Tannenberg - Major Raquel ~ヾ(・ω・)
The Christmas Truce has returned to Verdun ! For the 10th time, you can participate in this historical event on Western Front. Starting today (Dec 22) until January 5th, you can join by simply choosing the ‘Christmas Truce’ option from the Play menu in the game.

Experience Christmas on No Man’s Land

On the Christmas Truce map in Verdun, there are multiple activities you could do with your fellow truce holders. Play a match of football (soccer), have a snowball fight, and attend a burial for the fallen.

Gather around the fireplace and listen to classic Christmas Carols in-game and don’t forget to send your Christmas greetings to your loved ones right from Verdun !

Send postcards and you could win prizes

On the Christmas Truce map you can find post offices that allow you to send people outside the game digital Christmas cards. Every card you send counts as one entry in a Christmas raffle, where you could win game keys or merch – from peppermint cans to flower grenades! So be sure to share your Christmas wishes and get rewarded. We’ll contact the winners in the 2nd week of January. Be sure to share your screenshots with us as well in our Discord or Twitter #ChristmasTruce.

Join the Christmas Truce now !

Verdun will be on sale with 70% off later today at 7PM CET! Right in time for you to join the Christmas Truce or gift a friend the game so you can both experience this historical event together in-game.


Or you can join the latest Italian Front in Isonzo! Earlier this month we released a free expansion and more is coming next year. You can find it with a 20% discount


Happy Holidays everyone!
Tannenberg - RaquelGD
Hello soldiers !

The FREE Caporetto expansion for Isonzo is now available for all! To celebrate this release, you can get Isonzo with a 20% discount and the DLC packs for the Italians & Austro-Hungarians with 10% off at 7pm CET. Or if you need a soldier on the eastern front with you, Tannenberg will be available with a 70% discount!

With this expansion comes the German Empire as a new playable faction, alongside the Caporetto map and much more!

Additionally with the German Empire comes their own cosmetic pack. The Royal Units Pack is available for $9.99 and holds over 40 cosmetic items for you to customise your soldiers with


Upcoming AMA

On December 7 at 9pm CET founder and creative director Jos (BlackMill Games) & producer Thomas will hold an AMA (ask me anything) here on Steam! You can submit your question in our Discord in the ama channel. Be sure to join our server to send in your question and just chat with us in general while you’re there!


See you on the Italian Front soldiers
Tannenberg - RaquelGD
Hello soldiers !

The big Caporetto Expansion update is coming to Isonzo on December 5! This update will bring the new Caporetto map, the addition of the German Empire faction, new weapons & the Prestige levelling for our veteran soldiers! and the Prestige levelling for our veteran soldiers!


Additionally, there will be cosmetic DLC available for the Germans! The Royal Units Pack will be available on the same day and includes a diverse set of items; the distinctive uniforms of 2 major states within the Deutsches Reich: Bavaria and Württemberg. It contains 2 sets of uniforms for all classes, plus a special officer uniform. Overall, the DLC will include 40 items!

Don’t forget your hungry enemy
You can still participate in the Wolf Truce! Hold the truce and earn a special medal.

Tannenberg - RaquelGD
Hello soldiers,

It has gotten cold on the Eastern Front. The winter and snow have made it a difficult terrain to battle on, the soldiers are struggling to survive, let alone fight their enemies. But they’re not the only ones being affected by the cold season and the war. Like a soldier, the wolf awaits his moment to attack his prey in the woods...

Hunger drives the wolf out of the woods

The Wolf Truce has returned to Tannenberg! From November 18-28 you’ll be able to participate in this unique Tannenberg experience! When you hear the wolves howl on the battlefields, the wolf pack charge their attack on you and your enemy. Both sides of the battlefield have the opportunity to cease fire and fight the hungry wolves together. If everyone is able to eliminate the pack of hungry beasts without hurting anyone on the opposite team, you’ll all earn a special medal.

The wolves are running closer to their prey...

During the third winter of The Great War in 1917, the region between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea was the battlefield for the German and Russian Armies. Having to fight each other often in brutal conditions and harsh environments resulted in negative effects on the soldiers’ supply lines, leading to some serious food shortages.

However, the soldiers weren’t the only ones who were hungry. The wolves who were native to the region faced an increased difficulty in hunting their normal prey. They already started feasting on the livestock in nearby villages, but it wasn’t enough to quell their hunger.
The wolf attacks might at one point have been so fearsome that the German and Russian troops called a temporary cease-fire toward each other and formed a brief alliance to jointly fight the lupine threat (although reports do come from US newspapers, so take the reports with a pinch of salt).

Germany is coming to the Italian Front

Have you been enjoying your battles on the Italian Front? Be sure you're well prepared for when the Germans join the game soon! Be sure to read our latest devblog to read and see a bit more about the German riflemen!


Don't become dinner soldiers!
Nov 11, 2022
Tannenberg - RaquelGD
Today is November 11th - Remembrance Day. Also known as Poppy Day, this memorial day is observed by Commonwealth members since the end of World War One. A special day to remember those who have fallen in their line of duty. Other non-Commonwealth countries started to follow this tradition and have their Remembrance Day on November 11th.

This tradition grew out of Armistice Day, which marks the signing of the armistice being signed between the Allies and Germany.

In the United States, this day is better known as Veterans Day.
The common British, Canadian, South African, and ANZAC tradition includes a one- or two-minute silence at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month (11:00 am, 11 November), as that marks the time when the armistice took effect (EU time).

The signing of the Armistice

As stated previously, this day is also known as Poppy Day. The poppy flower is a common symbol of Remembrance Day. It became the symbol of the Royal British Legion, a veterans’ organisation. They sell paper Poppy flowers which one can wear on their clothing, in memory of those who’ve fallen. The proceeds will go towards supporting war victims and families who’ve lost a family member during war.

