Verdun!

Send postcards!
On the Christmas Truce map you can find post offices that allow you to send people outside the game digital Christmas cards, which might feel like you're throwing them a life-line!. There are several post offices on the map for you to find, and if you decide to send some Christmas cards, you'll automatically join our giveaway raffle!

Join the Chrismas Truce now!
Currently Verdun is on sale with 80% off! Right in time for you to join the Christmas Truce or gift a friend the game so you can both experience this historical event together in-game.


Or you can join the latest Italian Front in Isonzo! Last month, we released a free expansion and there’s still more to come in 2024. You can find it with a 67% discount.


Happy Holidays everyone! 🎄

Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
Hello Soldiers,

Autumn has arrived onto the Steam store and you know what that means, it's time for sales! You can now get Tannenberg with 70% off!


At the other Fronts...

Isonzo joins the Autumn Sale as well! You can get our latest game with a 67% discount, so you can still join the White War that dropped in hot recently!


And our first game Verdun is also on sale wit the same discount as Tannenberg!


See you at the front soldiers!
Nov 21, 2023
Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
Hello Soldiers!

We hope many of you enjoyed Isonzo's Free Weekend & overall content over the +year of free content we've added since its release. We would like to kindly ask you to nominate Isonzo for the Labour of Love Steam Awards


Additionally, we have sales going for the WW1 Game Series as well during the Autumn Sale here on Steam.
You can find Isonzo still discounted with 67% off & Verdun with a 70% discount.



Thank you for nomination & see you at the Fronts!
Nov 11, 2023
Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
Today is November 11th - Armistice Day. Also known as Poppy Day, Remembrance Day and Veterans Day. A special memorial day dedicated to remember those who gave their life during WW1. Held by several countries, moments of silence fall over several areas all over the world.

As more countries follow this tradition of remembering those who’ve fallen in their line of duty, November 11th is known under many names, but all with the same idea in mind. This tradition grew out of Armistice Day, which marks the signing of the armistice between the Allies and Germany. In the USA, it is also known as Veterans Day.

A moment of silence in Tannenberg

In Tannenberg, but also Verdun & Isonzo, you’ll be able to remember those who have fallen as well. There's 2 minutes of silence when you start up the game, just as it would be during an IRL memorial. If you choose to participate, you’ll receive a Remembrance medal afterwards.

Furthermore, we’ve also enabled the Film Memoir mode for today as well. You find these settings at Settings -> Graphics.

Remember together

Additionally, we have a special poppy flower emote in our Discord , specially for this day. Feel free to use it in your Discord bio, status and share with others. If you want to, you can share with us as well who and/or how you remember on this day in our dedicated armistice channel.

Other activities that you could do to remember on this day are:
  • Visit a WW1 museum, stand still by the stories that are being told through the exposition
  • Read a WW1-related book. Fiction or nonfiction, whatever has your preference. As long as you feel compelled and touched by the story.
  • Watch a WW1 movie and/or series. Your streaming service might have a special dedicated section for today. Watch a movie you enjoy or try something new.
Lest We Forget
Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
Soldiers at the Eastern Front!

You can get transferred to the Italian Front for free! Yes that’s right, until November 13th (7PM CET), you can play Isonzo for FREE! Which means you try our newly released map, Marmolada, as well try out the new weapons! Fight on the beautiful white snowy Marmolada mountain and fight in the ice tunnels of the Ice City.

If you would like to continue your service at the Isonzo Front (after your free period has ended),, you can now purchase Isonzo at the 67% discount


If you want to know more about the map, be sure to read the latest devblog.


If you’re interested in getting cosmetic DLC for your game, some are currently discounted as well! Here’s an overview of what is included in each edition of the game and DLC wave’s. One those is the newely released Glacial Units! This pack contains over 40 items, surely to keep your soldiers warm as they fight the White War in the Ice City.


See you in Italy soldiers!
Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
Hi wintery soldiers from the Eastern Front!

A new cold battlefield has arrived. The snowy Marmolada and ice trenches of the Ice City awaits you!

The new Marmolada map is now available for free! This expansion also includes 3 new weapons and a new cosmetic DLC unit as well; the Glacial Units! Haven’t played Isonzo yet, make sure to keep reading for some exciting news...

To give you some information, For Marmolada in Isonzo, the Italians will be the attacking side, which means the Austro-Hungarians will be defending the mountain and their Ice City. Starting off, the Italians will be placed on the mountain side in the open, surrounded by snow. Fighting for objectives outside on the snowy mountain top, making your way through the tunnels of the Ice City to eventually make your way to the final objective; This map is unlike any other in the game.

If you would like to read more in-depth information about this map, you can find it in our latest devblog.

Join the Italian Front for free!

Yes, that’s right! For the first time, Isonzo will have a free weekend! Starting today at 7PM CET until November 13, you can join the battles in Isonzo for free, right in time to join the White War!

Become a permanent recruit

Want to continue playing Isonzo after the Free Weekend, or looking to update your DLC collection, we got a sale going on later today! Isonzo is at its highest discount ever, 67% off and several DLC’s are discounted, alongside our new Second Wave.


See you at the Italian Front!
Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
Hello soldiers at the Eastern Front!

Ready for more fighting in the snow? Isonzo’s upcoming map will be Marmolada!

The map will be released next week on November 9th for free alongside new weapons and a paid cosmetic DLC pack.


You can read more about the map’s history in our announcement.


Want to be sure you’re ready for the battle in The Ice City? You can now get Isonzo’s Deluxe Edition with a 55% discount!


See you at the Italian Front!
Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)

It’s time to put your strengths together and fight a shared enemy. On this cold front, the icy and winter weather has made it hard to survive, but not only for you. The wolves are hungry, and you all seem like the perfect meal…

Winner winner, wolf’s dinner

The annual Wolf Truce has returned to Tannenberg! Starting today, October 18th, until November 1st you can participate in this unique Tannenberg event. When you hear the wolves howl on the battlefields*, the wolf pack will soon charge in to make their attack on you and your enemy. Both sides of the battlefield have the opportunity to cease fire and fight the hungry wolves together. If everyone is able to eliminate the pack of hungry beasts without hurting anyone on the opposing team, you’ll all earn a special medal.

*These events randomly trigger on snowy maps

Historical background

During the third winter in 1917 of the Great War, the region between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea was the battlefield for the German and Russian Armies. Having to fight each other often in brutal conditions and harsh environments resulted in negative effects on the soldiers’ supply lines, leading to some serious food shortages.

However, the soldiers weren’t the only ones who were hungry. The wolves who were native to the region faced an increased difficulty in hunting their normal prey. They already started feasting on the livestock in nearby villages, but it wasn’t enough to quell their hunger.

The wolf attacks might at one point have been so fearsome that the German and Russian troops called a temporary cease-fire toward each other and formed a brief alliance to jointly fight the lupine threat (although reports do come from US newspapers, so take them with a pinch of salt).

Price-hungry wolves

Seems like the wolves started to nibble on some things here in the Steam store. Tannenberg will be on sale later today with a 75% discount (7pm CEST)! Join the Eastern Front and save yourself (and your enemies) from becoming dinner.


Additionally, to celebrate Isonzo winning the Best Audio award you can find Tannenberg’s soundtrack on sale as well!


Southern Europe Getaway

Want to change out the icy cold of the Eastern Front for the sunny Italian landscapes (and the occasional snowy mountain top)? Then be sure to get our latest game Isonzo!


Stay alive soldiers!
Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
Today marks the anniversary of the WW1GameSeries, as today Verdun went into Early Access 10 years ago!

We want to thank all our soldiers who have joined the fronts over the years. Did you make your way from the Western Front, towards the Eastern one and ended up high in the mountains in Isonzo?
Or are you a new recruit who recently joined any of the fronts?

No matter what, we thank you for playing our games!

Here are some fun facts for each games, that you might not know.
  • The first ideas and concepts for Verdun were made back in August 2006, 17 years ago!
  • For Tannenberg, the team considered for a long time to make a Cossacks soldier the main promo banner character
  • Isonzo's well beloved OST 'Rinascereme Insieme' wasn't planned at the beginning, but more a place holder song. It really grew on the team and they decided to make it into a full song that you now know and love today
  • Combined, the games have 29 maps. Here they are from west to east, north to south:
  • Flanders, Artois, Picardie, Aisne, Champagne, Argonne, Vauquois, Douaumont, st. Mihiel, Vosges, Cengio, Fior, Dolomiti, Piana, Grappa, Piave, Caporetto, Sabotino, Gorizia, Carso, Baltic, East Prussia, Galicia, Poland, Carpathians, Prsemysl, Ukraine, Roumania, Dobrudja
We'll have more fun little activities along the way so stay tuned here in the Discord and on our social media

Thank you for everything soldiers!

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