Remember together with the WW1 Game Series

In our games, you’ll be able to remember those who have fallen as well. There's 2 minutes of silence when you start up the game, just like the IRL tradition. If you choose to participate, you’ll receive a Remembrance medal afterwards.
Furthermore, we’ve also enabled the Film Memoir mode for everyone for a timely period. You can enable it by going into settings -> graphics.

Remember with the community

Additionally, we have a special poppy flower emote in our Discord , specially for this day. Feel free to use it in your Discord bio, status and share with others. If you want to, you can share with us as well who and/or how you remember on this day in our dedicated armistice channel.

Lest We Forget

Sep 13, 2022
Tannenberg - RaquelGD
Hi soldiers!

Your service at the Italian Front has begun, Isonzo is OUT NOW! The game is now available with a 10% discount!


Customise your soldier
With a lot of exciting new aspects in our new game, such as game-mode, weapons, maps etc. Isonzo also brings customization! One of the DLC Packs is the Avanti Savoia Pack! You get this one for free by purchasing Isonzo during the first release week !

Furthermore, we have special Editions of Isonzo that include various other elements! Please see this image below to see what is included in each edition of Isonzo.

Exclusive look at the weaponry in Isonzo
Gamespot took an exclusive look at some of the weapons in Isonzo! Be sure to check the video

Good luck on the Italian Front! Avanti!
Tannenberg - RaquelGD
Hello soldiers!

This week we're full of surprises!!

We hope you are enjoying the Free to Try Week! Tannenberg is on sale just a few more days with a 80% discount, so be sure to get it on time.

And if that's not all, we just released a WW1 collab video with some familiar faces for you all to see! Be sure to watch it!

For this special occasion, we’re joined with our friends from the famous metal band Sabaton and World Wars historical Indy Neidell! With our shared passion and interest for the First World War, this was a super fun experience!

Latest Isonzo Intel
You can find our latest Isonzo Intel here! We've dedicated two devblogs to the Fior Map, so be sure to read up on them!


The mountains await you!

In case you’ve forgotten to wishlist Isonzo, be sure to do so to be ready to conquer the mountains on September 13! Pre-order isn't available for Steam but if you get the game during the first week of its release, you'll receive the Avanti Savoia pack!

The ‘Avanti Savoia’ pack introduces two iconic uniforms to Isonzo with the “Maggiore General” for the Italians and the “Generalmajor” for the Austro-Hungarians. There are also two impressive mustaches and two facial items, plus one face for each faction.



Tannenberg - RaquelGD
Hello soldiers!

The release of Isonzo is two weeks away! To get you all more excited to fight on the Italian front, we’re releasing some new Isonzo footage soon; on August 30th!

But we’re not going to do this alone. Our friends from the metal band Sabaton and historical expert Indy Neidell are taking a look at Isonzo together with us! This video will be released on our YouTube channel so be sure to follow if you haven’t already!

Check out our previous collab video with Indy when we've talked about Verdun and visited some important locations!

Isonzo at gamescom
Currently, members of the WW1 Game Series team is at gamescom, Germany. Here at the Netherlands Pavillion, our members get to talk to other developers in the industry, as well as let media and content creators know about Isonzo.

Furthermore we had an exclusive interview with IGN that showed some footage of Isonzo. Check it out!

Or if you want to see more gameplay footage of each class, then you can't miss this video!

To arms! To the mountains
You can find our latest Isonzo Intel here! We've dedicated two devblogs to the Fior Map, so be sure to read up on them ;)


In case you’ve forgotten to wishlist Isonzo, be sure to do so to be ready to conquer the mountains on September 13!


Tannenberg - RaquelGD
Hello soldiers!
Queue up and be ready to fight on the Eastern Front for free this week! Starting today, August 26, people are able to play Tannenberg for an entire week (until September 2nd).

If you want to continue fighting on the Eastern Front after the free week, make sure to get the game straight away with a 80% discount!

Tannenberg Remembrance
Today marks also the start of The Battle Of Tannenberg in 1914. The battle took place in Allenstein, Prussia, which is located in current day Poland. Here, the German army and Russian army fought each other for 5 days (until August 30th), which led to the almost full destruction of the Russian Second Army and its commanding general, Alexander Samsonov, took his own life.

The German’s success was brought to them by Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, along with his staff-officer Erich Ludendorff.

The battle got his name as an avenge to the Teutonic Knights’ defeat, who fought the first Battle of Tannenberg 500 years prior. The Teutonic Knights’ were part of a Christian military order, who aided Christians on their pilgrimages on the way to the Holy Land, Jerusalem.

Isonzo is coming soon!
Isonzo’s release is not far away! We recently shared some new footage as a premier during gamescom! Be sure to check the IGN video!

If you haven’t already, be sure to wishlist Isonzo to be notified when the game is out!


Good luck on the Eastern Front soldier!

Tannenberg - Wilson
Hello soldiers,
As the anniversary of the start of the Great War nears, combined with release anniversaries for our game series, we've enabled the Film Memoir mode for you all for free starting today, July 21st until the 28th! This option is normally included in the supporter edition, but now you can all experience the Eastern Front in a different setting!

On top of that, Verdun and Tannenberg are both on sale, so if you haven't fought on the Western Front yet, now's a great time to try it out:


Be sure to play the game and share your screenshots/videos with us! We would love to see them. Tag us on Twitter or share them in our Discord .

Good luck at the front soldiers!
Don't forget to wishlist our upcoming Italian Front game Isonzo!


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